Why are there no video games set in africa?
Why are there no video games set in africa?
that video is fake
what about it is fake?
Far Cry 2.
Halo 2, 3 and ODST
fake sword, it is from a movie
We should import more of those people
ironically you can blame the white slave owners for infecting the US
look at 0:47 he was using the dull side of the sword
What a dumbass. Take the time to properly watch gore. You can see him slapping them with the flat side of the blade.
it's a fucking machete
MGS 5 phantom pain
This. We should hire these people for diversity in our workplaces instead of whites tbqh.
You need to learn more about the slave trade it seems and who most benefited from it.
You think that's good enough racist!?
You need to have them replace your history and folklore too, you damn nazi!
I'm baffled someone even has a camera and internet in that shithole to upload this footage.
Resident Evil 5
thats a fake dick
>whites complain and throw around insults on the internet
>blacks hacks at people they don't like with machetes
Africans are chads
this, high test BBC
>lady throws a stone at the dude to help, somehow not realizing that stone could’ve easily hit the bitches head and killed her
Blame the retards who think they're helping these animals.
This is what we're importing. And paying taxes for. These are tour daughters future husbands.
This all happened because you were afraid of being called the R word.
Yes, white. All the claims that /pol/friends push that they were all secretly jews are completely unsubstantiated if not flat out debunked as shit people on the internet made up. But even if 100% of slave importers were jewish, they were only able to do it because white people gleefully went along with it and bought up the slaves to work their properties creating the demand and then fighting their fellow whites to maintain that lifestyle.
Saying that white people dindu nuffin when it came to slavery is like a woman having passionate sex with you every night for a month straight then waking up one morning and claiming you raped her 30 times.
Only a small percentage of the slavers were Jewish? Why do you defend them so much. It was centuries ago anyway?
What movie
Based just standing by and looking what's gonna happen instead of taking any action poster
I mean, that's the best help she could offer. I'd rather get knocked out by a rock than hacked to death.
>Only a small percentage of the slavers were Jewish?
>someone threw away his life to shoot up a mosque so he can pander /pol/
>Every country is just like the west.
oh shit is a machete
woah you seem pretty mad friend
would be unironically kinda neat to see a Just Cause or similar game set in one of Africa's more developed areas. you get all the corruption and violence of latin america with 10x the population
>then waking up one morning and claiming you raped her 30 times
nowadays that is completely plausible
It was a large network of people in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and many other parts of the world who were all benefiting and participating in the slave trade, this idea that is was a white thing is a complete nonsense.
You're wasting your time. The people you're responding to take meme images they saw on /pol/ as the gospel truth and see anyone even slightly skeptical of it as an employed shill operative of the jewish conspiracy.
You have no fucking idea what white men have built to protect you from.
You'll learn.
thank you based yogi
who is the scapegoat this time?
I give you 10 minutes to make one yourself with ms office
>he thinks reading a .jpg from a board of biased pathological liars makes him "informed"
you are a deplorable piece of garbage user
White people built that.
>game got called racist as fuck
>forced to put in black women just to kick and kill savage african blacks
you fell for black israeli propoganda
>mfw I was holding tension in my body
Fuck I don't know why started to do this a lot
CoD MW3 is literally nigger shooter sim the game