I'm liking this game, but my only actual complaint about it is the dodging. Couldn't they have just made it an actual button and more responsive aside from left right like how Bayonetta did?
I'm liking this game, but my only actual complaint about it is the dodging...
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Bayonetta plays better than DMC
i mean, you're almost always holding lock on (atleast you fucking should be) so how hard is it to move the joystick to the left or right and hit A
its like you cant handle multiple inputs at once
Everybody knows you dodge in DMC by jumping instead of the shitty dedicated dash. Stop being a skrub.
we're talking about the normal dodge not trickster
Right bumper/R2 isn't being used at all though from what I can see. It could have been more efficient to just use that as a dodge input for all directions instead of constantly having to adjust what is left and right from the cameras perspective.
he wasn't even talking about trickster. jumping has i-frames
>Right bumper/R2 isn't being used at all though from what I can see
Beat the game
user you get trickster and Balrog's boxer rolls
which is a better use than a dedicated Platinum dodge button
and if you can't dodge for some reason git gud with royal gaurd
>Right bumper/R2 isn't being used at all
do you not fucking lock on? its literally how you're supposed to do combos
no wonder you're having trouble with such a simple input like dodging
>shitty dedicated dash
idk what else that could be talking about
>Right bumper/R2 isn't being used at all
Not yet it isn't.
But it will be.
Bayonetta was made my competent people
Nah, DMC doesn't need dedicated dodge buttons. You should be being aggressive, singling out an enemy (or hitting multiple weak ones at the same time) and pulling them away from the group to combo on. You get many MANY tools to do this.
Nero is a very aerial character, and in the air there are few enemies that can fuck with you, and if they try he gets very excellent maneuverability options to avoid damage by attacking.
Dante has trickster (the 'dodge' style), royal guard (the 'blocking' style), many enemies can be parried with your own attacks if they're holding a weapon, and every character gets a double jump. Jumping is huge on preventing you from getting your ass kicked.
it does, it's called jump
Literally moves with iframes out it's ass and the ability to reset your chance to use them. This is the reason why we can't have strong normal enemies in DMC anymore. Everybody is so fucking retarded.
>Couldn't they have just made it an actual button
You're not being subtle at all Tameme
This is your brain on Platinum and soulsborne.
To answer your question I'll re-direct you to DMC2 and DmC, those have your beloved dodge button. Spoilers: both are trash.
DmC was a good game though
not him but it had some alright mechanics, i'd never play it over 3 or 5 but its an okay game. the story is absolute dogshit though
Not really, parts don't make a whole. DmC was crap.
It was alright
Visually stunning, absolutely dereft of anything remotely entertaining. I skipped everything I could then they forced me into a walk and talk section at the slurm factory and I just fucking HATED it.
At least DMC1, for as bad as it's story is, is fucking brief bits and pieces of talking in between the long and decent segments of action.
>visually stunning
it was frankly pretty bland outside of a few specific sequences
Highly subjective and because of that debatable. Time has proven you're wrong
man, i love that active 'parry' system, I can just focus on what move I want to use next and timing it to clash with enemies instead of thinking "oh man, do I have to dodge?"
Felt like such a badass parrying 90% of what angelo had without even thinking about it, just focusing on getting in and beating ass.
It. Was. Alright.
I only remember the good parts I guess. Probably because the other parts involved donte talking to someone on a radio or whatever.
They tried it with DmC, but it didn't work out too well. Dante does get dodge button though. Nero has quite alot of mobility that almost everything he does can be used as a dodge in most way
the combat itself was good but everything else was awful, thats all i have to say
This, and even as fun as the Vergilmobile section was, it was so linear it could be a cutscene or replaced by QTEs
>absolutely dereft of anything remotely entertaining
>I skipped everything I could
I will never understand this mindset
> Couldn't they have just made it an actual button and more responsive aside from left right like how Bayonetta did?
There are so many defensive and evasive options, it always boggles my mind how people keep this opinion.
The combat itself was hardly decent, that's what you get when the game is a button masher by being based on damage.
Jump is your dodge button.
Yes, by the time of the slurm factory I realized the game wasn't going to entertain me. The last moment I even felt an inkling of interest was when vergil shot the baby, but that was wasted because nothing came of it, no confrontation, just vergil shooting a baby and no one cared.
Except for mundus, I guess. Everything before and after that moment was just annoying. I don't know who that game was made for, but it sure as hell wasn't me.
Fun game, until they introduced the "only angel/demon weapons" enemies. Then it was like "what color are these guys, ok let's do the red thing then"
No reason for DMC2 to not have the dodge button, there was room for an extra button in that game and they took it.
Ah, the office building was really cool, visually, but they were blabbering about something and I don't think they did anything interesting, just a really cool background. That came just before the final fights, I remember that.
One of the few (if not the only) legit fun and/or good thing in DmC was the Bob Barbass fight. Shame the game is so poorly made he is in the middle of the game having the difficulty of a first bossfight.
For sure, I loved the aesthetics of it, especially the "news segments" where you're in a stage doing stuff, that was fucking awesome.
it's bereft
there was room for a better game in that game but they sure didn't take that
1 has a dodge button but jump was still better there
Kamiya is a hack
Can someone explain to me the differences between dmc combat and bayo combat?
Because every other action game has a dedicated dodge button and people can’t handle changing it up
Devil May Cry is more freeform with its combos, and has much wider combat variety. Bayonetta is more rigid, both in comboing and variety.
>didn't have to buy combos
>didn't have to buy double jump
>didn't have to buy dodge
>any button combination would lead to a combo
>fun and rewarding for playing well
>stiff as fuck
>have to buy sprint
>have to buy double jump
>have to buy dodge
>limited combos per weapon which leaves little room for creativity
You almost made a point but you've forgotten that Bayonetta's movelist is much bigger than any one DMC character. Even Dante with 4 weapons equipped
From what I remember, Bayo is a lot more focused on string based combos, you get like dozens of different strings.
Yes. Because the dodge offset ability makes long as fuck strings viable.
What? no it didn't
Bayo combat is more about exploiting the game until you tick certain conditions, then employing those conditions to succeed.
DMC is more about using whatever is in your arsenal to win
Yeah but DMC is great too
>Bayonetta is more rigid, both in comboing and variety.
how so, from what I've seen she gets multiple weapons just like dante does and even has a combo list.
what do you mean by string based combos?
Guessing you mean the witch time thing?
I've only played dmc, mgr, and ng btw, I just never got into bayo's style I guess, but the combat looks interesting.
thanks to manufactured dial a combos
Bayo still has hotswaps and her "foot/hands" equipment style allows for a lot of variety all in itself.
>Right bumper/R2 isn't being used at all though
I disagree for purely subjective reasons. I like the inputs in DMC more, there's something immensely more satisfying to me with inputing multiple smaller inputs to create combos over the longer button press combo strings Bayonetta has.
Bayo and MGR play pretty similarly
Basically, instead of stringing together a bunch of smaller moves to make longer combos like in DMC, you input specific sequences to pop out pre-baked combos.
Are there any music mods available? I want to add Mad Squalia as Dante's Battle Theme
You should not always be holding lock on, you're less that half way to being good at the game
The foot/hand thing never felt different enough that it actually mattered to me and swapping weapon sets felt kinda wack to me personally
we've already got model swaps, music swaps shouldn't be any more difficult than that
Bayo is XXXXYYY kinds of combos, DMC is linking a bunch of special moves a'la Uppercut into Divekick into Ground Bounce.
Bayo does have a dodge button, which is really nice, it allows you to cancel out of things with just a tap, DMC's dodge is a bit more finicky but it is a more aggressive game. Bayo's witch time is a strong benefit to eyeing your defensive option, whereas in DMC using your dodge is kind of an afterthought, an Oh Shit option.
So that's a no? Sheeeit
If you ever played a platinum action/hack-n-slash title then you can sorta feel/guess how Bayonetta plays and for DMC well it's pretty unique in feeling but I guess Onimusha is the closest you can get to feeling like it.
So does Cavaliere R have any differences aside from the air stinger move and less super armor? Or is that it?
I mean, I dunno, user. Do I look like Google?
I'm lazy do it for me bish
Pretty sure it’s faster too
Griffon but hes a kiwi
It's red
They're both the same. Press the Dodge button and then effortlessly juggle a dummy until the room unlocks. Play a real action game.
like, the bird or he talks all funny
I was thinking the bird but now I want both
I've always ran with R in normal gameplay but am using the normal for Bloody Palace and it feels exactly the same. I'm pretty sure the only differences are the air stinger and the armor, but I wonder if that's it or if there's some other hidden features.
Oh, it's definitely used. And get good at side rolling.
why don't you come over here and make me
Bayonetta never felt as tight as DMC to me. There's usually too much shit on the screen as well.
He's talking about side rolling which is used for quick punishes while jumping is just to get the fuck out of there like a bitch, and not to mention not stylish at all
Maybe it just felt faster because it was red?
Eh siderolling isn't so important, I beat DMD in 5 with mostly jumps and just getting the fuck outta the way of moves with gap closers on other enemies.
well the red ones do go faster
Definitely possible
Depends if you're cute faggot
Dodging was always shit in DMC. The absolute minimum to fix it would be to make make it camera-insensitive like Monster Hunter has it but they are too stupid for that.
so you always have to quickly assess what direction to press when the camera isn't right behind you.
Jump also works as a dodge, so you do have a dedicated button, you just haven't realized that yet
Only Definitive Edition and that's because it had the original team working on it
Just jump once (1 time) lmao you literally get 15 Iframes. The air is your safe space in DMC
I just finished S ranking DMD, and yeah siderolling isn't important if you just want to survive but it is if you want to be stylish as well as survive
t. filtered casual
Just jump baka
and because they just ripped off all the mods to the original version that made it somewhat playable.
I hate that I took the time to do this
>ITT: Casuals that can't press different buttons at the same time
I just hate DMC5's shitty lock on system.
Found the fromdrone, here's the (you) you were baiting for
>casuals can't jump
you don't need to dodge
jumping evades like 90% of all the attacks in this game
All DMC games have the same lock-on system retard.
Now hold up there, my boy.
DMC4 and DMC5 require the stick to be completely neutral before clicking in on it to swap targets. It's the same system, but you have to be standing still to swap targets in 4 and 5 - or, at least, not inputting in any direction. This makes swapping a little bit more difficult to do on the fly.
It doesn't ruin the game by any means - I still think 5 is the best in the series - but it's probably my only gripe with the game, especially considering how good lock-on swapping felt in DMC3.
bunch of handlets and fingerlets ITT
According to this thread, apparently they can't
dmc isnt about fighting its about combos, dodging takes a backseat because youre supposed to have your combo lead you elsewhere . it isnt intuitive or fun but does require some planning bayonetta doesnt . or luck. or just understanding a boss attacks either high or low. my point is the trolls on this faggot forum need to shut up.
this so much this omg!!!
would be pretty nice if you could use the camera stick to lockon swap to an enemy in the direction you pressed the stick, I find that 5 lockon swapping often fails to get me to the enemy I wanted even within 2-3 swaps
Bayo is kinda janky and visually cluttered yeah, fun enemies make up for it though
Bayonetta isn't like this at all unless you're fighting retard enemies. DMC is like this because everything has to be slow and shitty since everyone in that game plays like a fat kid.
This is a troll and nobody seriously plays Bayonetta on anything lower than NSIC right?
there's exactly one set of non-retard enemies in Bayonetta
daily reminder that Bayo 3 will suck dicks because Kamiya isn't the one directing the game
V: Just jump
Nero: Gerbera
Dante Trickster
otherwise git gud
>Bayonetta in general
Nice meme. Joy, Ardor and Fairness/Fearness all aggressive and the normal angel mooks are aggressive enough to be a problem in groups
It's a bit late for me to argue DMC vs Platinum right now so I'll just post this: Cavaliere Guide v1.1, featuring a changelog since I don't expect you to know what's different.
I fucking love this thing so much, it's the heavy weapon I always wanted Dante to have. I've been learning Balrog Kick Mode too lately and that's almost as heavy and powerful with much less startup, it's wonderful.
Except it doesn't
bayo is like mortal kombat. dial a combo system where everything is baked in.
dmc is like mvc with sf mixed in. freedom to do what you want when you want.
>pitting dmc and bayonetta against each other
you children don't deserve anything good
>I've been learning Balrog Kick Mode too lately
Literally just learn how to cancel Killer Bee into the SM aerial kick and jump up along with the enemy so you don't drop it. All you need to know.
Also, nice guide, faggot. Whatever.
>bayofags exposing themselves as casuals again
I bet none of them have even beaten DMD mode, let alone hell and hell.
Post your trophies, hardcore gaymer
As somebody with over 3000 hours in the DMC series easily, I can tell you that I almost never bother with the Dodge roll at all.
Jumping is simply a way more effective means of dodging.
Why is Nero so cringey?
>not stylish
>in the series that originated enemy step
Honestly as V either jumping or using his side dash works because that shadow dash of his is fucking great.
Because he lacks power.
I haven't played any From Software game except Bloodborne, which I only thought was alright. Spectacle fighters are braindead action games.
Fuck off