Comfy Sekiro thread.
Comfy Sekiro thread
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If you take the upper path where the monkey booze is, you can hear it slurpling up water with its throat hole.
could be wrong, but when you give emma the ashin sake she talks about a stubborn shinobi that wouldn't tell her where it hurt and all that, and she hints that it was wolf, but he doesn't remember, what is with wolf and rampant memory loss
>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Yea Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.
>game is not even 2 weeks old
>long-term, recurring threads
Shut up you wannabe jannie retard
thanks user, for your service in making 4channel a better place.
another ending with other bosses, modding and giving up the charm has enough replay value for me
>beat game
>I wonder what other endings there are
>"best" ending requires you to use up a consumable three times and keep talking to an NPC to harvest it
>needs you to backtrack to a place you have no reason to revisit
>requires you to use a throwaway execution skill that can JUST THIS ONE TIME unlock a hidden area
Fuck off, From.
Why is this guy playing like a retard?
>not taking in the sights and digging up lore
>not perfecting your parries against every foe
>not trying out tools and combat arts in different situations
Is everyone in your generation this fucking shallow and stupid?
The shuriken one is great, and the sabimaru destroys the fountainhead guys. Haven't really used the other ones.
Replayability has never been Miyazakis strength. It's the one thing DS2 has over 1 and 3.
I discovered all of that naturally, giving the old lady rice for the hints gave me reason to refill
I'm going it replay it soon without the charm and with the bell, I find the combat fun enough
I hope the eventual DLC is great
>not figuring out an easy puzzle set up way earlier in the game just so you can help out your goblin bro
no YOU fuck off
I did ashina depths after sunken valley during my first playthrough and i didnt realize this boss was missable until none of my friends knew what I was talking about
I killed the Great Carp and that old lady's father is cyring, now. What do I have to do?
>"People discussing videogames on Yea Forums? Cut that shit out."
How is this boss missable? You have to go through it no matter if you come through bottomless pit or sunken valley.
Give him the whisker.
If you kill Ape last, you don't have to go through that area again and can miss it.
If you go through here first the guardian ape is still in SV and this arena is empty.
Thanks, user.
I unironically loved this boss.
That's not what people mean when they say missable. Missable means you can progress to a point in a single playthrough where you lose ability to fight it. For example, Owl 2 is missable because you can't access memory 2 once you kill the dragon, but Shichimen warriors are not because you can go back and fight them at any time, even after the final boss.
I didn't have to fight the two apes because I went to the hidden forest before I fought the regular ape. I was confused as to what the blood on the ground was when I came into the arena.
Black Mortal blade hilt is fucking gay.
>I had no idea what the Dragonrot was until I made it back to Castle Ashina and had to deal with the ghillie suit guys spinning around and dive bombing me.
What the fuck is the demon bell even used for? I picked it up before heading to the gun fort since some little deformed dude by a statue mentioned that he can hear the bell. I'm not really noticing better drops.
I'm at the final boss and what the fuck man, his attack rhythm is so fucking off-beat. I can't get used to parrying these moves.
please help me with the sword saint.
most i did was get him to phase 2 with his lance that completely tore me down. just help me give me tips what prosthetics to use anything is appreciated cause im really having a hard time with this
>100% the game
>only thing to do now is speedruns
seriously. I wish I could experiment a little further but I've already put the game down for DMC5, there's no point in playing anymore. Killed the Demon of Hatred on NG+5 and I've just lost all interest.
>at the folding screen monkey bosses
>killed 3 monkeys
>can't find the 4th one after searching for 15 minutes
>think to myself
>"what if the player is the 4th monkey and we have to die?"
>use bite down
>don't resurrect
>have to do the boss again
It doesn't increase the quality of drops, just the rate of drops.
Me too, it felt very Demon's Souls-y
double digit IQ
Holy shit does your face change with increased dragonrot?
I’m 22 hours in and I still don’t know how to use the 2nd resurrection?
After I die once, the right symbol gets used but then my left symbol always gets crossed over by a black mark.
If I knew how to use both, I could have probably beat Jinsuke Kaze at the Dojo of the Ashina Castle.
I can always just get one Death Blow in and raise his posture full before I die.
If I could just use my second resurrection to finish off his posture.
I feel like I missed out on a good boss because my experience kinda sucked.
Noticed footprints and monkey screeching right away, slashed away and killed Invisible Monkey.
Hearing Monkey never went to the 'deafening chamber' so I had to chase him and chip his damage.
Other two were sitting on roofs and easily stealth killed.
You need to refill it with a deathblow.
It gets unlocked after you perform a deathblow I believe
pls respond
Just got the Mortal Blade. Where do you guys recommend I go next?
Or that you can miss it. Completing the game while unaware of its existence
I think that was suppose to be Wolf being too autistic to know that she was talking about him.
>mfw perfecting the Lightning Reversal to land the final blows on Isshin
felt so good
Is there going to be dlc?
you quit the game and tell everyone that you beat it anyway
What happens if you send someone to the merchant?
ASHINA depths.
>tfw blind and completely missed guardian ape at first
>trotted right into Mibu no problem
>tfw skipped lmao2apes without even being aware of it
>just destroyed them in one go after finishing most of Fountainhead
Eh I think it's more of a poorly executed design than you missing out on an existing good boss. It's just not a well made puzzle.
Hard mode.
My mistake, I thought yall meant missed as in never found.
im shit at the game and sucked at the guardian ape but beat the 2 apes first try for some reason.
guess the game actually teaches you shit
ends their quest line, allows the merchants questline to finish. same thing happens if you send them to surgeon-kun. don't remember the rewards for finishing any of them though, you can look them up on fextralife or something.
Thanks, dude.
I see how that works now.
Actually I managed to git gud and beat him with only resurrection that time.
Everyone meant that but this guy it seems
>See the 4th empty panel
>Even Sekiro notices it.
>Alright got it's he's invisible.
>Boss start, hear steps behind me.
>Nuh-uh nigga-booga you ain't getting this Shinobi so easy.
>Start wildly flailing behind me.
>It actually worked
You'll need to git even gudder for what's next.
>Gets an explanation of how a piece of nomenclature is used in the community at large to describe a specific phenomenon
>Yeah but what if you used it for something else?
Everyone else got it
Did you go upstairs and find the corpse of his bride ?
Any good Sekiro memes?
That wasn't me, and he might have been, but in RPG's and stuff when people talk about missables they're referring to what I described so I thought I'd mention it for clarity since people seemed to think he was permanently missable.
Isshin can suck my fucking dick and die. My only regret is that I couldn't Ichimonji his corpse. Now I have some questions.
How many endings are there?
What changes in NG+? Are enemies tougher? Do you get to keep any items?
I've seen people mention a second Hirata Estate memory, and a "Demon of Hatred." Are these tied to the route you take?
Where do you find Blackhat after he visits his son's grave?
And where the FUCK do I find Pine Resin Ember?
My body is not ready for this fight.
4 endings.
Enemies get stronger and your posture meter recovers slower on NG+.
Genichiro did nothing wrong.
>I've seen people mention a second Hirata Estate memory, and a "Demon of Hatred." Are these tied to the route you take?
Look up Purification ending. The way to get access to the 2nd memory is retarded.
>Where do you find Blackhat after he visits his son's grave?
Right near where you find him first, near a tower with 3 shogunate ninja corpses. After defeating the dragon
>And where the FUCK do I find Pine Resin Ember?
Across the pond of mibu village.
The second Hirata Estate is accessed when doing one of the ending routes. The Pine Resin Ember is at Mibu Village. Talk to the basket-head guy and he'll tell you to go across the pond.
You can try to bash him until he does a parry on you, then its up to you to react properly, either jump away or do a parry and go back to hurting his posture and always try to do the mikkyro counter or whatever its called.
No prosthetic, use the souls of the headless to get you defense or more posture resistance instead.
This but unironically.
Best endgame xp farm location? i've been using ashina castle dojo and jumping down to kill the two red guards and the one out back
>learns heretical practices, kidnaps children, drinks centipede water, cheats in a 1v1 by having another guy on stand-by
>still loses to an autistic man who eats uncooked rice
Genichiro was a disappointment to the Ashina clan
what souls of the headless are you OK? im not going back to grind for shit im on the endgame
Some tips for Genichiro:
>Always, and I mean always, stay on the aggressive
>You can Mikiri counter him for lots of posture damage
>You can deflect his bow shots
>When he winds back, he's going to do a flurry attack and you should be able to deflect all of the attacks for lots of posture damage
>Heal immediately after you land the first deathblow
>Stay calm, there are three phases
Honestly, I just cheated in money and exp. Makes no difference to the boss fights.
Puppet ninjutsu is fun as hell, why would you call it a throwaway skill?
also you need it to get to two areas
Enemies scale up. You only lose keys, swimming, and mortal blade+mortal draw
Demon of Hatred is in the Outskirts when Ashinas burning, he's available on all paths but Shura
Blackhat is in old grave area, all the way down and to the left by a tree at the cliff edge looking at the bridge
Pine Resin is in Mibu Village. From the first idol, go to the pond and swim to the right side. Grapple up and it's on top of a house at the end of the path
kys cheating scum. maybe at endgame when you are just farming all upgrades its okay, but not anywhere else.
Ashina Gate Stairway, the one where the peddler used to be. Four shmucks with their backs turned right after the idol.
How do I become a big boy and play using Yashariku's sugar?
>just beat Ishin and demon
Goodbye my friends.
Is there anything else after demon? I swear I saw a moonlight greatsword leak.
Talk to Patches.
>use the souls of the headless
Why would anyone do this at any point when candy is so plentiful?
Well that’s what I did. Owl 2 nearly emptied my emblem stock and I couldn’t be bothered to farm. Also wanted to check out the combat arts which turned out to be quite underwhelming really.
Literally figured it out on my own. Old ladies ask for rice. I get rice and give it to them. They tell me to puppet a monk or something and it lead to it. Do you just not bother exploring all questlines and areas?
imagine being so bad you run out of emblems and trying to justify your cheating as "just farming"
Just beat Isshin on my third try. I thought the Demon of Hatred and Owl (father) were harder boss.
lol I didn't even consider he was invisible I just heard footsteps behind me and noticed tracks in the snow so I gutted that little fucker.
>Can't beat the last boss
>Won't go back and beat content he skipped for more power
Best I've seen so far
Lightning Reversal is so damn cool man, it makes me feel like I'm motherfucking Takemikazuchi.
The spiritfall buffs also last less than half as long as the candy.
And the candy buff length is already short as fuck.
Owl is the true casual filter. If you can beat him, you can beat the game.
Commit Sekiro
Thanks, bro.
I’ll keep this all in mine for the fight.
>get to divine realm
>want to, politely, ask the beings there to take their aids back
>lol no we'll make you old and stab you
>make sashimi out of those motherfuckers
>meet some chill looking dragon dudes, surely they'll listen and let me talk t-
>no they're retards too, scatter them to the winds
>THE DIVINE DRAGON. Surely he'll listen, dragons are said to be among st the most intelligent
>gimp piece of shit pulls out a fart stick and tries to brap me to death
Gwin was right
I found the first Owl fight so easy why was he so hard the second round?
Also if you choose to side with him are the bosses you fight unique? And Does ng+ get attack boosts or just unique boss kills?
3rd phase isshin is kicking my ass but ill get him anyday now
But I might need those candies later, I always have the souls
guys do i go with the iron code or against it halp first play through
Can someone explain how the three pink icons above your health bar work? 2 are same icon and third is a different one. I don’t get it. Am I a brainlet? I think 2 of them fill up randomly with deathblows. But I always get only 1 resurrect even if I have all 3 pink icons full. Is one of them dragonrot meter or something?
Sabimaru actually poisons the fucker, I don't know how many times, but I managed to get some help to build up his posture meter in the first spear part poisoning him once
It doesn't matter if he blocks, he'll get poisoned eventually
I cheesed Owl by running around in circles and baiting his attacks with long recovery times. Punish him with a quick whirlwind slash and repeat.
Against it.
Follow your heart.
Can't wait for the DLC. We'll get the black black blade, way of tomoe and many more goodies I bet.
what the fuck was the deal with this thing
I killed the headless ape and his partner just vanished
then I came back later and he was laying on the floor of the cave waiting to be executed
>mortal blade isn't the moonlight greatsword
what the fuck
The third icon is the revive you get every time you rest at idols. The other two fill up as you kill more enemies.
after you resurrect you need to get another death blow on a boss before you can use the other resurrect
So I realized Living Force + Lazulite Sacred Flame = Free Divine Confetti.
I am on NG++ so running out of divine confetti isn't actually something I have to worry about but I thought it was a neat combo.
It sounds like you need them now, user. And you can also buy unlimited blue candy at least
How much did Grandma's cooking mess you guys up?
I hope we actually meet Tomoe herself.
>mortal blade is the chikage
blessed and bloodpilled
cus he isnt quite dead
Is Isshin's horizontal slash in first phase jumped over to avoid?
I found that jumping on him when he whirwinds extremely unreliable. Axe breaks his charge and deals massive posture.
In fact you can spam Blue candies and spam axe to fill his meter really quick. That's if you're relying on deflecting electicity back at him for the last phase. I did not.
This boss fight is impossible on NG+. The brown ape has way too much health
The crazy old lady asks you for rice twice, and gives you hints about using puppet ninjutsu. The purification ending route is much easier to miss.
i'm on fucking Yea Forums for the last decade, i dont understand
Not at all. I'm currently at Owl and I've only felt truly stuck at the Corrupted Monk illusion.
The ape did vanish you just never finished off the first ape
Literally this.
Guardian Ape... Guardian Ape had a hard life.
>>requires you to use a throwaway execution skill that can JUST THIS ONE TIME unlock a hidden area
Fuck off the puppetear ninjutsu is fucking great.
Basically, yes. It's also the only real use for the Lazulite Flame, the lack of burn status makes it objectively worse than the previous flame upgrade.
Really? Glad I spent my last lazuli on the cannon then. I just didn't care, there's few supernatural enemies and by the time I finished I had more than 300 confetti left over.
>need consumable to beat boss
>waste all consumables trying to beat boss
Wait until mods come out nigga
Genichiro is a fucking pussy and should know his place
Anybody who actually uses the general threads is retarded and pathetic. "Let's have people discuss the game I like less"
Time for Sekiro OP, if you don't want to talk about it then get your retarded ass out of this thread
>need consumable to beat boss
You don't need Snap Sneeds to beat her.
Of course, only way we'll get her moves will be by beating her. The one Isshin himself couldn't beat.
ive been gung-hoing it w/o any emblems
but thanks for the advice
I was actually really disappointed by living force. It only lasts like 10 seconds and infinite confetti is basically the only thing to use sen on lategame.
>Immortal severance leads to Kuro’s death
>Purification leads to Sekiro’s death
>She choses not to tell you about Purification
What could it mean? Hmmm
dragonrot/unseen aid is a shit mechanic and anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded
>have done this boss so many times now that it takes literally 2 minutes to finish only.
I guess being on NG+++ just does that to you since I found of most efficient path. You can take out 3/4 of the monkeys in one bell ring.
Go with the iron code and dab on everyone with one mind in 2nd playthrough
A good game knows when it's over.
You don't even have to dodge.
>needing to cheese Mada Baba
Oh that's pathetic
I did all the snake stuff naturally, didn't know what the persimmions were for until after my second playthrough for the shura ending
Probably that she sees a lot of the Sculptor in Wolf.
Yeah I also found this weird until I did my NG++ run and did Guardian Ape first. Its funny how the fight is required if you do it first but if you do the Corrupted Monk(Illusion), its an optional boss.
Took a while but fighteing her a lot made me better at the game. Probably didnt help that I when I was playing, I made her my first boss since I didnt know when Gyoubu Oniwa fight was.
>mfw using puppetry ninjutsu for the lone shadow dojo fight
Keep this game alive bros it’s so fucking good and likely to be GOTY, how does FromSoft keep doing it?
>can do the first and second phase of Sword Saint flawlessly
>as soon as he pulls out the spear I get my teeth kicked in
Might just drop the bell demon for this. Every single hit does like 80% of my health and the chip damage from fucked up deflects can kill me off after that.
I love fighting purple ninjas. I go through the Ashina Castle area when the 2nd chained ogre appears and just kill everyone, with purple ninja assassin, Ashina samurai and ministry blademaster corpses everywhere
Yeah it's a pretty cool little bonus
Too bad it's an endgame only combination since you don't get the lazulite until you're on the last like 3 or 4 bosses and by that time confetti is unlimited anyway, and only the enemies that require confetti are worth using it on since the fire sacred flame is way better in general
Most of the enemies that you would use it on you can use the purple umrella against instead, if you absorb terror attacks with it it's retaliation thing does good damage to headless/shichimen like it had the confetti effect. It ends you confetti if you have one active though, which is annoying.
Still, basically invalidates shichimen warriors for like 5 talismans for the whole fight.
this game is giving me flashbacks to that shitty PS2 shinobi game and I don't like it
Isshin couldn't even beat a manlet who eats uncooked rice.
why is your sword so fuckin big I'm only up to the Owl
Not just that. I gave multiple persimmons and collected all the rice and rice for kuro, collected the two snake hearts as well on my first run. However because i didn't eavesdrop it was all pointless
I just fought him up front. Dealing with Isshin was easy in comparison.
Not at all, not even on my first run but I am on NG+++ now so no boss except maybe Owl redux and SS Isshin actually give me a bit of trouble.
>genichiro uses the mortal blade to cut his neck
>sekiro uses the mortal blade to cut his entire fucking head off
I'll tell you what it means, Genichiro is a pussy ass bitch.
Wouldn’t that prompt her to help with Purification seeing the sculptor in pain over the years?
Mod that replaces Kusabimaru with the Moonlight Greatsword, it's just a model swap.
shinobi's back!
Because he's using that extremely, extremely gay moonlight sword mod.
he was adopted
Run away, then keep distance until he
>cocks his gun
prepare to deflect a bunch, mikiri his thrust attack if he does it
>jumps at you
dodge towards him, then R1 R1 L1 L1 L1...
Anymore like this?
Just focus on the headless one. She won't attack when he does his attacks. She only comes in to do her stuff when he terror screams, does his fall+swipe, or when you stagger his large overhead swing. Trust me I am on NG+++ its possible just slow.
i fare better against humanoid npc, even owl, owl 2, ishin and gen doesnt even takes me an hour to tackle even with bell.
im always stuck for like 3-4 hours on every ooga booga npc like apes and orangutan, and that fat fuck on the 1st hirata visit absolutely destroy me for like 6 hours idk why
Get that tasteless shit out of here. Miyazaki has dignified ladies.
Nigga that game was great, the fuck you on about?
>that first time insta killing a boss
>tfw Owl (The Father)
Fucking jeebus.
ok, how the fuck do I get deathblows
I can get it on the grunts early on, but against any regular mook or boss my stagger bar fills up and theirs barely gets anything
My first playthrough I thought he stayed up in the area where you can't see shit.
Second playthrough I noticed he wasn't there right away, and then realized he was following me
Move moves. He actually has red attack in the 2nd fight.
There are new bosses if you side with owl. Not sure what you mean by unique boss kills, but you get damage ups from every boss you got damage ups from in ng.
>young Ochou
You just got to run him like 10 times, then you will just see the openings
The Sculptor's pain stemmed more from him nearly becoming a demon from all the people he killed rather than his lonely, secluded life afterwards. And even in all of the pain he was in Emma couldn't bring herself to kill him, instead taking extreme measures to try and keep him from transforming. And since we know for a fact that in every ending aside from Shura that Wolf won't transform like the Sculptor did, his fate will be different from the Sculptor's in Immortal Severance, even if they did end up mirroring each other before the end.
You might be confusing a block for a parry. If your timing is off you'll just block a hit and not do any posture damage to them. The parry signifier is louder, brighter, and more noticeable than the regular block signifier.
I get that the item description says she's dead but I find it odd they'd even bother to mention it had a mate literally only after you kill double apes if that wasn't supposed to be it.
>dignified women
Emma is a slut who fucks monkeys.
be aggressive and perform perfect blocks
>Genichiro cuts off his head
>Isshin's pops out of the neck-hole and he controls Genichiro's body like a flesh mecha
>Return leads to Kuro ... ?
I now want to see Lady butterfly drawn by Mizuryuu Kei.
>being this autistic
Evening anons. I played the ever-living fuck out of this game and lost complete track of time. I have classes in a few hours. How's everyone doing today?
Also, I'm stuck on isshin. Any tips?
I hope you realize she was talking about the sculptor when she was describing the "monkey" that saved her.
Lower there HP. The amount of HP someone as greatly effects posture damage and recovery.
You can find her body on the top gallery of the cave.
He kills himself with his QuickDraw move parry that fag
>being a stupid faggot
They also say its the hatred and death all over the land that boils over and then makes the demon. In shura sekiro is chosen as its target instead of sculptor possibly. Sekiro could become a demon if more wars are fought and hatred spreads and he still holds regret for Kuro.
>Also, I'm stuck on isshin. Any tips?
Which Isshin? Flame faggot or Sword Saint?
She's got a soft spot for shinobi with troubled pasts.
Kill him until he dies.
I hope you realize in the primate world a smaller monkey is normally the female and the larger one is the male. So yeah its a she.
Don’t hesitate.
the sword does fuck all tho
>that spear
I will pay any amount of money if one of the DLCs is Isshins's coup.
Deflect, don't hold block
After you deflect, depending on the attack you usually have an opening to attack yourself, which they might or might not block
If they get hit you can attack again
If they block but don't deflect, you can probably attack again
If they deflect, you probably have to deflect their attack
Most attacks should be deflected, not dodged.
You should almost never be doing nothing. If you aren't attacking it should be because you are deflecting things or getting ready to deflect things.
If you perfect deflect you won't get guardbroken even at full posture.
Holding block reduces your posture faster than doing nothing, so if you need to you can give up a punish window and just stand there blocking, but you shouldn't need to often.
Also vitality damage reduces the speed at which their posture recovers, turning it off completely at like ~30%. If you're doing everything else right and they're still not building posture fast enough you probably need to lower their health a bit. Most bosses that require this will lose health naturally as you take advantage of their punish windows, but once you're more used to the game you can focus on vit or posture damage as appropriate.
Sword saint, sorry.
I'll try this when my reactions function normally again. Gonna go sleep for a bit.
Night friends. Hope you all beat your bosses.
Do I really need to beat this game 4 times to Max it out?
Can I find the prayer beads I missed in NG+?
4 tries.
I was also really drunk and I used my only Grass item to get full HP again cuz I didn’t want to just lose on her at full posture.
purification also has one of the harder bosses in the game
>Night friends. Hope you all beat your bosses.
Most of us are one our NG+ or higher runs so not really an issue for us desu.
Oh I thought you only get damage ups the first round.
Go back to fantasizing about taking miles of dick you sissy shit.
For the spear phase he usually does a thrust after he uses his gun so you can get an easy mikiri. You can avoid his horizontal wind attack by deflecting or jumping on his head, I jump and parry since you get some posture damage but it can be janky and miss sometimes. Also his overhead slam is easy to deflect and it staggers him.
So now the ape is like, dead dead dead , how do I get that genichiro warrior out? Do I just iron fan my way through or is he interesting to fight?
>keep hearing about some 4 phase boss
>people counted that shadow of a great warrior that was punished genichiro in the final fight
>Can I find the prayer beads I missed in NG+?
Yes, you can find 38/40 on your first run even after beating Isshin if you don't do NG+ right away.
39 and 40 is locked behind the purification ending where you go back to another version of Hirata estates to fight the Owl again. They drop from two minibosses. So you do need to do a NG+ at least to get these.
I personally got them during my NG++ run.
Is it possible to get a stealth deathblow on Snake Eyes?
Which one?
Honestly I'm enjoying it so far but I have zero intention of ever replaying it. One ballbustingly hard run of a game is enough for me, I can't believe there's multiple tools to make it even harder.
the one in the poison swamp, yes. The one in the snow, no
user why are even trying to argue about something so petty. Go jerk off or something to calm down. Were trying to help people and have discussions.
It's a tedious fight without the ghost fan or confetti/air deathblow.
Really you have to just learn his moves. You need perfect parries to beat him as he's a posture boss with quick posture regen. Make sure he's always attacking.
As for prosthetics i just used the umbrella for his energy attacks. I've wondered if oil and fire would help as it stops posture regen but might be hard to get oil + 2xfire blasts on him.
He's the same as every other spookum warrior. If you've never done the fight "legit" it's worth doing at least once, but they're generally pretty boring.
I think you just have to go rest somewhere else, the warp will be grayed out when he shows up
Anything I should do before NG+? I have 19 vit, 13 atk, 9 estus.
Slit your wrists
I just got the mortal blade in Senpou temple. What should I do now? Is there anything else here?
Also what's with this Senpou Esoteric Text? It says I can learn "Senpou Style" skills but I have no idea what those are.
You can get a deathblow on the gunfort one if you run past and reset the aggro
No the game ends there. It was a bit jarring but after a while i realized From has bloody done it again and made pure kino.
Why don't YOU fuck off then, you didn't have to reply to me at all you future maggot seedbed.
I think that's an extra talent tree. You should have a new try you can buy abilities from
>I just got the mortal blade in Senpou temple. What should I do now? Is there anything else here?
No not really. Go fight Genichiro if you haven't. If you have go fight the corrupted monk(illusions) or the guardian ape.
where's your bell demon bro?
Ashina Depths one.
The pleasure of kicking shit.
Someone is a grumpy guss
>Why don't YOU fuck off then, you didn't have to reply to me at all you future maggot seedbed.
because your autistic reactions are fun to read.
>xbone controller fell off my desk because i'm stupid
>try to play
>lb (block/deflect) button now randomly gets stuck
Yes. You can also poison her easily
lmao just firecrackers the snake bitch bro
None of the openings seem safe. Feels like it's gonna take a lot of gidding gud to get the timing right.
reminder that high monk is best art
How many dicks have you sucked?
As a girl quite a few to be honest. Maybe around 7?
I just beat Isshin, and I found it really easy and painless. I found 2nd Owl, Ape and Corrupted Monk to be more difficult. Don't know if its my skill that improved over time, or the attack boosts, and health/gourd upgrades I gotten over time.
and even more as a man right
>what is with wolf and rampant memory loss
I think dying repeatedly has something to do with it.
Ape seems to be in everyone's hardest bosses.
Almost like different playstyles have different strengths and weaknesses. I for instance died more to pic related than owl or monk.
No, i am chick to be honest. Tom boyish but definitely a chick according to my vagina.
She wants the SD
Nope. Demon of Hatred 13 tries, Mada Baba 4. Beat both apes first try, don't get what's so hard about it.
Ape isn't even in the spectrum of hardest bosses. On the top of head in no particular order; SS Isshin, Flame Isshin, Owl redux, Demon of Hatred, Owl, etc.
Ape is maybe like 8th hardest at best.
WHORE! I've always wanted to say that.
I found the headless stage of the ape as hard as demon of hatred. My own fault as i was unaware you could parry his large swings but if you don't parry that overhead he leaves almost no windows to attack.
The game becomes significantly more manageable once you can recognize thrust and sweep animations, and how they're pretty much the same for all enemies.
Most of his attacks have openings if you don't parry him at all and just run around instead.
How do I beat the corrupted monk near Water Mill? Do I need confetti?
Not really. He has a close erratic combo of you are behind and otherwise he'll really spam his terror AoE if you are near outside of designated openings.. His dive was what i was using but the hitbox on that is terrible and you'll get hit a good amount of the time anyway.
>throwaway execution skill
i used it for many mini bosses
Snap seed stuns and takes around an 8th of her health. Works thrice.
>>"what if the player is the 4th monkey and we have to die?"
alot of people seem think the same lol
No. You want to chip away most of her health then do some posture damage.
She doesn't have that many moves so learn them before wasting confetti. A lot of larger one combos can be triggered then ran away from wasting her posture and letting you come in for a jab at the end.
I recall her sweeps or thrusts not hsving great tells beyond which combo she's just done.
Also if you really want to cheese, snap seeds work.
>as hard as demon of hatred
>no wonky camera
>telegraphed as fuck attacks
>almost no chance of running out of arena while avoiding attacks
>first phase has a tool that trivializes the fight
Game's fucking good. Can't think of a combat system that demands such a specific combination of patience and aggressiveness.
Is there a good place to grind/buy snap seeds?
>first phase has a tool that trivializes the fight
Actually, so does the second phase. After parrying the overhead you can yank the centipede out with the spear for insane damage.
find the 3 snap seeds earlier on, use a red sugar and divine confetti for more damage.
snap seed -> 2 attacks
snap seed -> 2 attacks
snap ssed -> 2 attacks
dodge his sweep
firecracker -> 2 attacks
firecracker -> 2 attacks
So I'm at the Guardian Ape and on his second form I parry his 3 sword strikes and when he's stunned I shove a loaded spear at this neck but it doesn't pull out that snake thing and only does regular damage, what am I doing wrong?
I assume you are remembering to press R2 again after shoving the spear into his neck. Are you getting a special animation upon parry?
The fuck is that legs combat art?
Looks sick.
Mibu Village from the vendor next to the idol.
You do remember to click twice, right? Also I'm fairly certain you can only do that once you deflect the overhead slam.
Well as soon as I learnt you could parry it was easy so it's nowhere near as actually hard. I will say i ran out of arena more on ape than demon.
>Genichiro Way of Tomoe
Is this how people felt about Blackflame Friede?
High Monk. One of the best in terms of posture damage.
High Monk, final upgrade in the Senpou tree.
Based as fuck and is only next to Ichimonji Double because it doesn't cost emblems either.
He just falls over forwards after the overhead slam, would he still do that even if I the deflect didn't connect? I think it connected but I dunno anymore.
Git gud.
Geni is the best fight in the game but shouldn't be ragingly hard. His final stage isn't actually different beyond lightning to the first two so just don't panic.
Yeah, that should be it.
What event is it that triggers Emma and Sculptor talking about what happened on the Hirata estate?
I know the eavesdrop is missable, so I wanna make sure I see it.
>Reached Demon of Hatred. Guess its fucking dark souls time.
One weapon/no armor/no multiplayer is a fucking meme. Sekiro is going to be forgotten the moment the next From game comes out.
Meanwhile, Bloodborne will be remembered for generations to come.
Hope you have the Suzaku shield.
Gonna try it on my next playthrough.
First real death, after you respawn at the temple listen.
Okay all this time, all this time I never knew if you press R2 twice it yanks the spear back.
On my NG+ play through the Headless at the bottom of fountainhead palace pond had a ghost Headless fighting me with him. He wasn't there my first playthrough. Is this a NG+ thing or because I have the bell rung or something else?
I just checked and he doesn't have any
This is sadly true. After finishing i actually went and started a BB playthrough to see how it would play using a similar style.
you have to be in endgame to unlock it by which point you can just grind for gold to buy confetti, but can be nice when you dont have time to apply the buff or when the umbrella attack gets rid of it (not sure if thats a bug or what)
You only fight him in large arenas, you have precisely 0 reason to stay close.
nope it's there in regular NG, just easy to miss since most people don't bother with headless
Close to actually hit him, as said i wasn't parrying so posture wasn't going to happen.
Fountainhead Palace is probably the prettiest place From has ever made.
That guy is wrong. The correct answer is they all sell them but only after you beat the true corrupted monk. Before then they are limited.
Fucking same. All of that shit is natural to find during a playthrough, but I had no clue what to do with it. Since I did my playthrough blind I had to look that up later, pissin me off
I killed that headless and never saw the ghost one.
But I killed that headless on my first playthrough and didn't think he was there. Are you telling me I fought that Headless and beat it without even noticing ghost boy? That seems unlikely.
he spawns after killing the divine dragon
Still not as bad as bloodborne's "lol you were meant to eat the umbilical cords".
>the prettiest place From has ever made.
But I haven't killed the divine dragon on this play through and he's still there. All of this is very odd.
That's untrue, he was there for me before I beat the dragon
You only need to run in close when he's recovering after his last hit in whatever combo he just did.
God it feels so good to be able to kill these faggots effortlessly now.
I got him before the Divine Dragon
Irithyll is up there, but the lake at night with all the petals and waterfalls is just amazing.
So who drops the mercury after the dragon? Ive been killing interior ministry soldiers but havent had a single drop? Anyone of them in general or some specific type? Gun, cannon or swords?
Too bad Im suck at gathering Skill points. I'm barely unlock any skills and almost have no materials to unlock prosthesis abilities.
>constantly fucking up because by hanging close camera goes crazy
>say fuck it and go full dodging and offense
Anyone have any idea as to the numbers behind hp/damage increase in NG+/+2/+3 and so on?
I would kinda like to not have to fight DoH for 10mins every time, even with ally possible memory attack power upgrades.
The symbols for the poke and the sweep look exactly the fucking same. This is driving me crazy.
People weren't kidding when they say its just a dark souls boss transported into sekiro.
If you mean fulminated mercury I farmed them at the Gun fort shrine. Go up and hit shotgun gunners with golden vortex and kill them. There are three right next to the shrine. I got enough for every upgrade after less than ten runs.
No you just need to get good deflects and whack her whenever you can. All of those item tricks are just bonus fun
Isn't it always the same symbol. Pretty sure you need to learn the animations dude.
Ring the bell.
Bonus in that Senpou temple is a great place to grind xp.
Just run from the first statue to the second statue
Best fight in the game
read enemies, not japanese
Pot noble idol in fountainhead is the best as you can backstab about 6 blue guys.
>mfw Guardian Ape BRAPS on me to death
Look at the character animations. Kanji's just there to tell you "YOU'RE ABOUT TO EAT A DICK!"
i love zach
I wanna fuck that granny.
What boss?
Half of time you cant see animation due to cloud of dust before enemy. I hate thay so much during Genechiro fight.
Bell in Congo mountain? It gave me some demon item.
Folding Screen Monkeys
>Senpou temple
I only have access to Issin castle and Congo mointain.
Ashina Outskirts, stairway idol, there's a cannon/flamethrower enemy who drops fairly consistently, and you can get a clean backstab if you rush him. Clearing the riflemen (one on the tower, one below it, and one just through the doors) is unnecessary, but a bonus, grindwise
Nigga what the fuck lmao that ain't no fucking boss.
>he doesn't remember
Farm the rats in Ashina Castle Gates. Make sure you have the Loaded Axe.
This, I'm at fountainhead and I dont wanna move forward cause I honestly probably wont play this game again despite liking it when I finish.
>tfw missed the firecracker my first play through
Just to clarify, the bell doesn't increase xp rewards, just drops
Stupid ass. The invisible one follows right behind you
I'm pretty sure the guys with the guns have about the same chance to drop mercury as cannon guy
They better fix that shit in the coming patches.
That moment when not even Sword Saint Isshin is really that hard even on NG++. I didn't even have to use a single gourd.
What the fuck did I get so good that I reached god hood status?
Use the umbrella. He literally kills himself
Only vs sweep enemies.
Shit's broken if they sweep though, its basically as impactful as a mikiri and even easier to pull off.
I just killed him on my NG playthrough, there was a ghost shooting flies at me the whole time.
I'm reading a lot of people saying "yeah this boss is weak to that prosthetic" and I feel dumb because I used like 99% firecrackers and shuriken
LOL Im working on that second fight currently and hes kicking my ass too.
Haven't even gotten to his second phase yet.
i complained about him being much easier than Genichiro on the first fight,but boy did the second fight prove me wrong.
I was wondering why he had no unblockables and low and behold his second fight has them
Can someone tell me how to light the sword on firre?
I cant figure it out and i have the fire moves unlocked for my prosthetic
>ive beat the game 5 times but theres no replayability
The people on this board are so pathetic
Easiest way to do it is the poison pool shrine where snakeyes was. Get the demon buff, use an item balloon and do a loop grappeling around stealth killing the gun dudes then back to the idol and rest. You get an average one one or two per 3 runs, and a run is less than a minute once you've got the route down since there's no loading screens or real downtime and you can grapple everywhere at spiderman speeds
Got her on the 4th. She taught me to be aggressive
Yep. Saved my ass plenty and its damn good for shenanigans
She got me good but I came back way later with more beads and memories and got her back
The only difficult part is eating the rice. I was hording it until I got filtered by the Centipede at Senpou. The rest can easily be found and done without ever looking up a guide if you explore everything
Yeah, really wish that xp was adjusted in general, maybe the rate of increase necessary for each level decreased. I figure it has to do with being able to buy attack power, but I haven't done that at all, just want to finish the trees.
You honestly dont need the seeds. Just dodge her shadow warriors and hide behind a pillar when she decides to nuke them at you. Now seeds for corrupted monk is a different story
I replay the game because I like being challenged more and more each playthrough. Obviously it's unlikely that I'll play it for over 1k hours like I did with Bloodborne, but I'm not feeling burnt out yet
>figured out she could be cheesed with dodge attacks and beat her easily her after a half hour of trying
>now if I went back to replay I'd be too familiar with the gameplay to not just outright thrash her
>tfw I never got the experience of going toe to toe with the butterfly
I'm mad that the only 2 infinite buy items are completely useless and only help against 2 kinds of bosses. Fuck infinite pellets or ash, nah.
Someone actually did it and made a lewd outta butterfly
The eavesdropping is kinda bullshit
Really all the content-hiding eavesdrops are bullshit because unlike all the other eavesdrops in the game they require you to do the wall hug thing in the right place instead of just showing you the icon when you can eavedrop. You definitely have to get really lucky to notice that that's even a thing if you're playing blind and don't even know that there's content locked behind arbitrary eavesdrop prompts.
but yeah, all the other shit is just being thorough and making sure you're not missing anything before you progress. Even the rice thing is a pretty common videogame-y mechanic, although that's definitely meta-knowledge rather than just playing smart.
Which prosthetic should i upgrade with the lapilus?
God I miss there were more cool monsters in this game. Nothing in Sekiro surpassed the moment of sheer pants shitting terror I felt when that ape got up again.
Im at fountainhead and haven't meet a single enemy that drops them
Pretty much anything aside from the flame, depending on your preference.
will you be my nippon battle ghost gf
which do you use most often? what do you struggle against most?
>I beat the game five times but the replay value is terrible
user how much time did you spend with Sekiro?
sekiro's difficulty curve is weird as hell, once you know that you're doing one of four things (dodging grabs, parrying thrusts, jumping on sweeps, or just straight up timing your blocks) you've mastered 90% of enemies and the rest you just need to watch a bit more carefully for poison spewing or whatever.
YES YES YES, thank you for believing in me Yea Forums!
Nope. That honor goes to corrupted monk. I had to actually farm for her.
They are limited items. A Shichimen at Fountainhead drops one. 2 at the pot nobles if you turn one into a carp and another two from a boss after Fountainhead.
This gives me a Sly Cooper flashback...
sen throw, my dude
I agree on the eavesdropping. I somehow missed EVERY eavesdropping event relevant to the other ending.
>replay game 5 times
>no replay value
I thought it was me as well but, as for the lag in steps, thought it was just typical messy Fromsoft work.
Wait so you have to do two playthrougs to get enough to unlock all prosthetic upgrades?
Thats lame as shit
Nah umbrella works best because he attacks so much and fast that he fills up his own posture break by himself. It was criminal how easy that fight was
nah, looks like an edited photo, like the ones when he has a smile (SeKEKiro) from that appface or whatever the fuck is called, it can make you old too.
every time a ninja approaches you and dashes to your right like that before he lunges, you can activate high monk at the last second to get an extreme posture slam like this. It also will usually work if you do it immediately after a ninja does his own high monk kick, as the ninja will usually start a sweep, so you will slam down on his head
I guess this means no /ss/
>once you know that you're doing one of four things (dodging grabs, parrying thrusts, jumping on sweeps, or just straight up timing your blocks)
That explains a lot because I pretty much instinctively do all 4 now during fights now with out even thinking much of it. Probably helps it was my third run so I pretty much know most of the patterns.
Even the second Owl fight only took me 4 tries despite being a new fight for me. He was still tough as balls though.
What's the best combat art? I've been using ichimonji, and while I like it, it feels too slow to be useful against the really aggressive bosses.
Yeah, I like how From forces you to take the initiative when it comes to optional narrative stuff, but there must be a more elegant way.
It is hard as fuck at the start, then pretty easy throughout but the final selection of bosses is just inordinately hard.
Im not a usual action game player and really only play God of War and soulsborne but never struggled too much. However I spent a full sunday on isshin. Literally all day.
Guardian Ape is honestly not even hard compared to the late game bosses but I won't take the win away from you user. Good job.
I like senpou punches, it stuns about everyone so in most bosses you can get your hit in and then do three punches where normally you'd have to back off.
Only issue is L1+R1 can fail and you get fucked when you do a normal swing.
So when you beat tutorial Genchiro (just did in NG+) who kills you? Is it Emma?
After much though and consideration i can safely say that OWL 2 and Real Corrupted monk at foutain head are some of the toughest bosses in the whole damn game that i have faced so far.
I memorized the mibu monks play style only to find out the real one in fountainhead is on a whole different level when it comes to parrying.
It like each of that bitches swings is either fast as shit or starts slow then happens in an instant.
Once i managed to get her to her 3rd phase i used the fire cracker cheese on her ass where you throw firecracker then hit her 4 times then throw firecracker and repeat till shes basically dead if you have 18-19 spirit emblems.
And owl 2 is just a fucking monster compared to his first version in Ashina.
Whats even weirder is that the 3 years ago version was his prime.
That makes zero sense casue 3 years is a shit time gap for him to get that damn weak
Anybody figure out a good skill point grinding spot in further NG+ cycles? Need to get the last few skills before Owl and the Shura ending's skill.
How the fuck do I counter Genichiro's flurry of arrows?
>However I spent a full sunday on isshin. Literally all day.
How? Even on my first run he maybe took me an hour at best. Now he takes me only 8 minutes on the first try
Stay close to him and keep the pressure on with well timed attacks and if he tries he'll get smacked out of the air when he goes to jump
>So when you beat tutorial Genchiro (just did in NG+) who kills you? Is it Emma?
No its the Tengu who carries Kuro who threw the shuriken as a distraction.
I always like fountainhead. Pot noble idol lets you spawn behind numerous blue guys for backstabs if you learn their location.
I like that we've already gotten to the point where people are going "psh, what? You think ____ is hard?"
The first week of Sekiro was literally nothing but Yea Forums crying about how hard the game was. But hey we're all revisionists here.
>tfw they finally made a maiden in black expy that wasn't fawning over the protag's dick
>only helping you because your goals align
>doesn't just sit there and take it if you betray her and her goals, grabs her sword and throws the fuck down
>isn't mired in sentimentality, tells you about the purification if you push her on it but is otherwise just content as long as the dragon's bloodline is destroyed
Is she... Dare I say... /ourgirl/?
>After much though and consideration i can safely say that OWL 2 and Real Corrupted monk at fountain head are some of the toughest bosses in the whole damn game that i have faced so far.
>Real Corrupted Monk
You can literally get 2 free death blows on her in first 10-20 seconds in the fight.(look it up) Her 3rd phase is also piss easy since she love to vomit which gives you free hits.
Whats the hardest ending to get guys?
Im at fountainhead and have did all the eaves droping on Emma to unlock the second bell for Hirata estate.
Is that all i need for the best ending(i assume its releasing Kuro from his curse).
Whats the most convenient ending to get on the first run so you dont have to do to much shit on the NG+ runs?
why you keep posting this webm of the easiest first phase of any boss?
Yeah that's solid, but I'm talking before fountainhead. For now I'm stealth killing the jumpy monks right outside the main temple idol. Only 3k per pair though.
>tfw I was a master at Souls games and Bloodborne but am completely floundering at Sekir
What should I do?
To be fair once you actually master the mechanics the game for the most part is a cake walk. I guess thats our reward from pretty much mastering the game.
Don't play it like a Souls game, retarded Wojack poster
Lads, i'm unironically worried about fighting ishiin. Everyone of the bosses you faggots told me would "filter me" turned out to be a casual joke
>ahaha, so you beat the Ogre? Not even a boss! Lol, wait till you fight the Butterfly!
She's a joke
>o-o-oh yea? Wait till you fight Genchiro!
He's a joke
>o-o-oh yea?!?! Wait till you fight the Ape! He's a proper filter
>uh, the Owl?
>Owl phase 2?
>c-c-corrupted m-m-monk?
You're kidding?
Pic related, absolute joke
Yep, on Ishiin now and i'm convinced that the people calling this game hard are the same ones who shilled DS3 for hours on release only for it to be forgotten in a month.
People really are desperate for Bloodborne to be dethroned it seems
Glue a thumbtack over the dodge button and learn to time your blocks
Best and hardest ending to get is the return ending.
I know that and in fact you can death blow her final form to,but i wanted the satisfaction of kicking her ass like i did her clone in Mibu.
Sadly parrying her moves is much more difficult in foutain head.
Even the move where she spins around like 5 times sweeping here spear at you has a different timing on it and she can mix it in with her other moves at random including doing it after or before unblockables
You didn't fight Owl 2, retard
>stop hugging
>start fucking
Stop playing the game like a soulsborne game. They are too mechanically different for your skills to translate to either game.
Well he has a perma-guard up meaning he takes basically zero vit damage and his posture regen is fast. So to beat him you have to perfect parry all his attacks and keep the pressure on all whilst not being hit as he can nearly one shot you. Also he has a first stage who is a different boss.
That's part of why he is hard.
think you responded the wrong post
This is not the humblebrag thread.
Nigger how? You can death blow her first 2 bars and she barely touches you after. Mibu village one was way more aggressive
why the fuck would i do that when i already beat all the bosses
I did, he was a joke
>first miniboss worth anything is the chained ogre
>it's also one of the only bosses that can be beaten like a souls boss, dodging and running in to swing between attacks
Was it a mistake? Did it reinforce bad habits early?
>went for the easy ass deathblows
Trying fighting her legit and say that shit
So I can only fight owl father in NG+? I'm trying to clean up bosses before I fuck around in fountainhead
Unrionically yes. Sekiro has a very odd early game.
I'm trying my hardest to unlearn Souls style of play, but my biggest issue is timing the blocks. It seems like no matter what I'm always a split second off and get completely wrecked each time and then just resort to dodging out of instinct
I'd give you advice but you're a wojack fag, so nope. Good luck with your $60 doorstop.
So what happens if you get no dragon rot until the end of the game where Emma is stuck at Kuro's room? Are you locked out of curing it for that playthrough? Not that it matters since at that point you don't lose anything from NPCs but curious.
>Jinsuke Kaze
literally parry him 2 times and hes dead what the fuck?
Don't worry
DoH is a fucking Souls boss and I fucking hate him for filtering me
You don't need to perfect parry all his attacks and he has lots of openings for free hits in all his phases. Also Genichiro is literally baby tier in the final boss fight, he literally has no posture.
Phase 1: When he does his double slash, since its super telegraphed just run around behind him for free hits. If you parry the last hit on his 3 slow swing combo, he walks to the left to do a thrust. mikiri counter it. Sometimes he will do a blockable thrust, then an unblockable one, mikiri counter again. There's even more openings.
Phase 2&3: His jump lunge, you just dodge into him and hit him twice from behind. That weird combo where he hits you, moves back, does a swing, then thrust. Mikiri counter it.
Theres more openings but i don't feel like typing out an entire essay for you.
>Nigger how? You can death blow her first 2 bars and she barely touches you after. Mibu village one was way more aggressive
>drunk and still drinking
>fighting Great Shinobi Owl
>he's a dick but easy enough to figure out
>get him down to 1 dot, he begs
>yeah right nigga, slash but he still smokebombs me
>survive anyway, get him down to 1/4 vit
>lose to camera bullshit
Eh, at least I know he's ez to read, learned his patterns after the 2nd attempt. I'll kill him later, I have to work at 10
You can fight him in NG, but you lose the ability to access him when you do fountainhead, so if you pass that you need to go into NG+
>game actually puts in a way to end the fight fast
>"nuuuuh you're supposed to fight it straight up like I did!"
>gets the same shit regardless of how you win
I dont play to impress your autism
Wojak has been apart of Yea Forums culture for years to stupid Zoomer
I have, on my first run and she was still decently easy. Nothing about her attacks are hard.
it's your lucky day brotendo, keyboard and mouse controls are delicious, take it slow while you get used to them, but they will click easily and you'll be back to raping some samurai scum.
Your yelling is cute as fuck
Not that user but Illusion Monk was way harder and having beaten her completely trivializes the real thing, beaten her on the second try with zero cheese
Its been cancer for years you retard. Now run along back to Sekiro.
yeah it's been 3 years since you guys invaded during the election, how time flies
Once you beat him, try to get the purification ending so you can fight The much harder version of Owl with a completely different and faster move set.
Everyone is jerking each other off over this game but I thought it was pretty weak compared to Souls/BB. Don't get me wrong, the art direction was far better than Souls, as was the music and level design. The core gameplay, though, was fucking terrible. I was initially excited to see that perfect deflections rewarded you with staggered enemies and openings. They threw all of that out the window, though, as the game progresses. With the Posture system they painted themselves into a corner where only perfect parries would stop your own Posture bar from filling, and even then, they got rid of that idea towards the end as well.
The last quarter of the game was this boring unenjoyable 1-2-3-4 parries followed by a quick stab to keep their Posture from dropping. I felt bored against half of these bosses because I had to be aggressively defensive, if that makes sense. This method of fighting is exemplified in the Isshin fight. You just hold L1 and mikiri counter when he goes for a stab. There's very little room for true excellence. Nothing like parrying Gwyn or Nameless King. No great moment where you demonstrate true superiority, just a boring, rhythmic shuffle.
In fact, the game goes a step further and against some of the smaller bosses like Seven Spears, you get pushed away and punished for using the Mikiri counter. If you dodge instead he leaves himself open for a good few hits. I cannot fathom why they decided to make the option that adopts more risk also happen to be the less rewarding of the responses you can make to a thrust.
Why does Sekiro always slightly push his katana open with his thumb before drawing it?
I've completed him already and would find it easy now as all the parry timings are muscle memory. You nearly do need perfect parries as his posture regen is faster than yours and you won't beat him on vit depletion.
As for geni yes he's easy but it's still annoying having a totally different boss before the actual boss. Especially as when you get frustrated he can occasionally fuck you up. Same as mobs coming in during miniboss fights, it's just annoying.
You're probably thinking the deflect timings are as strict as parries in souls, when in reality the timing is much more generous. Closest thing that comes to it is MGR Revengeance now that I think about it
Wojak has literally been in use on Yea Forums for years before the election
In case you're not pretending to be retarded: sheathes have a tight fit at the cross-guard/hand-guard to stop moisture from getting in, keeping the sword from rattling and falling out. He pushes it out with his thumb to ensure a clean, easy draw.
What an absolutely shit opinion. The gameplay was great but the world, story and music was trash compared to soulsborne. That's a universal opinion until your weeb pallid form entered the thread.
you'll get him, user, hope work goes well
She's slow as fuck and all of her attacks are braindead easy to parry on reaction, you don't even need rhythm. I literally JUST dunked her in my current play through, no cheese, and playing like a sloppy retard to boot. Her third phase is so easy, how hard is it to sidestep her spray spam?
>You just hold L1
Opinion discarded
If this is the case, why is being a split second off a block destroy me every time?
The music in Sekiro is the weakest part.
i ran out of fireworks and had to fight her third form normally, she isnt tough. her spear slam is kinda scary but everything else was easy to deal with, she cant even terror you if you're close
I'm aware Owl (dad) exists, I just want to fufill the Severance ending because it seems to be the standard and this is my first 'I WILL beat you' Miyazaki game, I fully intend to replay a couple times since these bosses are so fun. I legitimately felt bad cheesing Gyoubu with firecrackers, he deserves better considering how unique he is, he's basically Shinobi Hunter mounted on Blazing Bull
And? BB shits all over this.
>Same as mobs coming in during miniboss fights, it's just annoying.
This I can 100% agree with
Replaying the game again and it is actually more noticeable how ridiculous Ogre's grab hitbox is, what an odd decision making him the first miniboss even if you can fire cheese it.
2 things
1) This audio quality is trash and whoever uploaded it like this should kill themselves
2) Sekiro has 4 really good songs and the rest are throw away.
The battle music on Mount Senpou was fucking freaky. Definitely one of the better themes in my opinion.
>Sekiro is hard but fai-
A bit of shameless self advertisement.
Also, what's a good, fast, lightweight and free video editor?
I feel like giving up on Isshin with Bell/Charm. I can do the first two phases fine but spear phase is absurdly difficult. There's so little room for mistakes. I'm not even having fun. Spent 6 hours today doing nothing buy fucking dying.
You're not going to get all of those in a video editor.
I'd say the shichimen warrior in the fountainhead was the least pleasant boss experience in the game due to the lighting dogs that could turn up halfway through.
Katanas are usually firmly secured in the sheath. Pushing in out gives you a clean draw with no lag
Lads.. I don't think i'm high IQ enough to use 3 different dodge buttons... i'm getting shut down..
Is this like some sort of advanced irony in which everything you say is actually the other way around?
all the fight themes are great in this game though, if thats sekiro's weakest part its in good shape
Well, scratch "lightweight" maybe. I just have no experience with video editing outside of using webm for bakas.
Seriously? And here I am too pussy to fight the one in the caves
You only ever need to jump or mikiri.
Okay, now narrow it down to two.
try spear skip
>they got rid of that idea towards the end as well
But they didn't?
>You just hold L1
Stopped reading there.
Oh i've taken a death like that before. He hangs on the tree and your iframes end which just eradicates you.
One of the better ones to be sure, and while I'll preface this by saying that the games music fits the game itself perfectly, I kept becoming nostalgic for Muramasa's OST.
>fighting sword saint
>after 2 days of casually fighting him before work, finally sit down and try my hardest to beat him
>10 tries, getting warmer and warmer, getting close
>finally beat him
>hesitate on the final blow when he says "DO IT!"
>don't want the game to end
feels god and bad bros, what a nice game, i haven't had this feeling in a long time.
Good and free then.
That happened to me three times last evening, but never before over the course of the previous two playthroughs.
>manage to kill the guardian ape on my first try after a long exhausting battle, giving it all I got
>slice its head off
>whoa thank fucking god
>take my hands off the keyboard
>want to take a quick break to calm down
>the ape starts moving again
I almost killed myself
don't. it took people far better than you days to learn, and they still fuck it up.
>good and free video editor
i mean, it's not free but i pirated and used sony vegas pro when i had to edit some shit, a lof of tutorials on how to use it and how to pirate it, try it.
Spear becomes easier if you just back the fuck away when he does two hits with the sword as that's the start of his big ass combo. Shockwaves can be umbrella'd since you're not using those spirits anywhere else. Healing can be done if he jumps away as that'll make him slam the ground like a mong and keep his posture from recoverin
>tfw poorfag
One day I'll be able to join in the fun with you lads. One day.
The amount of shit he spams out makes it look like an impossible fight but you only need to worry about the larger terror balls he summons or his beam attack. If you just constantly sprint him down and wail on him with divine confetti they are so easy.
Malcontent gives a good opening and the umbrella can be helpful as after enough damage he'll teleport far away and use his beam, so it helps you close the distance again safely.
However the fountainhead palace one is beyond annoying. The area is littered with dogs who hear the noise and always at the worst moment one stupid fuck will shoot lightning at you.
Try Lightworks or Blender.
Sorry to be so autistic but editing is a huge part of my career so I'm pretty anal about making sure I suggest the best thing for the person's situation.
Okay, I'll look into it. It's been a long while since I've pirated any games or software, so I forgot it was an option.
I just killed all the dogs
I've seen the no damage bell/charm runs on youtube and the madmen parry everything and don't even bother to attack to kill Isshin at 90% vitality. Tried doing that and got BTFO because you make one mistake he recovers all vitality. I could cheese by poking after the overhead but it would take ages.
look it up in the skidrowreloaded page, i pirated it from there with no problems nor viruses.
Not him but what's the proper reaction to the big wind-up circular slash with the spear? I'm not sure if I should punish it or use it as time to back off since I do not know how to dodge it when close.
>only 3 dodges
Is sen throw any good? It seems like it could be cheesey but I haven't heard anything
There always seemed to be another somewhere.
we're already done sorry
nice, i liked the 9 best back in the day, but im sure the latest one (12 i think, not sure) might be the best now.
Just pirate it and buy when you have money/for whatever you think it's worth.
you probably thought gwyn's theme was better than isshin's. thats how shit your opinion is
Oh. The ass pokes after the slam are just to keep his posture up. Phase 1 is easiest when posture eradicated. 2's easiest when posture eradicated too, but I don't bother with that big ass combo as I suck at it. 3 is still a joke fight.
The one with wind right? You can actually roll through despite how it looks.
Who is the spear actually for? As in pulling armour off?
They look really intimidating but they're quite easy. Like most bosses in Sekiro, the Shichimen warrior is weak to just straight stabbing him and running in circles around him. His staff swings are incredibly easy to block, his stream of skulls is can't hit you if your models are touching and the large balls are easy to deal with when you're close because you can keep dodging clockwise around him and they will simply hit the ground where you were dodged away from.
yeah yeah if you dont show any webms then i dont care about your hurr durr EASY BRUHH GET GOOOODDD rhetoric
Doesn't even deal more damage than a normal shuriken now matter how much money you have and still costs emblems anyway. It's trash.
you can deflect it, jump it, umbrella it
bell ogre
The Taro troup guys, giant babies. Some of them have armor. Actually I can't remember any of them wearing armor EXCEPT one guy in front of the Abandoned Dungeon entrance. The one with the bell and dogs.
Like two regular samurai enemies, its not even really useful for that. The major use comes from phase 2 monkey.
>purple bro rips him a fucking new one.
>stand there and occassionally stab boss-niggers ass
>boss dies
Some of the big fat dudes have chest plates, I think that's it other than pulling out GApes worm
the guys with the bells and fire juzou
Dodge through it and get some free hits in.
Or deflect, so you don't take chip damage. But I don't think you can capitalize on that, like you can with dodging.
>costs emblems
Holy shit what's even the point of it then?
That headless giant? Or that mage in cave with magic spheres?
It's has a shotgun spread, so it can hit multiple enemies in front of you. But yeah, it's shit anyway.
There's a couple enemies that have armor plates you can pull off
One or two of the bell swinging guys and one of the drunkard clones iirc
But there's no "your sword bounces off them" or anything if you don't do it so most people don't even notice that the armor does anything beyond cosmetically.
Some of the big armored Ogres can be stripped, haven’t found anyone else that you can strip though.
Does Sekiro take place in Dark Souls Future? The description for Pine Resin Ember is definitely a reference to DS.
The armored horrors that have magical purple balls and flames flying everywhere.
How do I get to Sunken Valley lads?
Pretty much the case with all prosthetics. At very best the upgrades just keep then as useful as they were against the enemies at the start. That is to say, not at all. Only people desperate to love sekiro try and convince themselves anything but firecrackers or malcontent is useful.
Through the back of Ashina Castle.
Then go down and keep going down.
>there’s a second ressurect
What the fuck? I just beat Genichiro and had no fucking idea I could have used second ressurect to make it easier
Dude is still weak as fuck and generic as fuck and you DAMN WELL NO ONE INCLUDING YOURSELF WILL REMEMBER THAT SHIT FIVE YEARS LATER!
Bloodborne Demon Souls and both Nier games are game soundtracks that you remember for your damn life just like how im pretty sure you can remember green hill zone from sonic of the top of your head right now.
I can remember so many demon souls and Bloodborne songs of the top of my head(and plenty of Yea Forums anons can and will admit the same thing) and those games are more than five years old.Every track is unique in those games and is completely memorable
SEKIRO IS STILL THE WEAKEST OF FROMS BEST GAMES(Demon Souls,Bloodborne are the best)
Sorry but I'm not recording my gameplay just to prove anything to retards who can't even beat the joke boss. We get that you're struggling with her, but nobody here gives enough of a shit to organize and gaslight you, she's genuinely easy for most people. She doesn't have that many attacks, they're not very fast, and some of them like the jump actually seem easier to avoid in her true form. If you can't beat her without cheese, maybe you should suck it up, cheese her, and see how you do next NG cycle.
This is autism but i do agree. I thought from could overcome the weeb setting but they didn't.
Not that guy but even though I can remember green hill zone I can't remember anything from BB/DeS or Nier because they're all boring samey orchestral garbage.
nice mspaint comic shitter
I remember half of the Old Hunters OST even though I've never played it. Ludwig the Accursed/Holy Blade is phenomenal.
>Gimmick's Souls
>better than DS1 or Sekiro
In the context of the game I don't disagree. I just personally have a problem when it comes to orchestral music.
Can't remember anything from Sekiro either, other than the warning bells during Senpou combat (because I thought it was cool how they integrated it into the song itself) but not the actual song.
i dont think sekiro is perfect but saying its bad just because it doesnt have some insanely recognizable tune in it like Green Hill Zone is being pretty disingenuous. its pretty dumb to try and find flaws that are nothing but opinion like "lol the soundtrack is worse than BB's!"
I'm afraid you've got shit taste, BB's OST is phenomenal.
Great at killing dogs and weak enemies you don't want to fight while dealing with the boss, knocks jumping fucks out of the air, chasing slice is a solid and cheap gap closer for punishes you wouldn't get otherwise
Straight up invalidates some enemies, makes frustrating moves easy to deal with and is probably the single most efficient boss fighting item in the game in terms of effect/emblem cost
Combined with oil is the best way to redice vit in the entire game, especially with living flame but fine on it's own. Massive dps
Makes otherwise unpunishable moves punishable, saves you from your mistakes, makes lots of bosses and attacks much easier to deal with, huge forgiving activation window that doesn't cost anything if it doesn't land
Legit broken, should only work once every minute on bosses, or maybe just once/twice per healthbar. Really needs a nerf.
Situationally extremely useful, the malcontent stun is good but mountain echo makes any regular enemy a free backstab
Actually kinda useless, axe is okay at posture damage but not worth using compared to ichimonji, spear cleave has a huge aoe for farming but only worth doing on really weak enemies since the damage is ass. Fans are only good for farming and you don't even get xp so fuck that.
But more than half are situationally very strong and thinking they aren't probably means you played the game in a very boring way. Spamming firecrackers is almost the "I summoned for every boss" of Sekiro.
I've put hundreds of hours into each Souls game and BB and the only specific tracks I can remember are the title songs for 1, 3, and BB, and the god damn Majula song. The rest is just orchestral wailing.
BB is a legitimate masterpiece of sound.
>orchestral wailing
UH OH, spotted the fake gamer!
Beat him in under 5 tries. Owl 2 was literally harder
Game's a joke, Bloodborne is harder and better
Just got to try fighting sword saint for the first time. just barely failed to take the first healthbar and I can already tell this is the best boss fight in the game.
this, my paranoia from playing dark souls trained me to check my six all the time, and then you see the footprints on the snow on the roof, it's like Priscilla
I wish you could cycle between all prostetics rather be stuck with just three equipped. That and just remove the base ones which only occupy space.
none of these are as recognizable as green hill zone so i guess they're shit, nice try
>Bloodborne is harder
Not the base game it isn't. Most base game bosses in Bloodborne were a complete joke.
The only soulsborne songs I can think off off hand are gwyn's theme and the moonlight butterfly song, and that's because Gwyn's theme has been memed to death and the other one is distinct from the rest and takes place in 2 quiet and slow paced boss fights... by the time DaS 2, 3 and BB came along I was so numb to the series's style of orchestral music that it all just sort of blurred together in my head. Sekiro isn't exactly distinctive but the different style is a breath of fresh air.
I know a lot from DeS but I don't count it because I listened to the fuck out of it before I ever fully played the game
> nerf the only prosthetic people actually use
nice firecrackers casual
>5 samey songs of the same people going "oooooaaaaah-aaaauuuooooooooo" over violins going through the same progression, and a dirge.
Is this a false flag?
Genichiro is better.
fuck form 2 is spear attacks? goddamn I fucking suck at spear enemies, in fact I really hate enemies that have a delayed attack, it fucks with my timing everytime
how do I fight Orin of the water? She's a fucking bitch
>not him but
Being obstinate to try and prove a point is the same as pretending to be retarded.
>he posts his retarded video again
fuck off already. maybe it'll take off on facebook
I find it hard to believe you listened to all that in 6 minutes.
Genichiro was a little bitch before and he's an even more pathetic bitch prior to that fight.
sneak up, toss a shard, back stab. parry the living shit out of her gay dance attacks and rip her a new one
>no blocks
>finite heals
Already objectively harder than EZkiro
If you can't beat the boss without stunning it 5 times you don't deserve the win
It's possible. Run past her and to the bridge and pop a Gachin's once she deaggroes to go back and get a free hit.
It's even worse, the same shit but they couldn't afford wailers.
I used it on the fucker on the large tree that throws lightning at you at the fountainhead, and It destroyed the fucker in like 2 hits, it's really good for enemies that jump around aka all the enemies in fountainhead
>finite heals
>when enemies shit up to 5 vials for you, rallying can give you most of your health back and there's a rune dedicated to returning health on viscerals
>implying you need blocks when you can dodge through fucking everything and spam R1 on a saw cleaver the whole game
Fake gamer boy detected
Agreed, apart from DS 2’s title theme I can’t recall anything else noteworthy from 2 and nothing from 3 really stands out.
Demons’ just seemed much more varied and that made it more memorable.
As for Sekiro it probably does sound varied if you have an ear for contemporary Japanese music, but apart from a few tracks like Lady Butterfly’s, I don’t think it would make a difference if you swapped one boss track for another.
>tfw walk whenever i enter a new big zone/about to fight a boss
who here /kino/?
inb4 autism. Fuck YOU im playing this game high as fuck.
>not Reinforced Club
Souls games are always good high
one reborn and gascoigne sound the same
>implying you need blocks when you can dodge through fucking everything and spam R1 on a saw cleaver the whole game
Not an argument
Git gud and cope. EZKiro is ez af