I wish Dark Souls 4 existed instead of Sekiro.
I wish Dark Souls 4 existed instead of Sekiro
Miyazaki doesnt want to make ds anymore
Backwards, bro
What are those places supposed to be? the HUDs?
I wish Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven 2 existed instead of Sekiro. Fuck it any kind of new Tenchu besides Z-2. Fuck FromSoft for being so unable to make a Tenchu game they made another souls IP instead.
>there are people who unironically believe 2 and 3 even come close to 1
unbelievable. nothing comes close to the atmosphere or the amazing interconnected world; why from suddenly decided to shit the bed and never do that again and instead created shitty non-worlds with teleporting from the get-go in sequels I'll understand
cope more nostalgiafag
Wouldn've been too repetitive. Glad they tried something new.
>these are the kind of people that don't like Sekiro
If it did, you'd wish they did something different instead.
If it ain't broke don't fix it.
2 = 3 > 1
sadly i think they will go back to dark souls, atleast someone will. It might not be miyazaki, but the ip is too succesful. Something even more depressing is it will probably be a zombie of its former self. Like COD is now.
3 felt really stale already. They should retire the series for at least a decade.
the only valid one
I really enjoyed Sekiro, I just wish they somehow had been working on both at the same time and wouldn't have to wait an eternity before it happens :/
no its good bro
>being this much of a zoomer
Only if it was a return to slower methodical combat instead of roll spam.
1 and 2 have great pacing and world design, they both allow the player to tackle much of the first half or two-thirds of the game in any order they choose and to prioritize the gear and items they want for their build, which leads to much more varied builds for both the player and anyone they encounter at any given point in the game. 1 has better overall world design, as its more interconnected than 2, but 2 has better character building with pretty much everything being viable, the best fashion options and lots of equipment with unique effects.
3, however, is basically a straight line with little sequence breaking and progression is largely the same every time you play, with items, spells and equipment always hardlocked behind linear story progression.
>only zoomers like BB
kys my man. I'm almost 30 and think it's the best one.
Dark souls is lame
BB is actually good
Sekiro is really lame
did you play 2 and 3?
>DaS2 is unironically the best souls game (lol memes)
>Miyazaki had no influence on it at all
I'm all for a DaS4 without that hack.
now THIS is shitposting
They don't know what to do with it, which sucks because we still didn't get more levels with interesting gimmicks like Giants Tomb and Crystal Caves.
>whinning about nostagia
>in a thread begging for nostalgia pandering
How do you "legitimately" beat rape ape? Admitedly I beat him on my third try but that consisted playing tag with the spiral spear. I didn't even bother deflecting because his posture regen is too damn high. So is there a way for him to be beaten other than a 1000m dash race?
>Non-linear world design and progression
>Most varied character-building
>Almost any build is viable in for both PVE and PVP
>Best DLC in the series
>Best hub in the series
>Best performance in the series, no horrible frame drops and runs on literal toasters
When I think of Dark Souls, I always thinking of DaS2. Not a clue why either. I just have the fondest memories of it.
Seems like they just strip away freedom, openness, and replayability with every new game they make.
lmao no you fucking don't
Miyazaki himself says he always blows his wad on the first game
that's why DS1 was good, DS2 only had original content because of new blood doing it, and DS3 was all rehashed HEY REMEMBER THAT GAME WE MADE? DARK SOULS?
I can't even imagine what shit they would have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for to make a DS4
>but dude they could answer-
> Not a clue why either.
> I just have the fondest memories of it.
Then you do have a clue why.
I fucking love DS2 but god damn did it drop frames alot, especially near release. The Gulch was awful with it. Same with lost sinner for some fucking reason.
Also shrine of amana pre patch was easy and it is even easier now because of crybabys who never want to change play style or use a ranged weapon.
Sekiro is fucking garbage.
Almost 3 weeks after its release and Yea Forums has already started to shit all over it.
Why? The Dark Souls games are all the worst in the series.
Demon's, Bloodborne, and Sekiro are all way better and more unique.
Yea Forums hates everything, newfriend also
>putting stock in Yea Forums's opinions
you can't count bro
Yea Forums shits on everything
I just really enjoyed it.
When I think of DaS I think of Majula. I think of Dragon Shrine. I think of No Man's Wharf. I think of Iron Keep.
DaS2 was brilliant.
>worst bosses
>wonkiest combat
hi newfag, Yea Forums shits on everything
Haven't played Sekiro but I can't imagine it being higher than DaS3
>DaS2 contrarians back at it again
Sounds like it was your first or you got into the series right when it came out.
Two weeks, three weeks, people are still shitting on it.
I only played shadow assins on the wii are the other games cool or what?
>life gems
>worst areas
>complete regression in world design
>fast travel from the start
>only being able to level up at hub
>forcing a certain play style is good
Sekiro would've probably been in the top 3 if it had armor customization and more than 1 weapon
Bait, but this bait is specifically tailored to get replies. See, dark souls 1 is the best one, so putting it in last would be just obvious bait. Dark souls 2 is clearly the worst, so it needs to go in front to be a successful bait. 3 is an accessory; compared to 1, it's not as good, so that part makes sense.
This is the best dark souls bait possible. Concise, elegant, and it only costs 5 bytes of data. You all got absolutely destroyed by 5 bytes.
All still really good though
Worst bosses is fair enough, but at least the bosses in DaS2 are fair (Two cats excluded).
In Sekiro every mini-boss hits like fucking Vendrick.
>Get poked
>Whoops! That's 90% of your health
DaS, as a series, is just way more fun. Everything in Sekiro feels outright unfair and complete bullshit.
Bro I wished you retards never made the PC petition so we had actual Dark Souls sequels, fucktard.
I'm glad Sekiro exists instead of another trash DS sequel.
no, you just are frankly shit at video games. Sekiro is arguably the most fair of any From game. Name one "unfair" thing and I will explain why you just aren't very good.
Didn't enjoy the direct sequels as much.
dark souls 3 is easily the worst though. It's so derivative of froms previous games that it doesnt have an ounce of creativity. The only good thing it did was make smough's armor not look like shit on the player character for once
I fininished dark souls and I loved it, I finished dark souls 2 and wished I hadn't. 3 and bloodborne I never finished. Is Sekiro different enough to be interesting or is it just dark souls again?
I don't even like sekiro, but I'd prefer it over another shitty souls sequel
>I fucking love DS2 but god damn did it drop frames alot, especially near release
I'm sure it wasn't great on consoles, I've only played on PC, but its smooth as butter on my $280 dual-core toaster while DS1 PTDE still drops frames everywhere and DS3 is barely playable
>Name X thing
>I'll explain why you aren't very good at X thing
Congratulations! Did you just discover rhetoric?
>avoiding the question
>I say X
>You say X is wrong because Y
>I argue Y is wrong because of Z
>You revert back to Y and I revert back to X
>The nonsense continues
I've just saved us 15 minutes of bullshit.
>all these lists with 2 at the top
these are bait right
2 has best co-op and pvp
>worst bosses
>wonkiest combat
literally git gud ADP isn't even an issue once you level it up to 20-24
>life gems
but its okay when bloodborne does it along with rally to cover for fuck ups, its okay when ds1 gives you multiple full heal humanities that you can just pop off whenever because even if you get hit you can poise through it based miyazaki can do no wrong
>worst areas
sorry you're shit and got bodied by iron keep and shrine of amana the dlcs are actually the best areas out of any of the games but you clearly never made it far
>complete regression in world design
an elevator goes from parish back to firelink my mind is absolutely blown and a mystery key starting gift lets me skip half the game? Amazing design based miyazaki is a genius!
>fast travel from the start
because different world design calls for different methods otherwise you'd spend 20 minutes backtracking through every path theres a reason why you're given the choice of 4 paths from the beginning of the game compared to ds1 where you realistically have 1 choice unless you use the key and skip everything
>only being able to level up at hub
clearly a retarded DS1 baby who never played DeS
git gud
Don't even bother trying to argue I've seen every retarded non-argument you rabbid DS1 shitters come up with desperately grasping at straws to defend your incompetance and inability to adapt. You probably got bodied at Sekiro and Nioh too but won't admit it because you're afraid of getting called out for being a shitter who only learned how to play DS1.