What's his name again Yea Forums?
What's his name again Yea Forums?
sandy brickfort
Randy "badass cunny lord" Pitchford
Post yfw you're not Randy Pitchford
Randy "I only like em if they still have their cord" Pitchford
>tfw you're not Anthony Burch or Randy Pitchford
desu I get Randy Pitchford and Anthony Burch mixed up all the time. Can someone help me differentiate?
So I guess that child porn accusation went away
burch is a cuck, randy is the man. pedomasterrace
Randy "My Little Cunny: Squirting is Magic" Pitchford
>or Burch
Burch is a cuck, Randy is the SJW/USB flash drive full of barely legal porn and company secrets at a Medieval Times
big shake.
>Randy "If her age is on the clock, then she's good to go" Pitchfork
Randy is the toilet man that enjoys pissing underage
Burch is the cuck that looks like a scrawny sandnigger, dresses as a woman and lets his wife fuck other men and divorce him while taking his Wii
Randy "Chink money is good money" pitchford
You mean
>Randy "If her age is on the clock then she's ready for the cock" Pitchford
IIRC it was "barely legal" but still
>CEO of a company leaving an unencrypted thumb drive behind with both pornographic material and company secrets on it
I'm surprised it didn't damage his reputation if he even still has one
He's literally blacklisted by a lot of major companies for the shit he pulled with SEGA.
Wait, what? I must have somehow missed all this Captain Picard stuff. Does anyone have a link/archive post?
Randy the fuckin piece of shit asshole scumbag retard that won't release duke nukem forever 2001 cause he's too busy being a mindless worthless cocksucker that takes it up the ass in his own personal office while watching his illegal underaged porn that he denies but everyone forgives because they're idiotic borderland tards that consist nothing more then LGBT fucktwats and Yea Forums surfing shit niggers that have no life, he also probably smells.
Randy "Jizm Tism" Pitchford
every day is a blessing
Randy "Whether it was Epic of Steam store, it's still a game made by Gearbox and thus was going to suck nevertheless." Pitchford.
Randy still has his Wii U
Randy "The younger she is, the better she is" Pitchford
Badass Bobby
His justification for the porn is even stupider than admitting that he's into underaged girls. According to him, he purchased and downloaded a camwhore video with "female ejaculation" as research for a magic trick, because apparently Pitchford doesn't know how urine works.
[MedievalTimes]Randy Squirtford
>Randy “old enough to pee, old enough for me” Pitchford
Randy Childporn
Randy "I fuck kids as a hobby" Pitchford
Randy "let me show you this cool magic trick on the toilet if you're bored" Pitchford
Why does he always look so fucking greasy?
Randy "I wish I was at least Anthony Burch" Pitchford
Remember when he tried to promote the battleborn r34 sub?
Randy "I have some candy" Pitchford
Randy "this topic will most likely get pruned by a jannie in a bad mood, so it's not worth coming up with something clever" Pitchford
i died laughing
Randy "not legal, ready for omegle" Pitchford
Why did you have to remind me
Rarely cringed that hard in my life