So what do you think of the best gamecube pokemon game?
Pokemon XD
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fuck off
>the best
That and Colosseum are the worst pieces of shit in the series.
fuck off
The Under is one of the best locations out of any Pokémon game. It's a shame Gamefreak pretends these games don't exist.
It's weird to me that XD came out in the closeout of Gen 3 and yet featured an OC donut steal version of a Gen 2 Legendary
Why does Yea Forums hate eXtra dimension so much?
>It's a shame Gamefreak pretends these games don't exist.
Well they aren't retarded idiots, user.
FUCK off
hahahahahahaha you haven't played them motherfucker
>Story mode
>Stealing pokemon who hurt themselves
>literal only a 20 catchable in the game
>no gyms
>muh edge
Made me realize double battles are superior to singles and I wish gamefreak would realize it.
>tfw fucking metagross kills itself and you gotta try again
Clearly Pokemon Channel because why choose between watching TV or playing a video game when you can do both at the same time?
I actually liked that the Colosseum games did something new and different, including the Shadow Pokemon
It was shit and everyone knows it accept a few contrarians, if it isn't broken don't change it for the worst.
fuck off reddit
It’s also has some of the best battle themes of the franchise.
Bruh where do you people get the sheer energy to voice such consistently angry, hyperbolic, vitriolic responses? I literally just said I enjoyed it, and I'll clarify right now and say I'm not liking it to be a contrarian. I enjoyed the game even if it wasn't some amazing 10/10 experience. I had fun, that's really all there was to it.
Chill out some would you?
Since 3 wasn't backwards compatible, Colosseum was basically a way to give a legitimate source for all those gen 2 mons that were stuck in limbo
FRLG and Emerald also provided alternative sources for gen 2 pokemon, but there was still no way to get Ho-Oh or Lugia in those outside of events, and Colosseum only gave access to Ho-Oh
Huh, guess you're right. Astute thinking user
Nowadays they get around it by just chucking in a huge list of legendaries to catch in the postgame so people can get shit like lugia without needing 2 DSes, a 3DS app, and several minigames to bring it to the modern era
Yeah. I actually enjoy going around catching the legendaries in the new games though. I like tough captures
In fire red i caught an articuno with a normal ass pokeball
It made me happy
you know Yea Forums is packed with newfags when threads like this arent derailed immediately
Too many shitposting seething faggots ITT
Pokemon fans are an extremely angry group who despise any changes to the standard formula created in Gen 1.
>It's a shame Gamefreak pretends these games don't exist.
GameFreak didn't even make them, so of course they're going to do that.
Tbh, in pokemon games, I couldn't give a shit about 95% of the mons. And this is from someone who's spent tens of hours running in circles for eggs to hatch
>not loving how the limited pokemon selection got you playing with mons you'd never consider otherwise
I never before and have never since used delcatty but in ecks dee it was my go-to
They did, but by killing the company that made them, and now that company is a zombie.
I caught 3 out of 6 shadow pokemon from the last boss, I never realized they could be catch able again
Pokemon is a really different game once you remove favorites, isn't it?
>playing Pokemon
Play a real mans game you faggot
Getting them all at once is one of the most fun challenges in the series.
The limited selection of Pokémon available is what really made it challenging. As well as every battle being a forced double battle, adding depth and strategy. It was fun running teams with mons I had never used before. I love Coliseum and XD and think they’re good challenging games.
The sister was unbearable
At least she fucks off almost immediately
They probably planned on having her be the companion then decided against it after already making the first chunk of the game
To be fair, Rui is fucking annoying and totally pointless in colo.
She was the ingame excuse for how you identified shadow pokemon though
Npcs in the first towns also joked that she's your girlfriend, so it brought a bit of unique dialogue to the pokemon series