ITT: Guns that are better/worse in games than they are in real life.
eg. Desert Eagle. Awesome gun in games, apparently a piece of shit in real life.
ITT: Guns that are better/worse in games than they are in real life.
eg. Desert Eagle. Awesome gun in games, apparently a piece of shit in real life.
Spas-12. This shotgun's a lot more versatile than in most games. It has TWO modes.(Semi auto and Pump action) but games only use one or the other.
The Desert Eagle is the equivalent of putting a rocket on a motorcycle. Seems cool, but doesn't work. It's a pistol that behaves like a rifle, and the caliber it uses is too big for a handgun to handle. I'd never use one. I'd use a 9mm, they have high capacity, little recoil and, despite being thought of as weak, are still strong enough to reliably kill unarmored targets.
Anyway, my answer is the knife. In real life, knives are definitely lethal, but not to the point where 1 knife swipe to the foot is an instant kill.
Spas 12 is also a piece of trash with too many parts that fail with use.
Why don't more games have the AA12?
TF2 kinda makes the knife both extremes. Knives do very little damage normally, but instakills via backstab.
>the caliber it uses is too big for a handgun to handle.
t. never shot a Desert Eagle before
It's a bulky piece of shit for sure, but its weight and action more than make it easy to handle.
It can fire, eject and reload rounds efficiently, but it's hard to shoot one accurately for most people, is what I meant.
>The Desert Eagle is the equivalent of putting a rocket on a motorcycle. Seems cool, but doesn't work. It's a pistol that behaves like a rifle, and the caliber it uses is too big for a handgun to handle. I'd never use one.
The Desert Eagle is gas-operated and while big and heavy it's perfectly fine and functions reliably. People use them to hunt big game all the time, it's semi-popular as bear defense. The .357 version is more practical but even a .50AE can work just fine. Only limp wristed faggots think it's somehow impossible to use.
The new light Desert Eagle, in .357 is not only as light and compact as a 9mm piece, it's perfectly controllable and practical.
The SPAS 12 was innovate and versatile... in the 70s when it was just coming out, nowadays, almost all tactical shotguns like the Benelli M4 can do the same damn things, and the SPAS-12 is heavy, clunky, unreliable and all the examples floating around in the market are worn down and prone to breaking apart due to being made with cheap plastic and rubber decades ago.
It's merely a historical piece.
Because AA-12s are fucking meme guns and don't do anything a basic bitch Saiga or VEPR can do without the stupid price tag.
The M-16 and the AK-47 seem to be the only ones that are as good as their depictions in games.
What's the best tactical SHotgun that's underrated atm?
Wha'ts the most powerful real life weapon that isn't an explosive or Minigun?
tactical is a loaded term, it greatly depends on what specific priorities any particular person has.
Of you want compact + high capacity + attachment-ready + ergonomic + reliable, the Kel Tec KSG is more or less the best right now. Not the crispiest trigger and won't eat EVERY ammo type you feed it but it's tiny with a huge magazine and shoots fine.
>a piece of shit in real life
Not so much a piece of shit as a pointless special snowflake.
There's no point to 50 AE because it's basically a not-45 but way more expensive
and there's no point to getting the 357 or the 44 versions either, really, because there's better, less expensive 357s or 44s you could get if you just want a fun gun
it's a unique oddity for people with money to burn, not anything practical
Even bullets are explosives, user. Except instead of flinging shrapnel in all directions they fling a single piece very accurately.
your wording is really fucking vague but I kind of get what you're after
probably something like a 4 gauge punt gun, or a 20mm anti-vehicle rifle
I wasn't talking about the .357 model, just the .50 AE one. It functions fine, as in that it fires, ejects and reloads ammunition effectively. I meant that it's hard to use practically in the hands of a good amount ofshooters, but if it works for you, go for it. I wouldn't recommend it for anything you can do with a different gun though. Self defense is usually perfectly fine with a 9mm, .45 ACP or most revolver calibers I wouldn't hunt anything with any handgun, because rifles have more range. I live far from any bears so I'll trust you on that one though.
this is Yea Forums and everybody's dad works at nintendo, but my uncle was a guide for decades. took rich people out into interior Alaska to hunt bears. only ever carried bear spray on him.
imo that's more than good enough for me, plus if you ever get attacked, it works as PEOPLE spray too, without all the pesky legalities of shooting someone
120mm APFSDS
Fucking retard, and retarded thread. At least talk on a gun you've actually handled in real life, and not going by internet anecdotal shenanigans.
isnt that the whole point of magnum research though? making dumb, impractical, albeit cool, pistols?
There is 0 reason to use the pump action mode unless you're firing nonlethal rounds that don't exert enough force to cycle the action.
good post, actually felt like i learned something for once here
In game though, they use the pump action mode as the high powered mode, or even omitt the Auto mode.