Does somebody want to tell me how Obsidian got away with ruining everybody's saves by making POTD impossible in some passive aggressive response to piss poor balance complaints?
Does somebody want to tell me how Obsidian got away with ruining everybody's saves by making POTD impossible in some...
Does somebody want to tell me how Obsidian got away with strangling a franchise early in the crib because they wanted to add a gay fish?
Gay fish bad, I know. But how was there no outrage over them torching Deadfire when real fans complained about it?
I honestly don't think the game has real fans anymore outside of maybe the Steamcommunity posters.
>implying that the gay fish is the sole reason that the game bombed
Nobody cares about that shit, the game was boring because of the setting and the gameplay. I swear, /po... i mean Yea Forums, sees hidden agenda everywhere.
>Xoti leaves you in her romance ending
>Maia leaves you in her romance ending
>They stay together if they romance each other
>Fans beg for Ydwin romance
>Ydwin lusts after blue muppet and devs add Rekke romance instead
It's unironically cucked
He's right though. My main issue like the OP says, is how they torch and burned the game when hardcore fans said it was too easy and had broken difficulty.
>Pillars of Exposition II
So we agree then, gay fish isnt the main reason why the game sucks.
>waaaaah my waifus didnt stay with me
Point is the agenda isn't hidden. Obsidian is deep in cuck territory.
Guess what? PoE 1 sucked, it was a boring imbalanced slog of unrewarding combat encounters and a story that nobody really cared about
The first game sold over a million copies meanwhile the sequel only nets 200k? What does that tell you?
Hey I agree with you. Div 2 sold even better than the first. I honestly don't get how POE2 could flop so badly
It had to be a timing thing - nobody wanted more POE yet
>PoE 1 sucked
Honestly the only gameplay that was absolute dogshit in 1 was the dragon fights and both endings of the dlcs.
Div 2 is less cucked
Div 2 is also casual garbage
A casual doesn't know something is casual. There are casuals that buy and play Dark Souls just because it's popular.
Why, of all the problems that poe2 has, is cuckolding the most important to you?
Thats why you belong more in /pol/ than Yea Forums. Politics over gameplay, am i right?
It sold well because there were people who were starving for a decent crpg and poe1 is above average.
I know exactly WHY it sold so well, and I know why the sequel sold so shit. These guys need to move on from being "we worked on Baldur's Gate and FALLOUT!!!!!!!"
Are any of the original people still there working on games?
Here's Sawyer ranting about how POE2 got worse reviews than POE1 and not understanding it
It seems like an epidemic of game designers who don't know who they're making games for.
They're making games for California LOL
Sounds like corporate speak, either that or he's retarded. "People liked the first game, but I thought it sucked." did he get a promotion or more say in Deadfire or something?
He was the games director, but he still had a lot of say with POE1, so I don't even know what the fuck.
>Pillars of exposition
Who the fuck wants to read 5 paragraphs that describe the leg of a table.
He is making sense in that twitter post though. I honestly think he nuked Deadfire because nobody loved it like the first one. The real question is, why did he not like the first one?