>is weak to ground type attacks
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Is there any creature in nature which spends its entire life airborne?
Probably some flying bug somwhere
Birbs land to chill on trees n shiet.
birds fly
Why are rock and ground different elements in pokemon? Aren't they just the same thing?
A baby giraffe that dies as it’s born.
Rock types are literally made of stone, or at the very least are covered in literal rock.
Ground types are just Pokemon associated with the idea of "ground" in some way, such as burrowing animals.
It doesn’t float. It bounces.
They land all the time.
the bird has wings
So he flies
you're two hydrogen molecules off user
What keeps it floating in the air??
The only reason it floats is because the anime was lazily made and didn't want to animate it pulling itself around on the floor. It didn't float originally.
How do they work?
I think it's supposed to bounce along.
The better question is: where do the feet on Graveler come from? Do Geodudes have little subby feet which grow into Graveler legs? And where do Graveler's extra arms go? Are they not really extra arms, just fake?
Hell, is Geodude a lizard?
Humming bird?
>Psyduck is gold
>Golduck is blue
t. Pokemon entomologist
it evolves
I don't think it was supposed to float, the anime just did that. There wasn't that level of logic applied to that shit, like using the fish Pokémon on land doesn't make sense either so they float too.
user, pokemon don't actually grow into these creatures. they get covered in shining light and morph all at once.
I think the answer starts with an M, but it isn't magic.
Yes, but we can imagine.
So, is it settled that Geodude walks with his fists and has little stub feet that grow into Graveler arms? And that Geodude and Graveler are just lizards with rocky skin which flakes off the face when they become Golem?
The first batch of pokemon had a load of "it's just a monster lol" designs like Mr Mime, don't get too autistic about it. It could be based on something cool but I have no idea if it is or not and the websites dedicated to this shit are all run by legit retards. You have to trade to evolve graveller so you can kind of rationalise that the extra arms go to Machamp or some shit.
These fuckers won't stop fucking on my paddle when I kayak
No, I want them to be like real animals.
This is all I have, Yea Forums.
The Chad dragonfly vs the virgin kayaker
Some really unlucky microorganism that can't latch on anything.
Why do birds fly though?
Here's your Geodude bro.
>spends its entire life airborne
>reading comprehension
>he doesn't know about the dude holding the geo
Cope more, land-dweller
Your point?
bird flies
>tfw you will never be a dude made out of geodes
So SJWs?
>birds never touch the ground
Humming Birds rarely touch the ground, fuck you that was a good answer.
They're anything but micro
>levitate would be thematically appropriate and get rid of its biggest weakness
>but magnet pull makes it unique and gives it a strong niche to fill
They don't though. Otherwise bird wouldn't have wings
The current abilities system is fucked, anyway. It should have both.
don't mind me, the only pokemon with zero weaknesses coming through
Hey fuck you, buddy. Those little fuckers land on shit all the time I don't give a fuck if they don't land on the ground.
A baby that gets dropped from the womb into a noose.
Mold breaker says hi
sloths used to be the size of fucking elephants and wreck everyone, they can be vigorous
>no weaknesses
His stats beg to differ
probably like a mayfly
>runs around in sewers killing rats and being insulted by a welsh cunt
>__ ____ _____
Normal type shouldn't exist. It's stupid thematically. Think about this logically.
It never floated in the anime though. It's always depicted bouncing around.
normal type is just an animal rather than a magic animal.
based and rod pilled
There's nothing wrong with Normal type. It just means that the Pokemon has no elemental affinity.
Anime thing that GF never agreed with.
quick rundown
Is there any truth to the theory that Graveler and Machoke were originally meant to be traded with each other to create hybrid mons and that's why Machamp has Gravelers extra arms and Golem has a Machokish looking face but in the end they dropped that gay shit and just made them evolve by trading in general?
Rock types tend to be rock elementals or crystal inspired where as ground types tend to relate to animals with burrowing ability or things made of clay.
I think the original idea of ground type was to mainly be "masters of land" like flying is "masters of the sky" and water being "masters of the sea" until they ran out of ideas.
Cryptid used to explain the phenomenon of insects traveling too fast for the FPS of of most cameras creating a stretched image such as this The idea is that they're rod like animals with cuttle-fish wings that spend their entire lives moving.
I've always thought geodude turns into a ball and rolls to move like graveler and golem do.
The original Golem sprite clearly has hands for feet which explains why Graveler has four arms. Then for whatever reason the anime design gave him Lizard feet and shorter arms.
People will bullshit about the anime designs being true to the original concept art for Green/Red but this is total retardation because Alakazam has a jew star on his forehead in plain sight.
Manipulating rocks is not the same as manipulating dirt/sand/the land itself
They're always just non-elemental animals or misc shit. Problem now is fairy took away a lot of misc shit and so now it's just "normal animals and sound based animals"
They do, just most the time they are flying. There was one that used to chill on a nearby tree branch and watch me while I barbecued.
Fucking leafs
You mean kadabra and yellow was the first game to have the star, blue and red don't have the star. It's also just a regular star, not a kike star.
A Swift doesn't spend their whole life airborne, but they spend 10 months airborne without landing.
What biochemistry would you need to have going on to create sentient rocks if even possible?
In middle school art class we were told to make a sculpture of something that flies. I did geodude. Got a C and an autistic debate about whether or not he flies.
Kadabra and Alakazam have their stars in the first game, however the stars on the sprite are white rather than shaded in so they appear to be shine spots. This is likely why Alakazam might not have kept his start in the anime design, because the six sided start is harder to make out.
ask your mother
Bro, alakazam doesn't have a star. And kadabra has a 5 sided star. Pic related is red's sprite.
I'm referring to an early sprite.
>weak against water
And don't give me that millions of years erosion shit, rocks are the best against the elements.
Y'all niggas always cyin' about dumb names like Krabby a seel but naw for real I wish I could metaphorically slap the bitch in charge of this king shit
That's weird because the original artwork has no star nor does any other artwork.
Thats what we call
>Try to play Showdown
>gen 7 Is still completely awful as a metagame
>Fakemons isnt nearly active enough and theres the one bullshit fakemon everyone uses
>Older gens arent populated so its painfully slow
>>>>>Smogon keeps nerfing everything
Cant wait for sword and shield
Are Tapus and Ultra Beasts as bullshit as they look?
Say it with me everybody
Pokemon having more than one ability would tear the game apart
Each tapu can fit in a generic team, the best being Tapu Bulu or Koko, but Lele and Fini are their own kind of cancer.
Ultra beasts are in every team as well, Celesteela being a prime example.
Z-moves make it even worse, because a Tapu Fini or Koko with their respective field can just wipe out a pokemon, regardless of type.
And megas still exist, but theyre less pronounced
Because Ken isn't going to reveal scrapped concept art. Those sprites are from Red/Green, the first release in japan. This was the version that likely carries sprites with concepts that were scrapped for the anime design and re-release as red/blue as well as other factors likely related to development (I.E the Venonat/Butterfree connection.
For example, you can very much tell Ghastly was a black cloud with a face, the orb aspect was very much something done to make him easier for the animators to draw.
Also note subtle details like Electrode's complete Toriyama styled eyes and black circle on his head or Victreebel's slimmer, more realistic Pitcher-plant body.
si... fly
sheer anger