Steam drones can't stop the Borderlands 3 Hype Train


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Doesn't help that they are actively deleting comments that are against the game.

I don't know what you're trying to brag about here. That's a terrible ratio for something like this.

No, that's a good ratio.
When steamfags, and Yea Forumsfags get upset they usually downvote things beyond repair.

When a third of the people who go through the trouble to watch a video actively click dislike instead of like you've got a problem. It's a terrible ratio for something that by all rights should have been 95%/5%.

Why stop a stationary object you don't like from moving away from you?

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You faggots shilled borderlands 2 to hell and back yet Yea Forums still hated it. Why are you faggots trying again?

Projection: The image

>e trouble to watch a video actively click dislike instead of like you've got a problem. It's a terrible ratio for something that by all rights should have been 95%/5%.
Most likely was 95/5 before the "lets epic review bomb xD FUCK EPIC GAMES STORE SPYWARE IN CHINA BUT AMERICA!!!"
This being the result of their attempt to ruin everything just shows how tiny of a minority they are, even them downvoting on 10 of their accounts didn't matter.

I'm pretty sure most of the upvotes are from console players that could care less about Steam or the Epic game store.

So your argument is based on an assumption and not the evidence right in front of you. "It was probably better before but boogeymen so this gives me a blank check to believe whatever I want". You're fucking retarded. This is a shitty ratio and you should not be bragging about it. It just draws even more attention to the fact that people aren't happy about this garbage. There's no denying that, you imbecile. You're unwittingly convincing more people that they should not buy this game.

no one is purposefully review bombing you stupid chink

>Hyped for Borderlands

Steam drones are, yes.

Attached: borderlands.jpg (932x765, 144K)

Name another game.

>thread for a game that won't appear on Steam
>Epic shill screeching noises and cries about Steam literally in the thread title

>implying this demo wasn't downvoted because it was shit

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It was shit+angry Steam drones

Here you go, here's the actual reveal trailer, and how much people like the game.

The downvotes are from steamshills who are mad about epic.

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>Official Developer Trailer
are you actually this retarded or are you jesting?

You're not understanding. You're arguing that the ratio is speaking to the game's quality when the game's quality isn't what this thread is about. It's about people being pissed off about Epic. All you're doing is highlighting just how pissed off people are about Epic which IS THE REAL PROBLEM. The ratio on the announce trailer in the OP should be aligned with the developer trailer, but it's not specifically because of the Epic store exclusivity.

And you're trying to use this as evidence that the supposed hype train can't be stopped. It looks to me like the hype train just incinerated 33% of the people who were excited for the game and are no longer.

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Reveal trailer is how much players are hyped about the game.

The date trailer is how mad the steamshills are about EGS exclusive, and how large their minority is.
Their minority is evidentially small, as otherwise it should be something like 70-80% disliked.

>there are people on this board that unironically found BL2 funny

Lel keep it up OP

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It's just not sinking in with you. It's evidence that the game will sell worse than it otherwise would if it were available everywhere. That's not something you should be bragging about in the context of hype. A large portion of hype was killed. This is evidence to the argument opposite to the one you're making. And now you're trying to back pedal like "well it's not that big..." You're fucking retarded. You don't think about the shit you post beforehand.

>16k PC players
>29k console players

Where's the problem, OP?

Border lands is shit with or without epic.

whos the shill here? fuck off idiot

Can I get a single good argument for why I should use the Epic store besides "It has some games Steam doesnt"
The launcher itself sucks ass, lacks basic features and instead of improving it Epic has shown that they'd rather just pay people off so that they don't have to bother improving it. Not to mention all the security issues and spyware shit.
I don't even want to compare it to steam, I just want one person to give me an ACTUAL reason as to why I should use the launcher for it's own sake without comparing it to it's vastly superior (albeit still flawed) competition

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>6 month timed exclusivity
Why even bother. Most PC gamers buy games on sale.

>Can I get a single good argument for why I should use the Epic store besides "It has some games Steam doesnt"

That's the reason though

Nobody used Steam because it had good features, they used it because of the games.

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all i'm seeing is that the console portion padded the ratio

PC Master race my ass lmao. I'm thumbing this shit up.

>Without comparing it to Steam
>Immediately brings up Steam
Can someone else try?

A launcher/console is only as good as the games it provides. Why else would you install it/buy it? A launcher is free unlike a console. If I want to play Spider-Man, I have to buy a PS4.

>A launcher/console is only as good as the games it provides.
This. Fans bitched about Mass Effect 3 being on Origin but still downloaded the client come release day.

Wrong, many other factors affect a launcher's quality, shit security and spyware is a pretty big one, prices are another, ability to foster a community, ability to actually find games in an easy manner. Yes games are the primary purpose but that just saying a launcher only needs games is like saying you only need to not fail a class to graduate.

Complete false equivalency, ME3 was available physically on launch day as well.

Origin and uPlay are pretty shit, they don't even have user reviews, yet I've seen Yea Forums claim they're better than Epic Store which is going to add user reviews.

Yea Forums can't make up its mind

So what’s actually the issue between Epic and Steam? I’m a PS4fag and I don’t a good enough computer to be a PC gaymer.

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Fuck off Randy

Reminder that Steam and even motherfucking Origins kindly ask for you data while Epic mines your PC without even asking.

Ot maybe it's console players who dont care about this whole launcher war on PC...

sony is way worse than epic when it comes to anti consumerism
you should be embarassed

>im not projecting

You realize humans can change opinions right? I liked the first trailer, but disliked the latter.

Borderlands was always garbage. If you give money to Gearbox you should kill yourself.

80% of the "I*M NOT GONNA BUY IT REE" are gonna buy it.

Can you stop moving the goalposts for 5 seconds? There's way more to a browser than user reviews, and as far as Yea Forums is concerned I'm sure they value their credit card information not getting stolen over having to take a second to google reviews for a game on some other site. What even is your point?

People like bad games. This is nothing new.

This. I wish consumer boycotts of games worked, but the only time it works is when nobody cares about the game or when the game is so expensive that it'd flop regardless

>giving any storefront that sells videogames your credit card info

Which is still a lot of money lost. Epic is trying to get 100% of 66% of all sales instead of 20% of 100% of all sales, and they're pissing on customers to do it. It's not going to earn them any loyalty. People are only using their store because they have no choice. That's not a sustainable business unless you're a monopoly, and Epic doesn't have the disposable capital to become a monopoly.

>Being hyped for the same old game

I am. By not buying it until April next year.
Enjoy your info being sold to China and the endless log in attempts from Ching Bing Tish.

> and Epic doesn't have the disposable capital to become a monopoly.




It takes remarkably more money to become a monopoly than that. Audit an economics class.

Every time until you like it. I tried playing Borderlands 1 back then, and it was god awful. Skipped 2 because of the god awful writing.

Most of the people looking forward to Borderlands 3 were young kids when they played the others. It's core zoomer material.

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>redditlands 3

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mom i posted it again

last time I checked they dont even have email confirmation on registration
that's why epicfags can use random email address

I can't speak for everyone but the writing in the Borderlands games is fucking irrelevant to me. I'm a sucker for the loot rarity treadmill and games I can play with my group of online friends I always play games like this with. The appeal of the game to me isn't the story or the voice acting, it's an excuse to grind while talking shit with my bros. But that's more of an endorsement for my bros than it is for the game, so if there was a different game I could do that with instead I would be playing that game instead of borderlands.

>Anyone actually thinking about installing Chinese spyware on their system and giving them all their info just to play a game
Oh wow.

They will. 6 months after release on steam. Well after they have either pirated it or bought the Console version.
But by no means would they get it on EGS.

1989 best year of my life.

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