Why do contrarians exist?
Why do contrarians exist?
I'm not going to sit here and say the other Souls games were trash because I like them all but I played this game before I found this cancerous board and it was probably my favorite Souls experience on the first playthrough. I fully acknowledge its flaws but I liked how long and varied it was. I just thought it was overall a kino game. Also Majula is my favorite hub.
You may as well be asking why does subjectiveness exist?
B team had some great ideas and had they been left alone it would’ve been a massive, incredible game.
Read up on what was scrapped, you lost a lot of content when they shuffled schedules and releases around.
Souls started as an against the grain type niche appeal series, its only once it started to get bigger did it start to become more mainstream and casual friendly.
Just curious, user, was it your first Souls?
I don't think it's a bad game, but it's far from other Soulsborne games or even Soulslike games.
DMC 2 is objectively the worst though, so your brother is retarded.
I enjoyed Dark Souls II. It's not the best in the series but I'd much rather play DaSII then many other games in the genre. It's a good game. Might be the worst Souls game but it's still a good game.
Everyone who proclaims Dark Souls 2 is a good game is being ironic. Nobody actually likes that game they just do it for the (you)s
Yeah, a lot of people think being bad and being bad by comparison are the same thing.
Dark Souls II was a blast, despite being inferior to DaS1 (something I felt while playing, not after reading critiques), but it's a game a wouldn't replay, at least in a long long time and it's been 5 years now. Just the mere thought of going through that poisonous swamp and fortress, or fighting 5 or 7 gargoyles and other multiple bosses every 20 minutes puts me on a lot of mental stress. Not because it was hard; in fact, I remember having an easier time than with DaS1 for some reason. It's just the overwhelming sensation of it all, the chore of doing all those pointles areas all over again.
DS2 is weird. I mean, truly weird. There were so many stuff cramped together I can barely remember the totality of a single level.
It had the best PVP, it's not even close in the main story to 1 or 3 but I honestly had more fun in it because the Red arena was so much fun
tbf the second half of dark souls 1 is pretty bad
Good question. I've always wondered what people see in 3.
2 does everything better and has more content. The only thing 3 does better are the bosses, but 2's sheer quantity makes up for it (and the graphics, I guess).
>b-but hitboxes
This is a flaw in every Souls.
>b-but the world layout doesn't make sense
Sure, but it's a lot more fun that 3's straight line world design.
I can count the number of decent ds2 bosses on one hand
I can't count how many are on par with even the mid tier ds3 bosses, because the answer is 0
DS2 had the best bosses, other players in a mostly fair PVP arena
The hardest game is always the best and SotfS is the hardest game. This applies to all games that have ever existed.
animation cancel made the pvp goat
>dark souls 3 bosses
*winds up really strangely*
*attacks in a timing that has nothing to do with what the the wind up animation suggests*
Demon’s Souls is my first game and I never played Dark Souls 1 or 3 but I played Dark Souls 2 and loved it. I thought it was a great fantasy realm they had created.
It's at least better than III.
I think gael had the fairest tells once you got used to his cloak range which is probably why people like his fight so much
>TFW no DS2 remake to fix the main issues ds2 has
2 isn't that great but it's an amazing casual filter.
>Harvest Valley
You can run from one side to the other in like a minute or less, it's fucking tiny and easy as hell. The only difficulty it offers is if you want to grab items, but you can prepare in advance with poison items anyways. Compared to the dark, complex geometry, vertical, hidden toxic projectile spammers, slowdown swamp bull of the other games it's fucking nothing.
>Iron Keep
Mostly a DPS check, by that point if the Allone Knights are giving you trouble you need to upgrade your shit. You should be able to easily 2 or even 1 shot them at that point.
>muh hordes of enemies
Most of the times enemies swarm you they throw bunches of really weak dudes at you, you just need to change your tactics put on a shield and a weapon that can slash and sweep shit easily.
>Shrine of Amana
When people say to use a bow you're not supposed to sit there and snipe every single enemy. You only need to kill a couple projectile spammers and the area becomes much easier.
Plus you have lifegems, easily available merchants to buy resins off of, and shit like Brightbugs to make boss fights easy mode. Basically if someone is complaining about 2 because difficulty you know they're a top tier shitter. In my most recent playthrough I didn't even level ADP for half the game so I could get my full build online earlier and now at only mid-game with brightbug+resin+Greatsword I'm chunking bosses for over 800 damage. I also went from the Iron Keep bridge to beating Old Iron King in like 5 minutes. EZ fun casual game.
No one ever said II was hard. You're wasting your time replying to a false narrative that you have constructed in your head. Snap back to reality, for your own sake.
>no one ever said it was hard
Like half the complaints about the game is that it's a slog because of bull boss runs or hordes of enemies or annoying areas. Step out of Yea Forums for once and see how much the larger internet and most casuals hate the game because they're bad at it and can't adapt.
Source? Don't make broad generalizations, mongo.
Because you are wrong.
Not him but Demon's Souls was my first Souls game
Dark Souls 2 is a great game that I still find myself wanting to replay every year or so
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, and Bloodborne are still better though
Combats bad so the games bad, nothing contrarian about it