Starting with the most obvious choices, anyone that sided with Epic Games.
Companies that stabbed fans in the back
Choice wasn't up to them it was 2K publishing
t. randy pitchford
Randy Pitchford has been sucking Epic's dick for months on Twitter and has defended Epic bribing companies for exclusives as "having more choice" and "whats wrong with using multiple stores?"
It absolutely was up to Gearbox. The whole thing was Randy's idea. He wanted that Fortnite money.
Reminder that epic actually pays devs if their game doesnt reach a certain number of sales. That's means that all arguments against piracy of all epic game store games is null. Their is no actual argument why you shouldnt do it since it hurts no one.
they also stabbed their employees in the back
Are Valve drones this pathetic or just people are pretending?
Why are people surprised that the people at Epic are cunts? Remember when they "remastered" Bulletstorm, when it all it was was removing the cheap from Steam so they could charge $60 for it again?
Ching Chong Ding Dong $0.10 have been deposited into your Ching Ding Chong Dong Account
>Not expecting Gearbox to back stab in when they stole from Sega
There's a reason why they took Epic's deal.
When haven't they been scummy and backstabbing? Why are people acting like Gearbox and Randy being trash is something new?
they were embezzling money you faggot.
>anyone that sided with Epic Games
Why does the sales platform matter? It's not like they hike up game prices or anything.
So what the.problem here?
EAs Origin has "exclusive" titles as far as I am aware, pretty sure GoG does too.
Even then, its not like i buy a console or pay anything extra, so whats the big deal honestly?
Based retard poster
well considering that they're trying to curb stomp cheaper keysite resellers in a way they are
Explain it
Most of them except ninty. They just bumble and accidentally drop a knife in our backs through sheer incompetence.
That's the reason for vying for exclusivity. Being the only vendor for a product means you have total control over the price. There are no outside influences to compel you to lower the price. You have every incentive to keep the price as high as you can in order to extract the most profit out of it.
Lmao salty valvefag, rent free nigga
If you can't already see the self evident problem then no amount of explaining is going to make you see reason. This innocent "well I just don't understand" act is absurd.
EA makes their own games. Epic's only game is Fartnut. Origin doesn't pay people to only release on the Origin store. Epic pays people to NOT sell on Steam.