What snacks do you eat while gaming?
What snacks do you eat while gaming?
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What the fuck is that? Looks like you're eating stripped twizzlers off your insulation fabric.
I just drink an ungodly amount of Dr. Pepper.
I hate all sweets but pepper is just what the doctor ordered.
Musk sticks, an Australian delicacy.
I like freshly-baked still-soft cookies way more than hardened post-cook cookies, so lately I've been freezing cookie dough balls and whenever I want one just pop it in the oven. No need to defrost them or anything.
Sunflower seeds are also great
Your mom's smegma
Sounds like slang for a smelly dong.
I don't eat while I'm playing, what the fuck, how fuckin' fat are you? I just smoke that mothafuckin' taimajushi all night and get my mothafuckin' dick sucked while I fuckin' play.
>I like freshly-baked still-soft cookies way more than hardened post-cook cookies
Are there people who don't? chewy Anzac bikkies are god's gift to man.
Just water. I eat before playing vidya, so I never really snack while playing.
>chewy Anzac bikkies
You dont have to lie anonamously on the internet user. You have literally nothing to gain from it.
58kg, was underweight for years unfortunately.
Snacking =/= being fat, I know that's a hard concept to grasp for a seppo but I believe you'll manage.
I clean under my foreskin to clear the smega everyday and it still smells. How do I get rid of dick smell?
If you haven't tasted Anzac biscuits, you haven't truly lived.
I eat a lot of high-calorie (although not necessarily unhealthy) food and I don't gain weight.
I dunno what the deal is
They make powder for that.
>processed preservative-filled "food"
Have fun with the tumors.
Are these keto friendly???
God that's fucking hot. I wanna funnel that shit into my mouth
I don't like eating while playing a game, getting grease and shit all over the controllers and kb+m is nasty and a bitch to clean out and if you got it on a PS2/PS3 controller's analog sticks, well have fun dealing with the ooze forever. I will kick back a drink or two in addition to water, usually a tart, non-fruity soda like root beer is good.
Dick smell is hot, let it be
Love the body, I can put up with the dick, but what the fuck kind of smegma is that jesus christ.
To be honest this image angers me because it reminds me that Fei hasn't done a futa doujin since 2011.
Plaque from not having brushed in 5 months
what's with all the futa posting
Thanks I will.
It's because you're not gorging yourself 24/7 like most Weimerican lard asses. I spend like 20 fuckin' dollars a day on food from fast food tier restaurants and I'm not fuckin' fat at all, in fact by Weimerican standards I'm fuckin' critically underweight. In Japan I'm completely normal. Weimerica is a fuckin' disaster and the entirety of the west is just as pathetic.
Mochi, rice crackers full of lots of MSG and white tea.
Although I prefer Pibb myself, but can never find purchase it. Only available as fountain drinks at eateries.
I usually just have water when gaming, on occasions I'll have popcorn or some fruit/vegetables while playing
MSG is so dope. It automatically goes in anything I make that has tomato now.
Yikes, you must have serious brain damage lmao
No clue mate.
>being uncircumcised
Drinking things that are not tasty just to drug yourself (alcohol/coffee/tea) is quite bluepilled.
Who the fuck cares? At this point it'd be much faster to make a list of the things that don't cause cancer.
Popcorn isn't very gaming friendly, unless you eat it without butter or use chopsticks.
>it’s a shop
fuck dude
sorry about your mutilated genitals
>not tasty
There are so many ways to make tea mate, that's like claiming chicken isn't tasty because you cook it in boiled water.
What are these like?
I can't get them in burgerland
>eating baby carrots and tortilla chips as we speak
What the fuck?
Relax bro!
>not tasty
smol tastebud mang
>There are so many ways to make tea mate,
Yes, you can put in:
- sugar
- more sugar
- fat
to disguise the fact that you are drinking nasty leaf water with caffeine. Nobody likes the taste of tea, they like the taste of the sugar and fat they inundate it with.
My brother
It's not the amount of food, it's the quality of food. People in Japan are eating tons of rice, vegetables and fish. But those are all lean and burn quickly. Americans start their life eating comparatively the same amount of food. But its pumped with so many wheat/corn/glucose fillers that get stored instead of burned. And the more of them you eat, the more hungry you get. Eventually, you get trapped in a cycle where your body gets addicted to the fillers and have withdrawal symptoms. They're eating bags full of cheetos and endless hamburgers not for the cheese or meat, but because their body is addicted to the corn and wheat fillers. Plus, the quality of the corn/wheat is total shit. Europe and Asia have better quality wheat which don't get people addicted.
Who pooped in your geta?
Tourists detest them, just like Vegemite.
Acquired taste really, many Australians eat them growing up so they have a taste for it and it brings back good memories. Gf (Chinese) describes them as tasting bad perfume and a British friend says they're far too sweet for him but all my Aussie mates love 'em.
that uncut dick looks so smooth and juicy, my dick is uncut, how do i make it like that? Is there some kind of penis lotion?
coconut oil
New Zealand has them too but apparently no where else does.
Do any other country have musk lollies at all?
We have also musk Life Savers and chalky musk disks and such.
>how do i make it like that? Is there some kind of penis lotion?
Exactly that. You need to moisturize.
Look for expensive, trusted stuff with as few ingredients as possible. You can get away with using virtually none, it's a very very small tract of skin, so price barely matters.
So do you boil all your meat, because that same argument can be made. Every form of meat tastes like crap without seasoning or without other ingredients.
It's the magic taste bud after all.
You're an idiot. I drink iced white tea. When it's hot, it tastes bitter. When it's cold, it tastes naturally sweet, without any additives. Your problem is you probably only tried one or two types of tea. And probably only hot. And even then, some hot tea tastes great.
whats up gamers
>Every form of meat tastes like crap without seasoning or without other ingredients.
Yeah I'm gonna have to disagree here man. Chicken and turkey taste really good with zero seasoning. Some steaks too. And when you add salt and pepper, you're not trying to cover up or mask the bad taste of the meat, you're just adding something tasty on top and enhancing the already good flavor.
there are only two states for anzac biscuits stale and chewy
also its fucked that their called anzac biscuits cause the real historic ones were worse
Are you me? I hate all candies and snacks and only drink Dr. Pepper for sugar.
The closest thing they taste like is creaming soda flavor.
Those sticks are chewy but there's also harder musk candy.
any reccomended brand?
Coconut oil is great, cheap, can be gotten in 100% purity, etc.
Hell, you can even make your own.
I want to suck and kiss that uncut cock so bad, help...
>creaming soda flavor.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Do you mean like cream soda?
not at all, it's just you lot
dude brush your teeth come on man
This thread has it all. Obscure kiwi candies, smooth jazz, veggies on cornchips, dick moisturizing tips. What else could a thread on Yea Forums possibly ask for?
that's a known issue
>Chicken and turkey taste really good with zero seasoning
Are you sure you have taste buds? Chicken is the most bland meat if you do nothing with it, the bare minimum is to brine it.
>food thread
>full of cocks
For me, it's the McChicken
Get help.
This thread is taking up valuable space that could be used for a 23rd Epic Games Store thread. I am pissed
shut up weeb
I season my popcorn with just a bit of spray butter on the top, so most of the kernels are plain. The pieces that get a bit of butter typically don't make much of a mess, but just in case I keep a napkin nearby
I'm not a guy, I'm not sure if this still applies to me.
Probably going to get my 3rd ban for off topic threads in the past week.
a revolver is pretty similar
>Chicken and turkey taste really good with zero seasoning
>I'm not a guy,
here's that snack you ordered, user.
>I'm not a guy
>tfw uncut american because my parents arent retards
>tfw big dicks run in the family and im just about 8 inches and 5.5 around
feels good man
I'm a supertaster. I can taste the most minor of flavors. I can taste traces of aspartame. I can taste the alkaloids in vegetables. and even I think that chicken is bland as fuck without seasoning.
>Musk Lollies
>Musky Lolis
>Musky Loli Minge
thanks dick conossieur
Sorry, I totally did mean a guy.
Put it in then.
yeah you are, post your tits to prove it and i'll post my big uncut dick
Nothing really, just water. I used to chew gum but my teeth started to suffer it after a while.
you seem confused
this is why we need a border wall
Wow I didn't know Elon made candy too. Do they hand it out to people who visit his big battery down there?
Don't post that, you'll just make my dick hard.
>I'm a supertaster. I can taste the most minor of flavors. I can taste traces of aspartame. I can taste the alkaloids in vegetables.
Wow, could you tell me all about the "earthy notes" and "rustic undertone" of my cum, faggot?
>I'm a supertaster
*farts in your mouth*
What are those brown sticks he's putting on at 0:40?
Why is all south american cuisine some variation of "JUST THROW A BUNCH OF CHEAP SHIT TOGETHER AND EAT IT"
no way fag
I wasn't so sure about you sheep fuckers but now I can say that you're okay with me, now tell your country to stop claiming you invented Lamingtons.
I'm posting between doing something else while thinking of dick. Mistakes are bound to be made.
I can show you my boy chest.
And? Is that bad?
pics or shens
Sparkling water is the real man's choice. Extra points for no sugar or flavor
That's not true, what about burrit-
Well, what about fajit-
Well not so fast, you haven't seen nach-
Could you homos get the fuck out of my comfy thread? Thanks in advance.
this right here
I gained 10 pounds over the past few weeks
I can't believe this, I was at 150 and now I'm at 160
I've been working out and lifting weights a lot but I can't believe it.
Going to cut all carbs.
It's cheap
It's delicious
and it feels good inside of you.
fuck off fag
imagine if a girl sat her butt on your face and let out a HUGE wet fart straight into your mouth
>can show you
yeah, do a trick more interesting than cropped anime girls for once
I can usually just sear a piece of chicken in nothing but olive oil long for enough to brown the skin and it will taste fine. The blandness comes from it being DRY, which you can avoid by leaving it the fuck alone while it is cooking. You should only have to flip it in the pan ONCE before you plate it.
for me? it's sopa de macaco.
uma delicia.
It's not a bad thing if you don't mind finishing what you started with that sloppy tongue of yours. I'm sure your throat could use some training.
>cheap, delicious, feels good inside of you
sounds like me
You should probably think about limiting your semen consumption
My advice would be to make a majority of your diet protein. Mine is like 65+% protein daily and I'm eating 3.5k a day at 160lbs and struggling to gain weight.
Looks like a whole bunch of broken up stick jerky
Its probably some mexican el cheepo Grade-F repurposed meat bootleg shit
>not even giving the homo's the satisfaction of (You)'s
What have you been eating? t. hungry skeleton
>in nothing but olive oil
So... liquid fat?
Tangy is not what I would use to describe my tongue after half a can of these things. What the fuck is in the powder of this flavor to do this to your mouth?
>Water and some delicious veggies.
Uhh yes?
>anyone paying to be on the receiving end
oh no no no
>MSG is actually harmless despite the meme
Huh, how about that.
Make me.
Post contact info.
Like I said, I'm doing something else right now or else I would offer to.
Every morning I have a 250 cal protein bar
Then I have some nuts
And usually then eat some meat + veg for lunch
And then meat + veg for dinner
But I'm weak and eat a bowl of popcorn in the evening (no butter), and sometimes eat chinese pancakes or donuts.
I'm really a shitty person and should just starve myself.
Just good meals usually.
Follow the conversation from the beginning, dude claims any "fat" is a bad thing or whatever.
>Every form of meat tastes like crap without seasoning or without other ingredients.
Slow cooked roast beef
Grilled steak
Baked Ham
Fried Chicken
Katsu tastes great even without bread coating
>tfw aussie gf makes these for me
"MSG is harmful" is yet another thing the sugar lobby disseminated.
People have no idea how many flavorings they have basically killed. They murdered miracle fruit HARD. They took butter & lard out behind the barn and shot them in the chest.
Popcorn and donuts? How DARE you
>love Dr. Pepper
>have been off soda for a couple months while taking up more regular aerobic exercise now, because I crept past 200 pounds
It's a small price to pay, but I'm already thinning back up, and I'd honestly rather lose the soda than some of my favorite solid foods.
these girls look hungry
You know they cover ham in honey, and fried chicken uses grease, flour, spics and eggs, right? sometimes milk, too
>Katsu tastes great even without bread coating
That's just chicken you idiot. "Katsu" lol
I know, I'm trash.
I eat pussy, you fucking faggot virgin sperglords
what about aspartame? i see people go "hurr its worse than sugar!" but all of the "studies" i see that say it causes weight gain are retarded because its mostly fatties who drink it so of course the average person who drinks diet shit is going to be overweight.
Uhh, that was my post, and at no point in there will you read anything saying fat is bad. All I said is that when you drink tea you're not liking the taste of the tea, you're liking the taste of the sugar and fat you put in.
Can I ask you something: why do you pretend to be dumber than you actually are? You obviously knew I wasn't saying fat is bad in that post.
Yes, to oil the pan you barbarian, otherwise the chicken will burn and stick to the metal. It's not like you inundate it with oil like some psychedelic retard, you add a small splash to coat the pan.
For me it's homemade breaded chicken. So simple, so good
As long as we get the claim to Pavlovas
Who the FUCK eats plain baked ham on its own? I pity the people who have to eat that shit.
I don't know anything about aspartame. AFAIK it is not naturally occurring, so I would trust cane sugar more.
>Every form of meat tastes like crap without seasoning or without other ingredients.
Which is exactly why sashimi and tartar are peasant foods?
finish the tortilla chip
I can't eat it because it triggers migraines for me. Not to mention it leaves a terrible aftertaste. I'd rather eat fucking sand.
Just link to it you coward, you don't deserve my contact information for something like this
this guy does
>it's not naturally occurring
You're right, they used to use it to keep paper from blotting ink.
redpill me on fatness trackers, Yea Forums
Looks like sticks of gum. Neat.
aspartame doesnt do that for me but splenda does, god i fucking hate splenda
>All I said is that when you drink tea you're not liking the taste of the tea, you're liking the taste of the sugar and fat you put in
Except that's not true you dolt, I like the combination of them both. I could add sugar to plain water or consume sugar on its own and it would not taste nearly as nice as tea, no different to adding fat to chicken.
Plain chicken tastes like crap and olive oil isn't something you consume on its own but together they are good.
Just a meme by Americans who think you can buy a better body one consumer good at a time.
Fuck you, tea has a great base flavour. Hell with green tea you don't add anything, it has a naturally pleasant flavour without additives. Some people will even look at you funny if you ask for sugar.
>I could add sugar to plain water and it would not taste nearly as nice as tea,
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
eat your carrots megaman
yeah how dare those fucking americans do something to try and keep track of the physical activity!
>Grandparents were invited for some sort of agricultural event partnered with some kind of restaurant
>Got to taste a nice, meaty entrecote with cheese sauce
I love my country
I could see how "I did a set today, so I'll do another one the day after tomorrow" would be difficult to mentally track for a country of 56%ers.
this right here senpai
I only drink pic related when I'm gaymin.
I don't snack or else my keyboard/mouse gets dirty.
How do they taste?
Yes. I'm saying you can do those things without adding extra ingredients and it still tastes good. Does it taste better with extra seasonings? Yes. But that guy claimed there's absolutely no type of meat that tastes good on its own. I still eat plain steak, even if I can put any number of sauces on it. I just prefer the taste of grilled steak by itself. When it is prepared correctly that is.
how can anyone look at this and unironically say that uncut looks good
>ywn be a /beanboy/
I don't think you are allowed to form OTHER people opinions for them. That's illegal.
oof yikes. ouch.
c o p e
Like chalk but you wont care in about 15 minutes after
I usually eat meals while gaming not snacks. You know, Spaghetti, Sweet and Sour Spam and rice, Pineapple Jalapeno Pizza etc.
outta the way, fags
benzos are better
You're gonna have a heart attack mate.
who /barbiturates/ here
right here boss
It's the only soda I enjoy, along with Coke's diet variants. I had to drop soda, though. 41g of straight liquid sugar just ain't good for you. I miss your daily dose, doc.
>salt and vinegar
i've never had them but they smell really good, there is just the idea of eating beans that really puts me off, like they would have a bad consistency
I don't eat while gaming. I'll take breaks to eat, get more water, piss, etc, but I'm fucking dainty so I don't want to get stuff from hands onto controllers and keyboards and the like.
I chug teh waters tho. Keeps me getting up to go piss regularly. I don't want to sit for extended periods of time.
are you a child?
give me that exact pizza right now
Salt and vinegar anything is absolute trash.
If I do that you're not going to give me your dick.
Yikes. You must be reading one too many health blogs.
Not liking the texture of certain of foods is linked to autism, would have been my first guess.
stfu you bean eater
free yourself from your pizzaless mind prison and order a cordierite pizza stone right now.
>shit anime
>shit taste
>says that while posting actual trash
Are you serious? The right dick looks slimy and disgusting. I'd rather have the mushroom dick any day.
>41g of straight liquid sugar just ain't good for you.
I've got a worse one. Apple and Eve 16 oz juice has 26g of sugar per serving. I chugged a bottle in about 4 seconds before reading the label. There were two servings in that bottle
This is how you get tooth decay and die.
The problem with the cut vs uncut argument is most people didn't have the choice and had it done when they were infants. It's obvious that uncircumcised is the proper way to keep your penis healthy(barring medical conditions) but a lot of people just never had the option to choose because of their retarded parents.
*italian chef kiss*
i mean i was that way when i was a kid but not as an adult, i fucking hated tomatoes as a child the texture actually made me vomit
WoW sToP pOsTiNg AnYtImE
MSG is for sure terrible for babies, wtf are you talking about
>implying I'm the original guy
I'm just tired of all talk, no action you gullible bitch
the one on the left is also a dried out husk and will barely feel anything
fucking hell how do you actually go that long? i dont care about myself at all and even at my worst i do it once every few days
Imagine trying to justify having a dirty smelly penis this much.
I go through these by the pound
>cutlets think a grotesque keratinized member is better than a naturally lubricating product of millions of years of sexual evolution
He's right, it looks... I don't know, weak and feminine.
seething jew dick
Just take a fucking shower more than once a month retard
>and die
What? I've gone months without brushing and hadn't gone to the dentist for 20 years and only had 2 cavities.
user, you will eventually get a tooth infection and then you really will want to fucking neck yourself
Brush your god damn teeth
Give me dick.
imagine having a mutilated cock because the guy who invented cornflakes was weird lmao
>dude muh dick cheese!
if you bathe semi regularly this will never happen and a cut cock will stink too brainlet. how fucking retarded to you have to be to actually act like cutting the tip of a babies cock off is a good thing?
>looks like these boys don't want any cookies
I eat cookies, but not whatever Walmart preservative amalgam you're talking about when you say "cookie".
I'm a cutfag and I absolutely hate it, I feel absolutely no pleasure from masturbation(which is the actual intended purpose)
Don't let this happen to your kids, beat the shit out of anyone who tries to do it to your kids.
why are you strawmanning girls in an mspaint comic
>">being unique"
Wow, Americans are so far gone that they think slurping Coca Cola means they are unique.
Uncircumsied dicks have rates of disease and STD contraction. There is some merit to the practice.
do your lips become feminine by not being dry and cracked?
>tfw uncutfag and can literally only last like 45 seconds
Silver linings user
Did they cut half your dick off?
How is that even possible? I don't believe it. Your foreskin makes you more sensitive, removing it won't disable your orgasm, as evidenced by orgasms through anal pleasure.
this obsession is pathetic
Tamarind candy.
stroke your finger.
You feel it don't you? But do you get any sexual pleasure from it? Now imagine that as your dick.
negligible at best, literally no reason to do it other than medical reasons like untreatable severe phimosis
condoms exist for a reason
even if you are cut you are not going to fuck a hooker raw
most men in the USA had it done as a baby without their consent, its much different from an adult choosing it himself
I want my foreskin back Yea Forums
I'm cut and I feel shitloads of pleasure. Don't listen to that one uncut fag in every thread who falseflags.
Here he is.
I'm cut and I have no problem getting pleasure from masturbation. Maybe it's just a problem on your end mate.
Most of my family is fat slobs so maybe it's genetic/environmental
salt and vinegar chips
also I use chopsticks so my hands don't get oily and crumbs and shit all over it
You're only losing 50,000,000 nerve endings, and in exchange you get to save 15-30 seconds on washing your penis head!
You asked for it dude
a good comparison between the feeling and sensitivity of uncut and cut is to rub the top of your hand and then rub the palm side
top of your hand=cut
>idiots don't brush their teeth and have health problems
>we should just knock out all their teeth!
Your logic
Just have some semblance of hygene and you'll be just fine. Also wear condoms.
I'm just saying that as a woman the slimy dick looks objectively worse.
shlomo must have had a tough time finding new reasons to mutilate foreskins and eat them every few decades
im just saying that youre objectively not a woman and your a coping mutilated dicklet
I don't usually eat and game at the same time. I'll take a break to eat if need be, save for a handful of things like carrot, celery, an apple (Fuji , Honeycrisp, Pink Lady) or other "clean" finger foods
Instead I usually drink. Typically tea of some sort, always organic and loose leaf. Japanese style Green as I don't care for most Chinese style (sencha or genmatcha for day to day, hojicha for a change, gyokuro if its in season but I usually save that for drinking with another) possibly White tea or Oolong tea as alternatives; all can be mixed with various flavors like orange, mint, peach/plum, vanilla depending. For Black tea, I like English Breakfast primarily, Darjeeling, Earl Grey, or Chai. A little sugar and lemon may be included in these types of teas. On the herbal side I enjoy peppermint, rooibos/red tea (+ vanilla), and hibiscus, as well as other combinations more rarely. I'll rarely drink good coffee or drinking chocolate as well.
If its cold I'll often have iced tea (Black, Chai or Hibiscus ) or occasionally a soda like QKola. Coconut water is another nice alternative - Harmless Harmless is pretty much the best brand I've found to date. Water of course (with a little lemon, lime, or cucumber,) isalways an option.
>literal retards don't take showers or use condoms
>in order to prevent the possibility we should slice off half of your dick at birth
>and eat them
These days they grind them up and microneedle them into celebrities' faces for $30,000 a pop.
You get charged for the original foreskin removal procedure too, of course, so all in all they make a very healthy profit.
I feel absolutely no pleasure from masturbation and I hate it. I'm not falseflagging either I just don't want anyone to suffer like I have all my life
>post dick picks as proof
no fuck you I'm not posting pics of myself online and getting banned for your dumb ass
And you definitely don't sound like an insecure, uncircumcised man?
you must be eating those
You're in no position to be making demands
>Tfw we got this instead of Flying Cars
Fuck my teacher for lying to me & telling me the future would hold many great inventions
for me its humble grape. sweet, delicious, has some good nutrients, no mess.
Circumcision is seriously one of the most evil things on the planet. How the fuck they managed to make it common practice in America to take your newborn child, the thing you love most in the world, and mutilate his genitals for some Jewish religious reason, is unreal to me. It just highlights how utterly America has been dominated by the jews.
>dude im gonna clip my nose off that way i dont have to deal with pesky boogers! and it looks much more aesthetically pleasing!
Well, you form sentences like a bitch at least
your eatting wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much
>used to be skinny, now fit
Literally like some savage Dungeons & Dragons shit where they harvest hobbit's feet or something but in modern day America and cucks defend it happening to them.
i would be insecure if i was mutilated actually, i love my big uncut dick. the only people who cut their dicks are jews, muslims and americans for some reason.
You won't get to see any of my bits if I don't get dick.
>cut off small piece of skin that serves no purpose but to collect bacteria and dirt
>people act like the whole dong is getting cut off
Nah m8.
The TRUE problem in this "argument" is one thing:
People are ABSURDLY sensitive(pun not intended) about their dicks. I don't make fun of cutfags, I feel kinda bad for them. They didn't had a choice.
I do hate and want cutfags that WILLINGLY do this shit to their babies to burn in a fire.
Problem is the moment you start talking about the problems with cultural circumcision(like what's going on in the US), they automatically think
At least there are a few rational cutfags out there.
>that serves no purpose but to collect bacteria and dirt
Yeah, no.
It is full of nerve endings and serves to protect the head of the penis.
Circumcision was created SPECIFICALLY to deny sexual pleasure. Just listen to ancient Jewish scholar, ol' Maimonides:
yeah its not like it protects the glans and keeps it sensitive and lubricated as well as keep fluids in the pussy like a plunger during intercourse therefore making intercourse more enjoyable for both parties or anything
I hate this image because my parents told me the doctor told them that exact thing "your son will be less likely to get diseases, it's a preventative measure"
I hate this fucking country and I swear if I ever have kids I'm never letting anyone near their genitals until they're old enough to decide for themselves.
I also want to say I've had several opportunities to get with women but turned them down because I don't feel any pleasure and I'd be a laughing stock.
It's not a 'feels wrong' or body shaming thing, I'm speaking from experience of living with this my entire life. I've tried everything from my hand to fleshlights and none of it does fucking anything. It's a living nightmare.
>that serves no purpose but to collect bacteria and dirt
Butthurt cutfag detected
Enjoy all those dead nerve endings on your dick
>I do hate and want cutfags that WILLINGLY do this shit to their babies to burn in a fire.
There are many cutfags who mutilate their kid's dick just because it happened to them and normalfaggots can't fathom breaking a cycle.
>post yfw you will never, EVER be cut
Every single study done on those "health benefits" were done in:
Shitty African mudslimes, with next to 0 access to potable, clean water, and where people rarely use condoms and clean their junk.
In a condition like THIS, yes, being circumcised diminishes the chance of spreading STDs.
But if you're reading this thread right now, there's a 99% chance you're NOT in one of those places, you DO HAVE access to clean water and soap, and you DO HAVE at least some sexual education to know to not fuck random people without a condom.
In those cases the "benefits" are pretty much a rounding error.
Have you looked into foreskin restoration?
>the only people who cut their dicks are jews, muslims and americans for some reason
Australian and I'm cut, dad's family are conservative Christians and his reason for having me cut is because he was cut. I dunno if some sects of Christianity encourage circumcision, idrc either.
Don't be too sure about that!
I'm a sucker for these, and they don't really do any mess since everything's inside. You just put it in your mouth & suck.
no but I don't have the funds for surgery or medical insurance and you can never restore dead nerve endings.
Cry more, the frustration does more for me than you ever could
Which is all part of the whole cultural shmock.
I have gone a little insane reading so many of the same arguments
>Why are you going to circumcise your kid?
>Oh because I want him to look like me!
What the FUCK
And normalfags see absolutely nothing wrong with this.
>America and Israel are more successful countries than anywhere else.
>Therefore circumsision is bad.
Also, the jews want as many men as possible to stay inside and wank instead of getting girlfriends.
>You just put it in your mouth & suck.
what are you trying to tell me?
It's not a surgery, it's something you do yourself. It's just stretching the skin that's there.
It won't get you nerve endings back, but it'll get more stuff moving around there and it'll help.
>tfw dad was cut but didnt cut me because he wanted me to have a choice
thanks dad
does anyone them foreskin restoration will be possible in our lifetime
I really want it back
>>America and Israel are more successful countries than anywhere else.
Yeah, I'm sure with intact dicks there's no way the United States would be the economic juggernaut it is.
It's the penile mutilation that gave them their edge.
oh yeah I do that already but it really doesn't help at all. I've also taken to avoiding underwear made with wool/cotton because of the chafing but it's far too late for me because I'm already an adult.
Keep going, cutbro. People like you are rare nowadays, as this is one of the things that both shitty lefties and shitty righties keep defending.
Conservatards go all
Libtards go all
There are already gene therapy treatments on the market for high-demand illnesses like cancer.
Eventually that technology will make its way to circumcision, but there's no telling when.
>fruit and protein shake for breakfast
>salad for lunch
>rice and veggies for dinner
>decide to say fuck it and have Burger King for lunch
>feel bloated and sluggish the rest of the day
Man I love junk food but I just can’t eat it any more :(
Yea Forums has also been really weird about things like this. Race, height, dicks. Anything that you're born with is a thing Yea Forums likes to cling to in lieu of actual accomplisments.
It is
You have to buy stretching apparatuses that look kind of painful and it takes a good while, but it looks pretty much indistinguishable from the real thing
I'm not responsible for people sucking dicks.
Do you not like Lolipops? They're pretty good too but sucking on something like that doesnt make you a faggot
I think lefties are better on the topic of male genital mutilation. In Germany for instance it's banned.
Not even kidding here, this is one of the things that shitty feminists will set us back for decades.
thats the problem
I want the nerve endings
and if stem cell research can do something about that I might as well wait
>Pain mix
>the jooz are evil and are controlling the whole world!! its all apart of the conspiracy!! anyone who mutilates their child's penis should die!
Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously like this, /pol/?
Why have you chosen "mutilating the genitalia of children is OK" as the hill you want to die on? I just don't get it. You know it's wrong.
>let me create this non-existent point that no one is arguing and attack it!
based retard
by referring to it as mutilation, you're only proving to everybody that you're an idiot
Not the dude you’re replying to, but I actually have a perfectly functioning circumcised penis.
My problem is that my skin was sacrificed to the filthy Jew without my consent. Hands off, Rabbi.
ugh this, those damn evil goyim are ganging up on us innocent jews for no reason again. typical goy.
What does it taste like?
It depends, I've seen WAY too many lefties unironically saying that
>banning circumcision for cultural reasons is bigoted against muslims!
Just, what, last year? Was it Sweden or Ireland or whatever, that tried to ban it and there were protests all around whining that this was targeting muslims and shit.
...I'm curious what causes American men to die of cancer less often than Europeans despite the greater incidence.
Circumcision is literally the only thing that falls into that
Blaming everything on jews is /pol/ incarnate but the whole thing basically spawned from this one single true scenario
>circumcised people can't masturbate!
Listen to this fucking dude. Just read this post and imagine him trying to come off as someone that's not a pathological liar. Him and his ugly hooded-dragon slug dick.
>Eating snacks while gaming
I just drink water, lots of it.
Shut the fuck up retard. I've hated /pol/roaches since their inception, but infant circumcision is one of the shittiest things that you could possibly defend.
walk into a room that you hardly ever use or abandoned cabin
inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on.
"the leg was badly mutilated"
synonyms: mangle, maim, disfigure, cut to pieces, cut up, hack up, butcher, dismember, tear limb from limb, tear apart, lacerate
If I held you down and cut off part of your body that would be mutilation. Dressing it up in religious pretenses changes absolutely nothing. It's mutilation.
>slicing off and removing part of an important body part that exists because it serves a purpose isn't "mutilation"
Butthurt cutfag detected
>Aunty got a tumour on her brain stem due to her bad diet and unhealthy lifestyle
>She's about to go into final care
>I'm now avoiding sugar and bad food like the plague
Guys, please look after yourselves and live healthy. This tumour is not only slowly killing her, but it's also slowly destroying her mind and eroded who she is.
A lot of shit is terrible for babies, babies are a bunch of fucking pussies.
Circumcision predates the Jews, dude. It's Abrahamic.
there's not good scientific evidence it's toxic or has long-term risk or anything
i think there's some evidence suggesting artificial sweeteners aren't good for your gut flora, though
but a diet soda here and there with an otherwise good diet is probably fine
The only question that matters.