Explain this to me because I'm a brain let and I LOVE SAMANTHA!
Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good?
Why would VTMB 2 be shit?
Explain this to me because I'm a brain let and I LOVE SAMANTHA!
Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good?
Why would VTMB 2 be shit?
It is the opposite retard. Fuck anarchs.
>Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good?
Where did you hear that, who told you?
The camarilla is a bunch of corrupt fucks, but they're trying to somewhat have a balanced, coe-existing society with the herd.
The anarchs, as the name suggest, don't like said structure.
They're not as batshit as the Sabbat tho.
Really it's just two different approaches, the camarilla is like organized mafia, the anarchs are more like street punks, they want to be lone wolves, so it's only fair when they get bullied around by those in more structured organizations.
I wouldn't say either is "good guys", just two different approaches.
>Why would VTMB 2 be shit?
Some anons worried about SJW writers yadda yadda, it's a bunch of bullshit for now, we'll have to judge after a demo or post release, it's the usual kneejerk sensationalism on Yea Forums's part.
>Why would VTMB 2 be shit?
Because they're putting more emphasis on being inclusive and diverse and will no doubt end up ruining the game because the focus isn't in the right place, which will then leave an eternal stain on the beloved Bloodlines history. I obviously hope I'm wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.
>Camarilla bad/anarchs good
They're not. The game offers a very skewed perspective because of the specific events and people in LA. There are plenty of Camarilla cities where people like the prince, or where anarchs and the cammies coexist well.
Related, the sabbat are nowhere near as idiotic as the game makes them look. They're more akin to religious fanatics who embrace the beast. But they're not brickheads who just want to fuck shit up because it makes them feel good. Their elders are as smart and plotting as Camarilla or independent elders. Though because of war reasons, it is understandable that vampires in cammy cities would see the Sabbat as nothing but mass murderers.
Lots of reasons. It's being made in a completely different time, even if it is a very similar development team. People change, priorities change, etc. They've already shown a lot of day one preorder bonuses and dlc, and, well, they've got a lot to live up to.
Personally, I don't think it'll be a bad game, but I also don't think it'll have the writing and characters of the first one, which is what made it good. If you think about it, most of the characters in the first game just wouldn't fly today.
But! It may be good. I'd just say the chance of that is more on the unlikely side of things.
>There are plenty of Camarilla cities where people like the prince
...or, rather, are too afraid or too fucking dead to speak against them.
Don't be misleading.
Best case scenario it turns out like the latest Prey. I don't think we'll get anything better than that, and that game was just "pretty alright only because nothing else is coming out that fills the niche."
I failed my roll and so I shot her in the head when she went to the phone.
A vampire's unlife is a hard one.
Camarilla are invaders, anarch had the town before them and things were fine
Is the Camarilla Edition mod worth installing? Clan Quest mod?
Why didnt you just bite her?
I panicked.
Actually I see the anarchs in the game as retards, just like in real life. People who don't understand why society evolved into organized hierarchies in the first place since the dawn of maknind. Even if anarchs manage to win some kind of revolution against "the system", their new arnarchy society will start to fall apart as people organize their own policing against the inhabitable crimes, and eventually start seeking leadership and start to be organized again.
Yes. And many where they like the prince, as I said.
Being part of the camarilla doesn't make you bad in any way, shape or form. That's like saying people who obey the law are bad. There are bad princes and good princes. They're not forced to play Jyhad or segregate clans or whatever else.
>Best case scenario it turns out like the latest Prey.
So a fucking dumpster fire that plays like garbage?
>Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good?
Both sides are the same shit with a different wrap on it, fuck both.
>Why would VTMB 2 be shit?
Because everything is shit in this day and age ridden with cynicism.
>Camarilla edition
No, it just adds garbage that doesn't work well and reskinned shit.
Yes. Though sadly, it only adds a handful of things, so while the quests are good, it's probably not worth playing the entire game as all the clans just to do the clan quests.
A mediocre game that still has some moments of "oh that's cool" while experimenting with the mechanics and figuring out how to access some closed off optional areas, and has a good world / hub design.
In my last playthrough I was a Nos and she didn't appear at all, I assume it's because she shouldn't be able to see you and if she does she shouldn't be able to recognise you, either way it was awesome because that conversation really depresses me no matter the outcome.
I never really thought about this. You randomly disappear off the face of the planet and no one comes looking for you.
camarilla bad and good
anarch bad and good
sabbat bad and good
caine retard bad and good
It's more LaCroix bad and Nines good. There are a few decent members of the Camarilla and shitty Anarch members too.
Anarchs were losing territory to the Kuei-jin.
>Yes. Though sadly, it only adds a handful of things
It adds an entire Sabbat questline and a new hub, that's the main reason to use it.
What new hub? The only non-clan quest I thought it added was with that chick that goes clubbing with you for a night.
You have to have low humanity and Andrei offers to let you join the Sabbat. He gives you a shortcut through the sewers and then after that you get to go to the new hub.
That's pretty much Tung's argument if you ask him to explain the sects. Although the game shows you the problems with both of them, he also says you're monsters and nobody is really "the good guy", while the game also pushes you to go independent at times.
Well disappearances are supposed to be a lot more common in WoD. You also leave wherever you were before and go to more dangerous areas without much police presence. And it's possible that LaCroix or anyone else higher up had the police not really look for you while telling your family/friends they were doing everything they could.
I've been able to convince her that I wasn't me in my subsequent playthroughs, but in my first I had to shoot her because she was going to make the call
>while the game also pushes you to go independent
Being independent in VTMB is a lie.
Caine is constantly watching and guiding you.
Vampire is a game of bad guys and worse guys. The only group that could really be called "good" are the Salubri. But fuck them. The Camarilla offer stability and the veneer of civility, but it's just a society designed for older vampires to control the younger. The Sabbat allow vampires more flexibility to express their Beast, but they're just as much an oligarchy. Anarchs outside Southern California are too weak to even mention. You can declare yourself the Baron of some suburb or deserted industrial park, but if you want to be an Anarch in some place valuable, you're just biding your time until you're conquered by the Camarilla or Sabbat.
The sabbat did nothing wrong. The antedeluvians must be dealt with, and their disregard for the masquerade is but a weapon in their war against a camarilla.
Because Nines > LaCroix, that's the only reason
You have to understand how much deeper this shit goes and how little you're shown in Bloodlines
The Camarilla is not all smug French Ventrue fags, the Sabbat is not just one huge terrorist freak show and Anarchs are nothing more than vampires who stay away from both, not an actual sect
>Caine is constantly watching and guiding you.
Guiding isn't the same as forcing.
The Sabbat are jerked around by their Elders as much as the Camarilla. They follow their own version of the Masquerade, they just get away with a lot more because their cities tend to be shitholes where people won't call the police even if they hear screaming and automatic gunfire out their window.
>Anarchs are nothing more than vampires who stay away from both, not an actual sect
You're thinking of independents. The anarchs are very much a sect, they have barons and hierarchies and whatnot. They like to pretend they're all equal, though.
How would you even be able to tell the difference, as a dumbass neonate?
How do you think you do half the shit you're able to do in that game?
Yes, fan theory is that Caine is lowering your gen for luls. Or to prevent... Whatever
Can't wait for it to happen again in VTMB2, only for Yea Forums to call it lazy writing and the protag a mary sue, ignoring that the same exact shit is happening in VTMB1.
Brainlets, brainlets the lot of em.
>it ends up like Prey
So a genuinely good System Shock clones that Yea Forums hates because Bethesda decided it needed to be called Prey instead of Typhon like the devs wanted? Nice, less shitters from Yea Forums means a less faggy fanbase.
A "theory" with absolutely no evidence, credibility or precedence in the lore.
Except for the taxi driver being called Caine in the games resref files. The rest is Bs, yeah
They originally intended for the taxi driver to be Caine but white wolf flipped it's shit
Is... Is that true? They literally just slapped PREY on an existing project?
It's just a theory. Another one is lacroix being the same gen as you.
redpill me on low humanity runs
Yes. Bethesda Softworks is run by retarded boomers who thought the name recognition would bring in more sales instead of alienate old Prey fans and scare off potential new buyers.
Your dialogue choices are edgy asshole mode
Can easily go into frenzy mode when low on blood.
frenzy will get you killed a bunch unless you're gangrel
was the washed-up sea creature reported on the news actually Caine? or like his hibernation amniotic sac?
God Prey was such a good game that got fucked too hard by the media and the public and the publishers
It was an extremely obvious Cthulhu joke, nothing more.
>Terese/jeanette is gen 6th
What about it?
The masses aren't ready to know that vampires are real neonate.
There's boxes of Count Chocula in the game too. Maybe he's changing around generations. He's lowered as many vampires' generations as Caine.
Mages can BTFO Vampires with minimal effort and that's without counting the Technocracy or Etherians.
More accurately, the vampires realize how titanically fucked they would be. And not just because humans, but because Mages have a vested interest in the masquerade as well
Unless if the mage is not Jewish, then the Jew vampire wins because the Jew always wins
The Anarchs devolved to street fighting each other like gangbangers inside of a decade after their entire movement started, only coming together to fight off a couple of Sabbat crusades. The "kindred of the east" were able to beat them so handily by literally playing them against one another because they were so divided. They weren't managing on their own, and the only parts that weren't shit were the ones where the baron was connected, level headed, and powerful. Something that wasn't often the case, and even when it was, they would still chafe at having any rules. Strauss and the Taxi Driver are both pretty honest in regards to the Anarchs.
San Francisco stayed Camarilla during the initial Anarch uprisings precisely because everyone actually really liked the prince. It depends on the city and the prince. Though San Fancisco's prince is a continuity nightmare.
Who was the original sister, Jeanette or Therese?
A hunter with true faith could demolish the vast majority of vamps pretty easily.
Probably Therese.
>Mages can BTFO Vampires with minimal effort
Only if you ignore paradox as a mechanic like the typical Mage player. And the vampire is in torpor.
>Not thinking all the Jews are in on it together against the goyim
That's what I think. Mage or Vampire it's Jew against Goy
Yeah but that's rare, even among hunters
doesn't explain why Therese was the one to kill her dad though
I think Therese. I'm going to be honest, I am not actually entirely sure Janette ever existed.
Therese is the natural personality. Jeanette is a split personality to help her deal with the sexual abuse.
Because he was fucking raping her?
Yeah, it's Therese. Jeanette talks about daddy fucking her while Therese ignored her cries.
One would assume T created J to protect herself as "this is fine cause it's actually not happening to me" .
Doesn't matter now tho, they are both "real"
Therese bullshit herself into believing that daddy did nothing wrong, iirc.
Just bad writing. 99% of people who play the tabletop do the same thing. Elders running around everywhere with several 5+ disciplines.
>Doesn't matter now tho, they are both "real"
Malkav's blood is one hell of a drug.
Goddamn this backstory makes my dick so hard
Am I the only one that kills Jeanette every playthrough? It just makes sense from a psychological persepective.
I wonder how she got turned
Jeanette says Therese killed him after mistaking Jeanette for Therese and raping her instead. She just blamed "Jeanette" for how she dealt with the abuse.
Kind of sucks now that people are saying it's a bad way to show mental illness but I think it was a decent way to make an interesting character to show how people deal with that stuff. Just making it totally realistic would be boring.
Watch Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me if you haven't
>not having them reconcile
>reconciling with a literal split personality
why in the fuck would you do that
Therese is the sexier sister. Shame she immediately tries to kill you
I would if she was a human, but like I said, Malkav's blood is one hell of a drug, Jeanette is just as much a part of her soul as is Therese at this point.
I found it interesting that when they reconcile they go Camarilla.
Probably in the insane asylum.
lorelet here, would the Therese/Jeanette personality dying be "permanent" or would another personality eventually develop?
I just started my first playthrough and couldn't figure out how to get them to reconcile despite wanting them too
Do you need certain skills or something or am I just an idiot?
>Shame she immediately tries to kill you
But that's what makes her sexier
She's a malk, she's never gonna be sane.
Because she's a malk.
You can't cure a malk.
The personality shift was caused by her getting molested, so unless something equally traumatic happens again I doubt it
Do quests for both of them, something with the ring, then pass a persuade
>orelet here, would the Therese/Jeanette personality dying be "permanent" or would another personality eventually develop?
Well, either that, or her malk blood will develop a new strain of insanity for her.
Like Therese could become really fucking OCD to the point of autism or something.
Another would eventually develop. Malkavians are insane, there is no cheating that.
You need a high persuasion. Thankfully I was a Ventrue so I had a high persuasion.
I always felt like that the Sabbat and Camarilla at least are just two sides of the same shekel. Camarilla is for the more secular normie minded modern man. Antediluvians aren't real for their masses, just work around man and modern problems especially involving the state. The sabbat are more for the religiously minded types or even just those who are more ideological in general, not only the Catholic Lasombra types. I figure the idea in the sabbat to have some "party" where all the vampires drink the blood of captured victims is just a way of controlling and spotting red flags when it comes dinner. Stuff like that, it's about control but they label it a "party". It's like these different groups are just artificially created and are controlled by the same merchants they just cater and are designed to control and look after different types of people who would end up as vampires in Vampire the Masquerade. It makes sense looking at the big picture of their lore. I don't know about the independents and the anarchs but it may be a similar scenario. It's all just an illusion
>implying she isn't already
It's a Malkavian, user.
Over time, Jeanette would return. It's part of her curse. You can't "cure" a malkavian.
Reminds me of a story about a gangrel girl panicking and trying to cut her dog ears only to have them regrow more bestial.
Or nosfetatu trying to alter their physical appearance
The problem with the Sabbat is they seem to be under the delusion that the Vampires are the top dog around, when in reality they're some of the weakest, and consistently get fucked with by Werewolves, Hunters and Mages.
>Camarilla is for the more secular normie minded modern man.
Funny since they're Catholic as fuck
Look if we want to be anal about this, ALL vampires are abominations and God wants Caine to rip them all to pieces, but he's too busy smoking weed and not giving a fuck to do the deed.
So yes, anything and everything any cainite does is just them wasting time because they shouldn't even exist in the first place, they're cursed beings, parasites.
That's why it's sorta useless to get into a more philosophical breakdown of vampire society, because at the end of the day they're all stalling for time and fighting a fundamentally pointless "war".
>if you play a female, Mercurio doesn't want to explain to you that Jaenette is a whore
Mercurio is cute. CUTE!,
Ah I see I am just dumb. Next run for sure
She is a Malkavian, even if she wasn't insane before being embraced (which she was) she would have gone insane after. The fix you provide as a player is temporary unless you reconcile them.
Not him, but how are the Camarilla catholic? I know that the Lesombra are trying to control the church while the church had the Society of Leopold, and are now a part of the New Inquisition and is aware of the influence and fighting against it.
One of the only two people in the game you can trust implicitly.
The Sabbat was just a big scam the antediluvians created so they'd have a snack when they woke up. The Amici Noctis realized this after the recent crusade started so now they're flipping out, killing fellow Lasombra, and trying to join the Camarilla for safety.
Oh, is that what God wants out of Caine?
Is God even around anymore, I thought he got replaced by the Machine
If only he'd stop bleeding all over the goddamn carpet.
Jesus, user.
The Sabbat are the Catholic ones.
The Lasombra control the church, half of them were even part of it.
Most camarilla are like Centro European, dutch, german, so protestant, not Catholic
Golconda really is the only hope of salvation for any vampire. Meanwhile the Sabbat thinks the smart thing to do is be as edgy as possible.
It's entirely fair, you need a really high persuasion. Enough that it almost gimps you, and enough that it will gimp you if you aren't playing the plus patch. I didn't even know it was possible for a few playthroughs.
Kill them before they kill you. At least they are trying.
What's the Camarilla doing?
Didn't expect so many replies.
Well that's an ongoing debate on Yea Forums all the time, you can figure out amongst yourselves who would be the topJew. Not an expert
Well speaking of the two groups in the 1990s and onwards in the lore, The Sabbat are known to cater to the more ideological and religious zealot types. Camarilla have their own focus, if you know what I mean, its' not a this or that only sort of thing. There are plenty of Cafeteria Catholics anyways.
>smoking weed
Drugs are for generates
>letting the girl who tried to have you killed live
You don't understand how vamp politics work. I had Jeanette kill Therese and then went back to fuck her from time to time outta spite.
>it's a scam
It makes sense, as long as the idea of of choosing Camarilla or Sabbat ingame is just some sort of Illusion in the grand scheme of things, yeah it makes sense within the spirit of the game
>Oh, is that what God wants out of Caine?
Yes, well he wants two things:
1-For Caine to deal with his progeny
Seriously all Caine needs to do is genuinely say that he's sorry about his sin.
He's so fucking stubborn he refuses to do it so much it (potentially, one of the possibilities) leads to Wormwood, and all vampires are fucked because of him.
He really is sort of a manchild sometimes.
Lasombra Catholic LARPers, Tzmisce degenerates and raving gangs of shovelheads are not enough to stop the Antediluvians.
If Caine dies, wouldn't all vampires immediate return back to humanity. I'm a lorelet so I understand fuck all outside of Bloodlines shit.
>Most camarilla are like Centro European, dutch, german, so protestant, not Catholic
This is actually really wrong. The Camarilla have deep ties to Catholic Europe. The Venture in particular saw their height in Rome, left to Germany during the HRE, and left when it collapsed into Italy again. The Tremere Chantry was in Vienna before Delta Force and the Vatican Secret Police killed everyone in it and blamed it on muzzies.
It's irrelevant though, since most clans aren't actually religious, and individual members are or are not. The only two who are usually religious were both so in a catholic sense are the Lesombra (split between the Sabbat and Camarilla), and the one the Tremere made extinct.
Nothing is enough to stop them.
But you get points for trying
Anarchs aren’t good. They’re absolute faggots and communists.
>If Caine dies, wouldn't all vampires immediate return back to humanity
Actually i have no idea.
God in this setting isn't very nice, so i bet they'd all get final deathe'd pretty gruesomly instead.
Brujah were also neo-nazis as well, but White Wolf apparently forgot about this and just made them full-on tankie instead.
>tfw youll never be a tzimisce and fleshbend yourself into a cute loli
top Camarilla know they if vamps become too loud they will all get wiped out by Antideluvians or Technocrats, that's why they're so important
Anarchs and Sabbats are mentally retarded children
>also Yea Forums:
In one of the Gehenna endings God locked all of the vampires inside buildings and then had them spiritually and morally tested for something like 40 nights. Those that showed they still had a decent amount of humanity and wanted to atone got to become Human again while the others, which was most, got burned up by the sun. So, I'd imagine similar would happen if Caine ever actually repented.
>talking about politics as it relates to vampires
fuck off retardera
They'll get wiped out regardless.
Cammies are moderate cucks.
>They originally intended for the taxi driver to be Caine but white wolf flipped it's shit
Still don't get why.
its fucking Caine. Hes one of the most powerful entities in the entire setting.
Motherfucker can create disciplines on the spot, he can totally take over the mind of any kindred of human if he wishes.
A real tzimisce would instead grow a loli on his back
the most based faction and no-one can prove me wrong
It's more to me of which group caters or "markets" itself in a certain way more, not that there's a certain reality about it group at it's heart or in many places. It's more of the image it presents itself as to the vampire normies. In the end you're choosing the same Jew
that's literally the first VBtM though. Why should the sequel be anything more than the first was?
whatever I just want it to be white and no drugs plz
It's really hard to discuss VtM lore and not bring up politics. The game was designed with political intrigue as one of it's core points.
>Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good
they are both one and the same thing.
Cam wants to keep humans alive so you don't feed/kill them and keep up the masquerade knowing if shit they have done came out they would be hunted by everyone. Anarch talk about being free of rules created by the cam as its just a way to control them(which is true since elders are fucking with everyone) but they have no interest in keeping humans alive and just want to kill/ rape and jaywalk whenever they want too. its also very hypocritical as they talk about not following a leader but in reality do the opposite and would most likely turn into Camarilla 2.0
bullshit or bad writing
6th gen would be a demi-god in modern times
I know you're fishing to turn a good discussion to shit, but I think the answer most simply is that people want politics in their games, but don't want to be pontificated to about politics. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines presents you with a world and says "make your own decisions" and lets you align yourself with Nines or Strauss, or even telling everyone to fuck off, without once telling you which choice is wrong. Same as New Vegas.
It's almost like it's an integral part of the setting.
It's almost like Yea Forums isn't upset about politics in this series, but rather they're upset that the sequel might be too left leaning.
Completely ignoring the fact that the first game was also left leaning as fuck.
Bold old good, new bust be bad is too strong to resist, i suppose.
If it's full of shitskins and weedbro memes I'm not playing it.
In Bloodlines the Anarchs are only held together because Nines is a pretty stand-up guy, if he ever leaves the picture those edgelords are fucked
It's not about vampire politics and choice, it's about the sequel maybe having Trump jokes.
Ignoring that VtmB had Bush jokes.
And yet, not one mention of trump, trannies, gender identity, racism, or any of the shit people are ACTUALLY worried about being in the game.
Dumb fucking cunt.
I really hope the new game has more interactions with the other WoD beings. I'd be content with a less gimmicky werewolf fight just to remind us we're not the top dog on the block. But other stuff like chasing a Mage as he disguises his spells as various environmental hazards would be really cool if they pull it off. Changelings and Wraiths are less imposing but would still be cool to see. I don't know how'd they'd do a Demon without it just being "YOU LOSE"
what gen is the player?
>And yet, not one mention of trump
Plenty of racism in the setting.
People don't mind politics. They just don't want simple "left wing gud right wing bad" like what these progressive types are so fond of doing now. Bloodlines 1 made a good case for both factions and showed their flaws clearly. Anons just want the same for the sequel and not for it to be black/white capeshit levels of bad writing.
Let's take a note from Fallout 4's book and you kill a warewolf in the tutorial? That sounds like fun.
You are now aware that Set is not a true antedilluvian, he diablerized Typhon, who is the true Setite ante.
You know what a real Tzimisce would do? EMBRACE a Loli, make her go mad with his depravity and then stitch her on his back.
What you say is true, but some of the V5 shit walks the wrong direction on this. Some of the V5 designers wanted to make the Camarilla into the Patriarchy, and for the Anrarachs to be the great, woke mutlitcultural heroes who fight them, like Rudi's army fighting old racists and sexists.
Now portraying the Camarilla as out of touch old power that goes around oppressing people isn't neccesarily a bad thing, but some of them clearly went off the deep end.
>Make no mistake, the player characters in the V5 pre-alpha playtest are monsters and villains. Through them, we intend for our players to view the Camarilla sect from the Anarch perspective, as a perverse and privileged class of old-school vampires and who adhere to an antiquated code of morality and obsessed by the realpolitik of staying in power at any price. The player characters are written as dictators and collaborators who deserve to fall hard, perhaps even deserve to die, as they are torn from power.
That's an interesting strawman. Why don't you fuck off. The thread was perfectly nice without you shitting it up by trying to instigate shit.
>Completely ignoring the fact that the first game was also left leaning as fuck.
It made fun of a president who was wildly unpopular even among conservatives. I played it through just a couple of days ago, and didn't notice anything that I would call political grandstanding. Even the "I voted republican once." line is a literal joke that she treats like a joke.
Neither is Tremere.
so many fucking brainlets in these threads
Therese was the original sister
Therese got a split personality from being a cum dumpster for her father since the day she was born, like a dumb junkie tripfgag bitch poster from /r9k/ whose name Im not gonna mention
Therese killed her dad because she was jealous of him fucking the shit out of her when Jeanette was in control of her body (she got split personality from the abuse and went full retard)
they got emraced in mental institute probably by a Malk and Jeanette became real that very moment
at this point they're both real thanks to Malk's curse
Or Giovanni.
Ultimately you're just choosing to vault over what you decide is, or isn't triggering to you.
It's not the content in the games themselves, but your mindset when playing them.
You decide not to get offended at the political content of the first game because it reminds you of a simpler, safer time, you'll play the new one with the mindset of a snowflake ready to get offended at any political mention whatsoever, and you'll make a huge deal about it, regardless if it's objectively any more or less heavy handed as any political joke in the original.
You missed the part of the thread where that conclusion was reached and discussed.
Politics on Yea Forums is a synonym for women and minorities. Yea Forums loves Politics in their games, but hates "Politics" in their games. Get it?
>Why would VTMB 2 be shit?
Heaps of reasons, but a number of red flags for me are the following; all of the content announced like preorder bonuses and special edition content are designed to prey on our nostalgia. Stuff like reskins of the character to look like VTMB 1 characters being an example. In addition to this, the much-acclaimed 'original writer of the first VTMB game' that they're touting as a claim to authenticity has an EXTREMELY worrisome work record. Go look him up; his credits for VTMB are a couple of secondary characters that get very few lines in the game as well as the dialogue for one of the TV show adverts; basically the equivalent of an intern's writing. Ontop of those sad credits the remainder of his work history has a disturbing trend of him being called on to consult for X project, then being discarded and his suggestions ignored, all of which point to him being a hack who can't maintain himself as a professional writer. Add onto all of this the few worrisome articles showing the viewpoints of the new game's developers having obnoxious world views and outright bashing the original game, one such case being a developer saying that Malkavians in VTMB 1 were garbage, all of the above points combined have killed my hype for the game and have sobered me to realise it's probably going to be a fucking train wreck.
Vicissitude just seems op as fuck, why would you choose any other clan over Tzimisce?
nigger learn to use Enter, I aint gonna read all these shit
>In Bloodlines the Anarchs are only held together because Nines is a pretty stand-up guy, if he ever leaves the picture those edgelords are fucked
Which proves my point. They need a leader to keep them morally in check or at least coherent enough to make a valid argument. It will always fall back to them murdering a 9-year-old for food only for the camarilla to step in, kick their ass and tell them don't kill. This will then lead to a cycle of them saying "we were ok before and you no ma pupa" and then fighting for something they will eventually fuck up while the camarilla tries to have the high ground even tho the elders are fucking with them.
funny thing is God loves caine more and wants him to say sorry.
can't user.
Having other WOD books in the game would make Christianity canon and werewolves just creatures created to hunt demons before they started to believe stupid shit. Hell in VTM and demons its outright told that gaia is a angel
>Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good?
The Camarilla don't matter. The Sabbat don't matter. The Anarchs don't matter.
The entire WoD is just the wallpaper of the corner God is making Caine sit in until he is FUCKING SORRY.
>all of the content announced like preorder bonuses and special edition content are designed to prey on our nostalgia.
I mean, that's pretty much any game at this point tho, hardly an unique tactic.
>no no no you don't know why you're upset I know why you're upset
This is always the mindset of a looney leftie.
the cost and time it takes to play around with flesh crafting is pretty brutal, and the clan itself is completely fucked both in body and soul. If all you want is raw power and to completely abandon your humanity then go for it, but most vampires struggle with that choice for a reason.
>vampire fiction is literally leftist fiction for 30+ fucking years, maybe even since Mary Shelley 100+ years ago
god this website has gotten retarded over the years
no it was not fully reached that Therese is the original cum-dump and it certainly wasn't discussed
>Not being Toreador
>Jew fast as possible
>Blend in with goyim
>Become crypto Jew
Case in point:
he is right though. The fact you couldn't refute his point and only mock him speaks to that.
Actually the entire WoD setting is mages wrestling each other while some fantasy creatures run around pretending they are important.
They'll all learn on the day of Ascension.
That's not case in point to whatever retarded bullshit you're pretending to have an informed opinion on. I don't care about you.
It's definitely aimed at anyone who thinks vampire fiction being socially progressive is new. And if that's you, you're retarded.
>can't user.
>Having other WOD books in the game would make Christianity canon and werewolves just creatures created to hunt demons before they started to believe stupid shit. Hell in VTM and demons its outright told that gaia is a angel
I'm not really hearing an issue here. If that's the way it is, that's fine. Don't see how that would ever come up unless for some reason your character, a Werewolf, a changeling, and a Demon all decide to sit down together and have a theological discussion about how the divine hierarchy works.
That doesn't make any sense, Nosfies would run that shit instead.
>Add onto all of this the few worrisome articles showing the viewpoints of the new game's developers having obnoxious world views and outright bashing the original game,
This is your true reason. SJW's, whatever the fuck they are, triggers you, the rest of it coping and complaining that they are pandering to nostalgia fags and using standard industry practices(which are indeed a problem, but has been normal practice for the best part of this decade).
I haven't read V5 and neither should you. Modern White Wolf is massively SJW and has been for a long time.
That is not the way of the Jew
cont. Vampire fiction has always been conflated with street culture, which is by definition people who've failed to integrate into proper society. People who fail to integrate into proper society tend to be politically left, so vampire fiction and leftism have shared blood as old as time.
Only the Stoker works and in some small ways Mary Shelley's Frankenstein were scientifically and politically conservative. Everything, literally everything of note, since has been conflated with street culture.
holding on to your humanity is for fags, youre a blood sucking monster abomination so you may as well go all out
nice try Sabbat
Christianity was never canon is old WoD, but Old Testament always was
Jesus was never explained in WoD but he'd probably be considered an Archmage before they started fucking their shit up against each other
Old Testament is canon as fuck, New Testemant and Jesus were never explained for a reason
Anarchs aren't necessarily anarchists. Isaac is Anarch for example, and he's probably the most competent leader in the game
>You decide not to get offended at the political content of the first game because it reminds you of a simpler, safer time, you'll play the new one with the mindset of a snowflake ready to get offended at any political mention whatsoever, and you'll make a huge deal about it, regardless if it's objectively any more or less heavy handed as any political joke in the original.
This is a much more interesting strawman. You now purport to be able to not only read my mind and deduce my mental state when playing video games, but presume to know my future mental state. I am content enough in my worldview that a few jokes won't hurt me, and I don't suspect that Bloodlines 2 will let slip anything more than a few jokes because neither did Bloodlines 1. Even v5 wasn't something that got me offended, though I did find it a little up it's own ass, but WW has always been a little edgy and up their own asses. So getting offended about that is pointless.
The Biblical God is already canon in the setting. The debate only now really rests on A) is he an asshole, B) did he leave, or C) the divinity of Christ. A and B are up for debate and C isn't something I feel they've wanted to touch on.
>no no no your feelings aren't yours they're mine
That's called projecting
what on earth would make you think that
hard to tell for sure but according to your blood pool you're 8th gen
Also, reading the shit you're responding to, he's absolutely right. The reactionary right is literally the struggles-with-women equivalent of a rape victim. You're constantly trying to find something to be offended about and in deep denial. Look at your fucking posts in this thread. It's embarrassing.
t. /fit/ center-right with the ability to think critically
>People who fail to integrate into proper society tend to be politically left
That sort of depends on where you live. Polish counterculture in the 80's for example was conservative and Catholic.
>Velya met Elaine in Boston in the 1890s, where she had systematically destroyed her family. Enthralled by both her appearance and her evil, Velya Embraced her, delighted with his new childe. While his new "bride" had managed to finish off her family with ease, the horrors of the Sabbat were too much for her childish intellect to cope with, and Elaine was lost to the Beast. Elaine had become a Wight. In desperation, he used Vicissitude to fuse her body with his, in an attempt to "fix" her. But no Cainite, even as one as clever as Velya, can rescue another from the throes of the Beast.
>Velya, bound to her as he is, cannot bear the thought of separation and spends a vast amount of his mental resources keeping Elaine sedated. This has caused him to fall from the Path of Metamorphosis as he fends off constant psychic assault from Elaine's howling Beast. It is only a matter of time before he also succumbs.
That's actually...incredibly sad.
He was embraced by Ennoia and couldn't beat his brother, who might have been 3rd gen himself, until he diablerised Typhon.
>yfw you realize Cain will apologize to God in the end, and the spacetime gets reverted to the checkpoint when he killed his brother rendering this thread and WoD lore pointless since it will never have existed canonically
>Reminds me of a story about a gangrel girl panicking and trying to cut her dog ears only to have them regrow more bestial.
just wear a hoodie dumbass
If you're 8th gen, it would make more sense that Therese and Jeannette are a 9th/10th gen with Iron Will.
Yeah, absolutely. And that might even be the case with Stoker's Dracula (i.e. that the history of vampries has ALWAYS been counter-culture, it just so happens that counter-culture at the time was pro-conservatism/anti-foreigner.) I'm not well-informed enough to know and intellectually honest enough to admit that.
Generally speaking though, vampire fiction has followed the torch of civilization and the counter-culture to that torch has been politically left for 150ish years. Blood and Wine, the last major video game allusion to vampirism, follows that tradition by associating vampires with criminals hiding in the dregs whose bloodline has fallen from power.
> I'm not really hearing an issue here
It invalidates everything ever printed and what people thought is real, makes another non-werewolf corebook canon and not the endings to its own corebook while making furries angry. you don't want animal fuckers angry.
we don't want to here about gay werewolf birth anymore user(this is real and in the game)
>Christianity was never canon is old WoD, but Old Testament always was
the same shit. old test is just the uncut version, but your are correct. Its pure old testament and only Old testament is canon in WOD with every religion being false
I'm 30 years old and have a beard like this (only without gray hair and hipster clothes) and people look at me strangely
> user ignores humanity
> user doesn't get a path of enlightenment
> user is lost to the beast two months after his embrace.
He died as he lived, reeeeeing till the end
You forgot D: is God just a really powerful Archmage who gamed the system through religion?
>they wont return
>they wont be romancable, BOTH of them
>cant have an ending with a beautiful love triangle between the three of us
fuck life
The Mages acknowledge God exists and given God's given position in the rest of the WoD canon, that means everything that was planned for Creation or that exists is just there because God halted His Plan out of sheer pettiness until Caine apologizes. Any pocket realities or alternate dimensions an Archmage may create are just going to get wiped away the day God decides to remake Creation. To think otherwise is just sheer arrogance on their part.
Will i be able to join the good guys (sabbat) in the second game?
>is he an asshole
bitter and angry but mostly at spasific people and wants humanity to be left alone so they could learn. He was proud of humanity when they used the divine spark to fuck ravnos up and said fuck caine.
>did he leave
Yes, and took all his angels
>the divinity of Christ
maybe mages but who gives a fuck
I thought that Cain feinted remorse so God would resurrect Abel and Cain killed him again.
Again, why would any of that ever come up in gameplay? Running for your life from a werewolf who wants to rip your shit or randomly getting shat on by a mage who keeps making all the Fire Hydrants around you explode and bowl you over leaves little time for theological debate.
>how'd they'd do a Demon without it just being "YOU LOSE"
I thought of something like this, but in a different scenario.
let's say you and your buddies are told by the local prince to go investigate a cult or whatever. Lots of satanic shit, human sacrifice etc. One of the cult guys defects and helps you along. At the end is some Baali asshole cult leader, acts like a big bad demon
your party fucks them up, and then the ex-cult guy reveals himself, he was the demons all along just fucking with a couple mortals or whatever and poofs off
The fuck is your picture from?
>cant have an ending with a beautiful love triangle between the two of us
Fixed that for ye
cont. I think most people are mad about this for the simple reason that they aren't aware of the fact that most of the characters in VtMB were counter-culture leftists of their era (including Damsel.) They grew up believing that was the culture worth buying into and established in society and then developed a weird counter-counter culture complex at some point through browsing this site.
Damsel is literally the multicolored hair college student who supports HRT for all men of the 80s and early 90s, the culture VtMB was informed by. She occupies the same cultural position relative to the norm. Any non-brainlet could see that.
All of Yea Forums would be too busy being nosfie NEETs shitposting in the sewers to truly lose their humanity.
Can't lose what you barely even had in life anyway.
how low does your humanity have to be to get the edgy dialogues?
I just need Therese, fuck that other thot.
i t s a l l a n i n y o u r h e a d
> One shot at unlife
> tfw you are a nosferatu
faggots like you who beg for "romance" in rpgs are genuinely pathetic.
Go play dragon age and leave other games free of this obnoxious bullshit
I think it's below 5
you never played Pnp or any werewolf game have you?
Werewolves are literally nazi/jews/Muslim crazy with there religion. to try and step lore aside in their game is like trying to make a Doom game without the doom guy or spiderman without Spiderman. Even in the old games that came out, it was always about weaver and gaia. You literally can't have a werewolf game without its lore and that's literally why NWOD failed.
>user literally has mass murderers who slowly shift to infinitechan before shooting up places
Congratulations, you social outcasts and relics of lost ages who subscribe to career trolls are literally the modern incarnations of humans that followed asshats like Vlad the Impaler and inspired vampirism.
>Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good?
The Cammies punishment for slight offences is beheading without a chance to defend yourself. The Anarchs might kill you for doing the same stupid shit that potentially endangers them all but if you tried to explain your actions they'd be likely to let you finish talking before they kill you. You might even successfully pass the blame onto someone else. Anarchs are simply the more reasonable of two evils.
>Why would VTMB 2 be shit?
It's a modern game, so you'd do well do assume the worst. I don't think the SJW shit will totally ruin it, way to bloody exaggerate but I expect to roll my eyes a bit while playing. No, I just fear the game won't be fun to _play_ because games these days rarely are.
Nah. Demon: The Fall contradicts that.
The only people that describe him as bitter and angry are the ones who were punished by him, so not the most impartial of sources, and his angels are still tooling around fighting the war in heaven and trying to keep reality from imploding. And while I don't think he left, I do think that in universe he is uncaring about the state of his creation and unwilling to involve himself in it.
>maybe mages but who gives a fuck
Surprisingly when it comes to religion, people give a fuck, hence why they've avoided touching it at all. WW was always very edgy, but they've always taken great pains not to majorly offend any of the worlds religions. Or at least the moderate bulk of those religions.
yes but the God still forgave him and didn't send Caine's ass into Abyss, whatever God is in WoD he certainly loves Caine
I'm talking about the the moment Caine's seriously apologizes, which will happen in the end considering God lets all this shit to happen
Devs already confirmed many characters will be romancable in bloodlines 2
>Werewolves are literally nazi/jews/Muslim crazy with there religion.
why dont they manifest true faith then for the most part
What the fuck are you talking about, user?
I'm serious, is 5 am here and I can't make any sense of your post
Everyone hates Damsel though user.
That's a shame.
Are you dense? I know about all of that. So what? Werewolves already showed up in the last game without those being an issue. Given Season of the Wolf is a three part expansion already mentioned, it's not going to be one this time around either. Mages are already an integral part of parts of Vampire intrigue with the Tremere, Wraiths and Changelings are fairly minor in the grand scheme of things. These beings having different conclusions to their stories has literally zero bearing on a Masquerade Gehenna scenario.
>yfw you realize Caine becomes Jesus Christ in the current timeline after apologizing to God and we live in that very timeline
google "damsel waifu Yea Forums" and revel in your error. i'd bet you real money at least one of those fags is posting today lamenting damsel's new appearance.
you're all a bunch of nosfags and hopefully hunters kill you in your sleep
>The only people that describe him as bitter and angry are the ones who were punished by him
everyone punished by him is an asshole or not even really punished. cain curse wasn't even really god or angels doing but himself.
>his angels are still tooling around fighting the war in heaven and trying to keep reality from imploding
War is over. god left and heaven is abandoned or gone. Its been over for years and demons don't even know where they went.
>I do think that in universe he is uncaring about the state of his creation and unwilling to involve himself in it.
training wheels have to come off and every human left on earth are the children of the ancestors of humans who fought on lucifers side.If I remember correctly god took everyone including the angels and fucked off
Well just talking about this is making me feel all skeevy, butJeanette, in their argument for control, almost seems to imply Therese killed their father because she was jealous that he was "loving" Jeanette instead of her that one time.
But considering how much Therese talks up how much she's cared for Jeanette and how much she's done for her, it's also possible she could stomach their father going after her despite not liking it, but going after Jeanette pushed her into "protect sister" mode so she killed him.
It's not clear which one is true, and it's not clear if there were two sisters or Jeanette just happened to be the personality in charge when it happened for the first time.
I let her make the call, lost a masquerade point, and still killed her.
They must be 9th at the very least considering their half-decent status. If 13/14 is thinblood, then 10-11 doesn't sound far off either.
a connection between cain and christ in the actual biblical canon would probably be the healthiest myth for modern humanity to ascribe to
swear to god we throw away entire 50+ year lives for nonviolent robbery, shit is ridiculous
It was going to be pretty gay anyways. Vampire stuff has always been about faggotry
The Camarilla are somewhat more lenient than that though not by much, but the Anarchs you describe are only some of the Anarchs, you forget they're very fractured in the lore. Some literally don't give a shit about even having a concept like the Masquerade and others are run exactly like the Camarilla except with a Baron instead of a Prince.
Nines seems like he would be a good leader, and if he listens to Issac he would make an excellent leader. Though I would say the same of Strauss as well, apart from the Issac part.
I think she's pretty popular but I do like how the game lets you shit all over her every single interaction you have with her while she just growls impotently.
user, are you ok?
What kind if high-school-tier argument is that? You can google literally any phrase and append "Yea Forums" to it and get a bunch of hits. Idiots will waifu any and every character they see, the fact remains that the majority of posters have always hated Damsel and the few that don't just want to hatefuck her.
The "Anarchs" are just a front for a sabat recruiting grounds. Prove me wrong brujah niggers and gangrel dog fuckers.
If God is just a really powerful Archmage then he is THE Archmage and exists in a sphere that suborns all others. There's no fundamental difference between that and the usual definition of God, really. And since the Fallen are quite aware of the Awakened and would be able to make the comparison but don't, it's more likely that God is something else entirely.
someone post the Clown Mage, that was a good one
this is correct
WoD is just alternate timeline with God not giving a fuck until Caine starts giving a fuck
the is correct, everything in WoD is doomed to be unmade
>Nah. Demon: The Fall contradicts that.
Each book contains contradictions, dude.
humans are cattle and should be treated as such fuck the camarilla and their retarded human loving rules
>according to your blood pool you're 8th gen
Game mechanics, especially in a video game, don't say anything about the setting. You are referred to as a neonate in-game. I'd be inclined to think that you're above 10'th.
>/fit/ poster desperate to prove their intelligence
what else is new
The curse is already weakening by the modern era though.Vampirism is on a slow decline as their blood resembles human blood more and more as the generations grow distant from Cain. Of course as a vampire that is a scary concept, but to anyone else it is a slow and gradual redemption or triumph of good.
Oh yeah for sure, there's loads of other changes too but as far as generation that's really all we're given. Also an 7th gen embraced an hour ago would still be called neonate
my vamp's theme in Bloodlines 2
ultimate beta even in death
To be fair to the Gangrel, a great deal of them have made excellent Carmarilla agents and princes.
Yes, but the entire book would be contradicted if God wasn't a pre-human and pre-existance being. Which is a little more of a contradiction than you usually get.
Does spamming A-D-A-D-A-D while running forward make you faster or is it just the camera fucking with me?
>no it was not fully reached that Therese is the original cum-dump
This was said in the first few posts about the subject you dumb nigger.
time it
>You are referred to as a neonate in-game
Neonate refers to time spent as a vampire, not generation. Get bit by an antediluvian and you're a 4th gen Neonate, not a Methuselah.
Here's how it works: once embraced, you're a Fledgling. You stay a Fledgling until you understand the basics, have a grasp of what a vampire is and does, and don't need anyone to hold your hand. Then you become a Neonate. You stay a Neonate for your first 100 years of vampirism. From 100 to 300, you are referred to as an Ancilla. 300 to 1000, you're an Elder. Past 1000, you're a Methuselah.
not human. They where created to hunt demons not be gifted the divine spark that humanity has which gifts them true faith or magic. Also having true faith would hurt them if they somehow had it since it hurts supernatural creatures
I.E werewolfs
>Werewolves already showed up in the last game without those being an issue
In a vampire game where all vampire lore is default canon. Yes user apparently i am dense for knowing my lore to well unlike you
i don't want to get into the canon of mage in VTM and demons.
cough cough dead angel soul
cain killing able caused the sundering that fucked Changelings up. ops more lore
user go watch teen wolf or play another werewolf game. don't come into a WOD/VTMB thread asking about another game and expect to cut off the only thing that makes it fun THE LORE.
again there is a reason NWOD isn't going so well and if you legit feel like cutting off content from OWOD then just go for the NWOD werewolf game. its more cross bookgame friendly
Yeah it does. Bunny hopping and running alongside a wall make you even faster though
>Yes, but the entire book would be contradicted if God wasn't a pre-human and pre-existance being
An Archmage at that level could easily just transcend time and be a pre human being despite their mortal form only having been born relatively recent. The Awakening is some fucked up metaphysics shit.
It does, by like a whole second.
vamps can have true faith tho
Wonder if there'll be another hunter like Bach in bloodlines2 it what the hunters will look like
In 1 they looked like matrix rejects with katanas
>Vampire stuff has always been about faggotry
zoomers everyone
Any Storyteller that allows that is gonna need a three page thesis on why your vampire didn't kill themselves immediately and it can't be "this must be God's plan". True Faith is more than justification and rationalization.
Why did Caine kill abel? I never paied attention to religion or any of that garbage
yes but that's only because they where once human and it's very rare. Hell Ambrosio Luis Monçada had it and he was a sick fuck. True faith is soul deep and is only something humans can have since they were created with a divine spark.
I still really don't get what you're arguing here. We're talking about other supernatural beings crossing over into VtM, like the Werewolf in Bloodlines1, so naturally all the Vampire lore would remain the default. Bloodlines 2 is based on V5 which is OWoD. Why are you even mentioning NWoD?
WoD is just God checking who's a self-aware human being and who's an instinct-driven beast deep down, he's just choosing who should be remade after spacetime gets reverted with Caine's begging for forgiveness
it's just one big experiment by Him
Abel and Cain both prepared a sacrifice for God, Abel prepared fruits and vegetables grown on his farm, Cain prepared the animals he raised on his. God liked Abel's sacrifice more. Cain got angry.
that's /fitlit/ to you, babyboi
*blocks your path of enlightenment*
Techno-Cyborg Vampire cult.
Got that backwards. Abel was the Shephard, Cain was the Farmer.
That's leftover Quake code for ya.
Yeah, that guy's sincere about it. His perspective of indefinite lifespan as indefinite opportunity to work God's will is a good one.
Anne Rice books are pure faggotry, and that's decades before zoomer culture tho
I'm sure I could come up with good justification if I needed to. If I played the tabletop a nice contradiction vampire could be fun
It's a bit more complex than that, Adam was a redditor while Cain was a 4channer
Fuck, my bad. I knew that. I got binary dyslexia, I always mix up two options like that, it's a real pain.
>I still really don't get what you're arguing here
Then your very confused or not a lorefaggot like me. Go back and read slowly this time and take your time
>Bloodlines 2 is based on V5 which is OWoD
Yup and everything i said is still valid because its OWOD.
>Why are you even mentioning NWoD
because you want to play a dog, cut out 99% of what makes them who they are and just go on a killing spree. Skyrim has some good mods for that. try it
Huge number of old cappadocians had true faith
True, but before that vampirism was about biting qts
I suppose but wouldn't that end up creating a massive paradox? I know mage is fucky, but we're reaching theoretical levels of fuck that sort of break shit.
I think the biggest problem would be getting that to work with a group over that.
Carmilla was the first modern vampire novel and that had some homosexuality readings
In the Gehenna book it says all vampires die if Caine repents, while recently turned may regain humanity.
>I suppose but wouldn't that end up creating a massive paradox? I know mage is fucky, but we're reaching theoretical levels of fuck that sort of break shit.
Paradox is based on the belief of the Sleepers. With billions of Sleepers all faithful of the power that God can work..
The only reason Mages don't pretend to be God is because God is already there and won't let them.
It's a bit more complex than that, Adam was gods friend and god was yandere for Cain.
God: i-i don't need your fruits baka
Didn't read it, but Dracula is the most famous piece of the genre, vampirism is alll about rape metaphors too.
The one common element that ties all the settings together, except perhaps Werewolf, is God and the Old Testament events were canon; with multiple exhaustive differences of perspective. Even the titular name of the narrative, "World of Darkness" betrays the hint that this 'canon' is a flawed narrative that should not have been and will ultimately be concluded as every setting has at it's pinnacle a version of the Apocalypse.
The only logical conclusion is that the original WoD setting was one giant cosmic joke whose origin and purpose was essentially a shitting contest between the vainglorious God of the Old Testament and the first being who dared to unrepentantly defy him, Caine.
>Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good?
This isn't the case at all, it's always anarch loving fags that say this. Neither is good, but the camarilla ruling are better than the the disaster the anarchs would try to do whilst not knowing how desu
There's also a scenario where Caine was never real and God is not almighty. The book's all about showing multiple possibilities, not establishing a canon.
>because you want to play a dog
I literally never said that. I want them to make an appearance as antagonists as they already do, both in the game and in the tabletop. You've invented a whole opposing argument in your head that isn't taking place so you can sperg out.
Isn't WoD death already?
This. The Camarilla are actually trying to keep society together.
The Anarchs just want to stomp their feet with no actual plan on how to move forwards.
very unlikely
in WoD humans with true faith would reject the embrace, I mean their very DNA would reject it instead of getting modified by vamp blood
>Why is the camarilla bad
Love this image
lmao look at this cursed cainfag
cain literally thought killing plants would please god, then he killed the most dangerous game and god gifted him with vampirism.
t. camarilla
Therese, she's the one who talks about not being allowed to leave the house so she started playing with Jeanette, which is probably when her personality was born. Both to cope with the serial rape by her father, and the isolation.
No they are raping it's corpse by pretending Gehenna never happened and the Week of Nightmares was overrated.
I shame that's a problematic subject for today's writers, it's current year plus 4 and all that
>and that had some homosexuality readings
Ya, none of them favorable to homosexuality though unless you really squint and ignore a lot of the story. Laura is preyed on and left scarred by the advances of a twisted monster who was only actually a lesbian because she was rejected by Saint Chad the Demonhunter and is harmed by Laura's pious hymn singing. It's like those people who said Tolkien was pro-homosexuality because he assigned a book about homosexual lovers to his class, only for them to find out he assigned it because he thought it was a really well written example of someone's slide into damnation.
don't bully julius
Caine isn't real user, he, and Enoch, are just a parable for a time when Kindred were united and stronger in the night, instead of divided and pushed around by other beings.
you retard
>In the biblical Book of Genesis, Cain[a] and Abel[b] are the first two sons of Adam and Eve.[1] Cain, the firstborn, was a farmer, and his brother Abel was a shepherd. The brothers made sacrifices to God, each of his own produce, but God favored Abel's sacrifice instead of Cain's. Cain then murdered Abel, whereupon God punished Cain to a life of wandering. Cain then dwelt in the land of Nod (× ×•Ö¹×“, "wandering"), where he built a city and fathered the line of descendants beginning with Enoch.
>The narrative never explicitly states Cain's motive for murdering his brother, nor God's reason for rejecting Cain's sacrifice, nor details on the identity of Cain's wife. Some traditional interpretations consider Cain to be the originator of evil, violence, or greed. According to Genesis, Cain was the first human born and Abel was the first to die.
the whole theme of WoD is that Caine refused to spill blood of innocent being when God wanted him to, thus God cursed him with a curse forcing him to take innocents lives
>VtMB's directors went on to create Diablo 3, The Outer Worlds, and fucking Evolve (yes, THAT Evolve) and aren't involved in VtMB 2 at all
>anyone expecting anything good
tip top kek. VtMB was a top tier flash in the pan, but it was still just a flash in the pan.
Let's be honest here, this retard wasn't going to outlast a decade. You were doing everyone a favor.
Let's be real, VtM isn't even a good game. It's a great story with fun characters. All they need is writers.
Will they get writers? Probably not, but making a good story is actually easier than making a good game.
Yes...I agree.
>implying he didn't end up killing the vampire president
>will they get good writers
The people with the money don't care about this. This is a grifting opportunity for producers that have cash, and that's it. You're being grifted, by high-level grifters, granted, but it's the same thing.
There are far better leaders than nines available, and you replace lacroix with one of them in one ending. Nines is like a naive child when it comes to running things properly.
Dealt with by leaving them the fuck alone m8, ez. We know you're power hungry cockbags, but calm down, antediluvian ain't doing nothing to no one, and they're the rightful leaders of vampire society anyway even if they did.
that was the green haired fella
speaking of green hair, if someone dyes their hair and gets embraced, does their hair stay dyed forever?
Anarchs are Eastern Vamp propaganda. Camarilla are fucking up though and the Sabbat know it.
>only for Yea Forums to call it lazy writing and the protag a mary sue
Do you legitimately think that as long as they do the same thing that the writing they use to achieve it doesn't matter? Lol.
They're literally not capable of being as subtle and merely implying things like in vtmb1, because video game writers these days just get more and more dogshit at their craft.
Yup. You can wash it out though, and there is a spell to stimulate hair growth.
Probably, but that vampire could just shave their head and have their hair grow back the next night.
>Do you need certain skills or something or am I just an idiot?
4 Persuasion 2 Seduction, don't give locket to Jeanette, and pick the best responses for each of them.
Now that I think about it the old testament makes a LOT more sense with a yandere god.
But there's always the chance. The freak chance that the people they get at lowest bidding are actually capable.
It has happened before.
>Dealt with by leaving them the fuck alone m8, ez. We know you're power hungry cockbags, but calm down, antediluvian ain't doing nothing to no one, and they're the rightful leaders of vampire society anyway even if they did.
Messing with an Antediluvian might be a terrible idea, but leaving them alone to someday reap all lesser vampires isn't much better.
The traditional reason, or at least the traditional Jewish and later Catholic reason, was that while Able made his offering out of a genuine love of God, Cain made his offering because he felt he had to and didn't care. He only cared when he was spurned, when he became petulant and jealous.
Almost like that's because people playing tabletop in any setting like to have fun user. It's fun when you can vastly up the stakes and the difficulty. It's a very different experience fighting some normal level appropriate shit or fighting the lady of pain for levels of fun and scale
You can have that, user. For whatever it's worth.
A piece of advice from /fit/ though. Video games are distraction and nothing will ever be as good as it was in your youth.
That's kind of weird, considering it's a foreign thing applied to their hair
Because it looks like shit on men younger than 50 who aren't lumberjacks.
>a developer saying that Malkavians in VTMB 1 were garbage
That was a journalist, not the dev
I will opine that the shooter they made was competent. It was just Call of Duty Modern Warfare with a nice futuristic aesthetic slapped on, but all this needs to be is a competent fps action game with a nice aesthetic and good writing slapped on.
I think it would fade and could be washed out.
Everything is a distraction and we are all doomed to die while craving yet more.
Quick rundown how to get this game to run? Anyone got that old install pic? If I use GoG how do I install shit?
So, do we want to talk about Hunters, and what sort of shenanigans we can expect with them with this new edition?
oh user if only you knew how bad things really are
t. ascended
The guy you're arguing with is an autist who is assblasted that one of the Demon: the Fallen splat books contradicted some stuff in the Werewolf splat books. He comes into every WoD thread here and on /tg/ looking for any mention of either Demon or Werewolf so he can bitch about it.
I suspect we will see the Second Inquisition. I will also bet that they will be portrayed as the oppressive religious patriarchy.
So far only V5 exists in the latest edition. We don't even have a Werewolf book yet, much less Mage, Hunter, etc.
The only example given is the Faith Hunter, who is a serious high end opponent for most (player character) vampires, easily one of the most dangerous listed.
If these are the Hunters that show up, expect to get your thin-blood ass kicked.
And what's wrong with that? The first game was political, but at least it was done with humor, mainly satire. The writers have already made comments saying they want to make sure they aren't punching down like the first game. That seems to me like they aren't going to take any risks of offending progressives, so the game could end up with hamfisted progressive narratives.
A lot of people think that's lame as hell, even people who hold progressive tendencies. Hopefully people are dead wrong, and the game isn't afraid to upset people. We'll have to see.
The Inquisition in V5 is better funded, organized, and has official government support. United States Special Forces and Vatican Gendarme raided and destroyed the head Tremere chantry in Vienna after the FBI broke into SchreckNet and found out about everything. They drone strike the supernatural and then blame it on a gas leak, napalm Werewolf forests, and nearly destroyed the Giovanni. It is now a masquerade violation to own a cell phone for personal use because of the level of scrutiny on vampire society by world governments.
So Hunters are less "underfunded catholics who dislike you", and more "Extremely well funded Catholics who hate you and have the full backing of all of the most powerful governments and militaries in the world."
That doesn't look like a christian symbol on his neck/groin/forehead
World of Darkness Second Inquisition X Com game fucking when
I like that the humans in WoD aren't incompetent like in most other supernatural urban fantasy series
Some things are much better left unanswered. We should never even learn about Cain being real or not, let alone greater mysteries.
That's a Hamsa, an Islamic symbol warding against evil.
God forbid humans not want to be relegated to lunch status by a bunch of bloodsucking parasites.
He's got a crucifix on his knee, shoulder, and elbow, so I think he's just covering his bases with as many holy symbols as possible.
Damsel was ridiculous though, so her character comes off as satirical
>Vampires could totally be communist, unlike humans
>Completely ignores how much the various factions fight each other over stupid shit
If Damsel was meant to be completely straight faced, then they really fucked it up.
Anarchs are not the good guys in this game. Neither is the Camarilla.
When we look at the Camarilla we see it as initially as corrupt because of vampires like LaCroix. Though you have others like Strauss that is pretty competent as a leader and fairly corrupt free showing that the Camarilla aren't all power hungry pricks.
Then you have the Anarchs, and those you meet at the Last Round can only be described as whiny babies. They literally hate the Camarilla simply because they hate hierarchy and having to answer for shit. This system, especially in a vampire society does not work. How humans haven't discovered these guys sooner is just plot armor pure and simple. Think about it, the first things Skelter does is ask you to deal with a Ghoul that is running her mouth too much and is at risk of revealing vampires to the world. Under the Camarilla this chick would have been dealt with promptly and her master would be forced to answer for just abandoning her and having her risk their reveal. The Anarchs? They don't bother with it because no one does anything unless they feel like it. They see it as a problem but choose to act on it. As for Nines? He is the closest thing they have to a leader and he is complete shit at it. Mother fucker throws a hissy fit if you just banter with him slightly. Jack is the only redeeming one though because, instead of bitching, he does shit.
Abrams in Hollywood is a good example of an Anarch society that kinda works. They aren't Camarilla but everyone chooses to do what Abrams suggests because he has the most experience out of all of them. But the guy is against the Camarilla solely because he doesn't want to give up power.
All and all, the Camarilla are pretty necessary, or at least their laws. Because their main purpose is to make sure Vampires are not discovered and they offer the most protection from that happening.
Is a gun build viable at all in this game?
There is an NPC in the same building as her who makes fun of her for being a dumb deluded college girl.
Very much so, but expect to spend most of your money on ammo.
Yes, and it's stronger than melee. But as this user said expect to spend all your dosh on ammo, especially after the sewers.
man i just realized how JUST the vtmb2 protagonist is
>participate on an orgy
>wake up as a vampire
>worse you're a thin blood
>will perform diablerie to get into a clan
Skelter. I wouldn't say he says that, but he seems immediately aware that she is abrasive and says she reminds him of those protesters harassing Vietnam vets when they got back from the war.
This begs the question, is Rudi supposed to be taken seriously or is he a joke like Damsel or LaCroix?
>participate on an orgy
I know there's a "mass embrace" but this isn't real, is it?
All I need are the relevant stats, cause these asshole leeches don't need to piss off the pope to get special attention.
Once had a party that mostly fed on bums to stay below the radar.
They were not expecting a hobo militia armed with molotovs and a shotgun.
I won't lie, it was mostly them rolling for shit, but 5 hobos were able to kill two of them, while the other two ran for it.
I honestly wouldn't put it post them.
I don't want to be an orgy guy
>All and all, the Camarilla are pretty necessary, or at least their laws. Because their main purpose is to make sure Vampires are not discovered and they offer the most protection from that happening.
I would have agreed with you before, but their colossal incompetence actually led to government agencies discovering the existence of vampires and causing the second inquisition that they were created to avoid in the first place.
that's peak faggotry right there
It's a miracle vamps managed to last as long as they did.
>t. oiled up weirdo with a mustache
>participate on an orgy
I don't want to be railroaded into an orgy.
Oh fuck off. You know that V5's retarded metaplot that "The government is actually super competent now and hunting down vampires, except the Anarchs because they're just too hard to find out about despite the fact they don't have the masquerade, don't have a masquerade equalivant, and use cell phones to take selfies of them feeding people to share in private facebook groups and still keep contact with their old human life." is inconsistent garbage made because WW was too stupid to run any idea that they had against literally any other idea they had for the sake of consistency.
I hope they have a similar character in the sequel, would be hilarious
Good question, I doubt he's a joke though
>Gay Muslim vampire
i dont know what game this is but it looks like a shitty new vegas mod
So this guy doesn't have true faith then right
It was a dark day for the Camarilla.
Players had to find a new feeding ground after that. On the plus side, they weren't at risk of breaking the Masquerade because no one believes a bunch of habitually drunk bums shouting about vampires.
>Abrams in Hollywood is a good example of an Anarch society that kinda works. They aren't Camarilla but everyone chooses to do what Abrams suggests because he has the most experience out of all of them. But the guy is against the Camarilla solely because he doesn't want to give up power.
I wish there was an Anarch ending where you side with Abrams
Rudi like the rest of that edition he was created in was to be taken as serious. But none like it and the developers shut down that studio because of the shitshow it caused.
So what if you became a vampire but really really wanted to not be one anymore. Is there an out clause besides simply killing yourself?
For the same reason the government is valuable and libertarians are retards
You have to kill the head vampire with a holy stake.
Golconda. Good fucking luck.
You can kill lots of people then yourself
I still can't get over that. They fucked up so bad they offended all the gay people who buy their products (likely a good chuck based on people I've met playing the tabletop) but also the Russian government to the degree arrests were made. It's funny as fuck.
A sufficiently powerful mage could, if you could convince them to do so, return you to a mortal. This isn't exactly common though.
>The writers have already made comments saying they want to make sure they aren't punching down like the first game
Did they actually say "like the first game"?
Abrams' regime only works as well as it does because his turf is small and all the kindred in his territory are part of his same clan and suck up to him. Even then he makes fuck ups like impulsively embracing a guy who wasn't ready which resulted in hunters catching wind of kindred activity in Hollywood. He would never be able to handle running anything on a bigger scale than his current operation.
True faith comes in varying stages. Some more common than others. He may be able to ward of vampires with his religous symbols, the most common incarnation of the ability, but I doubt he'll be pulling of the Jesus tier ability of curing someone of their Vampirism
find someone with 10 dots in True Faith
Someone with high enough true faith is far more likely to send you to God while you sit there sobbing on your knees in front of them.
The amount of people on earth with 10 dots in True Faith can be counted on one hand with fingers to spare.
Get woke, go broke.
Because if he reveals himself all the vampires will immediately fall over worshiping him drawing attention and he's had enough of that shit from his time as king.
>He may be able to ward of vampires with his religous symbols
Nigga you can ward off a vampire with a credit card and sufficient faith in capitalism; doesnt need to be religious. Just gotta BELIEVE!
The character is just ridiculous. Sure, hamfist some SJW stuff in there, fine. But a gay character who is also a serious practitioner of a religion that by and large truly hates gays is just silly.
I don't remember the exact quote but one of them said the first game punched down part of the time, and they wanted to make sure the second game only punched up.
What about 9, or 8?
For reference how much true faith do you think Bach had out of 10?
Is Clan Quest Mod good with Camarilla Edition or without?
Anything above 5 is already going to be a fanatic. The amount of humans on earth with more then 5 dots in true faith is probably less then 1k.
Jesus I had no idea there was this much lore for WoD, I'm actually confused and that rarely happens with game lore
Nah that's a step below. Maximum Faith with Saintly humanity just absolves them of their curse entirely
There's a lot but there's only a couple really important bits that you need to know:
1. Cain and Abel myth is real in WoD
2. Cain spawned all vampires, he is the originator. His 'grand-childe' are known as Antedeluvians aka really fucking powerful sleeping vampires that you don't want to wake up for a lot of very good reasons.
3. Camarilla is the attempt at an organized secret society by vampires to avoid being discovered by the rest of humanity. Sabbat doesn't give a shit and want to be animalistic beasts.
4. Vampires get weaker with generations. A 9th generation vampire is weaker than an 8th generation vampire as they are further removed from Cain.
5. Werewolves, Mages, Demons, and Eldritch Cosmic Horrors exist and are vastly more powerful than Vampires, in the following order: Vampires < Werewolves < Demons < Mages < Eldritch Cosmic Horrors
6. Hunters are humans who hunt vampires. Some have special abilities because Faith in something gives power over vampires, but its really rare so they mostly just die a lot.
If you just know these 6 points then you're good to go in 99.99% of WoD things. If you want to know something else, reply and I shall enlighten.
Actually, members of the Inquisition and the Society of St. Leopold are the few who are most likely to break 5 dots in True Faith. They are THAT fanatic.
It's still very rare, but they're the largest order of members with extraordinary Faithful.
Just asking for a source because a lot of supposed quotes from devs are actually from journalists or not what they said at all. I remember them saying they only want to punch up but not that the first game punched down. In fact the only criticism I've really seen is from Cara Ellison saying the first game is a masculine power fantssy which is stupid, so I'd rather people focus on real issues instead of misquoted/misattributed words.
You mean:
Given his powers? He was casting miracles you can't cast until you hit 9 ticks. The fact that we are able to defeat him at all is a major gameplay concession, and someone like him would have been able to work his way through the entire city granting everyone we meet who isn't human a final death.
True, but for that to happen the vampire would have to be an exceptional sort, or have totally conquered the beast.
other user here, tell us more about eldritch cosmic horrors in WoD. Or just a link to the whitewolf wiki please
How do you get lone wolf ending? Been doing jobs for the Camarilla but Lecroix is a douche.
Nah, Golcanda is a gift from the Saint, not a requirement to receive it. iirc Gabriel gave Caine the gift of Golcanda
it really isn't a linear scale guys.
a basic bitch werewolf will get his ass handed to him by a ventrue with a pretty decent roll in dominate, but an Uktena might manage to show up with fucking sun arrows.
I didn't bother including Cain because it should be really god damn obvious that Cain is really up there in terms of power. Anything below literal God loses against Cain because of his curse.
Well, the short versions it that Lovecraftian clone Eldritch Horrors exist and are constantly trying to invade our reality and world for a variety of standard evil reasons. The main obstacle for them are Mages, who spend most of their time containing them and keeping them away, which is why they generally don't bother hunting down werewolves or vampires. They're too busy keeping Cthulu-lite from manifesting in the world.
theres a gargoyle with like 9 faith
Oh boy, I'll go now seeing as how I'm downloading the game now, 1st playthough kinda blind
1. Is the design aesthetic in VTM:B universal to the whole franchise, including the tabletop? I always found it slightly dated for the game, even if I slightly enjoy what I've seen
2. Why are Mages stronger than Demons/so strong in general? Are Mages a separate species from Human or a subspecies?
3. I heard the franchise generally got nuked/End Times'd, was it good/handled well?
That's pretty cool, makes me want to read some of the mage books. Do people play mages with vampires?
>islamic and christian symbols together
maybe he just has faith that they work, but those dont really mesh together by any religious standard, especially the extreme ones
How low are we talking?
Here's a quick rundown
>Caine could literally solve everything by saying sorry
>He doesn't so he's stuck with his autistic edgelord spawn until he gets fed up with their shit and eats them during an event called Gahenna
>Till then, there's only 3 vampire houses anyone cares about: Camarilla (high functioning autists), Anarch (retards), and Sabbot (assblasted contrarian edgelords)
>Camarilla tries to avoid Gahenna by telling vamps not to be retarded and that Caine is a myth. They also don't want mortals knowing vamps are real and plug those leaks as best they can. This is called the Masquerade
>Sabbot and Anarchs don't give a shit about the Masquerade or self preservation, but are routinely BTFO by Camarilla, Hunters, Werewolf chads, and literally every other supernatural force on the planet because vamps are actually really pathetic and are constantly made fun of.
>There's a bunch of houses with their own bloodline techniques and political bullshit, but Malkavian is the only one that makes sense so you should pick that one because it's the best
>You are turned into a vamp when Gahenna is nigh, so you are sort of fucked no matter what you do and everyone is freaking out
Everything else is probably stuff that won't come up in this game or a table game.
don't forget about some of the wonderful spiritual entities that exist in the umbra that werewolves have to deal with, Wyrm spirits are the go to nasties but the weavers wonderful army of mechanical spiders can have their own thing going on.
Gabriel gave Caine the ability to learn Galconda as an act of mercy. A way of caging the beasts hunger and retaining his and his children's humanity forever. Caine never bothered to actually learn it because honestly he didn't care
Which World of Darkness book gives the best overview of the universe?
1. I don't know.
2. Mages are stronger because magic is fucking ridiculous in WoD. They're normal humans who are trained in magic. Never heard of a subspecies.
3. There is Gehenna aka the Final Nights, basically the doomsday scenario for WoD that was prophesied by vampires (hence the name). It happens a little bit after the events of VTM:B. Opinions vary but I don't think it was a very smart move to kill off the lore of a franchise.
Not usually. They are on such an immensely different power level as to make it pointless. Imagine if you played a D&D campaign and one character was a level 12 sorcerer and another was a level 1 cockroach with 1 hp.
He promised him it but never delivered. All the vampires who achieved Golcanda, did so on their own.
t. ventrue bootlicker
A few major ones are the Triat and God. Which one is actually supreme depends on which setting you're squeezing tighter. The Triat are three eldritch superbeings, the Wyld, the Weaver, the Wyrm. These forces generate the universe, Wyld making matter, Weaver shaping it into something meaningful, and Wyrm pruning and consuming it, but two of these have become insane. The Weaver shapes without cease, and the Wyld destroys without thought, and the imbalance is consuming the Wyld as it is torn between the two's ravenous need for what it makes.
God, meanwhile, is the big dude on top commanding everything according to a plan known only to himself. In a merged setting, the Triat are either something he made to assist in the manufacturing of the universe that went out of control, or his hands reaching into reality.
There are also the entities beyond the realms, who drift in from the Deep Umbra. The creatures of the Deep Umbra are not very defined. All you really need to know is that the Void Engineers (an order of mages) are holding them back in outer space with dimensional barriers, and those barriers are failing. They're one of many more reasons why everyone is going to die.
Honestly none of them. Its very piecemeal. Different books tend to focus on different perspectives of the setting. If you want a vampire perspective, try The Victorian Age trilogy.
Faith is not obeying scripture to the letter or dancing to the word of priests. It is a power within the soul that goes beyond what you know and learn.
Found the shovelhead.
let me see here.
>Caine could solve everything by saying sorry
Technically true, he's sitting on millennia of bitter resentment and has never ever been willing to admit he was wrong however.
>he doesn't so...
Wrong, Caine does not eat anyone, infact in the one gehenna scenario when he does show up he's mostly annoyed that nobody else could take care of the problem.
>3 vampire houses
They're called sects, or factions would've been fine, why the fuck do you call them houses, and the independent clans do get up to shit.
more or less accurate
>sabbot and anarchs...
the SABBAT and anarchs do actually observe the masquerade on their own turf, if only for self preservation.
>there's a bunch of houses...
again with the houses, the fuck are you even talking about, bloodline techniques? are we naruto now?
>you are turned into a vamp...
in a vague sort of way, people feel it's the 'final nights'
>Though San Fancisco's prince is a continuity nightmare.
A what?
>Over time, Jeanette would return.
Possibly. If not, she would be replaced by a different derangement. I'd see Therese as a likely candidate for an extreme obsessive compulsive disorder, for example.
From what I understand, the relaunched it? Requiem or something? Only the relaunch doesn't have anywhere near the lore(such as no known origin of vampires) and there are only 5 types of vampires.
Therese probably already had full blown megalomania.
One thing I liked about Bloodlines was that there was no grand plot in the end. Lies upon lies upon lies upon lies had LITERALLY everybody fooled into believing that important shit was going on. It was awesome how deep rooted the web of manipulation was.
But this also makes me curious. Are vampires not important in the overall WoD lore? The way the game portrays everyone as kinda pointless makes me wonder
>Imagine if you played a D&D campaign and one character was a level 12 sorcerer and another was a level 1 cockroach with 1 hp.
That's a little much. You can kill a mage. It's one of those situations where you strike first and make sure that first strike works because the moment he starts casting spells you are fucked but until he starts doing that he is just a human.
San Francisco's prince has been subject to a number of contradictory works, including him becoming a different person at some point.
What happened to 2nd gen?
When you really think about it bloodlines was a sequence of shit not being what it appeared to be
quick rundown of this nonsense, you basically had world of darkness, then after ending all the game lines with end of the world scenarios they launched a NEW game with whole new lore! which nobody fucking liked and fell apart, that was new world of darkness, later to be called chronicles of darkness or something, eventually there was a revival of vtm and they basically went back to what we call old world of darkness because nobody liked vampire the requim, by all accounts the only game that was agreed to be an overall improvement in the new world of darkness was changeling.
the new old world of darkness stuff ( confusing I know) is mostly vampire the masquerade right now because boy is there a lot of other gamelines to go through, werewolf the apocalypse was always the runnerup though.
well excuuuuuuuuuse me princess
it's called a humorous summary
>Why is the camarilla bad and anarchs good?
Why would you even think that? The game provides a ton of arguments against the anarchs.
>Why are Mages stronger than Demons/so strong in general?
The Fallen lost the angelic wars and are banished to the Abyss, save for Lucifer, and can only escape by possessing a host and don't have access to their native power. They need tremendous amounts of faith as fuel for their power in the mortal plane. God himself altered reality before He fucked off so they can't use their divine powers like they used to.
Mages are weird and their power works by altering reality itself, which is both overpowered but comes with severe restrictions.
Dead, and diablerized by their children.
1. Generally yes, the games are meant to be played at a street level. You are not meant to kill Antediluvians, overthrow the Technocracy, or meet Caine face to face. You're not supposed to make waves, you're supposed to play a character driven story of trying to survive as a monster, weighing your need to consume against your impossible wish of remaining human.
2. Calling it "magic" is diminishing it in many ways. Mages are not D&D wizards swinging magic staffs and hurling fireballs. They are hermetic dreamers manipulating reality's firmament with their desires, miniature gods in their strongest form and twisters of probability in their weakest. They are the same species as humans, they just go through a process called Awakening (and as such, call normal humans Sleepers as they won't wake up).
3. Gehenna, the Apocalypse, Armageddon, and the Ascension War's end were only given in possibilities, none have yet occurred.
Don't bother trying to be funny if your going to make it inaccurate by doing so, you can be both correct and comedic you git.
neat, thanks anons!
>by all accounts the only game that was agreed to be an overall improvement in the new world of darkness was changeling.
Promotheus: the Created was praised too, but it had no oWoD equivalent.
Hahaha okay, and they also screwed up with the fifth book? Did they scrap it, or just make some edits? I guess the good thing about tabletop is you don't have to play by the new books, you can just stick to the old material
Is bloodlines canon to the overall WoD? The MC is some OP snowflake right? Did he ever do anything of worth in-lore?
Well, Gehenna started. Then it sort of unstarted.
>Therese is the sexier sister. Shame she immediately tries to kill you
Actually, it depends on you. If you don't give an item from the hotel to Jeanette and ignore her request for destroying the paintings at the gallery, when it will be Theresa who calls you at the restaurant and warns you what Jeanette is trying to kill you. I only learned about it on my 5th walkthrough, shit is crazy.
>What happened to 2nd gen?
See Caine's weakness
There's another really important difference between the Camarilla and Sabbat, which is the Camarilla tells the younger vampires that Caine and the Antedeluvians aren't real, while the Sabbat tells them that they are real and we need to kill them before they kill us.
>They are hermetic dreamers manipulating reality's firmament with their desires, miniature gods in their strongest form and twisters of probability in their weakest. They are the same species as humans, they just go through a process called Awakening
Sounds cool, like a lot of mystical traditions. I'll have to track down a VtM or mage group at some point. Never been into tabletop games but it's worth a try
V5, the newest fifth edition, is a return to the World of Darkness (Requiem and all that are now called Chronicles of Darkness) in 2018.
There's some cringy shit in there that people are screeching about, mostly Rudi, the gay muslim vampire cult leader.
The way it's viewed as of V5 is that the Week of Nightmares is the herald of Gehenna rather than its true start. It's still going to start "soon", but the Week of Nightmares was a full 20 years ago at this point and no other Antediluvians are running around eating everybody.
I just realized WoD is a HUMANS FUCK YEAH setting.
Superpowerful Magic Predators With Magical Bases With Multiple Dimensional Layers and Magical Traps?
Completely destroyed by probably WoD's Solid Snake.This shit is CANON. The Tremere's super pyramid BS? Broken by the Hand of a Bunch of Humans who decided to remind the Supernaturals WHO is top dog here.
The problem is them injecting real world politics into it. It'll really take me out of the game if I come across a vampire fighting for tranny rights.
I always assumed soon was a relative term when it came to people who could live for a very long time.
Looks like Sam Jetstream.
Wait so killing an elder vampire cures all their spawn right? So hypothetically lets say Cain somehow gets killed or rather he is allowed to get killed. Do all vampires just...go human? Or do older ones become dust because they old.
shit isn't black and white mate. a little government is good. and no actual libertarian is going to disagree with that statement..
even for the NO ROADS mongoloids. you can have a functioning democracy and government with privately owned roads.
but the government has no place telling retards not to do retarded shit.
let the apes buy lawn darts and shit.
The Triat is bullshit and just the incoherent barkings of dumb beasts.
Yeah, you gotta understand these systems were quiet large ones with dozens of supplements, v5 is the new revival of vtm and just vtm and it's honestly fucking pips compared to what it used to be, just going through my vtm folder, and discounting the victorian age and dark age stuff, there's a book for every clan, several city books, a bunch of dupplemental books covering various topics, like the sects, blood bones, ghouls, the camerilla red list, hunters (of the non imbued kind) beckett's compiled copy of the book of nod, the thin blood book, the list goes on and on, and then there's an entire second bunch of books covering different time periods, and the clans in those time periods, and so on.
and thats just vampire the masquerade, the next most popular game was werewolf, which has books for all the tribes, the spiritual realms, the other were-creatures who incidentally near universally hate werewolves.
does anyone have that screencap explaining why the PC is so powerful, Gehenna and all that?
>Are vampires not important in the overall WoD lore?
Aside from their Antediluvian having apocalyptic powers, not really. Mages and Demons affect the setting more immensely. Though Caine cause they sencond big fuckup.
Animals have hierarchies. Humans have the capacity to use rhizomatic social structures but don't because they are forced into hierachical structures by the ones on top of those structures who profit from them.
That's what uneducated retards don't understand. Anarchy doesn't mean "dude just do whatever. no rules lmao". It's about change from a hierarchical structure to a rhizomatic one.
So what the fuck were the gook vampires?
Why were they all fish?
sure thing
will do
no problem
message received
okey dokey
roger roger
mi comprende
of course
would be my pleasure
aye aye cap'n
Where the third gen bros at?
>Wait so killing an elder vampire cures all their spawn right?
No, no it does not. It tends to just make them go insane.
>So hypothetically lets say Cain somehow gets killed or rather he is allowed to get killed. Do all vampires just...go human? Or do older ones become dust because they old.
That's one of those "the Storyteller decides" things. Caine might already be dead. They refuse to canonize things about Caine in the modern day, one way or another, because they want to leave that up to the GMs of the tabletop RPG to play however they want.
The only hard facts about Caine is there's a 99% chance that he existed and was the first vampire and lasted at least to the age of Jesus.
>by all accounts the only game that was agreed to be an overall improvement in the new world of darkness was changeling.
Vampire: the Requiem has gotten shit on a lot over the years, but I think it had quite a lot going for it. The sects for example, I liked quite a bit more than the Masquerade's Camarilla/Anarch/Sabbat
Personally its the same problem with xmen they made them an explicit gay allegory when they're supposed to represent any group resisting or trying to work through tyrany
The taxi driver was the giga ultra God of all vampires and for literally no reason he was secretly powering your ass up
I wanna know too.
Why did they do vampires then instead of werewolf? they got different clans too right?
hahahahah oh god no, that is NOT how it works my friend, the only one that would apply to is Caine because he's the source of it all, and he has the mark of nod which makes him immortal because god wants him to live for all time until he admits what he did was wrong.
and in the scenario where he finally does apologise for being a dick the human reversion accounts for age, so older ones do become dust yes.
He's bored
Completely different kind of mythological cursed creature. They suck souls (chi), not blood.
Ancient chinese god-warriors who fell from grace.
The thing people forget is that in WoD...GOD is canon. Like literal, 100% canon in Game. So canon that if you have real, Faith, you can do goddamn miracles.True Faith is a thing that's scary because a Vampire will never know if a random guy on the street has it.
>So what the fuck were the gook vampires?
Very simply, dead people whose spirits reinhabited their bodies.
What the fuck was the sheriff?
vampire the masquerade is the most popular, doesn't take rocket science.
and werewolves have tribes yes, though it's not as set in stone as vampiric clans since it's more about being related to someone from that tribe and some tribes take people in, children of gaia are well known for taking in basically anyone.
An OC from Africa.
The Camarilla still has plenty of pull and assassins, Europe might not be under their mighty fist anymore and the Anarchs might be way stronger, but they're still a faction that are dangerous to corner and the Technocracy still wants to avoid any possibility of open war.
Vampires do not rule the world, but they are still dangerous.
>Terese/jeanette is gen 6th
5V did this. This does not bode well for the game.
Werewolf the Apocalypse also has a game coming up soon, and to be honest i'm more exited by that at this point. Betting on the underdog and all that.
yin yang zombies basically, they weren't fish, and the one sharkman you saw was actually a rokea, a wereshark.
Nagloper clan vamp
Some deaded by their childe(only not really), some alive(or have become biological parasites or collective consciousnesses), some hiding, some got diablarized(but not really or did it on purpose), some in torpor.
It depends.
Gangrel, maybe?
I dunno. I'm sure someone somewhere wrote up a character sheet for him.
Does Cain have to apologize a certain way? Or does he just need to shout "I'm sorry for X".
I just assumed you were a high generation. That would explain why LaCroix was so willing to kill your sire at a drop of a hat, and why they were basically there on the scene the moment you got sired with a breaching team.
>it's OUR fiction
This is why you people are considered internationally insufferable.
nah it's a nagloper, an african vampire clan who are speculated to be related to the tzmitsce.
That Hengeyokai was pretty fucking weak.
They can tear up werewolves.
I really hate VtM threads because there's always an infinite amount of people that literally do not know what they're talking about. They don't even know the fucking game, let alone the oWoD setting or new one.
The Mark does not actually make Caine immortal, it just deals 7x as much damage back to whoever harms him.
If, somehow, you manage to deal enough damage to kill Caine in one blow, you will actually kill him.
You will just be killed seven times as much, and you're not as durable as Caine is to begin with.
The problem with that is, Caine probably has to let you do it to begin with, unless you're going with the Gehenna scenario where Lilith wants to kill Caine and is backing you up.
Where the Tengu at?
>WoD's Solid Snake
Right, and people who think most people would behave in a non hierarchical system are morons. Sure, you can make non hierarchical systems work in small groups, but it's not going to work on a large scale.
The seas will boil away, the stars will all explode and the universe will turn inside out before Caine apologizes.
>Does Cain have to apologize a certain way?
Sincerely, I would imagine.
he just has to earnestly admit that what he did was wrong, and ask for forgiveness, that's it, it's remarkably simple but give a man thousands upon thousands of years of being a huge grumpy asshole and feeling he was wronged and see if you can get him to fucking budge.
He has to say that he should not have killed Abel, that is all. Admitting it in any way is fine.
good luck getting through ten dots of fortitude man, he has ten dots in every discipline his combat stats aren't listed for a reason, the idea of fighting him is just plain absurd.
He has to mean it
so essentially this
Thus, the last sentence in that post. Either Caine is letting you do it, or Lilith (or some other top tier entity) is actively helping you.
Like he said. One was killed 20 years ago by blasting him with three suns and then nuking him from orbit. But there are presumably more still in topor, ready to wake up and end the world at any given time.
Lilith to me has always had that ming xaio vibe, where it doesn't feel like it'll end well for you to side with her.
Vampires effect for the most part is surface level.
Meanwhile you have mages trying to fuck-up each other irregardless of the possible collateral damage to several planes on the world and Demons either wanting to destroy humans or forcibly come of their prison all the while being the actual end-all string pullers in a several plot threads.
Though Meta-wise VTM is the most popular setting and gets the most attention.
Why did this Cain kill his bro?
read the old testament
God would personally intervene if someone is close to killing Caine.
In one of the scenarios when Lilith and the Crone was about to kill him they were crushed by the Literal "thumb" of God.
he was jelly and angry at god because his sacrifices worked while cains didnt get him shit
Mage is pretty popular.
same reason as the bible, his offering to god was rejected because farming plants was knowledge from the apple, while able's offering went through ok, I forget what it was, a goat or a sheep or something.
Cain then decided he'd give that fucker a better offering then and slapped able onto that offering pedestal and god was like what the fuck.
The surface level matters. The masses matter. Humanity as a whole is fundamental to Consensus, and when people start dying in droves, reality weakens. When people start believing in the supernatural en masse, it's even worse.
The conflicts of mages are all about this fact. The Ascension War is fought over how humans think, not what metaplane is largest in the Horizon Realms or anything like that. The Technocracy aren't trying to kill off the Traditions just because they don't respect science, but because they threaten the Technocrat's ironclad grip on Consensus and they have become tyrants who brook no equals.
The day to day lives matters in the end because it's how ordinary people think, and that is the first and last thing that must be won.
Oh so it's the same. I thought they'd embellish it.
In another scenario Caine has been dead for a thousand years and he's just a shiny skull baking in the desert. They were very deliberately opening many doors with their endgame scenario books.
Even Ravnos' death is questionable depending upon the story teller. The master of illusion who can alter reality like an Archmage using just thaumaturgy? How can you be sure such a being can actually even be killed? More likely it's consciousness was nuked apart and just it's physical form was The Sun'd. It could come back.
Jealousy and love
It was a 200 IQ move.
His brother always sacrifices the best of his flock to God.
So he thought what if he sacrifice the best thing he knows to God? And the bestest thing and person he knows was his brother. God would get the best sacrifice, his bro would be closer to God and he would get head-pats for a job well done.
That's why he is still grumpy thousands of years later, in his mind he dindu nuffin wrong.
Then its safe to say that he said he was sorry.
His kindred on the other hand is fucked.
Caine literally invented murder. There were angel wars going on and even they didn't think of or imagine the very concept of killing another being. Caine created a concept that pretty much fucked up Creation. That's why God got so pissed at him.
Are Adam and Eve around
anyways to continue the story, in WoD after this he got banished to wander the land of nod, while there he got visited to a succession of angels who each gave him a chance to repent and be forgiven, cain spitefully told them to go fuck themselves each time so each angel in turn slapped him with a curse, this included: being only ever able to find nourishment from the blood of his brother Seth (the third brother who all of humanity is descended from), to be burned by the sun, etc etc, all those vampire weaknesses, the last angel left him the open ended offer to fess up anytime he liked and then cursed him to forever be betrayed, which he clearly didn't take seriously until his first city went to shit.
Cain stop screwing around I need a ride to Chinatown my wiafu is eating ramen without meeeeee