>playing main scenario
>forced to use Agitha for the first time 20 minutes into a level
>she's level 1
>gets one shot
>have to start over because the checkpoint is useless because she'll just keep getting one shotted
fuck this retarded game
Playing main scenario
how are you bad at a musou? seriously.
Just level her up.
you play on Easy for low level chars idiort
>unlocking ganon
>unlocking cucco
Doesn't help I'm trying to get all the hidden maps and they don't tell you how some of the skulltulas spawn, but I'm still having fun. Tetra and Ravio are my go-tos outside of Master Sword Link.
Agitha is shit, but you're a scrub.
why the fuck this shit still 60 bones tho
Mainline Nintendo games rarely get a price drop. Even Tri Force Heroes is still going at full price.
Agitha is ok. Has things she's ok at, unlike some other characters.
How the fuck do I get good with Volga? It seems like he only exists to duel other characters but gets his shit pushed in by most scenarios.
Agitha is great. Git gud fag
Pretty sure you’re not forced to use her in the main scenario
Are you joking? He's one of the most busted characters in the game. All you need is literally:
1v1: C2 spam. It chews through just about anybody.
Destroy WPG: C3. Wrecks just about any boss.
Crowd Control: C4. Kills most mooks easy.
C1 is meh and C5 takes too long to be really worthwhile. Like said, spam XYXYXYXYXYXY all day. Before you even get Hasty Attacks he's a nonstop death machine. After Hasty the only thing preventing endless juggles is your lack of timing. I know people who have unlocked his L3 weapon before even getting his L2.
Wait until you fight against him.
Unless DE toned him down.
Nah he can still tear your shit apart. DE just gives you more options to deal with his bullshit.
nah he's still an asshole unless you bring a Water character
>Zelda is Sheik
what the fuck
They also like to put him with gibdos. Like he always carries one in his pocket.
You have to be 18 to post here
What, you don't? Best way to cover your bases and you can offer some TP when enemies shit themselves.
>tetra produces boner
but why
me in the back
unironically the best version of this is on the 3ds
What makes you say that?
For me too much was butchered to make it work on the 3ds.
- no boss weak point smashes. I know they said it was because "those animations are long and boring after the 100th time" but just seeing everyone raise their hand and a magical explosion is just as boring. And since they put them back in DW that obviously wasn't the case.
- No challenge mode and ganon mode
- lana's summoners gate looks like shit.
- enemy density just isn't high enough for me
I feel like they could have avoided a lot of this if they just made it N3DS exclusive.
The only things i don't like about DW are the new 3D fairies and that it's still pre-rendered cutscenes and not ingame. so it doesn't reflect selected costumes like on the wii u.
> warrior's orochi 4 is translated on the switch but warrior's orochi 3 ultimate isn't.
that is some bullshit.
Get good you filthy casual.
>I know people who have unlocked his L3 weapon before even getting his L2.
An easy mission. Is Volga the best OC from HW or is it pic related?
It's a tough question for sure. Both are pretty great.
I want Cia to stomp on me.
Thank god for the item shop in adventure mode.
There's an item shop?
Yup. It lets you buy search cards instead of having to grind levels for them. It and the change to Damage Limit to earn gold medals are probably some of the biggest reasons to get DE in the first place, besides the bundled DLC.
In the DE when you press start.
How fucking good is Link though right lads? Charging everywhere with his sword like my dick at an anime convention.
I want to fuck ruto
I wish she was more fun to play. All of her attacks seem slow except her stomp.
Being this contrarian isn't cool anymore, user.
Wizzro is more memorable than Volga.
Cia's the best by far. I wish she'd had better motivation though. Loving Link is fine, but something a bit beyond that would've been nice.
True, her motivations were a bit weak and she's practically a shell of her former character in the Wind Waker part of the story.