>had no real ambitions in life
>successfully salvaged a garbage fire into a cult hit
>went on to create three masterpiece IPs
Is he just a genius?
Had no real ambitions in life
He is.
Fucking saved.
He gets it. The beauty of tragedy.
How do you think Sony feels that Dark Souls in its entirety could have been a playstation exclusive, but the CEO didnt like Demon’s Souls?
pretty funny eh?
>makes bloodbourne
And it was a bait n switch
All we needed to save vidya was one man with good taste.
Didn't he admit he felt like a fucking retard and that's the entire reason Bloodborne happened.
Do you have a link to the full interview?
Is he talking about the ones in the valley of drakes and the painted world?
Both use the same design so yeah. They were kind of forgettable desu.
Bloodborne is also more tragic than edgy when you learn the story.
He's basically the opposite of Kojima
Yes. Sony guys openly admitted they royally fucked up. This is why they went back to FS with a blank check and their own Japan Studio as support.
What is this from?
so he is also saying that people who demand an easy mode to be added in his games also do not have dignity
Please take your trash to the other thread.
he just knows what makes games good
I like his take on western fantasy.
Bloodborne is art.
Dignified as fuck desu.
It's still full of grotesque things.
miyazaki hit it off with demons and dark souls but everything since has been rehashed. maybe BB gets a pass for being different enough but DS3 jumps right back into sucking off bb
Why did you spoiler your opinion?
Bloodborne is just a Dark Souls reskin with the speed turned up, Sekiro is the first time he's done something actually new since DeS.
*squishes baby*
Well it was removed from the game.
Oceiros is also a tragic figure though
regulations, I believe
Dude would have probably killed himself if he wasn't hired by From
that's pretty cool
>play any game mechanically superior to Dark Souls in terms of mechanics, design and all that shit
>think to myself "man, that's a tight game"
>go back to playing Souls shit after 20 minutes
Has this guy brainwashed me?
>had no real ambitions in life
Yeah, but he was still employed at a game company. He has opportunities that plenty of people don't.
dark souls 1 fanboys are some of the most obnoxious people
go away journotranny
Ludwig seems to be a great example of what he was going for. Its grotesque as hell for sure, but there is a certain aesthetic beauty with his bipedal design in the MLGS 2nd phase.
>it's dark so people immediately assume it is edgy
why are people so retarded?
Yeah but it's not outright disgusting, except maybe the big brain thing. The game is bizarre and horrific, but it carries itself in a different way. It's not trying to force it on you.
I blame Marlel capeshit infecting the minds of young people.
Dark Souls is literally just a Demon's Souls rehash. And there's nothing wrong with that.
this. it's why it's one of the most memorable parts of the entire game desu senpai
I'm sorry I pirated your game sensei. I will buy at full price
>not outright disgusting
>flayed beast
>those things in nightmare frontier
>headless ape with centipede coming out of its wound
>ludwig's gaping wound that shoots pus at you
>everything in the research hall
>orphan of kos using its placenta as a weapon
>the pools of blood and piles of mangled bodies in the hunters nightmare
>"a dragon swarming with maggots and other gross things? no, that's not what we're going for in Dark Souls
>puts a literal enemy made out of bloodsucking maggots in Dark Souls 3
Miyazaki seems to have made a complete 180 on a lot of things between Dark Souls and Bloodborne
maybe it's different in that it's a generic human corpse and not the remains of an ancient beast
I guess the reason why a lot of western games suck is because the developers simply have no dignity.
Or maybe the games qre just different? Dark Souls is more the sadness of an old dying world. Bloodborne is more about the search for power creating wicked things.
None of that is outright disgusting, except for ludwig, and maybe the worm. The thing that bothered me the most was that one blood gem that was just a fetus.
The issue is that it's a dragon
>not outright disgusting
bro what
I can appreciate Bloodborne leaning more into grotesque horror because it was carving it was its own thing, but Dark Souls already had an identity established by the first game. Dark Souls 3 feels a lot different with all the enemies that may as well be Bloodborne rejects
Don't forget the Valley of Defilement and Latria in Demon's Souls.
>kills a giant heart
>goes in to a swamp made of blood
>centipedes with four human faces
>walking masses of corpses
>People living in a box canyon of pure filth
>Boss is a living idol of filth that shoots swarms of flies
>plague babies
If you can't see the tragic elements of Ludwig's design you are fucking blind.
>the pools of blood and piles of mangled bodies in the hunters nightmare
It's the river of blood. And it all comes from the Corpse Pile, where Ludwig resides. Its meant to represent the "people" or at least beasts that died under his blade. Do remember that his moonlight and the "dancing sprites" (which is essentially a rune) kept him sane, but the more he postponed beasthood and blood drunkenness, the more terrible the beast he became.
Dude, in what world is the Blood Starved Beast "disgusting". It's not even as bad as some Album Covers. But maybe my threshold is different than yours.
the Blood Starved Beast isn't even nearly as bad as these fuckers.
Those aren't maggots, they are leeches. And if you're whining about leeches you should play DeS sometime.
It's an animal that had its skin removed, but is still alive
Bloodbourne and Demon's Souls should be released on PC.
didn't Miyazaki say he looks back on Demon's Souls in embarrassment?
In my world, I dunno what albums you been listening to but skin dangling from a creature that has been flayed is certainly disgusting.
Those were all dignified.
>people are stupid because comic book movies exist
No, sorry. People are just stupid and it has been this way since the dawn of humanity.
No, he said he cringes at his earlier work because of how he's grown as a developer. He still loves the game but I understand what he means - its primitive compared to what he went on to do in many ways.
Way to fall for clickbait though.
Not really. The world design is pretty different and significant part of it.
>literally says he's not embarrassed in the fucking quote.
I know that feel Miyazaki talks about but it will apply to all your past works. Demon's Souls isn't singled out here and Sekiro will be there for him soon enough
>Fog gates
>Some sort of induced madness that is related to the souls.
This could apply to both games.
Hong Kong movie starring Jacky Cheung.
In what you posted he specifically says he's NOT embarrassed by it. It's not unusual for someone to look back on their previous work and think "That fucking sucks. I could have done better." Only egotists that lack introspection tend to think everything they do is perfect.
Gameplay-wise its essentially the same thing, just with one sprawling world instead of a hub world.
That's tabloid gayming journalism for you.
Can you blame them? Look at this thread - retards fall for it.
I don't listen to them, I'm just aware of them. But I was thinking of Cannibal Corpse when I said that... Fucked up shit.
I don't find the Blood Starved Beast to be repulsive, or really even that bad. It's not nearly as gross as the One Reborn. Or even gross at all. Hell I think Rom is more off putting than the BSB.
You can see they made a game out of the same set of ideas with minor tweaks to the setting.
What does the journalism have to do with anything? The title isn't related to him being embarrassed nor does it say that in the article. Stop blaming the writers for retards on Yea Forums.
I don't know why I love Des so much, maybe it's nostalgia but I loved the atmosphere of it, creepy quiet, has a medieval hell type of feeling
Don't waste an opportunity to blame a journalist.
This guy is right. There is definitely a tragic dignified element to BSB - the flayed back is vile in appearance, yes, but its there deliberately. Remember, flaying of the back is done as religious penance. You find BSB in an old, ruined church - this is after you've seen the beasts of Old Yharnam demonstrating disturbingly intelligent behavior. It makes you stop and wonder "Who was this person? What lead to this?"
Its not just some fucking OOGA BOOGA jump scare gross out. There is a logic to the horror. This is why BB's setting is so interesting.
No, he is a twat the got lucky
Are you saying the world design doesn't affect gameplay? What you mean it's that the combat is essentially the same, but the gameplay isn't only defined by it.
The One Reborn isn't disgusting to me because it just looks like a blob of bodies and skeletons, very low res and low poly too. At a certain point it becomes comically over the top rather than disgusting to me.
It's a shame because DeS had better world building and atmosphere than even bloodborne
but nobody in this thread even played the game so i'll let myself out
Explain how DaS plays in a way that is fundamentally different from DeS. I don't just mean combat - I mean EVERYTHING. If you went from DaS to DeS or from DeS to DaS, you would understand the second game more because of how similar it is to the first.
>Rom was his favorite boss in BB
You could say the exact same thing about an undead dragon, its body is decaying therefore maggots are attracted to it. It's not vile to be vile, it's justified.
Demon's Souls feels like the apocalypse is happening, or winding down. It has a heavy feeling to it like the new powers are tenuously establishing their holds on what's left of the world. There's a weird intimacy to Demon's Souls that the other games don't necessarily have.
Dark Souls by extension feels like a world that's not just dying, it's dead. And the only thing left are little pockets of "life". Dark Souls has a dream like quality to it.
>Are you saying the world design doesn't affect gameplay?
It definitely doesn't in the case of comparing Demon's Souls to Dark Souls. It's the same fucking shit.
I mean you certainly could make that argument, but Miyazaki had a different, more stoic idea in mind for those. Personally I think he was right since seeing a bunch of wiggly bugs would have spoiled the SURPRISE IT COMES TO LIFE harder.
Also a dragon is not a person. There is a sense of an age forever lost with the dragon.
>Dark Souls has a dream like quality to it.
bravo Miyazaki
How so?
The one reborn is literally shit out of a big black cosmic vagina dripping with fetid fluid, it's barely coherent and formed body falling to the ground in a puddle of fuming, stinky, sludge. Then it gets up and starts speaking in backwards tongues, as it does it's weird inverted screeching.
Shit's weird, man. I like it, but it's weird.
Yeah dude none of us in the thread played DeS. You're so quirky and unique, nobody in this thread has touched that game.
That's a valid point sure, but it wasn't his argument for it.
Although I don't know how many people were surprised by it, it's a dragon in the middle of "nowhere" with items in front of it, the trap is about as clever as something Wile E. Coyote would come up with.
Yep. In DaS3 there's a big theme on stagnation. Would make sense, especially in a world where an era suited for the gods first and foremost is artificially extended for so long, while humanity rots and decays without a chance for it to flourish.
You obviously haven't read the thread...
>That's a valid point sure, but it wasn't his argument for it.
That was literally his argument. Reread that last sentence.
I swear you fags have been trying to GOTCHA Miyazaki with that quote since DaS2 and it will never work.
Worst boss ever.
That's odd you think that. Dark Souls makes it seem like it's just your area that's fucked up because all the undead are dumped there. You read about all the other lands when choosing your class and see living people in the game who have come to the dark souls location from otherwise normal places. Same in DS2, where the location is like this weird magical place that undead people are drawn to. You have to dive through a lake to reach it. I haven't played Dark Souls 3 enough yet, but I think that one is the game where almost everything has gone to shit.
Rom was a wonderful boss.
I thought Miyazaki at one point stated Paarl was his favorite boss, which is actually fucking weird since that boss fight actually sucks. Cool visuals though.
Bed of Chaos still holds that title, I'm afraid.
>minor tweaks
Making an entire metroidvania world is pretty far from a 'minor tweak'
You actually feel like you're exploring a large connected world, unlocking shortcuts that connect different areas becomes more significant. There's no fast travel until the later part of the game. How the fuck is that not a different experience?
>Dark Souls by extension feels like a world that's not just dying, it's dead.
I never get that from Dark Souls. Sure, Anor Londo and the surrounding areas are dead or dying, i.e. the world of the "gods", but I get the feeling the rest of the world, i.e. the human world, isn't doing so badly. Most of the NPCs don't behave as if we are all on the brink of disaster. The only people on the brink of disaster are the old gods.
And I don't know why you think the apocalypse in Demon's Souls is "winding down." They flat out say multiple times what's going on is the "apocalypse" is just beginning. Boleteria is the first fall and it's spreading from there.
>make one try hard game
>idiot tastelets gobble it up
>spend the rest of your career making obvious rehashes for easy dosh
I’m just jealous my fellow anons are so easily fooled. If I had known you guys wanted trash shoveled down your throat, I would have been a millionaire much sooner
user you're just regurgitating what I already said. Outside of the change of hub world vs large interconnected one it is the exact same gameplay wise. You still unlock shortcuts in DeS - this is actually really important for several levels. DeS absolutely has exploration as an element even though the game is more linear in its presentation.
Literally the big difference is world structure. That's it.
I reread it, it has nothing to do with surprising the player.
He's one of the top men in gaming definitely.
Yeah, he's no doubt gross but there is an air of majesty about him in the second phase.
Setting =! World map
The curse of the undead is intrinsic to humanity. So it's going to effect everyone. If you're in Lordran, you're undead. People in other lands are obviously becoming undead.
The Fog hasn't expanded for years when you enter it.
such a low quality post
the intention of these games, namely DeS, DaS, and BB, never was to be hard
it was to tell a narrative
>but I get the feeling the rest of the world, i.e. the human world, isn't doing so badly.
Uh, you might want to replay DaS1 and watch the cutscenes and talk to NPCs sometime.
Oh that's the part you meant? You should reread my post then, because I prefaced that with "Personally I think" because that was meant to indicate I was expressing an opinion.
Why are FS haters so OBSESSED with difficulty? Literally nobody has even mentioned it before you did.
He designed Paarl fully on his own.
I can't tell if I got samefagged, or if people honestly believe everything is hunky dory outside of Lordran in Dark Souls' world.
He should have gotten feedback that not being able to target the limbs was a terrible idea. Loran Camerabeast is a godawful fight.
10/10 design though.
What? That's impressive given how good the design is.
>Uh, you might want to replay DaS1 and watch the cutscenes and talk to NPCs sometime.
I don't know why you suggest talking to NPCs. Most of them are just on their own personal adventures and have nothing to say about "the end of the world". I've played Dark Souls many times. All there is in that game as far as plot is a vague notion of old gods desperately clinging to life and trying to get humans, who have mostly moved on, to sustain them by way of a curse.
>Uh, you might want to replay DaS1 and watch the cutscenes and talk to NPCs sometime.
Dark Souls 2 has conversations about thriving civilizations in other places, Volgen for example is a thriving city and is still on Drangleic.
But the world structure affects gameplay.
You're not going to different areas in Dark Souls by teleporting, you're walking to them. Unlocking shortcuts in DeS isn't as significant because they don't connect different areas. The exploration is different in both games.
You're the only person talking about Dark Souls II.
Plenty of NPCs talk about how things have gone to shit outside Lordran.
They copied so much shit they forgot the only reason they used fog instead of doors was because the whole kingdom was shrouded in it.
Unlocking a gate to create a shortcut is fundamentally the same thing in both games, just to a different scale. I don't know how to explain this to you but you're just wrong on this one, dude.
No, nothing in DeS has the impact of finding the elevator to Firelink, but it serves the purpose of reducing backtracking due to world structure. You know, the key difference between DeS and DaS?
Also, again. The only people in Lordran are undead. Which is proof that the curse is effecting the rest of the world.
At least they called it "white light" in Dark Souls. Also should we point out that gargoyle scene, which literally uses the same animations?
This may come as a surprise to you but Dark Souls 2 is part of Dark Souls canon.
>The Fog hasn't expanded for years when you enter it.
It's expanding all the time. "The lulling fog threatens to consume the world" and all that.
The clerics, for starters.
>Which is proof that the curse is effecting the rest of the world.
I never said it wasn't. But the curse is basically just the last dying gasps of the old gods. It's not like it's going to afflict every single human. Don't you remember that the curse is basically just an elaborate ruse to trick a human into linking the fire to sustain the age of the gods for a little longer?
>The Fog hasn't expanded for years when you enter it.
What the actual fuck are you talking about
>Unlocking a gate to create a shortcut is fundamentally the same thing in both games, just to a different scale.
>just to a different scale
So not the same thing.
>I don't know how to explain this to you but you're just wrong on this one, dude.
"I don't have any arguments so you're wrong". Ok.
>No, nothing in DeS has the impact of finding the elevator to Firelink, but it serves the purpose of reducing backtracking due to world structure. You know, the key difference between DeS and DaS?
And now you're just agreeing with me.
I'm sorry but you are too dumb for me to do this any longer.
I don't recall them ever talking about it.
But Petrus gives you a coin which says many in Lordran dream of returning to the outside world.
Petrus is a scumbag and a liar. He literally gives you the least valuable coin, too.
And yeah, they do dream of rejoining the outside world. As normal fucking people. Loads went to Lordran in hopes of salvation or some kind of cure.
It's honestly not an edgy game. It's more tragic, if anything.
How do you explain this abomination, then?
If you can't see the tragic elements of his design you have eye problems. Just watch that boss intro again.
Yeah looks like I remembered wrong. It expands "slowly". I swear I remember in the scene before the tutorial area, when you're walking through the night they said something about the fog having stopped it's expansion for a time.
Damn dude, you sure showed your superior intelligence with all those non arguments.
Fair point user, given that other heroes had come before you. But I just remembered that the constant threat of DeS is that the fog would spread. Kudos for not doubling down just to have an internet argument.
well that implies life is going on as normal in the outside world
No it doesn't beyond the pacing of it. Changing the pacing of a game to avoid backtracking worked on a game like DeS that had enough buried in there to make it worth seeing twice. Changing it again to a game with not just no hub zone but no real loading screens at all worked even better for DaS which was so tightly packed with atmosphere that you need to retread each main area a couple times even to fully grasp the implications. Changing it a third time to try and get the best of both world in 2 only highlighted the problems with both, and in 3 they just didn't seem to give a fuck. The core gamplay elements, though, those don't actually change. You methodically explore your environment in order to overcome the challenge before you using a simple combat system with a ton of robust applications until you find a boss to kill.
Not the curse, user. The prophecy of the chosen undead. The curse of the undead is mankind returning to it's original form. You do remember that the Lords were originally hollows?
It's both; it's one of the rare examples of fedora kino, along with MGS2 and MM.
Literally just a corpse.
At some point you need to know when to just cut your losses. If that guy isn't getting it, he's not going to get it 10 posts from now either.
You know there are hundreds of people working on these games, right? Not all studios are just one guy doing all the work like Kojima.
It's a premature "baby", not a corpse.
Orphan also wails in despair midfight, which sends a bolt towards Kos' carcass, maybe as an attempt to revive her. There you go, a tragic element to his design, along with his 1st phase music and almost infantile aggression.
How would they know that? Lordran isn't connected to the outside world.
It's a baby.
>look, see? The description in the character screen says this place is fine
>no it didn't that's retarded
>but look see? a full cycle later there's this unrelated place that's fine!
He called it an "abomination", visually, it's literally just a corpse.
I don't think Kos is truly dead. Dead in our plane, perhaps, but some element lingers. The villagers can also call down her lightning as well.
I think Orphan's desperate cries of panic literally allowed Kos to interfere in some manner. But that's just a personal theory.
miyazaki more like miyaHACKi
This is artistic integrity. If you want real substance in your work, put a weird control-freak with a vision in charge of it. Like Fumito Ueda of Team Ico. Or like Kubrick.
The headless literally fists your ass to death.
Who is the strongest From MC and why is it Sekiro? Talking about all the MCs at max level, BTW. Sekiro dude beats everyone with his speed, infinite stamina and counter moves against parries.
>I don't have any arguments so I'll get on my high horse and pretend the other guy just doesn't get it
I accept your concession.
t. Japanese lorelet
But he does it with an air of contemplative sorrow.
>Lordran isn't connected to the outside world.
This isn't DS2.
>in the outside world a nobleman was living such a normal life that he randomly decided to travel to lordran to fix his demon aids. He caught them after he left, we swear
Chosen Undead has infinite lives.
Sorry dude but the other guy does not get it in this case. I could be on a baby's tricycle and still tower above you in this conversation.
The Good Hunter is pretty fucking powerful if we're going to go full autist here. Depends on what point of the game we're talking, I suppose.
>But he does it with an air of contemplative sorrow.
I know the mythology beyond it because it's been a very popular topic since release, but you're kidding yourself if you think that's in any way dignified or not disgusting regardless of context.
Go play Demon's Souls. You'll understand.
Mechanics versus lore would have Sekiro at the strongest mechanically, but Demons Souls and Bloodborne tied at the strongest via lore.
And? That doesn't make what I said untrue.
Power rankings are for children and extremely autistic adults. Beyond that, there is no direct measuring between them and it boils down to my favorite game vs your favorite game.
>The curse of the undead is mankind returning to it's original form. You do remember that the Lords were originally hollows?
Now we are getting into the bullshit lore aspect which is so ridiculously vague people can practically make up any old crap but I'm still pretty sure you are wrong. Hollowing is a human thing. The lords are not humans.
I'm pretty sure DaS3 confirmed that the curse was manufactured by Gwyn to keep the pygmies in line.
Why is Gwyn, Vendrick, and Nameless King hollow then?
Yes it does. There's nothing in DS1 that says you're in a different dimension or some shit.
Vendrick is a human, dude.
Go watch the intro cutscene and tell me the creatures that get up and find the Lord Souls aren't hollows.
can you stop posting this gross tranny you mentally ill reddit0r
I'm not him and know what you mean, but man, it took me a while to memorise all those world and stage numbers that are never used in the game. It's like a language you need to have to discuss DS online.
Gwyn is a human.
That has literally nothing to do with what I said. Go replay DaS1 and watch the cutscene after you are taken by the crow. While you're at it, look down from Firelink.
I swear some of you people need to familiarize yourselves with the shit you're spouting as fact.
>Sorry dude but the other guy does not get it in this case. I could be on a baby's tricycle and still tower above you in this conversation.
It must be be nice to have such inflated opinion about yourself, but that's still not an argument, you dunning-kruger autist.
threadly reminder that miyazaki is a hardcore weeb and has been confirmed to have jerked it to both F/SN and muv-luv.
Did you not watch the opening cutscene? It couldn't be much more explicit. The gods got all the good shit and what was left in the bottom of the barrel was only barely enough to bring a few hollows out of the darkness with them. Eventually, someone has to brew up another batch or it all goes sour
Aren't all Japs weebs?
Vendrick was too biggu to be a human. He was a giant.
Who says Gwyn is hollow? Vendrick is human. I don't know Nameless King.
Why are you acting like I'm presenting arguments? I'm not pretending anything of the sort. We've moved beyond that stage and I'm just insulting your intelligence at this point. My argument was already made and lost on you, there's nothing left for me to give you other than rudeness.
For reference.
I dont think you know what weeb means
I did and there's nothing to suggest you are going to a different plane of existence. You are being taken by the crow to some far away place, nothing more.
looks like a hollow
acts like a hollow
And neither is "yeah the core aspects are exactly the same but you had to arbitrarily walk longer to do it this way, so it's different", you dumb fuck
>I did and there's nothing to suggest you are going to a different plane of existence.
user you have brain problems because I never stated that Lodran was on a different plane of existence.
Only weebs think all Japs are weebs. Most Japs look on otaku with the same disgust the general public in the west looks on weebs.
Ugh, have you seen him? And if his big plan is to make the dumb humans link the fire, why would he kill you? Unless he's mindlessly attacking the first thing he sees.
It's not an applicable term to them. I think otaku might be the right word.
stop avatarfagging
What about when I assfist giant boars and literally tear out their anoos in Bloodborne?
>And if his big plan is to make the dumb humans link the fire, why would he kill you? Unless he's mindlessly attacking the first thing he sees.
This thread is getting stupider by the second
Gee user, why do YOU think Gwyn mindlessly attacked you when you walked into the Kiln? Put your thinking cap on here.
He doesn't act anything like Vendrick who is the only confirmed hollow.
b-team obv
there are numerous examples in the game of both passive and aggressive hollows, sweetie
he sent a bouquet of flowers to the SRW guys when one of the new games came out IIRC
Because he's Hollow. How would he have any idea Fraampt turned on him, if he's been in the Kiln for God knows how long?
Japs cannot be "weebs".
>And if his big plan is to make the dumb humans link the fire, why would he kill you?
You have to be strong enough the link the fire which means, at minimum, you have to be stronger than him. His life to sustain the age of fire is a sacrifice he already made a long time ago.
But not passive aggressive hollows.
The general public doesn't even know what a weeb is, if you take of yourself (hygiene, exercise and fashion) no one can even tell that you're a "weeb".
Could you clearly state what you are trying to prove? Lordran is as connected to the rest of the world as any other part of it.
Reread my original post.
Not like it fuckin matters since you can go all the way to the world's basement and run to the edge of the map anyway. We know for certain that lordran isn't all there is, but that doesn't mean there's jack shit worth seeing out there either
Hollows are consistently portrayed as not being anywhere near as spritely as Gwyn is.
You're not presenting any arguments because I already proved your arguments are invalid and you don't have any further arguments to present. Continuing replying to me trying to flex your faux superior intelligence only shows your pathetic insecurities.
get a room, pal
Except for the hollows whom are passive until you walk past them and they become aggressive.
All that is known about the Moon Presence is that it conceived the Hunter's Dream and was beckoned by Laurence with his associates, Gehrman being among them. But other than that, I don't understand his nature at all. Is Gehrman (or the Hunter in that one ending) some sort of forcefully taken surrogate? Why does he descend as the Blood Moon on Yharnam?
How about no?
Like the ones that can parry you?
>hurr durr strawman
Neck yourself, please.
Because he's hollow and forgot he only ever went there because there weren't any faggots left to send. The thing I wanted explained more is why did Gwyn have to invade the kiln? He brought an army with him and there wasn't so much as a dusty corpse in that area of the game. I can get having to go down there and link it yourself but who was trying to keep them out?
If that means your dumb questions are at an end, that's great.
>durrr why are you saying Lordran is in another dimension?!
Or how about the one that can flip through the air with his human sized great sword.
>Is Gehrman (or the Hunter in that one ending) some sort of forcefully taken surrogate?
Thats not a strawman, dummy. Not even that user.
Everything got burned, user. That army was fucking blasted and only a few knights burned black survived.
And he probably went with an arm because shit was falling to pieces at that point.
>Dark Souls 2
That actually makes more sense than anything else. Think about if from his point of view, you get comfy and simmer for a century or whatever and here comes this faggot who's finally come to let you out of the sauna and you crush him. What's your next move, leaving until another one shows up?
>Thats not a strawman, dummy. Not even that user.
Trying to twist my argument is exactly what a strawman is, dipshit.
This, DS2 isn't canon.
Yet the prophecy is fake. And if Gwyn killed every undead that made it that far, the age of darkness would come anyway - which was the whole point for making the entire goddamn thing up. Are you telling me killing his entire family, and the entirety of Lordran, and then him was all according to keikaku to make sure his age of fire kept going?
I accept your concession.
Nigger your argument to that guy was literally "No, it's not the same at all, you have to walk more in this one!" And nothing else. That's not a change in game play, that's a change in game pace
based retard
Now bring up that Gwyn and Allant are basically the same character.
Then why does DaS3 reference DaS2?
What benefit would he have for letting someone with less power to take over for him? We're told the strength of the flames comes from your personal power level, that's the whole deus ex that brings you from the game's beginning to the kiln at the end in all of them. If Gwyn could slap your shit, he's better off taking your souls to level up because you were only going to burn for less time than he was
No, you're fucking stupid. You're trying to say the change in world design only boils down to "hurr you walk more" when it completely changes how the exploration is laid upon the player.
see Because DS2 fags threw a fit when Miyazaki left them out in the cold.
What benefit would he have for DYING to keep his reign alive? What even is the point? "haha sure fucked those humans over"
No, it doesn't.
>[_____] to new area
>occasionally find a shortcut
>don't bite off more than you can chew
Can you tell me which souls game I'm talking about? You know, without the only difference between any of them being explicitly stated.
>Power rankings are for children and extremely autistic adults.
So is Yea Forums fuckface
Sekiro, Obviously.
Based and redpilled. This kind of insight is rare
>to keep his reign alive
You're a commie aren't you. Everything dies, user. Doing something with it is the only thing of importance you're ever going to do with your life, so don't waste the opportunity.
What, did you think he went there with the assumption he was leaving some day? He went to torch himself to keep all those people alive, and if you weren't strong enough to beat him, you weren't strong enough to keep them alive for him.
This man literally single-handedly saved video games. I swear last gen would have been a total pile of shit if Miyazaki hadn't shown up.
Miyazaki also ruined fantasy and inspired tons of western developers to create sickdark nihilistic bullshit.
Now you're just oversimplifying things to fit your argument.
>Dark Souls
>different areas are connected and you can find shorcuts that connect those areas
>this changes how you progress through the entire game
>Demon's Souls
>different areas aren't connected and you can find shorcuts in each individual area
>this only affects your progress in those particular areas
Do explain how those things are the same.
>Lordran isn't connected to the outside world.
Are you retarded?
What narrative? The the world sucks and is a hopeless piece of shit that can't be saved? Dark fantasy is nihilistic trash made for atheistic edgelords like you. I prefer real fantasy like warcraft.
Fuck off, WoWnigger.
He's a fucking hack who has been recycling the same shit for nearly a decade. In time he will be remembered for the lazy hack he is.
>You're a commie aren't you.
Libertarian Capitalist, nice projection.
>Everything dies, user. Doing something with it is the only thing of importance you're ever going to do with your life, so don't waste the opportunity.
Except Gwyn apparently. I'm still arguing that he's hollow.
The reason he lit the flame was to prevent the age of dark, which is the age of man. He couldn't give a fuck about humans, he hates them because they become undead, and the four kings betrayed him to the abyss.
>Lord Gwyn trembled at the Dark. Clinging to his Age of Fire, and in dire fear of humans, and the Dark Lord who would one day be born amongst them, Lord Gwyn resisted the course of nature. By sacrificing himself to link the fire, and commanding his children to shepherd the humans, Gwyn has blurred your past, to prevent the birth of the Dark Lord.
That’s their fault.
He knows what he wants and makes it happen.
Him salvaging Demon's Souls is proof of that.
Yeah but videogame character power rankings are exceptionally pointless. There is absolutely no way of measuring the characters and there is no canon ''Chosen Undead'', ''Slayer of Demons'' or whatever since them being player characters they could have any build possible.
>The the world sucks and is a hopeless piece of shit that can't be saved?
Have you played DeS? That game's plot is literally nothing more than "An ancient evil awakes but a hero will save the world from it. The end."
Where did Gwynevere fuck off to?
WoW has better lore and setting than any From shit game. It's actually inspired, not some depressing garbage trying to make you feel hopeless and dead inside.
This is literally every souls game.
stop avatarfagging
>Blizzfags still exist in 2019
>WoW has better lore and setting than any From shit game.
*blocks your path*
Sure thing, right after I mention how walking to Havel to break a sequence or walking to the catacombs to break a sequence or walking through the dark root to break a sequence or walking through the valley of drakes is functionally the same as teleporting between distinct areas with more walking. If you had said something like "what is the great hollow' I would have said it's "teleporting to a new area with a LOT more walking".
The interconnected world was one of the best things about DaS. It didn't change gameplay in the fucking slightest.
Just beat the game once, I know I missed a good amount of bosses, but BSB is by far my favorite boss, just because it was the hardest for me. Absolute hell and made me drop the game for a few weeks but fuck it was so satisfying.
suck his dick you fucking whiny cunt, who cares what he posts?
No it isn't. Just DeS.
>Struggling with the easiest boss in the game
Fuck no, that game's setting and atmosphere is so goddamned pretentious and overly edgy. Your character doesn't even drink potions like a normal fantasy thing, he fucking injects dirty ass old god blood into himself to heal. It's so edgy its fucking retarded.
>it's that WoWnigger again
Stop shitting up the thread. Go make one.
>All characters are at max level
That means no builds. You simply imagine the most powerful version of the character. For DemSouls, that would be a Cracked Talisman using character with the tower shield, ancient kings armor, and stamina regen/health regen rings. Alternate weapons are the sticky compound longbow and a blessed hailberd. Spells and miricales would be endgame stuff, like the extra life and god's wraith miracle and the chaos fire spells. Also he'd have 99 fullmoon healing grass on tap.
>crutch saw and beast blood pellets
>cant even parry him
Normal fantasy setting
>play as a valiant knight and save the beautiful princess and the kingdom from the clutches of the evil lord, ride off on a unicorn together at the end
Dark fantasy setting
>play as some no name loser whose life doesn't matter
>townspeople are all dying, depressed, and don't give a shit about living anymore, are irritated you even want to try and make things better
>"Oh no, princess Natas was kidnapped, she's prolly dead so don't bother saving her"
>ooooooooooh lots of grimdark imagery like gothic buildings and eclipses and it rains a lot and blood red sunsets btw eclipses so dark, dead bodies everywhere
>boss fight - "Face me hero, I am a former knight who was corrupted by evil after realizing being a hero is pointless, how dare you try to be a hero, you will realize how futile life is and give up like I have!"
>boss fight - "I'm a unicorn that realized goodness is dead and hope is dead, so now I'm black and evil and stuff with red eyes, im also crazy neeeeeeeeeeeeeigh!"
>boss fight - "I'm Samuel Goodness Priest a member of a blatantly corrupt church as a hamfisted attempt at showing religion is bad! I wear lots of robes and a look real blatantly evil to drive it home how bad religious people with faith are! I only care about 3 things, serving God, serving God more, and killing anyone who disagrees with me since they are clearly heretics! I like saying heresy a lot too, HERESY!"
>final boss fight - "I'm the evil lord but I dont even know why I am fighting just fucking kill me for the love of god, btw the church is evil and made me this way"
>ending - "Oh thank you brave knight, btw I'm actually not a princess but a demon queen and my name is Satan bet you didn't see that coming, I fooled you all le epic plot twist! Btw that unicorn from earlier is my lover, time to fly off into the eclipse and start my plans for world conquest, you can fight me and my steed/bf in the shitty dlc coming up!"
Dark fantasy is a fucking meme.
Sekiro is just an evolution of BB gameplay, it still has elements that you can trace back to Demons Souls. All of these games are simillar but also different even the individual DS games. This is one of the things I like about this extended series, you go into a new game like putting on your favorite pair of slippers but they are different enough wity various mechanics to keep them fresh.
Glad you enjoyed it user.
Next time, dodge to the left.
How is it pretentious? It's high art.
Flame God Flan's place. He appears in another From game, so probably wherever that was.
Only thing high is the nigga who made that fucked up looking shit. It's like some guy read berserk, thought "wow, it looks so badass and dark" then copied it poorly into video game form.
Well since you know all the answers to your own questions, why the fuck did you bother asking them? You're just contradicting yourself at this point
WoW has sexy elf women, Souls games women are all ugly, especially the nonhuman ones.
Hes a wowfag, he needs colorful pauldrons and horny dark elves for a game to be high art to him.
t. didn't read berserk
CSI? You mean like CSI Miami?
Kill yourself you disgusting britfag
>It didn't change gameplay in the fucking slightest.
I just explained how did it and yet you chose to ignore my arguments and go on on an autistic tirade on how teleporting to places is the same as accessing them through exploration and shortcut placement. Next you're going to tell me Symphony of the Night has essentially the same gameplay as Megaman 2.
There is so much wrong with this post that I will just assume its premium bait.
The Souls games women are peak waifus. The fuck is wrong with you?
>Souls games women are all ugly, especially the nonhuman ones.
In all seriousness I just replayed Demon's Souls the other day for the first time in years. I completely forgot that, excluding the maiden in black, all NPCs have potato faces. Out of curiosity I checked something and yep, Demon's Souls is using FaceGen, the exact same tech that gave us Oblivion's potato faces.
That post is why I'm filtering the word "nigga".
No, you said "you walk [longer]". You agreed with me you simple cunt, you just don't even know you did because how obstinate you are about this.
Taking a fantasy setting and slapping in an eclipse and grimdark shitty castles and tons of dead bodies and freak monsters doesn't make it good.
What waifus? The doll bitch or the spanish bitch that the doll bitch is based from? She looks alright, but not half as sexy as WoW's women. The rest of Souls women are dogs. WoW has tons of hot elf and monster women, Souls games don't have a single attractive female enemy.
And he told you you're retarded because muh shortcuts are literally just teleports with walking you dumb fuck
So, do the gods hollow?
tragic is edgy you retard. edgelords love acting like victims.
japanese "game designers"
I love how shitty and inconsistent From are
>designs woman that looks like a european nobleman
>gives "her" a fucking katana
Man you're thick as fuck
Oh wow this nigger really just keeps going doesn't he. Classic grind confirmed
>autistic WoWnigger is back
Are all MMO players 70 IQ subhumans?
I think he's a really fucking nasty boss for people to get their heads around early in the game. Lord knows that when my friend came over to play through BB that was the one that killed him the most.
I'm embarrassed that you wrote this all up.
>No, you said "you walk [longer]".
Point out where I said this. At this I'm thinking you're just trolling, no one can be this fucking dumb.
>shortcuts are literally teleports with walking
Yes, because discovering shorcuts by exploring and being rewarded with accessing areas more easily is literally the same as going to a stone and teleporting yourself. Fucking brainlet.
She doesn't even look like nobleman.
Do you think its odd that literally nobody is coming to bat for you on this yet you have multiple people disagreeing with you?
Can you stop samefagging?
Be more embarassed that Miyazaki made several games like that.
>wow isn't it fucking shitty that this fantasy world isn't 1:1 with our own real world?
Only the second one is me, sorry fag
OSRS player here
That's a cutlass
She's dressed like alucard from sotn, who is a vampire noble and dressed like one.
...and neither does her weapon look like a katana.
Only when you admit there is literally no functional difference between walking to a door that [transports you to a new area] and walking to a door that [transports you to a new area] except how much walking you had to do to get to it
So nobody remembers that prior to TOH's release and Maria's introduction you get a fucking katana from the Cainhurst badge, huh
Do I look like I give shit how many people are disagreeing considering I'm destroying their shit arguments?
>can't penetrate european armor
confirmed bottom tier
Considering you've been getting your asshole ripped apart and are tardraging at me, some random user - yes I think you give a shit.
I already said exploration is the difference. Stop pretending to be retarded or I'll start believing you're actually retarded.
I'm the other one but I am samefagging all over the board
I'm just saying it seems retarded to go DUDE MARIA'S GOT A KATANA LMAO FROM IS SO SHITTY
Its completely consistent with Cainhurst.
Yea, but her clothes are fashioned in a pretty feminine way. You'd notice if you wear them as a male character.
>Considering you've been getting your asshole ripped apart
[citation needed]
But great arguments man, you sure showed me.
WoW girls are thots and feminists. Souls Women are pure maidens. Ds2's woman was the best.
Don't mind these autists.
It's a katana with a "western" hilt.
>I found this [portal] after walking! It's totally not the exact same thing only arbitrarily extended!
Having more levels doesn't mean you have different gameplay, it means your menu is shit when it takes 5 minutes to complete a simple level change.
It's literally a katana with a rapier hilt slapped on.
Exploration exists in DeS.
Still doesn't matter, you raging autist. She's of Cainhurst lineage, and weapons of Cainhurst are said to be forged from an Eastern land. Why does this bother you?
>tyrande, jaina, sylvanas, alleria, whitemane, azshara
>thots and feminists
>not beautiful sexy strong women that can shit on any man but would have hearts open to love from the right guy
No it isn't. It's a saber.
Because it's creatively bankrupt and looks retarded. You can't take weapons from two different cultures and mix them together, you're gonna fuck them up.
N-no! It only counts if the same gameplay mechanics are arranged the way I want! It's not real exploration if it doesn't unlock a teleport to another level
It's a fucking sabre lmao.
a saber is basically a white man's katana
You are desperate for (You)s, aren't you?
It has a tsuba, it's a damn katana.
a saber is basically a european weapon.
Wow this thread sure went to shit. I'm off to play BB, I suggest all you other sane people bail as well.
This one thing I liked alot about 3, you feel its the genuine end of the world because they push too far and things got out of control.
DeS for me always feel like the world already got so fucked you are just kicking the can instead of awating your turn to get brush away in the mist just holding to a empty chance of fixing things
It's a cutlass.
Gonna beat Isshin first then start a new save file on BB.
>I explored this level and got rewarded by finding this shortcut that connects to a different level, and then in that level I found more paths that connect to more levels by exploring more
>this is totally the same as going to that magic stone next to that other magic stone and teleporting to other level
I'm done with your retarded ass.
Never said it didn't, it's just different in Dark Souls. The exploration in DeS is confined to its individual levels, they don't connect in a meaningful way.
So? I always thought it was a fucking saber or cutlass.
But then there was fire
And fire brought disparity
Heat and cold
Life and death
And of course light and dark
And from the dark they (proto humans) came
And found the souls of Lords within the flame.
The gods were pygmies that got hold of massively powerful souls. Regular humans were created by the pygmy that divided the dark soul across all humankind.
The soul of Gods cannot be sustained without fire that's why they try to keep the flame alive.
Humanity can survive without fire because their soul was born from dark.
Gwyn puts the undead curse on the pygmies because he knows that as the fire fades gods grow weaker and humanity gets stronger. Which is the whole point of the series, the endless struggle of light and dark that Imho ends with the Lord of hollows ending.
Im playing DaS3 for the first time and Im at the Nameless king. I fucking hate how the games favors small fast weapons over chunky smackers, fighting the NK is such a fucking pain in the dick
>you get one tiny hit when he is done with his combos
>shortsword fag gets like 4-5 gives and has stamina to roll two more times
Same, WoW-kun has nothing better to do, rather than playing his dying shitty MMO.
>Gwyn puts the undead curse on the pygmies
>I made it to the end of one area and progressed to the next with [portal]
Thanks for playing m8, try again next time. You trying to arbitrarily separate which walking is exploring and which walking is progressing doesn't change the gameplay.
Miyazaki proves that games can be art while still being games. His games deliver story and themes to you in a way that no movie or book can. Western studios should learn from him instead of trying to make movies where you have to keep pressing "play."
There is some irony that Miyazaki tells better stories in his gamey games than narrative-focused western games. He's outdoing them in their own fields while also preserving the gameplay.
>I made it to the end of one area and progressed to the next with [portal]
Yes, that's different from progressing in different areas that are interconnected, and that changes gameplay. I'm glad we could come to an understanding.
I bruteforced NK wearing full havels using FUGS, it's possible
I was talking about going from the burg through havel, but okay, thanks for agreeing with me that they're literally 100% the same with no gameplay difference what so ever except arbitrary walking
Im not saying its not possible, Im saying shortswords got it way, way easier in 3
There is an entire boss proving that katanas are worthless against european plate armor. Without a bridge to kick him off, Sekiro cannot harm the Chosen Undead in his canon outfit (Elite Knight plate).
>japan invented single-edge slightly-curved swords
Utter nonce
Wasn’t Bloodborne made with some japanese concept of impurity as a major theme, with things like blood, disease, and pregnancy as big parts of it
You mean Shinto? DaS, and in particular, DaS3 does heavily rely on Shinto beliefs, like stagnation, which is a core theme in DaS3
>doesn't change the gameplay
It does have an effect in the gameplay and player psychology. The way the areas interconnect with each other in Dark Souls, Bloodborne or Sekiro allows for certain levels to flow entirely differently depending on the method of entry. This also gives more rewards to exploration than just finding consumables or weapons. DeS exploration feels very pointless because the chance of finding a hidden connection is just not there. Interconnected world design also gives a better sense of how the levels relate to each other
Something that messer is missing is something built into the hilt to friction lock the scabbard on, that's one of the most japanesey things in existence. I swear it's part of their DNA, they've had a thousand year long hard on for forcing finely cut wood together with such skill that it doesn't need glue and I think it's a goddamn STD I just can't get enough
>arbitrary walking
>you're walking and discovering new things, this is somehow arbitrary
You're such a fucking mouth breather
>spawn innahub
>pan camera
Look, I explored, there's some doors. Just save me the effort of doing one for lordran, you know I can so just admit it, cocksucker.
I appreciate him a lot. I get the impression that he tries not to patronize the player if he can help it. I think he realizes that games can be engaging, beautiful and fun all at the same time. I appreciate that he's uncompromising in his approach to difficulty in his games. I like that his games have really fucking cool lore and you kinda have to care about looking for it, rather than just having it force-fed to you. I like how he takes influence from literally everywhere when designing his games. I don't think it's a coincidence that so many people are trying to copy his approach.
I don't know if he's a genius and his games definitely aren't perfect but he's a pretty fuckin good dude in my book.
this is pretty similar to Murata the mangaka actually, except opm was already a little popular (and not a garbage fire). iirc he was diagnosed with terminal illness so he said fuck it and decided to do what he wanted and draw
You and I both know exploring the world and finding connections is literally not the same as spawning in a hub and basically having a level select screen. It's ok to admit you've lost an argument and move on.
Which movie please?
>walking backward to [portal to new area] isn't the same as walking backward to [portal to new area] because there's no loading screen in this one
I need you to understand that I'm not trying to win some kind of argument, you are outright ignoring reality because you're asshurt
Based & dignified
Yeah I found it
>Kegare (穢れ・汚れ, uncleanness, defilement) is the Japanese term for a state of pollution and defilement, important particularly in Shinto as a religious term.
>Typical causes of kegare are the contact with any form of death, childbirth (for both parents), disease and menstruation.
>Kegare is not a form of moral judgment, but rather a spontaneous reaction to amoral natural forces. Whether the defiling was caused by a deliberate act, as for example in the case of a crime, or by an external event, such as illness or death, is secondary. It is therefore not an equivalent of sin.
Apparently Vermin are centipedes because they're commonly associated with it
Tell me which one of those involves exploring the game world.
>you are outright ignoring reality because you're asshurt
I think you're projecting.
>had no real ambitions in life
Where do you have that from?
But the grotesque things are elegant, just look at Ludwig. Miyazaki is a genius.
Ashina """"Sword"""" Saint Isshin
What's his Japanese title? Does it even say sword?
>turn around
>walk around your environment
>see tons of new details
>even a vendor
>continue forward
>you have found a door
>you take it
>am I talking about leaving the nexus or the burg?
We don't know how. We do know that he rounded the pygmies all up in the ringed city and what the darksign effectively does is slowly fade away your humanity so eventually you lose all your humanity and go hollow. If this was done to keep humans on check or to feed the first flame somehow I don't know.
As the fire fades though humans became unable to die because the very concept of life and death is tied to the existence of the first flame. That's why dragons are timeless, eternal, they came from the time before fire they just exist, neither living or dead.
The way I see it.
The flame appears, Gwyn, Nito and the rest of the gods become gods
The pygmy (probably Manus) finds the dark soul, instead of becoming a God he divides the dark soul across all the pygmies creating humanity. Since pygmies came from the dark I assume being in the age of dark is the humanity default state but only with the power of the power of the dark soul we become self aware. So actual humanity is born from the dark soul and the pygmies are just husks that can harbor the dark soul but can exist without it.
As the first flame is lit nothing happens, God's are happy. Humans live and die.
Flame starts fading, Gods start losing their power, humanity grows stronger.
The flame fades even more some humans become unable to die due to the flame waning but still retain their humanity.
Gwyn sees this as a threat so he creates the darksign to slowly fade the dark soul as well
Humans start going hollow because of the darksign.
Gods get weaker and weaker as the flame fades, Gwyn eventually links the first flame and resets the whole thing but he is running on fumes by the time you reach him that's why he is so easy to defeat.
I don't think God's go hollow, they just get weaker but since they originally were pygmies they could go hollow if they lose all their souls I suppose.
based and dignitypilled
The nexus was left by going to a statue, meanwhile the burg was the first actual area and not a hub. If you meant firelink shrine, there's no doors in it at all and it has three different directions you can go.
>b-but if I oversimplify things and use this one specific example it will make me sound I'm right
This is just sad at this point.
btw is the moonlight sword in the game? the closest to it is the divine dragon's sword
so does Sekiro, but Undead Hollows.
>Didn't he say he looked back on DeS in embarrassment?
>"It's not that I'm embarrassed"
You are such a worthless fucking retard. Kill yourself.
I am so goddamn sick of you bacteria infecting my planet with your complete fucking vacuum of a skull destroying everything in it's path.
I genuinely want you and everyone remotely like you dead. You are a virus to humanity. Throughout history you have spread your retarded logic and broken thinking like a fucking disease until a civilization collapses.
From the bottom of my heart, fuck you.
I'm not oversimplifying shit, nigger, I'm stripping away your psychotic bullshit. You've unironically spent hours arguing that DeS is not like DaS because you fucking walk slightly more in DaS. That is it. When you boil it down, "exploring" in a gameplay sense is walking. Walking without purpose until you inevitably see where you're going next. Now tell me how that doesn't apply to DeS, considering you literally have to explore the hub to find the person who rewards you with all the other areas you have to complete in order to beat the game.
>asks himself what the fuck he was thinking
>not embarrassed
>Apparently Vermin are centipedes because they're commonly associated with it
they're also partially based off the kesshin-chu from Blade of the Immortal
You're pure cringe and delusional, consistent with DeS fags in general.
how did we go from the ridiculous level of fidelity in Bloodborne to the simplistic locales of Sekiro? Not that Sekiro's world design is bad, but it doesn't have a real "wow" moment which Bloodborne had in spades.
I think Miyazaki went with a more story based linear approach, you can still get some lore out of Sekiro, but pales in comparison to Bloodborne and DaS or DeS. There’s some clever moments in Sekiro
>I'm not oversimplifying shit
You literally are, dipshit. Saying "Walking around your environment", this shit can apply to an area in any game.
>You've unironically spent hours arguing that DeS is not like DaS because you fucking walk slightly more in DaS. That is it. When you boil it down, "exploring" in a gameplay sense is walking. Walking without purpose until you inevitably see where you're going next.
Exploring and discovering new things IS A PURPOSE, retard. "Walking" is the tool. It's not that you walk more, the world is laid out in a different way for you to explore. Is too hard for your little brain to understand?
>Now tell me how that doesn't apply to DeS, considering you literally have to explore the hub to find the person who rewards you with all the other areas you have to complete in order to beat the game.
Now you're equating talking to an NPC that you need to climb some stairs in front of you to find with exploring an interconnected world. I guess there's no limit to your retardness.
What a faggot
Demon's Souls' plot is almost just ''evil king lusts for power,wakes ancient evil
>it's not exploring because my portals don't sequence break
You literally just denied that investigating your surroundings isn't exploring because your portals are better than mine. Thanks for playing.
I think Sekiro had a smaller budget.
Because all attempts label it a bad game end in failure, leading to us becoming more smug over time as those failures mount.
>if I ignore or twist the points he made it might seem like I have an argument
Good job with the retarded strawman. I accept your concession.
Because people might otherwise skim, realize it’s retarded and dismiss without reading.
He's /ourguy/
You didn't make any goddamn points you insufferable twat. You said DeS plays different from DaS because doors. Literally doors and walking. You know what fulfills the function equivalent of doors walking? Doors that teleport you without less of the fucking walking. You're bitching because there wasn't enough doors in DeS, or because you never actually played it and have no idea how nonlinear even 1-1 could be. On every single level, your arguments that make das "unique" are fulfilled in DeS.
>so they become better and better at making stew
No... that's not what he was saying at all...
Goddamnit, it's not even that complicated. The player's enjoyment is the stew. It's not something you pop in the microwave and enjoy 30 seconds later. He's lovingly dicing ingredients and adding it all to the pot, watching it close and stirring it when it has to be. Then when you've earned your soup, it tastes amazing
>food analogy
>let me repeat my retarded shit again and put more words in his mouth
I'm tired of this. You must have some sort of fucking mental illness. Go take your pills. Can't believe I wasted so much time arguing with autism incarnate.
Not one of your arguments has applied to DaS and not DeS, you lost hours ago, I've just been trying to make you see the light
>Power rankings are for children and extremely autistic adults
>Keeps posting this bitch
Beta detected, now stop posing on my board.
m8 you're the one who spent over 3 hours repeating yourself because you can't hand that das and des are the same game
>Not one of your arguments has applied to DaS and not DeS, you lost hours ago
You must be completely delusional.
>I've just been trying to make you see the light
The only thing you achieved was exposing your mental illness.
Should stop with the obvious samefagging too.
But it is all that.
No they're not. In Demons Souls you can chain R2 -> R1, only game in the series to have these. Can't do that in Dark Souls.
Arigatou, user-kun.
Life is never that magic you retards
Even though he entered From later in life than a normal developer does he was in the number one (in the sense of the employees voting as the most satisfied with it) IT company in Japan, Oracle. That tells you he has a high IQ, so its not a everyone can do what he did thing, regardless of what he would choose to do he would probably be good at it because he is mentally gifted (and didn't waste it).
Regardless of that, he still has a lot of merit/courage for choosing the path that he did regardless of job security.
Literally name me one quantitified argument I haven't dismantled yet. You have yet to provide me a single argument for what makes Dark Souls unique that isn't displayed in Demon's Souls save for the infinitesimal difference that stems solely from the fact that worlds groups exist. This whole time we've been arguing and you're just now reminding me of the one thing they actually DID change. The fucking poise system. That is this 10% difference you're looking for between DeS and Das. There is no gameplay element to 1-1 linking up with 3-3 in DaS, you just never had it explained in those terms to you before
That actually is something I miss. I brought my triple on a two hundred mile round trip just to show my buddy that [s]and my utterly broken mage build fresh out of a tendency tapped Latria
Not your board m8.
I'm aroused that you wrote this all up.
You need to have a very high IQ to understand the ludology involved in Miyazaki's games.
>infinitesimal difference that stems solely from the fact that worlds groups exist
>interconnected world is an infinitesimal difference from a segmented, select your area 'world'
Nothing I can say will change your talent to ignore reality.
It is, though.
SEETHING Christcuck
>Disciple of God in Demon's Souls who talks himself into a corner when distinguishing Miracles from filthy Magic
Top tier comedy
Tell me which game I'm talking about
>travel from [bonfire] through [_____ _____], carefully engaging enemies so I have enough health and supplies left once I reach the [area] boss. Along the way, I will encounter various branching paths, some of which are hidden. Sometimes these are nothing more than shortcuts that exist to shorten travel time. Once I get to the boss, I'll read his attacks, dodge to avoid dying, and utilize my knowledge of my weapon to logically bring my enemy down. Then, once the boss is dead, I will travel forward a short distance where I will find [bonfire], or a dead end which informs me I must go somewhere else.
Good job, your described Souls games in general. Now describe the world design of DaS and the world design of DeS.
In Dark Souls it's less clear, most of the "miracle" magics are essentially the same shit but it originated from the super saiyan pygmies channeling the same force. No real ambiguity about it in DeS though, the faith NPCs are portrayed pretty incompetently
So at long last you finally admit their gameplay is the same. Thank you for the arduous journey, please take this to heart. Sweet fucking christ, an actual reply after all this time.
>Classic Cancer
Really pulling out all the stops on being cancer, aren't you
You know I thought i would get more (you) but I guess it just doesn't come together if the word midget isn't up there
I never understood why athiests hate Christians when Christians are such nice people.
No, I said you described Souls games in general, not that their gameplay is the same. Good job avoiding describing what I asked for, though.
World design=/=gameplay
World design is part of the gameplay.
even miyazaki knows bed of chaos is the worst souls boss fight
stop shilling this shit, fromdrones.
stop seething over this, antifromdrones
this souls is shit
Imagine if he was like that guy who made TLJ and he refused to admit he did anything wrong.
You just agreed the core gameplay is exactly the same, you're literally nitpicking over the background flavor.
Based Miyazaki. ART is what he creates.
I did not, stop putting words in my mouth. World design isn't just background flavor, you are delusional.
wtf? i swear to god this is one of the most retarded thing i've read. damn, dude.
you're forgetting brain suckers
>tentacle face man that grows an enormous bioluminescent worm out of his skull after attaching said tentacles to your face and giving you that good succ
everytime i hear that "hrooooaaaaaa" "heeeeeeEEEEEEE" i fucking shit myself because not only are they scary as hell but they take all your fucking insight
>Gets a job in oracle straight out of college
>Wants to make video games so gets hired by from as a fucking GAME DIRECTOR at 27
>No ambition
Sorry neets but he was always a high achiever genius.
>world design isn't background flavor
>in a video game
Do you not know what a game is motherfucker? It's not a work of art. The aesthetics are 100% background flavor. There is no functional difference between archstones and bonfires, and there's no functional difference when you find, open, and use a shortcut whether it's in DeS or DaS. Like, do you actually have autism or something? Do you not understand what a fundamental gameplay element is? The fact the shortcut exists is a gameplay element. The fact that it connects different gameplay environments to one another is background flavor. There is no mechanical difference between pushing the stick forward and hitting A when you reach the gateway to a new level
This. neets dont get too hopeful.
I think the river of blood and the hunter's nightmare was supposed to be a reference to a specific section of hell in some mythology
I thought it was buddhist but it might be shinto
Refer to all the other points I made. If it's serves a purpose then it's not simply "aesthetics". You're the one with fucking autism, jesus christ. You keep repeating the same retarded shit.
this is just a good idea user, mix and match, make something up instead of just doing the same thing over and over again.
Uhhh, so no?
>finally get a pip after 10 matches
>immediately get shamelessly farmed in the next and lose it
>Miyazaki stated that he grew up "tremendously poor" while living in the city of Shizuoka, Japan, stating that he had no life ambitions unlike many peers of his age.[1] Despite that, he was a heavy reader, but as his parents could not afford to buy him books or manga, he had to borrow from his local library.[1] The books he read at the time, many in English, were sometimes beyond his reading capabilities, with parts of text he could not understand fully. Using his imagination to fill in the blanks by using the accompanying illustrations, Miyazaki used this as inspiration for some of his later ideas on game design
>Upon learning about what later became Demon's Souls, Miyazaki became excited at the prospect of a fantasy action role-playing game and offered to help.[1] The project, up until Miyazaki was assigned to it, was considered a failure by the company, with Miyazaki stating "I figured if I could find a way to take control of the game, I could turn it into anything I wanted. Best of all, if my ideas failed, nobody would care – it was already a failure
>Miyazaki's influences include video games such as Ico,[15] the early Dragon Quest games,[16][17] and The Legend of Zelda[16][18] and King's Field video game series,[19] manga series such as Berserk, Saint Seiya, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure,[20] and Devilman,[18] the literary works of H. P. Lovecraft, Bram Stoker
>Miyazaki is also inspired by architecture, especially of Europe, and often uses it as a way of environmental storytelling.[24][25][26] He stated that psychology, sociology, and the history of humanity have also influenced his design philosophy
The signs of a patrician
This is just so low quality it makes me wonder why I bother coming here sometimes.
Were they human at one time?
for me that's because it's a game I can enjoy replaying without paying much attention to it, while listening to a podcast, watching tv, etc.
>play any game mechanically superior to Dark Souls in terms of mechanics, design and all that shit
give an example
>Otsuka: What are some examples of traits that you try to keep in your games?
>Miyazaki: I do it a good job with lots of elegance durdhurhr
How to tell if someone failed their way up the ladder.
Kensei (剣聖, sword's saint; sometimes rendered in English as Kensai, Ken Sai, Kensei, or Kenshei) is a Japanese honorary title given to a warrior of legendary skill in swordsmanship. The literal translation of kensei is "sword saint".Thus, the term is considered by some to imply a higher degree of perfection (possibly also encompassing a moral dimension) than the more commonly used kengo (剣豪) or "great sword". This is not to be confused with the word kenshi (剣士), meaning swordsman.
Among the most famous kensei is Miyamoto Musashi, although not all would apply the term to him. Other historical kensei are often the founders of popular schools of swordsmanship. Although there is no such written rule, the title carries such prestige that is commonly understood that there should be no more than one kensei at any given time.