Comfy Sekiro thread.
Comfy Sekiro thread
Wolf learned from the best
i didn't even know owl could mikiri, I never charged attacked against bosses, if I wanted to close distance I always ran up or used nightjar slash.
I can't beat this dude
>all I have left to do is Demon, Monkey Trouble 2.0 which I'm probably just going to skip because it looks antifun, and then the final boss.
I don't want to play anymore. I don't want it to end. I'd say DLC when but if it's anything like standard From DLC it's going to be a cool setting with cool tools that is only 2 hours long.
>tfw you have to fight a retrain and his samurai boyfriend at the endgame
>but you can backstab the swordsman and use him as your pawn
god i love ninjutsu
>doing ng+ for purification ending
>thinking i'll do exactl the same as last run except ill go to hirata state again to kill El Buho (padre) [i did return ending ng]
>suddenly beat divine dragon
>the second i reappear in ashina remember i had to eavesdrop on emma and kuro to get the 2nd bell
Just got here, how much longer is left?
Deflect until he's dead.
Ape 2.0 is actually pretty cake. It won't take you more than an attempt or two. Kill the darkie first, you already know both movesets.
how do you fight owl there?
Who is your favorite miniboss?
Who is your least favorite?
I really like fighting the seven spear guys. They're moveset is cool, and I like big ass spears.
Headless can go stuff a dick down their exposed esophagus, though
>has to unlock mikiri counter
That's the final area but some previous areas got repopulated with assholes. Enjoy Fountainhead, it's gorgeous.
You're reaching the final stretch.
His posture bar is almost as small as the normal enemies
Just get the timing right and deflect his double slash
You don't really need to attack at all to beat him
He essentially kills himself if you can even decently parry.
If you're too much of a shitter though just cheese him with the shield combo attack, and get your ass stretched by what comes after him.
Right when you see the sheathe glint either 1-2 your LB to parry or dodge left. Another way is to run left when he does the flurry and whirlwind slash.
As soon as you see his blade emit a white glow, press deflect twice. You can literally stand still and beat him.
why does walking in one direction go super slow?
Something something time travel
Cheesing him isn't going to do you any good because if you can't beat him, you sure as fuck aren't beating what lies ahead.
Just double parry
Probs seven spears or o'rin
>least favorite
lonefaggots swordmans
I just beat the meme divine dragon, now shit's on fire yo.
Am I getting close to the end of the game? I really don't want it to be over.
Fucking O'rin, ran past her the first time and she fucked me up on the bridge and right when I almost killed her she threw herself off the bridge and I got nothing.
Like 5-6 hours, depending on if you fight the optional endgame boss
Reasking this
Lady Butterfly, she's the right amount of fast and deadly and she comes in early enough that you get gud with her. Really enjoyed her fight even when I died +10 times.
Shichimen and underwater headless can go eat a dick.
Shichimen teleport a fuckton if you use confetti on them and that lazer is cancer if there's not enough space. Or you can opt for not using confetti and dealing 1/5 of your normal damage.
And fuck headless because his attacks are so slow I misstime deflects a lot. And fuck underwater combat, everything's so clunky.
Don't worry you still have about 10 hours of dying to the final boss
What was the point of this webm?
git gud
Seriously though he’s intimidating at first but he’s a glass cannon. He’s actually one of the easiest bosses.
Unfortunately yes, but the last couple of bosses are some of the best, if not the hardest. Siege section is great too.
he lost his memory nigga ok shush
What the fuck was this guy's problem?
Favorite: Seven Spears
Least Favorite: I genuinely can't think of a single miniboss that I wasn't super hyped to fight
I hope you fought hirata owl first, also make sure you do the outskirts again before final boss.
There are no items/achievements you get for doing all the training, no. You get an endless Bite Down for killing him. It's up to you.
You can deflect the laser for 0 damage and terror buildup.
Also, the Headless ranged attack does way more damage than what I would expect it to do.
Actually I take that back, fuck the underwater headless, that shit was annoying
I missed the event to trigger that ending so I'm gonna have to deal with it on NG+
I'm going the Sekiro 2: Wild West Edition ending
>I genuinely can't think of a single miniboss that I wasn't super hyped to fight
Bosses you died the most against?
For me prob it was butterfly old lady or demon of rage. Hell, even isshin sword saint was easy af compared to them
where am i supposed to go after genichiro? there's like 4 smoke signals around the whole castle
I'm pretty sure he was designed around the umbrella shield in mind, there is one that blocks phantom attacks and if you use it on him it becomes a very well designed mini-boss fight.
what the fuck was the exploding's guy problem? fuck him, he has killed me all three of my playthroughs
Shichimen can be outmemed by the purple shield
>Bosses you died the most against?
Snake Eyes was fun as fuck you pleb. Finally getting gud and parrying everything perfectly was one of the most satisfying moments of my playthrough.
What did everyone think of this boss? Piss easy, but I thought it was pretty fun.
The underwater headless is great for the surprise factor alone.
you can get return ending and still fight hirata owl, i did. I had like 4 options for endings when i finished.
I unironically died to this cunt the most out of all the real bosses and minibosses.
I think Shinobi Owl would be behind him though.
His first phase is the most unfun boss in the game by a large margin IMO. 2nd phase is rad.
It's kino.
besides the final boss and the optional boss before him it was unironically Gyobu Oniwa
holy shit how will shittymen ever recover?
I missed the trigger to eavesdrop right after killing Owl, so nah. I'm fucked.
is that ng+ or can you trigger one to spawn there?
Just saying that the timing is generous is rly disingenuous. That isn't the only factor. A huge part of the difficulty is being able to read/predict movements and learning how to react to different situations, not to mention how many bosses and enemies use long flurries of attacks that you have to parry in rapid succession
The sound effects were just super comfy
Favorite: Seven Spears, once I got gud with Mikiri, or the Ashina Elite 2 fight near the end.
Most annoying: Headless/the other one.
Least favorite: Probably the Lone Shadows, but I actually learned their moveset on the regular enemy versions of them in my most recent playthrough, so I think I can actually fight them now instead of cheesing it.
Probably Owl (Father) or Lady Butterfly, but that was also my favorite boss fight of the game.
imagine getting fucked by a boss designed to be fought 2v1
>Dying to Gyobu
>Balls are full of faces
That's not a mini-boss.
If you kill the double ape, when you come back to that place, he pops up.
Wasted like 6 divine confetti before I realized that doing the shield counter attack removes the buff for some fucking reason
Anyone want to explain to me how come you get to fight Owl in Ashina castle if you go back in time to kill him 3 years earlier. Is it just a plot hole or is it explained?
I'm pretty sure I died the most to final boss, but hirata owl and guardian ape would be a close second. the one boss/mini-boss I had the most trouble with that I think most people didn't was 0'rin.
There's another one in Hirata 2. Fucker has dogs with him
And yet he caused more dragonrot than the real bosses.
Hell no, first phase is fun as fuck. Parrying all his giant ass unga-bunga swings is super satisfying
you can also just parry his laser, no need for the prosthetic use.
I was playing it the day it released at a friend's house and both (my friend and his roomate) were looking and I wasn't able to focus, I killed him as soon as they went to their rooms and left me alone in the living
Holy shit, what? Doesn't it still build terror though?
>cant fully upgrade your health because you didn't eaves drop kuro at some random interval so never got access to the second estate memory that has two mini bosses
actual bullshit
I'm still playing and just got up to the monk/rin of water but Genchiro has given me the most trouble so far.
Eh he's pretty nerfed in the 2v1. They both have way less health and aren't as aggressive, I did it right after and found it way easier.
snake eyes and giraffe are pushing my shit in. i had room to cheese the first longarm with fire but fuck this tiny room and fuck gunboys.
Probably Lady Butterfly. She forced me to git gud.
Though I have yet to beat Isshin and the Demon of Hatred so we’ll see how many tries they take me.
If it's a perfect parry no I don't think so, even an imperfect one only give small amounts. That's how I've beaten all of them.
Nope. For some reason
Giraffe is rhythm heaven with parries. You just gotta combo in succession to his attacks
Isshin is small time.
Don't try to cheese longarm. Literally just stand there and parry everything, then jump over his viscerals. If you run out of stamina, go to the ashina tree and get the improved parry stamina ability.
Not as long as you have the lilac shield. It also completely blocks GApes phase 2 roars
Any tips?
I really suck at this, died like 10 times at the guy who gives you the first gourd seed, and now the prosthetic guy is sick
How the fuck do i know if i'm supposed to parry, dodge or jump when the kanjis appear?
Literally just mash L1 and jump occassionally
is there any benefit whatsoever for playing without kuros charm?
Wait that's who stabbed me in the memory?
I got knocked out and went back but never saw anyone there.
why the fuck do you have the moonlight greatsword?
lmao, he's just a regular enemy later on, better prepare your ass
snake eyes johnson or whatever the fuck its name was. the first one in the poison pit. I went the wrong way and and just kept try and trying and I just couldnt do it. I had to give up and got the right way and get the mortal blade first.
I had no trouble with blazing bull, but these bosses have me fucked up. So as for bosses so far I died the most to the second time you fight the guy that cuts your arm off in the beginning.
you don't eveasdrop kuro you eaves drop the sculptor and emma after he tips you off by saying hEY iTS KiNd Of dRAFty IN HeRe?!?!
Whoops thought you replied to someone else
>Sword Saint
>uses a spear and a gun
Checks out
Yeah, it's definitely a gimmick fight, but I actually enjoyed it. Worth it to get to see that giant AOE deathblow against the small dragons in the first phase
rape ape got me the most also, but that just made beating 2ape on first try even better
fuck off with that word
Post your waitemfu.
Any known or semi-confirmed DLC for this game?
DaS2, 3 and BB I only played on their release because by the time new content came out I wasn't paying attention anymore and didn't really want to pick the game back again, so I decided next game I better wait for all content to be out.
>Who is your favorite miniboss?
>Who is your least favorite?
>He didn't do the moonlight greatsword quest
>not just running perpendicular to the laser and dodging it
>not sprinting to his next spawn location the minute he disappears, and hitting him as soon as he spawns
I didn't even realize you could parry/block the laser, both of them died pretty quick for me.
He attacks 4 times, then 5, then 1 final attack, with the sweep mixed in. Block in that 4-5-1 order and you'll be fine. He's a parry boss, don't try to actually kill him, he'll posture break himself.
>That isn't the only factor.
It is when it's what the game is built AROUND. In almost all situations blocking is a safe option. The game even tells you when you can't block ffs. An actually hard game would have proper balance between all your options.
And come on, flurry attacks are a joke.
Genichiro by far. Mostly because he actually taught me how to play the game, so everything after him felt pretty manageable.
Favorite: O'rin
Least favorite: Headless. All 5 of them. Why, From.
what was that move you did right at the end? jumped the sweep into a flip attack
Demon of Hatred, but I died like 20 times before realizing I had the fucking bell demon on the whole time. Beat him in like 3 tries after that.
You gotta eavesdrop kuro before even getting her to go back and speak to him.
This. And the optional end game boss.
Genichiro is From's greatest achievement.
You should kill yourself for making the most time wasting pointless webm in history.
What is wrong with you?
>parry, dodge or jump when the kanjis appear?
telegraphs, you have to watch what the enemy is doing and learn the attacks, you'll get better if you stick with it
giraffe is a rhythm game mini boss
his combo is
4 swings
5 swings
1 swing
sweep follow up just jump towards him and stomp his head
do this two or three times and he breaks
Most kino bosses:
Owl 1/2
Isshin, Sword Saint
I hope the dlc does more with lightning, only four people used it
there's a second estate memory?
also when I got my 9th prayer necklace it was it was the max and i didn't get the two minibosses
Favorite: Glowing eyes Jinsule (idk his name)
Least favorite: Underwater 2 on 1 headless
It takes practice. In general, if they look like they're about to do something, that's what they're going to do. Example: if a guy is holding his weapon off to the side and low, like he's going to do a sweep, it's probably a sweep. If he's got it chest height and cocked back, like he's about to stab, it's a stab. It took me a while to get, but eventually I got it. You'll get there too user, just keep trying.
I didn't have much trouble with him on my first run through but in NG+ he felt ridiculous, doing so much damage even when I block, it pretty much required completely perfect deflecting.
So the rejuvenating waters at Fountainhead have basically become given the ayylmaos immortality? Then some centipede infection + water going down to the temple caused the centipede version of immortality?
FWIW, it's just any time before the climax, not some random interval
Favorite miniboss so far is O'Rin. Learned a lot during that fight and I dig chicks who play the Shamisen.
Least favorite is probably a tie between those Loneshadow cunts and the Headless. Both of these fuckers have stressed me out to no end.
Dodge or jump are the two options (you caaan parry some but it's not worth worrying about)
As for picking between those two, you have to watch the enemy. Grab and sweep attacks are pretty well telegraphed and you need to jump them
Thrust attacks will generally still hit you if you jump or just sidedodge. You need to mikiri or have enough room to sprint way out of the way.
he didn't actually jump
High Monk is a attack that dodges the sweep with a flip
Which 'weak, old guy who doesn't want to kill you, but has to' is the best?
Best track in the game coming through
even when you know how to beat them they are still a drag and never fun
>Monkey Trouble 2.0
just spam fireworks under the brown ape, you can kill it in about 15 seconds
Haven't played in a few days because I've been busy and now Guardian Ape is kicking my ass, easily the hardest boss so far for me. Best tips for him? His design feels so out of place in this game if you ask me
thanks boys, you got me through him. idk why that was so hard for me. probably dark souls roll conditioning. tough to learn to be aggressive.
any tips for snake eyes?
that's pretty sick
>the night, and the dream, were long
>lone shadow fight in the dojo
>ninjutsu the hidden purple guy in the boss room
>even when you know how to beat them they are still a drag and never fun
Headless are fun as fuck to fight nigga, the sheemen cucks are terrible shite though.
be aggressive
>true king allant doesn't even get a shoutout
poor old bastard
i was about to call you shit taste faggot but you actually did post the best track
you can easily parry everything he does
If anything is out of place it's the demon of hatred
Why is Wolf always so sad?
Isshin > Gehrman >>>>> Gwyn
Gehrman has the best music though.
>Doesn't want to kill you
i'm currently fighting owl 2 and have like 20 unused skill points, would turn them all into attack power make the rest of the game too easy?
>I am forgotten...
I had a lot of trouble with Snake Eyes too my first run through, this time i've learned to just hit her twice, wait for a counterattack, repeat. Dodge out of the way of the unblockable, then repeat. Sometimes you have to wait a couple seconds for the counterattack, but just wait, block, swing twice, etc.
Wolf... Wolf had a hard life.
Ng+5 and divine dragon killed me once but beat sword saint on first try. That super combo from divine towards the end can shred through your posture if you're not parrying perfectly
King Allant is hardly sentient when you fight him.
No info but theres definitely space in the game to plug into. They already have the memory bell system and with all the Tomoe hype I wouldn't be surprised if she made an appearance.
He eats rice without cooking it.
He talks to you and shit, as he slowly blobs around the room pathetically swinging at you.
>gywn and gehrman are absolutely kino, but Isshin is the better fight.
I'll have to go with Gehrman > Isshin > Gywn
Gherman wins bc design, atmosphere and soundtrack
Attack power upgrades are a trap, use those skill points on skills. When you hit NG+ enemies re-balance to whatever attack power you're at, so you're just flushing points down the drain.
If you've already unlocked all the skills I guess you could, but it's still a waste.
I really liked this one.
Overall, I was kind of disappointed in the OST, though. I was hoping for some memorable tracks like Gwyn or Ludwig.
>Immortal Severance leads to Kuro’s death
>Purification leads to Sekiro’s death
>She chooses not to tell you about Purification
Oh Emma...
False King's moveset is actually very close to 1st form Sword Saint Isshin and the way he moves was similar too. Wonder if it was a nod to it.
What skill/prosthetic/combat art did you use the most in your first playthrough? Did you use different ones in NG+? Which one did you use the least?
what carries over to NG+?
Eeeh Gherman doesn't seem too torn up about it
where's the treasure carp guy in Fountainhead?
I want my dancing dragon mask
Does he? I haven't played DeS in years. I thought he just made sounds and flailed around.
They explain that you aren't actually travelling back in time. Nothing you do in those memories changes the future
All non-plot items, all skills (except water breathing)/upgrades. IDK about skill points, I didn't have any when I beat SS.
Gehrman really is top kino.
Shura is the canon ending anyways. Any fellow "Shuras" in here?
>juzou killed me a shit ton of times even with the samurai dude helping me
>but beat the guy who's the same as him in the mist forest in my first try and with no problems
Is the second guy nerfed or did I git gud?
What the fuck do I use these precious baits for.
Is there anything that I could've done to save this poor old lady?
a bit before the tree with the lighting guy there's a point where you go down the stairs and two mobs come out running, if you look back end up from the point where they run to you can see a grapple point
Go to the top near the palace grounds statue. When you're looking out the building to the right, go there past the waterfall and you can grapple up, and the path will lead you to him.
How do I git this fucking gud
go through the palace where there's the red robed guys eating bodies
turn around and look for a grapple spot on the roof
splore round there
Mist Raven's Feathers is underrated. Anyone who is having trouble on Isshin should be using that one.
Firecrackers also help trivialize a lot of things.
There's a grapple point on the top of the temple behind the sakura idol
There'll be a tree on the cliffside and you'll see a small cave near that, grapple to it and just follow the path
>enemies re-balance to whatever attack power you're at
Do you have a source for that? I've seen a lot of conflicting reports
I can sort of see that, False King's even got that distinct Ichimonji slash. I wonder it there were some conscious callbacks to him in there.
Did they ever explain the ash on Wolf's face and hair? I think they said it wasn't a birthmark. Also anything about why some things that happened during the story seeming familiar to him?
On the first phase, using the firecracker works really well to stun his ass. The only really hard thing is avoiding his grabs. Supposedly the sweeping one can be countered with jumping, but I was always getting caught when I tried doing that so I would just do a well-timed dodge to prevent getting caught.
During the second phase, the only thing that really kept fucking me over was when he would do the scream. I kept trying to back away slowly instead of just outright running away from him. Once I got that down, the fight became a lot more manageable.
Also, pic related helps a lot during the first phase.
Firecrackers are too OP. You can stagger almost anything with them.
This is probably one of about three times when this "just spam block" meme is true.
You feed the Great Colored Carp with them
Feed him twice to get scales from the attendant
Three times and he'll reprimand you for overfeeding
Facing the doors you open after the underwater carp tunnel (where you killed a bunch of nobles, and that lady was stabbing that dead noble), looking at the stairs down towards the tree, go right. At the edge of that cliff, you should see a grapple point a littleways up the wall, on your right. Follow that cave and you'll get to the pot noble.
What? That's an even bigger plothole because you bring shit back from the memories. You gain 2 prosthetics, the item for one ending. Even Owl 2 comments on your prosthetic. How could that happen if it's literally just a memory?
That isn't gud, it's just grinding
how do i kill owl(father)?
>not getting the blood blade from the purple dude instead and proceed to beat the shit out of the lone shadow
>anti-air deathblow
why does this shit not want to work? I've got it on 3 playthroughs and tried to use it on shichimen, temple darth mauls, and lady butterfly. Doesn't fucking work.
Yeah, it's like telepathic or something. Fucker starts philosophizing at you as you carve him up.
You got gud
I didnt know 2ape even existed until after I was at DOH
was very fond of axe in the early game
look a liking to spear once i got the drill upgrade
shuriken and shield are old reliable
firecracker was banished after cheesing too hard and feeling bad
>jump the fire owl
>mikiri the dash
>sprint from the spirit owl backstab meme
>jump backwards when you see thefirecracker gunpowder
Can I grind or buy these anywhere?
I'm pretty sure you need to have confetti active for it to work on Shichimen, and I don't think it works on bosses.
>beat Owl 2 the first time I managed to get to phase 2
felt fucking good man
I do not, some article I can no longer find said it and i've been repeating it. Seems about right with my NG+ run though.
It's a deathblow user, their posture needs to be low
I fucking did it guys. NG+7 down. Finally done with Sekiro, at least until DLC comes around. Fantastic game
>57 FPS
Are any subweapons useful against Demon of Hatred?
>Fought Mergo's Wet Nurse and Gehrman after playing for a long ass time near launch
>Memory leak led to them both having only two moves
>Fights were boring as shit
Feels bad, man.
grind high level chalices for days
I still haven't even finished my first playthrough
malcontent whistle
>57 FPS
Just got to O’Rin of the water after so many tries with headless ape and managing to use a combination of sugars and kunai shuriken to finally bring down its ape partner.
All I gotta say is...
Mibu Village and there are surrounding is really kino as well especially if you’re into Shinto folklore about water spirits and the spiritual meaning of fog/mist. They love ghosts and spirits in Shintoism so that whole area is a love song to that. Listening to Mist Noble’s flute playing or O’Rin’s enca music is so great. It’s actually exactly what I expected to hear in Sekino and I’m not disappointed. The fact that they use it sparsely in these moments are an attestment to how the spirit of the game itself is tied to its worlds that it’s creating. You really have to discover the beauty of Sekiro much like you have to discover the beauty of different lands and cultures.
This is From Soft’’s best game bar none,
Malcontent finger whistle upgrade basically nullifies his third phase entirely
Nigga 82c is perfectly fine for a 1060 in a mini-ITX case
I got an instant one on a shichimichi guy
The window for it is really short, I think i've managed it a half dozen times total and i'm on NG++. The ball kicking assholes in Fountainhead are the easiest to practice on.
false king is the ur daddy of all souls "big strong human guy ready to beat your ass" bosses. his influence runs deep since the formula is always cool.
It's fine. They throttle at 100C, and damage only occurs over 110C
why the fuck does the tree the dragons coming out of turn
The trade off seems so terrible I never used it after the first time.
They also have a mutual connection in Logarius who has some similar moves, uses a very similar sword to Allant and shares the sword+spear archetype with Isshin.
>People have beaten the game in 22 hours on their first playthrough
>I just beat Genichiro
>At the 14 hour mark
Phoenix Umbrella
Mist Raven
Malcontent Whistle
How many hours did this take?
Also on my 7th run, the spirit corrupted monk bugged out when I killed her, and somehow initiated a phase 2. I killed her 3 times afterwards and everytime her healthbar immediately filled back up. She kept trying to do her shadow clone attack but the clones never spawned, so I used the opportunity to home out.
I'll give it a whirl
>deflect his attacks
>watch your posture. His posture break is a one hit kill
>hold your guard up in case he throws a sneaky shuriken
>his only thrust attacks are the really long ranged ones, so the other danger symbols are to jump
>he will always either thrust attack, chasing shuriken, or do nothing after a firecracker that isn't in a combo
>dodge to his left (your right) when he does the firecracker in a combo. Be careful not to get hit because it does 95% of your health in one hit.
>second phase has him bring out his owl Stand, but this only adds three new attacks
>he now shurikens after his back flip kick, so make sure to deflect this
>he will teleport to where his owl is, which is often behind you. Make sure to keep your eye on it when he disappears
>jump over the fire owl and then counter his thrust. He will always thrust after a fire owl
Is there anything else you would like to question?
>”Anti-air deathblow”
It’s pretty on point but couldn’t they have picked a name that sounds a little more like a martial arts technique?
Use the shield prosthetic for his firecrackers, gives you 2 hits when you come out of it.
I just beat divine dragon at 40 hours.
I'm enjoying it too much
Beat the game and feel no desire to keep playing now half way through NG+. Literally the same shit. No build variety or PvP was a mistake. Shame I'm going to have to shelf it with only 70~ hours.
>tfw died ten times to the first dude
Malcontent stuns him, save it for the third phase.
Took 38 for me
>Was having trouble on his first and second phase
>Got him down to his third
>Only got 2 gourds, 3 pellets, and a revive left
>Was able to beat his 3rd form first try
It's been a while since a game made my heart race that much. This game is fucking great
I had a shitload of them by the time I reached this fight, but I'm pretty sure that's because I went through the Senpou Temple and the monks there dropped bscly nothing but sugar.
They aren't really necessary, desu. I don't think I even used it during the round that actually resulted in me beating him. It just makes the first phase go by quicker which may make increase your chances of surviving his second phase.
you got gud.
Truth. Also this: It's so fucking cool how the DNA from that 2009 game is still so strong ten years later.
>managing to use a combination of sugars and kunai shuriken to finally bring down its ape partner.
you should have used fireworks, 4-5 shots under him destroy his posture, if you spam fast enough you can down brown ape before the other one can hit you
in ng+ does your vitality and attack power get reset or do you keep it? actually does anything get reset?
>Learn you can flame umbrella punish this niggas firecracker spam
>Beat him next try ez
Fuck your crackers old man.
I feel you user. Beat the shit out of the one in the mist forest after making the monkeys fight each other and stealthblowing his first health bar
Bad news. Once you understand bosses and their movesets the game is a snore. My first playthrough took 40 hours, my next one (NG+) took like 10 hours. Not even shura ending either.
I keep it active almost all the time. Breath of life basically heals me back to full health most of the time.
>mini ITX
what meme case did you buy user?
its ok user. it took me 45 hours for my first run, and I still missed some optional bosses, which probably would've taken me another 5 or so hours. just enjoy it at your own pace.
The first one is the hardest one, once you know how to beat everyone the game goes by really fast.
I'm with you, i'm three bosses away from beating NG+ and I don't think i'm gonna do a third. I wanted to 100% it but it's just such a slog.
Same here user, that firecracker attack was absolutely FUCKING me, until I realized how perfect the flame umbrella was for him.
Am I suppose to do Hirata Estate back to back? I smashed my head against fatso so many times, and are having trouble with Lady Butter
I despised that boss at first but he's so good. Full blown Dark Souls boss just squatting in Sekiro to mix things up.
owl confirmed firecracker spamming cheese shitter
cant even win without them
The first playthrough of a game is what really matters to me. Plus I don't really fuck too much with NG+ after beating the game the first time
How much harder does the Bell Demon make the game?
Leave the area and go do ashina castle instead. come back when you've got better attack/poise.
Saved my life against the demon of hatred by letting me use malcontent an extra time
I didn't really get the combat until I fought Genichiro. Hopefully the game is smooth sailing from here on out, I was just brute forcing it before.
You can go back to Ashina and come back later
Evolv Shift, shit is sexy as fuck even though it's a hot box
Noticeably but not to an extreme. Things hitting harder is the biggest annoyance but you'll be swimming in upgrade mats. You can turn it off at literally any time.
I played my entire 1st paythrough with it and NG+ and it felt negligible. I heard it only effects aggro range too.
Wow this really did not age well
You seem to take like ~1.5x damage
You keep your vitality but all prayer beads get replaced by bags of coin, assuming you found them all.
You keep attack power too but it can continue to be upgraded.
>buys case that is focused on looks
>sacrifices practical features for appearance
>keeps it behind speaker/monitor and out of view
Should have just gotten a fractal design case then bruh.
looks like you might be right
I want to test this on bosses. I want to meme lady butterfly.
I see. I was wondering why nothing really seemed to change
why not shura ending ng+? don't you want to fight emma and isshin? you're locked out of two bosses if you take the long endings.
>full animation iframes
bloodborne is irrelevant
Go back to Ashina and kill Gyobu.
Just jump away out of the Firecrackers, save your spirit emblems for spamming your own.
comfy cat
>Beat Sekiro
>Go back to Bloodborne
>Fight Maria
>Kill her in under two minutes
>Get bored
>Go back to Sekiro
I think Sekiro has unironically ruined the Souls games for me.
Either the past where you went to and killed Owl is an alternate timeline, or when you killed Owl it retroactively erased him in the future, but the invasion still happens with or without Owl helping the Ministry.
how exponential is your attack power compared to ng+ cycle? it probably gets stupid at ng+3.
One of my favorite things about these games is how that DNA manifests, and old themes and motifs inform your understanding of the new.
This game looks better in my memory.
easiest boss in the game but it was so fucking cool i didn't care, I like that the game actually threw in a semi-scripted fight like that cause it ends up standing out.
Do you just take out half the enemy's HP with 74 attack power or is there an actual damage cap for the damage you can do with each swing?
I'm at the first Snake Eyes and I feel like I'm out of money, even though I've been careful and invested in coin sacks and used mibu balloons. Should I be grinding for coins to get the expensive vendor stuff? I grinded to get Blackhat Badger's stuff.
>>keeps it behind speaker/monitor and out of view
It's just the camera angle nigga
actually in that webm I jumped and did the midair version of high monk, sometimes more reliable since the jumping kick can knock enemies out of their sweep attack. regular jumps also give iframes too
Maria has always been a boring, overrated cunt.
I didn't evesdrop on my first playthrough, so I didn't get to fight Owl(father) or Drunkard for the 2 extra beads.
>Play through again in ng+
>Reach Genichiro atop Ashina castle
>Died to him over 20 times my first playthrough
>Absolutely mop the fucking floor with him this time
>Didnt even need to heal once
juzou gave me so much trouble at the start of the game, the most satisfying moment in the entire game was when i fought juzou's rematch with a shinobi buddy in the alternate hirata estate and killed him first try.
Are they male or female?
how do you beat isshin? sometimes i can get to phase 3 without healing and sometimes i die with 0 flasks on phase 1. it feels like a completely random fight where my potential success is limited by what moves the AI chooses to do at whatever time, because some are completely unblockable and/or undodgeable.
sometimes phase 1 he's predictable, other times i feel like he's doing moves i've never seen before. same with the spear. against the spear, for example, how do i know after deflecting which attacks are safe to counter? sometimes he staggers, sometimes he doesn't. it feels really messy compared to the rest of the game. how can you tell whether he's going to sweep or not? sometimes i'll go 10 fights without him sweeping, and sometimes he'll do it twice in a row, and i can't tell when it's coming because you can't see shit.
White and black is male and the tabby is female
Uhhh how about..... run to the right when he shoots that? Holy shit you people are so bad at this game.
Sekiro forces you to be hyperaggressive whereas Souls games encourage a more passive, opportunistic approach.
I think the hardest thing to swallow when you go back to Souls is that the fights look even more ridiculous than they already used to, compared to the massive trading of blows and specific evasion techniques of Sekiro rolling around like an idiot against enemies that can't even track properly is pretty pathetic, doesn't help that your character's animation in Souls is horribly robotic, especially in DS2.
fromsoft are fucking horrible at continuity and basic universal canon, I'm sure vatti will fanfic the his own canon to make sense of it but fromsoft doesn't pay as much attention as people wish they would. they mostly only give a fuck about level design and gameplay mechanics.
Hes actually significantly harder in the 2nd encounter and does far more damage, thats the great part of this game, you actually just got better as you got farther
>Favorite miniboss
Ninjas, because it's a non-stop attack and deflection when fighting them
>Least favorite miniboss
Snake eyes, just because their grab breaks the flow of the fight.
>how do you beat isshin?
Kill him until he dies.
i'd say anywhere from 30-50 is the average for 1st playthru user, mine was 41
Same thing happened to me as well. I must have been fucking shit on my first playthrough, cuz I died to him like 30 times. Then NG+ got him first try.
Probably cause I fought him so goddamn much I memorized his entire moveset.
So I just filleted SNEK and got its heart, and I don't think I know an NPC that accepts this. Is the heart supposed to be given to a specific (new) NPC later?
he's just a regular shinobi enemy, but you are likely to have zero prayer necklaces when you first encounter him, and he does so much damage that even with perfect deflects he will still eat through your posture pretty quickly, meaning one missed deflect is likely to guard break. he can kill you in one or two shots to vitality and at this point you're unlikely to have more than 2 or 3 gourds.
I love that the game slipped in this boss fight as a secret, it completely fucked with what you were taught the whole game right down to how you really dont aim to take his posture out but his health, by far the most tense fight of the game for me even more so than ishin, cause at least ishin had his lightning parry move to wipe out his 3rd phase.
there are 4 threads already, stop spamming this meme game of the month you will all forget soon lol
Girl at inner chamber.
>tfw you catch the lightning but cant send it back for some reason and end up eating shit
Why is she so perfect, Yea Forumsros?
Divine child. You need 2 of them.
The heart along with another one deeper down the cave is used for one of the endings. The rice loli (which you may not have found yet) will take those later on. Just know that when you learn to dive, you'll need to go back to the temple and take a swim.
>fighting ghost spam warrior
>he teleports away at half health like usual
>I somehow get insta-terrored and die
Has this happened to anyone else?
yes, it's needed for the best ending
It definitely does not seem to be time travel back and forth along a single timeline, and their characterization as "memories" suggests it's constructed from the mind and not an entire parallel universe you're gaining access to. My hypothesis is that it's a pocket-dimension like the dreamlands in Bloodborne. What happens there is real and not just imaginary, but what exists there is entirely defined by whatever force created it
seething nincel
>Snake eyes, just because their grab breaks the flow of the fight.
learn to deflect their grabs
>Not baiting out and countering the charged double swipe like a true ninja
Did you also beat all the mini-bosses and optional bosses?
So far I haven't noticed a big difference in the damage I've done, bosses definitely seem to do a lot more to me though.
I imagine the ng++ runs will still manage to keep the damage you do fairly similar, by that point you should have all combat unlocked and be able to spend skill points to boost attack on top of already getting memories over again.
Owl is kicking my ass so hard I don't know what to do. First time I've died more than once to a boss so far and kinda losing interest rapidly because I know there's only like one area left after this cunt.
>there's only like one area left after this cunt.
You're like 3/4 of the way through the game
most of them yeah i was missing like 6 prayer beads or so, also missed demon of hatred on my 1st playthrough lol
tfw no more back pats
Where do I get that Umbrella prosthetic?
I leave the game on idle too much, I probabky spent 10 hours idle.
Why the fuck is Old Man Isshin tougher than Sword Saint? I mean goddamn. That took me longer than SS did. Granted I was on NG+ and gave Kuro his charm back , but the way I stomped every other NG+ boss I expected it to not be too bad.
Do a couple of runs where you don't try to kill him, just concentrate on getting him to attack and learning the deflects and movements. Hit him and see how he responds, it's possible to bait him into chains of hits and parries to eat up his posture.
I had to turn up the brightness a hair and sit up in my chair to really keep an eye on Isshin, his swings are quick and brutal.
He's an amazing fight, remember you're doing this for fun and don't forget to call Genichiro a bitch every time you put him down again.
its fun
Huge Kubrick fan here, user. All his movies are masterpieces, but when I see a Clockwork Orange poster I've just got to wonder, do you...enjoy watching it? Like, more than once?
atta boy
think of it more like an alternate dimension based around a memory
the memory sets the world's initial state but whatever happens after that is not set
things that happen in the memory world are real, but it's not actually time travel so it has no effect on the regular world
>No ending where we can save Sculptorbro
I wouldn't describe Clockwork Orange as enjoyable, but it is incredibly memorable and effecting
but you did
>have to fight the genichiro with the mortal blade attack everytime before fighting the sword saint again.
sincerely who the fuck was the level designer for this fucking game? fucking archer before lady butterfly, purple ninja before Owl, now genichiro and cutscene before one of the hardest bosses in the game.
im literally fuming right now
He doomed his soul a long time before you met him.
>tfw finish off isshin with two lightning reflects after dying like 40 times on him previously
old grave idol in ashina. if you jump off the ledge from there, there is a hole in the building's roof and some midget sells it to you.
At least you got past Owl.
you don't have to go for the swim
You can get the infested chapter directly from the priest at the temple if you go there before beating genchinchin
Buy the iron fortress item from Blackhat Badger in Ashina Castle for the basic shield. The red upgrade is the last one in the tree right before lazulite flame vent
Did he really do anything wrong?
guess so
I thought it was a good touch. Having Geni be mandatory before SS Isshin shows how far the player has come from the early game. At the end he’s nothing more than a nuisance to the player
What is the Shura ending?
He's really overwhelming but once you understand that you can assrape his first phase and parry everything in his second phase he's a chump.
personally I played with the disposition of trying to glue myself to bosses and putting the pressure on them the whole game. this isn't a recommendation just letting you know where I was coming from as a player. what I ended up having to do was learn to perfect gennichiro and ISS first phase until I was getting ISS to two health bars without healing or resurrection. what I had to learn to do though in ISS phase 2 and 3 was to learn how to sprint away after getting tagged to find opportunity and space to heal and take advantage of heal gourdes you really can't chug in his face. second he gets into some pretty long combos sometimes and you have to know when to break away/sprint away from those. third he likes to do a sweeping back step that creates space which he follows up with a volley of gunfire because he's a weak shameful bitch and you have to learn to dodge into those and interrupt his pussy ass gunfire. fourth he does those stupid AOE sword gust attacks and I just used the raven feather prosthetic on that bullshit but it's easy enough to walk around or dodge during gennichiro and ISS stage 1. and the last thing is you have to not freak out when he does the lightning attack in phase 3, it's literally the exact same thing as the sword bitches from fountainhead, just be patient on the timing and jump counter it and you'll be rewarded with a lot of damage and follow up damage on him in phase 3. if there was an obvious way to bait that move out i'd recommend it because it's the easiest way to chunk his bitch ass in phase 3.
Genichiro should be a joke to you by now if you have learned how to play the game.
literally just run up and do a big move like ichimonji or your own mortal blade, it'll interrupt his
or just run straight behind him and mash attack
Yeah, he failed.
>purple ninja before Owl
Just run through the room and out the window. I don't think he even chases you outside.
Got in my way.
Really? I went there before finding the scroll at the bottom of the river but only came to the NPC with nothing there.
Not sure if I killed Genichiro when I got here though.
he kills the shota
being a jobber
the archer just stares at you for a solid 10 seconds before actually attacking too, i have no idea why he'd mention those
Underwater headless are a cakewalk, you just were playing wrong I bet. Not trying to insult you, just saying.
Yeah you get some dialogue with the head priest regarding the rice loli then he gives you the infested chapter and asks that you take it to her. I did it on accident since my autism wouldn't let me progress the story until I went down all other available paths
>TFW the combat clicks
Is there a greater feeling?
Instead of obsessing over getting easy mode immortality, he could've become a CHAD like his grandpa and single-handedly defend Ashina from the Ministry invaders.
That's part of his motivation though. No matter how much of a chad his grandpa is, he's still dying of old age
Why couldnt we get to see lady butterfly in her youth? I guarantee you she was a 10/10 babe. She better be in the dlc i swear to God miyazaki
I just got the mortal blade, but want to buy all the merchants out before I keep going. Any suggestions on where to farm?
>or just run straight behind him and mash attack
This. I just waltz up to him in every fight, strafe behind him, the slice his ass up while he does his mortal blade shit. If he goes for the double, slice his ass some more then sidestep it. I'll get sloppy and get hit but it's 100% reproducible.
>Completely debase yourself
>Still a loser
>Bring shame on your family, your own Grandpa calls you pitiful as you bleed out on the ground after killing yourself to revive him because you're such a loser
At least pic related could win fights
DLC is going to be in the past playing as Emma.
apes are also real weak to some fire, if you wanna burn em and get some good hits in
did gennichiro and isshin have loyalty toward kuro or where their motives completely self-serving?
Not objectively. He just had motivations that opposed your own.
>Sword Saint Isshin
I'm triggered, user
you fed master today, right
that's because it's running on an emulator at 4K resolution. say what you will about blur but it was there for a reason.
It’s my second favourite fight behind Genichiro. Just because it was easy doesn’t mean it was bad as some people seem to insinuate.
It fucking unclicked for me and I don't know how that's possible.
He could've defended Ashina but instead he's frolicking in a flower field with an underage boy while his castle is burning to the ground.
>game takes ages to load everytime i die to sword saint/genichiro
Jfc, im on PC too, why this garbage at the end and all of a sudden
I'm being filtered by bull aaaaaaaa
There’s a cap. After your 14th attack power it goes up way slower. At this point every 1 point does basically nothing
Currently only have 40 hours on Steam. I left my computer running Sekiro for a few of those hours as well.
So how long until we get boss vs boss videos. They seem like they would be very entertaining to watch compared to Dark Souls.
Master must not grow fat!
I don't want them to make dlc, this was obviously made by B-team and I want them to commit to making a sequel with sekiro and the divine child returning the divine dragon to the west. if they aren't focused on dlc they could easily pump it out in a year and half.
you can also parry everything he does
Genichiro cared enough about Kuro to not lock him up or torture him in order to get the blood, and Isshin was on Kuro's side so they both had some sort of loyalty
You thought he was having fun? He was consumed by the fire, constantly suffering. You gave him a gift.
It's a good 20 seconds on PS4pro. Then 10 seconds to run to the fight, 30 seconds to whip Genichiro's ass, so a solid minute between attempts gets old.
Run, only slash him a little when he's turning around or right after he finishes attacking.
>one of three
beat the entire game by spamming block. stay salty spamlet.
Pic related is my favorite "mini" boss. Perfectly sets you up for the next fight. If you can't take her down perfectly you're gonna get your ass beaten down hard.
Least favorite is probably chained ogre now that I'm in NG+. Boring fight, one mistake means death.
>Demon of hatred is literally just a bloodborne boss
The fuck is this bullshit?
>sequel in the west
but then they'd have to violate all of their licensing deals and admit sekiro is a prequel to the soul series
Isshin is pro-Kuro. He sends Emma to wake you up so you can save him, supports you in your quest, and checks in on him in Ashina Castle
Genichiro seems to have some level of respect for Kuro's status as a lord, but he's forsaken all honor and become completely self-serving (or Ashina serving, according to him)
It's made a little murky by the circumstances of Isshin's leadership though. He lead a bloody coup, but it's not clear if it was against Kuro's family or a purely military regime or whatever
So fight him like one.
I never thought about it that way user, thanks
its almost as though from software is business-minded and keeps making a continuous series with different titles to navigate the complex international IP law they're beholden to
Isshin only cared about one thing: kicking ass.
Does this game have any spooky parts? Got spooked by footage of the serpent boss.
>tenchu died for this
this. i still have to go back and fuck him up to see if he even drops anything. i just ran past him to grab the feathers
the return ending shows the divine child absorbing kuro and the dragon's heritage and showing sekiro committing himself to traveling with the divine child to the return the dragon's heritage to the west.
Yeah senpou temple and the fountainheaded palace are sp00ky
Same thing happened to me. 2 ape, DD, and DoH were all non-standard boss fights, and when I fought SS for the first time I died to genichiro
>O'Rinn on NG+ with bell and no charm
ng+ is super easy since you're already upgraded.
start a fresh save and give up kuro's charm.
Shinobi take on the karma of those they kill. You set him free
nothing too scary, or as bad as some of the stuff in Bloodborne but it has it's moments
Finally beat the guardian, not hard but those grabs and one of the multiple strikes attack on the second phase fucked me up
Rest in fucking pieces you centipede possessed ape
question about the monkeys, I get that the first three were hear, see, and speak no evil, but what's the 4th one supposed to be
Poison her.
>literally putting the curse of the undead in the western environment inspiring dark souls, set in a time where ages are fluid because immortality has broken down the concept of time
this shit is so fucking obvious its an actual brainlet net for people who don't get it
the hirata soundtrack and first headless encounter are mildly hair raising.
>Shiva of the East/foreigner assassins from Dark Souls 2 that all have eastern inspiration
phase 1 is weak to fire, real good so you can burn and stun em, phase 2 spear is good cause it'll do extra damage to his posture if you drag the centipede out
Owl 2 no contest. Took me 40+ tries, no other boss was over 20.
I actually recorded my successful run to show a friend, if anyone's interested.
I got gud at 4:40 and things started to shift in my favor.
No contest, one of my favorite vidya bosses at this point.
If people hate sekiro difficulty, tenchu stealth will made people mad.
whatever that's fine I just want them to make sekiro two instead of dlc.
use the umbrella
Dank meme, but definitely had affection for Emma and cared about Kuro. And you can't forget sake.
Wow! LOL
mibu village has a creepy vibe
I just started NG+ and I already wish there was some way to just fight the bosses on demand. Everything else is pretty fucking boring after you've done it once if I'm being honest.
>beat the game so far with not that many deaths
>Owl is fucking destroying me before I even get to his second bar
The sculptor mentions that you “confronted” the memory when you finish up the hirata estates so it might be that sekiro is in some intense medidative state. I have no real answer for the prosthetics or the items that clearly carry through the memory but it might function like bloodborne’s dreams. It might actually be another meta physical plane of existence.
>old guy who doesn't want to kill you
Bruh Gehrman very much wants to kill you. Granted, it's for your own good. But he does want to kill you.
Centipedes lay eggs in the waters after feeding off the corpses of great carps.
That water flows through the whole region.
To anyone thinking the centipedes are unique to the monastery : explain Corrupted Monk and Hanbei the Undying.
Dodge to the left, not even kidding. Dude only slashed from top left to bottom right facing him.
it just makes me mad because brainlets try to grasp onto the literal one-off lines and marketing materials that separate sekiro or demon's souls as proof positive that there's no an effort here to create a single continuity. they have no actual understanding of game publication / creative design beyond throwing their entire lives away on games and then post their dumbass opinion.
sekiro 2 would be dope and i hope we get it. if from could scale up a legal department to get the necessary rights in order to make a handoff from sekiro to oscar happen, that would be the dopest thing.
>you can use spear chunking to drag centipede out
How do you avoid the Demon of Hatred's sweep combo attack?
O’Rin. Japanese ghosts and all that Jazz is right up my alley and I love how everything relating to her plays out like a traditional Japanese ghost story. Gameplay wise she’s tough as hell and I can appreciate the fact that her backstab cheese is not as obvious as other mini bosses.
>least favorite
Same as you. Headless. An absolute dildos to fight against when you don’t know what to do against them and when you do know what to do against them they are still a slog to go through because they remove half the mechanics you use to fight. Literal definition of anti-fun.
>he doesn’t know
Yeah he's raping my ass too.
I got to his second bar the first time I tried but haven't gotten that far since then. I die faster the more I try.
Why were these nobles feeding on the Okami warriors though ?
>I die faster the more I try.
Go to sleep. You'll beat his ass in the morning.
Treat owl like a dark souls boss. He has like 3 attacks that you can safely punish. Don't try to block or parry him until his hp is lower because your posture will get fucked.
maybe he just remembered where he stashed the items and anal beads he looted from their hmm?
Butterfly, I’m glad she was my first boss because I got a hang of the combat afterward
firecracker cheese, nigger
I want to mating press emma while kuro watches.
this happens to me with Owl 2, every attempt so far I go retard and I haven't been able to get more than 20% off of him
>first boss
quite literally impossible. your first boss was drunk juzou
>some previous jar noble who wanted to be master created the infested and helped fuck over Ashina by killing previous carp
>sword saint isshin
Yeah, im gonna be stuck on this one for ages right? Any tips? I actually dont think i can make it through 3 phases of sheer pain and timing
I cant do it bros
walk up behind her and slap her ass with a ceramic, it lets you deathblow her and skip phase 1
Then how come the people of Mibu village who are directly below Fountainhead don't get infested with centipedes and turn into zombie midgets instead?
fountainhead palace
get to palace gate idol
get on roof and tether on trees to the left.
feed Master
but not too much, don't want him to get fat
It actually makes very little sense if you think about it for more than 2 seconds
Is there any lore behind these pot fucks?
Juzou is a miniboss. The bosses are the ones that you perform final deathblows on and give you memories. Gyoubu is the first mandatory boss.
eventually you'll get lucky, that's sword saint isshin
post a single first try confirmed video to prove me wrong. it's a moveset luck boss.
he didn't know it, but if he had gotten his way it likely would've led to another dragonrot plague
drank the corrupted water and ended up like the mibu villagers I guess
Good run user. I'm still stuck on him, seeing that gave me some ideas
I want to mating press owl while kuro watches while he is mating pressed by gennichiro with emma deepthroat brapping into his mouth while the divine child watches in terror.
yep dude, something something they said Japan, something something the names are different. All bullshit mandated by any sensible legal consult after a game engine deal like Bloodborne's or Dark Souls'. Your next line will be "I've never worked on a game in my life."
git gud at parrying his first phase, then pray to rnjesus for the rest
Should I send the samurai dude to the zombie rape dungeon or just let him go where he wants?
You're going to feel like an idiot for posting this after you beat him. He only has 1 attack (2, if you count the sweep he rarely does.) and no posture. He's one of the easiest mini-bosses in the game.
Deflect check. I beat him playing like Souls and dodging, but it took 20 tries. Then I learned how to deflect, and he killed himself in 1 try next playthrough.
>Desperately projecting an overarching solid connection on a group of thematically resonant objects
>Calling other people brainlets
This is literally the same mental process that makes people believe in insane conspiracy theories and mash together different theologies until they believe in the black cube of saturn. Go to /x/ and educate yourself on how stupid you look.
his title in game is actually "Isshin, the Sword Saint" so he is right, sorry
You can do it.
Now go learn that fucking fight.
hope you niggs are having fun.
You can actually block or dodge everything he does with good timing. I watched a literal quadriplegic do it earlier after I beat the game.
>explain Corrupted Monk and Hanbei
Maybe they got the centipedes from the monastery
he get in your way and wanted to be an immortal boy
Witness the stagnation and decline of the idle rich
the reward for the surgeons quest aren't worth it, you can send either him or dumb fat monk to him and end their quests but their rewards are both better iirc
I couldn't do it. Nigger did nothing wrong to me and I was pretty sure the surgeon faggot was shady.
surgeon quest is stupid don't send anyone there and don't send anyone to the merchant.
they are ayy fish people like the nobles, I'm not sure why they live in pots though, maybe they are imperfect somehow or were transformed for being traitorous and trying to kill the carp.
I'm not sure I know what I'm doing with Demon of Hatred. I'm just running around avoiding his hitboxes and getting in small hits, occasionally staggering him.
With his 3 bars this seems more like attrition.
I enjoyed it quite a lot, seen it several times over the years. Personally I feel like it gets a bad rap for the violence and being "edgy", but it's the dialogue that I enjoyed the most.
Demon of Hatred is an obvious mechanical allusion to the Souls games, as indicated by his name. Treat him that way, with sprinting and staying in dead zones, and you'll beat him in just a few tries.
Are we going to get fight Tomoe in DLC?
deflectlet cope
Yes, the idea of raping fresh cunts gets me hard as fuck. Seeing the terrified look in girl's eyes is the best part of fucking, and if you don't think so, you're probably just incapable of experiencing it.
>press deflect twice
>1-2 your LB
what does pressing it twice do? ive just been deflecting by pressing it once, then using rb to follow up attack
This, he's pretty much Artorias with a few more tricks up his sleeve.
Seethe more games journalist, there isn’t going to be an easy mode for you. Go play yoshi.
Ah the achievement says "Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina-Defeat Sword Saint Isshin Ashina"
In this case, "The West" means China. As in "Journey to the West".
how do you even fight him?
hopefully, I also want to see dogen
You deflect both attacks and almost max out his posture.
maybe they have to breathe underwater like fish
ah, i thought it was some riposte shit ive been missing out on the whole game or something
i think what the game says wins out over what the achievements say
don't they specify korea?
I could never get the fucking thing to work, do you need to be a certain distance away from them?
>fundamentally chinese character going further west China is the allusion even in european translation of a Japanese game
the cope is approaching levels which should be impossible
Bell Demon doesn’t effect bosses, you had the power within you all along
Not that user, but how the fuck do you avoid some of his moves? Like the initial fire ball attack? And his stomp seems inconsistent, because sometimes dodging works, other times it doesn't.
post the video or shut up, pussy
>tfw i learned how to beat all the bosses by sprinting around to doge all the attacks instead of learning how to deflect
>got to isshin and now am fuckekdcdddd
How did you make it that far in the game with only single deflects, you can deflect EVERY swing and he swings twice very fast, double tap to deflect both
can you attempt this post again in english?
DoH, 13 tries.
lmao what an arbitrary definition. watch:
the first real boss is the guy who fog walls the area beyond him. Juzou is the first boss.
wow so hard to make up bullshit criteria.
Genirchiro is the first boss in either case.
I didn't quite understood your post but none of the characters are chinese. Except maybe Takeru but he's fucking dead.
stay on his ass. if he gets away from you immediately sprint to him and catch up, more often than not you'll go right under his fireball.
deflect the stomps.
That's retarded, you need multiple attempts to learn any bosses pattern unless you play it extremely safe and slow
there's no luck to it and you can easily handle anything that he throws at you
You might have a learning disability if you think it's luck
not my cleanest post but thanks for confirming you're a total brainlet
There's even European in the game and it doesn't use "The West" to describe his origin, it says "Across Southern Seas"
right except you fight multiple juzou clones and every miniboss gives prayer beads while actual bosses give memories
retarded zoomer can't make a basic distinction
>multiple attempts to learn ANY bosses pattern
the absolute state of copestry
I love it when a bosses' moveset finally clicks. Going from getting killed in the first few hits in Owl 2 to getting him to phase 2 without needing to heal is the best.
Then how do you explain buying from that not-patches dude, then killing him in the past and discover he dissapears like he never existed?
>use incomprehensibly bad grammar
>get called out
>buhhhhh ur dum
>deflect the stomps.
I'll try that, thanks.
if u jump towards him, u will magically recieve 0 damage from him.
first genichiro isn't a boss confirmed by this user, thanks dude
iirc some anons were asking about how to get to a certain place and he uploaded that webm to show them
which of the lazuli upgrades are worth it?
Get in here, lads.