>Japanese game
>Religion is bad
Japanese game
Other urls found in this thread:
Did you even play the game
To be fair, Buddhism is pretty big there and the whole point of it is to surpass God by escaping existence, rather then basic fedora tipping
>Japanese game
>Religion is good
>Japanese game
>They worship a demon as a god
>american game
>religion is censored
i thought that was agnosticism
>still being discussed in 2019
He literally boom headshots the pope lmao
Yes what kind of question is that
This is why the japanese game industry is superior
>>Japanese game
>>Religion is bad
Western games are the same. The last game I played that wasn't anti-religious.
OP probably doesn't know that Japan was a polytheistic nation and that some of the Gods are good and some are bad.
like half of japan is atheist (which makes them the most enlightened society on the planet), so yeah
>Japanese game
>Religion good
>Religious institution bad
wh*toid post
>American game
>The enemy can only be dealt with by shooting him and everyone associated with him
>the current year
>tfw this isn't a joke either
Here's a free (You), Ahmed. Religion is shit, mudslimes more so than anyone esle.
Are there any Jap games in which either a very-clearly Christian God is good, or a very-clearly Shinto god is good?
>religion is bad
>religion is bad
real make think
dragon quest.
"Order" in general is often the Big Bad in Jap-media due to how shitty their wageslave adulthood and shame culture is over there. Same reason why western media consistently can't resist inserting their political beliefs in some form.
They have to hate religion.
Otherwise they might have to reflect on the rampant pedophilia in their video games and anime.
>enlightened society
>has several people living with untreated depression, most of them end up taking their own lives
>literally has people that live in cybercafes, sleeping on un-matted floor
>half of japan living in teeny, utilitarian apartments
>workaholic culture to sustain the consumerism running rampant across its massive, cramped cities
>has a forest that is dedicated to suicides
>falling birthrates due to an aging population, low fertility rates (west seems to think they should just accept deracinated (((foreigners))) to help this)
>growing aversion from their own folk religion in the past century, causing more people to become rootless with no idea of the past or future for themselves
Sure sounds enlightened to me. Tons of enlightened people in this thread as well
>b-but muh atheism, muh humanism
>all religion is dogmatic, creed-based, abrahamic dogshit
Yeah maybe if you're an unread fucking burger
weak and predictable
>WESTERN religion bad
And they're right. Western influence has been nothing but awful. Western influence needed to be stopped through almost all of Japanese history.
Choose one and only one
retard dmc4 is more of a science is bad game than a religon is good.
Its the science and experimentation they did that fucked up the cult real bad.
>than a religon is just bad
fixed my bad
>Japanese game
>Science is bad
>Canadian game
>Win by letting enemy kill you
as opposed to religions that actually promote and protect pedophiles lmao
>animating an underage girl fitted with bodily anatomy to fit her age dressed in skimpy revealing clothing and acting sexual to entice sexual thoughts and arousal is nothing like pedophilia
>not-pedophilia is nothing like pedophilia
It's glorified pedophilia, except you're neither harming anyone nor enabling anyone who does. But obviously it's better to have a separate word for that, so there it is.
user, please don't rape children
why would I?
>surpassing God
yeah good luck with that one
Dont expect to get any serious responses or rebuttals. It's all shitposting from here user. But well put either way.
because you fap to lolicon, user. Your lewd desires for drawn children will one day transition into your 3D living space
ah yes sounds like NEET heaven perfect for me.
Watch out, a deluded religitard might debunk you with a Wojak meme
dmc is a 200% western game, its why they're all white
Maybe the mocap/animation side, but it's 210% made in Japan user don't be stupid
natural selection
>live in cybercafe
>tiny apts.
that's just tokyo
no causal relationship with consumerism
>suicide forest
forests > bridges
has been on the rise since 2005
>aversion to folk religion
idk, maybe. no comment
>surpass God
But religion is bad.
Okami, dragon quest, Kiseki.
>worshipping a demon and trying to take over the world with one is bad
>japanese game
>jabs at the pope
That's just what gnostics say everyone does.
I hope you never shot anybody in a vidya
the desire for flesh far outweighs the desire for murder.
You are more likely to molest a child than I to fire a killing shot to my real world enemies
>The Pope is the worst boss fight in your game
Buddha just wanted to be a simple man trying to achieve enlightenment. They made him into a fucking god, he must be rolling in his grave.
Why do japs have to bring religion into everything. They are like sjw bringing gender politics into everything. Can games just be games without politics or religion like in the good old days.
>Japanese game
>The nigga's a ninja
It's funny cause Obama was worse with the trigger finger for drone strikes
But whatabouthillary????/
>In 2009 and 2010, Obama launched 186 drone strikes on Yemen, Somalia, and especially Pakistan. Donald Trump’s drone strikes during his own first two years on the three pivotal undeclared battlefields, however, eclipse Obama’s—but without a corresponding reputation for robot-delivered bloodshed, or even anyone taking much notice. In 2017 and 2018 to date, Trump has launched 238 drone strikes there, according to data provided by U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and the drone-watchers at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London.
>The Bureau reported 127 U.S. air strikes in Yemen in 2017, more than three times the amount in 2016.
Prove religion isn't bad.
Ok, religion saves your soul. Can I help you with something else brother?
Prove a soul is a real thing.
Then prove religion saves it.
>prove religion isn't bad
>babbles something about works of fiction like soul and saving
You're really bad at this.
>Japanese game
>Religious refrences are all Christendom
Why can't they be original like Conan and do Bronze age religious shit?
>being attracted to underage children isn't pedophilia
pedo != child rapist though, something the west is worse at statistically
Sure God told me. If you open your heart and accept him you will also hear him. Also install TempleOS
They worship a demon as a god?
>modern times
>religion is still around
Quantum interference of large organic molecules
Yeah I agree the hedonistic athiest eutopia of cross dressing 10 year olds strip dancing at a fag bar can't come fast enough.
>Trump is sending seals to personally stand inside the room and kill them
What the fuck, I love Trump now?
If you think religion has done anything good you should really fucking check the thousands of pedo's there is there.
All the vidya that was burn thanks to the ignorance of preachers and ignorant fathers.
Fuck you.
God told me that religion is pointless and that as long as you're a decent person, youll get reincarnated into a paradise alternate earth
Don't worry friend, there's already a market for people like you and it's otaku pandering bullshit. Just let people make the games they want to make I mean shit some of the best games ever made have strong statements to make like Metal Gear Solid 2. That's just the nature of video games as an art form.
>Still fedora tippin
The fact that you think the basis of human morals and the betterment of mankind is tied to something as base and archaic as religion is even more frightening than anything.
>surpass god
The ultimate fedora tip
That was Satan tempting you into forgetting God's words.
But what do we do about the non religious pedos?
That fact you think that it's not is adorable.
>Thought Dante's nose was an open mouth making a TSUUU
>game doesn't make religion perfect
>/vpol/ gets triggered
every time lmao
Because we're witnessing exactly what happens when religion is replaced with hedonistic, selfish political ideologies. No longer about family or welcoming community all sharing a sense of place through god but instead it's bitter, empty and horrific dystopian nightmare with laws passing to murder newborns just birthed and arrests being made for mean words or misgendering.
If you need the threat of a lake of fire and eternal punishment to convince you to act like a good person, you are not a good person.
Doubt it, he had gone beyond life and death, none of those shit is relevant to him anymore
>falling birthrates due to an aging population, low fertility rates (west seems to think they should just accept deracinated (((foreigners))) to help this)
Literally same as any western country if you remove births by imported shitskins. White Germany has even worse birthrate than Japan.
yeah instead you need some dude in a wig, thats why you pirate games though right
Except there are more murders than chuld rapes.
I don't pirate games, nor do I understand what the point of the first half of your post is. You're pushing out a lot of projection. Id wager its a pretty fair statement to say if you need to be threatened to be good, you aren't good.
>completely disregarding the fact of communal and family bonds shared through religion
Tip harder you fucking sperg. The whole purpose of Christendom is to repent through your life and be s good person. Not you're tunnel vision view of "kill people, say sorry, goto heaven". You're human, you'll never be victorious all your life, Jesus Christ himself wasn't either, but the great thing about Christianity is you can do good deeds helping your community to make up for the bad like adultery and over indulgence.
No one is born a good person. You and me would be bashing each others head in with a rock if we were born now knowing nothing like cavemen.
You guys sure get mad at the idea of doing good for the sake of doing good instead of doing good out of fear of eternal damnation.
Objectively wrong. Reciprocal altruism is one of the core traits of social animals.
is this the only argument drumpftards have?
lmao like fucking clockwork
>strawmanning while disregarding the entire point
No more (you)'s for r/Athiesm
>american game
>you can't even mention religion
you can't make this shit up
Athiesm and Autism really go hand in hand.
you grow as a child and learn from cultures, and your environment, Please use your brain before speaking.
Culture sure. Morality is not solely linked to religion and if you think that you are a fool.
seething mudslime.
Basically we live in a society retard
go back to resetera
Abrahamic religion is humanities greatest mistake and the greatest force for suffering and evil in history. Prove me wrong.
Mormon actually. It must be incredibly sad to be a bitter, hate filled fedora athiest eith noyhing to look forward to and no good accomplishments that benefit their community or themself.
Im not an atheist. Project harder. Im sorry you had a mild to moderate stroke in the middle of your sentence you might want to get that checked out.
Actually that would be Paganism.
Roman Catholics ruined everything. They’re the ones you should be hating
Let's not pretend Islam, Protestants, and Judaism is innocent.
okay Schlomo.
>his son/your closest friend is the best one
>hes not part of the boss rush
Halo was just about aliens.
Animal farm was just about animals.
Nothing to see here folks.
Do you need it spelled out? Helping others and being a relatively decent person is quite literally encoded in most people's DNA because it's a universally beneficial trait for social animals. Chimpanzees don't have Jesus, yet leaders that encourage social cohesion and peaceful conflict resolution tend to live longer than those who jump into conflicts and fight all the time.
You misunderstand "when you meet Buddha, kill him."
the greek word of soul stems from psyche
>about family or welcoming community all sharing a sense of place through god
The Soviet Union was about that except through The Party instead of god.
How about that, you dirty communist fuck?
>Morality is not solely linked to religion and if you think that you are a fool.
kek, are you playing yourself on purpose because you must be a fool if you think people are good only for that reason. Even religious people wouldn't say that.
I'll give you a little help, there are base points to set our morality on, and everyone has one. denying this is denying science.
But I guess that really points out how much a fedoratard actually gets anything about morality and the world. You've proven yourself a retard. thanks do not reply.
who is that and what game
You're grapsing at straws to use chimps as an example when they preform cannibalism, brutal killings and rape on a near daily basis.
dat reely make a nigga think
Halo is quite literally just about aliens. The comparisons end at the ring being called Halo and chief being named John.
The black guy in Nioh was a real person and a real samurai.
So do various religions.
Some religions are in support of Antinatalism, which is preventative of immorality and suffering.
/Yeah within a family, but when another family rolls up they go at it like, well....animals.
Yasuke, introduced as "Obsidian Samurai" when you fight him. He's from Nioh.
Subhuman nigger religions sure, but in nornal human religion that degenerate and evil behavior would have you swinging in the gallows. There used to be social standards before athiesm widdled those away.
like a atheist Yea Forums poster and a agnostic Yea Forums poster and religious Yea Forums poster.
Did you forget about the part where the Covenant are literally an alien caliphate?
define normal human religion.
Really? The covenant? All the criticisms about religion? Just because you are too young or stupid to notice all the religious themes does not mean that they aren't there.
He probably meant it wasn't religion that is bad, but the individual leading the community. Heck, according to Deadly Fortune novel, Sanctus even poisoned his predecessor, so he could get the position.
>If I don't go to hell who will?
Most people worshipping God because they want to go to heaven. Most buddhist worship buddha because they want to become Nirvana (flames of Three poisons that already put out).
When Three poisons flame is out, going to hell means nothing to them as peace is already inside them.
The ultimate goal is escape the wheel of fate etc God's will.
Seriously why Buddhist are so based?
>there are still Christfag LARPers shitting up Yea Forums
Why would nips encourage any of the abrahamic religions?
Literally play SMT
If you guys are so devoutly Christian why do you continue to play games made by a pagan country?
Doesnt japs relate religion to weird cults that take your money and bomb trains?
It was just one example. The same pattern repeats in pretty much every social species on Earth. As for rape and co., anti-social individuals and out-group brutality is a common phenomenon for humans as well (and was even more common in the past), despite our literal millions of gods.
Expanding our empathy circle is something that came very late in our history too. Out-group empathy only became the norm in the last 400 years or so.
because they lowkey like it, they are lkost at the moment since they are in a state right now that has abandoned their elders ways. paving something for themselves. so they are quite ambiguous about it.
Nah they haven't had anything that serious in a while although there was that famous japanese VA that recently retired to become a full time member of some happy cult where they believe in some kinda hybrid of jesus, buddha and conficious or some bullshit
They obviously fucking don't you stupid christcuck
Of course but (((jews))) and the Roman Catholic Church are the only ones I know of that are actively trying to duck everything up. Redpill me on Protestants
>Jesus comes and fulfills the law
>Jews reject him
>the will never fulfill the law
Nobody who isn't a masochist or wasn't born into it should encourage any of the Abrahamic religions. If you absolutely need some "spirituality", stick to Buddhism/Jainism.
Yeah, Sparda
According to whom? Because shooting someone with ar is much easier than restraining someon and raping them. The former is just the squeeze of the trigger, while the latter requires a great deal of physical force and premeditation on your behalf unless you don't care about getting caught.
its kind of true. post 2000
The average Japanese person goes to shrines and attends religious festivals more than the average Westerner goes to church. You're clueless.
not true
Alright I'll bite
>has several people living with untreated depression, most of them end up taking their own lives
Because they believe mental illness is shameful and says something bad about your family, so it's seen as something to keep private
>literally has people that live in cybercafes, sleeping on un-matted floor
Netcafe refugees are homeless people, user. The owners are being nice enough to let people use their facilities.
>half of japan living in teeny, utilitarian apartments
Quite frankly this is because they're so used to having to live close together for safety from bandit attacks that now they do it out of habit. They don't NEED to be so close together, they just are.
>workaholic culture to sustain the consumerism running rampant across its massive, cramped cities
No the workaholic culture is a result of the relationship between employee and employer in their society, not because of the consumerism.
>has a forest that is dedicated to suicides
No, it's just a place where a people like to do it because the heavy canopy makes it dark and people unlikely to find you until you do it.
>falling birthrates due to an aging population, low fertility rates (west seems to think they should just accept deracinated (((foreigners))) to help this)
This is a western narrative, the reality is Japan is incredibly overpopulated and this is just their population normalizing. Only in a world of infinite growth is this seen as a bad thing.
>growing aversion from their own folk religion in the past century, causing more people to become rootless with no idea of the past or future for themselves
You say that but everyone is still born shinto, die buddhist.
>if the skyman wasn't threatening me with eternal suffering, i'd just rape and kill everyone around me since nothing would matter
Are all Christcucks sociopaths?
When the fuck did Yea Forums get infested with christians? Yea Forums used to be the most anti-religious place on the internet but now you fags are believing in fairy tails
>draw a character that looks like a fully developed woman
>put a sign next to her that says 13 years old
>you're now a criminal
Explain to me how this makes sense.
but i thought they hated religon?
>t. only read BBC and CNN and South China Morning Post
literally kys
I live in Japan you retarded nigger. Hatsumode and Mikoshi festivals are a fact of Japanese life.
Another case of "reddit/liberal do thing so i must do opposite thing"
Yes, they are. They also vehemently despise anyone that isn't like them and would readily murder them because of those differences, same as Islamists do.
Funny because nips seem more interested with making the church evil and killing the pope post 2000
Prove morality is objective
Ridiculous, user. Fairy Tail is a terrible guild.
>the greatest force for suffering and evil in history.
You clearly have never heard of politics, considering at minimum 95% of wars in human history were for secular reasons, almost all of which were based around exploiting a resource, oppressing a native populace, or expanding their own territory, completely and utterly unmotivated by any religious schemes, but later given "credence" by the nature of grabbing for a motivator via religious propaganda.
having belief and being religious are 2 different things.
Their belief is very different from monotheism belief.
It has great sluts
>zen koan
Into the trash it goes.
They don't like Christianity because it's some foreign shit a bunch of smelly Alberto Barbosas tried to trick them into loving.
but thats just 1 religion
The definition of religion is different for them.
Most Japanese barely know or use the word 'Shinto.' When they pray at shrines or buy lucky amulets they see it as just part of their culture.
When you say 'religion' the Japanese imagine evangelical cults like Soka Gakkai and Kofuku no Kagaku.
>almost all of which were based around exploiting a resource, oppressing a native populace, or expanding their own territory, completely and utterly unmotivated by any religious schemes
That's literally what religion is used for
They don't have deep beliefs for it nor any strict dogmas presented to followers. Them going to shrines is the same as going to a wishing well and tossing a coin.
>real life
>religion is bad
They don't care about Christianity. It's a fashion icon here. There are tons of girls who get wear crucifixes and want church weddings, but none of them could tell you the first thing about Christianity.
Atheism became popular so in its usual contrarianism Yea Forums switched sides.
>Japanese game
>God is a meanie
>The devil is only misunderstood
>They join forces against a great evil
>Humans and higher beings get a happy ending
It literally is the basis of morals you fucking retard. Every single stable empire in the history of mankind was built upon religion. When people believe there is an absolute order to the world, and that their actions are meaningful and have genuine consequences, they will typically adhere to that order. The idea of a "natural structure" of the world is necessary to actually maintain any sort of power structure unless you have a fuckhuge army and kill anyone who dares to question your right to be king. A unified religious belief is by far the easiest way to gather a people under one banner.
The Egyptians knew this, the Assyrians knew this, the Babylonians knew this, the Chinese knew this, the Persians knew this, the Romans sure as FUCK knew this, and this is the entire reason the Anglican Church exists. You'd know this too if you didn't fail your high school World History course.
It's a political tool at best. The church does nothing but provide a perfect scapegoat for why they have people in chains and are shooting foreigners for no actual reason.
>God said to do it!
And there you have it folks, this was a church-sanctioned, church-approved genocide right here. It certainly wasn't the government routinely culling "untouchables" because they aren't of the "correct" ethnic group, or because their political lean takes away from government control. It was purely religious zealotry, even in states that are visibly anti-religious in nature.
so they believe in stupid fairy tales and sky gods who make thoughts and prayers come true.
Dam and I thought they were based. Guess they're quess retarded as everyone else.
Do you know that you can visit both shinto shrine and buddhist shrine on these festivals?
Is it normal for you do the same in the west? Like go to pray on the churches, mosque and synagogue in festivals?
>A unified religious belief is by far the easiest way to gather a people under one banner.
Easiest, but not the most beneficial, as evidenced by Mohammed's conquest of the Arabian Peninsula and its inbreeding rates. Religion and morality are connected only because the former needs the latter to survive.
>muh suicde
South Korea and China and a few Eastern European countries have higher suicide rates.
>muh over work culture
Americans work more hours a year than japs do.
>muh low birthrate
It is low true but not as bad as Europe.
Religious beliefs good.
Organised religion/the church institution bad.
Change my mind.
I'm talking strictly modern day, because all the way up until like the XVII century the church (whether Christian or Muslim) was essentially the main driving force of scientific progress.
Agreed bro.
>tips fedora
Little pesks, it's time to get with the times and stop believing in some fairy tale irl
you haave no morals I have morals because I good
And Japan is still the cleverest country on earth.
>Organised religion/the church institution bad
I think you mean For Profit Theological Syndicates.
Shinto and Buddhism have been syncretised since 600 AD. The separation is entirely political and due to Imperial Japan's nationalism.
Atheism has nothing to do with suicide just people with economic problems or boredom/depression
Only beliefs founded on evidence are good and should be accepted.
>Subhuman nigger religions sure, but in nornal human religion that degenerate and evil behavior would have you swinging in the gallows.
Bruh you literally just admitted that people's DNA has a huge impact on defining their morals. "subhumans" genetically predisposed to violence come up with religions with completely different morals to ones like Christianity.
>The idea of a "natural structure" of the world is necessary to actually maintain any sort of power structure unless you have a fuckhuge army and kill anyone who dares to question your right to be king.
I don't know, the latter tends to work out pretty well.
>the Chinese knew this
lolwut? The reason China was a constant shitshow for a millenia was the Mandate of Heaven utterly failing as a system. Turns out when you write into your doctrine "the gods favor whoever wins regardless of their beliefs", it incentivizes rebellion and civil war because if you win, the guy you overthrew is automatically declared a fuckup by the divine.
The problem with science on working like that with the world is that nothing is true until it is. And by itself there can never be progress.
>Religion and morality are connected only because the former needs the latter to survive.
But the latter needs the former to become universal. People are generally more well-educated now but modern Western society is still horribly divided, full of moral decay, unrest, and general nihilism. To establish morality you have to teach people that their actions matter.
Their leaders are literally called the "high prophets" you brain dead retard.
If we're to call them by their real names, sure.
I fucking hate the Russian Orthodox Church.
You all laugh but that's literally exactly what teaches the Talmud which is the central book of rabbinic judaism.
In a famous passage, they tell God to fuck himself because they are now in possession of the Torah.
And that they are the sages and he has nothing to do in human affairs.
If only Gentiles would be more aware of what the Talmud teaches...
Not him but you don't need religion for that, the state when powerful enough is just as easily capable of enforcing "don't do what we don't like"
>japanese game
>you fight evil cult that summons eldritch deities
"religion is bad"
>western game
>you fight evil cult that summons eldritch deities
"evil is bad"
Based, I'm going to read the Talmud now.
>drawn like a fully developed woman
pick one and only one
Yea Forums user egos are so fragile all it took were a few fedora memes to scare them from thinking critically about religion
It's true that the lower IQ you are the less likely you believe you can surpass Gods
>And by itself there can never be progress.
That's strange coming from someone that's using the products of progress built as the consequence of that very system developed as a byproduct of scientific method.
>But the latter needs the former to become universal
Morality should never be universal. Your standards are not my standards and they never will be, not even if you threaten me with death.
Not him but The Covenant are as much a critique of the caste system as they are any sort of religion, that and generally just how it's impossible to make a society of radically distinct groups cohesive unless you have a unified "not us" enemy to fight against. That's kind of the San'Shyuum's whole shtick.
t. Halo lorefag
Of course there's no Japanese games that praise what made the west the powerhouse it is. Their jealousy will not permit them to do so.
>Japanese Game
>God is apparently a megalomaniacal asshole for demanding the humans that He created to worship Him
>Humans instead summon millions of demons and pluge the world into an orgy of genocides and massacres
>God commands His angels to eradicate the demons, sinners, and any others who would stand in their way so the Chosen People can inhabit a clean world rid of filth
>Somehow this is as bad as Lucifer, who seeks to plunge the world into the same orgy of genocides and massacres in the name of "Freedom"
Japan, explain yourself
Not him but you're talking about Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus's story in the Talmud referring to a type of oven being impervious to Levitical uncleanness. Even when overruled, he managed to call on various signs from the natural world (trees, a stream, the beams of the Sanhedrin building) to show he was in the right. Each time, the Sanhedrin dismissed the sign as the sign-bearer do not innately have the qualifications to comment on Jewish law. In Jewish tradition, arguments must be won through logical debate, not miracles, under the grounds that lots of people, even non-Jews, can do (or appear to do) miracles . Finally, Eliezer beseeched God himself to step in...which he did, identifying Eliezer as correct about the oven being tamei-proof. At this point the Sanhedrin head rebukes God for this, even quoting Deuteronomy to the effect that the demands of the law put jurisdiction only among the rabbis; "it is not in the heavens". Essentially, that God has overstepped his legal bounds and it's not his place to interfere in such mortal matters.
Immediately afterwards, at the throne of Heaven, God was laughing with delight, saying "My children have defeated me, my children have defeated me!".
And this is all aside from the fact that this church, professing to serve and embody angelic purposes, is actually summoning demons and channeling their essences into themselves to gain power.
Granted, since the Bayonetta and Devil May Cry games take place in the same universe, it's not like angels are much better than demons anyway...
If you're not a Jew then you are less than a dog to them. Go ahead.
But I suggest you read Michael Hoffman's "Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit" instead. That's way more BASED.
Sure but you end up with a dystopian hellhole that has no moral authority. See modern China.
>summon demons
>get the savior to rekt their shit
>more followers join
I'm suprised that there are so many jewish people in Yea Forums
I'm not, I had to read it for a religious studies class in college and you're not gonna forget a story where someone outsmarts God.
Lucifer isn't the one that launched the nukes
>empty and horrific dystopian nightmare with laws passing to murder newborns just birthed
YHVH is not the true Creator God in SMT, he's essentially a fragment of the one true God that has gone rogue and in his arrogance thinks he has the right to rule over all beings in the one shard of reality where all the games take place. In other words he's basically the Biblical Lucifer.
>consequence of that very system developed as a byproduct of scientific method.
yes thats what i mean what we have now is a good system coming form something that is not perfect. by themselves they are both destructive because they are counterweights.
Morality nothing wrong with having base set of morals for a functioning society. The base set we live on today no matter how much you disagree was an extension of eternal damnation. but thats to both counterweights we've found decent solutions for the more dated parts and we're still going.
Wouldn't that make him the Demiurge?
The Talmud is basically a bunch of rabbis never agreeing over anything.
It's fundamental in trying to understand jewish mentality.
You're being disingenuous now, the problem of China hinges on morality obstructing your survival in it due to a communist political system that governs the country. Being moral in China will get you killed.
Actually really based.
>The base set we live on today no matter how much you disagree was an extension of eternal damnation
No, the base set we live on was an extension of the Greek "golden mean" theorem that Romans and then Christcucks took it for themselves.
No, but his followers were attempting to overthrow the government and create a Chaos revival of the Japanese Empire. Rape of Nanjing, comfort women, Unit 731... Any of these ring a bell? The Gaians were gonna do it all over. Thorman did nothing wrong.
Yes, pretty much anything where the character fights God is gnostic. Didn't you ever read the grandfather of all demon shit in Japan?
yeah pretty much
>religious scum
>''All the other religions are fairy tales for stupid people except mine, mine is the true one''
Oh, so you're the big gemarakup now?
All jokes aside, logical debate to settle issues is key to Jewish tradition. The Talmud is a record of rabbis arguing, often over other arguments which are over the Midrash's arguments with itself. It's why pic related exists as a book, arguing with god and winning through FACTS and LOGIC is part of their religious history.
But Demons in Devilman were just the original inhabitants of earth before the dinosaurs. Lucifer is literally the only non-human member of the cast that isn't from that.
God is actually God in devilman though. Sure he's basically something from lovecraft in that it's a bright light that anyone that gets near turns to salt, but it is God.
>thinking fedora memes are still relevant
>b-b-but homosexuals
grow up already
Ok but why did everywhere else have to be nuked?
Neutral is still the true path to take
it is.
To be fair, that religion went to shit after Vatican II. When exactly did you think the SJW retardation got its foothold?
>atheist and religon.
>''All the other religions are fairy tales for stupid people except mine, mine is the true one''
>bro it could all be true who the fuck definitively knows. no-one and that is the only correct answer
Fill in "???" with "Gain More Power" and that's literally the plot of DMC4
are you crazy?
Now going to dump my "Ryo screaming about his father being dead" folder. A fitting end to a thread like this, I think.
He's a big shiny guy that Akira decides to fight in Lady to promote more yaoi content.
agnostics I find are people that want to be left the fuck alone by both groups because they tend to be obnoxious twats
Every country with big government problems.
See EU, it also slowly become China
This post is retarded but not in the way you may think.
it's actually true that a person can like loli without being a real life pedophile. Plenty of people are capable of controlling their urges and some dudes who like loli are repulsed by real life children, and repulsed by "3D" females entirely.
You say "pick one and only one" though. despite the fact that a pedophile can indeed like loli.
>create universe
>create life
>shape planet for one species in particular
>create afterlife of eternal bliss for those who follow your teachings
>some faggot says "yeah but like, what if you didn't actually do that?"
>thinks he'll be eternally rewarded for being a fag
Coward's way tbqh
>do all of this
>whoops sorry people can make their own choices ;^)
>person leads a good Christian Life until they suffer a traumatic brain injury and become a horrible person through no fault of their own
>send them to hell forever
What the fuck bible tipping comment is this?
Gentlemen, I have come to say the N-word.
A pedophile is not by definiton a child molester either, plenty of pedophiles just have to suffer through their lives with their ailment.
Truly the most marginalised minority.
That's all, folks.
>the whole point of it is to surpass God
you so horribly misunderstand buddhism on such a fundamental level that you probably classify as legally mentally handicapped.
Lolita complex is the same as pedophilia.
The confusion coming from the fact that nowadays sjws retards treat pedophile==predator criminal.
There is nothing wrong with being pedophile.
And liking 3d or 2d is not really matter, when you attract to children more than adult you are a pedo.
And remember there is nothing wrong with being pedo or lolicon, they are not criminal.
Criminal that deserve all the hate are those who committed crimes/harming children a.k.a predator.
>Russian game
>The Player is God
>The Villain is the Devil but he's not evil just misunderstood
>The morals understand that the Devil isn't evil and they cheer for him to win during the final battle
>God realizes that basically good and evil is subjective and decides to spare the Devil and just let everyone do whatever they want
>The end of the game results in the world devolving into utter chaos as a result
And everything is really bleak.
if god is good h would understand my dilemma and I believe he is a real possibility.
Not according to objective morality that religionfags attempt to impose. You deviate, you get the lake of fire.
Because in Buddhism there is no God to surpassed. God simply does not exists
I look forward to having this same thread tomorrow guys. Never change Yea Forums
um, that's kinda my point? you are still trying to shove the idea of a one single God as in christianity into buddhism but thats completely wrong still. They don't have the concept of a God.
That has to be the absolute dumbest bullshit I've ever heard in my fucking life. kys
>Polish game
>Everything is bad
>be an adult
>knows Santa, Easter Bunny, Witches don't exist
>believes in God...
its a paper proving existence of the soul. what else do you want retard. muh science faggo doesn't believe in peer reviewed science.
keke anything to disqualify le religious loonies amirite xdxd
thanks to religion we have nun and angel hentai.
>peer reviewed proof of the existence of souls
Unironically based.
like i said retarded scoicnce faggo who doesnt Believe in scoince. Just wow
Why not post it then, if you're so confident in it?
what is gugl
not him but i just want to tell you that you are a massive faggot and a retard. the "soul" isn't even a clearly defined thing.
So you're pretending it can never exist so you always win this self argument. kek the coping mechanisms of retards like you.
>Nawar al-Awlaki
Wow, I feel so bad
The one of the left is 9. Zakuro from Dokuro-chan.
Remember when the fedoratipper meme was more about making fun of those weebs in trench coats holding katanas who thought they were the smartest people alive just because they didn't believe in god, and not just anyone who doesn't believe in god
Fucking hell, wrong image.
evolution of a maymay
>So you're pretending it can never exis
way to shove words down my throat you mong.
What the fuck
Loli is different from pedophilia but animating loli's for fanservice and weebs lusting after it is pedophilia. However since anime characters aren't real it doesn't really matter, it only matters when actual children are hurt. Not every loli is sexualized anyway.
its okay user I know you don't believe in science, you've proven it. Loony's like you belong in the trash tbrqh, slowing down progress.
>Not every loli is sexualized anyway
They will be when fan artists get their hands on them.
Not true. To this day, there are still no lewds of Yotsuba.
you're just asking for someone to get banned
Foiled again!
need a hug?
>When people believe there is an absolute order to the world, and that their actions are meaningful and have genuine consequences
That's only for monotheistic religions which are basically abrahamic ones. They all follow the idea that there's a completely righteous, perfect, absolute being that can't be questioned. It makes them easy to use for rulers, because if you want to implement something in the moral code of your country, you just have to say X is deemed good/bad by god. It also promotes black/white thinking because of that.
Yet somehow there are huge parts in the world that function even without one true god that's right all the time. Japan is an example, so are scandis who lived without perfect gods for a long time.
Buddhism doesn't have a one true god but it still establishes that there is an absolute order to the world, gives actions meaning and consequence (karma), and gives every one a common goal to unite under.
>japanese game
>main character utilizes "god power" to kill demons
>last boss is literally called SATAN
>american game
>burger is a religion
Why do nips love Christian concepts and imagery so much?
The names sound cool
Based Scullyposter
They use Norse concepts and imagery a ton too. Possibly even more than Abrahamic stuff.
The fictionalized biblical stuff is just more noticeable because of it's comparative familiarity.
Cause its cool
I guess its the same thing as westerners thinking samurais and ninja's are cool. Just foreign interest.
you're loosing
Absolute brainlet poster
This, people should just accept Jesus Christ already and move on with their lives.
God literally isn't real
Unironically this. Move the fuck on.
cause it's cool
Based whataboutobama user.
several people? wow
What the FUCK kind of goofy retarded explanation is this?
God absolutely does exist in Buddhism you idiot. Not to mention there are demons from hell and everything in between. Buddha simply achieved enlightenment which is the highest level of incarnation and his followers attempt to replicate it.
wonder why china got rid of all religion
>ITT: faggot trannies complaining about jap culture
Its kinda ironic that Americans always act like this. In atheist majority countries the religious people are the actual fedora tippers. Every christian I have ever known were weird friendless loners.
>Japanese Game
>The teachings of Buddha lead to enlightenment
Because it is so exotic and foreign to them.
Mysterious thing always attractive to them.
Anoon, please, why did you post this? Now my virile member is extremely hard.
I'd tell you to pick up a history book but you've already made up your mind any fact contradicting your 13 year old understanding of the world is just going to bounce off your head so no point
Go kill yourself
its too bad of all the kids getting ass raped by faggot priests you somehow escaped unscathed
>come back home from highschool
>get sucked into a TV
>kill god
I fapped to lolis for years and 3D children still disgust me
Checkmate trannies
>God is a giant machine
>was severely damaged, and created humanity as a self-replicating system that would eventually become replacement parts to repair itself
>humanity must kill God in order to not get harvested
>Japanese game
>Ancient Egyptian Religion themed
>has a forest that is dedicated to suicides
Why do Nips get to have all the nice things?
>growing aversion from their own folk religion in the past century, causing more people to become rootless with no idea of the past or future for themselves
Last time they followed that religion more passionately they got nuked twice. I would be wary after that.
>Granted, since the Bayonetta and Devil May Cry games take place in the same universe
Gonna need a sauce on that
The Order of the Sword, huh?
It's kinda ironic you sed that on board where neckbeards can't get over diablo game released on mobile phones.
His ass.
It's some bullshit about the head guy for DMC1 and Bayonetta that isn't even involved with DMC any more referencing both games
Don't let satan win user
what game?
Those cafes are max comfy
This thread is still up?
>japanese game
>religious group is wacky and suicidal fundamentalists
>it's actually a deliberate elaboration of the philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard
Isn't one of Bayo's summons one of the demons Dante fights in DMC1?
Who, the spider?
>Kofuku no Kagaku
>This still exists and I literally live next door to one
Never going near that fucking thing, I've avoided being solicited by Scientologists every time I had to walk past those fucking places and I'm not changing that now.
I think so.
I’ve never seen this. In fact most Japanese games promote spiritualism and Shintoist beliefs.
Maybe you’re just butthurt over them making fun of the west and the zealotry of your religions (which are basically just memes since they don’t change your day to day activities like an actual religion should).