yo what the fuck
Risk of Rain - Why is there no thread Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Nerf when Hopoo
Who the fuck wants to play
US East
post your top artificer runs bitch
Guess you guys won't be doing prismatics with the modded version anymore (I wanna be nice modder to devs)
releasing soon, working on it
op here
will get down
maybe will fuck
>say fuck it and pop a shrine of order
>23 sticky bombs, 18 will-o-wisps, and 4 alien heads
>they literally removed the command to set seeds even though it was literally impossible to call without modification in the first place
nani the fuck?
Haha only 8 stages
hey i was proud of this fuck you
Good progress is being made, already added bandit, 16 players and showing modifiers/items/artifacts
(just need to reimplement my artifacts/convars)
good, when adding it, it still works
>energy drink
Do the game devs lack elementary-level medicinal knowledge?
>revisiting RoR
>get 170 minutes in, tearing apart anything that looks at me
>get stuck in a floor when I cycle back another time
Is there any way out of this or am I fucked?
I just spent 25 minutes continuously trying this shrine of chance. I managed to fail to get an item 16-17 times in a row before finally getting a payout of a rusty key.
Youre screwed unless you have something like marble lmao
You're setting the ismodded tag to true to be a good dude, I'm sure.
Can I ask you to set Lemurians as well? Give it that Arbiter feeling. Like I'm playing a shitty low-poly Halo 2.
Can you post a front facing bandit pic?
est normal
Everyone knows that the "energy" in energy drinks is mostly sugar and caffeine (though these can be addictive themselves)
Well fuck, guess that's what I get for going too fast
Cleaned up the gun mod, moving onto making the teleporter shrine more noticeable.
I still have one lying around I think
rip it's cropped
just for you user, since it's a pretty big hassle
did the update fuck up your shit?
>shrine of order gives me 47 rusted keys
for what purpose
Good, that'll be a free guaranteed red on every level.
My point was that benzos and opiates are both extremely sedating and would do the opposite of what an energy drink is supposed to.
God bless you user
>Horde of Glacial Stone Titans on second teleporter as Merc
That sure was fun having 600 wisps spawn then immediately kill me because it took so fucking long to kill just one of them
What does 'proc' mean in the context of this game? I keep seeing that word thrown around when discussing item and character stats but never explain what it actually means.
cool thanks
added bandit, HAN-D, sniper & lizardbro
if you want more than that you'll have to edit yourself or CE
I miss HAN-D. He'd suck ass, but i want to smash tthings with a hammer, you feel?
>tfw user is new to video games
proccing something is triggering it
for example an on hit effect or a crit
proc chance is the chance that thing happens
for example uke's proc chance is 20%
its an allusion to the Emancipation Proclamation, basically people are saying some items enslave you because their so garbage
But there is a thread!
damage was dealt. fun was had. behemoth + hook is bananas
I've known what a proc is for as long as I remember but never knew the origin of it. Weird
literally never heard that term before but thanks anyways user
Hahahaha get fucked.
you mean this thread
both these fags didn't put risk in the OP
Yeah, it's from the people who were in the previous thread and we just linked it when the patch notes came out
tis a shame
>open chest
>red item
>ceremonial daggers
>go to pick it up
>friend just casually rolls over it with MUL-T and takes it
You motherfucker.
Beep Boop
Guess he took that dagger and stabbed you in the back with it haha
only the hardcorest of nerds, no sex handholdless kissless virgins allowed
posting patch notes since they're only visible on hopoo's discord
What does this mean? Does this mean enemies are going to hit always hit mercenary? RIP Mercenary
say thanks to this fruit because it just saved your life
it's probably referring to that invincibility bug that was found a while ago.
basically merc would spawn into every map invincible until he used his shift or R abilities.
>Putting "edition" in the OP
Retard, do you want us to get sent to /vg/?
Merc is really fucking fun, i hope hoppo makes more melee characters.
Artifacer is shit and underpowered compared to every other character, including the huntress.
>inb4 hurr items make her gud
>royal capacitor nerf
So fucking lame. I loved acting as if I was Zeus and smiting fuckers in cold blood from across the map
Two slots USEast
US East.
Pick the difficulty.
it means just tested it and merc is back to normal.
>they're only visible on hopoo's discord
Thanks. Why the fuck do these devs use discord, fuck that shit.
It'd be really nice if they can bump up the player count to 8, even better if you can drop in-out and have enemies scale accordingly.
But i suppose thats some way off.
furu desu
artificer is good if you have a headset, 5 magazines, rejuvination rack, 10 gnurls, 5 stealth kits, 50 infusions, then she's actually pretty good
just get line of sight. it's not even a big nerf anyways, it still has infinite fucking range. at the worst it just makes it not quite as good in swamp/desert since those are the least open maps
desu I didn't see them on steam either, and the timestamps show that they were posted on discord about 45 minutes earlier
post merc webms
enemies/chests etc scale with the multiplayer mod, my guess is it's easier to figure bugs/balance out with just 4 players for now
the biggest issue I saw with 16 players is that the game lags like a motherfucker, could be the host being shit but 16 players with peer to peer seems pretty rough
where's the porn?
>>inb4 hurr items make her gud
i get the joke though.
Any US 4 mans going on out there? Randos suck balls.
get in
that's cuz steam is stupid and only puts dumb "news" articles on the library page. Need to go to the Community to see posts like this.
i mean
Well unless the host has a godlike connection, it's almost inevitably going to lag a lot.
They mentioned on their Tumblr that they're looking at the possibility of allowing more players as a custom lobby option (but still limiting it to 4 in Quick Play). So in other words it's probably coming at some point
where my /15~fps/ niggas at?
>A mysterious red portal has opened
>You find yourself surrounded by strange slender blood thirsty creatures, bulbous bloated and disfigured walking rotted corpses, and fiendish reanimated bones
>You are being hunted
>Defeat him
>In the darkness a hearth lights up, you spy a chair seated in front of it
>Press E to sit and talk
>The flames roar to life
Welcome, Reaper
Obviously the drink gives too much energy so you need to balance them with sleeping pills, duh.
anons how and when did you start to accept you might be bad at this game?
maybe i should just give up and stop playing on monsoon
11 here
We also need mario, and mister chief, and sonic, and crush banticoot
But I'm good at the game.
At stage 20 with 10 ukeleles and 2 unstable tesla coils running over 300% movement speed.
well gearbox is involved in it so
Retard, you know Deadbolt was Hopoo's last game?
and game genie, and sonichu, and vince mcmahon
Why do people keep leaving the game? Lag?
gimme dat us east server
What difficulty is this? I'm impressed.
will you be my senpai then?
I-I just havent solved it yet is all
You're a bro, bro.
Where did you learn to do this stuff anyways?
Nigger how the fuck do you die to retard worm?
Nah, take a long walk off a short pier.
Does the timed chest always spawn that weapon?
>Worm lands near you as you're focusing on everything else
>Burn to death
My guess.
He didn't get his shots.
Yes. Also the lizard pair in Aqueduct will always give you the rings. Considering how powerful the BFG is I'd say having a guaranteed way to get is a good design decision.
this update gave me like 10fps. thank you hoopy
>Lizard pair destroyed my turrets in one shot
I was not expecting this.
Is it just me or does ROR 2 suck ass compared to the first one?
For free? Can I have some?
Does this mean 4p+ is fucked until someone remods the files again?
It's early access animeposter you need to give it some time to bake in the oven first
no, i need them. desperately
I'd suck her ass.
No, you're just retarded, which can easily be identified due to your Fate reaction image.
But they increased the particle count, what did they do?
>get transcendence beetle
>get 10 hard times
>enjoy literal invincibility for the whole game
>until I get memed by an overloading worm on ROUND FUCKING NINETEEN
Sadly Hopoo said Reaper isn't comign as a character, but something related to deadbolt will appear (probably one or two items)
Cool of you to post my gif. Here's the uncompressed reaper.
Wait, where did Hopoo say that?
Never fear user, HAND-E is returning, his data is in the game as well as a full model.
Half of his abilities were cribbed from Loader now though.
reminder that tougher times is statistically worse than tough times since damage mitigation would at least let you survive a hit instead of giving you this all or nothing instant kill bullshit
I literally never knew the origin until this post. Thanks, user!
Literally just you, faggot. Also game is missing like a third of the planned content, and shit like artifacts and 16 player lobbies is coming later.
I bet you played glass only
>Spend a single lunar coin on the first level
>Thic Wizard Ass PROFIT!
Q&A about Deadbolt post-Mortem. There is a sliiiiight chance he'll make it in but the way it worded it makes it sound clear it isn't close to a priority.
>HAN-D would suck ass
I got into playing the first RoR recently due to interest in this new one, and unlocked and played this character. Nothing about him seemed like it be particularly unviable in 3D gameplay. Really fun character by the way.
Not being able to find a portal is not the issue here, the issue is not having the coins
Stop remaking your generals on Yea Forums
You haveo ne on /vg/
It was a year ago. Surely things can change right?
I've also got my dick in your mouth, but I don't hear you complaining about that.
I think that's the joke
>only 4 maps cycling endlessly
>only 3 bosses cycling endlessly
>only 10 different items
>only 5 different playable classes
it got boring after 2 hours to be quite honest, you always reach a point where your character is overpowered and you just keep collecting the same items and killing stuff that doesn't pose a real challenge until eventually you get killed instantly for not paying attention for a second.
>Stone Titan
>wandering Vagrant
>The clay pot
>Horde Bosses
>Beetle Queen
Give credit where credit is due.
They can, specially if people is vocal enough. I understand and agree with Hopoo's PoV but adding him as a post-game secret character could work. In some way CHEF was a bit too dumb compared to vanilla characters but since he was post-release and cool gameplay-wise people loved it.
user, he didn't get a single fact right. He's shitposting for (You)'s
>tfw the game keeps giving you shitty greens when all you want is some half decent white items
why do so many green items suck so hard to get early
457205894 (You)
>Playing Merc with two buddies
>They die and I have to fight three Clay Dunestriders on my own
honestly a lot of green tiers belong in white tier, and a lot of whites belong in green tier.
>Hopoo's POV
I don't really understand it. Sure developing another character takes resources, time, and effort, but that shouldn't stop other characters from making it in. We're not in the 90s where you have to fit x amount of data on a cart.
Updated for the patch.
>Language files (optional) same as few hours ago
Changes that were made in the version I posted a few hours ago: pastebin.com
tl;dr command & honor artifacts, headhunter fix, seed support & burn damage convar
modding games?
nowhere really, people wanted me to do things for SCPSL, so I did
now people want me to do things for RoR2 so I do
How hard would it be to replace the music or make a brand new character?
They're rarities, not qualities. Of course some common items are going to be good and some common items are going to be bad, if all white items were shit then the early game would be pretty fucking miserable
>So I did
>So I do
thanks boss
>replace the music
That probably wouldn't be very difficult. It's not like the game does anything special with the tracks outside of muting them a bit when you're no longer in the portal bubble.
He probably meant it in a way to avoid misfocus. They want to deliver RoR2 as it's own world, then maybe focus on other things. Maybe it starts with reaper but then an enemy, a boss, a level or items make it in and it's less RoR and more mixbag.
Regardless of the reason I hope they still consider more alternative or experimental content once it's released.
are you a magician
Thank you based Modanon.
>Playing online
>People rush the teleporter immediately and leave 6-7+ chests unopened
>End up not having enough money post-boss to open chests
>They complain about bosses having too much HP or dying too quickly
It's like people don't understand that if you don't open most of the chests, you're going to get fucked. The difficulty shoots up far more going from zone to zone than it does sitting in one for too long.
was the download link updated too?
I hate Wandering Vagrant.
A stupid boss.
Like 80% of the items and skills don't work on it properly due to it being a big floaty bitch.
Also, it can spawn in open areas making the nuke undodgeable.
I mostly just mean stuff like getting Old War Stealth Kits when all I want is some sticky bombs or a crit glass
host where?
lobby WHEN
I don't even use the mod, but wanna say you're pretty cool and thank you for your work.
wait what
can you show a pic of it?
Is there more than a single good blue item?
Thanks modAnon. What does the burn damage convar do?
Goes great with fuel cell
I like shaped glass, gesture and transcendence
Stop shilling this game for muh Yea Forums Yea Forums integrity for a second and let's adress the elephant in the room: it feels like an unbalanced clusterfuck compared to the first one.
>Literally broke the game with royal capacitor
>Merc 35 stages
>Now nothing to do
>replace music
probably not very hard
>new character
you can nope right off
what do you think it does
it's also explained by the convar itself if you type help Yea Forums_burn_multiplier, and it's also in the patch notes
>he thinks the first game was balanced
>damage taken
This was from before the patch, wasn't it.
Red Whip should only be disabled by taking damage.
Debate me.
>long road
>as artificer
God amongs men.
It wasn't perfect but it felt like at least some effort had been made
Which is more than what can be said about your posts.
It was but I didnt use the merc glitch thing
My first round was insanely lucky, I got the royal capacity, the boss dropped a fuel cell and my bazaar had two fossils.
From that point I literally just had to sit back and let my capacitor do all the work, going back to the portal every single round in order to get more fossils. Eventually I was so strong I just picked up two glass and started 9999 critting everything.
I died once, but had a revive.
A lot of you all joined at the same time, try again if you failed first time
After playing extensively in both types of lobbies I have determined that dicking around and opening every single chests fucks you way harder than rushing the teleporter and buying what you can afford without grinding.
Best Item in the Game.
Soulless remake
If you just rush the portal, you wont have enough items
But if you fuck around too long, you will eventually get overrun.
If only there was some middle ground, like collecting what is easily available but leaving promptly...
>not fireworks
Just finished a bandit glass run, spawning began to get weird on me and everything would die before i could reach them.
Had to obliterate because enemies stopped spawning :(
I disagree, because there are some items you can get that are huge game changers and let you survive much better or kill much faster.
Spending an extra minute on each level makes subsequent levels faster because you spend less time having to kill enemies in order to get gold to start opening chests again.
I've lost many games because no one had anything good and we rushed ahead into a difficulty we weren't prepared for, all because we didn't want to grind.
>Hardlight afterburner
>as many energy drinks and goat hoofs as i can muster
>Press shift
The amount of damage it can do to bosses is fucking silly
for me its the ukelele
>Overloading magma worm aftermath.jpg
There are no items strong enough to save people who take more than 5 minutes per stage and then try to figure out why everything is one-shotting them by stage 6. At most, you can delay the tele in the first couple of levels until people have had time to open a chest or two but anything past that is excessive and bad. By the time the game is looping you should be activating the teleporter the second you find it.
Why is Commando so shit?
>He doesn't take five minutes per stage and go up until stage 30
You're both fucking morons. End yourselves.
He believes in the lies about dying for Space Israel.
He does nothing better than anyone else.
He should get buffs to his proc chance.
Boring, low damage, poor crowd control, doesn't really have any aspects another character can't do better.
Rushing IS how to be efficient in risk of rain.
3/4 gtf in here
this is what it feels like for me
There was also still a targeting bug. If you were just using the Capacitor, enemies wouldn't ever aggro to you.
>Rushing IS how to be efficient in risk of rain.
No, it objectively is fucking not. If you rush you'll miss out on items and if you take too long you'll get fucked by the timer.
I can fucking tell you've never played monsoon before, so fuck off and play the game before posting here scrub.
rusted key is ba-
Everything one shots you once you're at the point where you start looping. Especially as blazing enemies spawn.
At that point you should be focused on evading everything, and items are more important to maintaining your relative power level than humping the teleporter once you find it. Especially because each time you take the teleporter you essentially leap ahead into a new level of difficulty, which means in your example you're going to quickly outpace your combined strength.
Do you play on the hardest difficulty?
Does the damage boost from crowbar stay on the huntress' glaive even after it strikes a a monster that isn't "healthy" ?
Just wondering if it's worth stacking crowbar to molest groups of things even into later stages.
You got blown the fuck out in the other thread autist. How about you complain in this one instead But you won't because you actually just straight up hate people not shitposting and playing regular ass videogames
You literally don't know what efficiency means.
>Everything one shots you once you're at the point where you start looping.
This isn't true on any difficulty.
est normal
crowbar seems like an absolute shit tier item when everything has so much health past early game
Someone give me some tips to survive monsoon, I am bad and tend to die on stage 3 or 4. I mostly am using commando and merc.
US West Monsoon
Get off drizzle/rainstorm anons
>This isn't true on any difficulty.
Guess how I know you don't play on Monsoon.
Someone needs that G I G A B I T
heres my (you)! you are doing gods work user
Guess how I know you spend way too long on every stage.
it's going to be good on sniper and that is it
Just wondering, since the glaive has in built damage stack for each bounce, just wondering if the crowbar damage boost would stay on additional bounces, even after it has struck damaged monsters.
Just looking at ways to stack that dmg stacking to higher levels.
>MUL-T Finally got nerfed
Also does anyone have a picture of him? I need one for an edit.
how many rusted keys for guaranteed reds?
Are you playing single or multi? Also join this
Commando is one of the classes that can simply be extremely hard to not die while having enough damage without getting good items. With merc you really need to learn what situations are ok to be in, since you can pretty much choose wherever you want to be
why yes, I play on Drizzle, how could you tell?
>no portal has spawned
please god no
go fast and herd enemies
Actually, I think that due to the way the numbers work, I don't think you can ever get to 100% 99.99999999999999% maybe.
just open the game and view his survivor entry in the logbook
i keep dying on monsoon in like 5 or 6 stages in, how fast do i need to book it or do i just have to luck out with some items and hope to get enough healing along the way
post underrated items
right there
redpilled post
By the time I reach HAHAHAHA, I'm rushing TP
Fuck giving blazing enemies a chance to spawn and ruin my run
Multiplayer forces other into spectator mode
how is that underrated
it's one of the best greens
Monsoon US West
3/4 get in here
it's literally named after the dev you retard
if they have the assembly too?
I did multiplayer fine with my buddy, so you gotta be more specific
anyway I'm going to bed now
yeah they both have the dll
Even if we turn off everything it still forces the non hosts into spectator mode
People complain about Rose Bucklers and Red Whips, but never Feathers.
>no fix for engineers turrets targeting things below ground and never shooting
How strong is the rose buckler? I don't notice what it does
rainstorm lobby when
>game is abbreviated ror2 commonly
>can't search for risk of rain 2 AND ror2 for a thread
>hurr the game title isn't in the OP
Any lobby when
Thats pretty fucking snazzy, if only commando got buffed i would play him a lot
how many keys do you need for reds? i stacked 8 of them and still only got greens
When is it being added?
I don't really like that they COMPLETELY removed MUL-T's bonus speed desu
I think it would've been fine to just tone it down but completely removing one of the things that makes him unique makes him less fun to play and makes him feel absolutely sluggish
his speed's down almost 25% and even with the bonus 20% on the Transport Mode it's still 15% slower than it used to be
Any idea why the huntress is basically broken with this?
Increased armor when sprinting.
You don't notice because you're likely not getting hit when sprinting. It's "useful" on everyone, but really only benefits MUL-T since he's using his sprint to ram enemies.
FUCK Blazing elites, and FUCK Providence!
this is the funniest fucking image I have seen in weeks
>getting a pretty decent round on monsoon with merc
>activate teleporter
>Blazing elder lemurian
It's already there, it's the Milky Chrysalis, it's just a use item now and it sucks
Lobby is Now. But we are doing monsoon so buckle up bitches.
desu it's probably not in what with flight existing
I only had two when I took that screenshot lmao
I thought you guys said this game was hard
you didn't use eviscerate right in front of it and eat a flamethrower, did you user?
when fighting elders, you need to always attack them from behind as merc
How do I Engineer better? I actually really love this class, and I do decently, but I wanna do well. It seem like in the higher diffuclties, as soon as I put my turreNts down they explode. Do I just run around and hold M1 and M2? I mean, sure teh shield helps, until all the monsters walk through it.
Anyone else having issues with certain abilities simply not working if you arent the host.
Yo anyone else get the brand new dll a few posts up?
I cant get it working in multi, anyone else having that issue?
Fungus. Leech seed.
There was two of those disgusting things. I went behind one but then the other burped on me and I saw my health go from full to empty within one nano-sec
us west monsoon
Worked fine for me though theres some funky desync going on and half the time non hosts can't actually shoot. Not sure if thats game or mod related though.
for some reason it forces everyone but the host to spectator mode
>that spooky skeleton in the secret cave under the swamp level
p-pls explain
Yeah, I always get fungus whenever I can, leech seed too. But like, I dunno, maybe you just gotta die at some point.
Posters like you are a diamond dozen.
Did you not know you can save the coins up or something? Literally get 11 coins and newt alter on level one.
You have to kill it user.
Some of their abilities work though, its odd.
modanon pls dont go sleep yet
ggs :D
Yeah it booting people to spectator for some reason
Have any of the other characters been revealed? There are still 5 or 6 more right?
Han-d and sniper are in, not sure on anything past that.
i did. but what is its deal?
>Spend a single lunar coin on the first level
Wait what? What do you mean?
beware the knives brother for they may turn on you.
Has someone made a boomer edit sipping this drink yet?
Tesla/knives combo is nuts.
You unlock an item.
Is there any point of going on any more lads?
I only played drizzle just to turn my brain off and now I've become a god.
Menu promises four more.
Sniper and bandit are practically shoe-ins, they've been shown off in the dev blog.
Han-d and some kind of 'paladin' maybe but consider pic related.
I hope you have the 20 rounds completed. If you do already, it's time to end. If not, keep going.
Can someone link to the thicc huntress mod and the cloak removal for artificer? The update seems to have deleted it.
Did anyone else have bosses/enemies stop spawning at stage 40? There would be some when I got into the level but when I activated the teleporter nothing, I just stood there while it counted up.
If you spend a lunar coin at the pod or whatever it is, it will also spawn the portal at the end.
Passing the 3 hour mark seems to do that.
This is what god intended
Why is Yea Forums so against Drizzle? Every other gaming community I've played with says Drizzle is fine and preferred even.
Buy it you nigger.
uswest monsoon
pick a char with 4 abilities edition
>2 hours
Thats like a run and a half
Get here on the day it was released and get it for free from people who got the bogo and were giving them away left and right, but your 6 days too late for that
Drizzle is for babies
What are the best items for Artificer? Teddy bears, movement, crowbars, can she work with Transcendence? Attack speed is useless for her right?
Literally 41.176470588% damage reduction in Drizzle.
literal fucking babymode
you can't lose
if you die on Drizzle you actually have brain damage
How do you guys feel about random boss spawns not dropping items? Is slowing down the power curve / grinding ability a good thing?
>people actually think mercenary is bad
>random boss spawns not dropping items
At that point they're not bosses, they're mobs.
how do I give myself achievements
I pushed 7 crabs off the level and it took me like 25 minutes I feel accomplished enough
I did it all by myself. :)
Its terrible. Fuck all this its bby mode and damage reduction shit, its boring because it takes like 12 minutes for enough shit to spawn so you can clear all the chest on the first map.
What the fuck.
Got a swarm of brass contraptions as a boss for the fourth teleport, it instakilled me as soon as I was almost killing it.
Fucking hell, this game is fun but it sure is frustrating sometimes.
Snake eyes when.
Alien head
>My RoR2 OC that I posted here ended up on fucking know your meme
Is it me or are chests really fucking hard to find sometimes? I scout the entire map up and down and I'm lucky to find 3 or 4. Doesn't help they're so far apart and its easy to lose your bearings in 3D. I'd rather gold gain be nerfed a little bit and a lot more chests populate the area so that you dont have to scout every bit of the map for items.
tfw you learn hopoos are close to extinction
They should drop something at least. I believe the scalling at higher levels is pretty slow so it wouldn't hurt.
Attack speed doesn't affect her flamethrower and her normal attack is charge based, so it doesn't really do anything for her.
Crowbars pair nicely with the high damage of her kamehameha
On-hit items go well with flamethrower but other characters could probably get more use out of them
Beyond that she just needs movespeed and defensive items because she's so fragile
I fucking hate this reddit difficulty obsession that dark souls releasing on PC spawned. Difficulty isn't everything retards. If you have to make the game not fun to make it difficult enough for you to be able to brag on the internet about how you were able to not have fun the most, then it is better to not have a difficult game.
Not that risk of rain has the problem ofc
I find the best item on her is a mouse that left clicks literally any other character on the character select screen.
headstompers is pretty great for escaping hits
>if you die on Drizzle in under an hour and a half you actually have brain damage
After about two hours, even Drizzle enters sudden one-shot territory.
>stack gasoline and will-o-wisp
>use black hole
>kill 1 enemy in the grouo
>millions dead
fuck off I aint playing on that shit
Literally just movement and AoE shit. She's pretty awful overall. Half the items in the game are just useless on her.
>that feel when you find a soldier srynge 3d printer
US West Monsoon prepare to have shit items and die
What the fuck are you smoking?
Nobody says gas is bad.
It's a amazing psuedo-AoE that easily gets out of control in crowds.
Sure it's not will o' wisp, but will o' wisp is bonkers.
if you're two hours into a run and don't have at least a 90% chance to block attacks and +250 armor while sprinting you have brain damage
Had a 3d printer for will-o-wisps and got 13 of them.
Reminded me of playing a fire mag in WoW spamming living bomb. Shit felt real real nice just nuking one mob to have everything on the map explode
>Elite Elder Lemurian
>Run over
Absolutely not. The first time I played Drizzle I went for three hours straight and had to go out of my way and stand still like a retard in front of a store to get damaged. Never even came into risk of getting one-shotted and obliterated because enemies stopped spawning, but they seemed to just stop getting harder even before that.
You also need the 10 it costs to buy her. The 1 coin just guarantees you can go to the shop.
Why is that a variable and not a comment
>Get one infusion
>Win the game
>when you get gasoline, wil-o-wisp, ukulele and cube on the first map
>playing monsoon earlier
>use teleporter to go to next level
>immediately flame breathed as I spawn and die
Does anybody else wish there were cosmetic unlocks? Stuff like alternate skins and whatnot, not hats since that obviously wouldn't work too well with the new equipment visibility. It'd give you something nice to work for outside of items once you're done unlocking characters, and since they seemed to have removed all the character-specific unlock conditions it'd give them something to add with that.
Drizzle is fun!
F U N !
wow, is that it? i'm a shitter who hasnt gotten past 6 and ive seen almost all of those, besides the lunar store ones.
exactly, especially with ukulele, that shit stack upon itself and any clump up group turn to a giant fiery explosion. For some reason I saw fagget discuss how it the shittiest item on one of the thread
>Find key printer
>Have radar scanner
>Receive free orange item every single level
Key is based and sleeper overpowered
user, let me tell you about EARLY ACCESS
I'd honestly love this, especially if you could unlock skins that did things like changing the effects on skills a little or reacting to the difficulty level.
US West Monsoon
stop playing drizzle
US east 4 players
get in
Thanks for the hot tip, just got the 20 rounds achievement. and willingly let myself die under a fat beetle queen ass
Dear god MUL-T's double use item passive can let you do some fucking diculous shit.
4 fuel cells, black hole, and the green charging particle cannon do some silly shit.
At worst I could imagine outfits working, would like to see emotes first though
I had 10 in a run once and still got more greens than reds from them.
100 keys is almost 100% guaranteed red
It is because all the importance has been offloaded onto items. Your character is now purely a delivery system for procs. Before you could go Acrid and just throw out some epidemics and build DoTs on bigger targets with your claws, and more items were just gravy. Now you tickle the enemy with your weapon while your dozens of proc items all proc off one another and swirl in a big slop until the screen pops.
>Attack speed doesn't affect her flamethrower and her normal attack is charge based, so it doesn't really do anything for her.
Attack speed decreases the duration of her flamethrower meaning she shits out the hits faster, as well as reduces the charge time for her M2 which isn't particularly useful until you get a million spare mags and need to fire off multiple fully charges ones back to back.
>Crowbars pair nicely with the high damage of her kamehameha
Yes, although she's better off giving them to a Multi or something outside of singleplayer runs.
>On-hit items go well with flamethrower but other characters could probably get more use out of them
Unfortunately true, due to her AoE giving her garbage proc coefficients.
Even though Huntrasses' M2 has a 1.0 coefficient despite hitting multiple targets in a potentially much wider range giving her procs more spread.
>Beyond that she just needs movespeed and defensive items because she's so fragile
Yes, getting too many damage items early on is suicide.
Her base damage is very high, so you don't need to rely on items early anyway.
Focus on movement and defensive items until you're comfortable moving around, and then start building kill potential.
could someone get me clean renders of each class
Wheres duh NA east lobby?!
its too easy
1 more slot left
Drizzle runs suck, because you always have to quit out instead of dying due to how long they last.
is there shame in playing drizzle to unlock the 20 level achievement
>black hole on top of a boss
>throw in an AoE
>something dies
>every enemy explodes
>boss lights up like hiroshima
Arguably better than Pron Accumulator
Preon Accumulator is just kind of objectively worse than the Royal Capacitor.
No Enforcer, no buy.
how do you enter the door in the lava area
Kinda, but everyone should do at least one drizzle run at some point just to see for themselves how much different it is, so it's not a huge deal.
You'll likely get a 20 stage run at some point anyway if you play enough.
Chef when
only if you don't get deicide after
i don't think it's the same proc.
the proc discussed in games like this (or any game where something has a chance to do something else) stand for programmed random occurrence.
Anyone know if there's a hidden log book for the golden portal environment or if you have to be lucky enough for it to spawn a terminal to activate?
why would any of the characters besides the robots and mercenary be on a cargo ship
Random whether it is open or not. Nothing is ever in there though.
In-universe during RoR1, they're the security or the maintenance for Command Light, except for Acrid who was part of the Cargo.
Space transport ain't easy
US West Monsoon 4 man
Can someone explain to a brainlet how you open the door on the desert map? I played with some Yea Forumsirgins and they somehow opened it and there were two lemurians down there. How do I open it?
Would spamming Arti's M1 be her best option during the buff?
How much attack speed would you need to make the charging of M2s be better?
na east lobby up, rainstorm babies stay home
commando is the delivery man
engineer is the ships engineer
bandit was a stowaway
idk about huntress though
Monsoon Lobby
Find two pressure plates.
If you already killed them though, there's no point.
need 1 more
Look for 2 switches on the ground usually by trees or rocks but you need to trip them at the same time so be engi and use turrets
us east
i set Yea Forums items, modifiers and artifacts to 0
just wanna see if the spectator bug still happens
>tfw not enough EU NEETs for a lobby
I'll just play singleplayer then
I love how every single reply to this post is utter garbage.
In order of importance for Artificer
1. Goat Hoof, Hopoo Feather, Energy Drink, Quail, Red Whip
2. Syringes, Magazines, Warbanner (x1)
3. Glasses, Tougher Times, proc items (Ukulele, Sticky Bombs, AtG, Wisp, Bands)
Best Legendary: Brainstalks, Alienhead
You need 1 because you have no escape or surviveability. Stacking even one of each of these will do wonders for your ability to stay alive.
Flame Bolt: Great early game but will lose effectiveness as you play because of its slow recharge rate. You can increase its damage by getting crit and it is affected by attack speed by firing faster, however its not useful here because of the slow fire rate. Will become a lot more powerful if you had a brainstalk or alienhead to reduce cooldown.
Nano-Bomb: The charge rate is affected by attack speed (more attack speed = faster recharge rate), with about 10 syringes (or 100% attack speed) you will be able to throw a fully charged attack every two seconds. Combined with magazines this ability will replace all your other abilities and late game you will basically only be using this as long as you have enough attack speed and magazines. A banner is great here as well as that is a 30% increase in attack speed which is the equivalent of 3 extra syringes. Additionally, as the Bomb is flying it will strike nearby enemies, these extra strikes can proc which is why AoE proc items are good on her.
Snapfreeze: Utterly fails to scale with any items, but its still somewhat useful becuase it will instantly kill enemies who fall below a certain health threshold (It looks like its about 25% of the enemies HP, you can see an extra HP bar appear when the enemy is frozen and if their actual HP hits it, they die)
Flamethrower: Flamethrower throws out a set number of ticks which add up to 1700% damage, you will throw these ticks out faster if you have more attack speed. Additionally this ability fires off procs.
because its 4am
Doesnt matter
Everyone will play with forced elites and elites drop items anyway once those artifacts get released.
I'm on drizzle for the clover shut up f*g
still happens with shit on so it must be a different problem oh well back to 4 player lobbies
found a gold chest in there once
NA South/East
it shouldn't take that long to get a celestial portal
Its random, it sometimes holds one of the three newt shrines regardless of whether it is open or not, there is a hole to get in even if the door is closed.
DO NOT pick her, she is utter fucking dogshit and the devs have no idea what they are doing. Most items are complete shit on her and half her abilities don't work with items.
I just got to stage 19 monsoon before getting oneshot and I'm fucking pissed so I might just do that
Why take a celestial portal after you unlock Merc?
what's the lunar lore
because you can easily end the run if drizzle makes it impossible to die?
why is the class balance so bad?
because obliterating yourself from existence is the patrician way to gracefully end a run that has gone on for far too long.
he means to end a boring drizzle run, but another use is advancing the stage really quickly by going in and out
Its not.
Welp update broke my game, I can only aim down and all my skills say unknown
>no skid smoke
I'm never gonna get to 20 fucking stages
It is, certain classes like Artificer are garbage and Mercenary gets absolutely buttfucked by Blazing, making him useless.
join or die
Drizzle + MUL-T = infinite stages, and an intense desire to kys
just use engi or robo on easy mode
were you modded?
>take a long walk off a short pier.
are you my grandpa
>update made the skirtless artificer mod incompatible
Just locks up my PC if I try to run it with it. Could it please be updated?
Here's the mod file.
Which coast, Space Ghost?
Nope haven't even played online, mouse is fucked in the menus as well it seems
but that's homo I wanna do it on The Way It's Meant to Be PlayedTM
the issue was that bottle rockets were my only way of doing real damage by that point, as I only had 3 crits glasses
Pitter patter let's get atter
honestly just alternate primary/ secondary colors
how are ya
emotes would be nice
it feels dumb to autistically stand at the teleporter by eachother after beating an impossibly hard boss
I fucking hate greater wisps
Monsoon US West
3/4 get in fast
Ooohh, okay, cool. Thanks Anons.
Best run with her so far
Then play disgustingly safe, use portals to get extra stage ticks, and know when to abuse particular printers if they appear.
only thing I don't like is that they resist pulls from meat hooks and black holes
Is it me or does nobody care about Huntress?
Is there an updated 16p mod or do just use the same one?
They resist every CC. Can't stun them either which sucks ass if you're Commando or MUL-T
They also resist stuns
They also have way too much hp
>no blaze nerfs
what the FUCK Hopoo
I do.
Huntress is my favorite but I don't play her too much right now because she is weak as fuck
Alright fags lets see if you dont sperg. What if they added every single character from gigantic in to risk of rain 2?
Cause thats honestly what i feel when i play ror2 just its pve and you get/stack items that boost your shit irrelevantly. not even going to touch about the assfaggot's part just purely the characters and mild aesthetics.
working as intended :^)
RoR2 makes me want to play RoR1 only because it has more items and characters.
Nah, you're just really fucking bad.
>10 syringes on art
what's the point
I miss gigantic so much
you know, for the shape of the head and how it is entirely cover and how artificier has the hability to throw fire and use spells in general makes me think if it's actually a lemurian
And thus, makes it a better game.
Just keep offering goy
I can get to round 20 on monsoon with pretty much every other character, beside maybe artificer. Huntress shits the bed when you don't have a meme build unless you're a dodging god
How do I get a code for a room I make?
>not wanting extra loot
Pussy ass faggot, go back to drizzle.
They already made the tele more visible with a red shimmer and greater visibility of it's embers
Upper right hand corner button
Not that guy but it's faster M2 charging for sure, and other people say that makes the flamethrower shoot faster but I can't confirm that.
Nah. Lemurians are too hunched over, their head also goes forward from the neck, not back, and Arti doesn't have digitigrade legs.
>11 stages
wow user i'm really stunned
should i take shaped glass? i have like 7 infusions
How about an artifact that does literally nothing but increase spawn intervals, but caps the max spawns, meaning while there may be less shit on the screen, you cant clean it up as easily either. Maybe good for the start of runs so you don't have to hunt for kills as much
Unplug any controllers and go into your devices and printers and see if you have any controller drivers running.
>lose a really good merc run from being to greedy in a shrine of combat
Why does MUL-T feel so fucking slooooooooow?
But you can see like all their faces. RoR the characters are space dudes, robot dudes, and one lizard. Also the characters in Gigantic would overshadow or be overshadowed since a lot of them have roles/skills that already are done. I'd rather take the typical Shovel Knight cameo that's been overdone, however my default choice is the RoR1 characters.
>me walking to my computer to play as miner or loader
rainstorm US East
New artifact that gives enemies random items when?
Give me Aisling so I can control Sir Cador once more.
Me too man
>like Artificer are garbage
Syringes. Magazines. Learn how to play you fuckwit.
Would anyone be interested in a bootleg Origin artifact?
Another modder, not ModAnon
What do you mean?
>sh-she's good with items!
Everyone else does even better with them, retard.
>enemy boss has 10k hp in normal difficulty
>2k in drizzle
>damage taken nearly halved
I mean, if you don't want to challenge yourself then go for it, casual.
So is there a mod version of Command? I haven't looked into mods at all becasue I'm full retard and am worried I'm going to destroy something but I'm still vaguely interested.
>loving the game
>literally playing it all day when not working out
>none of the characters fit my playstyle
It hurts bros
You're own retarded bias against her stops you from playing her or experimenting, so you have absolutely no clue what she is good or bad at and yet think you have a valid opinion here.
You dont, you're a moron, shes literally the most powerful character in the game. Yes 'with items' same as how every other fucking character needs items. The difference is you're so shit every time you saw a syringe or attack speed item you took something else because you thought you were clever avoiding something 'bad' which was actually a key item on her.
Fuck off drizzlet.
monsoon lobby.
lets try to port earlier
might as well be a lunar lemurian like the jew lizar in the bazaar
It says invalid lobby ID for me
Any 16p lobbies?
>Unlock clover
>It hasn't dropped once since like 3 days ago when I unlocked it
God fucking damn it, I was at my 18th stage and I walked too close to one of those explosive barrels in the frost land. I went from 2k health to 0 in a flash.
That meme is dying
Play mercenary.
Got 2 the run after I unlocked it. Killed my chances at pushing crabs tho.
Procs, procs everywhere.
He's alright but I want something long range
Looking forward to see what they add in the future
>looped swamp on monsoon
>friend dies early
>spend 5 minutes grinding down 5 stone titan bosses as artificer with basically no healing
>eventually manage to kill all the bosses
>clear out a few more enemies
>walk up to teleporter
>pick up item
>drop frames
>shotgunned and one-shot by beetle queen
Sniper's probably coming soon.
>tfw didn't get to participate in 16 people lobbies in all their splendor
>shrine of order dupes my glass
>Take one breath
>I die along with the whole map
>never seen Afterburners or clover
Just know you aren't alone
Worth getting now or wait for full release? The original RoR had a pretty solid community for a long time after it originally came out, so I'm not worried about the game dying anytime soon.
>tfw reach a 70 min run for the first time
It doesn't even let you stop for anything goddamn and the enemies are too spongy to clean up
Should i just go straight to tele at that point and forget about items?
get 100 keys
open up a bunch of rusty lockboxes
Sucks to be you desu.
Bet you wish you had a nice clean complete logbook just like me, isnt it so sexy, every item is there.
Tsssssk, poor user.
central US
I noticed after you teleport, you can't go to a 3D printer and turn in your items that you collected from the previous area. You have to collect new ones from the current area to do that.
jokes on you, you have wake of vultures unlocked