Are you looking forward to this on the Nintendo Switch?
Are you looking forward to this on the Nintendo Switch?
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one way to get people to play mahjong
>implying this game is ever getting a western release
Explain the 90 anime hentai nowwwwww?
There were literally nipples in this game on the fucking switch.
I forget the title of it, but the Switch announced it was going to put up a really "classic" (in the Japanese sense) strip Mahjong game. That was the last I heard of it. What was the title again, and didn't it get delayed?
such poise.
imagine if everything in life was like this, you do something right and a woman strips for you
>you do something right and a woman strips for you
They do. Realize how dense you are and start doing the right things more often. B-baka.
It isn't? No reason to come out of my room ever, then.
Nah, you have to be near perfect and go through so much bullshit just to "have a chance" for them to drop their pants, and if you screw up there's social consequences because they gossip about everything and brand you.
I just want to be good at simple tasks and be rewarded, in reality it feels more like a gacha, you dump a lot of money(and time) just to see if you get what you want but the pull rates are abyssmal and the prizes are just temporary.
>Nah, you have to be near perfect and go through so much bullshit just to "have a chance"
No you don't. Girls get horny and wanna get fucked too, you dumbshit. Work on yourself.
are you a girl?
>girls get horny
Imagine actually falling for this lie
well if I was a man telling you pregnancy cramps are a lie would you believe me?
Explain thots
>He's never made a girl horny
What do you think is happening when they ovulate? They demand to be fertilized.
mother fucking atmospherec dungeon zelda
Yeah but then you'd have to be careful, you wouldn't make any progress if you don't rub the right spot.
>fornicating a woman exactly then they're the most fertile
>condemning yourself to child support for 18 years instead of just getting a good wank and avoiding any responsabilities
yeah they can fuck themselves alright
attention and social benefit. Men = money.
>what is artificial insemination
women would not touch males if they had the choice. Female sexuality is an (((invention)))
No, because you can physically demonstrate that cramps happen through EMG, CT scans, and just being able to tell when someone is lying about pain which is something doctors regularly have to do to prevent people with drug addictions faking symptoms to get doped up.
Also asking for gender is pointless. I could lie or tell the truth, and you'd have no way of proving it. Meanwhile, I can just simply point out that if women didn't get horny, then rape wouldn't be a thing because all sex would have to be forced in order for humans to procreate, and that alone would blow you out of the water. That's not even talking about how wet pussy observably gets through mental or emotional stimuli, even without physical.
Instead of moping, lift weights and practice speaking with people until you can carry a conversation. Then just meet people and act friendly until one of them decides she likes you.
this is the best super mahjong because you have to defeat her two daughters in strip mahjong before you can face her
>do things you don't like
>so people like you
Meh, stupid rules, just like I said too much bullshit, just for a chance "one of them deciding she likes me".
Why can't I get really good at mahjong and women to strip for me instead? or become a great sculptor? or a programmer? Hur lift weights, become alpha chad and be a funny clown that entertains other people why neglecting what you really like so you maybe get a chance of some tumblerina letting you get near their snatch and then accusing you of rape.
I guess I did things incorrectly tonight, I already fucked my woman and now I'm going to play some Mahjong.
>Why can't I get really good at mahjong and women to strip for me instead?
1. Because you don't live in mainland China or Taiwan where they have the highest ratio of female players, and because Riichi Mahjong is like 90% men and then a women's league playing "kawaii" Mahjong.
2. You can, but you first have to get the girl comfortable enough that she would strip in front of you first.
>or become a great sculptor?
What? You can. Women love artistic pricks. College proves that.
>or a programmer?
You can, you just need to program the right game that gets popular enough for a female fanbase, then you can fuck your groupies.
>Hur lift weights, become alpha chad and be a funny clown
You don't even have to do that. You just lift weights because chicks dig muscles on dudes. It's just to make them look at you and be more willing to talk to you. Also to get you to stop being a fatass/skinnyfag. Not doing that much not only shows them you're not really seeking to better yourself or learn from your mistakes, but also that you probably have a deep loathing for yourself or your circumstances, and by blaming one or the other, you just wallow around and don't do anything productive.
>Meh, stupid rules
You're really just scared of actually trying and still failing, aren't you?
>You're really just scared of actually trying and still failing, aren't you?
yes, story of my life basically
Spent about 10 years as hiki after college, no one would hire me because "no experience". I finally landed a shitty job now, but meh I'm just surviving and being angry at myself for being alive and not enjoying anything.
I thought so. Because your thought process was exactly like me back after I essentially dropped out of college the first time. I kept making excuses for why everything was hard, and everything was bad for me, and how hard it was on dudes and how easy it was for women, and I could try but I would just be lying, and people should just love me as I am, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam.
I mean, honestly, I can't do much to help you get out of that rutt and to where I am today. Because most of my current happiness is realizing that conventional wisdom, all of those plattitudes that people give you, have a lot more weight and experience than I ever thought possible. On top of that, my mind was drastically still poisoned from 90s kids shows, Disney movie messages, and college-aged rhetoric, that I didn't give them much consideration.
What actively changed me was pure dumb luck. I ran into a pretty cute girl that took pity on me and psuedo-dated me for awhile. Anytime I started up those depression engines, she would just politely ignore me and change subjects. I think what really mattered though was that she was legitimately smarter than me and had earned my respect. Having someone I respected subtly tell me that my shit was literally just shit was a cold slap that I needed. I started to slowly snap out of it, and I started to take better care of myself. To actually love myself first before I could be loved.
It took me a good 5 years after I last saw her before I fixed myself up and felt like I could stand confidently on my own. The relationship we had was somewhat tiresome on my emotions, but being who I am today I think was absolutely worth it.
Be angry for right now, but then get angry at yourself for not trying, and then try. You'll regret it if you don't when you can't try any longer. /blog.
pls giv QT short haired tomboy gf
I get all that, and apprieciate reminding you for reminding me, I just sometimes feel like I ran out of that dumb luck.
But cheers, glad to know you escaped the self pity downward spiral, maybe one day I'll do it too.