She's in.
She's in
No she isn't
Who's that? In what?
Reimu doesn't have popularity in the west to justify her being playable.
Westerners are irrelevant faggots, Persona 5 only sold 2 million copies & Joker made it
reimu but with big tiddies
Don't ruin her image or I'll flood your house with kerosene
Madmen are scary, aren’t they?
Westerners are the reason why Takamaru and Ayumi got rejected
That didn't stop Marth and Roy back in Melee.
She's in my house and we're gonna have a CUH RAY ZEE time in bed (codeword for sex)
They were originally gonna be Japanese exclusive
God I hope so
If ZUN won't release a game this year I'm gonna abduct him and force feed him Bud Light
Reimu? More like reimoo
>Touhou fandom is the worst
Nah, good thing he's the only example of an hostile fan.
I've seen more cases like this with Love Live. I don't know why.
They are not popular and nintendo do not have any plan to use them to make money from westerners.
Westerners are not irrelevant. What is not relevant here is their popularity in the west.
That's Reimu
In Smash
>Touhou in Yahoo top 5 news wwww
>The one guy who mistook it as a Korean boyband
>Smash Reimu
Reimu raising money for her trip to Smash!
No, she's in.
She needs the money for the back pain!
Literally hou
You Reimufags are more delusional than Stevefucks by a long shot
Ouch, my balls suddenly felt threatened.
Most overrated trap ever
>want Reimu to appear in normie game
A wish only spoken by trolls and madmen who want to see a ruin of civilization.
>Obscure shit game GOOD
>Popular game BAD >:^(
good lord stop
No one said anything about quality
pot calling kettle black much?
Epic fellow redditor, upvoted :)
Stevefags and Reimufags are just shitposters though. No one actually wants them in (aside from a few trannies who unironically think Reimu has a chance).
Leave Raymoo to me!
ZUN made enough money to have his own brewery, what's the worst that could happen if he buys another?
Sans and Steve of Japan
>le anything resembling anime is backed by trannies meme
Wrong, nigger. Touhou isn't anime. In fact, trannies want Saber from Fate to be in Smash. There's a huge trap/tranny community for Fate because of all the genderbending and Astolfo. Stay seething Fatetranny.
Yeah but at what cost?
name fan bases more pathetic and delusional than 2hu
>Implying both aren't full of trannies
Reimu still has no chance and only trolls like to say otherwise.
>tfw not good enough to play touhou games
PC-98 Reimu better be an alt.
>Touhou isn't anime
Too bad she'll never get in :^)
Based frogposter
Touhou should get an anime adaptation. I would watch it.
the fan anime are enough
No. It is not enough.
There are fanmade ones.
ZUN said no
Reimu will get in Smash, and there's nothing you dumb Smashtards can do to stop it!
Because Idol culture is even more insane.
Yes it is.
They just need to step it up in quality.
Very few may frequent my 1400 photo frog folder
What anime
Gatekeeping is a good thing. Fuck normalfags, they don't get to enjoy our shit unless they become as autistic as we are. Also fuck secondary ironic weebs
fuck you loli fags. She is a literal WHO? outside of japan. Nintendo would never risk wasting a slot on such a minor character no one knows
To official VA, just dump the budget into danmaku patterns and graze SFX
Except /jp/ doesn't want her in Smash either
Here’s your actual DLC
You may not like it but this is the peak choice
No I'm pretty sure he has rejected anime studio pitches in the past
I wouldn't mind, honestly, but I feel like he'd be a better choice as a base roster choice than a DLC choice.
>Last December, ZUN had officially given Nintendo a license, allowing Band Brothers players to upload music based on all Team Shanghai Alice albums, i.e. the PC-98 Touhou OST, and ZUN's music collections. They followed it up with a Shanghai Alice Remix Contest for players, with ZUN as a special judge. The winners were announced in the previous broadcast ZUN attended; their compositions will be collected in a CD sold at Reitaisai, marking Nintendo's first ever appearance at Reitaisai.
>Z" Wowwow Well ... in the future ... Well ... I wish I could make a good talk with Nintendo-san, it was today's broadcast that makes me feel such a dream. "
>Z" I want to make friends with Nintendo, not only Sony is making friends "
>Z" Because Toho is not so much something, there is a healthy Toho world "
>Touhoufags are waifufagging elitists
>combine this with their fear of normalfags/ironic weebs
>Reimu is added as a character
>this pushes Touhou towards the limelight
>new fans flood in and discover the decades of shitposting
>start spouting old memes like a bunch of TF2 players
>/jp/ gets a heart attack and gets catalog bombed
>Yea Forums tries to raid /jp/ during the initial reveal and /jp/ mods accidentally ban a bunch of /jp/ posters during the chaos
>/jp/ also enters a new era of paranoia because they think their board will be invaded when nobody gives a fuck about them and their idolshit anymore
>Touhoufags and /jp/ being forced to talk about the games again mindbreaks them
>Touhou threads on Yea Forums get insta-derailed by Twitter screencaps of random people saying ignorant shit about the games (and Touhoufags are too autistic to ignore them)
>a LOT of porn, mostly armpit screenshots of Smash Reimu
>people speculating about what musical tracks will be in and how hard Sakurai will suck EOSD dick
>Marisa and Sanaefags not shutting the fuck up
>three dozen reaction videos of nobody e-celebs acting confused
>at least half of them are making generic waifu jokes because they have no idea of who Reimu is
>collective outrage and confusion from western characterfags
>Neptunia/Love Live ironic weebs latch on Touhou
>they start bringing fumos to EVO
>they start banning fumos at EVO
>Gokufags become even more obnoxious because "an anime character is in"
>the bullet hell difficulty attracts souls-like fags and e-celebs
>Jap sites can't stop cumming and laughing at the Fatesfags
>2ch is on full shitstorm mode because she was a Sans tier meme choice
>Pixiv gets nuked so hard by crossover art that it becomes unusable
>he posted the pasta again
these thread really do attract the worst kind of retards
based spookman
Based Fortune Teller
OP and half the replies/pics in this thread are recycled shit in every smash thread
go back to /jp/
Anything to get rid of Smashfags
there is only one cure for smash cancer
>t. jay pee
Stop telling people to go to this and that board if you have absolutely no idea what they're even for just because you don't happen to like a character. You absolute mouth breathing mongoloid.
/jp/ would never want Reimu in Smash.
Luckily, those elitists neets know better.
He's just suggesting you to go to a board you'd be more comfortable with you ungrateful asshole
>implying I browse /jaypeepee/ anymore
it's a 3DPD Idol board now. No need to stay there
I was just pointing out that rosterfags in a kiddy party game are some of the most autistic people to exist on this board
>wahh you dont like a anime character stop bully me ;-;
fucking pathetic dude stay in your containment chamber, dont forget to clean your anime pillow sweetie
They're like vermin. Any hint of Reimu in Smash, they come out of the woodwork with the same low quality b8. Why they care so much about their party game, no one knows, but they're absolutely obsessed and they have my pity.
She's not gonna make it
>wanting another anime swordsman
And the people who keep pushing Reimu are obviously the biggest troll among them.
Quite a post coming from a guy who throws a temper tantrum whenever he sees a Touhou character in Yea Forums. Keep whining for the next five years and think everyone else but you is pathetic.
Don't you mean 4kids
Are you implying normalfags don't post ironically about Touhou constantly?
she could be an assist
>A wish only spoken by trolls and madmen who want to see a ruin of civilization.
>Implying Touhou isn't already reclining
>Implying Touhou isn't already reclining
they're getting weaker
the joke flew over your head
And that’s a good thing!
I've got a better pick
more like
i'd want her just for the music
cute tummy
Idolfags are the worst
>she introduces a new item
>lil green spellcard star pieces
>get all 3 and your character unleashes a personalized spell card attack
would b cool
Would ZUN let doujin circles make remixes for smash?
And what stage hazards woukd there be?
>Hakurei Shrine
>Visitors change what happens on stage by spell cards and etc, three sages are bosses, okina changes the seasons and etc
There is none, F/GO's is closing in but still has a long way to go.