Is your partner into video games?
Is your partner into video games?
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yeah he plays them
N-no, I don't have a boyfriend...
everyone is going to say this is cringe as hell but it's actually kinda cute. Maybe. his wife is probabyl a landwhale tho
There's no girls on the internet
>27th birthday
Um, I'm a boy though...
>drag queen poster
Paedos gotta be gassed
He's going to have a sore thumb in the morning.
i don't have a partner you piece of fucking shit
jesus christ man it's one beer why would you stay up all night for that
My point exactly
>fucking drag queen poster in the corner
alright this is bait.
Suck my duck you degen
Need at least 3 golden monkeys or sniki tikis to keep me happy.
This is now a brew thread. Post your favorite brews men.
Nah, it's from reddit
No I agree with you it's cute. Also as much as landwhale she might be, i can't help but think that the dude is still a lot happier than me. I am at this point of loneliness, I would settle for literally anyone.
oh dang. where can you get these? Northeast US here but these look bretty good and I've never seen one
I thought it was Lady Gaga or something.
I've only been able to get them when i went to Georgia, specifically Savannah. It tastes like fanta, shit was great.
>people unironically stage things like this for karma on r*ddit
don't worry user, I just went through a really bad breakup, only ever dated once and lived with her for three years, she basically ghosted me in a relationship moved down with her family and hasn't spoken to me since, blocked me on all social media/chat/phone number. I was close and to the point where I was about to get into a relationship with a girl who I realize would just drag me down and make my habits worse. Improve yourself and love will come. Being lonely isn't the worst thing - being lonely after experiencing that affection can be a real motivator. Don't lose out hope, we're all gonna be okay, but we gotta work for it. also oops blogpost
what an absolute shock
Golden Monkey’s are top tier but Devil’s Backbone is best.
Hardly drink beer tho, usually suck down Mad Dog 20/20’s instead
she is
we play lots of vidya together and it's really good knowing that my girlfriend is into weeby shit just like I am
Have you been living in a cave? What do you think social media is all about?
lol you fell into his trap and now yo'rea just a little faggot even if it was only a falseflag. bitch
>i never had one as a kid
then what's the fucking point
>getting excited over 22 year old games
I had Mario Kart 64 as a kid but it didn’t age well at all.
Nigga I'm 30 and I don't need all this sin. Get a grip.
Beyond the the age of 21 (arguably 18 as well) men should not ever have birthday parties or recieve gifts. At most they should get a letter or a nice meal. I refuse to accept gifts from my girlfriend and in their place she makes me special foods and art (she's a decently good artist). If you even recieve an item that is gift wrapped you instantly become a cuck.
Yeah, but we have very different tastes, his current go-to games are AC:O, RDR2 and Fallout 4, while mine are MHW, Bayonetta and rhythm games, so it's rare when we play games together, we mostly just watch each other play.
If you don't prefer the n64 over the ps1 then you fucking suck dick.
Shouldn't you be in bed? You have to get up to go to the gym before work tomorrow, don't you?
>posts an OST
every time
Cringe and bluepilled.
Get some friends and play that shit with passion... otherwise you are a fucking zoomer fag.
into the trash it goes
alcohol in general tastes like damp socks and leaves disgusting aftertaste, even the buzz you get is uncomfortable because you're not in total control of your body, not to think of people who drink until they pass out. Never understood the appeal
>I'm not sleeping tonight
What's his wife going to do all night then?
My partner is video games.
I was just listening the ost when i saw the thread.
The whole game is amazing, those weird and cold as fuck visuals and sound. I know some pc fag will tell that heavy metal pc version 60fps is better but fuck it, this version has soul and the limitations make it so impressive.
Nope. My wife is pretty anti media in any form.
I think I might take up smoking again.
Jesus you're a faggot. Everyone in this thread should be euthanised.
What was your fathers reaction to the news?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I laughed so hard at that picture. What an absolute piece of shit cat
It's cringe because he has no concept of the game or system outside of secondhand accounts. Even if you assume he always wanted one as a kid, as an adult who supposedly cares about this hobby, he'd have procured one already. His using it to acquire attention and upboats corroborates this claim. He is an ignorant, disingenuous casual well past his prime that reduces a private moment of compassion to an exhibition.
Fuck em.
The photo in the background makes this image a lot more heartbreaking.
>moeblob anime poster
Honestly? kys
People who marry early are unironically more based than people who "wait"
That's actually not a bad surprise. Shows your significant other understands your interests and what you're into enough to give you something more personal than just buying something new. Quite possibly fake, but at least it's not one of those 'even if this is real it's cringe' deals.
Excuse me but what the fuck?
>im not sleeping tonight xD
Somehow people think this is beautiful too.
based gay posters
I'd like a boyfriend who's into 90s fps. But retro fps bros seem to be the most hetero people on the internet.
Introduce me to some good ones and I'll give them a try.
>bf doesn't play video games at all
How do I get him to play videogames? I don't know what normies like.
Hah! good luck
The heck are you talking about? What's wrong with receiving a present? Posing with your presents on social media is pretty onions boyish I'll say, but there's nothing inherently wrong with receiving gifts.
Have you tried positive reinforcement? like suck his dick whenever he plays games? I mean... If you're in for the long haul...
I hold Duke 3D close to my heart but I think Blood is a little better. It's been getting shilled here a lot, but Alien Armageddon actually is a great way to play Duke3D. Heretic is a blast, too.
Yes, we play together all the time.
Onions not onions
Unless it's a filter, then I will feel like a silly billy.
>your partner
>stretched ratio
yeah right
How’d you manage to look like an even bigger fag than OP and the redditor he posted?
The people making fun of this guy are guaranteed virgins who haven't touched a girl in their life.
>tfw no gf (male)
my guess is two gay women, any one else would have the correct aspect ratio
>27 and married
>probably have their own place
>mfw i'm 27 and still living with my mom
Gumball jumped the shark mid season 5. It was pretty consistently good before that though
I had several gfs, bfs, and sfs and this shit is beyond pathetic
I have like a dozen of Bobert mcdonalds toys
I'd fuck that milfjak
ask your parents for a house as a birthday or christmas gift, thats what we did
Two gay chicks aren't going to have a picture of a drag queen in their living room.
All that aside, the real problem here is the 16:9 stretch. Why do normies do this? Fucking switch it to 4:3 in the settings.
Most likely they bought some 4k under 4 hundred Walmart shitbox that doesnt even have the option.
Either way you clearly don't give a shit, so why post it?
Yup, and we both get each other into games we missed out on. It's pretty sweet.
dawg there has to be so much input lag on that TV from the n64
Mario Kart 64 aged better than Double Dash, faggot
The mechanics are perfectly fine. Some of the stages are shit though.
Still the third best Mario Kart, after Wii and DS
Double Dash has weird ass delayed wide turns I hate it I dont know why people suck it so much.
nah they love burlesque drag shit
iktf bro
My partner is in a video game.
Market that bad there? Or a cultural thing? Where I live everyone moves out the instant they are 18.
Nah i'm just a loser
Just living with your parents won't make you a loser. I'm considering moving back in with my mom for a bit and I'm almost 30, I genuinely enjoy her company and it'd be cheaper.