Do these 6 games deserve the universal praise they recieve Yea Forums?
Do these 6 games deserve the universal praise they recieve Yea Forums?
no yes yes yes no yes
fuck japanese games
ME2 is garbage.
I will never understand the praise portsl 1 or 2 get
Theyre good games, but they sont do anything particularly amazing or interesting
>any modern game deserving any praise
RDR and Portal are the games there that deserve the praise
Name any game like them.
The last of us is garbage
>rdr 2
>dark souls
>portal 2
no but their good games
>Portal 2
>Mass Effect 2
Portal 2 and TLoU are shit and ME2 is worse than 1
RDR and Portal 2 are damn near perfect. The rest have significant flaws or QoL issues. TLoU is pretty solid but doesn't hold up to repeated playthroughs. ME2 has aged far more than it should have at this point, and I'm not talking graphics.
Any first person puzzle game after
They were innovative, I guess? But theyre put on huge pedestals despite being short and having little replaysbility
Narbacular Drop
All of them do except ME2, Dark Souls & BOTW.
Only RDR and Portal 2.
Zelda is fun but people wouldn't give a shit about it if it were a new IP. ME2 is the worst ME. FUCK Dark Souls and FUCK The Last of Us.
ME2's gameplay is complete garbage and cycles through cover system shooting ( Literally the worst form of gameplay imaginable: I'd be hard pressed to find something more one dimensional & boring ) & shitty vehicle sections. TlOU has the same first issue in its single player along with too much cinematic commitment, not necessarily through cutscenes but rather just uneventful sections.
This, only thing holding TLOU back is the restrictive level design & outdated gameplay. If the new one improves on these so that they are up to modern Shooter standards, it will be a 10/10
literally who
I asked you to name a game that has the same portal/physics system.
Portal was a novel concept but GOTY? I beat it in 40 minutes. Way too hyped.
RDR's gameplay is pretty damn mediocre & easy but it gets a pass because lol Rockstar.
April Fool's Day is over guys.
It got a pass because the story was really good.
no it gets a pass for being the best Spaghetti Western game to exist
That came out after both Portal games and is a rip-off.
or at least until 2 came out.
2 isn't a Spaghetti Western
Cope more Contrarian, we are being objective. TLOU is at WORST a 7/10. The soundtrack, graphics, storytelling & pacing is damn near perfect in comparison to AAA games nowadays. Everyone's criticisms of it comes from the horribly restrictive level design & outdated gameplay that is ripped off straight from Uncharted
It's the game portal is a ripoff of, it's portal without the "comedy" two years before portal was released
Mass effect is overrated. Stiff bioware animations made it too hard for me to really get attached to anybody. Also i never played though dark souls because im a faggot. So i don't know.
no yes no no yes no
RDR and Dark Souls are the only games that deserve high praise.
Are you retarded? The devs of that were bought by valve and they used the concept to make portal.
my sides
story is as fucking generic as it gets and the soundtrack is beyond bland
gameplay sucks because the ai is absolute trash
fucking neck yourself you normalfag trash
Fuck contrarians TLOU was fucking great. Its the most memorable game I've ever watched on youtube.
You are objectively right.
I greatly enjoyed the game on PS4, but the story is crap.
It feels more like a revisionist western to me. Kinda like the Assassination of Jesse James.
It doesn't matter how generic it is, since it's told better then any Zombie story has ever been
>Story is generic
Ok but the acting (voiceover, animations) are top fucking teir m8. Thats what sells it.
>Soundtrack is bad
No. You have shit taste.
>portal 2
decent, but very much overstays its welcome. A puzzle game shouldn't be that long and the """lore""" and quirky characters just sour the game for me
>red dead redemption
overly-long grindy western GTA, with cliche'd story. sandbox games went out of control and gave way to procedural generation craze
>dark souls
half the game is total dogshit, because it is literally unfinished. Could've been a better Zelda than Zelda
>the last of us
the worst offender. shallow gameplay, shallow mechanincs, retarded AI and Oscar-baiting story. More like a movie than a game
Same. It's my favorite playlist.
shut the fuck up you illiterate retard
This, the selling point is story & characters alone. Just save yourself the trouble at watch the movie version on youtube, and you will almost certainely love it
move more goalposts
Who even praises ME2? It's always been that mediocre game in between the decent ME1 and shitty ME3.
Pretty much every post about botw on here is contrarianism about how it's overrated or flat out sucks, same for TLOU at this point, everyone started hating the entire brand in advance to lessen the damage and butthurt of TLOU2.
Zelda and Dark Souls do. RDR and Portal 2 don't, but are still good. ME2 and TLoU are trash and deserve no praise.
Well yeah. Why would people praise a game if it didn't deserve praise?
Literally every single place on the internet except Yea Forums considers it a masterpiece & one of the best games ever made
people who just want a shallow generic tps
basically this fucking brainlet normies
>BOTW, RDR and Portal 2
>Mass Effect 2
It's overrated but still good
>Dark Souls and TLOU
fuck no
>implying Yea Forums isn't a bunch of brainlet normies
isn't Yea Forums like the second most popular board with hundreds of thousands of visitors per hour or some shit like that?
go back
Yea Forums is full of Contrarians, Yea Forums is the one that's full of normies. They openly admit to loving TLOU, Uncharted, Undertale & HZD on there
Portal 2 deserves the praise. It mixed genres in a fairly unique way. The rest could be considered good/great games but are not groundbreaking.
I still don't understand why headlock simulator gets so much fucking praise. I played it on Grounded and it was a bore. Went back to Splinter Cell afterwards.
i thought Yea Forums doesn't like cinematic games like tlou
They only pretend to hate it to help cope with the inevitable praise that TLOU 2 will get
this place turned into a subreddit long ago
I don't like cinematic games like tlou.
rdr2 and botw are in a tier above the others . rdr2 because you wont find another experience as polished and botw because it is a second life being 13-14 again in a world with magic.
why do people like darksouls? it retards players and its skill cieling is low. time as a resource only works in rts games not hack n slash and thats all a stamina bar is. a time bar where none needs to exist.
>bug ridden mess
>the game where EA asserted direct control over the series and turned it into a chest-high-wall generic shooter
Nigga that’s not just wrong, that’s retarded.
>being 13-14 in a world filled with magic
Not to mention shitty cardboard weapons, a huge empty map, and korok seeds/shrines replacing interesting overworld and dungeon design. Wow!
> Implying Normies don't love it
It's literally featured in the headline picture for a best game ever list along with other iconic games like OOT, Metroid Prime, Mario, EarthBound, MGS & Pokemon. That's how much normies love it
If you are swayed by normie taste then you are beyond saving. High consumption =/= high quality
only botw
He never argued that it was good, he was stating that it was beloved. Which is true
zelda, rdr2, and dark souls yes.
mass effect 2 and Portal 2 is ok but nothing great
TLOU is just a bad game