DMC Thread
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Fujos and trannies are cancer who need to make world a better place and neck themselves.
you all fucking trannies, fujos, and faggots need to get the fuck out of my board already you overstayed your welcome with these cringy ass threads.
how 2 beat judeccas as nero in 6 easy steps
>turn on tomboy
>charge the gun
>wait until they try to attack
>shoot them in the fucking face
how 2 beat furies as nero in 1 easy step
>just use shuffle while mashing bringer knuckle while holding an enemy as a shield, you're basically untouchable
>just fast paced edm shit
how the fuck are you supposed to lift to this shit?
Strawberry sundae.
I reinforce these posts
Judeccas are worse than Furies. Fuck those things
fujos are straight women
without them the threads would be even gayer
I block you all.
I love Devil May Cry
you got hit, my friend.
Holy cow, was DMD always super nerfed in BP in DMC games? I don't remeber DMC4 BP DMD levels being much different but my meory could be failing me
>Oh fuck yeah I want to fuck that sweet Empussy ass all day and night, imagine it drooping with all that freshly fermented and consumed human blood, lubing up your cock while you are rocking that demon pussy. Getting tighter and tighter with every thrust. Hnnng
anyone got that pic of Nero getting mad at Vergil for drawing the middle school S thing? it kinda looks like this
i really like his smug face.
I'll agree to that. I've always had more problems with Judecca's than Furie and I appreciate every post I've seen from these threads that give me tips on how to more easily delete those fuckers.
thank you friend
Yea Forumsros?
Please don't shout
reminder that Nero's/Dante's/and Vergil's holes were made to be filled
Nah, Dante players
*royalguards (you)*
Even better when it's towards his brother kek
What foods are Vergil's equivalent to pizza and strawberry sundaes?
they're a pain
anyone got a cheese way of dealing with them?
The holes in their hearts is what you meant right?
Dual KA megacascade
Alternatively down them, real impact->upper dragon
I always thought wolf from nfs carbon looked like vergil alot
Demon blood and blueberry chocolate cake.
Pizza with Olives and Blueberry Milkshakes
Dan said that Vergil most likely isn't a big fan of pizza
Says the frogshitter
>doesn't like pizza
>or jackpots
Dante should have killed him
according to DMC5, reading poetry
so would it be spaghetti or pasta then?
The only hole that should be filled is the one in your head, by a bullet.
chocolate bars
>still no CUHRAYZEE hell hijinks featuring the twins from devil may cry
Anyone getting these magazine?
I can see Vergil being a steak guy. Or a general authentic pasta dish type of guy. Fish, too. The kind to bake salmon in parchment paper to steam with herbs and lemons.
They just had to pick the worst possible image when it comes to Vergil's hairline, didn't they?
Nero's is pasta/spaghetti. Literally has a Devil Breaker named "Pasta Breaker"
>"You like pasta right?"
Dan just hates the idea of Vergil having a thing in common with Dante or being like Dante in general.
Take in note that Dan is anti-redemption fag that doesn't want "nice" Vergil either.
no, I meant their buttholes
The cuteness of the scene distracts from it.
Ok but why's that related to motivation boy
Based Dan knows what /ourboy/ is.
>anti-redemption fag
That's not what the story in 5 implies, he even said he wouldn't mind exploring more of vergils background in future games.
Based Dan. Likes his character for what it is, instead of trying to emo him DmC style like HC fags always do. We need more Vergilfags like him.
All the v/vergilfags are trannies
>Take in note that Dan is anti-redemption fag that doesn't want "nice" Vergil either.
Why outright lie?
Time to farm some reaction pics
He wouldn't mind Vergil that was more "humane" (for lack of better term), but point is he prefers asshole Vergil way more over some OC softer Vegeta tier Vergil that fags on these threads constantly headcanon about.
Entire character that is Urizen was his Christmas gift, because that is what he wanted most of Vergil. To dominating everything, as he even said in 2015 panel when he was asked about it.
I'm honestly still surprised how despite how over hyped this game was, it still exceed my expectations unironically. I had literally never been this hyped for a game before.
anybody else feel the same? I almost feel like its raised the hype bar so much I may never reach similar levels of hype for a game.
>Cavaliere """"Angelo""""
why did dante explode
Not really. No. Dan prefers Vergil who retains his trademark asshole attitude, if nothing else.
He is beyond against...
...that you fags love to fan-fiction about.
I feel like it's on the edge of it all, that it's great but not quite there due to Capcom having no confidence in it and holding back funds. If we get DLC that covers that like costumes, expansions, shit like that then we're going over the edge into greatness but until then it's orgasam denial at its finest.
Ah i knew it, you're the user who always complained about vergil getting redeemed before. You should get over it dude.
I honestly did not know this game had online coop until mission 13 when dante and taunting and swinging at me.
Quote where Dan has said that?
Sorry, there is no boogeyman under your bed or in your closet this time around.
Spaghetti Bolognese and blueberry tart.
Not him, but Dan did said he wanted to see Vergil go full villain in 5 the most when he was asked about in 2015 and he also said he hates the idea of Vergil becoming more like Dante in newest Q&A. Just saying.
Here is your porn for tonight.
Sushi and Sake
Has Miwa Shirow ever drawn Nero before?
It's funny because in his latest interview it's like he was saying the complete opisite. He even wants Vergil to start reading poetry like V does. Now I enjoyed his redemption not just because of the great ending but because it pissed off fags like you however you're mistaken if I want a complete personality change, he wouldn't be Vergil then and I think DMC5 demonstrated what I want very well with his last interaction with Nero, he gave him a book that meant a lot but then fucked off, both cold and soft at the same time. Vergil can still do his own thing or not explain himself to Dante but it now means it's for good, he can still want power but now it's detrimental to demons shit like that.
You've got to provide sources to those claims you know.
Vergil's model has the most to lose from less-than-quality lighting.
This is surprisingly lewd and also feels like a taunt at Dante, like he's mocking his virginity.
>What's this I've been hearing about you not liking pizzas? Huh? YOU BETTER START LIKING THEM NOW, THIS INSTANT, OR GOD HELP YOU, BECAUSE NERO WON'T... I'LL SEND YOU BACK TO MUNDUS!
Yeah yeah kid keep complaining. His interactions with nero and dante now are how they'll show his growth not his power autism anymore. I agree i hate the Nero's mom and some headcanon involving nero but there is a reason they made this a plot point in 5.
Shut the fuck up.
Vergil could never be a fanart tier loving father to Nero and Nero would tell him to go fuck himself because they both are men, warriors. Vergil would not tag along Dante's lifestyle either, this carefree attitude doesn't fit him.
Clearly there is only one fate for Vergil going forward, he would settle down in some town, preferably one with a nasty demon gate underneath it and become Lord Protector of this town and its people just like his father did.
Hating the idea of becoming more like Dante could also mean he prefers Vergil to remain sophisticated over a wacky woohoo pizza dude.
Be quiet Trish
the only thing that's true DMD in 5's BP is Vergil in his final phase, when he summons his double
>calls others headcanon fanart tier
>makes retarded headcanon as well
I will modify everyone's headcanon with my human strength.
>Dan did said he wanted to see Vergil go full villain in 5 the most when he was asked about in 2015
You do know that's when he would have known about the plot of 5 right? Of course he's going to be cheeky about it and indirectly spoil random things for fans. He even tries to troll us on his Instagram page.
No way I can see Vergil working under the banner of DMC but being more like a wandering samurai, traveling the globe helping humans in an attempt to truly understand the power of humanity which satisfies his lust for power, it also would give him an excuse to hunt for artifacts like books or even devil arms themselves to further add to his power, only joining back up with the DMC crew for larger threads but still doing it on his own to challenge Dante.
Was BP like that in previous games?
>He even tries to troll us on his Instagram page.
Do tell.
Nah dude, he's gonna run his own tavern and he'll be the bartender that doesn't drink. He'll scowl and grimace but will listen to some people talk about their lives and uses the bar as a front to hunt because intel just slips in. Lady will get drunk one day and this will start their ~*"friendship"*~.
>He even tries to troll us on his Instagram page
I can't be the only one insanely attracted to V, right? I've always considered myself a straight guy but something about his calm manner of speech and his lithe body really does it for me in a way I'm not sure I'm ready for. Vergil, Dante and Nero do absolutely nothing for me and I still want to cum inside Nico and Lady, but jesus christ V burns me up. Any help on how to cure this gaylust, or to contact Adam Driver?
>"Look Dante, this is how it's done. You need to help keep our fathers Legacy alive too."
>Lord Protector
I'm quite certain Vergil doesn't have the patience to put up with this bullshit and the morons that would keep coming to cry to him.
Not to mention that with advancement of modern age, places like this are scarce. Even Fortuna remained as is cause it was quite closed off and seen as a weird cult no one really wants to deal with.
He mentioned it in his ama, he puts pictures up knowing fans will try to decipher what it means and he thinks its charming that the fanbase is pretty dedicated on that front.
You’re one of the people who thought 5:05 stood for Sons of Sparda, huh.
>calm manner of speech and his lithe body
Adam Driver has neither of these things. Become the ubertwink yourself, it's the only way. Fingering your ass in the mirror doesn't make you gay.
Be gone faggot.
Is there a way to play bloody palace on a pirated copy?
No faget. Read above.
You must kill the past
Excuse me, but 5:05 clearly means 5th of May, when we will get Vergil DLC.
I honestly hate lady and vergil ships the most. I'd rather have the fujos dante and vergil headcanon.
Yeah, we get it, you're gay.
Its the exact time that Microsoft will showcase the new trailer in june.
>shipping shit
See. This is why Reuben no longer hangs out with you, Dan.
You jest but I really hope we get some kind of info soon.
Not even the shipfag but brothers fucking each other is way worse. Reassess
Clearly it's a reference to the fact that V which is the first letter of the name Vergil is the Roman numeral for 5 as well as the length of the amount of gameplay in which you get to control Vergil in the new patch.
Bearded Dan looks weird.
Would any of you like Vergil with a beard?
At least its more believable than vergil and lady fucking.
Vergil recognized the strengths humanity can bring but humans themselves are still the weakest. I think it would make sense for him to protect his chosen people if only to honor his own human side and his father's will as well as sticking it to Dante the freeloader, homewrecker, eternally adolescent Dante.
He could be lord vergil and still remain distant and cold, all he needs to do is to kill the demons that come into town and that's why he'd be respected and feared. It's all imagination, i don't work at capcom, neither do you, we'll see what they do in future games.
That beard looks awful on him.
Long as it doesn't involve anything too /d/ I find incest and crack pairings inherently funny so I say go for it. Agnus/Crew Cut a best.
Do you think they're gonna do anything more with co op, or is it just the little bit we got in the campaign?
Fuck no. Dante is the scruffy twin, Vergil is the clean twin.
It would be interesting to see for few scenes, but then I'd expect him to shave.
Yeah, cause you like that shit
He never asked for this.
No, it wouldn't suit him.
In a perfect world we'll get a Vergil expansion that covers his and Dante's time in hell that will allow the another player to drop in and join you as Dante whenever they want. This world isn't perfect though so don't bank on it.
Unironically looks like some FFXV character like this, I kind of hate it
>thread becomes shipping wars and headcanon shit with barely any fujo posting
What the fuck guys you were supposed to be levelheaded
>vergil with a beard and dark hair
Id rather see vergil getting plowed than seeing this abomination ever again
Sounds too much like Vergin.
I do like the bromance ending but not in the fujo way.
I despise Vergil x Lady ship myself, as I consider it completely retarded. In fact, I consider every ship that isn't canon as retarded, but saying that brothers fucking each other is way more believable in comparison? How?
What, like the Qliphoth tree opens a bunch of portals trapping all kinds of customizable Devil Hunters for you to customize?
>tfw only Trish looks good with this mod
>straighties manage to be as gay as actual fags when it comes to DMC
I really hope we get costumes, I wanna play as dmc1 and 2 Dante.
You sound like you want vorgil lite.
If the Qliphoth extends all the way up into space then how did all the heroes get up there without just teleporting? Is this the true power of Nico's van?
>Discussing possibilities of where they'll take Vergil next is "headcanon shit"
This is why the threads suck so often now. Any time some people come up with possibilities we get people like you REEEEEEEEing away. literally no fun allowed.
Wut? no you get to play as either Dante or Vergil depending on who the other player is.
twins is a very popular category on most sites user
by the way, does anybody have that "do twins have identical dicks?" copypasta posted on a DMC thread months ago, i really need a good laugh right now
I have to see this.
Anyway we know that Dante and Vergil aren't totally identical when they have different sounding voices.
>dmc1 and 2 Dante
>not sparda
Be gone.
>he doesn't want to fuck his bro
On serious note: That user is too much of a fujo even by fujo standards.
They have actual interactions with each other and chemistry.
Seconding this cause I'm curious as to the answer
>he doesn't know
What the fuck is THIS?
I hate that post.
I'd rather have something entirely fresh, like that Diesel thing or when they took a discarded design and made it after all for Nero in DMC4SE.
I don't ship anyone, like I mentioned before I like the bromance ending.
these threads were a riot a few months before release
Someone who enjoys riling up people on the internet.
she isn't wrong
>kids would rather pretend that everyone they don't like is a tranny and seethe even harder than if they just acknowledged that there are actual women who like this series full of hot dudes
Fuck, lost it at the first sentence.
I feel like they were deliberately baiting with that. If not in the sense of fake SJW lingo then in the sense of saying something to "trigger the cissies".
shit i remember that, didn't it literally spawn the vorgil i got the bigger dick meme after an user posted their experience with twins
This post still brings tears to my eyes.
Based retarded Trishfag.
Sis, don't even start with this, you have no place in these arguments. Wear your pretend dick along with the rest of us and go back to shitposting about fighting furies
Don't take every post so seriously newfriend.
Nico's van HAS to be a fucking devil arm. There's no possible way to explain all the weird shit that happens when it pops up
Is it just me or does that little blood patch Urizen dies on look kinda like a heart
Wow for some reason I thought it was an older pasta than that but nope looks good old /dmc/ OC
Unless it got stolen off some forum
Looks like a bat to me.
Nico probably modified it like she makes Devil Breakers.
DMC pasta my ass. It was stolen from Quora.
Looks like wings.
And where does she get devil breaker ideas/mechanics from? Demon parts
Van is a devil arm lite
I wanna fuck a sword
This pasta sucks now.
Get in line.
Did he not feel P-A-A-A-A-A-I-I-I-I-I-N when he was H-U-U-U-U-R-R-R-R-R-T?
I mean- I mean- I mean- I MEAN did he not BLAST? Did he not drerj? He was only human, yes, but he was SUNDAES AND PIZZA.
Hysterical V posts never fail to crack me up.
I imagine vergil jerks off in the same as if he's unsheathing yamato, except theres more moaning involved
Dang that is a pretty nice sword.
Based and redorbed.
Be gone, filth. Yamato is pure.
We need more yamato porn.
> that pic
Vergil does not moan, he is too controlled for that.
Yamato may be pure but Vergil is a little horny slut
Ideas are combination of the random material she gets, her father's old research and her own imagination. Devil breakers use demon magic to function in amazing ways, but are not devil arms themselves.
Maybe Minotaurus really is a devil arm, but so far there is no real evidence for it.
>Vergil does not moan
Im sure V has made him moan at least once
In DMC4SE he made some weird half-moan/half-growl in sexy way.
His hairline looks normal, if was any further down than that he'd look weird. Does hair slicked back automatically equal high hairline to you? I'm pretty sure Dante's hairline is actually a bit higher up, same with Nero. They just have better hairstyles to cover it.
Does he cum in his sheathe and when he's done he inserts the sword back in?
>there's a bad dragon dildo based off of vergil
Nero looks waaay better desu
Why is the targeting system still Ps2-tier? It's borderline non functional. It's also retarded how you still have to input moves based on camera orientation when the camera is more unreliable than ever
So Nico is literally an alchemist just like her dad.
me too
probably a fancier italian dish. Lasagna maybe
something chocolate (DMC1 flashback), maybe a sorbet?
You can't be defending that picture, that angle isn't doing him any favors.
hysterical v best meme
I'll wait for one plastered from Nero's actual dick thank you very much
DMC3 was good.
Sound version:
>It's human skin on the handle
Not that user but you're delusional if you think that's a bad hairline, especially for someone in their 40s. Granted, Vergil looks like he's in his late 20s in this game but still.
How would you know there is? What are you doing on that website?
what is this meme
I don't know how Vorgil is, i didn't play that game.
Really? Shit i don't want Vorgil.
He kinda looks like Dante there. Maybe it's the eyes.
Since it doesn't come with a story I think it's a coincidence, though this color palette is not doing it any favors
Shipping gone really crazy.
user you either have very high standards or are faceblind. This is what a normal human being's forehead looks like, would you rather his hairline be down here? That would look retarded, I think you've been spending too much time on /fit/
>Embrace what you've become
>Jensen 2.0
I'm not the one complaining about the hairline but I'm just pointing out he looks terrible in that picture.
>t. Prosopagnosia
He looks nothing like Dante in this game. Even their eyes aren't the same. Dante has greenish-blue eyes, while Vergil has icy blue eyes.
Fair enough. I think he looks great in it but that's entirely subjective.
I bet it's Nero's.
>This is what a normal human being's forehead looks like
No.. no it is not
It's not bad for his age but don't lie and call it normal
Nero wanted to be more like his father.
>Threads about this boring game are still being spammed
I must admit, I'm surprised. I figured you idiots would've been banished to /vg/ by now. Mods must have a soft spot for this terrible series.
nice cover story
browsing the ass onaholes some of them would make a nice Sin DT Dante or Vergil substitute
Shit I just thought of something
>the next playable character is a reporter who went to cover the mysterious tree that sprouted in Redgrave and fell into a portal to hell
>now he's stuck there and has to find his way out, when he sees a bright light really far away and its his best bet of getting out
>he can find demon weapons lying around and create unique weapons by combining them, he doesn't have a gun but instead he has a camera that can stun demons for lots of style points
>later on he gets a devil trigger by being surrounded so much by demonic energy he's absorbing it
>he meets up with Dante and Vergil and with his new demoinc powers he helps them escape hell
I do.
Any excuse to post this shit again.
>Adam Driver
I'm not even a Vfag, but comparing his face to Driver is an insult to V and his face model.
Still seething kek
show me the fleshlight called Nero and then we're talking
Not gonna lie, I loved it.
Are there really crazy tumblr fujos that go after this guy?
They actually look nothing alike in terms of body-type and facial structure. Yet retards will call you face-blind if you say this. The similarities are just hair and the fact that they wear all-black.
I think you need your eyes checked.
I honestly didn't know dragon dildo was a real thing, I thought it was just a term making fun of furries.
So many people make the comparison but aside from the nose I just don't see it.
Its good for memes though.
Then please post a picture of a what you consider a normal/good hairline.
if the janine onahole came with the scales being able to be set as a different color it would be perfect
>Vergil has now pure DSL
Based demon plastic surgery.
He looks more like post malone in that image than V
his face model looks even less like kylo
How would Dante react to encountering Chernabog?
So... is it true that Itsuno said that reason why they aren't the same looking anymore is because demon world changed Vergil's face? Aka demon plastic surgery?
bros imagine frech kissing vergil haha
then he turns into devil trigger vergil and starts tongue fucking your throat
wouldnt that be weird? haha
Yeah, you'd have to be a special type of facially blind to confuse Owen Hamze with Adam Driver.
Single Parenting for Dummies edit when
I wonder what hairline user thinks about this pic
Life experiences can cause identical twins to look different with age even in real life. The shit Dante and Vergil go through can easily cause this to a bigger extent if you wanna dwell on it.
Nerlo Angelo, Vergil, V and Urizen walk into a bar...
When are they going to start making nu Yamato replicas
tons actually, most popular ST pairing when it comes to NSFW is Kylo Ren and Hux
Demons probably smashing his face with their cocks too much.
He kills him.
I...think you replied to the wrong user.
The bartender says, "Why the hell are you alone"
>Vergin - abortador de beb
>Moondust - demonio cirujano plástico
Fuck. meant for
>tried BP with nero twice now
>can't do anything against Cavelier
Dante can RG and V can just keep his distance, but Nero has fucking nothing but the finnicky clash system. You can just go DT and mash, but shit that doesn't last the whole fight. Not to mention closing the gap when Cavelier teleports away is the worst for Nero
Whyd they make the one side of his face all hidden in shadow? Should have done it similar to dante's with just part of his face.
I laughed at this one post from the guy who's likely playing BP in the middle of this absolute fujo wasteland at this hour.
The Mysterious V(ergil)
Pretty sure he was joking about the "demon plastic surgery" bit. I forget but I think on the stream he said something like the reason Dante and Verg were identical in DMC3 was because it was easier than making a brand new model or something. Come to think of it, wasn't DMC3 the only game where it was at least implied Dante and Vergil were identical? I mean I think in DMC5 V refers to Dante as Vergil's twin brother, but they could still be called "twins" if they were born at the same time (not literally the exact same time, you get what I mean) as in fraternal twins.
They don't look identical, but to me they look like brothers.
Vergil has nicer lips
Cavaliere isn't that hard to parry. It only sucks when he decides to be a nigger and blindside you with that delayed overhead swing, I'm never ready for that and it seems to ignore air hike invuln somehow
Even in the first game they didn't look alike.
Driver shares the large mouth and lips.
>Still seething
Guess you guys must have shitposters, but I'm not one of you regulars. Just hopped in because it happened to be at the top of the catalog. Glad you guys can enjoy this horribly boring series. Still hope you get banished to /vg/ soon so as to stop shitting up Yea Forums.
>tfw when he tells (you) to hurry it up
love the detail
I was talking about Itsuno's statement regarding it. How he basically got "demon plastic surgery" in underworld.
Tbh, I kinda liked more identical shit, even though it was not meant to be. For me the coolest part about Vergil in 3 was that he was just Dante with slicked back hair. Oh... well...
So did Dante know V was part of Vergil or no? I keep rewatching the cutscenes and it looks like they deliberately want to make it ambiguous.
Plenty of other threads to go to pal.
>fleshlight of Nero's tight pink hole
sign me the fuck up
I think he did but he thought that Urizen was more of Vergil's "self" than V was.
Regardless of if he did or not though, he definitely didn't know that they could reform into Vergil proper.
>V-Urizen, yeah, that's his name, Urizen Furfitan
>Come to think of it, wasn't DMC3 the only game where it was at least implied Dante and Vergil were identical?
IT WAS! Daigo Ikeno, designer himself, stated them as IDENTICAL TWINS! As much as Crapcom likes to pretend now that this was not the case in 3 and is trying to bs it with "muh limitations" instead.
But Vergil and Dante literally never looked identical in the renders for 3 or the concept art
Closer to gold-purple or blue-gray than pink, but OK.
This works really well in Vergil's voice
dont say the D word
They also didn't look that alike in DMC1 either
I was talking about his human bussy, id much rather have that
Well, chocolate sundaes for a start
Is it true Reuben hates the jackpot scene from 3?
>wanting to unga Nero's bunga
You're far braver than I
You got the wrong guy
That'd be Dan.
When did he say he didn't like it?
Dan hates it as well.
More interested in why.
Pizza, but he makes a custom request for his name to be written on the box.
Maybe, but if he did find out V was part of Vergil, it was probably later on. I don't think he knew right away like some people have said, I mean he treats Urizen like Vergil a lot more than he does V. Look at the flasback in Mission 10, he just refers to V as "no one special" but then when it comes to Urizen he gets all serious and goes "Guess I get to see it with my own eyes, if it really is you" and "getting real close now, i can feel him". In general he's pretty dismissive of V but talks to Urizen like he's just Vergil. But the only thing that contradicts this is how he acknowledges that Yamato can seperate man from devil, meaning V might've told him what happened?? I dunno, maybe V didn't tell him HE was the human side like he did with Trish. Maybe he just said Vergil cast aside his humanity and became Urizen, leaving it vague.
Dan is the one who reeees at Jackp*t
They do look identical in 1. The artbook talks about how Nelo Angelo was a late in development boss where they copy pasted animations and facial polygons from Dante to make a quick boss. Notice how there's no concept art for him.
Concept art for Vergil has him looking pretty identical imo, but then again there's a lack of detail to differentiate them.
But, eh, Capcom and DMC have never really been consistent with their continuity anyway.
Well yeah, maybe in DMC3 it was intentional at the time, but I think with DMC1 they really were just reusing assets from Dante like you said, because why would they make an entirely new face (not counting the hair) for a character that had a helmet on most of the time anyways?
Playing dmc1 back in the day First I thought this was Sparda, then after the reveal, I assumed Vergil was an older brother of Dante, like way older, DMC3 surprised me when it revealed they were twins
He's the type of guy you'd have a hard time convincing to have sex with you but once you're actually having sex with him he just lets himself go and moans like crazy.
>lock on targets shit behind you instead of the shit im trying to look at
man fuck this shit why there isnt a toggle?
It's because you're holding the left stick in that direction. It always targets whatever is in the direction you're pressing and whatever is closest if it's left neutral
did you guys know that the huge punch SDT does to the ground has Dizzy properties? everything thats not a boss that gets hit by the shock wave will get stun and dizzy for a few seconds, even Hell anetora cant do anything about it.
In his newest Q&A.
I also think he said it once in the past in that panel in 2015 as well? Or was that Reuben who said it? Can't remember that one.
Regardless, Dan isn't fan of "Jackpot!" line.
>Great ending
Even if you liked 5's story, how delusional do you have to be to think the ending was any good?
Because FUCK IT! That's why.
Yes BP never reaches DMD levels of difficulty in terms of damage or enemy health in any of the games. Enemies get devil triggered but getting hit by them does noticeably less damage than it would on DMD.
>I also think he said it once in the past in that panel in 2015 as well? Or was that Reuben who said it? Can't remember that one.
It was BOTH!
Both Dan and Reuben stated that as their most hated line.
Why is he such a D
>tfw i never got into the vergil meme
>but now i understand.
fuck bros, why is vergil so sexy? his voice, his sword, his outfit. it all clicks. god fucking damn it.
>Dan manages to force Capcom to change line in 5 so he doesn't need to say it
>Reuben still forced to do JACKPOT in 5
[Dan will remember that]
But why do they hate it so much?
>Buster animations are one of my favorite things about Nero
>Couldn't wait for BP to see his animations on Cavaliere and Cerberus
>Get to Cavaliere
>The buster animation is just reused from Gilgamesh which is the most boring buster in the game
Uhh, what the fuck? Is it like this on Cerb too? Why was this delayed a month?
Bugfixes most likely
>Reuben hates "Jackpot"
This is literally the most disappointing part of BP so far, enough that I hope they patch in a real animation later. Is Cerberus the same or has no one currently in the thread gotten to him as Nero?
Man you could make some questionable audio with this particular clip.
Does anybody have the video clip with audio where Vergil says "That's Right"
>can easily torn off his son's arm
>can barely unsheathe yamato because no power
What form of power is this
Never noticed how breathy Nero's voice is.
Fucking Excellent
What did Dante mean by this
Didn't they say they have no more content coming? so bloody palace with no co-op is all we get & vergil really was just a beta test character?
Probably a word they used a lot when they were younger.
Father? I don't have a father, I just don't like you that's all.
why is conchita wurst in the game what did i miss LMAO
>"Who's the goth emo kid-"
>"Oh fuck it's Vergil isn't it?"
He just knew
Lmao, good one user
I get it.
Years of belief Dante denied his connection to Sparda, only to be revealed it was mistranslated.
imagine him gritting his teeth trying to hold his voice back but cant and sweating like crazy haha thatd be weird
lost my infamous image but
MMDs were a mistake I warned you
What? How?
first look we ever had of V's face was some leak with really crappy quality and a specific angle from which V looked way more like kylo ren than he actually does
Well he should be glad Vergil wasn't redeemed in 5.
The Japanese line has him say "this has nothing to do with father" or something in that meaning, basically do not drag dad into this, dumbass, it's between you and me.
I bet it's covered in coarse white hair.
fuck off Vergil
fucking hell
Shame on you.
I like the mistranslation better
Sorry fellow Vergilbro.
I'll find it again soon.
christ he looks weird
And then he gets louder and louder without even noticing, and at some point he stops caring and go all out and beg for more.
Look the same on screen
They said that no DLC was being worked on as of when the game was released. They're probably all taking break after release and now that BP is out. It wouldn't be unreasonable to expect DLC at some point with that teaser of an ending.
does this guy know what an absolute legend he is on the 'ol innertubes
You lost
Fucking Reuben I swear
>Dante's crazy
>Reuben's crazy
It's like pottery, it rhymes
My heart
I want to pet Shadow
I want to cheeseslap fatto catto
I saw a video about that. Basically within the course of a few months a bunch of people called one plant a cunt and the other one a good boy. One withered and the other one kept growing.
They can hear us and each other, but we can't.
I want to bully Qliphoth
Please do not bully Shadow Catto (Slow and Fatto)
It won't grow day and night
Good. Fuck apples.
Fuck you, apples are great
'Sup Urizen
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
What does demonic fruit taste like? I bet it's like strawberry.
Like a caramel apple infused with blackberries
Metallic cherry
Someone post it.
how in the fuck do you parry?
I need a stronger imagine, Dante
rancid dog shit, such is the cost of POWER
What form of power is THIS?
w/ cerberus equipped, lock-on + back-forward + attack
What happens if you fire the laser at him?
It's the power of spending years swatting away giant Hell mosquitoes.
hit them
It will be extremely painful.
god i love dmc memes
I really like this image.
>Does it TWICE
The absolute madman.
How long are the devs' going to take a break before they make Vergil DLC?
Clash your attack against the enemy's attack. The whole Overture section of this can be ignored for now, it needs updating.
>Secret mission involves Vergil and Nero going on a fishing trip
>Imagine being V in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Trish, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both me and my summons." when all he really wants to do is read more William Blake. Like seriously imagine having to be V and not only stand there while Trish flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while the devs perfected that animation. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone in development tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, TRISH LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been slaying nothing but a healthy diet of demons and devils and later alleged dark knights for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Redgrave. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty Mundus worked so hard for with his demonic energy in the previous years. And then the developer calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single demon in this game before Dante could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking V. You're not going to lose your future devil hunting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>You cut off your own son's arm for this?
Identical twins share identical DNA, so twincest is basically a form of narcissism, a way of loving one self and making oneself feel special.
But the real answer is that Vergil and Dante have cuhrazy chemistry together and both are hot.
>A nobody that runs out of masks is completely harmless
Can you elaborate on this? I've never done it. Nobodies are the most interesting enemy from a lore perspective and I really wanna know what their deal is
>Identical twins share identical DNA
Wrong, retard.
>capcom releases new DLC
>Arcade mode
>play as everyone including Vergil in every level
>slap a $20 pricetag
>capcom finally retires on working on DMC5
Actually, you're wrong
But where did Vergil get his /fa/ coat?
Cosplay shop
Their current mask acts as a moveset, so each mask is probably a new personality. Bereft of a mask, a Nobody will lack a personality and is...nobody. Like a game journalist or anyone from California.
Nero's mom was a seamstress, he got it for sexual favors.
Not him but that's a scientific fact, they're literal clones. As opposed to fraternal twins who are siblings who just happen to develop into their mother's uterus at the same time. The way people use the term "identical twins" can be confusing because they usually just mean "they look a lot like each other" but it has a very specific meaning.
Vergil's coat is a devil arm. It allows him to use the summoned swords, and can change appearance
we bayonetta now?
Nobody cared who they were before they put on the masks
Nobodies have three masks, the gold mask they start with, the red mask that makes their arm bigger, and the blue-ish mask that they wear when throwing eye bombs. Hitting them in the face enough times will knock off a mask, hitting the mask at the right time while they attempt to put it on will knock off a mask, and parrying the red mask charge will knock off that mask. They won't recover masks that have been replaced or knocked off, and when they've used up all three masks in an encounter they'll try to cover their face and back away without ever attacking.
>Vergil never took a shower in over 20 years
thank you for this graph user very based.
>impregnate a girl
>run away and blame it on your twin
so vergil is the black twin?
can you delete this shit?
Do you have the version of that pic with [SUBHUMAN STOPS] captioned at the bottom?
well he is a jobless hobo
>fujo hours has trannies now
Indeed fujo hours are the worst hours
give them 7 or so years they'll be gone from this earth fortunately
God bless
Rent free
How exactly? Lastro threads there was literally a tranny proud to be a tranny
Looks like it'd be a nice piece of jewelry.
You post about fujo hours every day dude, rent free
Looks like someone is living rent free on your head.
Should I I bother using Cavaliere? It feels too slow.
tf I wanna live somewhere with no rent
It's strong as fuck and has hyper armour
Just buy van like Nico's. I would live in that van It looks comfy
Become a fujo/fudan and you'll have a cozy space inside some user's head.
I had to suffer seeing this so now you do too
The fuck is a fudan
it probably smells like tabaco, I wish Nero dominated her and made her stop smoking (without cheating on kyrie of course)
A guy that ships guys together
Says the fujo that's clearly seared over it. Not even that guy but any normal fan in these threads find you repulsive, deal with it
There isn't enough bleach in this world.
So fujos are girls and fudan are guys?
Fudan sounds like arabic or indian shit lmao
It's a goddamn start, where the fuck is my V and friends porn?
Fujo but male
It's fudanshi, actually.
Kek, it's fudanshi. But since fujo gets shortened, so does fudan.
This, nighttime is terrible on DMC threads most of the time.
I'm addicted so i can't quit
And im not even saying to stop posting gay shit, its since DMC girls are postes too. But guys don't post gay shit you guys SPAM it
>its fair since
fix'd sorry
So wait, didn’t Nero lose and regain his arm twice at this point
Is there other guys that actually like DMC that makes vídeos? Woolie reaction was nice and Vinny loved DMC, hopes he streams the older ones
No, he lost an arm once, when Vergil ripped it off. If you are thinking about DMC4, he only suffered an injury and the arm started to mutate, seems his devil blood tried to fix things but went crazy and left it in permanent DT.
Could you link to the spam? All I'm seeing when I scroll up is people talking about parrying, nobodies, fruit, and arguing about twin genetics.
I wonder who sign this sword?
Hey guys...
Mind if I...
Mocap as Eva?
Well not this one since its morning but night threads are for the most of the time insufferable
No Dan think of Sparda's sons.
Why are there so many faggots in the DMC and Kingdom Hearts fanbase?
My Nero coat is finally here, lads.
Kyrie would be better.
Then quit shitting the thread up and post about the game.
Gays have good taste.
I guess because everyone is hot in DMC
Idk KH
Gay guys like KH too? I thought that was fujobait.
Fair enough
>Be filthy ps4 console fag
>Cant have Nero with the best hairstyle
I swear if they fix his face I am buying a pc just for this game mods
this is some autistic tumblr/reddit shit
I love DMC and I've lurked and posted in these threads since the announcement of 5 but holy shit have I been so let down by the amount of autism I've witnessed in these threads
I just want fucking coatless mod
You haven't seen the depths yet then.
Almost every franchise I enjoy has a large female fanbase.
Are fujos actually based?
I can't imagine those two power rangers kissing.
Physically cringed
>not liking chad nero
I like fuccbois, but cmon man
Generalitis is coming. Won't be long until people start talking about their "feels" for no reason and we get dedicated tripfags. We need new content soon.
Fuck off that does not look good.
I want to fuck a smelly Fujo's cunt and impregnate her.
You're... Too cute....
Chad nero is not that bad but I prefer Nero from dmc4 because he is a giant waifufag/whiteknight for kyrie
I just miss the devil bringer, Nero walking around with a normal human hand looks weird.
You can Enemy Step off of Griffon as V
Like a million concentrated Sour Patch kids with a strong hint of iron
Worst part is eating it as a human probably won't do shit for you aside from melt your fucking tongue off
Well Nero is older now so it's nice to see him on the same path as Dante. Young rascal to matured devil hunter
>Griffon is V's enemy
Deepest implication
Devil Bringer > Cyborg arm, they should bring It back
Nah good games just usually have attractive males.
New thread
Yes, fujoshi tend to be picky for a reason and that reason is because they have good taste.
But he's my friend!
Come to us....
We have chicken...