>already ruined by patches
>introducing nerfs on a pve game
>not even a week since release
Wew lad
Already ruined by patches
you can't even feel the nerf, troglodyte
>Buying early access games
Serves you right
Why did you buy an early access game knowing that you'd become assravaged whenever a patch comes up even if the changes are retarded? You could have prevented this.
Patches are bad now?
nerfs are
There's arguably nothing bad about nerfing shit that's too strong. You're retarded.
Just read the patch notes. Its confirmed, OP is a massive faggot.
There's a patch? Anyone mind linking the notes?
t. mobilefag
>1 minute apart
>no new IP
**Early Access Patch (Build ID #3703355)**
This patch is to address critical bugs and issues we've seen in the first week, among some minor balance changes.
==== **Gameplay Changes** ====
• **Prismatic Trials**
○ Add Friends-Only Leaderboard
○ Update Global Leaderboard to be around your current position in the Leaderboard
• **MUL-T**
○ Reduce base movement speed from 9 to 7 to match all other Survivors
○ Reduce base damage from 12 to 11
○ Increase Transport Mode speed boost from 200% to 220% to compensate for his lost base movement speed.
○ *We really really don't like to nerf characters in general - these are very light touches, and the movement speed being higher was an oversight. We also want to make sure that MUL-T's big success isn't coming from its ability to abuse Ocular HUD for infinite crits.*
• **Imp Overlord**
○ Remove passive regen
○ Increase base damage from 13 to 16
○ *The boss fight was a big of a slog if you had lower DPS because of the boss' natural regen. Higher damage should make the boss fight more intense.*
• **Teleporter**
○ Add slight rim glow
○ Increase teleporter passive particle radius from 38 to 60. Increase particle count so density remains the same.
○ *A lot of players are having issues finding the Teleporter. Players are starting to notice the passive particles indicating the teleporter is around - we will try increasing the radius to see if it helps. The rim glow will help distinguish it from identically colored surfaces. This is intended to be a fairly big change - if it turns out we jumped the gun and the community was simply learning, we can approach a middle ground.
Goddamn I love merc. Favourite character by fucking far. I am having so much fun.
Royal Capacitor now LoS
mine too. i wish warframe had a character with his dash ability
>Add slight rim glow
Holy shit Robot fucking worthless now. It was fun while it lasted vros
steam workshop skins when
bruh... You cant be this dumb
Is this game worth playing? What can i expect from it? The only game I've played that seems similar is binding of isaac. Is it anything like that? Worth the price?
>Is this game worth playing?
Imagine taking 200 gram of crystal meth and then taking a hammer to hit your nuts repeatedly. In short, it's pretty good.
too fast, gotta nerf this
>29 syringes
Sometime after built in skins, I imagine.
I don't understand, is this good or not? What is this displaying here? It looks very chaotic
>tfw game crashed both times I got to stage 7
M-must be fun...
>Constantly swiping even when there's nothing to attack because of childllike ADHD
Why do people fucking do this
what kind of loser doesnt jump, attack or roll constantly in any game?
I had a build which fired 5 capacitors a second, able to hit anything on the map at any distance even without LoS and it was fucking magical
I made a bunch of recordings but now cbf making webm's of it. Basically just oneshot everything on the map instantly by just looking at it.
>that faggot in the game that's constantly jumping crouching and never stops
absolutely disgusting
>the ONLY reason this works is because of an ultra rare 0.0001% drop flame elemental item
In reality he died in 2 seconds the moment a single fire tick hit him.
I can't tell when people are overreacting for fun or genuinely mad anymore.
>childlike adhd
>I dont know how adhd works
>reduce movement speed so he doesn't ninja all the items in MP
>reduce damage in order to bring his ridiculous DPS slightly more in check
>buff his Shift scaling so it deals more damage in longer games and further cementing it as his bread and butter.
I fail to see the issue here.
I'm guessing he's just trying to mimic Raiden.
I'm sorry you don't, but that doesn't excuse you from thinking this behavior isn't annoying.
>playing mul-t to e=begin with
Mul-t is the closest thing to sniper there is for now so FUK U
Lol, this is kinda funny. Its like youre displaying your own mental illness by trying to insinuate one in another user. You autist
t. asspained MUL-T main
Pretty sure if he had ADHD he would NOT be able to hold down the left mouse constantly.
If you have to ask then you don't know
>If you have to ask then you don't know
Are you one of those faggots who asks questions that they already know the answer to?
you know you can play as sniper right now, right?
Welcome to Nu-Yea Forums. Populated by /pol/ fags, false flags and zoomers.
holy shit op is a genuine windowlicker if he's angry about any of this
There is literally nothing wrong with enjoying the taste of fresh dust on a nice warm pane of glass.