Were people tricked into liking this game simply because it's a crpg...

Were people tricked into liking this game simply because it's a crpg, and there hadn't been a good one in a long time at the time of release?

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A bit overrated but it's still a solid game.

Naw, its good if you don't pick male city elf

I dunno, but I didn't like it.

It's a very good game, though?

it has no redeeming qualities, though?

I played it way after release and loved it at first sight. Never was a fan of crpgs and played it more like a regular rpg

Why are you trying so hard to fit in? Yea Forums had nothing bad to say about Origins when it came out.

ITT: Yea Forums conclusively proves i didn't have fun playing a game

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The Elves are the good guys

This was one of the last hoorahs from old Bioware before they became an EA subsidiary and lost all their old talent. DA:O is a solid game and, like Mass Effect 2, is one of the last Bioware games worth playing.

It’s a 7/10 but some dickheads think it’s a 9/10
The best thing about it is that it kickstarted a wave of solid CRPGs again because people were reminded that these existed

Origins was the last great Bioware game

Pretty much. It was seen as proof that there was still life in the crpg genre, that you could take the core of the 90's/early 2000's crpgs, freshen it up a bit with more dynamic graphics an cameras, and that it would still work. It was not universally well received though, plenty of people commented on how generic the lore was and how ugly the art direction was from day one so those are not new criticisms spawned by hindsight.

most of the fags that liked it didn't even play it right. i've yet to meet a single fan of the game that understood the main gimmick of the game was to program your characters to auto-battle, like they didn't even know it was possible. makes you wonder about the average IQ of biofags. just a bunch of borderline illiterate storyfags.

Didn't say this was my opinion, spergo. I was proposing a scientific theory.

>the main gimmick of the game was to program your characters to auto-battle

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>The best thing about it is that it kickstarted a wave of solid CRPGs again
it did not, there wasn't another real CRPG until 3 years after its release not counting vogel who chugs along regardless of sales

>I love Dragon Age Origins!
>Final Fantasy 12? Booooring.
Explain this, autists. Final Fantasy 12 was ahead of it's time, and Dragon Age Origins borrowed heavily from it.

This, basically
People can shit on FFXII all they want but the core gimmick is basically the same as DAO’s
You can do some micro managing to pull of certain combos but there’s never really a crazy tough encounter where your auto run scripts won’t carry you 90% of the way
Also, did anyone ever use traps? I never ran into a need to

>the main gimmick of the game was to program your characters to auto-battle
It literally was, you absolute retard. If you didn't use the tactics system you played the game wrong.

Are you saying that wasn’t the most significant gameplay feature? Unless you’re some micromanaging autist or playing on easy mode, the tactics were probably doing most of the heavy lifting

>control the mage and use freeze and trap magic: the game
was there a point in controling anyone but the mages?
I still like the game

Two based posts back to back.

It was useful for smaller encounters if you didn't like pausing the game constantly, but there's no way you'd be able to competently handle any of the bosses or more challenging encounters with your auto-battle settings alone.
It was in no way a centralizing mechanic. It was entirely optional and simply deciding placement and moveset usage yourself worked better 100% of the time.

Dwarf commoner master race.

I like both gameplay wise. But I think DA:O characters were slightly less insufferable in comparison to FFXIIs characters. And then DA 2 shit all over everything.

Reminder that Bioware dumbed the console version down because consolefags couldn't wrap their head around managing characters in an already piss easy game. If you played the console version you basically just played a shitty western VN with lots of shitty filler.

>Completely different settings
>one is child friendly, one somewhat adult oriented
>entirely preset story vs illusion of choice
A big draw of "modern" cRPGs is obviously the dialogue where the player is an active participant, as well as the option of creating your own character instead of inserting as Vaan and watching the actual heroes go to work

I like both games though but this is like comparing apples to oranges because they both have a sweet taste
>inb4 muh food analogy
I could have made one with cars and bicycles as well but I did not just to spite you

>but there's no way you'd be able to competently handle any of the bosses or more challenging encounters with your auto-battle settings alone.
you are totally wrong dude

Stay retarded user.

both of those games are absolute shit

How am I retarded if I can beat the game with the tactics slots but you can't? What does that make you?

>you played the game wrong
There's not an "objective" way to play it, you fucking moron. I play games my way and you can go fuck yourself.

I liked it. Found it very cosy.
I particularly liked orzammar or whatever it was called


A liar.

You can set it up to competently take on groups of low ranking enemies but in any encounter that isn't par for the course (like against a boss or a trap heavy encounter) your tactics will be working against you.

how do I git gud at nightmare difficulty? every battle is stupidly difficult

>A liar.
lol im not lying dude

I was excited as shit for this game. pre-ordered it like a fucking idiot. once I got it I was floored by how utterly banal the gameplay and story was and how absolutely fucking ugly everything was. not to mention the bugs.

Was one of the most regrettable purchases of my life. Worst of all my wife for some reason fell in love with it and has bought every single one, despite the fact each one is worse than the last.

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Seriously one of the worst balanced rpgs. Ether you steam roll through the enemies or they're not taking damage and you're flailing around popping potions.

FFXII's gambits also had way more options that DA:O's tactics.

I remember playing this on the hardest difficulty (nightmare?) and having to really micro manage shit. Eventually I settled on taking 2 warriors and casting the spell that completely disables them from everything for about 40 seconds, it didn't remove hate so enemies would still pointlessly attack the warrior doing nothing for 30 seconds, then start attacking the second warrior while I wait the 10 seconds for them it to be recast on the second warrior.
I got to the end of the game and then found out there was a boss fight you're supposed to lose against, I felt like I missed out on a fun losing battle. It was nice finding a broken combo like that though to beat the game with.

Wow you didn't play this role-playing game that gives me a wide variety of ways to play the exact same as I did? Well buddy I guess that makes you wrong

@ my mage bros.

Tell me you did everything in your power to ruin this fucking incels life.

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>no way you'd be able to competently handle any of the bosses or more challenging encounters with your auto-battle settings alone.
Fucking lol. Origins is brain-dead easy. I beat the Harvester from the DLC on the hardest difficulty on auto-pilot (which was supposed to be the hardest thing in the game) without even breaking a sweat.

All you have to do is set your characters to kill lowest health enemy first and heal yourself at around 30% and the game just falls apart. Making sure your dipshit party members don't kill themselves with friendly fire is the hardest part of this stupid game.

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DA:O is just a modern, slightly casualized Baulders Gate.

I don't even know how you could compare it to this shōjo dungeon grinder.

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Playing as a mage character was easy mode, so if your goal is to win with as little effort as possible, then that's your reason. I also accept people who self insert into fantasy games as wizards, I get it.

But, otherwise, no. The best way to take advantage of the games strategy and programmable AI is to be a rogue, and taking advantage of the opportunities your comrades give you. Bonus immersion points if you only program them, and then never manually control them.

the game forces him down your throat as your best friend oh poor fuckin jowan hes a shithead and so is his dumb broad girlfriend

thing that pisses me off tho and they do it way worse in 2 but every mage in da seems to answer accusationf of being a blood mage with IM NO BLOOD MAGE AND ILL SHOW YOU ILL USE BLOOD MAGIC BECUASE OF THIS CORNER YOUVE PUSHED ME IN TO

It was a good game. Incomplete, butchered to sells dlcs, generic world, awful final boss and it was a console game. Still, decent. For people coming from old bioware titles it was a let down but those were not the target audience.