Yea Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the Crimson Arm

>Al and co recruited another heretic, then barely survived exterminatus
>now we're besieged in our castle's fortress

>This is the last chapter of the original build, which means I'm ALMOST done with stages I've cleared 3-5 times

What's going on?
>I'm playing Fire emblem: Order of the crimson arm (AKA Tacthack), a fantastic ROMhack of FE7.
>Who gets used and who gets boosters is up to you
>No restartan for lost units
Game Overs : 3

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Is this hack finally finished?
All stages are complete, but for some bugfixing. Supports are determined, but conversations are not yet implemented. The team is still working on it.
>Are there any other hacks worth playing?
Most hacks are WIP in perpetuity. Those that aren't are just lazy art swaps(like Tales of the Emblem), or are hilariously bad rewries(like MK404 emblem). Then there's horrible, HORRIBLE hacks that had potential(the last promise), or are just bad(gheb). I don't really recommend any other hacks.
>What's the best starting point for Fire Emblem?
blazing sword(Fire Emblem) or the Sacred stones are both fantastic starting points.

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Haven't been in a Yea Forums plays FE thread since you killed Haar/Naesala, have you gotten better Nigga?

Play Vestaria Saga.

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you can't improve perfection.

Any party changes?

I don't like kaga.

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What, you don't like enemy dancers?

looks good

Is it out in english yet?

Last chapter got us a couple new boosters. Who gets them?

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It has a playable demo on Steam, it's supposed to come out fully later this year I think.


Who’s on the eastern corner with Franck, Auguste and Warren? If you’re planning on keeping Auguste alive, you’ll NEED a healer on her ass 24/7.


Save both of them for Auguste, if she survives this level.

Seriously, people, this chapter gives you a VERY easy-to-end-up-dead female dracoknight, and if you want Nigger to have a good axe user, she’s our only real option.

>wanting to see nigger have a good anything
I want to see him suffer

Cool, now what if they made Tacthack on SRPG studio?

What happen to Sven?

It's expensive for what it is and I don't think there's any places to pirate it, but it does seem like a decent tool for making FE-like games. It also doesn't have as much documentation as FE romhacking does.

sorry, I'm back.
looks like no real consensus. I'll hold onto them for now.

dita's turning out well.

no boys allowed

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>bards shall be composing songs of our victory
>implying she’ll survive more than 3 turns under Nigger’s command

what happend with that fe conquest playthrough

They'll sing about how much of a slaughter it was.

>crits a soldier
>then this

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porn spam, emulator didn't work well, and I was hating it anyway.

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A terrible player who only plays when drunk plays the most punishing game in the series on Hard difficulty. You tell me what happened.

Did he make it to Xander at least?

>turning out well
Was fully expecting her to end up dead. Who are you and what have you done with Nigger?


>only plays when drunk

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Only made it to Chapter 9.

Also, why the fuck did people accuse me of being the porn spammer?

shut up, delphisage.

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>Blue Scythe Cavalier sprite
Glad to see Kent channelling his spirit somewhere else

Because you're extremely autistic

>didn't even make it to double digits
It was that much of a shitshow? On hard mode???

he got shit on hard and quit at ch 8
conveniently someone spammed porn and got his last thread deleted, so he gets to use that to excuse his sperg out on ch 5 and losing half the cast on ch 7

I had 2 threads get porn spammed into 404.

in one night.

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This is nigger, user.
Also the thread were getting nuked by getting porn spammed by a salty conquestfag.

what the FUCK is going right with Elaine?

Dita is a good tank.

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Autistic, yes. But I thought you people had realized how fucking prudish and anti-waifu I was, and wouldn’t assume it was in my character to porndump.

The soldier javelin crit is super fast and kinda cool.

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>two mages right next to her

Please don’t be stupid enough to leave her to solo seven enemies like this, especially when two of them are mages.

You only need to worry about mages when they're attacking Gervulf.

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I'm the best at fire emblem.

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Fliers don’t benefit from terrain bonuses.
RIP Auguste

at least he needed skl and spd

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they beelined for wayland.

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rip local autist

Everyone was surprised when I said Dita was turning out well.

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What's FE conquest?

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Fire Emblem 14: Edgy Version

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oh, I thought it was a rom hack, just conquest fates?

S-shes fast

>go to reload to get a shot of a nice levelup
>accidentally hit the restart chapter button while speeding through

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Poor Nigger.
Ah well, at least you can reroll for those 1-stat levelups.

post stream

doing a second ask for the angelic robe. Anyone?

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The nigger cav

we kent now.

How about the talisman?

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The last(?) thread was gold with how drunk and wasted you got.
Any deaths overall so far?

not in the girl run.

Give it to Auguste

>starts with ANOTHER crit

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She's a peg knight alright

Still speed.
Surprised she at level 19 and still not speed capped.

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Oh hey, magic.

BTW, are you trying to get any of your units to support?

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RIP the god stats.

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what game ya planning on doin next nigger

Looks like we got a gains goblin

A friend of the tacthack team asked me to demo his game.

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>tfw you can actually damage things


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Enemy dancers should return, to be honest desu

Did Al finally turn around? Last I checked he was more noodle armed then your standard Roy.

Wayland is too autistic to listen to thetemptations ofthe gains goblin

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Believe it or not, Algimas has the same STR growth as Ike.


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He certainly wasn't fucking showing it earlier then

He started a new game where he got a whole lot luckier with his strength growths.


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imagine using kurtis when this exists

>Nigget getting SPD

Prepare for reset

Still a goddess

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>nigger is "tactically" stealing all of the gains with his nigger magicks

>using Katarina
No wonder you’ve been having so much luck. You’re actually deploying fallback options.
Anyways, remember to get Wayland level-capped ASAP. He’s gonna be needing his promotion very soon.

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Dita is a tank.

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Made it.

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this guy has a fucking incredible theme.

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This is thefirst time I had Dita still alive at this point.

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>dita asks her boss to stop fighting

The fucking sass here.

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Hello nigger valder

I'm curious if we end up fighting Bervinnia too.

fr I've not played much further than this.

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Yeah, he has no need for promo items!

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You’ll be fighting a new nation eventually.

>natural-feeling promotion
Goddamn I love this game.

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Why is Arthur angry

>Use line from Jabberwocky as the name for an Arabic authority figure
Not sure if racist

he's still mad that the totally trustworthy dude killed the general.

Because you keep misspelling his name. Lord knows that name has had enough problems when FE14’s localization got ahold of it.

wayland wants to be a dragon.

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I've seen you play this many times, but have you ever finished the hack?

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I finished the two previous biulds. It's only recently™ been finished. No, I've not finished it.

>the references to them being merchants guild members suddenly comes up in a natural way

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I'd be angry too if I lucked out of the class pool and got Sniper

>relying on loyal commoners to help save the day

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You better make him one by the end of the next chapter. He’s only got 2 more levels to cap.

Any party changes?

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s'all good
let's go

Swap chihara, aceline and melia for Katarine Celia and Haylyn

I recognize that filename.

bench post number and BRING IN THE SWOLE

>dropping my thief in a FoW chapter

it's our thief nigger :^)

no boys allowed.

Boleslav confirmed as the real MC


>dropping OUR thief in a FoW chapter

Except Snipers and Archers in Tacthack are fucking top.

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I don't know what map it is/what it looks like

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Don’t bring Auguste or Lani. Way too dangerous with all this fog.
Make sure you end this level before the fog disappears. Otherwise it’s no gaiden chapter for you.

>Don’t bring Auguste or Lani. Way too dangerous with all this fog.
Low IQ post

I'll do this. Everyone cool with this?

Who gets the strength ring and speedwings from the last chapter?

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The last time he brought a flier to a fog level, he got her killed in the most retarded way possible.
Plus I know for a fact that there’s a good number of archers and axefighters all over this map.

Speedwings should go to either Dita or Aceline.

The small pool of used units is such a fucking ballbuster in this game because there are so many good ones, I swear.

Try Lani for STR and Wayland for SPD.

even in an all girl run, the only unit I don't want to use is beatrice.

Dita hungers for more power!

You’ll get a decent replacement for her, but I’m not exactly sure if you should use her anyways, since you already have Elaine.

>Most hacks are WIP in perpetuity. Those that aren't are just lazy art swaps(like Tales of the Emblem), or are hilariously bad rewries(like MK404 emblem). Then there's horrible, HORRIBLE hacks that had potential(the last promise), or are just bad(gheb). I don't really recommend any other hacks.

I have to disagree. I've played Requiem and Road to Ruin, and they were both enjoyable completed hacks. As for The Last Promise, I equate that to Fates Conquest: Laugh at the story while you enjoy the good gameplay.

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brown girl best?

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>TLP gameplay
no sire.

Can we please stop defining charaters entirely by not being white?

Any game that lets me murder my way through enemies with my edgy myrm self insert, 1-2 range personal weapons and his world playing in the background are 10/10 in my book


>he asks Nigger

>he says, in a nigger thread

Alright, whose gains is she stealing from?

You know that name was pretty much a lucky coincidence from 3 years ago. We could’ve been calling him Faggot instead.

Both Nigger and Faggot fit for him since he's actually both.

>missing the point
Literally everyone who's ever seen me drunk stream knows I'm not a black guy but I still have this name.

also, I'm openly into dudes, so I guess faggot is also apt?

You're a sandnigger, same thing.

just making a coffee before I start.

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more of a chug, but yeah.

Gotta go fast

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jesus CHRIST she's good.

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I like the babe ruth imitation wayland does before a crit

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please be patient he's autistic

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JESUS wayland.

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AND Aras.

I'm working on buildnig a support with Al.

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So this is how I split the parties.

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S-she's fast!

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That was easy.
Y/N? do we want al with someone else?

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Al is for (You)

wihhc FF is this?

We're gonna fuck Al ourselves.

Keep Al with aras cause its hella cute trust me.

fuck me, what are auguste's growths?

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she's obviously an est archetype dumbass

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I'll hold off until tomorrow.

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she didn't start off all that underlevelled and with fantastic bases.

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Wayland is ready for his dragon.

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who gets the boss kill?

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Wayland to waste the EXP


Give it to Melia

wayland has his knight crest and I have a dancer...

did meila because dita's 30 EXP from promotion level

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Meila hungers

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She goin need that speed

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I love this sprite.

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The highest overall in the game, I think, which is pretty ridiculous when she starts off better than Sven's useless ass in every way and is only a few levels behind everyone else when you get her.

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next chapter is the final level I actually remember.

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>+5 res on a wyvern
uh, what?

Play Void's Bizzare Adventure

Clara is a cool character.

is that the one with sephiroth?

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I really like this scene
>Clara fails her persuasion check
>Al shows up and gives her a reroll entirely in character

Al's a lot like Ike, but with more depth...and you all know how i feel about PoR.

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It's the one with skillsz and a 0 luck Lance Wielding pink hair Eirika lord. Hack was made in 1 week and has pretty decent quality

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!

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>is that the one with sephiroth?

No, but it has something even better: Kaga as a dancer.

>Not Using best archer

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>You've the makings of more than a general Al getting shipped with clara now?

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>Time to burn prospero
Why must I do this? HE DID NOTHING WRONG.

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You can't ship him with all the girls

just had a nigger moment
>chapter 18
>Roswell uses purge on MC
>"Have you heard of Ahriman"
>"Perfect. this'll make it much easier"
>gets hit
>stray pegasus finishes me off
>game over
guess I spoke too soon

>and you all know how i feel about PoR.
PoR is great, fite me.

Wish I could comment more on this. Didn't know Crimson Arm was a thing, but it looks pretty cool. I'll have to give it a shot.

Yes. Clara joins in several levels and is likely to be better than Elaine. If Al A-supports her, he becomes king of Austria.
Meanwhile, Aras can easily be shipped with the MU instead of Al. Or you could give Lani to Al instead of Negu.

Anyways, Thousand Sons time.

>it's past midnight
should I keep going?

its only 930 here so i expect at least 3 more hours

>PoR is great, fite me.
PoR is one of my all time favourite video games.

No breaks on the waifu train

>Al's a lot like Ike, but with more depth
I'd say it more like he's Ike, but about seven years older, and with a younger brother instead of a sister.

>If Al A-supports her, he becomes king of Austria.

In due time; he's a lowborn smelly mercenary and nobody respects him despite saving the whole country.

>Road to Ruin

Mangs said the first map was bad so the entire hack must be bad too.

Finish the gaiden chapter, then clock out for the night.

I was gonna say "consort to the Queen", but then most people have trouble realizing that the spouses of rulers are not automatically rulers themselves.

Alright, I'll do this stage or at least try once.

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The hack has better writing than the main series up until late where it's obvious that he just wants to be done already.

Your name is appropriate then. Looking forward to more of your playthroughs.

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Mangs is ridiculous for slamming the game just for its starting map.
Speaking of which, when the hell is Samto gonna play Road to Ruin?

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Hey fa/tg/uy, guess who you're fighting this gaiden.

wayland's waifu

A man who did nothing wrong.
tfw I have a Tsons army

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fuck it, yes we can
we just have to go full school days

Check the generic enemy descriptions. They're literally Chaos Space Marines.

Any changes?

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HA HA time to unequip the highest DEF character you have and bait her out with them because fuck trying to engage a swordmaster with respectable strength and a crit weapon.

>They're literally fucking rubrics
oh my god.

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Just use the dancer my dude

This is what happens when you go full retard, you damn Magnus apologist.

Isn't that just unchanged dialogue for morphs? turn into Ahriman?

Yes. We've been over how unfinished Tacthack is. Still makes a good spot of irony, though.

>Believing Mangs
Road to Ruin is a fairly decent hack. I love the gaiden chapters but the final map is a slogfest which force splits you.

I've been thinking about this, and I might've figured out something. I don't think it's only his (ill-informed) opinions about the first map that made him not want to play it. I think Mangs just simply didn't want to play Road to Ruin again, as he had already finished playing its incomplete version years ago.

I mean, look through his videos. He has not revisited any of his older LPs, and it's most likely he no longer has the time to with all the other crap he's doing nowadays. So his opinion on Road to Ruin is unfortunately skewed; but there's no time to worry about that when you have to play Sacred Chairs and Mekkah's FE7 Bullshit Edition, not to mention all the spotlights and shitposts that still have to be made.

Or you know, Dance to them

Should I use this now?

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Sounds much more acceptable as a reason not to LP it.
Poor Mangs, does this shit to himself...

Wait until a couple more chapters

Give it to her.

Or just have Celia bodyblock. That girl's got luck and speed like nothing else.

Good thing Mangs isn't the only FE LPer in all of existence. I think Ghast played through the final version of Road to Ruin.

Give it to Nignog

So did Vilkacis. His LP isn't archived, but you can still find it somewhere on SomethingAwful.

That's... Actually a pretty decent theory. My guess is that he might play it once he has litwrally nothing better to dp and he wants his road to ruin rant to go down so that he can give a "change of heart" impression. I think his LP list after finishing Sacred Chairs and Radiant Dawn is FE6 Ironman, another Corrinright and stretch it out for Three Houses. Maybe he will play the hack if no news comes from the Fire Emblem Expo 2019

NVM, give it to the MU.

>FE6 Ironman and then another fucking FE14 playthrough
Somebody needs to ask him to try the Japanese FE7 or FE8, since he played FE9 Maniac before.

I'll give it to nignog if it's in the convoy. I started the chapter while waiting.

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Chiara's turning out good enough that you don't even need Red Lyn here. She just needs a little more work on her strength, though.

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>only 25HP


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>Nigger is back
You still streaming or you just are posting pictures?

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tonight I'm just doing the thread.

my laptop doesn't do very well with srteaming, so I tihnk I might just do streams on weekends.

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You laugh but I considered doing just that.

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love this.

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Tacthack wtf are you doing here
Also, fix your unit descriptions.

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Didn't you let Dita die on her first mission way back when? I mean she's pretty good now, but damn her performance was poor back then.

I don't know why Gerwulf exists at all when Dita blows him out at everything but base HP.

no don't. Red wind mercs being morphs is perfect.

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the ghost of old dita gave the new one her gains
I remember when we first got her we were making matthis jokes
funny how life works

Whch hack was this, I saw some dudes lping it and they were laughin their asses off at the dialogue but I cna't find the dudes or the game anymore.

He comes much earlier and plays into the dual cavaliers trope that this franchise love so much.

What's her movement?

There's more broken descriptions than just them, Nigger.

8 movement. Same as paladins.
This game can be very generous at times.

He sucks even when you first get him.

this game works inversely to FE1 I find
>Boleslav is replaced by Celia who is much better
>Gerwulf is replaced by Dita who is much better
>Sven is replaced by Auguste who will be better with gains but needs time to catch up. Cynthia blows both of them out of the water, though
>Elaine is replaced by Clara
>the list goes on

A lot of units suck when you first get them. Gerwulf still has a crapton of availability, though.

thanks, I hate it. The only good lord sprites were the pre promotes, and HACKtor.

>Boleslav is replaced by Celia who is much better
Isn't Boleslav a powerhouse on his own?

I ain’t touching the hack Till summer too much other shit to do.

>Cynthia blows both of them out of the water, though
Okay, that's flat-out wrong. Sure, she's a solid prepromote, but she's still pretty mediocre compared to a trained-up Sven or Auguste, similar to Minerva vs Caeda, Catria or Palla.

It's really only Gerwulf, Sven, Kurtis, and Beatrice that have that problem because all four of them are absolutely terrible units.

I'm sure he is fine but Celia's insane speed makes her more consistent and a better bosskiller I find
though I haven't really used Boleslav so I can't say much

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Neck yourself

So you really are Tacthack?
In that case, I have a few questions:
Are you really a 40k fa/tg/uy?
Which Super Robot Wars games did you play and/or were inspired by?
Why the fuck did you turn Roswell into a cartoon at the end?

please be patient I have autism

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Just because she has the monopoly on anima magic for a very long time doesn't mean she's good.

Oh god she's a chuuni.
Why the fuck did we recruit her

>itching palm
Is she the reverse Owain?

beatrice is shit.

>she's a chuuni
not quite. Literally every thing she sees is an omen.
>the trees are blowing
>a cloud looked like a sparrow

There's not much to say about a character whose only saving graces are a built in A-rank support with a unit who also isn't all that great and being the only Anima user for several chapters. Completely inferior to MC in every way but those.

Technically, all the FEs work on similar logic to that FE1 formula, where certain units can be worse or better versions than previously recruited ones.
For example, FE6: Tate as a better Thany; Oujay as a worse Dieck; Shin as a better Sue; Fir as a worse Rutger; Zealot, Noah and Treck as a worse Marcus, Lance and Alan; Dorothy as a worse Wolt; Barth as a more niche Bors; Zeiss as a later Miledy; Sophia as a punishment for not liking Ray. Course, because Fire Emblem, a lot of these units tend to require their previous counterpart to recruit.

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It's called a joke, Dobson. I've played Tacthack, I know what she's about.

What's the point of all that speeds if she's never going to use it? Dodge tanking? Not getting doubled?

I haven’t bought any gw minis in ages but yeah.
Sadly non of the recent ones like md or vtx but I’ve played agaiden j z1-2 and some of L
He originally didn’t have a giant role until I started writing him and then he turned into a red herring who I wanted people to think, “this is the final boss” while ultimately meeting an anti climactic end for themselves while the rest of the world did more important things instead of deal with his power trip.

some people confuse chuuni.

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Are any of these good? I gave up on the one where an OC replaces Hector.

This one is fucking awesome.

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>comparing anyone to Son of Dob

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It's less "anti-climactic" and more downright silly. The guy revives twice, gets a prescripted fight with Algimas, and then pops like a balloon after sixty seconds of screaming gibberish. I had really liked how well he had been utilized as an antagonist until his turn to Dark Druid, and while I agree with the idea of him as a sideshow to Braxis and Jormund, he really should not have gone out like such a goddamn parody of the Evil Sorcerer archetype he turned into.


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huh. what's this?

legit don't know

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I think you stole all my gains, everyone in my run stopped getting any major gains for like 2 chapters now


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I swear the only thing keeping her balanced at all is no access to the delphi shield and the game's more powerful archery.

Oh thank god, you found that tile.

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>done two runs of tacthack
>missed her both times
I even got everyone else 2nd time round, including Dione who is a bitch to recruit, but I had absolutely no idea Tanya was there.
I'm waiting for tacthackfag to finish it a little more before I do another run.

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Oh right, her.
Tacthack, if you're still here, we have another question for you:

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You can find it without dumb luck but you need to bring the other thief to the stage.

Yeah I get that entirely. I could have handled that better but at the time I was beating my head against making all that branching support dialogue work and way less about roswell s final moments.the idea was of course that the busted divine weapon actually did it’s job and roswell mistook it for himself ascending of course, the gibberish is there to just sell the point he’s completely lost it but more importantly throw in stupid shit/not have to write dialogue.

Delphi Shield's actually not too far off. Course, you'll need a VERY fast Meila if you want it.

>other thief
Robert? Bench juice if I ever saw any, especially considering we see Meila and her ridiculous bases before him.
Bench juice might be a bit harsh on him considering I fielded Gervulf in both playthroughs, so what do I know?

Seems understandable.
Now, explain what the heck you were smoking when you were planning out Dione's recruitment methods.

transporting to kill magnus because I'm not risking that fucking crit.

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I don't think you even get the option to steal it. Steal didn't even pop up, not even greyed out, when she had higher speed and was adjacent with empty inventory space. I was confused as fuck.

I wanted to make an annoying kaga style recruit. Also something that I want to handle better. Originally was going to be a pick and choose between her and you know the other one but another team member convinced me to have her be a secret.

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>Kaga-style recruit
It's more like you combined Shinon's recruitment with Douglas's.
Because Meila was slower than her. Thieves can't steal from units who are faster than them.

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BTW, does Meila have a Master Seal for herself? She needs to have 25 speed very, very soon.

Getting it to work as it is was a bitch and a half harder than actually recruiting her. Doesn’t help but it is what it is, some dialogue changes/reduced time for her tonfuckingn show up fix a lot of the big issues with it though.

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Actually, scratch that. It's like you decided to make one of those urban legends about how to recruit Gale from FE6 into an actual reality.

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Is Meila level-capped? If not, get the kill with Wayland.

wayland is benched this chapter. Meila is level 19 with little EXP

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Then get the kill with Meila. And make her the first priority for promotion. She needs at least 23 or 25 speed by the end of the chapter after next.

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trying to phenagle him down to 2 HP because he'll basically 1hit meila if she misses.

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Jesus, this is gonna be a gamble.

alright, if she hits, she kills. If she misses, she dies.

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This was a terrible idea I had.

oh thank god.

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Oh thank god.

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Well, that is one underwhelming levelup for such a gigantic risk.

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welp, her spd is shit.

shut up, delphisage.

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Yeesh, she'll need to get really lucky in her next five levelups.
Speaking of which, I demand you reset if she doesn't get speed in any of her next five levelups.

She'll need more than 24 speed to steal the Delphi Shield

is this an XX chapter?

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oh neat, new mage?

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so zentir has the legendary weapons?

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>clara is turning al into a hero more subtly than snacky did with ike

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seriously, tact, I love the writing in this game.

I need to finish the hack, but I think this might be my new favourite FE.

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She comes with the Afa's Drops, too.

BTW, Tacthack, is she supposed to remind me of Hanako from Katawa Shoujo? Or is this just really annoying coincidence that your obligatory wallflower character happens to have one eye hidden?

>the earlier foreshadowing starts paying off now as nignog's tactical reliance on her daddy starts to punish her

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...really? this is like how fucking every side character in jojo part 5 is named after food.

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>rely on one tactician's advice to...know the terrain of your battlefield, and you'll be...punished?

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I thought you said you'd stop after the gaiden.

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>Chapter 14 word balloon Tact probably couldn't get rid of permanently

anyway, going to call it here for the night. Tomorrow I might stream, but I need to get some sleep.

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no, the map looks like it's covered in impassable water.

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Have a good night Nigger
>27 unique posters