Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
Detroit Become Human is a great game
Half Life 2 is better than 1
Fighting games are boring
Games should be priced based on their length. "AAA" games that are only like 5 hours long and are still $60 are complete bullshit.
You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
Unpopular but correct opinions
Other urls found in this thread:
You are gay
I wish I got paid to be bad at video games like you
Konami was the good guys & they were secretly keeping Kojima in check the entire time, the reason Silent Hills was cancelled is because Kojima was a slacker who didn't develop anything past the original Demo thus missing the deadline
FF7 is the most 2nd iconic game ever, but it aged like shit & doesn't deserve to be considered one of the best games anymore
>ad hominem
Thanks for conceding.
Stop being so entitled. You don't deserve an easy mode if the devs don't want to put it in.
What Epic is doing is actually good, it's just a lot of gamers are experiencing growing pains - and nobody likes pain regardless of context
Go back to google+
Nobody's fooled by these constant threads pretending people want easy mode in Sekiro. You're a dumb faggot and you're also wrong.
How are PC game store exclusives good? Publishers love it because there’s no price competition, the revshare is under continual downward pressure, and they can negotiate to get the best exclusive deals, eventually leading to a PC duopoly.
In this model publishers are now in the driver seat, not the stores or end users.
>In this model publishers are now in the driver seat, not the stores or end users.
Typical "PUBLISHERS EBIL" post. Shakedown Hawaii is self published by one person on Epic Store, him getting the maximum cut for a great game is a good thing to me.
Typical I AM SILLY strawman shitpost because you don't have an actual argument.
Also who the fuck do you think is going to have more leverage when negotiating exclusivity deals? Do you honestly believe self published one man indie games is a representative example of the average exclusive on PC stores? Get a fucking grip.
Epic doesn't even have the maximum revenue share, if you actually cared about that you would be defending Discord since their nitro store only takes 10% split with no cap as opposed to EGS 12.5% which only kicks in once your game makes X million in revenue. Anyone defending PC store exclusives because of dev revenue share is talking straight out of their ass.
Using guides to beat a game is objectively not ok
Either you're too stupid to understand the game or else the game is poorly designed, or both
If you can't articulate or explain your argument why bother? Do I have to fucking respond to an argument you didn't even bother fucking making? You're basically conceding right now. "T-THE NUANCE EXISTS, I REFUSE TO EXPLAIN" what a waste of a post.
The only possible nuance that could exist is "e-easy mode takes away resources from normal mode" which is factually wrong. Cranking up player HP and DEF to max and calling it an easy mode costs nothing, hurts nothing, and just creates more avenues for player enjoyment. I dare you to even attempt to prove me wrong.
The problem with Discord to me and most people is that we consider it the chat program first and foremost.
WEEWOO WEEWOO We've got an ENTITLED GAMER over here. Watch out he might RISE UP
>phone poster
more like
>Man, making this cake sure is cool, but i really suck at it. Too bad I have a job, girlfriend and other commitments and dont really have the free time to spend hours up hours improving at it. if only there was a way for me to experience this cake
grocery store:
>here's an already made cake
overweight, autistic chef whos entire identity revolves around his precious cooking
What does that have to do with anything? The fact is Discord sells games and they take an even smaller cut than Epic WITHOUT paying for exclusives. Discord having more useful functionality than Epic's client shouldn't be a negative
thanks for proving ur a retard lol
Just admit that you fucking suck dick at video games. There's nothing to discuss here, you're just a window licking moron that's mad as fuck at your own incompetence and thinks the world owes you something for being born a dipshit.
>ad hominem
I accept your concession
The best Final Fantasy soundtrack of the last twelve years is The Crystal Bearers.
>this has aged badly
I've always believed that if a game entertained you back when it still deserves your respect now. But we're talking about a game I replay annually so I'm probably not being impartial here.
WEEWOO WEEWOO We've got an CASUAL over here. We need to RISE UP and gatekeep them!
>Make easy mode for any game involving combat in the most piss-easy ass way possible: Decrease enemy health, increase your own.
>Lable it very clearly as "easy mode, a mode for those less skilled in playing videogames."
>Lable normal "The difficulty the developers intended."
Its so fucking easy and simple. Of course developers are never obligated to cater to anyone, but all this hootin and hollerin over nothing.
You might have gotten a concession here but you have to deal with being a smooth brains the rest of your life. Was it worth it?
Shut the fuck up weeb.
I agree with most of those, but make a price based on the game lenght is retarded. To see why you only need to play a JRPG. To make a price based on the quantity of content is far from perfect, but still better than based on lengh alone.
And I accept that you're a cocksucker that only plays video games for the social value. Like I said, this isn't an argument. It's you being a whiny cunt, and me telling you to go fuck yourself.
You're getting desperate.
Adding these ones to the list BOYS.
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
>nobody cares, beating a game isn't an achievement!
>it's a video game, it should be accessible to all
>when has an easy mode ruined a game
>an easy mode will expand the community
>it'll increase sales!
>hardcore fans can just play on normal difficulty!
>I'll be allowed to experience the game I PAID for like everyone else!
>games should be inclusive
>caring about beating a game is for manchildren!
>more choice is BETTER!
>an easy mode doesn't affect me if I'm played on hard!
>playing a game is a "club"
>Easy mode does not eliminate the hard mode, brainlet
Your lack of an argument is showing
Except I already won the argument.
In what universe do you think the people mocking you and laughing at you are "desperate"?
>well adjusted human being
>apparently is so shit at time management that he can't set aside time for videogames
Don't get where you're going at with this list, to be quite honest. Half of the "arguements" here are stupid and the other half impenetrable.
>Easy mode doesn't eliminate other difficulties
Factual statement.
>Games should be inclusive
Hairbrained opinion.
>game should have easy mode because I say so!
Great argument.
>>beating a game isn't an achievement!
>>caring about beating a game is for manchildren!!
These are true though. And easy mode doesn't effect you.
Playing on easy is fine, lobbying for easy mode is the gayest shit though
>n-no you!
Again? How tiresome.
Easymode shouldn't exist so that game journalists will actually have to gitgud to talk about videogames.
Other than that, I don't see a reason why not to add it in. Sure you could say "it inhibits videogame discussion" since easy/hardmode players will have wildly different experiences, but are you really going to have a serious discussion with some dirty casual?
Would you like an easy mode for my post?
Name one 5 hour game that is 5 high quality hours
If you find no enjoyment in a challenge why the fuck are you playing video games in the first place? Much less ones like Sekiro that sell themselves on the challenge? It's like buying an expensive car because you like the smell of leather but hate driving.
Skyrim is so much better than Oblivion it's not even funny and I can't genuinely understand how it's up for discussion
>he needs a guide to play a children's toy
Or just bring back cheats and label them as such instead of coddling bad players with easy modes
>it is meant for kids so we should teach them to expect life to get easier for them if it's too hard
This is like the, 'stop analyzing my favorite show, it's meant for kids!' argument. Shouldn't we have even higher standards for it then? They're the next generation.
If you have a life then why do you care if you can't beat a video game? If you're not that concerned about beating it then leave it at that instead of demanding the entire experience revolve around your life. Exclusivity exists for a reason. Why the hell are you jealous of a bunch of nerds?
>forcing people to go through you to play games not made by you
neck yourself, epic shill
>"Mommy I want grilled cheese!"
>"Alright, Jimmy. What would you like Timmy?"
>"I want grilled cheese too!"
>"Alright boys, here's your grilled cheese!"
>"Thanks mommy!"
>"You're welcome Jimmy. Timmy, is something wrong?"
>"There's cheese on it!"
>"Well, it's a grilled cheese sandwich honey, it's supposed to..."
>"I don't want cheese! Take it off!"
>"Timmy, if you didn't want cheese, why did you ask for grilled cheese?"
>"I want grilled cheese! But no cheese! Take it off!"
>"Timmy, if you take off the cheese, it's not even grilled cheese anymore, it's just toast. Why didn't you just ask for toast?"
>"I don't want toast! I want grilled cheese! Like Jimmy! But no cheese!"
I was mad when I was bad at souls games when they came out too, and called them cheap and demanded an easy mode.
But because I'm not a dumbass I eventually got gud and learned how to play and now laugh at people who ask for it. It's literally trying to actually understand the game you're playing rather than having you rely on your skill from other games. Beating Bloodborne helped me get better overall I feel, and I'm on DS3 now.
Legit, git gud.
Playing a game on easy is fine. I don't care about what difficulty anyone plays any game at. The issue is when people start saving games MUST have an easy mode. To me that's like saying a roller coaster MUST have a less-bumpy route because it'd be unfair to people who get motion sickness, or something similar.
I don't see what it has to do with what I say.
Still, I would say that Half-life 2 episode 1 or 2 is around 5 hours long and it's almost all high quality.
If beating a game isn't an achievement and for manchildren why does a game need an easy mode so the shitters can beat it?
investing fifty hours in a game over a few weeks when you have the leisure time isn't a huge problem. If this is what you want to spend your free time on, there's no problem. There are plenty of easier games for people to play if they want to. If they want to play Sekiro bad enough they'll put in the time that it takes. It's hilarious to watch you retards have this discussion over a moderately difficult game. 100%ing Yoshi's Island is harder than Sekiro. If you're too much of a bitch to lose a few times before you succeed, or don't have the free time to learn it, go find something else to do or watch a let's play. also,
>claims to not have the free time to play a video game
>But I do DEFINITELY have the free time to participate in an inane online argument about a video game.
die in a hole, nigger.
There is no easy mode for your post. Its just a compilation of arguments that are at odds with one another. Kind of like a poorly made game. Its like asking if someone wants an easy mode for Sonic 06. What would even be the point?
Bragging about beating a hard game is like bragging about being able to withstand really cold weather. You might have respect from the subset who actually cares, but to everybody else you're just the asshole walking around in cargo shorts during a blizzard thinking he's smugly superior.
the game still plays fine if you play it as originally intended, just dont play it above 240p and play the ps1 version
>objectively wrong opinions
Please work harder on your shitposting, it's too obvious.
It's a compilation of easily refutable and asinine arguments that are being spouted. Basically anyone who uses them is a brainlet.
Just adding sunlight.
Komi-san w-what are you gonna do with that h-handgun?
Don't trigger OP
yeah because bitching that you cant beat a game because you are shit is so much better
PS4 exclusives are overrated 100% of the time
PC is irrelevant
Nintendo should have died
Immediately assuming that anybody who disagrees with you is on the opposite extreme side of the argument is called "splitting" and is common behavior in the mentally ill.
Doom Guy > Gordon Freeman
>not understanding the context of the situation
common among the autistic
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys
Wow is it really that easy? Let me try
Wanting a game to have a universal difficulty is fine because video games are children's toys.
Damn you really opened my eyes thanks
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
Why do you need a guide to get through a children's toy?
How could a well adjusted person have sub-80IQ?
Games are already made to cather to the lowest common denominator, having difficulty with them means you are beyond retard-tier, no joking.
Thank you for both aping my post and the reddit spacing. I upgrade you to an official internet diagnosis of BPD.
So we should just bang rocks for entertainment now?
Playing on easy is bad because ypu don't get better at the game. It's like if you were playing chess and the other guy threw the game. Empty victory.
Detroit Become Human is bad because there is very little gameplay. Gameplay beats everything including story. Games are keant to be played, not watched. Story is what TV and movies are for.
I agree about fighting games.
No opinion on the rest.
My unpopular but correct opinion is that console wars are stupid.
>developer release a game series popular for being challenging
>don't die a single time
>end the game without using any items
well this game was crappy
This is the stupidest post I've ever seen on this website
Thanks for the promotion based reddit doctor.
>food analogy
Unironically get good.
A paraplegic beat the entire Souls series. A colorblind man is one of the best players of LoL in North America. It's not impossible to become a better player, just difficult. There are literal disabled people in high end matches in CSGO every fucking day.
The only reason people want an easy mode difficulty is because they're too much of a pussy to admit the game beat them.
I say this as a massive fucking normalfag who has a job, a girlfriend, and other commitments.
Imagine being so fat you look at pants and see food
>OP pic relies on calling people overweight and autistic
>gets dismissed and called a fag
o i am laffin
>easily refutable and asinine
Some of them, yes. But you're sneaking in very valid and factual statements that aren't arguementitive in nature just to make those seem equally moronic. I'm pretty sure some debatefag might be able to find one of those "fallacies" that represents this. For example:
Irrefutable statements:
>An easy mode has never ruined a game.
Simple fact. Games that get patches that include separate difficulties are never ruined by any objective metric.
>Hardcore fans can just play normal/harder difficulties
Also a fact. If an easy mode is too easy for a player they should play the normal mode or harder per preference. This ties into
>Easy mode does not eliminate the hard mode
Which is also another FACTUAL statement.
The post equates these to hairbrained retarded opinions that either disregard or eliminate context like:
>Games should be inclusive
>Caring about beating a game is for manchildren
>More choice is BETTER
>Videogames should be accessible to all.
The object of the post points to a very obviously biased perspective thats trying as hard as possible to discredit any valid for of discourse. Very close to an actual shitpost.
To experience the content. It’s about the journey not the destination.
So obvious that it got nearly 50 anons to respond including posts unironically agreeing with it.
I haven't played it
I haven't played it
Depends on the game
I don't write the EULA
Yea Forums is fucking retarded, of course they take every possible bait instead of playing vidya.
Monster Hunter world has shit gameplay and the series will suffer the same fate as Fire Emblem. The only reason this game doesn't get rightfully shat on is because console wars is a hell of a distraction.
A game's difficulty is part of the experience. The developer will add an easy mode if they goddamn want to but otherwise you're just going to have to play something else. Stop being entitled.
MHW does get rightfully shat on by hard-core fans, or at least what I assume are hard-core fans that prefer the less-streamlined gameplay of previous titles.
Tu quoque
We have girlfriends, jobs and other commitments too. This is just a cope by casual zoomers who simply do not have the brainpower and mechanical skills to git gud at anything.
Would it be ok for me to relentlessly mock you for playing on easy mode instead of normal mode?
>phoneposter literally too retarded to use his innate human ability to adapt and problem-solve
>argues for devs catering to his retarded needs
every time
Go to ANY Monhun thread on either board and you'll be proven otherwise.
Coincidentally, these people also defend Street Fighter V.
Imagine taking a screenshot of your own post and making another thread about it.
>video games are children's toys
>I am literally too retarded to overcome a children's toy without help
kek'd, but also true
Is it safe to say that when some fag calls a game """""""boring""""""" is just him coping at eating shit?
Because it wasn't what the creator envisioned in their game. If a game doesn't have a difficulty slider then that is the product and what the developer wanted the final product to be. Just deal with the fact that the game isn't for you, if it is too hard, and find some game to play on your Switch.
That's a horrendously bad example, because you're saying that this hypothetical snow man of yours is more adaptable and has a physical advantage over other people. He objectively is superior and has every right to be smug.
horrifying isnt it?
those are the people who breathe the same air as me
truly disgusting
Why are these fags so bad at video games? I play video games for like 1 hour a day at max and I have no trouble beating human opponents in fighting games and beating some old ass game. Why do these fags always make it sound like you have to dedicate all your time 24/7 to be good at playing video games when that just isn't the case? Just get some easier hobbies.
I mean it's one thing to take the bait, its another to agree and perpetuate it. I thought OP was peak stupid but some of the posts ITT are just mindblowingly bad
I know that guy
we all call him a weirdo and an idiot the whole two times a year he actually regrets going out in cargo shorts and a Hawaiian shirt
As long as its ok for me to relentlessly mock you for being a pathetic incel desperately clinging unto manchild achievements sure.
unless he can prove otherwise, you can reasonably assume this as well as say it out loud with little impunity
not an opinion and not verifiable
can we mock you for being too retarded to overcome a child's toy without help?
Make your own game with easy modes then problem solved
>DMC reaction image
>Unpopular but correct opinions
OP is actually just a faggot. Sad but true.
Almost everyone campaigning for easy mode are adults though.
you have any proof that youre not shit at the game?
that's not unpopular
Except for the fact that not only is it uncessary but said person would be inferior in warm weather climates. Do you need help tying your shoes in the morning, retard?
That's not an unpopular opinion.
>easy mode is SHIT. it ruins the identity of a game
>Dark souls is all about the difficulty!
>ignoring the fact that you can assrape every boss without effort by summoning enough phantoms in jolly co-operation.
Same thing as Easy Mode really.
Only autists care about the difficulty OTHERS play on.
>>An easy mode has never ruined a game.
>Simple fact.
Unpopular? No. Correct? Yes.
Do you have any proof you're not a pants-shitting autist who wears diapers?
You just proved why easy mode would be pointless in souls though.
Only autists care enough about difficulty to demand easy modes to begin with.
>Do you need help tying your shoes in the morning
Apparently OP needs a guide to do it.
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys
False. Games are defined by having rules which toys do not. A game of Chess is a game when players play with defined Chess rules or variants, a chess set becomes a child's toy when a child pretend fights with the pieces and makes them talk to each other. A chess set becomes an adult toy when you begin shoving them up your ass, faggot op.
When changes are made to the rules of Chess it becomes a completely different game because Chess itself is balanced by it's ruleset. To do something like giving 1 player an easy mode where their Queen takes 2 capture attempts to capture changes the game completely. This could easily be applied to video games that function like games, the design intent is for the most possible enjoyment the player has with the rules. 3 hits to die against X enemy at this stage of the game was tested relentlessly and the designers figured out this was the ideal ruleset. If you make an easy mode or hard mode that adjusts this you have to test it as rigorously as you would the base rules to ensure that players enjoy them as well. If a game is well balanced difficulty variations like hard or easy mode create many more manhours of testing for an experience that doesn't even match what the devs intended to be optimal.
Open sandbox games are more toylike since they don't have many objectives, they might not even really have a WIN/LOSE condition. Sandbox games handle varied rulesets much better as well since they don't have tightly designed rules by default.
yes i do but if you are just asking me to get dick pics then fuck off faggot
i notice you didnt even bother trying to prove or refute anything which outs you as an actual retard
good on you
So that means the game will last you more. How is that a bad thing?
Glhf git gud
journos are demanding an easy mode for Sekiro precisely because it doesn't have summons and they want to maintain their hardcore cred
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
that's a fact, not an opinion
Ad hominem is actually the most powerful argunent tool and only faggot nerds disagree
video games are still for children
i mean if we go with the narrative all those le journalists were trying to pin on gamers then it's true
unless now they are flip flopping and are upset they cant make money off children or manchildren anymore for chatting such mad shit at them all these years
OP is too retarded to beat a children's toy without help, you think he knows the difference between fact and opinion?
Wait I don't actually own Persona 3 for the ps2?
It's also wrong.
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
If they are children toys why are you having trouble with it?
Git gud.
>Detroit Become Human is a great game
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
>Fighting games are boring
These are just opinions dumbfuck.
>Games should be priced based on their length. "AAA" games that are only like 5 hours long and are still $60 are complete bullshit.
Sir that'll be $8000 dollarydoos for your Total War or average JRPG game plus til.
Also kill yourself.
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
This kind of mentality is why piracy will always exist and why cucks like you will always be the ones getting fucked by every more intrusive and performance degrading DRM
Have fun
>I hate myself and have to preemptively insult my own hobbies before somebody else might first
dumb frogposter
>These are just opinions dumbfuck.
Did you read the subject of the thread? I accept your concession.
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
It's pretty damned simple. There is no triumph without strife. Imagine the movie Jurassic Park, but instead of the complete breakdown of safety protocols and the fight for survival everyone just has a chill day riding around in Jeeps checking out dinosaurs. Would that be an interesting movie? Imagine the Truman Show if Truman tried to leave the island and everyone just let him. It's the same shit with video games. They aren't supposed to be a themepark of digital art and music. It's a challenge to be overcome and without failure there is no appreciation of success. If you don't want to beat the game and just want to experience it then watch a longplay on youtube.
It's sad this is what Yea Forums has been reduced to.
Just opinions, stupid, not unpopular or popular.
Also you forgot to address the rest of my post so I guess you concede this argument, good night.
basically all i have to do is say no im not and it invalidates your ad homenim gay shit
if you insist that i am what you say i am the onus is on you to prove that point
being unable to do so, results in two options:
1) continue to insist further making you look like an imbecilic shit starter
2) gracefully concede
nice bait.
have sex
I'm not the user who posted the list, but with the exception of "easy mode doesn't eliminate hard mode you can just ignore it" none of the statements he posted are valid or factual, nor are they at odds with each other. They're all argumentative too, one of the "irrefutable" statements you quoted was even used as the premise for arguing why games should have easy mode.
>>An easy mode has never ruined a game.
This is an opinion since a game being "ruined" is completely subjective, even if adding easy mode deleted every other difficult yit wouldn't be "ruined" for people who only want to play on easy.
Unless by "ruined" you mean "unplayable" which would make it a technically true but completely trivial statement. It's like saying high input lag has never ruined a game.
The 'does this new hard game need an EASY MODE?' discourse has no credibility because 90% of people arguing it don't even actually care, it's just an easy way to farm for attention get a spike of traffic to an article now. And the other 10% are just making bad faith arguments using "gatekeeping" and disabled people as a cudgel because they want an easy shortcut to beat games they don't care enough to learn how to play.
>implying those aren't unpopular opinions
>n-no you!
Again? How tiresome.
>Imagine the movie Jurassic Park, but instead of the complete breakdown of safety protocols and the fight for survival everyone just has a chill day riding around in Jeeps checking out dinosaurs. Would that be an interesting movie? Imagine the Truman Show if Truman tried to leave the island and everyone just let him.
yes, i'd absolutely love to watch mumblecore jurassic park and truman show
this but ironically
>I disagree therefore it must be bait
based brainlet
Photo realistic graphics are not something most or even many games should strive for. The primary function of graphics should be to clearly display gameplay variables and secondarily to communicate the tone or style of the game. Photo realism is largely a hinderance in both cases and tends to sterilize the personality of a game by extension.
I'm really happy for easy modes. There are plenty of games I give very little fucks about that I just want to blitz through with ease.
I don't get it
It's obviously an achievement if everyone can't do it and the people that can't cry about it.
>that video of the paraplegic beating the game though
if a game is so boring to make me consider playing on easy just to finish it, I just drop the game
Here is some indisputable, objective, big brain truth for you:
Media consumption is not a hobby.
Resident Evil was never a good action franchise.
Only if youre a vocal minorty of autistic manchildren who's life revolves around games. Normal people enjoy getting good in real life like earning a degree, not sitting in your moms basement playnig Nintendo.
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
it's literally not fine because of the same reason you listed. a toy is meant to bring you joy and excitement, and an easy mode or a walkthrough will rob you of it by making it boring and killing your engagement and immersion.
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
you don't own anything if you can't back up your claim of ownership with power. since the balance of power is tipped in the pirate's favor, we all own every game in existence even if we haven't paid for them.
Dang dude, those buzz words lead me to believe you're really upset about this. Just know, a fat incel will mock you for playing on easy difficulty while I'm playing on the intended difficulty.
>getting a degree in the 2019th year of our Lord
if you enjoy earning your degree, it's probably not a real one
>Yeah dude, my hobby is like, getting degrees and stuff
Dipshits, you've just spent the entire thread getting mad about people wanting difficulty options, because you just want to feel like they've achieved something in video games because you can't achieve in real life.
Hell, you're still doing it in these very comments.
10/10 trolls.
People only hate fighting games because they suck at them. They can’t handle facing a real opponent that can actually defend themselves. Even most fighting game threads on Yea Forums are just waifushitters.
You're the one replying to a bunch of neckbeards xD
Jesus this is pathetic. Get good my man. It's like you came to the gym to complain that these weights are too heavy and the repetition too time consuming for the results you want. If you want results but don't want to put in the time then you gotta be underhanded. Ask your steroids dealer if he can hack your PS4.
Why do you need help with a childrens toy?
And also, yeah. I enjoy laughing at people who struggle to achieve the same things I have
Like old movies, you can respect them while still acknowledging flaws and limits from it's time. Theres also an added factor of gameplay which was less smooth, balanced or otherwise developed in vidya then as it is now
FF7's gameplay certainly holds up better than modern FF games
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
Then fuck off this place hypocrite and insecure adult
Smugness is a virtuous method of tutoring and instruction that should be preserved. Brainlets should offer tribute in gratitude for being smugged at in their time of need and being shown the path to an enlightened existence. Follow the smug and you will learn how to be a man.
But that's not true for a lot of cherished classics
Awww, little hi/v/mind cant handle diverging opinions? What fucking mentally weak subhumans you are all
This, human entitlement is at the peak thanks to internet whining. Everyone should be at least a little alarmed at just how selfish and ignorant their fellow man can be.
we're merely giving you a just treatment
Most cherished classics have better gameplay than their modern-day successors.
>Games should be priced based on their length
Elder Scroll 6 is a one-thousand dollar game then
As is every open world game and MMO
No, because there's also a cap for how much games can cost. There is no game that costs more than $60.
Here's a free (you) buddy. Enjoy it.
Because 60 dollars is a market trend, bethesda could double their game prices and still drown in the cash. Worst part is they'll end up with more money than before
I'm OP and I agree with it. There's nothing wrong with what Epic is doing and its great that games are even less expensive on their store than Steam.
Solid black backgrounds are terrible for your eyes and are even worse with solid white font. Try a dark gray with very light gray font instead.
>MMO's cost thousands of dollars
you'd be surprised how much people have spent just from subscriptions to games like FFXIV and WoW, I'd bet it would be well over a thousand dollars.
>Projection buzzword
Perfect NPC response.
>Hollow Knight now costs $60
I'd pay it, but I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't, and that would suck.
I can concede on that, there have been people playing WoW since day one after all
>Elder Scroll 6 is a one-thousand dollar game then
Why? All of the Elder Scrolls games can be completely in less than an hour.
Nobody plays an Elder Scrolls game for the plot, come on now
I find hilarious you think anything you have stated is correct
>thinks projection is a buzzword and not a well documented psychological phenomenon
>post is entirely composed of buzzwords, may as well be automated
>no self-awareness
nuh-uh, that's still you dude
Wrong and nostalgia/poor memory play a big factor in why you feel this way.
>replies with no u
>gets mad when you get a no u right back at you
hmmm sweety that's not how it works
Nice OP, but have you considered perhaps acquiring skills?
Ad hominem.
You cant just make a game easier without changing the very game
That's not what ad hominem means
Nobody is actually moving over because of the revenue split. They're moving over because of guaranteed minimum sales (Epic will pay the dev/publisher a fat sack of cash on the assumption that the game would have sold x amount of copies) and if the game never sells more than that the dev doesn't make any more, but they keep whatever Epic paid them initially. The revenue split is PR fluff bullshit
have sex
I don't think you understand what ad hominem means.
you're all idiot retards, and therefore you're wrong
why is it always Shakedown Hawaii
why not pick another game that isn't an oldschool GTA clone
Not having time is the worst excuse. No one says you have to beat a game in a day or whatever. If it takes you a few weeka playing a few hours at a time then whats wrong with that?
Gotta move on to the next big thing, can't be behind user, else you won't be "In"
People who bitch about hubs like in FighterZ and Xenoverse and ask for menus instead are retarded and boring sticks in the mud
I thought fighterz already had menus
You clearly dont know if you think that's ad hominem
Are you trying to imply that it isn't boring for him?
>no u!
"Wrong and nostalgia/poor memory play a big factor in why you feel this way" is ad hominem because it's attacking the person making the argument instead of addressing or even refuting the argument itself. The fact you argued otherwise proves you don't know what ad hominem means.
By 2020 everyone will remember these as the best games of the 2010s
> The Last of Us Part II
> Mass Effect 2
> Red Dead Redemption
> Zelda: BOTW
> The Last of Us Remastered
> Dark Souls
> The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
> Undertale
> Persona 4 Golden
> Journey
No, because boring can also apply to games that are too easy, or are otherwise unengaging on a mechanical or story level, like Mass Effect Andromeda.
pc fags have absolutely no room to act elitist towards console players anymore when they willingly cucked themselves out of physical games and demos (both of which consoles still have), and now have tencent store exclusives on top of that.
>Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Mario Party, Yoshi's Crafted World, Kirby Star Allies, Splatoon 2, Smash Ultimate, Mario + Rabbids, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Arms, Fire Emblem Warriors, Mario Maker 2, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Mario Tennis Aces, Animal Crossing 2019, Luigi's Mansion 3, Pokemon LG, Pokemon SnS, No More Heroes
>Nintendo even starts bringing over some of their games that flopped on the Wii U to give them another chance at success
>3rd Parties and Indie Devs start bringing over their games as well
There is no right answer, Yea Forums just can't stand that "BING BING WAHOO" is back in the spotlight after getting its shit kicked in during the Wii U era so it'll just keep moving the goalposts
You clearly have no understanding of logical fallacies
PC has demos and console demo discs are dead you dumb faggot.
I literally gave you the textbook definition of ad hominem.
wow, i stand corrected. a few literal who indie shit games still have demos. big whoop. it used to be the industry standard for actual major releases on pc to have demos - not anymore.
Actually you don't.
You heard the man. Faggot.
As a game developer, Nintendo is undeniably the best out of the big three. As a tech company, Nintendo is probably the worst out of the three. As a business, Nintendo is without a doubt the worst out of the three. Sony is the exact opposite.
>those PC demos don't count because it ruins my narrative
it used to be the industry standard for actual major releases on ALL PLATFORMS to have demos. Most major console games don't have demos either you drooling mong.
But why google+ specifically?
>As a business, Nintendo is without a doubt the worst out of the three.
Considering they always turn a good profit on all but their worst consoles I don't see how. Could you elaborate?
Sure is fine to play on easy, but throwing autistic tantrums and calling people incels just to get your way because game didn't have easy mode isn't.
Demos got practically replaced by youtube and twitch. Indies are only ones who actually have to fall back on playable demos for marketing.
easy mode skips the journey tho
>complains about ad hominems
>original image literally has an ad hominem in it
this has to be b8. otherwise you really lack self awareness
>hurr identity
Why are millennials obsessed with this buzzword?
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
Not until pcfaggots get their way and implement always online bullshit.
If you're impatient about beating them to the point where you need easy mode then you are conceding it's not really about the journey for you.
sorry meant for
an opinion can't be "correct", something being correct makes it a fact and then it just comes down to whether or not you know that fact or not
>Make your own game
>Games should be priced based on their length.
this post was good but did you really need to include the three page rant about african americans
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
Sure, but I'm still going to make fun of you for it
>Detroit Become Human is a great game
Correction: it's a VN, and a shit one
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
I have no opinion; I haven't played HL1
>Fighting games are boring
I don't see the appeal. Considering you're a casual faggot I feel the need to disagree with you though
>Games should be priced based on their length. "AAA" games that are only like 5 hours long and are still $60 are complete bullshit.
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
I own anything that's on my hard drive and I'll pirate your game if you disagree
More games should make their difficulty settings more significant & reintroduce bad endings based on Difficulty or missed out content, rather than story choices.
>Detroit Become Human is a great game
You need to stop shilling your shit games for cunts on this board, David Cage...
Nu Persona should have stuck with AI controlled party members. Especially 4 with its themes of individuality. Direct control was a cop out.
Sekiro stops being hard if you look up guides, almost every boss has a glaring weakness to a shinobi tool or gets rekt by Mikiri/Jumping Kick abuse.
These are some of the worst and most untrue opinions I have ever seen on this board
Any vg journalist that can't beat Sekiro should be fired it exposes them as the plebs they are
These are some of the best and most correct opinions I have ever seen on this board
>Why isn't every game gacha idol farmvill deluxe
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
Then you so fucking retarded that you can't beat games that are made for children.
Stop parroting Game Jernos who publish shit like that only for clicks and ad revenue. They legitimately don't give a shit if it had an easy mode or not, and neither should you.
it would take away nothing from any single player game to have an easy mode
If Sekiro got an easy mode, It would be better. The only reason to argue otherwise is because you are fat and forget that people can go google the ending on youtube.
Sekiro is easy though. Not even bragging, it is easy compared to any high level esport like fighting games, FPS, RTS.
>Detroit Become Human is a great game
Not a game but I did enjoy the experience
>You don't own any games just licenses even if it's on physical media
That's de jure and not de facto. If the publisher can't delete your installer or bar you from playing, you own it for the purpose that matters.
If it's so easy then why aren't you on youtube watching it yourself fuckboi?
>because video games are children's toys
And that's how I know it's a bait. Stopped reading there.
>tfw people are in such disbelief that I could actually play the game and still hold this opinion
Let me repeat myself for you fat losers.
The only reason not to support difficulty settings for any game in existence is literally just to be a stupid asshole with a clubhouse.
Dark Souls has summons. Sekiro could have some chinky singleplayer equivalent easy mode, and the game would benefit from it.
As an aside, in terms of difficulty, from hardest to easiest
Bloodborne DLC > DS3 DLC > Sekiro > DS2 > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls
I've seen journos coordinate many weird narratives in the past, but what is THIS for?
There are five shitzillion games that aren’t designed with difficulty as the crux if it’s enjoyment.
If you like sekiro a part of it is because it’s tough. If you want sekiro to be easier, that sounds like you just wanna play a different game.
>hurr durr you fat losers just want a stupid asshole clubhous
If you have a life then why do you care if you can't beat a video game? If you're not that concerned about beating it then leave it at that instead of demanding the entire experience revolve around your life. Exclusivity exists for a reason. Why the hell are you jealous of a bunch of nerds?
>FF7 is the most 2nd iconic game ever
lol no.
>Watch me project like a light house - the post
Or people might enjoy their niche, challenging game filled with game mechanics to learn because that is the type of game they like?
Publishers can do what they want but consumers can, too. Neither side should be entitled.
nice reddit spacing
if you take away the methodical combat, sekiro becomes a bad hack-n-slash
literally everything in the game is balanced around having a consistent difficulty
imagine if you took 1/10th damage/posture, there would be no reason to ever not block
imagine if every boss only had one health bar, there would be no variation or adaptation
putting an easy mode in a souls game destroys the point of even playing it, the essence of the game is in its difficulty, without it you have mediocre world-building and pointless backtracking
I highly doubt it's good, watch pc become a warfront where both valve and epic throw money around for exclusivity rights rather than it being a price war which would be good for customers
>Detroit Become Human is a great game
I want Kara to suck my dick
But op pic is not only unpopular but also incorrect. You just won't experience the game as intended (in Sekiro case), the difficulty and overcoming the challenge by learning to fucking press L1 wow is at the core of what FromSoft intended, you don't have to spend hours on it, you don't have to play it 8 hours a day, playing it little by little is fine too and it means that the game will last for longer
If souls games were easy it would suck almost all the fun out of them. Also these games are nowhere near "too hard" and any adult should be able to learn and beat them, unless they are retarded of course.
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine
>because video games are children's toys.
So are your mum's tits mate.
>Detroit Become Human is a great game
Haven't played it.
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
>Fighting games are boring
Maybe competitive games aren't for you.
>Games should be priced based on their length. "AAA" games that are only like 5 hours long and are still $60 are complete bullshit.
Games can be priced for any reason. Just stop being a consumer sheep and buying every fucking shiny ass looking game. You know that most AAA games are the equivalent of Malibu Stacy with NEW HAT. STOP FUCKING BUYING THEM.
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
That's mostly semantics.
More like -
>oh, well too bad. This is how I made the game.
I know this is bait, but your second opinion contradicts your first. If games are universally toys for children, then Detroit is not a great game, since it has very little in it that would appeal to children.
It literally is no matter how hard you seethe
> Most Popular entry in the 3rd most successful franchise behind Mario & Pokemon
> Undisputed most iconic RPG ever
> Has topped more best game lists in the last 20 years then any game except OoT despite coming from different people, demographics & publications each time
> Is always compared directly to OOT, which is the gaming equivalent of The Godfather
> Sephiroth is universally considered the best villain in gaming history
> Aerith’s death was officially named the 2nd most iconic gaming moment ever
> Single handily popularized movie games & is responsible for JRPGs being relevant in the West
Sex toys have little appeal with children. It's just a word for something interactive meant for fun but not productive.
>says it's second most iconic game ever
>also say that it's not even from the second biggest game franchise
But he specifically refers to games as children's toys.
Easy mode is like watching a movie at 3x speed. You think you got the same experience with less effort, but you didn't.
Why even play if you are going to use a guide? You take away pretty much everything from the game which makes corridor walking simulators ok in your opinion. Im not preaching for open world shit since its almost everytime done wrong.
Exploration should have rewards. Its just not the same if you look from a guide that there are hidden treasures and just walk there and take them, it takes away the joy from it.
Thats how i see it, i dont really give a shit if you agree with me or not
if you want an easy mode watch the game on youtube instead
>Games should be priced based on their length. "AAA" games that are only like 5 hours long and are still $60 are complete bullshit.
Lots of games are already guilty of artificially increasing gameplay time, this, and also I'm afraid streaming services which pays the developers based on gameplay time will make this worse.
That's what polygon said, but it isn't the same as interacting with the game. There's a reason walking sims are a thing.
>text version of I AM SILLY!
Every thread praising or hating on a newly released game is a paid shill
Every thread praising or hating on a launcher is a paid shill
Every thread praising or hating on a character is a paid shill
>Playing on easy or using guides to beat a game is fine because video games are children's toys.
Considering that modern "difficulty" is mostly about fucking numerical values, it's irrelevant. We're not talking about System Shock here, are we?
Still, playing on difficulty below "normal"... you gotta have shit for brains to do that.
>Detroit Become Human is a great game
Despite gaping plotholes, I really enjoyed it. But not enough to replay it and do things differently to see how they turn out.
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
Purely subjective.
>Fighting games are boring
Not cup cup of coffee, so I no opinion here. That said, I grealty enjoy R34 spawned by them. And sometimes story gets really good.
>Games should be priced based on their length. "AAA" games that are only like 5 hours long and are still $60 are complete bullshit.
That's a tough one. True that many AAA are short rollercoaster rides, but some shitty indie games, built on generic assets can last for many hours. Again, not objective.
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
7/10 OP is still a fag.
>he doesn't have the time to git gud
There's no need to get a job if you can work out how (pretend to be severely depressed or autistic), and there's no reason to have a thot or family around to get in your way.
There is very little meaning in life without being skilled at vidya anymore. The 90's were the last time that anything on the planet aside gitting gud was relevant. We live in a sad world where even building a family is a waste of effort when every single faggot son and daughter decides to be a degenerated zhey transmorph subhuman. Humanity born post '99 is gone.
His argument contains an ad hominem, but it isn't reliant on it.
Every thread asking for the flash drive is a paid shill
It's effectively the same since you're trivializing your interactions with the game anyway.
I personally don't see how a dev including an "easy mode" or accessibility concessions is equivalent to them compromising their intention and design philosophy. People enjoy games, if certain options let them enjoy a game more then what's the problem? You get to have fun your way, they get to have fun their way, both by the design of the developer. Win-win-win, the way I see it.
Lady past DMC3 is useless asshole.
Trish was shit since DMC1
Nice food analogy you fucking moron
Morrowind is an extremely flawed game that's only held up by lore. The graphics (even with mods) and gameplay are beyond horrific.
You're such a fucking twat my dude. It blows my mind people like you exist
Mechanics certainly lack modern polish, but freedom of gameplay dwarfs anything released in years. What other game gives you character skills to manually craft a sword that paralyzes and drains life at the same time, or do any other combination of effects you think of? What current open world lets you levitate anywhere with no invisible walls? Hell, what current RPG lets you fail a quest by killing the quest giver?
Wow, I cant agree with one single thing
I would solve this by adding a cheat mode that gives you invulnerability but locks achievements
so minecraft is supposed to cost me 10k? are you retarded or something? the value should be based on much more intelligent things than just the length of the game
I fuck my wife everyday, I have a job that is taxing on me. I guess videogames are the real challenge here, they should get easier. I know! I will purchase this one that is known to be difficult, and complain about it being difficult. Why would I go for those other unchallenging games that are perfectly suited for me? No. They should add a mode that adjusts to me, the person that does not take their work seriously.
>Hell, what current RPG lets you fail a quest by killing the quest giver?
kingdom come. i still agree with how you feel. games nowadays dont have the amount of detail they used to have. you can see that with rpgs the best
Ocarina of Time really isn't that good. It isn't the best game of all time, will never be, and isn't even one of the best Zelda's.
Why people suck it's dick every day is beyond me.
I want MatPat and Steph to continue their playthrough of Detroit: Become Human on GTLive.
Haven't you heard user? It's popular to hate on it. It's like the beatles of videogames. You hate it and you get cool points, but the truth is, many people do the same thing.
Sekiro isn't for you. Let it go tranny.
>this thread
Got em
I'm hyper casual, but you can feel the retard asspain radiating of the post in that picture.
If you don' t have the time to improve yourself, do nt buy this game.
What is there so hard to understand. Game is not made for you = you not buying it.
Wow. My mind is blown.
>300+ replies
When will Yea Forums learn.
I couldn't give two fucks if it's "popular" to hate on it though? I've never thought OoT was good; even when I was a kid. I mean, it's a good game, a fine game. But people that stroke it off constantly praising it as the best video game ever made, the best zelda, the best this, the best that, etc. They're fucking bullshitting themselves and lying.
Even though trannies are mentally ill, its not really something they can control and it shouldnt be treated any differently than any other mental illness. I understand that you dislike them but this place could use just a little more support and positivity. I used to rail on trannies myself as hard as anyone else but when my best friend decided to transition it made me reevaluate how i was treating these people.
Sure, there are quite a few sjw ones who are obviously misguided and have been hypnotized with propoganda, but we shouldnt just write off an entire group of people for the actions of a few.
Kindness and compassion are something that all of us could use a little more of in our lives and its something that we can start showing others.
Here is the nuance:
People who don't try to git gud don't deserve to enjoy games.
All of the DS castlevanias are better than SoTN
Crackdown 3 ain't that bad
FF6 is nowhere near the best RPG on the SNES
GTA5 was better than San Andreas
Zelda 2 is pretty decent
The game was litteraly cleared by a quadriplegic
You dont "need" an easy mode, you just want one
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
I own my various cartridges and discs, only PC only digital only idiots have your problem.
>It's like the beatles
you really have to be dumb tho to like the beatles as much. yes they were the first of their kind but that doesnt mean they are the best. now im gone again i was just gonna collect my cool points
>yes they were the first of their kind
That's patently wrong though, and people who hate on the beatles try their darndest to make that point.
But it is, entirely. He also uses strawmen to prop up his ad hominem in his fake as fuck biased "argument". If you are unable to accomplish a challenge, you practice and improve. Grown men with families and jobs have done this since time began, and you being trash at videogames has nothing to do with anything.
>i don't have the hours to improve at it
>but i do have the hours to play it
how does this make sense?
But "continuing to experience the game" means "continuing to master it's mechanics" so even if the game was easier, they would NOT be "continuing to experience the game", it would be more like turning on noclip and checking levels out. I don't have anything against that, this is the reason PC games are superior as you can do what ever the fuck you wan't with the software, it's yours, turn god mode on, nobody cares. But we all know when games are best in life: when they suck the fucking life out of you and returning to normie life sounds fucking crazy.
>Answers to an strawman with an ad hominem
>Not based
Immortal unchained is a great dark souls
kill yourself tranny nigger
So what you're saying is being gay is bad?
so much calloused negativity and hate. im sorry you feel that way user
Game developper fag here
It's not that easy.
Technically it is, but those type of change affect gameplay more than your think, because you'll have to develop a second vision for your game where another element replace the challenge. In game where story or narrative elements are the focus isn't that bad, but on game where the challenge is the gameplay, it'll defeat the purpose of playing it in the first place.
Game like wolfenstien ,for exemple, probably had to designate more designer so baby mode isn't a cake walk. It take reasource to convey the same experiences.
But user, that’s a popular opinion :)
First post based post
Nintendo games are mostly middling, unremarkable experiences carried by an insane amount of polish and nostalgia. They are like the Disney Hollywood machine if it were making vidya.
>Fighting games are boring
>Games should be priced based on their length.
«Here's you 60$ casual indie time killer with the budget of two beer bottles, bruh»
The rest is just lazy memery.
How about you "play" VNs, read books, or do anything that doesn't have a challenge to beat then? Games in general, not just videogames, always have some kind of challenge - if you dislike that you don't like playing, period.
And it's retarded wanting to cater to who doesn't even like your product.
>fighting games are boring
Online? Yes.
With friends? Fuck no, they are the best thing.
>Games should be priced based on their length
That just means I could sell a sprite-based game with randomly generated levels for incredibly high prices despite making just a few drawings and algorithms to generate levels.
>You don't own any games just licences even if it's on physical media
Physical media as in, a game disk? I own the disk, what I don't own is the content.
Not that this applies for me since I have understood piracy is the right way.
hey, thats what beatles fans tell me. thats what you hear on tv and what you read in the paper. its like brian eno too. i like his music but theres stuff out there that is a lot better
>because video games are children's toys
Indeed they are. Yet you're so incompetent you can't even play with kids toys properly.
>journalists want an easy mode for this
YouTube and Twitch exist if you really want parts of the game that aren't gameplay btw
The journey is the interactive story.
Hello OP
>I'm pressing shapes into holes!
What is the argument without the ad hom?
If you remove that you have:
Difficulty levels should not exist if the game wasn't properly designed and tested for each one specifically.
Getting stuck because you suck and dropping the game is much more wholesome experience then just walking through the game on easy. Playing on easy means disregarding developers' effort at designing the game.
Stealth games or games where you choose a stealth walkthrough should be ALWAYS played on hardest one.
there's nothing wrong with playing casually
>said person would be inferior in warm weather climates
That's not how it works. Being comfortable in the cold doesn't necessarily mean you'll suck dick in the heat.
>Do you need help tying your shoes in the morning, retard?
Try learning how to spell basic words like "unnecessary" before you attempt to talk down to people, you seething idiot.
Also the reason why people who remove onions from burgers are scum
>there were people that finished Ghosts 'n Goblins on the NES when they were 8-10 years old
>nowadays grown-up adults can't even touch a video game if it doesn't have an easy mode that makes the whole challenge of the game redundant
Kinda sad desu
>family analogy
Not in FromSoftware titles
It makes sense if you believe you should be able to experience games without ever improving
Sold black background works well on oled screens and helps with battery life.
Story doesn't work without a conflict.
Lack of challenge negates interactivity.
>read something with light text on dark background
>move my eyes away
>shit stays there for a few seconds
I love onions on burgers, but this comment made you look like a retard. Sorry bro