I got back into League....
I got back into League
Other urls found in this thread:
>stills plays ASS FAGGOTS
just get into BDSM
The weak are destined to remain in the system.
>ASSFAGGOTS in any year
I took like a 5 year braek tho
Be sure to do everything the oppposite Riot wants. Main top Brand support
even worse.
You are just going to stamp up whatever fond memories you may have had left. Nostalgia is more valuable in this case.
You're supposed to play dota 2 instead
You retard
What the fuck how did Toriyama get away with this
>until to the bonding
Why was their character design so homoerotic
The guys in DBZ has bigger tits than some waifus
>He doesn't know
>Try out DotA2
>Pick a hero
>Try to orb walk but can't cause ''turning speeds''
>Feels like I'm playing in water cause animation has no easing
>Lose all my mana after two abilites
>Die cause oom
>Lost gold cause of death
>Can't afford anything but tree munchers
>Can't tell whats happening cause visuals are too much
No thanks buddy.
Doc this is only a micro dose I need more
so is piccolo getting NTR'd?
>masculinity is homoerotic
user, just because you're a skinnyfat weakling with an inferiority complex, doesn't mean muscular men are gay.
My friends all started playing it again recently too. It's amazing how much better we are when we don't give a shit anymore.
Hey I thought it was all good fun. You're RAPING him!
incel game
The dose gif is from the Buu Saga, so no. He and Vegeta wouldn't have fucked yet.
Git gud man
keep posting pansy dont pussy out
>Try out DotA2
>Pick a hero
>Try to orb walk but can't cause ''turning speeds''
Imagine being this stupid
Orb walking comes from dota, you can barely do it in LoL
oh ok
Who do you main? I'll judge you
serious case of gitgud
League of Legends.
when did Gohan turn to shit? I didn't even mind The Orange Star High School Misadventures of Gohan and Friends. Was it the free powerup from Old Kai that exasperated his pride? Fucking up the potara fusion by getting absorbed by Buu? Where the fuck did it all go wrong?
I know where it comes from, google is a click away, but what comes up when you look it up? Not DotA2 that's for fucking sure.
>you can barely do it in LoL
Okay buddy.
remember Ace Attorney with Apollo Justice user? same shit. Moons couldn't stand the old main character getting replaced and moaned until he came back,
Alright. i personally find Moba to be a boring genre but each to their own. hope you are having fun
>but what comes up when you look it up? Not DotA2 that's for fucking sure.
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? Literally nothing.
Meanwhile you have no rebuttal about Dota 2 having orb walking, so good job admitting you're retarded
When he got cocky while fighting Cell
I see you're new here, here's a hint for you
Don't use a tripcode or everyone is going to filter you and you'll be talking to the wall
This isn't reddit, nobody needs to know who anyone is
But Apollo's story was absolutely based in SoJ.
Did this happen to you?
Not him and I haven't played league since, god i dunno, mid-late season 3?
Leona main.
It's real weird to see friends STILL playing this game and STILL getting angry while playing it. Like where's the fun if you play a game only to get pissed?
>good friend tells me he uninstalled that garbage because it made him mad
>saw him playing it again less than 12 hours later
I don't get ASSFAGGOTS or how people still play them
I'm not new, in fact i'm old enough to know tripfags are actually important for the culture of Yea Forums
You know who said that? the creator of Yea Forums, moot. he supports tripfags
I had that phase
I'd uninstall at least once a week and say I'm done and then be playing it again less than 24 hours later without fail
LoL is fucking garbage and always has been since the moment they started forcing a lane meta, I still play it every now and then but just in unranked as something to unwind to and melt some health bars
That's cute and all but welcome to my filter and have fun barely ever getting any replies from anyone
Looks like you a made an oopsie there, I think that was for this faggot over here Sorry about that, just ignore it
Midway into Namek arc, right after the patriarch power up.
Probabbly because Apollo was not interesting and his game was kind of bullshit.
Fuck off tripfag
Imagine being this bad at interpreting context
He's talking about how tripcodes were a part of the site's history, not that they're relevant or valid today
>slavery was an important part of America's history so we should still use it
This is your logic
>i still play
Literally nothing wrong with this in the context I provided
>LoL is fucking garbage and always has been since the moment they started forcing a lane meta
You mean after Season 1?? I started in S4 and stopped for a few years - as from what I heard from people who started since beta that the '''Lane Meta''' had not started until around Season 2 (which was in 2012) when Koreans started having designated lane roles that seemed to bleed into other servers as the 'standard' and it's been that way ever since.
Dunno, having designated lanes feels like there's at least a form of consistency in how things should go, instead of it being the wild west where it's just cheese non-stop.
But from what you're saying it was never good after beta/launch.
4 month of not player league hear feels good, so sad I got addicted back in college, really ruined me, also didn't help this girl i liked played it sigh. really ruined our friendship as well,
Why should I listen to this literally who?
What the fuck
>instead of it being the wild west where it's just cheese non-stop.
There's a lot of space between "forced playstyle" and "cheese non-stop."
Riot is just garbage at design.
He literally said that tripfags are important to the sites culture
You literally insert your own thoughts into his words, if he thought tripfags are not valid today he would have said it
What does that even mean?
Why? You'll see all the characters and mechanics you loved being arbitrarily changed for the sake of shaking things up.
>You'll never play old Galio, Gangplank, Sion, Taric, Swain, Urgot, Poppy, Graves, Evelynn, Yorick and a ton of playstyles that got changed and I can't remember right now.
Want to jungle or solotop with Alistar? No longer possible in a competitive setting. Want to play an off-build? They nerf or make them useless in the next patch. Stay out of League, do yourself a favour.
He said tripfags, he didn't say you, you worthless faggot.
Playing League is based as long as you play your faves and not the meta
>You literally insert your own thoughts into his words
ironic because that's exactly what you're doing
This tbqh.
here it is my friend, the moment /ourguy/s downfall began; youtu.be