How did they managed to make a character as retarded as Litchi?
How did they managed to make a character as retarded as Litchi?
>muh Roy
I want to fuck that retard!
Litchi is canonically a genius and is probably the smartest character behind arakune, kokonoe and maybe tager
Good Looks
You only get to pick 2 for any BB character.
I wish she would drunkenly tease me and have her way with me
>who is hakumen
>who is terumi
>who is arakune
it's a character noone on Yea Forums actually used, much like anyone else that wasn't a small handful of the cast, usually ragna/tager/bang/azrael, at least during the era anyone actually played the games
It's jap shit, right?
They have a long tradition of perfecting this craft
>Litchi surrounds herself with smart people
>every single one of them tells her that her plan is retarded
>keeps going with it anyways since it will definitely work
>it doesn't work
Litchi is slightly below Tao in terms of intelligence.
Love to hate isn't likeability user.
Smart and retarded are not mutually exclusive
>he hates terumi
Kokonoe is cute.
love makes you stupid, that's why I'll never love anyone.
Tao must act as some sort of intelligence black hole or something. She hangs out with Litchi a lot
But you sure as fuck already love being retarded
>One dimensional villain with shit motives
>Not even fun to play in his human form
>Shilled hardcore by the writing
Terumi is trash
He's entertaining trash at least, but yeah the only way he's actually going to be enjoyed is as the love to hate bastard he thrives in being.
>t.seething ragunachan
Not even that. He's an obnoxious character who's "entertainment" comes from being an unironic edgelord with no motive outside of being evil for the sake of it. Every other villain is better than he is because they at least have a fleshed out reason for why they do what they do.
>He didn't play CF
Terumi got BTFO by Ragna user.
>Litchi threads are the safe haven of Blazblue threads when Maidrones and squirrel ERPers infest Yea Forums
How far this series has fallen
so they still don't play games in them threads
the usual business
don't make me summon maifag and makotoerp
Do it, faggot.
Oh you are absolutely correct on that front, he was at his peak enjoyable when he looked like this.
When he became this he got grating, especially since they kept making bullshit up to make him survive.
Dying never seems to be a problem in this series until in CF when people finally started leaving.
>evil for sake of evil
What? didn't he just want to leave through the gate and be free? I mean he had shitty means but there was an end goal.
too bad they ruined this franchise with never ending cash grab rereleases and bullshit balance patches
fuck you aksys!
Yeah fuck you company that has nothing to do with this series!
>smartest person in the world
>greatest mage in the world but chooses not to use it because she hates her mom
>one of the physically strongest people in the world but barely uses it because she hates her dad
Can she be stopped?
Yeah, terumi had the worst excuses though, at least that made this moment all the better for it.
>never ending cash grab rereleases
literally only CS2 CSE and CPE, which all added characters.
I only started using Terumi since my friends would get extremely annoyed by his character etc. Shit was great. Haven't played CF in a while though.
>get a hentai studio to do your anime
anyone got some QUALITY
Relius did nothing wrong.
At least she doesn't ruin entire scenes with her pressence like Celica.
Haha people can be dumb
Easy, because Mori is already more retarded than her and Tsubaki combined.
i wish snk had a character that played like litchi
i can't think of one that comes even close