Okay NOW BotW is a 10/10 game
Okay NOW BotW is a 10/10 game
Other urls found in this thread:
>I will now buy your game
>top comment is ironic weeb garbage with a JC avatar
pedophiles have dogshit taste
All that time and effort wasted
guess the c word can't always improve a game.
uh guys help me out here, whats the C word?
Where's the gerudo outfit
Nay, I want a Saria outfit.
Based as fuck
>could have made Link a hunk
>could have made him one of the previous Links
>could have made him Linkle
>could have replaced him with Dante or anyone else
>instead it's a little girl for the pedophiles to drool over
And there goes any chance of Nintendo ever taking the femlink mod seriously enough to actually implement the option in the future, thanks a bunch pedos
Cunnyfags OUT
chomos have bad taste in video games
Fuck that guy for bombing JC’s reputation
How about giving Link nipples.
That's fucking cute
There's nothing wrong with having a 女子中学生 avatar.
How did JC Denton even become so popular amongst zoomers?
It's this guy's fault
So glad the UN will finally ban loli porn and lock up you degenerate fucks.
why do nonexistent things anger you?
>that slut walk animation at the beginning
based pedo modders
>ask a simple question
>meme words and idiocy
As expected
Posting the superior mod
This what you wanted?
>going full retard
>Going full butthurt
I'll ask again, why are you so angry about things that do not exist? Do you also decry people who play hunting games as mindless animal murderers?
Yes, what can of deranged lunatic would want to hunt fake animals?
That's like playing a video game about washing clothes.
Give her a gerudo loli outfit and i will emulate
Honestly cute.
I sorta want a game where you play as a little adventurer girl in a BotW like game now.
The lack of activity on this thread makes me think that Yea Forums cares more for arguing whether or not the game is good rather than actually discussing it.
What kind of lunatic would want to save fake kingdoms, fight fake martial artists, jump on fake turtles, or fly in fake spaceships to fake planets?
Hello, delicious chocolate goodness.
At least that sounds like a good time.
Imagine wanting to shoot virtual deer in the head.
>not a single fucking side by side comparison in a 3:22 video
What a retard.
Kinda makes me want to play this game with my niece
there is nothing wrong with wanting 小学生 cu- to cuddle with
How does it differ from any other FPS game?
>>could have made Link a hunk
>>could have made him one of the previous Links
Also kinda gay.
>>could have made him Linkle
Already done, by him, and still updated occasionally >>could have replaced him with Dante or anyone else
What, like CJ from GTASA because haha funny? Oh wait. Already done. Just fucking play a different game.
>>instead it's a little girl for the pedophiles to drool over
A young Link counterpart is now bad because oh no, pedophiles!
Absolutely gay.
Because you can roleplay as a soldier.
Why would you pretend to be some dick that kills animals?
>making Link into a different Link is gay
What strange things come out of your mouth.
I want one
I will now play your game
>Not even a Young Link mod and there's already a young Linkle
Inviting waifufags into this fanbase was a mistake.
Why would you want one Link to be replaced with another? He was never a good character. And based off your first example, you might just want that because you're a fag. But I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Still, there's no fucking point. It's basically the same character, adjusted for the game's style. Other links were made for other games.
Did he make the model himself?
Explain people who use mods that replace Link with a different Link in the Smash Bros games.
> Link was never good
Low effort bait or contarianism, almost got me to reply
Ni no Kuni II?
They play Smash so they're clearly retarded.
Well, I could just call him a fag with shit taste instead, thought that would be too much. But let's go with that now.
Is there a regular Young Link one too because I was just thinking lately about how dope that'd be
That is fucking rad. I gotta get a new pc
Yeah, didn't the mod maker know each game has a limited supply of mods that can be made for it. This has permanently prevented other ideas like yours from being made.
stop being crossdressing men and be regular women?
Is this the young lass that's fated to save Hyrule?
Linkle tushy
And thats a good thing. Little girls are sexy and can make any vydia good. Even shitty console garbage like botw.
>Little girls are sexy
>He says while posting a picture of one of the most fuckable lolis from Yea Forums
>Little girls are sexy
I love Kass!
By the way, if anyone from the modding discord who knows me is wondering, I'm still in the server, banning me does nothing ;)
>could have
Can. You can do all those things. Easily.
You think modders make one thing and then they're done? The only work that went into this particularly is making someone shorter than Link actually work ingame. Everything else is literally a copy paste job at this point.
Neat, they fixed (normal) Linkle's proportions. She doesn't have stubby little legs and ape arms anyway
I really need to look into emulating BotW, mods are the only way I'm doing a third playthrough right now
According to his discord this was just a joke but he is planning to release it with the updated Linkle model
The only problem is that the new Linkle looks soulless in the animations
nude mod when?
Why does Breath of the Wild not have any?
They fear of being locked up in the Nintendo Vault, similar to the Disney Vault.
>using discord
enjoy your botnet
Can you remove her clothes?
she has various cloths?
Since it's somewhat relevant, does the emulator rely on only one core to run or does it take advantage of multiple cores?
that's not a loli that's a disgusting toddler.
Link's a nigger.
call her a boy without changing anything and then i'll be interested
You've realized this NOW? The same is true of 90% of all games. This thread doesn't even have a thin veneer of relation to the game, it only exists to have the pedo/not pedo shouting match one more time.
based modderbro dabbing on seething homos
pedophiles are probably the only people that physically disgust me
Fags should leave.
It's not their fault you look like an old hag and act like it, roastie.
Are you literally shaking?
>links to discord
tf is this zoomer shit, wheres the download link
>cute character mod highlight
>Ganondorf casually flying around
>OoT indoor theme
Modders once again prove to possibly have the worst taste in human history.
>11 million views
what in the actual fuck
Women I work with that are 22-24 already look like they’re in their mid thirties. I hated pedophiles when I was younger, but now I realize 14-18 truly are prime breeding ages.
14 truly is the prime.
n-nude mod when??
what is she holding
I hope so. I want to play dress up with the loli.
Ah... I see you are a child rapist.
lol what a sperg, take a break from the internet
who would want that?
This image is very cute and VERY funny
Is there a shota one too?
ATF is gonna have fun with this.
FOUR TEEN is justice
He ain't wrong Lillie
For me it's her brother
Why is there no new game plus? I don't wanna collect seed again
Does she have a cunny?
Fuxk off
Why does Gamefreak keep making them sexy?
supreme taste
JC is the best
>Welcome _user_ to the Zelda BOTW Modding Hub! Please read the rules in our #welcome channel and enjoy your stay with us. To gain access to the majority of the channels you'll need to speak for a while in #hylian-kingdom-chat and #lounge-talk
Holy fucking shit. Is this 2003?
discord is terrible in every way
That's not all.
>You must be a member for at least 10 minutes to send messages in this server.
Jesus christ, just give me approximate release date and fuck off with your circlejerking.
Why are cunnies so squishy?
>smell like garbage
>clueless to everything around them
>too flimsy for proper stuff like bdsm
>even if you fucked them, you'll permanently damage their insides forever since they're so small
>risk of pedovans coming your way
Is there anything more low-tier than lolicon?
>young linkle
>not young link
Gayest shit
Yes, applying 3DPD standards to 2D.
That is the neat thing about fiction. Doesn't need to follow the rules of the world while still imitating it. So you can have loli take a horse sized dong no problem.
Playing as toon link would actually be interesting.
stop fattening up my wife
We already have CJ in BOTW what more do you want?
we want naked kids
Show me the Linkle armorsets.
So you keep buying their trash
They need money
>not Midna
Into the trash it goes.
Fortnite kids.
Do nips secretly hate themselves?
It's bizarre how often the blond haired, blue eyed foreigner wins instead over the traditional black haired, brown eyed Asian girl.
That is true zoomercore
blond hair blue eyes are appealing everywhere, its just more of an oddity to them so the effect is amplified
Its exotic.
Also don't kid yourself, they love the 'traditional' Japanese girl. Remember who is most popular in Senran.
loverslab when?
Linkle mod already exists.
>he doesn't know
They love Seibah though. Well, Shiki got close, but still.
I will now buy your game
>Little girls are sexy
They are not.
This. It's just another option in the waifu buffet much like the tomboy or goth
Did something happen to the lab?
you need to pirate to get this mod, though
>Linkle is okay
>Jerking it to the Sorceress from Dragons Crown is pedophilia
What so hard to understand?
Why are normalfags so triggered over dudes beating it to fictional characters?
They don't understand it so they have to lash out and act irritated.
a breathmint ya dip
Too small.
>he doesn't know
They should be going out and respecting real women instead
>not a loli
Fucking actual pedophiles, shotacons are fat, balding catholic priests with small penises. But even if it was a loli, Skyrim had loli mods and I still didn't touch that garbage. BotW looks like it definitely has potential, but it's clearly a repetitive snoozefest watching a long play of it.
Lolichads run this board. Get over it.
>believing they'd actually look feminine irl
>approving any of it regardless
back to resetera, faggot
Not small enough.
And That's A Good Thing! Here's Why Children Are The New Normal!
Based and probably also redpilled
11 is prime.
I was wondering about all the JC avatars on youtube. That's fucking gay.
Why do you assume it's a zoomer? Are gen y exclusively exempt from making cringy comments these days? I'm a millennial myself and I'm pretty sure that 70% of the world's troubles today, political, social or economical came about due to my generation.
Bottom right don't even look human, they look like thot filters given life by unholy necromancy.
Yeah the top group is ugly, but they resemble human beings so it's not as bad.
>could have made Link a hunk
Yeah you would've like that won't you
>it's not appealing to me, so it's bad
>using discord
Kassposter please. I know you're interested in fucking a person with the same sex as yourself, but you don't have to be a faggot.
>even if you fucked them, you'll permanently damage their insides forever since they're so small
I have a plan.
Giantess Loli.
>I watched a lp and I didn't like it :
I shouldn't have looked
>that music
Oh God, you Nintensöys really are all a bunch of developmentally challenged autists, aren't you?
No wonder that you're pedophiles as well.
This isn't really in my taste, but I do hope we get a Zelda with a female protagonist (or the option for one) at some point.
Left or right?
at least you're honest
Left and I want to be right.
Why are vidya lolis so rare these days?
You just aren't playing the right games
We've come to a point where NPCs claim you're a pedofile just by having see-through pants on a 16yo fictional genie girl in your vidya. What do you think they'd do if there was literal kids as MCs?
do you got the soos ?
Linne and Vatista are so great.
I want bury my face on linne's spats
I want fat CJ
nu-Yea Forums doesn't let you talk about them here, but they exist.
>download rom
>buy game to show support
easy and legal
Stay away from Linne
I like lolis but this is a fucking toddler
Ill stick with linkle
In westerns yeah but the japs are still making loli games
Though most of them are mobile games or VNs
What do they do to age themselves so fast? Is it the makeup and hair dying? I legit never use moisturizer or anything but water on my face, shower 3 times a week with shampoo one of those times, and my skin is smooth and hair is shiny and soft. I still get mistaken for younger at 25 and lifting.
Why not both?
they can't distinguish between fiction and reality
same reason why they wanted to ban violent video games a few years ago
epic memes
It's the same with Ricardo, which is a shame because he was meant to destroy the zoomers not become part of their culture. It's not fair bros, Gachimuchi was probably the last meme that wasn't tainted fully by the normalfags and now everyone and their mother knows Ricardo and his gay dance.
I like the Linkle mod but I cant get down playing as a toddler
>barges into your home to brake all your bases in look for rupies
wasnt he always?
Only bottom left passes
>What do they do to age themselves so fast?
Too much alkyhall and/or drugs imo.
I saw actual woman that looks less like woman than those on the right
>loli instead of shota
God I want to bury my face in that and die
what would kill you
The cops
>plow her from behind
>she honks
Sex balloon
>those legs
name some cute and funny game
>being this retarded
>mods are stuck behind discord servers
Another reason to dislike discord.
It's ok when Nintendo does it
Who the fuck started this ravioli ravioli bullshit?
>head is 20 times the size of the body
no this is ayy lmao
Source? Can't recognise this artist.
So another Midna?
it's not porn, if that's what youre after
this pedo doujin pokes fun of it but in ancient rome you would normally get a wife at that age
thanks to romans the age of consent is still 14 in italy and they give themselves like candy
>could have made Link a hunk
Ok faggot
>Lake Hylia’s Closed due to OctoAIDS
Is it from that manga with little monster girls?
cutenfunny mod?
why not change all the npcs to little girls?
I'm not subscribing to that shitty discord.
I assume someone will post it here when its ready.
splitting hairs when it comes to teenagers, especially by the definition of looks alone, is quite silly in general.
Has anyone gotten the Stop Health Regen On Master Mode to work? I think I'm being japed because every other mod works just fine.
you have to split hairs with japanese girls because their insane diets make them age in reverse
I fail to see the issue
Would have rather seen the Toon style they showed in concept Art honestly