Daily reminder that consumers are the ultimate winners as the Epic Store breaks Valve's monopoly and forces them to compete
Daily reminder that consumers are the ultimate winners as the Epic Store breaks Valve's monopoly and forces them to...
What, realistically, could Valve do to improve their service?
Inb4 halflife 3
No. They are too busy making another vr headset nobody asked them for. Also fixing Artifact.
Eh, bribing for exclusivity doesn't sound like what the industry needs.
Let people make offline backups of the games they bought like GOG.
Fuck off chink. Valve built their userbase by providing objectively the best service.
>people knowingly download spy/bloatware
My fucking god Chang, do a better job next time, if you keep posting like these everyone will just hate Epic Store more
Redpill me on GOG? I've heard it's really good.
Why are Valve drones so cringe?
>Epic Store breaks Valve's monopoly and forces them to compete
Look at the way Epic is competing. You're assuming competition is always good for the consumer, but Epic competes in a way that's directly HARMFUL to the consumer: they introduced paid exclusives to fucking PC. They don't give consumers anything at all, not any kind of a benefit in price or service. All they do is hold games hostage.
And what do I win from not being able to buy a game somewhere else?
>how do we break a monopoly
>I know, let's create another monopoly
It isn't spyware you fucking retard
>vavlvedrones believe this
Being the market leader isn't the same as being a monopoly, you low-IQ shill. Valve already has the superior product, but since Epic can't compete with that, they'll instead strong-arm themselves exclusives. The Epic Game Store literally does not benefit the consumer in any way.
Development funded by nintendo, not the same thing but you already knew that
fuck off chink
And yet you can't name a single service better than Steam.
>stealing customer info to sell to China
>unapologetically invading competitor's files and applications
It's arguably the best money-making scam in the industry.
GOG is literally the only way to actually own a digital game. Because you can make infinite backups of a GOG game that work offline and don't require activation or any such bullshit. This has the side effect of making pirating GOG games incredibly easy, which is why a lot of companies don't like their platform, but in terms of consumer benefits they're in a league of their own.
Also they have a guarantee that you can actually complete every game they sell (even if it's ancient), unlike Steam or others who will happily sell games that are flat out broken.
epic store is great, they buy the games so we don't have to
Offline retro steam.
That sounds really good. How is their catalogue though?
Don't lie to me.
Their not making Valve compete at all, they are removing choice from the consumer in order to make people have to use their platform, that's the complete opposite of consumer choice and Valve does not pay companies money to keep them from selling their products in other places, only Epic is doing that.
That shit already bad enough, I can only image what bullshit Epic would institute if they ever gained majority control of the market.
Steam had to compete with pirating at a time when nothing stopped people from pirating, Epic is not even trying to compete they are just trying to buy everybody out to avoid competition.
>but this is a good thing, this benefits the consumer somehow
As if there aren't already other services like GoG and companies own digitial distribution platforms, only one company is trying to create an anti competition monopoly, Epic.
Well lets question it from an objective standpoint:
>Is the UI easier to navigate compared to Steam?
>Are sales offered at a greater or lower discount?
>do said sales happen more frequently than other competitors?
>Does customer feedback ever get through at all? (this would be an easy one to beat steam at desu)
Exclusivity deals are meaningless in this situation since whichever game each side has the rights to (example Epic has Metro, Steam now has Halo) is ultimately down to customer preference to the game rather than whatever platform its being fucking bought on. If Epic can't fulfill the four questions and accomplish those tasks in a more efficient, consumer friendly manner than Steam then it's basically a shit store.
announce the true successor to the source engine along with hints towards Borealis, Team Fortress 3, Left 4 Dead 3, and Portal 3.
They don't need to improve their service. People that say they need better quality control can suck a dick, i want the freedom to buy shitty porn games if i want to. Steam has created customer loyalty with a superior service. Epic has paid companies money to essentially delay pc releases thus turning people against them.
releasing HL3 and not allowing anyone who has other DRM loaded onto their PC to play it.
>Steam is a monopoly!
>"But user, here's GOG and Humblebundle an-"
>IT'S A MONOPOLY I SAY! Those aren't REAL competitors you see
>"but you're launching a competitor right now and no laws prevent you fro-"
Catalogue is significantly smaller than Steam, but larger than Epic. They specialize in old games (the acronym GOG means "good old games") but they have a lot of newer stuff too, indie titles mainly. See for yourself.
In an ideal world all these digital stores would have the backup policy of GOG. And if they did, I'd have little issue with digital-only stuff. But major companies are so scared of piracy that I don't think that'll ever happen, sans them being forced to.
wow consolewar shit but PC LOL
You mean Epic is starting a monopoly, or attempting to, at least.
You ching chongs are dumb as fuck
Nintendo Funded it when Nobody else was willing to do so. Same with 3 that is currently in development.
Buying exclusive rights to sell games they had no hand in is not the same thing.
They want their games where their anime girl avatar is at, so they can flaunt their feminine dicks more, they cant do that at china
Better recommendation algorithms. Honestly though, that's cotton wool. Also, offline copies of games would be nice.
Best thing Valve can do to keep my custom is not start being faggots about things. Hands off moderation, no bullshit paid exclusivity, don't fuck me about with advertising. That's it. It's a good service primarily because it doesn't piss me about.
There is nowhere else to complain for the people responsible to see it.
Because they are ignoring Twitter and Youtube posts and nobody is willing to get their Information stolen to risk making one post that will get them banned from the Epic Forums.
Only thing they're doing as some plan is to cut costs in areas using cloud service. Potentially setting themselves up to lower their cut. But it's never gonna be 12% realistically. Far too large to manage it and it Epic can just continue moneyhatting and nothing will change.
>epic drones believe this
steam was never a monopoly while epic tries to be one.
>I’m going to lecture Yea Forums on economics
you say that as if anyone gives a fuck
Yes. On a single launcher so terrible it openly spies and steals information from you as well doesn't have half the features other launchers had on their releases.
It's not a real monopoly in the sense that people can't open competing stores, but it's a virtual monopoly in the sense that opening competing stores is kind of fucking hopeless when 99% of the market is controlled by one giant. That's why Epic resorts to such dirty tricks as paying companies for exclusives: you can't fight fair if you hope to beat somebody a thousand times your size.
chinks are desperate to get any sort soft power even with something like bollywood they would be happy
>build your storefront up over many years
>manage to convince people to accept your cancerous DRM
>win the market share by offering the best service, creating brand loyalty with consumers that willingly choose your storefront over others
>some fag who abandoned PC gaming for consoles comes crawling back with his fortnite and chink money to buy up a portion of the market that you worked to create
fuck chinks and fuck tims weeny
>Let's fight monopoly with our own monopoly.
No thanks, I rather keep with my knew evil than getting a new evil.
Exclusives are anti consumer
>Is the UI easier to navigate compared to Steam?
No, It didn't even have a fucking search function.
>Are sales offered at a greater or lower discount?
No, They monopolize the games they purchased exclusivity so they don't have to sell and only recently did they allow Humble to sell their games. Too bad they can't sell them for less than Epic.
>do said sales happen more frequently than other competitors?
No. They never go on sale.
>Does customer feedback ever get through at all? (this would be an easy one to beat steam at desu)
They actively tell you to get bent if you have a problem. And that's only if you somehow manage to get a hold of someone.
>our games dont sell on steam because there are so many shitty games that prevent them from being found!
>epic games offer us a good storefront, and helps our games!
>game gets denied from epic games store for being "crappy"
this irony is so huge, you could say its epic!
>they are removing choice from the consumer in order to make people have to use their platform,
They are making exclusive contracts which is something totally valid and normal. If you want the game a lot, just click on another icon on the Desktop, buy and play.
If you're too attached to Steam because deep down you know that you don't own any games and that you depends on Steam to have access to what you think is yours, then don't buy the Epic games store. No one dies if they do not play a game.
- Offline backups
- Better filtering tools (they promised this and never actually did it). It's fucking ridiculous that I still can't filter out every game that has Denuvo, for example.
- Stop censoring weebshit just because it makes Janet at accounting uncomfortable
Why does Valve always get a pass for taking away choice by getting rid of physical copies and giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC?
The only way to legally play new games on PC is to give a glorified donation for a download license to some console wannabe platform like Steam, GoG, or Epic because of what Valve did.
Valve used even worse tactics when they were pushing Steam and digital distribution.
I started pirating because of Steam, I am literally forced to pirate because PC is digital only and I'm not willing to pay for digital distribution.
Paying for digital distribution cannot be justified. Most of the cancers plaguing gaming today were popularised by Valve.
>>Is the UI easier to navigate compared to Steam?
It looks cleaner. But the reason it looks cleaner is that it has like 5% of the functions Steam has, and 0.01% of the games.
>>Are sales offered at a greater or lower discount?
>>do said sales happen more frequently than other competitors?
I haven't seen a single sale yet.
>>Does customer feedback ever get through at all? (this would be an easy one to beat steam at desu)
I don't even see a way to contact them in the store app.
Sweenys whole plan hinges on blowing enough money immediately to be able to fuck people for years. Just give me your paycheck and I'll fuck you instead.
Doing shitty tactics that make people actively avoid you is a recipe for disaster. Especially when they are going to be paying Publishers twice due to paying them off for exclusivity and for honoring their promise of making up for lost sales.
This will only turn around and bite Epic in the ass. they would have been better off just being the launcher that had Fortnite and some other games over time.
i like digital distribution. it gives me access to games i couldnt get physical. also it saved a lot of games that went out of stores due to being old, and vanish into oblivion like sacred, gothic 3 etc..
it helps a lot of indie titles aswell since its easier to sell digital. all those indie devs couldnt really create tons of physical copys and bring them to the man. they had to rely on actual publishers which would take them away many freedom in their game choices, and maybee even restrict their games.
there are a lot of fucking benefits to digital distribution.
Well się you even concerned why epic game store not only gives more money from sells to developers but also they pay fuckton of money to developers only to make games Epic Game Store exclusives?
I tell you something, epic game store is not meant to make money.
>Epic is the first real competition!
>But it's kind of fucking hopeless...
>But wait we can always bribe devs for timed exclusives
>All is fair in love and war, and videogames as the saying goes
>WAAAHHH WAIT Why aren't you buying from our store?! We've got... we've got.. ehh
>Don't leave us, please! We're going to conquer the industry, you and I, and Xi, just one more paid exclusive, we can do this!
Yeah I'll get my games from GOG and Steam and keep buying console games on disc, thanks.
This, spyware stuff aside, Epic can't keep buying exclusives, no matter how much money Fortnite made them. They gotta stop at some point and when that happens, the developers are gonna go where the most people are (or just release it every where).
>They are making exclusive contracts which is something totally valid and normal
And as shown by Microsoft and Tomb raider. Nobody remotely accepted.
>If you want the game a lot, just click on another icon on the Desktop, buy and play.
Yes. Let's ignore the other glaring issue with that. The whole Personal information sold to china issue.
>If you're too attached to Steam because deep down you know that you don't own any games and that you depends on Steam to have access to what you think is yours, then don't buy the Epic games store. No one dies if they do not play a game.
I'm not attached to steam. I'm attached to games on platforms that won't rob me blind. In otherwords anything that isn't fucking Epic Games launcher.
>No one dies if they do not play a game.
Epic does since they will have to pay out of the pocket for lost sales.
Who is bottom left
Anything you buy on GOG you can burn to disc and it'd be virtually identical to a disc of the game you bought, and you can install and play it offline if you want. How exactly is that "just a download license"? You get the full game installer and all the files.
Or are EGS shills seething so hard they've literally forgotten that video games are just 1s and 0s?
Let me explain to you the logic behind why what Epic Games is doing is absolutely despicable and bad for gaming overall.
>Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft have been releasing exclusives for years, what's the difference?
The difference is that those companies actually INVEST in most of those projects during development. i.e., The games are made with the goal of being competitive against similar exclusive titles on other platforms. This actually results in competition that is beneficial towards the consumers.
With Epic, they are literally using their spyware of a launcher to determine what games are the most wishlisted by your average Steam user and thus, which games to outright purchase exclusivity for. Epic does not invest in projects during development and has no contributions to the quality of the product itself, as they are just doing what chinks do best; outright buying out rights with government funds. This gives absolutely 0 benefits to the consumer as you'd be getting the same product but without the freedom to choose where to buy it from. This is also anti-capitalist as the purpose of the whole exclusivity deal isn't to raise profit margins; it's to kill competition.
What happens is that you're going to get many cases of No Man's Sky, where false advertisement creates hype to push for a deal with Epic. Otherwise potentially good titles and IPs will just be rushed and overhyped. This is because Epic guarantees a sales margin; Epic will pay the devs the difference ontop of an initial sum. What incentive do I, as a developer have at that point to make the game any good then?
>What can I do to give the middle finger to Epic?
Pirate your games. Denuvo is a JOKE now; Metro Exodus was cracked in 4 days. You should be pirating first anyways. If you actually care about having a curated library then buy the game on Steam/GoG when the 1 year exclusivity period is up.
The less people who buy the exclusive titles, the more money Epic has to cough up.
EGS doesn't pay Developers.
They pay Publishers. and they didn't fund any games. They didn't fund Metro or Borderlands 3. They Payed the Publisher 2k to only release it on their launcher. Those games were already funded and in development long before Epic sweetened the pot.
Epic is where Consumers goes to die.
digital benefits consumer and devs in much more ways than physical.
the only benefit to physical copys is that i can have a good looking collection, which is not pretty much of an argument to shoe me away from digital, since i personally dont care about collecting games.
1. Reduce their cut on selling games off Steam
2. Remove Greenlight
3. Do some basic fucking quality control
as if you can install the games without using steam
brainlets, when will they learn?
>>What can I do to give the middle finger to Epic?
>Pirate your games
this is objectively wrong, if you really want to do something against epic than treat the games like they dont exist at all.
even as pirate you'll help out the games by spreading the word of mouth, giving it more population etc.
pirating games you wouldnt buy anyway is helping the store, not damaging it.
>consumers are the ultimate winners
*blocks 99% of legitimate third party stores*
*reduces your buying power down to 2 stores*
*sends you 50 emails because your account is compromised again*
*takes a year to add basic client features*
we sure are the winners
>1. Reduce their cut on selling games off Steam
How does that make Steam better for me, the consumer? Hell, who said that going down to Epic's level of revenue take is even sustainable for a fully featured and functioning storefront long-term? That's a straight 60% reduction in revenue
>2. Remove Greenlight
Valve already removed Greenlight from Steam and replaced it with the much more direct and fair Steam Direct
>3. Do some basic fucking quality control
Fuck that shit. I don't want a storefront telling me what I can and can't buy. If even one gem of a game is prevented from potentially being successful because of curation than that's a shit store
all of these points are shit.
greenlight is a good thing, and more quality controle goes against their policy. steam doesnt want to play the thought police, and tell people what they can create and what not.
they want the community to decide for themselve what they want and what not, its the basic concept of a free market and thats a good thing.
what valve could do is add better filter, algorythms and search functions so it gets easier for people to find what they are looking for.
>How does that make Steam better for me, the consumer?
Stopped reading. The fact you cant even comprehend how this is better for consumers is absolutely amazing by itself.
Less money in Valves insane 30% pocket means more money in developers, which means more money spent on development. Which means MORE content, MORE features and BETTER games. This is such a fucking simple concept its amazing you're too stupid to understand it.
Wont even bother reading the rest of your post you're obviously a shill if you're too fucking dumb to even grasp that. Dont reply because i wont read it either.
>brainlets, when will they learn?
Indeed, as you've just demonstrated. Humblebundle also sells games you download directly from them without any Steam required. They also sell uPlay and Origin and even PSN keys and whatnot. But I wouldn't expect a shill to know anything about finding games on the cheap because some council of billionaires decided to rape the global economy for the past 11 years.
>expecting pcbros to understand economics
Valve drones would literally support valve taking 70% cuts just because they cant think of the consequences of it. The reason why Epic is winning this fight is because their tiny cut means developers can actually make better future updates or sequels.
Basically, Valve has held gaming back by 30% every year since it started.
>Valves insane 30%
You mean like Nintendo's insane 30%, or Microsoft's insane 30%, or Sony's insane 30%, or Apple's insane 30%, or maybe Google's insane 30%?
>which means more money spent on development. Which means MORE content, MORE features and BETTER games. This is such a fucking simple concept its amazing you're too stupid to understand it.
Do you actually believe this won't just go straight into the publisher's pockets instead of the devs, and do you actually believe 'more money = better games'?
>Dont reply because i wont read it either.
Yes you will. You might not reply, but you'll read it
>which means more money spent on development. Which means MORE content, MORE features and BETTER games. This is such a fucking simple concept its amazing you're too stupid to understand it.
its not a simple concept, its dumb nonsense shit you just made up.
>The reason why Epic is winning this fight is because their tiny cut means developers can actually make better future updates or sequels.
But Epic is winning because of big payouts in the form of guaranteed minimum sales. If the cut was the important part then Itch.io or Discord would be running laps around everyone
if you reply to your own post, to get yourself some backup with your nonsense like some reddit upvote tier shit, atleast make sure you reply to yourself in a different writing style.
>keep getting emails about someone trying to log in to my epic account
>but I never made an account
>someone used my own email to make their own epic account
I don't get it. Why wouldn't you just use your own email? Also is there any way for me to just delete the account? Because I don't want this
I cant see how more people dont realize this,maybe at short term the EGS is a nuisance but Long Term its only benefict the consumers
Absolutely fucking /threaded
Valve has no reason to take such a cut. And this is the key reason why people call them a monopoly and competition from Epic is good.
Either valve lowers their costs, or they lose PC gaming to Epic. Either way is a win win for developers and a win win for consumers.
Fuck distributors.
Protip: Steam was never a monopoly. Epic is creating one.
>but Long Term its only benefict the consumers
Then explain how a storefront that doesn't want to do large sales and will never do key generation for publishers (to sell to stores like GMG which provide competitive prices) is a benefit to consumers
Serious question, why do people call "epic shills" chinks? I though epic games was blocked in china.
I even read that a chinese dude got pissed off that bl3 was gonna be epic exclusive
>Less money in Valves insane 30% pocket means more money in developers, which means more money spent on development. Which means MORE content, MORE features and BETTER games
this, fuck valve and fuck their cut killing developers
>He keeps replying to himself
>Daily reminder that consumers are the ultimate winners as the Epic Store breaks Valve's monopoly and forces them to compete
Valve already provides us with the best service on the market, the ball is in Epic to actually make a good service but they are circumventing that by throwing money to keep games away from competition
>Epic lowers the store cut
>Games still cost as much as on Steam
>still responding to himself
valve takes a lesser cut the more your game sells.
epic allready admited that their low cut shit doesnt work out.
valve has a greater service, better servers, more options, support that takes care of refunds etc.. all that shit costs extra.
what work is epic games doing for the developers?
Hello Epic dev
you're in the minority pcbro
Happened to me.
Had to go to their site and fill out an account deletion form.
Yes goy, don't let those dirty chinks touch my shekels, fight for me, I am your master
Its a false flag from valve drones trying to discredit Epic by signing people up with their steam emails.
ruby lasers and tinfoil hat levels of paranoid
Nah, this has been happening to me since last summer and I've just been too lazy to do anything about it because I don't give a shit about the fortnite & friends store.
Epic didn't start getting exclusives until recently
>Gabe is the jew
>When Tim Sweeney is the richer man with a storefront that's worse for consumers
Interesting take
fixed that picture for you, im allmost convinced.
Why don't publishers or indie devs sell their games by mail or offer downloads and have them run without a client? Amazon is a storefront, is their cut larger than valve's?
they are a new launcher,and instead of just being another one they are trying to take-over a big market pie,they cannot afford to do key generation or large sales,as they would just be outperformed by steam in those regards,the same with all the features epic should have admitedly implemented already,they wont use the EGS for shit steam already does,when everybody is already used to steam,in order to break a monopoly you gotta play outside of its rules,the only thing that can possibly be offered that steam doesnt have is exclusive games(They should pay publishers and developers for permanent exclusive deals,since as time deals people can just wait for the steam release),and while the entire exclusive dealership may look bad now,once EGS is running at full force and challenging steam for equal parts of the market consumers will truly benefit from big time competition against steam,you can argue that isnt need since as you said steam does big sales and give away keys,but that's a fake illusion of freedom,the ruler(steam monopoly)maybe fair and gentle but it governs you nonetheless.the EGS is the only hope at True freedom,people are 2 short-sighted and are thinkings about what epic is doing against them now and not what epic could do for them in the future
>Amazon is a storefront, is their cut larger than valve's?
It's likely exactly the fucking same. It's why everyone says 30% is the 'industry standard'
>if I mention Gabe out of nowhere I'll look like a paranoid steamfag
Nice double falseflag Chang
>Force people to use your platform to get certain game
>consumers will truly benefit from big time competition against steam
Tim Sweeney has said himself he doesn't want to do sales even on the level of current-day Steam. The only group that benefits from Epic gaining a larger marketshare are the publishers since the Epic Game Store is a blatantly pro-publisher storefront
Fuck off Tencent shill.
I wouldn't have any problem if they were a legit business instead of being led by SJW & chinks.
I wouldn't have a problem if they won devs over by having an actually-superior platform, instead of brute-forcing it away from all other platforms whilst making an ass of themselves on social media. The Tencent bullshit is just a cherry on top.
Honestly, I'm not interested in ANY of the epic exclusives they've managed to bribe so far.
Even if I were, I'd never consider installing their shitty launcher.
It not only manages to be the WORST platform, but also the most scummy and shady to boot.
In the end, I just prefer to have no drm, so I'll probably pirate any game that they hold hostage.
Still I have enough patience to wait 6-12 months until their exclusivity expires and the devs are allowed to sell on other platforms / sites.
What about walmert?
I think they mean the part where you have to play it on steam no matter where it's bought from
don't quote me on that tho I'm a retard
>Daily reminder that consumers are the ultimate winners as the Epic Store breaks Valve's monopoly and forces them to compete
>games are the same price on epic store
Why though? Publisher can send media through mail or offer downloads from their own site if they choose.
>We need to compete with Steam and break the "monopoly" to change the industry standard on the cuts a platform takes from a sale, should we
>A: create a launcher that is intuitive, user friendly, not an eyesore with basic functions, have an open marketplace for small amateur devs to try and make it, all while protecting user data?
>B: sign exclusives and force the consumer to use an unfinished launcher that has had almost a decade to be refined prior to the launch of the games store, have multiple privacy breaches putting user data at risk, use bad normie PR about big ass tiddies and a rape game as a launching point to say we won't allow anything less than deep pocketed indies on our store, all while telling everyone that it's for their own good?
is it really though?
if I buy the game on epic can I start it up without the launcher?
on steam all I have to do is delete the Steam.dll and I no longer need steam to start the game
Developers used to get just 15-20% of profits from sales in addition to their salary, with publishers and stores taking the rest. 30% is only the industry standard for digital.
I don’t know anything about the epic launcher. Can I get a quick rundown on why it sucks so much?
daily reminder that OP doesn't know what a monopoly is
Handy copypasta on some of the negatives:
-Epic doesn't mass generate keys for free for publishers to sell to other stores, so you won't be able to buy from third-parties who are competing on price (only from a 'partner' like Humble Bundle which will just sell the game at the exact same price)
-If you live in an area that doesn't have high amounts of credit card usage, you might usually rely on cash cards to buy your vidya, and unlike something like Steam which eats the cost themselves Epic will just charge you more (given their low take for themselves)
-Instead of using their vast wealth from Fortnite to make brand new titles for their store, Epic's paying to take choice of where to buy away from customers, and this includes both Steam and GOG options being taken away
-Ironically if you live in China you can't actually buy games from Epic
-If you're one of the few Linux people out there you're screwed because you can't as easily take advantage of Proton or anything like that
-The 88/12 split becoming a regular thing likely won't hurt Steam all that much overall, but it will kill all the third-party sellers which provide better prices for games like Green Man Gaming, Voidu, Fanatical and Gamesplanet
-Tim Sweeney himself has said that he doesn't want to do sales even on the level of current-day Steam, along with a clear focus on his store being more publisher-friendly instead of customer-friendly (for example, an opt-in review system)
That's funny, I don't see a Steam logo anywhere on this box. And it's a multiplat on every console.
Think im going to buy BL3 on PS4 just so I dont have to deal with the "Epic" store. True shame
that is imposible they cant survive,that way the point will where approaching steam in presence,market share and user-base they will open up to more costumers based deals,money doesnt last forever and their current model isnt sustainable in a long run though it is a solid way of establishing yourself on the market
Wow, thanks for this user. Screw epic.
I meant like buying it from GreenmanGaming, gamesplanet, voidu... ya know? other online stores but like the point was me thinking that they think it's a monopoly because no matter the online store on pc you still need steam to play it
again I'm retarded tho so take that with a grain of salt
-Make their revshare cut 10/90 so big games stop leaving steam
-Curate their store so we can actually find cool new games instead of porn and assetflips
-Use their success to maintain their IPs instead of get worse
>-Make their revshare cut 10/90 so big games stop leaving steam
But nobody actually left Steam because of the revenue share. Itch.io and Discord already offer better revenue splits than Epic does
felipe mattar or something, he's pretty dope really makes a straight man think
I think people that are using the steam community and not discord are probably mega autists.
But that's just Deep Silver taking advantage of Steam DRM. And if you want digital DRM free you can buy it from GOG. Pretty sure the GOG version doesn't require Steam.
>dislike DRM
>disike many steam games because of how you can't make backups of them for offline use (without the api being shoved in)
>hate how epic does this
>this somehow makes me a steam shill
I'm talking about the store sales not the community features
I didn't know about GOG not needing steam, that's pretty cool might buy my shit there from now on, thanks guy
That's the main selling point. They're completely against DRM, from the intrusive Denuvo to even the small DRMs that people deem as inconvenient at worst. They don't allow any slippery slopes.
no that user honestly but lmao you sound like a jackass, just give it up man
What did he say that made him sound like a jackass? He made no insults or personal attacks, and just brought up common facts.
Valve may improve their service, but buying exclusivity is anti-consumer. So it's a tossup, especially since we don't know how Valve will respond. Could be something useless (to consumers) like developer revenue splits.
>"EPIC Store finally brings some competition!"
>"But user, it's just another store..."
What are consumers winning?
I think EPIC's store has way more signups then all those launchers combined though.
Epic shills are in full force today. Too bad we can't fix their retardation.
yea what's pretty interesting are those tranny anime roleplaying groups, those people need to be purged.
>consumers win the right to pay 20-50 dollars more for their games depending on region
based epic :^)
no seriously though stop
By stealing Steam data like a Jew would? Nice try Epic, but kindly fuck off.
since when the average Yea Forums poster wants good things for people who are in different regions?
what kind of turbo retard uses GOG, Oh wait I almost forgot the people who probably run those 3d party seller sites have access to viral marketers probably running a campaign to stop EPIC.
A "retard" who doesn't want some shitty client running just so they can play their games? GoG provides installers you can back-up on your harddrive and not even an internet connection is ever required. Jesus christ you DRM shills are dumb.
I noticed the shills are super quick to bring up shills first
>N-no u!
Fucking gotem
>He can't tell that that user's posting style is different than mine
Good job retard
What the fuck is a GOG, see that's what I mean autistic.
i want good happening for everyone!
expect normalfags, redditors, alt-rights, conservatists, americans, china as a whole...
they should just all die
It's obvious already that user ass blasted the shill down, nothing needs to be said anymore.
>we want competition
>lol wtf is a gog
Congratulations! Your YIKES has evolved into a YIKEROONEY!
stop saying retarded things like offline backups. You can't have that if the games have Denuvo and other kinds of DRM. That is out of Steam's control.
>completely real and plausible thing that's already available on one platform
>retarded thing you can't have
Steam could just say no additional DRM is allowed on our platform and all the publishers would comply, especially if this scenario happened pre-EGS
Yeah GOG is nice, I buy games that don't benefit from any of the Steam multiplayer functionality or workshop from them because having DRM-free game files you can backup to writable discs and thumb drives and hard drives feels a lot less fickle than buying a "service".
You'd think Tencent would teach their shills at least some basic grasp of English and some knowledge of the subject matter but I guess CTRL-C and CTRL-V are enough now.
I think from 2016 physical sales decreased nearly 80%, the division 2 had retail sales down 80% since it's first game which is pretty alarming.
I'm not entirely sure who the hell drives all the way down to a game seller to purchase a physical copy anymore. Disks now are just physical licenses.
What the fuck is the point of being okay with playing games on steam with digital copies, then proceed to buy physical on console? Because you enjoy a physical collection in regards to console?
What the fuck is a GOG, what kind of retard turbo autist uses that shit.
>no reviews
>no forums
>no community guides
>no workshop
Daily reminder that pirating or waiting to buy games when they come to Steam with a full DLC complete edition with $20 are valid options.
No one is telling me what GOG is still
>No launcher needed
>DRM-free game files you can backup to writable discs and thumb drives and hard drives feels a lot less fickle than buying a "service".
What are the benefits to this autistic shit? I thought steam had offline mode
>>No launcher needed
steam already has an offline mode, unless you're that freaked out about some window interface in ur face.
>>No DRM
what do you mean by this? it often has sales?
They just listed the benefits, you stupid nigger.
Benifits of putting it onto a burnable disk and a thumb drive? What kind of autists would be doing shit like that? that's my fucking point.
Valve is not a monopoly though. Monopoly is an already established word with a meaning. You are resorting to rhetoric when using it.
>Trying to dismiss arguments by just throwing a shitfit and screaming autist repeatedy
Stop being so fucking autistic, holy shit. Actually talk like an adult.
I could store the game on a memory dildo and shove it up my ass, then I could say what kind of fucking *homosexual faggot* would need that extra accessibility is what im saying.
Lower fees to compete with other platforms for developers. That's about it. Honestly I think it's worth the fee
>we can put it on burnable disks and thumb drives!
I agree, I feel less guilty of pirating now
epic is a necessary evil
they going to keep pushing
they going to keep briding devs and using anti consumer tatics to gain the market, you know what that will result into?
valve losing money, what happens when valve lose money? they will be forced to make games again. SPECIALY half life 3
epic greedness will birth valve revival
they are the ones that will eventualy killthenselves
in the end we are the ones that will win
1. Bring back better sale cuts
2. Bring back flash, community choice, and daily sales
3. Make Steam entirely optional for all games
4. Remove bloat like the market
5. Hire a fucking competent UI designer
6. Focus on making video games again
7. Have standards instead of outright selling fucking malware
On second thought, CD Projekt already does all of that with GOG so why should I give a fuck about Steam?
>What the fuck is the point of being okay with playing games on steam with digital copies, then proceed to buy physical on console? Because you enjoy a physical collection in regards to console?
Sony has terrible servers and to make matters worse my PS4Pro has terrible wifi connection and if I had to download 50GB games on friday night I literally wouldn't get to play them all weekend despite being able to download from GOG and Steam at 6MB/s. But sure it's nice to have boxes and discs too, when possible. Most of my older discs have already become unreadable though.
>valve losing money
I wouldn't be surprised if Valve could sustain themselves on the CSGO market alone at this point
I had the last laugh when there were multi-day internet disruptions over here last year, didn't stop me installing and playing games. And yeah I keep a 1TB+ folder with game backups on an external drive which I'll keep adding to and transfer over to newer drives so I don't have to rely on discs which become unreadable after 10-25 years. Why do you care? It takes me minutes to download a game and seconds to copy it to a backup drive.
chinese are so vindictive that they will find a way to ruin that
Based GOGChad posters in this thead
at this point I hope steam and epic both crash and burn with no survivors
no drm and no denuvo
Even if Cuck sweeney is not influenced by tencent he still allowed chink presence in his company. They are probably stealing info or planting malware in epic under his nose
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
>we have this game and you cant have it
>now, compete with us!
Absolute state of commie zoomers
>when the shill(bot?) makes a mistake in his posting habits
I don't get it though so EPIC forced all those new games to become exclusive? Or did the developers willingly accept there propositions?
Only time can tell.
Ok but when does Epic start competing? So far all they've done is a bunch of anti-consumer practices and I'm not seeing any saved money or increased agency.
> epic steals metro
> steam starts improving their service
> communicating with their customers more
Someone should tell valve they don't have to worry - since Epic isn't actually providing any competition.
>30% cut goes to Valve
>bitches about Valve employees going on extended vacations
>would rather that cut goes to devs / publishers
>thinks the extra money won't just be used the same there
lmfao, you complete fucking idiot
What's the anti consumer practices?
Game devs have probably done something in the last decade to earn their vacations.
no shit Sherlock, why do you think game developers are throwing themselves at EPIC. The only thing Steam can actually do now is have it's fanbase protect it.
I mean what's so fucking hard to understand? It's cheaper for developers to use EPIC instead there is absolutely no argument for the game developers.
remove all the onions-drenched community features, ban indie games and kick trannies and femoids off the platform
t. some pathetic fuck indie dev who couldn't actually give a rat's ass about consumers
take your pile of shit student projects and shove them up your sweaty fat asshole chink shill
>onions-drenched community features
such as
Damn, you're the worst shill ever. At least if youre going out trying to influence a community on a product, speak the fucking language instead of just rambling.
Refund process that is utterly fucked.
No user reviews to let others know if the game is good or bad
No forums to contact developers or other players for trouble shooting (they actually sent people to Steam forums when there was trouble with Subnautica)
No regional pricing
Well, you sure don't obviously have skin in the game.
Out of curiosity are you in charge of customer service or UI? Or the schmuck that got saddled with making fullscreen videos on store pages actually work?
I dont hate the epic store i just dont want to install another application to play fucking games
Gog, Steam fuckin how many do i need
>Well, you sure don't obviously have skin in the game.
i'm a consumer you fucking deranged imbecile, and you have yet to explain at all how the reduced cut benefits me as a consumer
Quick question, were you railing against Steam being anti-consumer before they introduced these things? Or was it Hail Gaben because the sales were still good?
Also, htf are reviews and forums controlled directly by steam/devs/publishers pro consumer VS the old school way of not having your communication run by someone with a vested interest?
You're the dude who blew up because I said that game devs do more work than steam devs. I'm not the user you've been talking to before.
If you're actually just a consumer and this is your response, you need to chill before your head explodes man.
If I had to guess I'd say cheaper distribution costs end up flowing back to the devs in at least some small way, if not to the publisher who could use that money to finance something else.
Yes, consumers win by using a storefront with less consumer friendly policies and paying the exact same prices.
All it does is gonna force Steam to use the same bullshit practices of buying exclusivity.
PC players were already second-class citizens when it came to getting games. Always getting them late in an attempt to get people to double dip. Now Steam players are going to be third-class. If RDR2 comes to PC, it will be Epic and RSC first, then a year later, steam release.
Fix the UI, unbloat the launcher.
In the last year, or couple of years the performance of the launcher has been worsening.
In terms of store, I don't really know. There's probably some improvements that could be made to browsing and tags, but I haven't looked into it that much, I don't browse for random games that often.
>You're the dude who blew up because I said that game devs do more work than steam devs.
no, i called you out for the shill that you are because you don't actually provide any reasoning that a consumer would trust or care about and speak entirely in favor of other groups of people, namely the devs
>If I had to guess I'd say cheaper distribution costs end up flowing back to the devs in at least some small way, if not to the publisher who could use that money to finance something else.
you actually think this would be the case don't you? i already laughed my ass off once over this so now it's just fucking sad
You don't understand user, if I continue to suck Gaben's dick maybe that'll make PC gaming go to hell slightly slower.
Otherwise, how else will I get my AAA toys?
Wouldn't hurt to give the devs a few more bucks.
You can't do that with any other launcher except GOG, why would you expect it here?
What would he say about this whole ordeal with the Epic Store?
>Retard imagination - Steam improves revenue split to 85/15 across the board, $60 games are 5$ off thanks to the generous split
>What'll actually happen - GAME is Steam exclusive
>"t. some pathetic fuck indie dev who couldn't actually give a rat's ass about consumers"
>"take your pile of shit student projects and shove them up your sweaty fat asshole chink shill"
> this is not blowing up
> "you actually think this would be the case don't you? i already laughed my ass off once over this so now it's just fucking sad"
> hahah lmao dude that's so sad lol
> this is not frantically disengaging because you've realised you're overreacting
In what way can you justify steam's cut as a good thing, while also saying that epic's cut is a bad thing because there's no guarantee corporations will spend money correctly. Wouldn't the logically consistent thing to do be malign both companies?
I think he'd make a 40 minute video where he'd just shout 'Tiananmen Square Massacre' over and over
We're not in 2004 so these questions are irrelevant. You shills never give a straight answer, just more questions. Question answer is just mealy mouthed shit.
>In what way can you justify steam's cut as a good thing
nope, not how this fucking works. you / another poster listed reducing the cut as a good thing, now you have to back this up. stop arguing like a fucking worm because that's exactly why i think you're a faggot shill dev
>Wouldn't the logically consistent thing to do be malign both companies?
of course but then again i really don't give a shit overall as long as i benefit as a consumer at the end of the day
Yeah, don't bother defending your position. Being asked questions just means you're right and everyone else is a shill.
Inb4 "I'm not an intellectual coward I'm just too rational to waste my time"
>literally fantasizing about Steam coming down to Epic's level
No you keep bringing up Valve circa 2004 and then when people ask what Epic has to offer in 2019 you change the subject. Answer the question fucko.
>forces them to compete
All Valve did so far is complaining..
Revert the recent changes to the chat.
Otherwise they are already feature complete, there is nothing to improve.
Well that''s the poison that comes from playing the exclusivity game. I don't want it to happen but people wan't competition so much they'll salt the earth and poison the well.
Oh and get rid of the moralfag staff who can't accept that porn is allowed now.
Valve still has the most featured and consumer friendly store front so this is like complaining that the team in advantage isn't doing more.
> you / another poster listed reducing the cut as a good thing, now you have to back this up
In that case you're responsible for defending every point in this entire thread. I don't care if you didn't personally say it, I'm holding you responsible.
I'm arguing like a "fucking worm" (??) because you're having a schizophrenic breakdown and assuming everyone who disagrees with you is working together.
>on steam all I have to do is delete the Steam.dll and I no longer need steam to start the game
This is a lie as evidenced by the Steam downtime a couple of days ago.
>steam installs Epic Store
Did the bot break again?
I brought valve up in one post, in that post where I also asked how devs controlling the forums for their games was actually a good thing.
Why on earth would I allow you dicate the terms of discussion when a mild prod makes you lose your mind? Are you suddenly going to start arguing in good faith if I say epic is bad?
>Valve's monopoly
How many again, dipshit?
>another monopoly
> only pure monopolies exist
I hope you fail whatever grade's textbook you pulled that from
So is epic store bad or not? Are viruses confirmed
good post
>They are making exclusive contracts which is something totally valid and normal.
>If you want the game a lot, just click on another icon on the Desktop, buy and play.
I'd rather open my favorite torrent site, pirate and play.
>No one dies if they do not play a game.
But I will play it.
Listen here, Epictard. You fucking shills seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding. Your excuse for a store's primary competitor is not Steam. It is torrent websites. Steam managed to establish itself in spite of their existence for two reasons - it offered games massively cheaper than traditional methods of distribution in many parts of the world, and it promised to save consumers hassle.
Epic does not offer lower prices compared to existing stores, and literally all it promises even theoretically is to give consumers more hassle allegedly for the sake of devs. It literally gives me nothing. Why should I bother?
read again you stupid fuck
Epic getting all those exklusives is a big deal for people.
It is a direct attack on Steam and valve should answer back somehow.
nobody is competing for consumers
they're competing for publishers who pocket the excess
if nothing else valve still has more features for customers because, for epic, appealing to publishers means making it as hard as possible to voice criticism and dislike for games
So nothing, as always.
Literally just offline copies of games
Thats it at this point.
Yep, bot broke again. I hope they fix you faster this time then in the last thread.
>>They are making exclusive contracts which is something totally valid and normal.
Show me the law that prohibits it then.
They could probably hire customer service reps that can actually read. That'd be cool
Anyone else basking in this glorious age where your games are no longer held hostage by Steam and have found freedom on Epic?
Yes my fellow epic brother, let me gift you a nice game on the EGS
>Doesn't even have gifting
>Show me the law that prohibits it then.
Do I still look like someone giving a shit about laws after mentioning piracy half a dozen of times? Epic can go full Disney and pay lawmakers to change copyright laws for their benefit, and that will only confirm to me that I should keep getting games for free.
>it's totally not legit
>but I can't back it up because I don't care after spending half an hour bitching about it
Sure thing steamdrone.
There are a lot of things it doesn't have.
I know this is a feature the rest of Yea Forums probably don't want, but it'd be great if they can totally nail their streaming technology and backend. I think my ideal setup is a big fat server box i can keep in my office or the garage with several GPUs and RAID SSDs in it, and then i have some nice little NUCs or ITX APU style boxes stuck on my TVs and desk. Give it guest access so if i have friends over they can tap into my home streaming server, shit like that.
Not enough red circles to trick me into reading your reddit shitposting
>I just got BTFO, so I'll argue with something no one said and pretend that everyone arguing against me is the same person!
Never gets old.
Spyware concerns aside it baffles me how with all the money they throw around little to none of it has gone to making EGS have basic features almost every other store has in 2019 until just now late March where they laid out their "future roadmap".
>gets brfo
>tries to turn it around
>when everyone can see it was the other around a handful of posts before
kek, keep trying steamdrone, practice makes perfect but you blew it in this thread.
Let us sell our games on the marketplace
>steam was buiid in one week
Every fucking time.
>no u
The absolute state of Epicshills.
explain to me how the consumer benefits from valve matching epics cut
>>no u
>he's doing it again
Yea Forums needs to learn english
>so I'll argue with something no one said
Are you a fucking idiot who can't read his own bloody posts? Your whole fucking argument 2 posts before is build around Epic doing something they aren't allowed to do. If you can't back it up you should think about a new argument or simply fuck off, valvedr*ne.
They dont.
Consumers are not benefiting from Epics cut either.
Does EGS do sales like Steam does?
I think they'll eventually relent and reduce their take, not low as Epic's but probably in the ballpark of 15-20%, then again i can see epic retaliating and cutting their take to 5% or something.
Tech wise it'd be great if they continue with Linux support and maybe become open to the possibility of working with GoG, etc. to make Proton a cross company project.
It is called they are paying them for a exclusive deal + guaranteed minimum sales this money does not go to Devs if they use a publisher see 4A and now Gearbox have said it is all on the publisher they get the money.
literally why
>i can see epic retaliating and cutting their take to 5% or something.
>meanwhile Timmyboy addmited that they can't operate on 12% in the long run
Yeah, good luck getting even lower with the cut.
>my positive review is epic store exclusive for the next 24 months, sorry for any inconvenience.
holy fucking based
On a business side, i can see why publishers are gravitating towards Epic, especially for short term exclusivity. From what i've been reading the industry is getting more and more squeezed by investors, some publishers (e.g. Activision) have had great years, but are still being forced to make cuts just so their investors can get their fat profits - And part of why they are moving all their stuff to battle.net, their take is now 100%
But smaller publishers are facing the same squeeze, and increasing their take by what, 18%? is kind of huge to them, and gets their investors off their backs. Actually one thing i read implied the deal with Epic for Metro to become exclusive was cut by one of their investors - Koch.
Epic are more or less... a symptom of the industry on the brink of collapse, mostly due to the greed of investors. It's going to be one of those weird collapses where everyone still makes money, everyone still makes profit, but the investors they rely on start pulling out and looking to put their money into new places - Actually it's why streaming is so "hot" at the moment, it'll turn games into a service, a constant revenue stream instead of the bulk of their audience buying a new game every 3-4 months.
Anyway, i guess the industry is getting kind of interesting.
They are still making millions off Fortnite kiddies buying skins and V-bucks with mommys credit cards, until the creditcard details are stolen by the chinese.
>Things that never happened
Daily reminder that people who bought HD-DVD, Betamax & all of the other formats that went the way of the dinosaur didn't "win."
Consumers lose in a format war. You'll figure that out at some point in your life.
Not sure, they might as well start doing what Epic does and shit constantly on the competition while bribing devs because there's no service improvement that can beat showering publishers with money.
I just want a better chat for the steam app, other than that, I'm pretty content with what we have, it's already more than I'd have asked for.
winnie the pooh
>Secret Chinese conspiracy
But it isn't a secret, it's right out in the open.
>consumers are the ultimate winners
Did you goto Trumps School for Winners? Because I don't see how forcing consumers to only use your platform for a year+ exclusivity is a win for them.
Based Epic Games
Steam and Valvebois BTFO
Betamax is a classic example how the tasteless unwashed masses have set the standard with their idiotic opinions and retarded tastes.
Betamax was a format that housed better picture quality, so why did people choose VHS.
People... What a bunch of mouth breathers.
the most brain dead looong pic ive ever seen
what a waste of effort
Wrong. It was the porn industry. This is common knowledge, retard.
you don't own games on gog either, it's a use licence that you have to sign their eula to play and use
that guy's a moron
the rest of the nonsense he said is also just that
also steam games are just as easy to pirate as the trash on gog, he is just low iq
I buy gog games so I share them with my close friends and we have cool gaming nights.
VHS and Blu-Ray had porn
hilarious pic when you realize that ever time it gets posted, people keep ignore it and/or unable to refute anything
based epic chads breaking up fat gaben's tyrannical monopoly
Boy you sure sound retarded.
>Offering dedicated servers available to speed downloads
>Using the steam API and whatnot to allow for mods, threads, multiplayer connection, etc.
>"No reason for 30%"
Do you know what exclusivity means? Do you have a better way to stand against a digital distribution, well-established giant like Steam?
but their goal isn't competition, they want to be a steam replacement. they very clearly want to take the majority market share of online sales and then when they have that they can impose whatever bullshit they want to keep it that way and snuff out competition
do you have anything smart to say or just smear shit on the image of valve and steam and call people that play games on pc and aren't retarded steamdrones
Saved. biz is probably laughing at us for not knowing what a fucking monopoly is.
I asked you a completely valid question, so don't deflect. Let me rephrase.
As a new digital distribution platform what is your plan to entice new customers to use your platform over a well-established market giant like Steam?
valve cant reduce their take with all the features they have
Force perma-exclusivity on multiple games. Now that'd be awesome competition. They should moneyhat all Japanese games so they come exclusively to Steam from now on.
>Epic gave retards the means to consolewar with fucking PC storesç
I'll never forgive them
Only retards feel brand loyalty towards a fucking store. I'm going to use the one which sells the cheaper game.
>Implying killing competition isnt the most capitalist thing one can do
Was chinese reviewbombing on steam a plan to promote epic and their no review "feature"?
Heres one, Offering me a better service. Epic has absolutely nothing going for it other then a few games that I can honestly pass on. wheres the community store? user reviews? Workshop/modsupport? community forums? A profile I can customize? events? Sales? Streaming? Linux support with proton? and games that are worth a fuck that were developed in house not fucking poached to get a goddamn market share? Epic has absolutely nothing to offer me.
Each and anyone of you faggots in full support of the Epic game store are either meming or legit idiots who think Steam/Valve should be taken down a peg because they're sitting comfortably at the top of the hill hoping that if they stir the hive they get to see the glint of what made Valve amazing before.
>Offering me a better service
Bull-fucking-shit. You wouldn't switch to EGS, just because they offer the same service as Valve. You need to have something Steam doesn't.
the only decent one is the bottom left because he's just an effeminate boy not an insane person who wants to cut off his dick
Give me better prices then, why the fuck else would I use an objectively shitty launcher?
>You need to have something Steam doesn't.
Do you know what "better service" means?
>asks for examples
>gets them
>d-d-d-doesn'T count becasue my playbook has nothing to refute it
Every fucking time. I really should stop to waste my time with mentally challenged insects.
Be cause PC gaming was at an all time low before Valve stepped in, it's argueable whether they changed things for the better or not but no one can deny the huge part they played into revitalizing PC gaming and encouraging the indie industry.
They were and still are the most complete and customer friendly of such platforms, hence why it's easy to find loyal customers to defend it against worse products with anti-consumer methods.
Either way, digital game distribution was going to happen anyway, if not influenced by valve, it would be inspired by other medias doing it all the same, and you probably wouldn't want some publisher like EA to own the dominating platform.
>You need to have something Steam doesn't.
And I already told you they dont have shit. Every game they've poached is stuff I can honestly wait for.
Metro ?
Borderlands ?
some shitty crowd-funded excom clone ?
The only game I gave a shit about and worried about being poached is heading to steam and I'am glad I dont have to miss out on Doom Eternal for the stupidity you're perpetrating because even though I like it I would have had enough willpower to not play it til I could play it without resorting to spread my fucking cheeks for a glorified fortnite launcher.
Fuck off forever.
Won't matter. It will die when Fortnite stops being popular.
Steam will be around forever because most people have 10s-100s of games on Steam that they won't just throw away for another launcher.
Yeah, I win because I'm gonna spend less money on vidya, thanks Winnie the Pooh!
>destroy a monopoly by creating another one
nice thread OP.
>"Hey guys, I bought a new farm. I have slaves working the field. I know slaves are bad now but my farm is new and so many people used slaves on their farms in the past so it's fine."
The point of learning from the past is to not make the same mistakes. Steam is not perfect nor does it have a perfect history but it's easily the most user friendly and feature loaded launcher and THAT's why people use it not because of forced exclusives on 3rd party titles. They've done lots of work on improving their security and permissions.
Just because you don't like a game it doesn't mean it's not
1) an exclusive to EGS
2) a good game
I think a lot of the anti EGS stuff is just propganda from Valve troll farms tobe honest
I dont care eitherway, I dont really care about my stores at all as long as theres competition it will force lower prices and better deals
the only annoying thing is having to need 6 different launchers to play all your games
Stop making yourself look obvious for starters
? the fuck do you mean
>le exclusives
borderlands sucks and I'll pirate journey because a. no steam and b. fuck waiting 10 years to play the overhyped game everyone is talking about
it isn't
never said they were bad games except for the xcom clone. also timed exclusives are not exclusive at all anybody with a PS4 will even tell you that.
People will move on and play something else. quit grasping at straws
Removing competition is literally the opposite of competition. When you buy your favorite brand of frozen chicken nuggies you have a choice of stores to go to. Are you going to go to the nice store that tries to make you happy and guarantee your purchase or the one that openly says they don't care about the customers, will not guarantee your purchase and is going to sell your bank card info?
Now imagine that choice is taken away. Are those nuggies really worth being spit on and robbed just because its your only option?
What straws? Are you so blinded by rage that you see everyone who isn't just as biased as you as an enemy? I haven't said one good thing about EGS, but I've been branded as its defender.
>xcom clone
You mean x-com clone
Thats why I said its good that there is an epic store
Youre preaching the choir Im agreeing with you
You should stop using the
>le competition!
excuse just to shill epic. Its gotten old and every user on this board can shut that argument down instantly. Repeating bullshit louder and more frequently doesnt make it true, stupid chink
youre a mongoloid, all I care its the ebin store, or the ironic games store, doesnt matter
they need more competition, competition is good for us as consumers and also for the developers
Epic store is bad for competition. Exclusives are not competing they are taking away the choice. Epic store is the shitty shop.
Okay you cheeky fuck.
>Stating facts is fucking biased.
Putting it out there.
The Epic Store NOT SPYWARE with proof
It was just a dumb kid who didn't know how software works that made all those stupid assumptions.
Spread the news to the steamcucks out there.
>waaaah they need more competition!
>we want attention, we'll get it by forcing special games on our platform instead of actually making our store better! Competition!
Thanks for proving our points, dumb commie chink
yeah I hate exclusives too, but theyre doing this most likely to get a reason for people to break their havbit of going to steam and give their crap a chance
steam has tons of exclusives, nobody is just going to try a different store even if theyd be somewhat cheaper
EA did the same, ubisoft too, bethesda tried it too
But I feel you guys are more or less wanting to discuss why epic specifically is bad rather than look at the bigger picture of why competition is good, and frankly I dont care so enjoy you thread
competition would be providing a better service that people naturally migrate to
holding users hostage with exclusives is so scummy that only the chinese could be behind it
How many times has the Spyware claim been debunked so far? I haven't seen a single respectable/knowledgable person even give it the time of day, because it's about 2minutes of checking to see it's ridiculous. It is fun to see the webms and videos from amateur hour idiots who don't understand what they're looking at though.
Here's the latest vid I saw debunking it, if you actually seriously give that idea any credence.
Bull fucking shit. EA excusives were devwloped by EA. Ubisoft exclusives were developed by Ubisoft. Valve exclusives were developed by Valve. Epic exclusives were developed by third party devs who were going to publish on multiple platforms before getting bribed by Epic. Seeing a trend, fuckwit?
>Traverses your Steam directories on startup
>Stores data taken from your steam settings (including wishlist, friends, groups and games you own) and puts them in an encrypted file without your permission and without your consent
>I-it's not spyware, guys! Trust me!
You mean when the owner of the company himself admitted the program gathers data on your steam account without your permission? Oh yes sure sounds like debunking barry.
Name a single time valve, Bethesda, Ubisoft and EA payed to get third-party names they never worked on to lock into one store.
Youre an expert in missing the point
Steam exclusives are not exclusive because steam paid for them. Do you know the difference between 1st and 3rd party games? 1st parties being tied to their own launchers is lame but excusable. 3rd party games being bought by a single launcher as an exclusive. The only true valve exclusives are their first party games. There is nothing stopping any other game on steam from being sold elsewhere. Thus allowing competition. Steam just offers the better service, period.
Stop saying Epic is good competition. It's not. Forcing people to buy from one place is the opposite, how that's so hard for you to grasp I don't know.
Oops, that's not what he said, looks like you're retarded. He said that they needed new way to import steam profiles asap (because steam changed all profiles to private by default?), made this hacky but simple method and forgot about it.
You can literally, literally, LITERALLY test this for yourself. Launch a bunch of steam apps and see what's sent back to Epic.
Hint: Nothing
My favourite is when they review bombed New Vegas to own Take-Two.
>We just forgot that we harvest data from your computer without your consent, and are thus in violation of GDRP :)
make a better client. It's complete ass to use. Much rather use a browser to check the store.
wireshark has lead me to believe none of it leaves my computer.
the definition of exclusive means it is exclusive to their store.
Thats the case for a ton of steam games.
you cant just change the definition of this word to fit your needs you incoherent retard
And the main fucking point is that theyre trying to compete, I couldnt care less how they do it, steam needs competition, they hold a monopoly
You guys are just assblasted you have to install another launcher without thinking ahead
That's LITERALLY what he said, "not asking or permission when gathering certain data is a leftover from a past time". How the fuck can you be wrong about EVERYTHING EVERY SINGLE TIME?
And what point would I be missing, Chang? That Epic is basically bribing publishers who promised to release their games on multiple platforms and give consumers the choice of picking one convenient to them to release only on Epic store, thus limiting consumer options to one place for no reason other than 'NOTICE ME!'?
Get out of your communist shithole, choices is good.
How do we win tho, prices aren't decreasing.
What do we win?
Remove the hundred of "lists" and "queues" and make one fucking list of released games
>none of it leaves my computer
You dumb fuck, the information is gathered by the ES launcher and THEN through the LAUNCHER it's sent to epic. They don't use a different service for it.
All those games on steam? The devs and publishers can release them on other platforms as well. They simply choose not to. The games on epic? The devs sold their freedom to release their stuff on malware bloated chink faggotry
>muh monopoly!
>muh competition!
Chinks are the standing examples of NPCs
>they hold a monopoly
Here it is again, the obvious lie that has fuck all basis in reality.
>muh politics
oh there we are
its the mid to late teens retard who thinks hes an expert on a topic because he can parrot his favorite eceleb
Learn to think for yourself and do some research on these topics, then form an opinion and learn to defend it
Also not everyone you dont like is a communist or a nazi
if youre a developer and youre not EA, Ubisoft or blizzard and you want to port to PC, your only option is steam to reach a large adieunce.
there brainlet
do you need your food pre chewed too?
You don't need to be a communist to be working for them. Fuck off back to your side of the great firewall, Chong.
No one changed the meaning of any word. You're just an idiot. The majority of games on steam can be purchased elsewhere. Steam is not preventing any games other than their own from being sold on other launchers. There is a huge difference between that and what Epic does with third party games.
You really don't seem to understand what competition actually is. Epic isn't trying to compete because they know they can't, they are forcing exclusives. Literally the fucking opposite of competing.
Minecraft and Star Sector and itch.io prove you wrong, insect.
>Steam offers a wider audience and better convenience than any other online store available, and here's why that's a bad thing!
make games again
Steam, GOG, Windows Store, Humble. The option of doing what EA, Ubi, and Blizzard have done and make your own launcher exists too. Epic launcher existing and competing is fine, but the way they practice business is bad for consumers. They openly said that you, the customer, do not have an opinion that matters. They refuse to add features and additional security and are majorty owned by the chinese government. If you want to deal with that fine, but the exclusives are a huge problem for anyone who reasonably wants to avoid epic.
>What is GOG, itch.io, discord, origin and more
The only reason why so many games end up only on steam is because of the popularity, feature set and devs/publishers being fucking lazy to use the other stores to expand their audience. Hell most games you see don't even have their own fucking website made by the dev to order from. They just get thrown on steam and think valve has to advertise for them.
Epic is just buying limited exclusivity in a desperate bid to steal a bit of Steams pie. Their motivations are not nearly as noble as the shills would want you to believe.
I am curious to see how their business practices change going forward. I doubt that they can keep up buying limited exclusivity indefinably. Either way Epic will always have a smaller selection of games then Steam since they will have to carefully curate the games on their platforms lest they end up losing money when they have to pay out to publishers who's games don't earn a profit.
>How the fuck can you be wrong about EVERYTHING EVERY SINGLE TIME?
My thoughts exactly. Looks like you're too dumb to read the relevant articles, and just pulled a headline quote. Oof.
except theres absolutely nothing stopping those other devs from releasing their games on the other platforms you fucking idiot.
Two minutes of work would show you that nothing is sent to Epic's launcher.
Two minutes of effort, try it out.
>Take two minutes to install and run our bloatware and send us your details to try prove us wrong!
Shove it up your ass
And I'm sure all the videos showing otherwise are just people's imaginations right? Or machinations by valve shills, right?
>My thoughts exactly
yes yes I know your thoughts are always a mirror of someone else's thoughts because you can't think for yourself, but just once I wish you weren't spamming your retarded shit in this board
>mfw all us PC gamers gotta do is hold out a year and then the bugmen will die off because they invested too much money in paying off devs
>mfw us PC gamers used to wait years for ports so this shall be an easy task
>mfw Tim Sweeny gets executed in China for failing his mission
>Stop I can't come up with an answer
You fucking know that if Epic ever overcame Steam that they would in fact force you to subscribe to continue playing your games.
Not even offline games would be available. Your entire library would be locked behind a $10 a month fee.
>anime posters defending ebig
why am I not surprised?
steam takes 30% of profits of your games
tax is another 20%
as a develop it means im losing 50% of my sales right off the bat, and then we still need to factor in development costs and the likes
30% is A LOT
Unless youre with a big gaming company or an extremely small indie dev team that makes it very unprofitable to port to PC. Part of the reason why most small companies cater to phone games, it makes more money, and its less development costs
You can go ahead and call me a chink shill now for acknowledging a problem!
>It was just a dumb kid who didn't know how software works that made all those stupid assumptions.
Kek, is this serious ?
You guys are going insane.
It seems like a government message to assure the population of something but you know it's a blatant lie.
perhaps its because theyre older and more mature and think about the big picture instead of "ebg bad, gabe good"
>EA did the same, ubisoft too, bethesda tried it too
I love this argument, it just tells people that you're dumb outright.
>it did seems odd claim(especially as he didn't have to make that claim)
>30% is a lot
Same amount Nintendo charges, yet small indie devs are making lodsofemone on the eshop
Really makes you think.
Valve isn't a monopoly because they don't force people to release their games on them. Devs do so because it's the easiest way to expose them to a large audience. Smart devs will release on Steam and other platforms to make maximum profits.
Old I agree. Mature? No. Big picture? No.
I'm so glad that their store is so shitty that I can't even buy games here with the same prices as steam, steam is way cheaper here, there's no competition.
To which you still havent given a proper reply
It should make you think, because "x also does it" isnt even an argument
the fuck is wrong with you people? You havent made a single counter point or solution all you guys are doing is circlejerking about the chinese
is this the power of nu/V/?
>more mature
Is that how you wish you were ?
>single counter point or solution all
Yeah bro, like open your eyes or something.
>30% cut is too much! Epic good, steam bad!
>30% cut is the stan-
>more money = better game
Then I guess The Old Republic is up there as one of the best games in history.
calling everyone that doesnt agree with you a communist or a chinese shill is not not a counter point or a solution, shocking, I know
Perhaps go for the old tactic of pasting brainlet wojaks in reply, thats a winner
>I'm going to ignore your arguments and pretend you didn't make them!
Remember to never ever argue with the Chinese. They will lie, twist your words, and even when you BTFO them they will simply make a new thread and pretend they didn't get absolutely buttblasted. Like jews, but not as smart.
>ultimate winners
Hell yeah, I will pirate this shit with no remorse.
>2 stores that have a monopoly (pc and handhelds) do it so its the standard!
I hope for your own sake that youre only pretending
Bro, there's no solution, if you can't see how their practices are shitty and not at all for the consumers, then there's no hope for you, do whatever.
aiya stupid gweilos steam give you computer many virus please use glorious epic store to save your happy and love
>Still replying to himself
I gotta give you this, you're persistent.
The end result, them taking a market share and competing with steam, will be better for the consumer, even if they are shitty in their practises. Steam is bad its practisers against developers. Ebg is bad for consumers good for devs.
That will make it so they have to compete over both with lower prices, better features or better deals for developers
and thats exactly what I want but most of these underage tards are delusional shills
>2 stores
The list is here Too bad you actually are just too retarded to read and understand differing opinions
>Steam friend ids, and only if you explicitly choose to import your Steam friends
"We don't do it"
>We're working to update the implementation so that the Epic Games launcher only touches the Steam file at all if you choose to import friends.
"We may do it, but we're working really hard on a update that doesn't do it"
Literally contradicts himself in the space of one paragraph. Get fucked.
China has been generous.
Not even that guy, but dude, fuck devs, I choose what is best for me, the one who have to deserve something is not them, but me.
It's their job to appease me, make good games and it will sell, the cut will be meaningless.
agreed fellow american epic fortnite victory joy!
cdpr announced that with gog they have a profit of less than 10 thousand usd for 2018 and they use the standard 30% as well
7k lol
all they host are shitty abandonware games that are 15MB that they dont have to share profits for with anyone and galaxy uses peer to peer system to download games, like a torrent
also proves the gogtards on Yea Forums and elsewhere are just a tiny and very loud minority
the only thing the nigger epic store can do is what it's doing, cause more people to pirate and shit up this board with retarded copy pasted threads and expose the morons that should be thanking gabe every day for steam instead
do you want to talk about literally every store or company that takes a 30% share? because thats entirely irrelevant to steam holding a monopoly
Somebody could be selling bottles for water with a 50% markup in some desolated place but thats has nothing to do with this, youre derailing intentionally, fucking shill
>Epic pays people to encourage exclusivity
>Valve pays people to discourage exclusivity
Epic way to break the monopoly
Then enjoy your triple AAA lootbox infested, microtranshit gacha games that get reskinned every year
Difference is the E-shop isn’t yet completely filled with garbage like Steam so it’s worth it for them.
>will be better for the consumer, even if they are shitty in their practises
You won't understand dude, if you think this is for the best then support them, don't try to take others with you tho.
And fuck devs, selling their souls for money like starving monkeys, greed is a bad sign, period.
Fuck off shill
Sorry but no. Game devs like voice actors and female athletes deserve to be worshipped at all costs. FUCK YOU for putting yourself above any one of them you monster. What kind of greedy selfish asshole would dare not spend their money on something they don't want or support after the next-to-god game developers battled through even they have the toughest most self sacrificing job on earth. APPRECIATE THEM OR YOU ARE RACIST AND HATE HANDICAPPED WOMEN!
Isn't this exactly what epic is building tho ?
Like the money the publishers gain just means that they don't need to improve shit, dumbass.
>greed is a bad sign, period.
kinda like steam taking 30%
Tim does that a lot. Like how they said they won't do the exclusive trash, and then Tim said they'd do it anyway the same way they've been doing it.
Except Epic is wooing publishers not consumers.
I wish mods would ban obvious shills already
How have I as a consumer benefited in any way from this?
>toughest most self sacrificing job on earth
This line here sums it really nicely, that's exactly how people in these threads portray devs when they say something about the cuts.
It's like devs live isolated from society in extreme poverty, they have nothing to eat, please give them more money.
Isn't it the publisher that gets the money in the first place?
And here we see the chink moving goalposts.
>Steam is a monopoly!
>Steam takes a 30% cut and that's horrible!
Dont you swine have any other talking points to use?
Wrong question
Do they even need to, and thats a no
Or their shitty practices become the new standard.
>-Make their revshare cut 10/90 so big games stop leaving steam
Epic themselves already came out and said at the 12% they take its not sustainable, how would someone like steam afford it with their scale and overhead in comparison to epic who is far smaller and already cant.
Ultimately epic will decline with their store and have to raise the cut after they are established as a real competitor which id imagine is coming soon.
>taking 30%
Oh shit, those million worthy companies are done now...
Oh fuck they will cut 30% from the devs Paycheck ?! Goddamn
No wait that's just what the companies have to pay to give US consumers a better service, but you can't care about that right ? you just throw money at things without thinking.
If can't put yourself that is paying 60 dollars for a game above people that got paid to make it, you're fucked in the head son.
What, realistically, could Yea Forums do to improve their service?
I wish there would be a Yea Forums without all the disgusting stuff. So basically just a place where u can say nigger faggot and discuss anything unbiasedly. But no hard porn, gore, politics or people from reddit or discord shitting up the place.
Fuck off shill
>But no hard porn, gore
Yes, but they won't understand that either.
>We really need to stick it to this epic store guy, but how?
>I got it, let's spam bad reviews on this completely separate launcher, that'll show him!
I guess Timmy sees it when his spyware collects it for him?
Anyone complaining that valve collects 30% of each purchase should also complain the itch.io and the discord store with their 10% cut are being ignored and/or screwed over by epic.
Meaby it's a monopoly for the devolopers, us consumers can buy Steam key where the fuck we want.
You weren't supposed to point this out
>Valve takes 30% from rich companies
Seems really bad... Even more, valve has the best consumer supper and features, could be better ? Of course everything can always be better, but what we got now is the best store ever made for games period, there's no arguing that.
GoG is a close second.
Thats entirely irrelevant, no matter what those other stores do, hell they could be gassing jews for all i care, it still makes the 30% cut a lot for a company with such huge market power
this is essentially getting caught for stealing a car and saying its not bad because someone else stole 2 cars somewhere else
who the fuck cares lmao
>Point out the irony of bitching about an industry standard cut of money while stores that take lower cuts without bullshit get ignored
>"That's irrelevant because I said so"
Then being a faggot about an industry standard cut of profits per purchase is high tier dumbassery. Bitch to physical retailers first about the cut before jumping in, everyone else is jump following that.
>1 store does a thing
>its an industry standard
also stop trying to derail were talking about digital pc game sales
Why is the speed running community full of trannies?
>One store does the thing
>Ignoring basically every response that calls out this bullshit
Also keep your claws and mandibles away from yupiel, you braindead fucktards
it is only1 store that does this, youve trying to talk about phonesales or bananas but nothing of that has to do with the example of a monopoly specifically to this
youre so fucking retarded you dont even understand the concepts youre talking about
they better pay you well for this
But indies have been know to get lower cuts for reaching certain sales on both steam and the nindies program...
>2 stores that have a monopoly
This would be a godly thing to happen
>exclusive in EGS for months
>still no sale despite the fact it probably sold like shit
Yea nah Epic's shit and you're a shill, that's it
>It is only one store that does this!
PSN, Switch Store, Windows Store, whatever XBOX has, etc.
>be a pcfag
>gloat over consolefags and their dumb exclusives
>epic: "lets turn pc into a console exclusive fagfest as well. I'm sure pcfags would love it"
Oh look. Now theyre vomiting pur memes at us.
>Origin, Uplay, battlenet cuts dont matter because theyre not steam and they dont sell games
Is this the point youre making? Are you truly that retarded?
chat improvements especially on mobile so i can uninstall trannycord
more intuitive built in web browser
policy update that insures if anything happens to steam servers, that we can play all our games offline
achievements give badges/exp
why brazilian trannys are so much better than burger ones
I am a proud member of Team 2. Fuck Valve.
Unfortunately, Valve is so greedy, lazy and worthless that instead of making games, they'd rather buy exclusives instead. Valve refuses to make video games.
Exclusives are monopoly-creating, not monopoly-breaking. Multiple stores already existed before Epic (GoG, Steam, Humble, GazelleGames).
Fuck off chink Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 Falun Gong Democracy Liberalism Human Rights Free Tibet.
Consumers would win fucking nothing from having Valve purchase exclusive games too.
Epic is the lesser evil compared to Valve's greater evil.
okay chang
So what has Valve done?
>A new monopoly is better for consumers than a pseudo monopoly
In the end the only way to win is piracy
No, publishers are the ultimate winners.
To be honest Valve should just own and run everything, including the country.
Epic has paid for your pirated copy already. Their exclusivity deals offer guarantees sales. That means that Epic themselves buy copies, if sales fall below a certain point. So, in other words, Epic has literally bought your pirated copy for you. Now that you have no more morale obligation to buy the game, you can torrent at will, and sleep soundly at night.
nat doesn't want to get the snip though
it's not owned by tencent and thus it must be destroyed
>You need to have something Steam doesn't
Like competent customer support?
>ever having any moral dilemmas about piracy
Publishers are not the devs
yeah thats how I can tell its shopped, epic doesnt have forums
>chang can't even play games on the Epic Launcher
Really makes you think
>steam lowers cut to 15%
>can't sustain revenue, starts firing people
>people see their friends fired, leave
>steam starts having server issues and security issues
>now we have two broken platforms
ultimate winners huh
Because, unlike burgeland, there still whites in brazil. Those who mixed with the Índios and the Negros are living among them in the clustered shitholes they call capitals.
Epics cut is only temporary. Just like them handing out millions to publishers and devs for exclusivity.
They want to gain a foothold. That's all.
Once that is done there is no need to burn any more money. There is no reason for devs to only put their game on one store unless money gets paid.
A cut lower than 30% simply isn't profitable for the platform. There is a reason why Steam, GOG, Origin and console manifacturers all have a 30% cut. It is the lowest cut possible without making a loss.
Fuck off Tim
lol all this shilling have made it so I will never in my life use their shitty store
Left 4 Dead 3 w/ VR support
>can buy keys for games on steam from multiple websites ranging from 90 to 30% off
>Can only ever buy prices from epic games at it's sale value
chang makes money off the western depraved children stealing credit cards and doesn't want that mind numbing kids garbage fortnite in their own country
what are you babbling about you braindead retard
>buying games
>this amount of china posts
holy shit
same with me. just contact their support.
you can delete your account or let them block your mail forever to prevent this from happening again.
>valve's monopoly
the word has a definition, you know. valve aren't the sole supplier of anything
Tencent owns 40% of Epic Games and 5% of each, Ubisoft and Activision.