You've been offered 100k salary to work anywhere in the video game industry. What position would you take?
You've been offered 100k salary to work anywhere in the video game industry. What position would you take?
QA, don't really have to think and enough team members that if I fuck up nobody really notices or cares.
under the desk cock polisher, probably.
Studio FOW.
whatever the fuck achievement hunter does.
Game Director, obviously.
fuck you I was gonna say this
Oh cool, journalist it is then.
I'll do whatever Kojima
Video game tester
Sound design because it's what I do right now but I'd get a nice payrise.
Game reviewer.
it isnt as fun as it sounds
user, if you're good at sucking cock you can make way more than 100k a year, some of the whores I use to help manage could make over 10k in a weekend.
fighting game character designer or director
Level Designer
Studio chef
I just want some people to enjoy my cooking
the fetal position
How do I get into pimping
Ideas guy
I'd do it for free though
Sound design have it too easy
>bro just use the recommended presets lmao
whatever reggie does so i can market games i dont care about and get paid for it
Night watchman
Janitor at a small office building.
Level and area design in a soulsborne-y game.
I reckon I have a pretty good grasp of what makes a good level after being a co-opfag and invader for like 6000 hours.
Bitch, I can tell when you have shitty sound teams. Learn from the Insurgency devs.
Being smart, and being lucky. I met the first whore when she was pretty young, she fell in love with me, and she then wanted me to protect her during times then I came up with ideas on how to help her make more money easier. And because of her work she eventually met other whores who worked with us and wanted client setups, I don't do it anymore as the main one got out and had a child.
Are you a cute boy or girl? I could be interested.
reminder that you get what you paid for
What do you do now?
Security guard, its alright. Not too exciting anymore.
Im lonely, if they're decently cute I can be into it, its been awhile.
I don't really do that but I would agree we have it too easy, it's a low pressure job that's fun to do for the most part.
It only gets hard when they make a game mechanic that's not fun and start looking to you to "save" it with exciting SFX. Which never works no matter how many times I make the sound for x/y/z unexciting thing more grandiose.
Janitor just because it will mind fuck people that I earn 100k.
I was already offered that, and I chose tools programmer. All the fun with none of the deadlines.
Security gaurd, i'd sit in the main hall watching cooking videos on my phone all day.
I'd mod 4chans Yea Forums board
Community Manager for Yea Forums Yea Forums
eh I can attention whore for a thread I guess. been a while.
Janitor because I like physical work and making 100k doing something like that would be a dream
My man
I'd hit it, but I wouldn't post things like this in the thread user, its inviting people to be rude and mean.
HR. That job looks so fucking cushy.
Nigger you nasty.
oh I'm used to it. I know exactly what they'll go for.
video games
Ideas guy.
You still shouldn't invite the suffering and abuse. At least we have video games.
Question: Do I get the skills to allow me to perform in the position?
My ex was a stripper and I was kiiiinda her pimp but the most she did was give a guy a handy for like 1k. And we went to the Philippines and japan. Shit was cash
creative director for gameplay systems
Then I guess I just become a writer or something, I have no idea how to design games and I don't think I'd be able to run the company or anything significant like that.
>play the same level over and over
>Deal with really unstable and shitty builds with unfinished mechanics
>Required to do strange combinations of conditions for bug hunting instead of playing the game
Its not fun and will ruin games for you
well you made it sound like a gifted skill. i'm sure the company would put forth the effort into teaching you to game design if you so choose
Nothing will kill your interest in games faster.
Fuck jurnos
user, that's disgusting.
look at that butt chin. lmao
Bathroom attendant.
Car porter.
Female video game employee fucker
Fuck the media.
20 bucks a cock, 16 cocks a day. 116k a year.
Haha you're a girl now
Night janitor or night security. What ever job requires the least amount of effort and human contact.
Ideas guy
Have to replay and break games be the test monkey. Have to write report on errors and exploits. Just repetitive mentally.
oh boy I get to pick up breakfast, lunch at the store and bring it to the actual real developers
Art director/head artist
janitor at valve
social media
Online shill
Anything but a translator again.
creative director aka idea guy.
Professional ideas guy.
Writer or director. I would never be a code monkey.
that's a man in a wig
>What position would you take?
Guy who just shows up to play video games but doesn't have to stream them or play them in front of anybody or report on anything. Just play them for fun in privacy and comfort and then go home.
some chicks have dicks hon. it's 2019.
Good, I'd need a slutty user's butt and throat to fill
Janitor at Nintendo
I shill the game on Yea Forums
Yuka Kitamura’s husband.
is it hard
video game adviser