Why does it look like there's a nigger jew inside the box under the D?
What a terrible shop
god I hate anime girl poster faggots
Taiwan is better
Do you want to fuck them too?
I know it's silly, but I was kinda hoping that Gabe's face would be on the underwear itself
Chinese people are very weird about associating their products with Westerners. They see it as a badge of quality or legitimacy, that Westerners work with them or buy their products.
I was shopping for LED horticulture lights, and I came across this company where 90% of its ad is photos of random white people posing with the company staff, screenshots of revenue graphs showing that Europeans buy a lot of their stuff, screenshots of random white guys going "thanks for lighting product was good +rep", etc.
kys faggot. Leave.
So this is how China is getting people to switch to the EGS.
>do i get paid now
fucking hell
Back to where you came from, newfaggot.
>Size 4XL
What did they mean by this?
based ResetEra
what the..
Can confirm. It's pretty fucking hilarious tbqh
/pol/ has fried this man's brain
Either this underwear is for fat, wide people, or regular Joes with large, mythical-proportioned dicks.
I think he's talking about the black hands.
Gaben gotta pay those steam servers
Epic did it. They're finally reaching Valve through untouchable means.
This is but a brief setback, Gaben will bounce back.
The underwear seller is going to donate all his scam money to the development of Half Life 3, Epic is finished
>Chinese XXXXL
Sooo, just an average men's large?
This is old as fuck news. I saw that in a ylyl thread on Yea Forums 3-4 years ago.
>This is your brain on /pol/
you're literally insane
holy shit only niggas with elephant cocks can wear that
On the box you can see black arms, I didn't see that other thing.
You're a large brief!
Not surprising that only rednecks, retards and schizophrenics post on pol.
If you stare at it long enough you see who actually did 9/11.
kvetch more you little bitch
Anime website faggot
So this is the gear fat old men in anime are wearing...
Fat fuck may as well be useful for something
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA it's better than I thought