Post Tales-related stuffs here
Tales thread
I want to take Sophie to the beach and finger her butt.
When is this game getting a port? My PS3 had a heart attack so I can't play it anymore.
Velvet is sexy.
Final Fantasy sucks
I love this track sooooo much
mah nigga!
>Not fingering Cheria in front of Sophie first so you can watch that look of curious anticipation
Why doesn't she have a figure yet?
Velvet would make an excellent CEO of Apple Inc.
Meant for
Neither does she.
Which combat style do you wan the next mainline game Tales game to be the most similar too?
Xillia 2 had one of the most fun combat styles, Ludger was a blast to play as
>Fuckload of cheap attacks.
>Special that covers almost the entire screen.
>Has a healing movie you can't cancel due to you taking damage when he casts it.
Fuck this game.
Does Xillia 2's combat system play differently from the first Xillia's?
If I can't get a solid 2D battle system back, then I would definitely take something similar to Abyss. I really loved the fonon idea of changing artes mid battle, it added a little bit of strategy to the core game.
Judith best girl
the tethering system, right? and that whole chrono/alternate dimension special. also, Xillia invented that super armor bull shit with bosses that were more of a nuisance than anything.
Norma is best girl.
Xillia was kind of a case of spamming the weakness of the enemy or just do whatever until they got super amor and counter attacked
Xillia 2 focuses more on elemental arte chaining, meaning you attack the enemies' weakness, then use another another arte with a different element to multply the damage output of your combo, you keep going until you have a combo using all the elements in order to deal the most damage with the highest multiplier possible
This is also good because you can freely combo them without them randomly breaking out with super armor or anything, it rewards the player for learning how to properly combo different moves for the best results
Got a hacked vita finally and am playing through Hearts R. It's ok I guess, I just got this cutie in my party
how is vesperia on the switch
solid port. there were instances of crashes when it first launched, but the patch has cleared those up. the battles are 60fps and the only time i've noticed slowdown is when you accidentally get into the cross-link battles, but even then it's seconds at most.
This is from that dead gacha game, right ?
Nah. Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2.
OG Vesperia team best team
I want to mate with Sheena!
Lightning is worse than Velvet
How strong is Milla's fart?
I love Grune!
Let's see em
G-girl was too pure for this world.