Why are game journalists so entitled?
Why are game journalists so entitled?
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Someone make a video about cancelling entitled white journalists and how easy modes are for conservatives and they will all shut the fuck up.
nathan grayson is such a cool name and wasted on this fag
>An easy mode has never ruined a game
Because they spent 60k on their degree and can’t land a job that pays 27k pre tax
>Hard games should have an easy mode
>No comment on how easy games should have a hard mode
When it comes to single difficulty games, the latter has been immeasurably more damaging than the former.
Get a degree in something useless have to get a job. Manage to get one writing trivial shit. Move up to video games.
Suck at them and never play them new job is writing about video games. Bitch about making them easier. Cycle continues every time a game comes out meant to challenge.
Here, hit em with this.
I don't think people really talk about that because no hard mode for an easy doesn't lock people out of playing a game the way no easy mode can lock casuals out of a hard game. That's what a lot of these arguments boil down to, accessibility rather than any actual commentary on the game experience and if playing on easy/hard mode is any fun.
Its not even accessibility, they just want things dumbed down for them.
Why does that woman have a beard?
>Journalists are entitled
>Fuck you guys, my idea is right
Now, I'm not advocating for an easy mode, I just want everyone to understand that you're also acting entitled. At this point I don't even know why we let people shit posting about game journalists shit up this board. Game journalists want publicity, and you talking about them is doing just that. Just ignore them and eventually they'll die off.
Try playing any recent western game and see what a shitshow they become on high difficulties
Having an easy mode is an out for them to build the game around normal and then get lazy and just increase enemy health/damage output to the point that the game becomes fucking unplayable on harder difficulties
Having only one difficulty means they have to put effort into developing it
There should be an easy mode that makes it so easy, even a baby can mask buttons and win.
>God mode
>weapon that one hit kills everything
> every boss just has a heart attack while YOU'RE SPECIAL plays all the time
>end credits call you a fucking baby that can't beat a video game without special assistance
Casuals don't play hard modes in games, what the majority of people want is the one mode they can go through before going on to the next game. Also they're right, easy mode never hurt a game and I don't see why its even a point of conversation.
Is it these peoples job to just find any dumb shit about a game to complain about? Or are they actually barely even gamers that they can't play the game.
Are we into a singularity that people with dunning kruger effect at the bottom of the pyramid are actually in normalized positions in society now?
>One side wants the devs to do whatever the fuck they want and gave the company money
>the other demands an easy mode and uses disabled people for their own gain despite not even paying a cent for the game due to review copies being free.
You're trying to claim these are the same thing and I want you to know that hanging yourself is the only way to repent for this faggotry.
They want you clicking on their articles and talking about them, that's the whole thing with all news media. It doesn't really matter what they talk about as long it's getting attention.
They're bad people.
I just dislike having to reenter the boss area after each death/attempt.
For Genichiro, for instance, the sculptor's idol is very close but after you die it "reloads" the sculptor's idol area, then you go out the window and grapple up then it loads the cutscene, then loads the fight.
That's three loading screens just to get back into the fight after you lose.
That's unacceptable in 2019
Compromise: Game gets easy mode, but will also periodically mock you for selecting it.
Tamriel was a mistake.
who is paying these people? nobody reads anything they write but still they linger on churning out one unread article after another.
why does everyone that agrees with this stupidity look like a huge faggot or literally is one?
They have to do something with those gender studies degrees, user.
if something isn't taken from you then it isn't going to feel as rewarding, you'd just feel as much as water does when it erodes a rock. for instance if you just had infinite resurrections you'd have no satisfaction after defeating the boss.
Personally, I think locked off achievements/trophies if you play on easy is an appropriate punishment.
What if I like difficulty gatekeeping, though? God Hand discussions are so much fun because retard easymode faggots aren't shitting up every thread.
I mean this has to fucking catch on soon right? it will probably take 1-2 more years for people to notice.
>I want an easy mode so I can actually beat the game and write my shitty first impressions review before the embargo lifts
take what these people said about the mass effect 3 ending and how a artist vision should not be changed to acomodate the masses or whatever bullshit that shat on a keyboard that day and use it agaisnt then
When they complain about it make montages of both takes calling then on their bullshit
So at the end of the day there are people literally taking these peoples comments seriously and living by it lmao.
if there's no easy mode then their job is at stake so of course they're going to want it.
Couldnt happen to better people
imo no achieves plus locked into shura ending
The reason that easy mode hurts games is because you don't want to learn how the game plays. You're not in it for the actual videogame experience. You basically want a glorified lets play. Similar problem happens with cinematic movie games. A game is supposed to punish you for failing, and oftentimes feel a bit frustrating, but without feeling unfair. It should always make you want to come back and get that sweet ending.
This was my experience with Hollow Knight. I loved the game, even though I gave up while playing the godmaster DLC. Call me pathetic if you wish, Pure Vessel is a grade A asshole. I accept that as my weakness.
There is no reason to be mad. All this talk will only garner further sales from edgy teens seeking “gamer cred” while From will never compromise their design because of a few loudmouths.
Also look on the bright side. These difficulty complaints by journos is an even greater praise for FromSoftware games. Many of them have argued that greater accessibility would let more people experience the rich worlds that From have crafted and considering that these people trip over themselves creaming over TLOU and the like, its a testament to how God tier From is at world building that their games have something appealing even to these fags.
Yea but why are people hiring them, and most of all if we give it attention here it only helps these people. Wait wait maybe we should make it more popular it will breed retards so I can actually be ahead in life.
I used to be against gatekeeping thinking it was just for elitist shitheads but I have finally seen the light. Without proper gatekeeping your hobby will be overrun with entitled shitheads that just pretend to like it because they want to fit in and will inevitably ruin it by creating a large demand for garbage products.
MGSV was a shitshow, but I loved how the game had an easy mode, and then the journalists all bitched that the easy mode puts a chicken hat on you so everybody knows you're a shitter.
That's all "hardcore" gamers want, journalists. They want to be able to spot shitters.
Next thing you know, somebody will be saying that platinum trophies are unfair.
Here's a hot take: nathan grayson's a fag
You're correct, but what's the big deal with just letting other people have glorified let's play experiences if that's what they want? Not everyone desires the same things out of vidya.
Dynamic difficulty without telling people in the RE series was pretty good.
>easy mode puts a chicken hat on you so everybody knows you're a shitter.
>dev makes one shot difficulty
>die and restart game
>now the normal mode is considered easy
that will shut those faggots up
>Is it these peoples job to just find any dumb shit about a game to complain about?
Yes. It's called clickbait.
inclusivity leads to destruction. The lowest common denominator is the death to any hobby.
nathan grayson is a loser thats been blacklisted from multiple events/organizations because he only asks questions with the intention of baiting people into a clickbait title about sexism or racism
What's wrong with not giving it to them? If they want a let's play then watch a let's play, not all videogames are for everyone. And this goes for any artform. Not all films are for everyone and not all books are for everyone.
Letting people have their glorified let's plays? I guess there's nothing wrong with that.
Letting game journalists have their glorified let's plays? These are the idiots who will champion games that let you skip gameplay for a "play it for the story" kind of experience, and these morons control metacritic scores. Now, rational people discard them, but most people swear by metacritic and many games can be brought down by some douchebag who couldn't beat the tutorial and took it out on the game's score.
Racing games do this organically. I sucked with the red bull cars in GTSport. Then I got gud with them. Then went back to a group 3 race and everything felt like it was on turtle speed.
It was so easy to apex every turn.
>Threads about this all day
>Threads like this that journalist cause every month
When will this politic shit ever end? Is this just what it's like now? Forever?
How come GG never went after Nathan Grayson?
Least the writer admits xe is disabled
the salt over at shitaku was real
>divert resources to balance a game to make it easier for lazy journos
>suddenly you don't have the time, energy or money to complete other things
>this somehow isn't ruining it
yeah okay
the irony of them using disabled people to prove their point is that said disabled people can play the games better than them
fucking hilarious
Yep, that's all video games are now. Sorry if you wanted to enjoy yourself.
I dislike that there is no way to refight bosses without going NG+. I thought the memories were going to be like that, a way to refight the boss. But nope, its just pointless fluff description. Fucking horseshit - at least with Souls games you can get summoned for bosses again but here I gotta slog through it if I ever feel like refighting rape ape.
This. Being white is living on easy mode, so only entitled fragile whites are unused to challenge and difficulty. Easy mode = White privilege
I want to fuck Star
Why would I want to hold a controller in my hand while I watch a movie? Clearly I have no intention of actually playing it, otherwise I would have no problem rising to overcome the challenge, which is the entire FUCKING POINT OF ANY GAME THAT HAS EVER EXISTED FUCKING SHIT REEEEEEEEEEE GODDAMN COMMIES
It's much worse than that.
>dev actually includes an easy mode
>game journos are entitled assholes who think hard mode shouldn't exist, or that it shouldn't unlock anything because "I want that content now"
>working for a better reward is foreign to them
the fact that it doesn't exist means asking for it is asking for a version of the game that's lesser than the normal version and thus doing what you said, robbing yourself of the feeling of accomplishment. At that point, an easy mode is basically the same as watching a youtube playthrough but pretending you're the one that's playing. Either way, it's pretend.
Not everyone desires are going to be met by every vidya, which is why every video game isn't made for everyone. If you're not getting "what you desire out" of a game like sekiro (which if we're being honest, is learning how to play and engaging with the gameplay) then you should honestly just play something else.
There's usually only too much gatekeeping or none at all. Most of the people pushing for no gatekeeping are sensitive assholes. A bit of gatekeeping is needed to keep a hobby from being changed by idiots who don't appreciate the original vision and what everything changed for them.
People who want no gatekeeping have never had something they care about be changed from the inside by people who don't care
their job is literally to complain about things. If seikro had an easy mode, theyd bitch about no girl characters. if it had girl characters, theyd complain about the costumes, if it had tasteful costumes, theyd complain about how inaccessbile the japanese lore is, if the lore was dumbed down, theyd try to some how tie it to imperial japan's nazi/fascism. Just stop reading this shit and giving them attention.
Pure Vessel was such a fun boss but I don't begrudge anyone for not beating the godmaster stuff. What I do take umbrage at are the people who go WHY DID TEAM CHERRY MAKE THIS, HOW DARE THEY SPEND TIME ON THIS when its one of the best implemented boss rushes I've ever seen in a game.
what the fuck does making fun of a game journalist being shitty at their job have to do with politics? Its game journalism it's a profession with less dignity and significance than jerking off into a cup for $60. This all for lulz my dude.
they claimed theyre retarded and cant play a game properly requiring a easy mode
(((journalists))) need to shoot themselves.
>I want to be the next WOODWARD or BERNSTEIN!
>okay the job market is a lot more difficult than I thought
>what can i do....
>I know I'll cover video games! that is as important as taking down presidents!
lmfao look at this language
i'll bet you $100 this faggot went to college for film criticism
The better question is why should they get them in the first place? At least in games where it clearly isn't the intent.
I personally think all single player games should have optional difficulty, that way if I hate the pile of shit, I slap it on easy and beat it, if I enjoy it I will put it on a harder setting, if I am just meh on it, normal.
Provide proper difficulty settings of course, or even create a "hey, you beat me on hard, here is harder"
Easy mode for Sekiro could be really simple, but then again I dunno how much easier it can be, maybe just make it so your weapon does more damage or you have more health?
They did the same thing with Wolfenstein, they did the same thing with DMC3, they did the same thing with Ninja Gaiden back in the day. The only new element is that now they bait much harder for clicks.
because it's this stuff every day and is usually followed by politics. It used to be we had these threads every few months but it's so god damn common now
That's what I thought about retards like you 6 years ago.
I’m glad Sekiro is getting so much free publicity.
>easy mode is like closed captions
Oh my fucking God this guy is retarded
I honestly agree with this.
Souls did it better by showing the cutscene ONE time, and then just having a fog wall with the boss waiting for you
it's been like this since atleast 11 and was still pretty common around 09
But what if the easy mode isn’t easy enough?
good on them for not adding shit like spirit weapons from nioh and what not. no ultra devil mega buttfucker button to make you godmode for a limited time
>falsely equating accessibility options for the disabled with easy mode shortcuts for able bodied faggots
Isn't Nathan Grayson the protag from that psp resistance game?
>Just make Sekiro into a braindead R1 mash fest!
Why the fuck would you even play it at that point? Just watch a lets play.
I've been here since 08 and it didn't become this common until shortly after gamergate. The most we had was rage threads.
"video game click baiters need easy mode, so the persons that actually play video games don't get an advantage"
He's just mad that he can't bang one of the developers
>no hard mode for an easy doesn't lock people out of playing a game
Yes it does. It goes out of its way to bore me to tears and lose interest over something I spent good money on because you can't reflect difficulty in screenshots. Every game should have a hard mode to make them accessible to ALL gamers. The handicapped are not the only class of people.
tell that to farmers in Africa or eastern Europeans.
If a game is so boring to make me consider playing on easy just to finish it, I just drop the game
Really, I loved fighting him in the hall of Gods, but when you fight him in the fourth pantheon, you're tired from all the previous bosses, and he catches you off guard. It's all fun and it made me want to improve, but boy TC did not hold back.
I'm not even gonna bother explaining why, you're too stupid to bother. Literally everything you do is informed by politics, you can thank the Clintons for wanting social studies in every class.
>makes the argument that he is objectively correct while stating that it's possible that as a "able-bodied, neurotypical human being" to still miss the point
Wow good job faggot. You just handed the doubt over to me that robs your argument of merit.
How about this, don't play the game. It's not for you.
What these arguments about "accessibility" actually boil down to are short cuts for normally-abled people who are capable of playing the game but are too lazy to do it.
You're now aware that there is one racial group that doesn't get a boost to their SAT score when it comes to getting financial aid and every single other one says they're entitled.
That's why I practiced in the hall until I could reliably beat him. Made that victory all the fucking sweeter in the actual pantheon.
And its actually pretty funny because I remember in vanilla HK, the bosses were all fairly tame. Watcher Knights used to be the difficulty peak. I think it was just TC becoming more familiar with pushing boss mechanics and movesets to the nth degree.
Not him but you sound like a spaz.
What is Devil May Cry 2 for $500, Trebek.
>that way if I hate the pile of shit, I slap it on easy and beat it
Why would you keep playing a game you hate and think is a piece of shit.
Honestly if I were FromSoft I'd do everything I could to make them bitch more. I hope their next game is hard as fuck.
Bloodborne and Sekiro are the only hard FromSoft games anyway. Journalists are just bitches.
This is all I think of when I see those game presstitutes whine
I think you could make both schools of gamers happy if you made it readily visible how the person was playing.
Give the shitters who want easy mode the more "edgy" looking gear.
Flaming swords, glowing WoW armor, particle effects, etc.
They can run around and feel like a badass, and anyone with a brain knows better.
Then give the "hardcore" players some shit like a rusty katana
This. In a world of let's plays and twitch streams there is no point to adding difficulty modes for journalists and scrubs. Nothing is stopping you from experiencing the story/music/art/everything that's in the game besides the actual game.
There is literally no reason to need or want an easier difficulty option in a game unless you want to the 'prestige' and sense of accomplishment from beating a game without having to work for it.
This is what happens when you give children participation trophies and raise them to have high self-esteem. You get worthless insects who are mentally and emotionally incapable of growth or maturity. You get people whose response to a problem is to try and cheat around it or get the standards lowered instead of facing it head-on.
Diverse games should have a white mode.
For some people, accepting diversity is too hard. And games should be for everyone.
>That's why I practiced in the hall until I could reliably beat him
That was the only way I got past Great Nailsage Sly. I see now why that hall of gods is there now.
more smug noa
Based oatmeal cookie
>helped some famously engaged woman cheat on her husband
>still has a career based around his opinions
fuck this guy forever
>No, that's not quite right. The lowest difficulty will be called Ninja Dog. While it is a mode intended for casual gamers, it is not Easy Mode. Not being able to beat the game on Normal means that you are a failure as a Ninja, but not that you are a failure as a gamer, right? Ninja Dog is for those players.
>How does that affect your ranking at the end of each stage? Can you get a Master Ninja ranking in Ninja Dog mode?
>[laughs] That's nonsense. Impossible. How could a dog become a Master Ninja?
>In other words, there are some people who want to beat the game, even if it means being reduced to the level of a dog; people who are not afraid to shame themselves to accomplish their goals. Sometimes in life, that type of style is necessary. Anyone who can think like that can still be a real man. The Ninja Dog difficulty setting is for men like that. So don't give up too easily!"
Itakagi is a piece of shit but this is one of the most based things he accomplished in his entire career.
Did you find the secret room where you fight all the Zotes to earn a different title screen? That's the best part of Godmaster imo
And retards fall for it hook line and sinker all the time.
>Some literal who saying Sekiro should have easy mode
>10000000000000000 hits
>Miyazaki himself talking about why the game is made to be hard
>5000 hits
I'm not even fucking kidding
>5722 hits
For all the whining about clickbait and editoralized garbage, the majority of ""gamers"" don't fucking want "just unbiased news", they actually want retarded shit they can get angry and shitpost about.
I can't tell what was better, this statement or when he walked out of the Kinect reveal because he thought everyone wearing the ponchos was too silly.
>games should be for everyone
Games should be for be for the audience of that game. Or it should be s game the developer wants to make/play.
Try to make a game for everybody and you end up making a game for nobody
>For all the whining about clickbait and editoralized garbage, the majority of ""gamers"" don't fucking want "just unbiased news", they actually want retarded shit they can get angry and shitpost about.
Welcome to Yea Forums, we'll be seeing this same thread 4000 times this month.
Developers Clap don't Clap owe Clap you Clap anything Clap
wtf I love twittter niw
It's hilarious how game journos will always circle the wagons when one of them comes under criticism
Remember all the articles that came out after Dean "dumber than a pigeon" Takahashi played Cuphead?
I did. Died exactly on the 57th zote. Talk about a coincidence.
This is fucking weird. Is there some kind of collusion going on?
Where have you been the past decade?
No the real patrician quote is when he was talking about playtesting Gaiden.
>they [testers] would keep complaining the game was too hard
[he loses himself in thought for a second]
[smiles broadly]
>so I made it harder
They actively dumb themselves down to the level of the stupidest member of their group.
I can hear it.
Okay yeah but does he agree that women should have an easy mode so autists(like me) can get one?
Nice, congrats user. My first attempt was 56 and I wanted to scream.
Oh that's a good one too.
nathan probably made this very thread
fucking kek
It's weird because I recall other journos actively bashing on him years before when he wrote that dumb "Warhammer 40K is a Gears of War knockoff" article and the "Mass Effect is the worst TPS ever (what do you mean it's an RPG? What's a level up? How do you equipment?)" review
No, I want those cunts to stop flexing their influence on the only hobby I have left. That is achieved through unbiased news. I don't want to fucking read it, I don't want to fucking read any news, I want to play my fucking video games and then come here and talk about the game that doesn't take 2 breaks an hour to remind me why thinking incorrectly is double minus un good. Fuck you
If it makes you feel better, dying right before the finish line was my experience with the pure vessel. Staggered him three times at the end of the pantheon, but he hit me with a nail as I was about to kill him.
At this point they shouldn’t even bother adding an easy mode just an even lazier cheat menu
Just here niggers
One hit kill
No clip
Now fuck off
It makes me feel happy to know you found success against Zote, user!
“Listen I know you are used to living life on easy mode but if you want to be a good ally you’ll need to experience difficult things to help you even begin to comprehend the LGBTQBAAAAP experience okay sweetie?”
“Easy mode is just another example of white privilege, everything just has to easy for them and if it isn’t they cry about it on Twitter, talk about fragile white ego”
>Unbiased news site has average of 2000 hits per article
>SEKIRO NEEDS EASY MODE news site has average of 5,000,000 hits per article
Yeah no fuck you.
Why do they hate actually playing the games so much? Wouldn't it be better to get the feeling of accomplishment after struggling for hours? What's the point of just having victory handed to you? What do you even feel when a game let's you win? It's dishonorable and I think I would feel shame.
>adult life
There's that phrase again.
Literally just watch an LP you dumb fucks, stop ruining video games, reeeeee
They spent their lives not giving two tugs of a dead dog's dick about videogames.
They got older and games got more popular.
Instead of doing a mcjob they work as journalists without any need to actually have a journalistic degree making them glorified blog writers.
Anyone with any shred of morality would not become a product journalist because your job is by and large lying to people to sell a game so as not to piss off the companies you and your co-workers are beholden to.
This is often done while simultaneously pushing a faggot agenda because why not go full-on morally defunct human shitstain while shilling garbage to like-minded failed abortions.
They are all hilariously unqualified to review games to the point of not understanding that the only reason anyone gives half-a-shit about what Fromsoft cooks up is because of all the other companies making game after game for braindead dipshits like them.
You make that easy mode and you get a bargain bin action game that nobody buys and nobody remembers.
People would blow though it and the journos would go "6 out of 10" and move on to some fagbo western developed game like Kikenstein: The New Period Blood typing the word "fierce" over and over because female characters.
I am so ashamed that people are this fucking weak. I would legitimately go off on anyone who says this shit in real life. Just go fuck yourself dude. Play something else you dumb fuck. It's not even about video games to me. I'm just so angry that people feel the need to change everything that isn't to their liking to suit THEIR needs. This is why passion is fucking DEAD.
Thank you
Which is ruining gaming
Corporate greed
Or sjws
I say both
Fucking jews
>No, I want those cunts to stop flexing their influence on the only hobby I have left.
Surely linking these articles and discussing them on Yea Forums will stop that influence! You're definitely coming here and talking about Sekiro's gameplay, user - tons of that going on in this thread!
There's nothing inherently wrong with an easy mode but there is if you're begging for one to be added in just so you can take part in the experience. When did the idea that all games should be inclusive and have no barrier of entry come into play? If I enjoy reading but can only comprehend young adult novels because my reading level is shit, what gives me the right to ask for dumbed down versions of literary masterpieces just so I can say I've read them?
I mean new collusion for this specific subject
The in game dialogue changes your canon name to Cheater.
Same way Link to the past changes your name to thief if you steal from the store
>When did the idea that all games should be inclusive
The game is already inclusive though. There is literally nothing stopping people from playing the game.
If they want to BEAT the game they have to get good.
Just go watch a movie.
I CaN'T StOp ReAdINg TrAsH ArtIClEs So N) onE cAn LiEk GamES - unironically you, right now
I live video games. Not good news articles, not bad ones. Fucking. Video games. Fuck off.
Holy shit actually this, if we meme it long enough it will effectively kill them with their own fire
At this point there should just be cinematic mode that just plays all the games cut scene with no need for gameplay
Right now you live shitposting.
Anyone that disagrees just doesn't understand where shes' coming from!
Who is this nobody? Are you just browsing twitter to find retards in order to farm (You)'s? You're as obnoxious as her.
I want to drop kick this cunt into a volcano.
The time and resources spent balancing an easy mode are infinitely better spent refining the balance of the actual intended game mode.
shes lowkey implying everyone who reads it and doesn't comment agrees with her.
Want to know how I know you're from r*ddit? there's a fucking page break there, dumb ass
What the fuck are you talking about? Also you're full of shit, not only do I literally not have a reddit account, I've been here longer than you.
Making games easier only helps the disabled access a game though.
Not the physically disabled of course, the mentally disabled. Its only right that game journalists are looking out for their own kind.
Jesus what a cunt. Imagine thinking not everything is for everyone.
Well she does have a point, be it a womans point. She isn't saying hard games should cater to non gamers, she's saying games should cater to non gamers.
It's perfectly ok for a game to have an easy mode.
But saying the developers HAVE to put an easy mode in every game is pure entitlement.
What these people want is a game that takes the effort of watching a movie, but that they can still get a sense of accomplishment from.
This is what happens when you raise an entire generation on participation trophies.
Journalists legitimately have a God Complex. And for good reason because they know they can just spew utter fucking horseshit and factually wrong trash, and Twitter will believe every single word of it.
They're pure fucking evil.
way way too many treats in front of that small doggo
will throw up/10
I mean greed can be a problem. Combating the sale of used games through day 1 on disk DLC that includes parts removed from the original game which forces every subsequent purchaser to buy it. And microtransations are an annoyance. But making money is the driving force behind the industry and without greed video games would never have come this far.
But really nothing has changed. Video games aren't being ruined. Not yet anyway. When digital purchases are lost as companies fold and games are swept away with time. That will be what ruins video games. It hasn't happened just yet, except for the Scott Pilgrim game.
As for these idiot journos who can't keep up with the games they're being paid to write reviews about. They need to find a new career. And it's our duty as consumers to tell them in one loud and collective voice to GET GOOD OR GET OUT
you should be able to beat it fast, easily, and without having to try. She wants a movie she can walk around in.
they must get it from the entitled gamers getting mad at storefronts.
dont read their trash articles ~easy
>gaming ''''journalists''''
>don't like it don't play it
why is this so hard for most people to grasp? Especially most of you faggots on this board.
This is exactly the point, but nu-gamer journalists don't know the difference between a videogame and a movie and prefer the lines to become more blurred as time goes on.
I will never understand that mentality. Guess what? I'm bad at basketball but I'm not going to demand basketball be changed for me eventhough I love the sport. I'll just watch the ballgames (Let's Plays) on TV and to do something else.
Easy mode for puzzle game?
Sekiro is kind of a puzzle game so it stupid to decrease intended difficulty
but From's entire claim to fame is making "hard games." it's the one thing that has saved them from their decades of obscurity. Why should they risk betraying that to appease people that will most likely not buy their games anyway.
So many developers go for both birds in the bush and fail, why are we attacking From for catering to the one they have in their hand?
This, give the plebs the choice between one hit kill on everything and how it is now.
games not having easy mode isn't a valid criticism but "don't like it don't play it" is misused in other contexts to dismiss valid criticism
If you aren't confident about your opinion, you start with an opinion that is already going to be unpopular. Then, you lace virtue signaling, or self-righteousness into your angle, this serves as your defense against the obvious criticism that will arise when you publish your thing. When others take issue with your pov, ALWAYS indicate you have your opinion because you are virtuous, perhaps more virtuous than your detractors.
This is the game they play. It's basically insecure, or lazy people, who are attempting to maintain job security. They're just hacks, the politics and shit is all to protect them from being outed as such.
It does lock people out of games. When I look into buying a game, I see if it's challenging at all. I even used a cheat engine to make FFXV harder(game was still trash) because I don't find mindless games to be enjoyable. In the past few years I decided not to buy certain games because people said they were easy. If a game has a good story, I can accept an easier difficulty. But since most modern games have trash stories, I look for a challenge to make up for it.
I want to play Madden but dont know how to play footbal and dont have the time or skill to learn. FIX IT FOR ME YOU ALT-RIGHT FUCKS!
How easy is easy mode.
Journo Mode
they want to make the first review for the game so they try to beat a game as fast as they can
the problem is this game isn't easy enough for them even though it's plenty easy if you take it at a slow pace, but they gotta go fast for that award winning review!
They want to make games more like movies so the audience opens up. They hate the average gamer and aren't afraid to say it. They're trash and that's why they have declined in clicks and readers. Most of their traffic is redirects from clickbait farms, it's a total scam.
>they want to make the first review for the game so they try to beat a game as fast as they can
holy shit I never thought about this, but I'd imagine that's part of why this is an issue for them
I have a some what similar story. When I bought Skyrim I refused to play it until I could mod out the compass HUD, luckily only took a few hours after release. And never used fast travel. Also wrote down encounters, quests, and points of interest in a journal. I wanted to get immersed but the game was just so fucking piss easy.
>an objectively correct take
>Cinematic mode for journo only need few hours to write reviews.
Yeah, people need to simmer down and lower their outrage levels. I don't give those fuckers clicks though
Then they should hire someone good at video games to beat it quickly
>These simps are too dumb to realize the only good discussion for the game is in its difficulty.
These people should just stick to shitty naughty dog movie games.
it's that and they're shitters
It's sad because as time has gone on the series has improved graphically and in terms of combat mechanics, but the stories become more generic and they add more features for casuals. At least since Morrowind, I haven't played much of the first two games.
The "I don't click on anything :^)" retards are just as bad because it means the few decent sites don't grow so all that's left is casual fucktards giving IGN all the attention.
Find a good site and spread it so that people use it instead of clickbait trash.
>I don't think you truly get it. You wouldn't reply like this if you would.
What the FUCK did she even mean by this? This cunt is the one who's using passive aggression and smugness as a substitute for an actual fucking argument.
>all of these game journalists demanding Sekiro have an easy mode
>IGN has an employee who beat Genichiro in the tutorial
Hahaha they really should. They sit behind a real gamer and take notes.
How is it even possible to be smug about crying over a video game being too hard?
Literally go post this in resetera and pretend to be offended and they will defend you by default
Why don't they just add a mode where the game plays itself for them. And have somebody with funny commentary so the player doesn't get bored. And put it on Youtube for ease of access.
>Find a good site
Such as?
You first.
>You just don’t understand
>your changing the fucking design
>No, you just don’t understand
Does this bitch have a fucking brain
This one for starters Techraptor is also OKAY
Are there any good sites out there? I haven't seen any yet, I've honestly thought about making a website and youtube channel because of it.
That is my favorite post
Sekiro starts out ON the fucking easy mode though?
I post proper news all the time while you stupid cunts post google translate garbage from siliconera all over instead, asshole
I bet these "game journalists" couldn't beat the first boss in KH3 on fucking Beginner mode.
Boy oh boy. I can't even imagine why they are so in favor of an easy mode. What could be the reason I wonder?
>games should cater to non gamers
Why, they have their own hobbies to take part in.
Somehow I feel Monster Hunter World is the start of the final fuckening of journo’s wanting things they couldn’t get into baby moded for them
oh they can fuck off, it was never about inclusivity, it was always about journalists wanting games to be made with an easy mode so they can blitz through it in a single evening before they write their review.
an easy game makes their job easier and that is where their motives begin and fucking end.
Okay post “proper” news every day. I’ll give you (You)s
They're bad at video games and bad at being journalists. They're basically walking jokes with huge egos. Difficulty options are fine, but a game doesn't need them. I'd say something about not wanting to butcher the original vision of the dev team/director, but these same people have done that in the past in other ways, but now they're going for gameplay. I wish they'd just fucking leave and go shit up some other industry.
underrated post
*harder modes
you need a middle ground between hard and easy
>Beat him and I'll buy you lunch.
>Anywhere you wanna go.
>"Taco Bell?"
I like this guy.
I post proper news and it gets zero replies while google translated garbage from siliconera and clickbait from IGN gets 500
What these people don't understand about soulsborne type games is that the difficulty serves as a form of playtime padding.
Without the difficulty, everyone would breeze through the game in about maybe 10 hours average.
Getting good is part of the appeal and if that doesn't appeal to you, maybe you're not part of the audience.
Make easy mode but its only unlockable by beating hard mode
>>In other words, there are some people who want to beat the game, even if it means being reduced to the level of a dog
>people who are not afraid to shame themselves to accomplish their goals. Sometimes in life, that type of style is necessary
this is a whole new level of based
... and no one has ever kept anyone from buying a game that has one. you bossy blowhard
I'd be fine with this actually
An easy mode would literally ruin sekiro, though. The point of the game is getting good at different complex tasks, and then having that upended by throwing something new or different at you. It's very complex and deliberate in it's skill requirements.
If you add an easy mode you take that away.
It's resentment over not having the ability to create anything themselves.
When will we get the Miyazaki of games journalism?
>subjective opinion
>"objectively correct"
These idiots fucking hurt my head
Also Gematsu
Siliconera and Gematsu are worse than fucking Kotaku with google translated garbage yet retards keep posting their garbage
Reminder that an actual disabled person plays Sekiro just fine while journos try using people like him as a reason for the game to get an easy mode
>It's very complex and deliberate in it's skill requirements.
A lot of people don't understand that gameplay is art just like story, music, and general aesthetics are. The fact that most game journalists don't understand this shows how much of a joke they are. Good gameplay is memorable and can be just as nostalgic as other game elements.
>Why are game journalists so entitled?
Because you enable them. Stop calling them "journalists". They are bloggers at best, scum parasites at worst.
>add easy mode to a puzzle game
>every puzzle is now so basic a toddler can do it, or you can just skip doing them if they're too hard for you
>can complete the game without exercising a single brain cell
I also like showing people the Street Fighter player nicknamed 'brolylegs' when they talk about fighting game inputs being 'too hard' etc. The dude is physically disabled as well but fucking place the game well with his face. These types of games just aren't for certain people and they should accept that and stick to easy shit or movie games.
This. There are plenty of games that I would find difficult, but I play other shit instead. I don't have to be the master of every game genre, I'll stick to what I know. The idea that everyone needs to be able to play everything is AIDS
I really don't get it. Half of Dark Souls' advertising was 'lol ur gona die alot' and every journo flooded with 'IS X THE NEXT DARK SOULS OF GAMING". Then comes Sekiro somewhat riding on the coattails of Souls and all anyone says is it should be easier. Why exactly is it different now?
>game has an easy mode
>it's still fucking hard
Leftists are bored and this is their latest cause because someone mentioned cripples on reddit.
I have a "journalist" "friend" and I will tell you why
>Is full of themselves because they got put threw an easy college program by mommy and daddy.
>Thinks they have won because they can make something connected to their hobby a career even though they really only play surface level Nintendo
>Are ultra liberal so they are naturally just hyper entitled and painfully not self aware
>They aren't hard workers but they have convinced themselves that they are causing them to think they are hot shit big workers.
Watch it. Those bloggers read Yea Forums at times and they'll make use of this insight to create a contrarian article for more clickbaits.
I forget which site it was that basically did both sides of an argument on game-related topics for some fucking reason. Was probably Forbes.
This happens every single time a new From Soft game comes out.
Easy mode never helped a game either. If casuals don't want a hard mode I don't see why they should get easy mode either. They're wrong.
On a side note when he doesn't know how to review a game he has made me or others play it in order to tell him how it is to mixed results.
(Main example being SFII on the switch and he wouldn't take me saying that I couldn't tell on the shitty monitor and the shitty switch controller if it was a good port, he just asked me minor shit like extras shit and ended up giving it a good review even though I told him the port was probably trash)
I always see you retards make plans like this. You probably think you're super smart and playing 5d chess or something, when in reality when you try this shit you either get ignored or told to fuck off. How about you try actually making some arguments rather than being a subversive coward?
Yea Forums has always made fun of retarded journalists, we've had kotaku threads since forever.
You ever try telling him he's shit?
>How about you try actually making some arguments
not him but why bother? the whole "does this new hard game need easy mode" discourse is trash perpetuated by people who don't even give a fuck about the games in question
>educating the retarded idpol shill who only came onto this site after the 2016 elections where his only knowledge of the past of Yea Forums is from encyclopedia dramatica
No not to confrontational me and my coworkers just make fun of his reviews and the fact that he straight up admitted to pretty much plagiarizing because his editor told him everyone does it.
It was Forbes, but those aren't actually articles from Forbes, they're blog posts
>not just bad at something
>smug about being bad at something
I will never understand lefties.
this happened with cuphead and the "easy mode" was still too hard for people
you can't ever win against these people and you shouldn't try to
There is no way he didn’t write this tweet in the hopes it would be posted here and make people sperg out. Great job making this happen, everybody.
there should only two modes to every game
"retardedly easy" and "the way it was intended"
>waaaah, I need my easy mode so I can beat the game quick and churn out a review
git fuked journos
>254 replies
>0 mention of Zoe
>only person bringing up GG is asking how come they didn't go after Nathan Grayson
It's almost like it wasn't about ethics in journalism.
It happened with Cuphead because the game disallowed you from beating it on easy, thus wasting your time.
What a strange hill for them to pick to die on
>let us in the cool kids club stupid action gamers
Any tips for shinobi hunter guy? only started last night, loving it so far but he's raping my ass
already found the bonfire in the burning place so I'm a bit closer at least. Its just annoying having to deal with his minions every time I want to confront him
Fucking kek
I don't doubt it for a second. You ought to tease him a bit and low key try to make him gain some self awareness.
>the game disallowed you from beating it on easy
Good. Easy mode is a waste of time.
>Here's your way mode, bro
Easy* fucking shit I need an easy mode for posting
They aren't wrong, but like a lot of the Kingdom Come "controversy" it's about a specific aspect of the larger argument they're focusing on to controversy bait some clicks. There were blacks in medieval Europe (blacks in Bohemia would be too rare to include) and easy mode never ruined s game (but spoils the elegance of having only one way to beat a game).
>Being a game journalist is now a disability
Ultra SFII? I liked it.
Underrated post but Japanese games do this shit too. AoT 2 was fucking sponges, which is the worst way to make things difficult.
>"all games should have an easy mode"
>give easy mode
>"all games should have a very easy mode"
Just watch a fucking let's play you dickless turds.
Was it Ubisoft that was pushing the lolworthy "It's basically a movie" difficulty mode in their games?
Why stick Zoe with the negative reputation of sleeping with Nathan six months before he mentioned her shitty game among three others (there were no reviews) and let him completely escape his own lack of journalistic integrity and his abuse of power?
It ruined world of warcraft.
That's not even what they're saying and it isn't even a demand. Where are you getting this from?
>I don't have time or the confidence to read this book, give me an easy mode
>"MC's brother is actually the killer, his partner dies, his cat was actually a robot. The End"
EA did something like that with Mass Effect. It had a narrative difficult mode. As for Ubi I couldn't tell you. I don't play many western games BECAUSE OF SHIT LIKE THIS
>gamergate still living in his head rent free for almost half a decade
You retaliate against easy mode as a concept because journalists?
Still waiting for the skip gameplay button
But if you are from Africa you are black and eastern Europeans may as well be the blacks of Europe.
Its just not a particularly good port competitively which I tried explaining to him since thats why he asked me (Dunno why really I'm a UNIEST player not an SF one)
did somebody say...faster?
It's a cautionary tale of selective mass hysteria.
What? I have nothing against easy mode in games that it should be in. Skerio isn't one of those games
Hello, newfriend.
You should draw her giving birth
Sekiro doesn't need to be easier, but it does need to be better programmed and more consistent. Wall glitches, camera obstructions, trash hitboxes and a targeting system that's a decade old just don't cut it anymore
Same. I want someone to have fun with it: Skip a boss fight, boss calls you a bitch and explodes. Skip a hard segment, main character calls you a bitch and teleports. Skip challenge modes, optional bosses calls you a bitch and fucks off. Beat the game, game calls you a bitch.
Which western games do you avoid because they include easy mode?
He's right, though.
they should add an easy mode and call it "journalist mode" or something and lock them into a bad ending
This is why you'll never convince me women are capable of participating in arguments.
You can cheese all but 1 boss in Sekiro (last one)
heres a hot correct take
who gives a shit about these niggers
Better yet, make an easy mode, its dlc only, and it costs $500
It completely removes all enemies and narrative from the game, and just skips to the credits and a "CONGRATS YOU DONE IT" screen
Imagine the asshurt
None of them. I avoid western games because they're usually trash. I think you misinterpreted my post, user
It just seems like you said you don't play western games because they include shit like narrative mode.
Anyone else thing the Kajin warning system is absolute shit? I want an option to disable it.
It flashes on the screen like 5 frames before you get hit, and it blocks your vision of the actual boss that's telegraphing the attacks, so you can't actually see what's coming
They should either get rid of the flashing symbol and just play the sound effect, or color code the fucking Kajin to indicate what's coming.
Red = grab
Blue = sweep
Green = thrust
why does she only have 4 toes
Also you can technically even cheese the last one by grinding out skill points till you have 99 attack.
He misunderstood her, adding assist as an option doesn't make it less hard for people who don't want to use it. Celeste did it and it worked out fine; if you use assist you ruin your save file.
Makes it way too easy then, since sweeps jump attack dodges don't even have to be timed well.
Point is to learn the bosses tells on the moves, color coding just means you stop looking at the bosses for several cues, the only timing sensitive command is Mikiri countering thrusts.
>name changed to "baby" the whole game
>all NPC's refer to you as "baby" when speaking to/about you
>all other dialogue is normal
>forced to wear a propeller hat the whole game
>forced bad ending
>all boss and credit music replaced with Benny Hill
>game ends with a wet fart sound effect as you're presented with pic related
Enjoy your easy mode
so basically everyones talking about Sekiro and these casuals can't beat it which means they can't be 'in' on it, which their life requires seeing as they're twitter attention whores.
>beat game on easy
>get a permanent achievement/trophy called 'I am a huge bitch' that you can't remove from your profile and anyone can see
And that's why it's never ruined a game.
The difficulty in From games is a design choice, not just a hardness slider.
No, it's more about wanting to be able to get more enjoyment out of a game.
>nathan gayson
Well they aren't hiding it anymore.
Didn't one of the bloggers complain about DMCV for calling them Dismal all the time?
>hardness slider
Real talk if you have a difficulty slider its less intensive to smooth out the difficulty because you don't need you and then you end up with Oblivions actual broken leveling system because fuck it just turn it to easy mode.
Fucking hell m8
An easy mode can not fix the parry based combat. this game is a beyond repair
Right, but she's just saying how to make it more accessible (therefore more marketable) without ruining the game. An easily ignored suggestion as it would change the spirit of the game.
You know what, I'd love to play video games for a living. Sign me up, I'll write you reviews, how hard could it be? Oh, what's that? You want me to write clickbait and not play video games? Oh. Oh, well. I guess it's no surprise, then.
Easy mode makes blocking turn into parry, game fixed. Also locks you into Shura ending
When it burns to the ground and starts over.
It's easier and more appealing to write controversial op eds.
Nobody is stopping them from doing that, so that's not an issue.
Video game journalism is bitching on Twitter and screen capping it to post on other social media sites, it's fucking pathetic.
Anyone who pays attention to any of these losers is fucking sad.
More like Gayson
sure it can. just reduce the posture damage and vitality damage that you take and increase posture damage and vitality damage that you deal out. at no point in this game is parrying actually required.
>accomplishments with zero effort
Losers actually like this
It is when you can't get to 99% of the game because you suck. It's like how having the option of cheats just adds to the game.
The only reason why they want an easy mode is so they can finish the game. They are afraid no one will read their shot if they if every second review is "I only played till the Bull"
I bet that's what his dad calls him. Gay Son lol
I don’t like gore.
All horror movies should have E For Everyone cuts released so I can enjoy them too.
It doesn't have to remove all difficulty. I'm just saying it's dumb to assume that people want easier games because they're attention whores.
based man continues to be based, man
The existence of different cuts and TV censored versions doesn't ruin someone's enjoyment of the director's cut.
Now ask yourself why these people are asking for a developer-sanctioned "easy mode" instead of cheats
>their job is literally to complain about things.
Hmm, considering this you'd think Yea Forums would be more sympathetic. Kek.
Having a low IQ does make life more difficult. I hope you can overcome this disability friend.
this looks like what happens when you gotta take your hand of the controller to scratch your balls but you keep playing anyways.
Because that's an easy way to frame it in a contentious clickbait headline? They also suggest assist modes and shit like that.
What's your stance on George Lucas's revisions of Star Wars?
I get the idea of easy mode for people who don't want to learn or try at the game but them pretending this is about something else is stupid. Just admit you want a shitter mode cause you suck
challenge breeds excellence, everyone wants to win but no one wants to earn the win. most people are flotsam happy to let the current take them to their destination in life few people are strong enough to resist the current of taking the path of least resistance
Shouldn't have done it but I can still watch the originals. Notice when I say he shouldn't do it, I'm not demanding he stop changing his own property.
Just remove all enemies and make the bosses die in 1 hit
Now you have the walking simulator these people want
>games journalism
This. I didn't get all the way through the godmaster DLC either but I didn't throw a tantrum about it. I beat everything up until the final pantheon and that was enough for me. Team Cherry did what they wanted and I'm not going to complain.
I have never even seen anyone argue for what an easy mode is even supposed to bring. What it's supposed add.
Like it'd be pointless to have an easy mode for Tetris, so why would this be any different?
And yeah there are speed levels in Tetris, but Sekiro and most other games have a pretty clear difficulty progression too.
Ugh I hate this arthouse film, why isn't the director providing an easy mode that I can understand?!
I remember when critics used to call people like this plebs, I can't believe people who can't play games are the ones who fucking give critique on them.
Not inclusive enough
(((Rosa Luxemburg)))
But if you buy a movie you can watch it all without difficulty. Understanding the film is like comprehending the lore if game.
Do we have any examples of where easy mode made a game better?
I'm not just talking about the clickbait articles, almost no one campaigning for easy modes is asking for cheats. Again ask yourself why they are calling them "assists" instead of cheats
game journalists false flagging in order to make their jobs easier and to regain their lost credibility
that's it
from the share holder's perspective, they dont give a fuck whether there is one so long as money is gained - theyll do whatever it takes to separate fools and their money
>random guy on twitter thread #939
That's precisely why they want easier games though. If they weren't they would either just learn how to play the game or watch a lets play. The reason they want easy mode is to get the "experience" of the game without having played it.
>adult life
The most condescending excuse they can give. Every time.
>it's required to platinum the game
He's right though. What ruins games is hard modes that are locked behind a second playthrough.
some times the actors dont pronounce their words clearly
Analogies between movies and games really don't work, they are different mediums which provide experiences differently. Games can have aspects of movies but to only but to only make comparisons to aspects already defined in movies shows a lack of understanding of the medium.
>Website who had the article was at Forbes
>Said Forbes writer had articles of a variety of games only had view up to 10K
>Writes an opinion piece about Sekiro needing an easy mode
>Article gets over 200K
>Literally 10 times more then what he usually gets as far as traffic goes
Yeah gee I wonder why Shitaku is jumping in on th- oh because they fucking want clicks. They know From will never ever fucking add an easy mode. They're pissing in the wind because they know they can get easy clicks and From or any publisher for that matter won't ever call them out on it and keep getting free review copies and press assets.
These pathetic faggots legitimately can't complete games unless they're braindead casual movie games like Uncharted or there's an easy mode designed for 9 year olds to be able to beat the game. Absolutely pathetic low testosterone failed males.
Sekiro would be absurdly boring if it was easier.
Overall it is a bad argument. They want an easy mode because they say the game is too hard. There is no way to prove the game is too hard or just right so it is very subjective. What does easy actually even mean? Does it mean that the person does not want to use the mechanics or the game or spend time understanding the game? If it takes more than 30 min to grasp the gameplay, is that too hard? It is just all shitty, which is why they usually default to disabled people and say that pressing too many buttons is too hard.
Because it's a way of framing the intent of the assist and how it works mechanically in game? It's like the golden tanooki suit in Mario Odyssey appearing after you die a certain amount of times.
>Meanwhile a site that does not do clickbait and only has pure news and interviews runs translations of Miyazaki interviews seen nowhere else
>5K hits
nobody wants gaming news, they WANT clickbait garbage
Most of Yea Forums could probably do better playing with one hand than the "journalists" ever could normally
Nobody wants news in general. This isn't limited to gaming, its just how people are.
it's all about money with them
clicks, get them $
furthermore if they are outed and being incapable of objectively reviewing a game because they dont want to spend the time to play it thoroughly, they lose credibility so in their mind it's better for them and their shareholders if they can socially pressure developers to include a "reviewer's (easy) mode" to make it easier to do their jobs and gain clicks and ad revenue
it really has nothing to do with being inclusive
This, its all a sham, none of these dildo heads actually care as they know it will never happen, they're trying to drum up fake controversy like Dark Souls 1 had surrounding that poorly translated article. When that happen Shit Sterling to Shitaku and their ilks got a huge amount of traffic quite literally SHITTING ON THE FANS for something Miyazaki never ever said and because we're entitled for loving the games as is.
That's how they run this business. Oh but that's okay, they're now all claiming to be diehard fans, they just love the fuck out of his games...except when there's a new one out and they make another hit piece for the next news cycle.
Its really sad.
Isn't this the same guy that got cucked by Zoe Quinn
If they want an easy mode they can fucking mod it in themselves, FROM shouldn`t need to cater to these casual fucking babies.
Shitaku and their ilks got a huge amount of traffic quite literally SHITTING ON THE FANS for something Miyazaki never ever said and because we're entitled for loving the games as is.
What did they say he said?
those kinds of people are truly disgusting
i wouldnt want to help them further their malicious plots even a little
Do you think Mario Oddyessy and From soft games have the same intent
>Because it's a way of framing the intent of the assist
The intent is to cheat
dont take it personally son its just business, feelings are just the fuel for the fire. just the way the world works look at any media outlet
People just want an easy mode so they can complete the game in one go without getting "upset" over a single death, finish the game quickly so they can move on to the next game.
It's not even about enjoying Sekiro, they just want to get past it as effortlessly as possible.
I'm hoping someone will make a game where the easiest setting is called "game journalist" in a similar vein to how Wolfenstein belittled players for doing easy mode.
that's the funny part
from software dont mind just catering to the people who like their games to remain at a certain difficulty
i get the impression they want to earn cash from the merits of the game design rather than being greedy and chasing the lowest common denominator money all the while losing credibility in the industry
their reputation as game developers is at stake each time they release a game and it seems like they take that fact very seriously
It's much, much more difficult to balance a game across multiple difficulty options. To do it well you'd seriously need to devote about equal care into balance of each given difficulty setting, which absolutely skyrockets the workload in comparison to only having one singular difficulty to focus on.
And damn, the game technically has an "easy mode" already, considering that you unlock the hard mode upon completing the game once. Yes your initial playthrough was technically the easy mode. There you have it. Happy? No I am sure not.
You want them to devote time to add yet another difficulty option don't you?
Fuck there is a good reason I bet you that the hard mode is gated off until after your initial playthrough, and I'll confidently bet that it isn't just so that players get a cool unlock or new thing upon the completion of the game, but because they've clearly not devoted nearly as much time and effort into designing the hard mode. In that sense relatively speaking it's a tacked on difficulty option to add challenge at the expense of fluid design. It's cool yes and it can satisfy people looking for the challenge and in that sense it is good. But these people still needed to play the intended design first before getting the privilege to play the relatively uncurated design.
If the game had an easy mode tons and tons of people would play the game on said easy mode, and as a direct consequence of that the developers would have to devote equal time to said mode to make sure that it and its progression etc remains just as it was always intended with the initial design even if easier. And if they didn't devote that time towards the easy mode then that means that all those countless of people who chose to play the game on easy, would be experiencing a less curated design of the game. It'd be a sub par representation of the game and it'd sell the game short. To avoid that they'd have to focus on the mode.
It's not that easy to add an easy mode.
Which is fine, they can make a game however they want. Not sure why you want to argue these semantics where easy mode/assist becomes a form of cheating because regardless of what you call it, the intent is still to get more enjoyment out of a game.
The biggest irony here is probably that these people actually act like they're knowledgeable about games or even game development. And yet they clearly don't understand the implications of this.
Not him but the poorly translated interview claimed he said, "Our next game could be made easier because of how difficult our released game".
When in fact he said "Our next game will be a little less vague on how the game mechanics work like how our recently released game was."
Because apparently a major complaint was that the undead asylum and undead burg didn't have enough dev signs to teach the player.
That's why sites that do proper translations are important but people completely ignore them
and post kotaku/siliconera/gematsu google translate garbage instead
To be fair, boss skipping or god modeing can be implemented easily. Yes, it's hard to balance out an entire new mode with different acting enemies, but a barebones weenie mode would be ugly and clunky and give them the bad experience shitters deserve.
there is no enjoyment from steam rolling a game
that's my opinion
you can have yours too
The only acceptable easy mode is one that essentially just functions as a Tutorial with either different or less content than the normal/hard mode.
For examples, see Puzzle Bobble 3 (where easy mode locks you out with an image of the final boss mocking you after a while) and Puyo Puyo Fever 1 and 2 (where the easy mode is a tutorial framed as the class of the main characters).
If that were the case they would just simply admit they're cheats. Their "enjoyment" comes from simply being able to say they beat the game, not from engaging with the game itself.
>I'm not here to inform you, I'm here to represent myself, a literal fucking who
I already fapped to this image
Sekiro is default at easy mode. The game only gets hard with giving back Kuro's Charm and Demon Bell. And even then the only difficult bosses are Owl and Isshin.
I don't understand what's so hard to accept not every game is for you.
I play I wanna be the guy fangames and there are 2 big subsets of genres, platforming and bosses. I enjoy and am better at platforming but when I find a boss I can't deal with I don't cry to the dev that it is 2hard.
>but a barebones weenie mode would be ugly and clunky and give them the bad experience shitters deserve.
Yeah. Only problem is that these people would still have a huge impact on the overall opinions and impressions of the game. They'd effectively be sullying the well and the developers would suffer from it.
Easy games do not and cannot exist for them and their sjw agenda. They will find the .000001% of the population that cannot play this piss easy game and still demand everyone else accommodate these people.
They've done very well with Sekiro though, probably the finest combat system I've encountered in a game, been hearing a lot of people, including casual players, wanting a boss rush style mode.
I like this idea, just easy and normal difficulty. Also on easy you cant get a coherent story
Souls games also has systems and mechanics that players can exploit to make the game easier, they're just not explicitly labeled assists or a separate "mode".
>easy mode added to sekiro
>but you're locked to shura ending because sekiro is too much of a tool to disobey his father
I agree that there's less enjoyment in most cases as challenge is what keeps me coming back. Not everyone has my skill or patience though and there's plenty of people blazing through KH3 on easy even though it's naturally easy because they like the story.
That's a narrow way to frame enjoyment as the story, exploration, and interesting bosses are all still enjoyable. It's like being invincible in GTA and pretending you're a T1000.
Celeste did the easy mode right. You're a fag if you boast about beating the game in that mode though.
Why don't these journalists just use cheatengine? You can set your own parameters for how easy you want the game to be.
Cant do that on consoles.
You can get the same enjoyment from story, art/world design etc from watching a let's play as you would from trivializing the difficulty. And if you want to trivialize the bosses then you definitely aren't interested in them.
>It's like being invincible in GTA and pretending you're a T1000.
Which is cool but it's not easy mode. If the people campaigning for easy mode and using accessibility as a scapegoat were instead just asking for sandbox style cheats then this wouldn't be nearly controversial.
Saved, this guy hit the nail. Difficulty is part of the identity of these games, everyone who plays them encounters real difficulty. If people had the option of just sticking with the easy modes they're used to, they wouldn't be forced into that challenge and they wouldn't have this reputation at all, they'd just be slow hack-and-slashes.
Sekiro is easy though. Not even bragging, it is easy compared to any high level esport like fighting games, FPS, RTS.
>claim to love something
>refuse to put any effort to your target of love
She must be quite the catch.
KH3's balance is one of the biggest criticisms people have with the game. Not the greatest example.
Playing Celeste with assist mode is a surefire way to ruin the point of the entire game and remove everything good about the game
Sekiro defaults to easy mode, hard mode is accessed by ringing the bell.
*gets fucked by some whore for positive reviews*
The same cuck from Kucktaku. The same cuck who slept with Zoe Quinn that birthed GamerGate 4 1/2 years ago.
You can't enjoy it through interaction if you're just watching it. And the bosses still have their own mechanics and to make it easier wouldn't completely ruin it. "Easy mode" is just an easy abstraction to use as a suggestion, it's not literally what they're "campaigning" for. The controversy it courts gets them their clicks.
it would take away nothing from any single player game to have an easy mode
If Sekiro got an easy mode, It would be better. The only reason to argue otherwise is because you are fat and forget that people can go google the ending on youtube.
>japanese games only
Cool site I guess but what about other games? Any recommendations?
You mean giving back the Charm. Bell does nothing. Charm/Bell Isshin is literally perfect parry everything or die.
Not having an easy mode has never ruined a game.
>be me
>playing game
>achievements for each difficulty
>don't want to look like a fag so play it on harder difficulty first
It is a good example because it's ease of play and inclusion of an easy mode despite that means that there are people who aren't there for the possibility of losing, but just experiencing an interactive movie.
Yeah, I just use my mouth or contort my hand, it's not that hard.
Bad comparison though, you can only really play a handful of games at the absolute bottom tier of competitive play, and that requires almost daily play over the course of several months.
If it's so easy then why aren't you on youtube watching it yourself fuckboi?
Bell increases damage taken to posture/vit and decreases output on bosses. A lot of times I practice a boss and forget I have bell on, and then breeze through phases when I take it off.
We should celebrate their 5th anniversary. I'm thinking about giving them coupons for Five Guys Burgers And Fries as anniversary gifts.
The Lion King. It was aimed at kids who couldn't even make it half way through the game.
There should be an easy mod but only half the game is available without a way to "upgrade" the save to a higher one. Journos won't notice because they don't play more than 10 minutes anyways and casuals git gud if they want to beat it.
It feels negligible. It was only when I returned the charm that I got my ass kicked.
>easier than FPS
Theres a reason why FPS are so popular because they are easy as shit. Unless you mean games like Quake/UT
Was it really about reviews? The game was horrible how did it score?
>Very Hard
>European Extreme must die
These video game bloggers dont actually like to play video games, just virtue signal their political opinions. If these people had there way every game would be some watered down mush which beats you over the head with politics.
Is that a euphemism?
The enjoyment from trivializing the game's interaction isn't meaningfully different than watching it, other than being able to say you played it. And trivializing boss mechanics effectively ruins them, since challenge is a core aspect of these bosses. I highly doubt that Easy mode is just an abstraction and not literal considering this controversy comes up every single time games without difficulty modes release, even when those games already have mechanics and systems that allow the player to trivialize the difficulty without the easy mode these people are campaigning for.
Why don't these faggots just cheat if they want to breeze through a game? making everything 10x easier than intended has the same fucking effect.
I too thought I had it all figured out when I was a teenager.
>an easy mode has never ruined a game
>has never played S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl
I will accept an easy mode for all games under the agreement that all gaming "journalists" must say in bold letters next to their review score what difficulty they played on.
never made a game better either
>finally beat the stampede stage
>game freezes then dies 5 seconds into the next level
I died a little that day.
>there are people who aren't there for the possibility of losing, but just experiencing an interactive movie.
You can experience it as an interactive movie on youtube. The possibility of losing and winning is part of the interaction.
>tfw people are in such disbelief that I could actually play the game and still hold this opinion
Let me repeat myself for you fat losers.
The only reason not to support difficulty settings for any game in existence is literally just to be a stupid asshole with a clubhouse.
Dark Souls has summons. Sekiro could have some chinky singleplayer equivalent easy mode, and the game would benefit from it.
As an aside, in terms of difficulty, from hardest to easiest
Bloodborne DLC > DS3 DLC > Sekiro > DS2 > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls
The enjoyment is still there though, it's not for you but it's still there for them, watered down boss mechanics and all.
It's weird that you keep using the word "campaigning". Controversial trending "hot takes" isn't campaigning for anything but the conversation in their comments section.
There was literally a situation in the last year where a "journalist" wrote a review after playing on easy, got called out by the dev, tried to deny it, got proven wrong because beating the game on easy didnt show some cutscene which he clearly didnt see and it ended with the site silently editing the article.
You can't as it isn't your interaction, it's someone else's. You can't win or lose looking for hidden mickeys or just taking pictures for fun. You can still lose on easy mode in KH3 and there's still the side quests and forging aspect.
Is there something about games journalism that makes """journalists""" hate their jobs so much? Seems like one of the few industries with such intense vitriol between its playerbase and the actual writers.
Of course I could also mention how much of a clusterfuck journalism is around politics but let's not open that can of worms.
Because they've never had to work hard in their entire life.
It's a bad example because KH3's balance is so broken (in favor of bad players) that to play on Beginner mode robs the player of the experience both figuratively and literally, since it actually makes you grind more if you want to collect everything. Difficulty modes aren't inherently bad but KH3 is one game that would have been better off without them since it hurts immersion more than it helps.
Fuuuucking shit I think something like that happened to me too.
>easy mode
It's called twitch. If I don't have time or skill I just watch some autist playing for me.
nice reddit spacing
if you take away the methodical combat, sekiro becomes a bad hack-n-slash
literally everything in the game is balanced around having a consistent difficulty
imagine if you took 1/10th damage/posture, there would be no reason to ever not block
imagine if every boss only had one health bar, there would be no variation or adaptation
putting an easy mode in a souls game destroys the point of even playing it, the essence of the game is in its difficulty, without it you have mediocre world-building and pointless backtracking
They believe playing games is beneath them, and they should be allowed to just write longwinded “”thinkpieces””.
That's here
Ironically the game makes you collect more hidden mickeys the lower the difficulty. The side quests and forging would have been largely unaffected by the lack of beginner so how do they justify it?
What Lisa The Joyful did?
It must suck assuming such horrible yet oddly specific things about people you don't know .
Everything was a bore in Skyrim. Dungeons didn't even feel dangerous. Had to quit half way in.
Imagine any other industry with an attitude like that.
>people who dont have a driving licence writting for a motorist magazine
>dont know anything about about car engines
>who cares about how the car runs the most important part of a car is how soft the seats are
>car manufacturers, drivers dont have to be our audience!
Just having fun. Doing something for yourself or just having something extra while you've turned it into Disney and random anime characters selfie sim.
There's narrative difficulty in ME3 for the tumblr girls who only want to watch the romances or something.
It's because games journalists are failed writers who begrudgingly got forced into writing about vidya.
>you cant judge people on their frequent behaviour
Fuck off retard
>it's not for you but it's still there for them,
Weird how this argument is only ever applied in one direction. Easy games are not for "you" but Hard games need easy mode to be "accessible" to everyone.
Also I really don't see the enjoyment from watered down boss battles (which their core aspect is the challenge), other than being able to say you beat them.
>It's weird that you keep using the word "campaigning". Controversial trending "hot takes" isn't campaigning for anything but the conversation in their comments section.
You might have had a point if these hot takes were coming exclusively from journalists and not from other people independent from those comments sections. Is it really unreasonable to assume that those who argue and try to convince people that games should have easy modes want devs to implement easy modes in games? Or are you conceding that they don't actually care about these games.
>it never improved one either.
I have a decent solution that builds on >there's a very specific enemy in the tutorial section of the game that is just difficult enough that you'll need some semblance of reflexes and capability to beat it
>if you teleport past it, the game will determine that you're actually disabled as only a disabled person should have trouble
>you're allowed to teleport past tough areas and bosses without penalty, though you're still locked out of the higher difficulties, no NG+, no true ending
>if you beat this enemy, you'll be marked as 'capable' and the game will call you out for being a pussy in addition to the other penalties
>this enemy is randomized on every run so you can't try and game the system
>don't tell anyone about this for a few weeks after launch to ensure the journos dig their own graves first
>publically apologize to all disabled folks playing the game that a bunch of entitled white people tried to use them for their own purposes
>"Frankly, I'm disappointed in the game industry. We can do better."
It'd be fucking hilarious
Yeah I agree,
Ether just give option to restart the fight without reloading (and give back wasting consumables)
OR skip the first phases as if it's in a real continuity, where you wasted emblems, died on phase 3, resed at the idol and came back to fight his second form again.....
I get the feeling of loss or punishment, but I'm already spending so much time on the boss that it's just frustrating.
I really want to just stay in the fight and really get into the zone of learning the boss and the loading fucks it up.
And how does lack of beginner mode in a game that's already laughably easy to a fault prevent people from doing that? I doubt your average KH3 fan has some severe motor imparement, and most of the actual combat mechanics are fairly designed and have some appeal to those people.
sure it has
the ability to buy upgrades with money in the mobile version of megaman ruins the game on a fundamental level
Easy mode in the bit.trip runner games is braindead and uninteresting
the no-death/just-fucking-fly-over-everything mode in 3Dland/world spoils the way the level design gradually reveals itself to the player and accumulates with each new world
Easy mode will ruin FROM games in a long run.
Look what happened in the past when people started to warm up to the idea of having easy modes in games and didn't care much when easy modes started to be implemented, now most games are designed for retards and babies (Long obvious tutorials and extreme hand holding) and most will agree that gaming has become worse.
What's the point of playing games on easy?
You should use that line in your next article Mr blogger.
>An Easy Mode Has Never Ruined A Game
World of Warcraft
Riddle me this Yea Forums.
People who review restaurants love food.
People who review buildings love architecture and design.
People who review cars fucking love cars.
People who review lego love making autistic lego cityscapes.
People who review movies also unsurprisingly love film.
But people who review games hate games?
Why is this allowed?
To be able to say they beat it and got the same experience as everybody else who played it normally despite only spending a fraction of effort/time on it
That's how they enjoy games
>Weird how this argument is only ever applied in one direction. Easy games are not for "you" but Hard games need easy mode to be "accessible" to everyone.
It is applied in the other where the "no difficulty modes" is for you exclusively, it's a moot point you won't recognize as moot because it means that easy mode inclusion isn't good or bad, just an extra option you don't want to have.
You are right though and the devs are free to make what they want for who they want, but that's just another moot point.
>Also I really don't see the enjoyment from watered down boss battles (which their core aspect is the challenge), other than being able to say you beat them.
That's you though.
>Is it really unreasonable to assume that those who argue and try to convince people that games should have easy modes want devs to implement easy modes in games?
Yes, considering the twitter conversation itt about an assist mode, the polygon article about inclusivity, and RPS's infamous "skip boss button". "Easy mode" is mostly rhetorical as it's the easiest way to frame the issue.
>Or are you conceding that they don't actually care about these games?
How would that make sense? They're writing articles, they obviously care.
user, they don't give a fuck about the game
They want an easier time reviewing it and how much they fucking hate their job
They don't hate games, they just came into their own in the era of clickbait so you got the wrong idea. We used to joke about how Yea Forums hates vidya.
It's because you have to be actually good at video games to review them properly. This is the most important most people, even the writers themselves, often forget.
Imagine watching a movie but halfway in you're told to do some arbitrary mechanical challenge to see the rest of it. That's what a video game is. It's one of the few entertainment mediums that actually force its consumers to be competent at it to see everything it has to offer.
>or color code the fucking Kajin to indicate what's coming.
This 100% Japanese people have the slight advantage of immediately knowing whats coming due to the different kanji
First to disprove the article:
Darksouls was ruined by anyone looking up guides online. The entire point of the game was to challenge yourself.
The thing is that these game journos play games and have to finish them to review them. They're not actually all that good at them and can't finish a game in a few hours. So they have to go to the audience and say "well, because I'm trying to rush out a crappy review ,because everyone else is doing the same thing, I never really finished the game"
Trying to demand an easy mode in response to the backlash is like working at a fast food restaurant and asking a customer for a raise.
>makes all the faggy writers seethe
>the true end lets you impregnate a loli
>the shota is the best girl
How can FROM be so fucking based?
I just don't get it. 90% of fun in any game is overcoming difficulties. Playing on easy makes everything trivial. Nothing matters. Your build can be whatever, bosses die in seconds, you don't need to use any defensive mechanics, you don't have to come up with different gameplans. It's just running forward while "enjoying" some mediocre story.
Maybe people should just watch a movie instead.
Nobody who is really into video games understands this.
You have to be somebody who runs video games but isn't really concentrating on them, kind of like treating it as mood music or background noise. In other words they aren't really into video games.
There were no reviews, GG was a huge and unfocused echo chamber following s controversy it barely understood that led to it being characterized by even Brietbart as being about fighting feminism.
>Yes I have a hobby of drawing and painting
>oh neet what do you paint?
>well my arts not that good because I never have any time to work on it, in fact I don't have any art
>oh, well you're not much of an artists
>wow thats really insensitive to my life style, you know what? there should be a way for me to get art drawn for me
They don' t play video games and they most certainly aren' t journalists.
I ate her toe
Arguably there are a very few handful of games that are better on their supposed "easy mode".
Case being SOMA because the hide and seek gameplay loop there is hot fucking trash and only exists to annoy players.
Experiencing the story through interaction and feeling like an unstoppable badass with minimal difficulty.
Kotaku actually wrote an article calling being a white male life on easy mode
They did. He just didn't respond to any of it or capitalize off of it
I bet these are the same people who support literary works that are in old English into "Understandable, easy to comprehend modern articles"
It's never applied in the other direction and it's not moot point because you don't want to recognize that "just an extra option" doesn't exist in a vacuum independent from the rest of the game.
>That's you though.
Not really? You haven't explained what enjoyment there is from trivializing bosses that are clearly designed to be difficult to get the player to engage with them on some level beyond just being able to say you beat them.
>Yes, considering the twitter conversation itt about an assist mode, the polygon article about inclusivity, and RPS's infamous "skip boss button".
Again I'll refer back to my post how none of them mention cheats even once. The "inclusivity" talking point is especially disingenuous considering the communities for these games go out of their way to share info with players and map out the games' areas/mechanics/etc on wikis and online discussions
>How would that make sense? They're writing articles, they obviously care.
Writing "hot take" articles solely for the sake of maximizing hits and caring about the actual games themselves are mutually exclusive.
Felt that in God of War
Started in normal difficulty, upped to Hard, nothing changed except every single enemy was a damage sponge that had the healthbar of a regular Souls boss
Every design choice impacts other things developers could spend time on. Time spent on making an easy mode is time spent not tuning the difficulty mode for the CORE audience. A god mode is easy to add on tho, that would be fine if it disabled achievements and maybe some unlocks or something.
That's because there is no one wanting hard modes removed you shithead. You are the ones who want to make easy modes disappear.
I agree with the sentiment of your post but the "mechanical challenge" of video games isn't arbitrary. Creating game systems and mechanics meant to engage the player is an art in of itself.
He literally paid for the abortion of the indie dev borderline chick he had an affair with. I don't mean he backed her projects on top of his positive press for her, he paid for her literal abortion.
The Lion King did have an easy mode. It gave the player nine lives instead of three.
The devs officially apologized for the second level of that game, by the way. They had to do it due to Disney's policy on games where the average player had to spend so long to get so far into a game, that way they can't beat it in one rental.
This is actually kind of the plot of Ruiner?
>Deaf people need subtitles
>That means I deserve an easy mode for being bad at video games
BrolyLegs literally competes on in the SF community playing with his fucking mouth. Jesus Christ, these people are insufferable.
Being a “nerd” about anything kinda means you’re past enjoying it, and are just being an autist. Lots of people become music reviewers, not because they like music, but because they have OCD and if they like one song, feel a compulsion to listen to every song that artist ever put out. Mark Prindle being a prime example. He retired from reviewing after he got medicated
>It's never applied in the other direction and it's not moot point because you don't want to recognize that "just an extra option" doesn't exist in a vacuum independent from the rest of the game.
I'm not sure what you mean here, but easy and normal modes exist separately. If I have to guess though, you mean that the elegance of a game without cheats or easy mode is lost with the inclusion of cheats or easy mode. I get that.
>Not really? You haven't explained what enjoyment there is from trivializing bosses that are clearly designed to be difficult to get the player to engage with them on some level beyond just being able to say you beat them.
Anything I explain can be met with how you don't get the appeal, but I can try: it's like how if you're that bad or easily frustrated and want to see what the boss is like and have the thrill of going through the motions, listening to the music, and defeating them, you still get to derive some enjoyment, as watered down and different as it is.
>Again I'll refer back to my post how none of them mention cheats even once. The "inclusivity" talking point is especially disingenuous considering the communities for these games go out of their way to share info with players and map out the games' areas/mechanics/etc on wikis and online discussions
If you're going to be like this and insist they are "campaigning" for easy mode even when they are not, I'm not going to be able to help you.
>Writing "hot take" articles solely for the sake of maximizing hits and caring about the actual games themselves are mutually exclusive.
Not true, I have plenty of complaints and controversial opinions about the things I love. I wouldn't have these opinions if I didn't know them well.