Explain yourselves tr4.5h fags
Explain yourselves tr4.5h fags
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Wait, you're telling me that Smash 5 actually sucks? That it's not actually a good competitive game? That Ultimatefags were just pretending to like it because they hated Meleefags? Really? Wow! Who could've ever guessed?
>meleefag that's infamous for his garbage attitude that far outweighs his skill can't adapt to a game that's different from a game he wasn't even that good at in the first place
He's far from the only competitive Ultimate player shitting on the game right now
>my bideo gaem isn’t competitively viable, this game is now dead to me
>stages suck
>game has almost every single stage from the past
Cringe and cuckpilled
Trump needs to deport him and ban him from America forever
>reading twitter
>reading a Smashfag's twitter
>reading a Smashfag's twitter on your phone
>taking a screenshot of your act of reading a Smashfag's twitter on your phone
You get nothing. You lose. Good day, sir.
you don't play melee, you're just a stream fanboy
prove me wrong, tell me how you did the last time you played, who you use, the matchups you need to work on
you'll say nothing
I fucking love watching salty people try to play off their lack of skill on the game being bad.
Since when did we REWARD people for acting like Darksydephil?
That's because to tourneyfags, only legal stages exist. They never go outside of their 9 stage bubble.
leffen wrote that because tweek wrote a list of criticsms of ultimate today, the highest ranked player in ultimate. Lack of skill is def not something relevant.
>sm4sh players are bored with ultimate
>melee players hate ultimate
What happened? Before release everyone thought it would be the next melee
Yeah, no, posts like this are made when you get absolutely fucking bodied in a game. This post SCREAMS off passive-aggressiveness.
>can't adapt to different games argument
>plays Dbzf competently
Alright moron
Any opinion of Leffen's is to be immediately discarded.
a lot of ultimate / smash 4 pros are shitting on the game now too.
>"stages suck"
>literally every stage from past smash games available
>still stick to 24/7 smashville
i fucking hate competitivefags so much. i hope sakurai doesn't cater to them ever again.
>Literally every point he made could be summed up by "it isn't the same as how melee does it" besides online and parrying
Yawn. The only complaints that seem legit are the online and the multihits problem.
see you at EVO.... oh wait
He obviously can't, though. He's not one of the gods, he's one of the godawful
>24/7 smashville
The new hotness is PS2 (despite PS1 being better)
no poke floats no buy
>yfw you remember that meleefags finally get kicked out of EVO
Well be back.
poke floats sucked donkey cock, bad meme
How can stages suck when it has literally (almost literally) every stage from every game.
If hes saying the stages suck then every smash game's stages suck.
Unless hes talking about competetive stages in which case thats on them for limiting themselves to , like 2 stages out of 100
>Smelee players crying because ultimate doesn't give them 8 minute puff timeouts
yeah it's easier to not have bad habits in a completely different game than it is to not have bad habits in a somewhat different game
the last ultimate tournament I saw leffen play in, he kept treating the ledge like it was melee and he kept getting fucked because of it. dude cannot unlearn his "bad" melee habits to save his life.
Even the new stages they added are perfectly fine! I like Paper Mario a lot!
>ultimate hype dies down
>twitch subs slow down
>Meleefags who swear they loved ult suddenly hate it
>meleeboys still mad about evo
Yep, this nigger was right.
When is he going to make Leffen's asshole expand to 20cm in diameter?
You could say it has all the layouts from past games.
What makes stages great isn't the layout though, it's the blastzones' sizes. Just think of Yoshi's Story in Melee and Ultimate, not considering Randall, blastzones and overall size make it a completely different stage. Same shit happens with a lot of Ult's stages.
That's exactly what everyone said about 4 before and around release too, even if nobody will fucking admit it now.
Salem was right.
Leffen is a dumb bitch and literally everyone except Mango hates him
The only things he's right about is online sucking cock and the buffer being unbearable.
The comp stage stuff is even more bullshit because they're limiting themselves even more than usual on what should be considered legal or not.
What the fuck even happened to "counter pick", isn't that where the more odd maps went?
And yet they refuse to use stages like WarioWare that actually have small blastzones?
>random guy on twitter thread #935
Tweek actually made some valid points on his gripes with Ultimate - but I'm curious as to what he considers "cool" because almost everything Ultimate does badly was done even worse in Smash 4.
>stages suck
That one's fucking glorious coming from a meleefag, I'll tell you what.
When will these faggots realise that the game doesn't revolve around competitive play exclusively?
Leffen isn't every compfag, he's just compfags at their worst.
I'm a tourneyfag and my favorite stage in Smash history is Mario Maker and I enjoy Great Cave Offensive more than most casuals I know.
>literally only pick PS2/Smashville every time
>wow stages suck
>blanket ban all the small stages, so campy fast characters can't be counterpicked by heavier slower characters cause all that is allowed is the longest stages
Ah, that's because Smashfags are absolutely retarded and don't want the possibility of dying early and losing that prize money; and then the rest of the "community" parroting whatever their e-celebs say.
Be honest, Yea Forumsros.
Ultimate is dying, isn't it?
nope, only melee and all the meleefags who fail to adapt
No it's just that the honeymoon phase is over, so now people can look at the game more objectively.
This is rich coming from a Smash 4 player.
Ultimate will outlive Melee
Can I get a quick rundown on this... mystery person, why does he make the phone call?
I can't stand Melee players, but come on. I don't think the stench will ever be removed from those gamecube controllers at this point.
Leffen just sucks ass at the game. It's a bugger accomplishment to be good at a game that's a few months old over a game that's almost 20 years old.
Ultimate will die once the next Smash game comes out. The autism fueling Melee is too strong at this point.
Thats Salem. Everyone got mad at him for blowing off steam at melee fags and saying that theyre just using the game for hype and will inevitably abandon it and go back to playing melee like they did for Smash 4.
Needless to say he was 100% correct.
competitive smash was a mistake
The only legitimate complaints about Smash Ult are a terrible online, a half assed buffering system, a few glitches here and there and a lack of more modes. World of Light was also unnecessarily tedious and didn't actually bring a narrative. Input lag is manageable locally, but online it does become unbearable. Don't listen to what compfags say, it because it only benefits them.
I mean, that could be 10 years from now. Will SD TVs still exist?
>that time they were pretty much guaranteed to play but leffen lost the match he needed to win
>melee is better because its fast pace and skill dependent
>conservatively a top 16 Ultimate player
>haha he's just mad he can't le adapt
Do you even think about the shit you spew?
this fucking faggot tried to play dbz and got blown out by a furry, and that furry was blown the fuck out by dogura.
>edge grabbing "pros"
Not with that grammar you won't be.
This, Leffen's not a faggot because hes a meleefag, hes just a bitch overall. He just isnt as uppity in DBFZ because if he acted the way he does to smashers he'd get called the fuck out.
never seen a post made from such anger and insecurity
>Input lag is manageable locally
It's still pretty bad. I'm not a big comp guy but I really want them to lower it.
>top 16 Ultimate player
So...a lot worse than he was at melee. Meanwhile, Ultimate is dominated by ex-4 players. Really says a lot about the melee and the faggots that claim it to be the most skill-based game
Clean the shit out of your pants, Tr4.5hfag.
showering sucks
deodorant sucks
cologne sucks
even febreeze sucks
Lol of course he didnt answer
mad cuz bad
Holy based
>Implying that CRT's have to be used
Good CRT's have about 8 ms of input lag, high quality monitors (as of now) have about 9 - 10 ms of lag. Assuming Melee is still alive in 10 years, (which ia entirely feasible) monitors can definitely be used over CRT's.
Tweek is salty he keeps getting upset.
Imagine being so contrarian you actually defend that dumb nigger. Absolute cringe
what the fuck are those fold out tvs holy shit
Back aired maybe.
i bet these losers would complain about how irl fighting is not as good as melee
they'd lose in it badly and say that it's because "there's no tech in irl fighting"
Wait, are those suitcases that have fold out monitors? Nani the fuck
>Giving a fuck about a meleefag opinion
No top player who comes from sm4sh disli- WHAT, NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>blocks your path
Wait, those don't look like CRTs. Isn't that a problem? Additionally, how would it handle impacts?
reminder laffin lost to a guy with a furry outfit in an actual fighting game.
people shit on melee for not being a fighting game rightfully so
but if you can play melee at a high level, you can play any fighting game at a high level. doesn't work the other way around.
>but if you can play melee at a high level, you can play any fighting game at a high level
>stages suck
>turns off hazards and bans everything except 7 stages
>play melee, only 4 stage are allowed to be played
eat a dick and knock it off with all the bans.
There's literally nothing in fighting games demanding that much execution. I play them all at a high level and used to play Melee.
I don't give a fuck about your reply. Everyone who's ever tapped into being good at both can tell you.
I hate smash but I hate you faggots who aren't good at anything more.
his theory is simple, leffen got to a relatively high level in a shit anime kusoj, while not a single fighting game player went back to play a decade old childrens party game
I'm glad these faggots were removed from EVO.
did you have a point here? why are you in this thread if you don't enjoy video games?
le contrarian all games suck xd
nigger dont complain about smash being defensive. Everything about Smash is defensive objectively speaking especially compared to the other games at EVO. DI making most combos untrue, large ass stages, like half the roster sucking cock at actually landing a kill compounded harder by DI, ledge trumping, tech rolls and some other mechanics I might be missing? The game is called a platform fighter for a fucking reason and I don't know why smashers pride their game as this genre.
>muh buffer
Why are smash fags so dumb?
>if I dont enjoy dbfz and melee I must hate video games
solid logic are you the same guy who posted this
Offtopic:it really makes me sad that this reaction gif never take off.
Because why the fuck would they go back and play an irrelevant ass game like Melee? There’s no point, if you aren’t already into it there’s no incentive to start now. Same can’t be said for Fighterz
The new stages are pretty fun.
fuck this thread. nobody here is good at video games.
get a tourney W and shut the fuck up.
bunch of dumb zoomers talking about balancing when they don't know anything.
>make every stage have a BF/FD version
>"stages suck"
maybe you just suck at the game Leffen lol
>plays Dbzf competently
Is that supposed to mean something?
Uhmmmmmmmm thanks for posting Tweek for the 8th time? o_O
Also every game has flaws, why is itnot okay when people point them out on Nintendo games? :O
>Smash tourneyfags
Do you do it, user? Post some footage of you playing.
>inb4 "i dont play bad games"
>inb4 various cope
>inb4 not posting any gameplay or not doing a set
Being worse than the absolute best doesn't mean you're bad at the game you dumb faggot.
Nobody gives a shit about DBZF anymore. Let me know when Leffen plays Street Fighter, Tekken, or UNIST at a high level.
who could forget all the cool stuff you can do in smash 4
>ad hominem
This. Don't get me wrong, I disable a few choice stages from the random queue (Fuck Pac Land), but to ban every stage except completely neutral stages is dumb. Especially now since you can disable hazards.
this is some fantasy where competitive players actually SEEK OUT casuals and subject them to competitive play. What really causes the mindbreak in a casual to make something like this is just getting incessantly whooped by a player, regardless of how the game plays out, as even with every random element in smash they can't visualize winning.
I hate that Bayonetta was so strong in Smash 4. I genuinely like the character.
laffin got blown the fuck out by sonicfox
and dogura blew sonicfox the fuck out after that.
Leffen is a huge faggot and all he do is complain all the time. He also look ugly. Fuck him
It's not the competitive players, it's the wannabes. They see Pro Smash and think every game has to be like that. They'll never get into pro level games and inject their faggotry into casual matches.
He gets more pussy than you bitch
yes we were all pretending to like ultimate, leffen disliking it is the smoking gun that proves everything
haha the shitty smash “celebs” are finally getting filtered out of ultimate brackets. based salem and leo dabbing on the washed players
There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a more serious or competitive fight from time to time as casuals. But compfags shouldn't fucking beg fo changes that only revolve around the way they want to play.
So some people want to play different. Shit man even in smash 64 when I was 6 I knew stocks were better than time.
Why not? Casual players aren't gonna care if a character or mechanic gets tweaked here or there. Hell, they'll probably not even notice.
It trickles down though. If you improve the competitive aspects, casual play benefits as a result. The only time this doesn’t hold true is when you go way too far.
People are neglecting the "casual-competitive" ultimate audience. That's actually the BIGGEST portion of ultimates playerbase, the kids who want to be good and beat their friends in school but don't actually go to locals or try to beat PRd players. You can see this if you look at locals, viewership is already getting really bad. At this point majors are the only attraction for them, and soon enough, probably after all the characters are out, they'll dip just like in smash 4 and ultimate will tank
>Melee fag's cash cow gets threatened because he can't play Ultimate
>backtracks and shits on it
whoa, truly no monetary reasons behind this at all lmao.
>It trickles down though. If you improve the competitive aspects, casual play benefits as a result
How and why
i wonder why melee lasted so long, but all new smash games tank
I'm great at DBFZ and while I'll give Leffen his credit, nah the game is fucking trash. Even he played another fighting game where Superdash isn't a crutch I'd give him more props. I remember he was in my friends pool at Evo for marvel 3 and didn't even make it out playing Zero May Cry (Probably the most pick up and easy win team in the game), so yeah leffen is a bum
>autistic ugly swede
go to bed, laffen
>he is bad at non smash
>no he is good at this game
>hurfffrhfuurd is that supposed to mean something
>stages suck
Nigga what?They mainly brought back ones people asked for and hanenbrow too
>All that competitive shit no one cares about
Oh hes autistic
Better gameplay/more depth = better game
hang yourself
>that ultimate match was hype as shit!!!
said nobody ever. Meleefags are right
>9 stages
It's 5 stages now, probably 3 soon.
If you knew he was a competitive fag why ask the question? Did you come here to shit up the thread?
is there a full video of this?
there was a 10 game ESAM Light GF set where they both went hyper aggressive every match that was pretty hype
No, it's because Nintendo went full fucking retard and turning off hazards so you can make stages like WarioWare playable actually reduces the number of effective legal stages because MOVING PLATFORMS are considered a fucking "stage hazard" so a bunch of other stages just become battlefield/FD clones with hazards off.
Not on Wario Ware. Theres literally no reason for Wario Ware not to be legal.
>but it gives certain characters an advantsge over others
No shit, thats what a counterpick is.
list em
>Highest ranked player in Ultimate
Reminder that Tweek lost a popularity contest because he thought "I'm number 1" was all it took to win.
Not that Summit was that entertaining though, the new venue is fucking soulless.
Salem, who claimed that Melee players aren't Smash players
Also worth noting that his only sponsor is co-owned by Mew2King, who is a top Melee player and undoubtedly one of the most popular Smash player.
another washed up melee player who realizes his livelihood from being good at only melee is slowly fading away. leffen should just "retire" like zero at this point because he'll never be at the top of ult like he is melee.
>That it's not actually a good competitive game?
no shit, sherlock. smash in general will never be a good competitive game, and that includes melee by the way.