>Dude you can't even tell the difference lmao!
Is this the ultimate poorfag cope? The difference is night and fucking day. Can't even enjoy a game if it's locked at 30, just feels and looks like shit.
60 FPS vs 30 FPS
>Using still images to compare FPS
Even though I agree with the general idea, come on.
ikr. Now 144 that's a damn meme.
What the fuck are you doing retard
one job OP
>he doesn't have a 144 hz monitor
you have yet to taste paradise
There's no difference between 30fps and 60fps, it's just a meme because Yea Forums hates video games. Human eye can only see up to 30 frame per second.
>Human eye can only see up to 30 frame per second.
Why do you think we have two eyes then. 2x30= 60fps
Don't reply to me ever again brainlet
Things said only by people that have never used a 144hz monitor.
I have a 120hz monitor, can confirm it's a meme unless those last 24 make a massive difference somehow.
Idk, I have a 144, and I can see the difference in something as simple as the mouse moving on my screen
I don't know what a 120hz monitor is like so I couldn't tell you how big a difference there is between 120 and 144
>playing shitsoul games
>using motion blur
These games are so slow and boring than even 20fps is enough to beat them.
I actually felt the jump, but unless you're playing past gen FPS games, it's functionally useless.
What kind of hardware do you need to run a modern day FPS at 144 FPS?
holy shit that immediate jank when it switches to 30.
Are you one of those people that forgot to actually set it to 120 in their settings? Because 60hz looks stuttery as shit to me now even just on my desktop.
based and sciencepilled
literally see no difference looks exactly the same.
what good does a higher refresh rate even do?
I spent 700 dollars on a 144hz display and never noticed anything.
fix your eyes
>I spent 700 dollars on a 144hz display and never noticed anything.
how is this even possible
what a subhuman
holy shit based
People still use 60 fps/hz in 2019?
>mfw I borrowed a wii u from a friend to play bayo 2, and it runs at unstable 30-60 fps, 720p
Coming into it after bayo 1 on PC, this shit hurts my eyes.
just emulate it. I played it on 1440p with stable 60 fps just fine.
>Was a poorfag when Mass Effect came out
>Played it on my friend's 360 at the time
>Get a job, build a high end PC
>Get Mass Effect for PC
>Kind of disappointed that it lacked a lot of graphics options to turn up
>Go over to my friend's place a week or two later, he's playing Mass Effect on the 360 again
>The fucking framerate that I finally noticed
I can't believe I tolerated that shit.
I bought a 120 hz 3D monitor in 20010 or so. The 3D was cool, the 120 hz is a meme.
Film can get away with lower FPS because the camera picks up motion blur that blends it all together. When things are rendered you notice the gaps in-between motion.
Please tell me you at least went into your settings and set it to display at 144hz rather than 60hz
I swear, most people that say 144 is a meme are braindead morons who didn't do this
You only notice the difference when you take it away. Your eyes get lazy and can't process 60 fps after a while. But if you stop using it for a little while your eyes go back to normal and you'll barely notice a difference.
I'm not denying there is a difference, but I'm glad I grew up with a potato machine before I started making dough so I don't get triggered by framerate. Imagine not being able to play a masterpiece like Bloodborne because you're this neurotic.
It definitely is overrated though. I used to play CS with 20-40 FPS and now I play with 200 FPS and I am not any better. FPS is primarily used as an excuse by noobs.
Good image.
Not only does it shows how noticeable framerate can be. But also that it doesn't really have to do all that much depending on context.
Here you see the difference between 60 and 24 and 15 very much. But if you just concentrate on 24 it really isn't all that offensive to look at when you see a static person, moving around in place with minimal camera movement. The Shootmania one immediately shows how very fast movement and aiming can improve your awareness and prediction immensily though. This is why most older movies dont really feel weird in lower framerates at all. THey didn't had ADHD firstperson actionscenes with frantic cameramovement. But when they did a slightly too fast panning turning movement in an establishing shot it would make you feel uneasy.
What isn't a meme is ultra-wide screen. 144 fps doesn't make you better at games. VR makes it so you have to turn your head side to side to see around. 4k forces you to sit close to the screen and limits what you can see at once. But if you have a 50 inch 3840x1080 monitor you can look left and right with simple eye movement which is far more efficient than mouse movement. This makes you able to play better.
Is this a legit game? if so, what's it called?
I could buy that. I've always played with relatively small monitors.
what's it like to be poor console trash?
must suck lol
You can't ever enjoy a game if the game you're playing is DaS2.
Can't argue with facts. The numbers don't lie Joe!
I highly suspect we'll be playing games in 7680x1440 48:9 resolution in 8-10 years. Anything beyond 1440 height is pointless, but being able to see 3 times as much gives you an advantage in esports.
I literally can't tell the difference in film. I can barely, just fucking barely in 3D. However the feeling when playing is significant. It has diminishing returns though. Going from 30 to 60 is immediately felt, it's like 30% better. While going from 60 to 144 is barely felt, maybe 4% better (and I am being generous)
It is an improvement, but for single player games that aren't fighting games I don't think it matters. All competitive games should be 60fps
this way games will force a fov where any ultrawide screen gets a big ass stretch just so nobody has an advantage just because of hardware,4:3 was perfect,16:9 and beyond was a mistake,it generally is exactly what 4:3 was going to be but worse
Shootmania, which I don't think anyone's played since 2014.
I was playing borderlands remastered earlier and it would only let me choose 3840@30hz when my tv goes to 60hz what gives? 60hz was available for other resolutions. Do I need a newer gpu or some shit? Was using a regular hdmi cable.
call of trackmania
As ultra-wide becomes more widely used, racism against the ultra-wide master race will stop.
>people who buy 120/144hz monitors which are just low-tier rebranded "overclocked" 60hz panels with bad pixel response rates
You ultrawidefags are too dumb not be put down for your own good
i damn hope so
in the year of 2030 i want to game on a large curved monitor wrapped around me
Nigga you blind
60 to 100 is huge
how many fps does the flash perceive?
Dumb for wanting to get better at gaming?
Problem with 'ultrawide' is a lot of games will not support it properly, and a lot just chew off vertical viewing real estate. Even in your own screenshot there's massive FoV warping at the sides of the screen there.