

Attached: 6ytMxfO.png (1192x803, 141K)

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how D A R E someone want to play a different way *huffs about and plays dark souls 1 for the 10th time in a row*

I have never played, nor cared to play, a Souls game and that sounds absolutely retarded

The game literally gives you the chance to ressurect whenever you die, how much easier do you fags want the game to be?


They only want an easy mode so they can play with one hand and dilate with the other.

I don't get what these faggots are even complaining about. It's not like DS and Sekiro have especially amazing stories that not being able to get far is keeping them from viewing. It's all gameplay, and If you don't like the gameplay of something or are not good at it just don't bother playing it.

It's like signing up for a softball team and crying foul that you're doing poorly and everyone else is better than you.

is it just me or is it the same guy that keeps getting screencapped and posted here?

literally spam L1, and you will block any attack EVEN IF YOU DONT TIME IT RIGHT


Just watch a let's play.

>JC Denton went from the voice of reason and logic too the voice of insanity and irrationality

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Christ, I actually threw up a little.

It's just because it's a new popular game and they can't be part of the conversation because they can't get past chained ogre.

If From was still a niche dev nobody would be making requests like these. They just want to be able to chat with the cool kids.

spoken like a true poof

An assist mode for deflecting is pointless, you can spam L1 to achieve practically the same effect. Never mind that the window isn't particularly tight and if you have a problem it's almost always not being able to react fast enough, which means you're still getting hit before you get the deflect off and at that point you're asking for a deflect that works AFTER you've already taken damage.

The rest is just "more heals lol" which isn't going to help if you're bad enough that you can't even kill the enemies.

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Do these retards not know how much time and development resources need to be diverted for this?

spoken like a true braincel

are you 13?


>I want people to take me seriously as a journalist, but I also want to be able to remove all challenge from my work so that I can give an inaccurate appraisal
Fuck these people, and fuck journo apologists.

Not playing a video game is the easiest of easy modes, and it's standard in every title.

I think that from software he needs his talent.

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Did an easy mode ruin Ninja Gaiden Black or God Hand? No. The same would be true of the Soulsborne games.

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luckily FROM is a japanese dev and they don't care what some whiny white faggots have to say.

stay mad casuals.

>God Hand
Many reviews trashed it because it was "stale" yet never mentioned the demon encounters. Because easy mode disables them.

that actually makes sense
because they cant beat the game they conspire to force from software to lower their game's difficulty so they can provide prove they beat it instead of lying about it
pretty ridiculous and pathetic really
i dont even read reviews anymore and i think that if this is really true these people should be held accountable for their disingenuous promotion of the state of things
how? i wouldnt know... maybe hanging?

I'm guessing you've never programmed anything in your life.

At the very least it would take up a decent amount of time that could have been spent polishing other parts of the game.

I imagine it's difficult to relate to the petty problems of the white man when your commute is constantly delayed by the need of sanitation officers to scrape the remains of salarymen off the tracks every 3 or so days.

Whine and cry all you want. The fact is that the developer didn't feel the need to waste time and resources balancing an extra game mode just for you. Guess you'll just have to play one of the other 100,000 games that already exist.

All of that is a waste of time because it doesn't actually help you and all it does is segregate the playerbase.

The balance would also be shit because certain parts of the game will just be trivialized.


pff. fuck this garbage game. artificial difficulty

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Easy Mode: Go watch a fucking video on youtube you dumb fucks

>extreme: The Wolf may ressurect as many times as wanted. Dragonrot no longer spreads

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Those jetpack ninjas and hawks are artificial difficulty.


They're not so hard. You just need to hit first and not get hit.

So download a trainer or Cheat Engine or whatever the fuck.
Of course they won't, because that would mean admitting that what they want is to cheat. They just want the developer to dress the option up for them so they don't feel bad about it.

Have sex

You have to be instilled with massive soi to have your ego hurt over a hard videogame.

Favorite thing about these games is the only way to forward is straight through. Sure in previous games you could cheese but it feels like you're beating the game instead of the game taking pity on you.

Multiple reviewers complained about the easy mode in NG being meanspirited.

Also Soulsborne games are multiplayer. What's to stop someone from going easy mode and then twinking in the burg, you retard?