>game ends on a cliffhanger
>no sequel is ever made
what's her name?
Game ends on a cliffhanger
Other urls found in this thread:
> Half/Life 2
> Beyond Good & Evil
> Panzer Dragoon Saga
Dead Space 3. Some people argue it's not a cliffhanger, but I say that's horseshit.
Extraction/DS2 dlc is worse wasnt lexine pregnant with something that could fight back the dementia and the moons? what happen with that
Dino Crisis 2
Republic Commando
Original Prey, fuck bethesda reeeeeeee
>The Darkness 2
>Starbreeze went to shit, Digital extreme got on the Warframe train and never looked back
>2K just fucking sitting on the game rights
I am mildly upset
Half life 2 is the only one that matters
>Megaman Legends 2
Worst thing is...a shitty cliffhanger of all things.
Halo 3
I'm still mad...
Haven on PS2. They had this on a demo CD along with Ratchet and Clank and I waited a year to get it, and genuinely liked it. It ends with the hero chained to a rock on a planet left to die, and I guess he just dies because they never made a sequel.
Space Marine
Alan Wake
How can an incoherent mess have a cliffhanger
Knights of the Old Republic 2.
This. We will never get a proper sequel to Beyond Good & Evil.
>Game that ended on a cliffhanger finally gets a sequel after years
>It happens ages after the first game
>Has an entirely different cast
>Doesn't even really mention the cliffhanger
Deltarune right now. Hopefully Toby Fox can get a team to help make his game, otherwise it sounds like it'll take a decades. Or a century according to Toby
Cliffhangers should be illegal in video games. You're essentially paying for a glorified $60 advert for the next game.
Fortune Summoners, even so it was a fun game.
SW republic commando
Sly 4 Theives In Time
>tfw Sly will forever be stuck in Ancient Egypt
This cinematic experience bullshit.
It's made me retroactively hate the Half-Life series.
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Arguably one of the best third person shooters in the PS2/CUBE/XB era. Left with the main villain escaping to space and that was it.
Virtues Last Reward :'(
Modern Warfare 3 so pissed they abandoned the series for shit like black ops
You know. If they left it at HL2. Which is it's own cliff hanger in a way I don't think we'd be as disgusted with valve. At least that felt more succinct in a way.
i don't accept epistle 3 as canon and i still believe
They've not always been hits, but THQ Nordic is the perfect publisher for a new Darkness game.
>Rayman 3
Both were extremely close to getting a sequel. Fuck.
G-Police: Weapons of Justice on the PS1. Really enjoyed both games, shame no-one remembers them now.
Surely this is a joke
Mankind Divided
nobody cares about that though
Have you played it? Or are you the kind of fagboi who dismisses something cause you attach an artist's outside actions to their art.
Fez was never going to get a sequel. He spent a million years making the first one, what makes you think he was ever going to make another game?
Doom 3
I know most of Yea Forums cared only for the original AVP but I had fun and it had cliffhangers.
Warcraft 3
would have been awesome
put it down
Fallout: New Vegas
Viewtiful Joe 2
Still waiting on that third threat to this day.
>Wolfenstein TNO
I don't acknowledge the second one
Mount and Blade
what fucking cliff hanger did that game leave on?
know it's been said but
FUCK. It still hurts.
What it's even worse is that they fucking decapitated Jackie Estacado off-screen in the comics, unceremoniously.
He hinted at it being in development with a teaser video and the site changed a bit to showcase this, regardless of how much time he would have spent working on it - there was at least confirmation that he'd be doing it.
The '''first game''' had a pretty vague ending after you get everything, which is the point of this stupid thread. Is it not?
and not even in his own comics. What a way to go
I am one of the few who unironically was looking forward to FEZ II. The ending of FEZ was rushed. I'd settle for the original getting a proper ending. Some sort of final challenge rather than just climbing a staircase.
Sonic Chronicles
No one remembers it and nobody gave a shit when it came out. It wasn't a particularly good game but it was super fun and I still want to know where they wanted to go with it.
Just read the comic or watch one of the like 10 TV adaptations
I remember, user. Best bargain bin purchase I ever made
Sly 4 isn't canon
Shit was janky as fuck but you could tell it was made with love. I hate to throw around meme words but it had soul.
The way it ended I don't really want to see Condemned 3. It would probably go full Indigo Prophecy and have Ethan having sonic shout matches with the President
>Cliffhangers should be illegal in everything
I still don't know what the fuck happened with this. Apparently some guy sued them and said they stole the plot and characters from a book or movie he was going to make but I don't know if they actually did or if he was just some fucker fishing for cash, either way it killed any chance of Psi-Ops 2
I worked on this game, so I'll at least bless you with some shit that was cut. this has been almost a decade ago so I may be remembering wrong, but the cliffhanger ending was a fairly late addition. There was originally a much heavier focus on the question of whether or not Jackie was sane, and it was originally going to be left ambiguous. There were a lot more short scenes (elevator rides, etc) where the game would flash in and out of the mental institution, and you'd hear Jenny ask Jackie to wake up. The original post-credits scene wasn't a twist of Jenny becoming the Angelus, but instead featured Jenny and Jackie at a park, seemingly happy, but then she asks him to please wake up before cut to black.
There was also some (multiplayer) DLC planned set in the strip club that gets name dropped, but the game didn't sell that well and the DLC was garbage anyways.
Fucking Megaman Legends. I was never SUPER invested in it, but the fact that I got baited so hard with a potential sequel still makes me kinda mad.
I remember them, and yeah, fuck that cliffhanger ending. I really don't know why a sequel was never made. It's not like Psygnosis went out of business or something.
A shame, cause the game was really, great gunplay, both on consoles and on the PC version. I still play it from time to time, reading the lore blurbs on the Darkness Relics is really fun.
I can vouch for this because Darkness 2 initially had a DLC tab but didn't get any DLCs and then they outright removed the tab
Multiplayer was a surprise. It was great for what it was
Came here to post this.
>tfw you'll never get to kill that old bastard
that game was so good. I fucking loved telekinesis surfing
It had really cool co-op too, where instead of just adding a second character one player controlled movement and aiming and the other controlled shooting and using powers.
Does dark alliance 2 count? It was a sequel already but they ended it with a cinematic for the third one then the company went bankrupt and it never happened
Fucking funny too
>that cabin fever scene
>that parody of the "bridge is out, you can't go here yet" trope
Space marine
Bullet storm
I hate cliffhangers that make you feel shit. The reward for beating a game should be satisfaction. Not guilt or anger.
>you will never kill Sarrano
>you will never save Ishi
The court ruled in Midway's favor, but I once saw the actual complaint the guy filed, and I remember it showing a lot of really striking similarities that made me think the guy had a good case. I'll see if I can find it somewhere. All of Wikipedia's links to it are dead.
Legacy of Kain: Defiance. I don't care who owns the rights any more. I'm just glad it died at Nosgoth before ever actually releasing as Black Sun. That looked God awful.
Sarrano is too based to die. He literally can't be killed, just like Tom Cruise.
Condemned 2
I really thought the early Resident Evil 7 trailers were teases about Condemned 3... but I was terribly wrong sadly
Epic Mickey 2, not only was it disappointing but then they had to cocktease sequel bait too.
It still hurts, user.
Isnt the Dilemma one the third and final one that concludes everything? I have only played 999 but have a friend who loves the series and told me some things
I'm not sure Defiance really counts as a cliffhanger ending, even if they were planning an eventual sequel.
>Black Sun
Dead Sun, actually. Apparently it was going to be a reboot, so yeah, it's probably for the best that it didn't happen.
Splatterhouse 2010
Fuck I really need to play that again, the "quad wielding" shit was pretty damn fun.
But Defiance is a satisfying conclusion to Raziel and Kaon's stories???
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2
I'd settle for a remake of Blood Omen at this point. I can't ever get it running on an emulator.
Mega Man ZX Advent, i've been waiting for so long...
Yeah, Dead Sun I mean. My bad, user. I just want my dumbass flowery dialogue about muh fate and some vampire action. I miss that charisma. Maybe it's just nostalgia at this point.
Viewtiful Joe 2.
Came to post AW
That game was absolute kino and I don't even care for that meme word
Has also one of the best soundtracks in games from that generation.
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. The game wasn't that good, but they didn't need to kill a quality series over it.
I dont understand why anyone cares about bgae
solid game to be sure, but that's it
agreed, I still listen to War, In Dreams, and Up Jumped the Devil from time to time
Was that really a cliffhanger?
You guys are babies.
Because we don't like it when stories are left unfinished? Fuck off.
there is one on the 3ds with his sister.
my mistake, regular DS
Dilemma is the third and final one, but it doesn't conclude shit. It introduces new plot threads that it leaves hanging, and doesn't answer a bunch of the questions introduced in VLR that the original script was supposed to.
shut up shut up shut up
It's literally being made right now. Be patient it's not that hard waiting for one game.
>game ends on a cliffhanger
>sequel doesn't resolve anything
>sequel ends on an even bigger cliffhanger
Not only ends in a cliffhanger, you cant use your school after you beat the final boss.
They are doing the cringy reddit meme of pretending a sequel doesn't exist which is exclusively used for series with sequels too dumb for people to understand and never actually bad sequels.
Unrelated but what's a good place to watch GCGX from the very beginning? I can never find working torrents or downloads to the series and I'm really trying to get into it.
Advent Rising
>game ends with MC teleported on an ice planet
>Objective: Survive
>walk around for a minute
>cutscene starts
>"Come with me human, there is much to be done."
Dumb kid me actually waited for a sequel for years.
Been a while and I could be remembering wrong, but I think both Ground Control games ended on unresolved cliffhangers
Who owns the rights to Gladius now? It'd make for a great Switch port or mobile game
Thank god. The only time I was happy about a MM getting cancelled; when you get a shitty MM game on a Nintendo platform is when you have to stop.
The mouse I guess.
Except TV shows
>GoT ending will be open
The cherry on the icing in the clusterfuck the show became when it lost its source material.
Not really a cliffhanger but it made a large reference for a sequel but never got made. I'm still sad.
The only thing I know about this game is that if you save in a certain spot it breaks your save file.
Virtue's Last Reward
I will be always sad for the darkness 2
It had serious potential. It had a rough first outing that made sure it didn't get a second. I think it could have been polished up really well had the devs been given a chance.
The movie would have been shit either way. The story is shitty 80's/90's B movie VHS trash but that can work for video games.
Baulders Gate: dark alliance 2.
When I read beamdog was remaking all the baulder gates I got so hyped, shame they won't touch the DA franchise
No, it should apply to them too. Farscape just barely averted ending on something that was both a major cliffhanger and a major downer.
That doesn't give Midway the right to plagiarize. It's still his story.
Came here to post this
Fucking Freedom Force
>first game is great, lots of great writing and ideas. Just needs a little polish
>ends on a sort of cliffhanger leading into a sequel
>Freedom Force vs the Third Reich comes out
>fixes up some of the issues with first game
>adds a bunch of cool new heroes and features
>ends on an even BIGGER cliffhanger with Alchemiss meeting the entity whose energy has been giving people powers
>third game gets cancelled and the studio goes on to make Bioshock
>now the studio is defunct despite Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite being huge hits
Fucking SUCKS that this series is just full on dead
MGSV, technically
We never see what happened to Liquid except for that unfinished chapter.
I'm so happy I never got invested. Dodged a big fat bullet there
Half-life 3
I really wanted Space Marine 2