Finished it last night. Uninstalled it today. It was fine, but it feels like a appetizer for whatever From's next game is going to be.
Also, the good endings are really specific. I'm not sure you can stumble upon them by chance.
Finished it last night. Uninstalled it today. It was fine, but it feels like a appetizer for whatever From's next game is going to be.
Also, the good endings are really specific. I'm not sure you can stumble upon them by chance.
I uninstall every From game after replaying them. They have no replayablity if you've seen all the areas and bosses.
what do you virgins want out of Sekiro 2?
For it to be Dark Souls 4
You want it to have shitty gameplay?
>Dark Souls 4
it's going to be Sekiro 2, not Dark Souls 2
Yea Forums has such shit taste in video games
>Also, the good endings are really specific. I'm not sure you can stumble upon them by chance.
I met the requirements for both return and purification on my first blind playthrough. If you are just thorough at exploring it's really not that unlikely.
More verticality. As odd as it is, my favorite part of the game was going from building to building and ledge to ledge, it made me think it would be really cool if it was more fleshed out and the game was about it, rather than the combat.
More weird folklore monsters. Feels like you fight nothing but regular soldiers.
I mean, the story is about a clan being overtaken by another with an emphasis on real world Japanese warfare, but I totally agree with you. It would be really cool if Sekiro just went full fantasy and incorporated all of the weird monsters that exist in Japanese folklore, considering how big it is and just how many Youkai exist. Hell, the Final Boss could be a fight against Inagami in the underworld or something. Japanese folklore is rarely explored at that extreme though.
More variety. I am so tired of just parrying everything. I want to have a different choice of weapons, more combat arts that are actually useful, more items that are actually useful, and more bosses that require different strategies that aren't complete bullshit like Demon of hatred. He is a cool boss, just extremely unfun to fight.
>China or Korea or wherever the fuck the west is
>Improved stealth
>Weirder, non-traditional bosses that give room for stealth
>More ninjutsu. The ones we have are all great but there's a lot of potential here. Imagine a Reach-esque hologram or taking direct control over an enemy
>At least one or two other weapons to add variety.
>Slightly more i-frames for dodging but give it a cap ala Bayonetta.
Only purification is easily missable. I don't get how you could miss the return ending.
Eh, I'm actually glad From went the Buddhist route over the Shinto, the latter's been done to death in vidya and the imagery has gotten stale.
>I don't get how you could miss the return ending.
Not eating/giving away the rice.
There are a ton of games about "going from building to building", but I enjoy Sekiro's mechanics because it's more like a platformer [mainly because of a dedicated Jump button] and, in that sense, it's less like an Assassin's Creed thing, were the game basically plays itself.
Wait, i could've just eaten the fucking rice centipede eggs instead?
I rather have DS4 or a new IP. BB and Sekiros' sequels would both be trash.
I would rather have a new Armored Core or a new IP. It's been years. Though, that mech game on Switch looks kind of cool. Shame it's apparently an exclusive.
For it to be Tenchu.