Will we ever get another west coast game, Yea Forumsros?
Fallout Thread
Todd Howard killed Fallout
After NV Todd will never let anyone else touch Fallout ever again
Likely but it'll be Bethesda.
San Francisco was going to be the setting for Fallout 4 early in development. Emil really wanted it.
They've still got it on the cards which is why they requested that Obsidian remove a line of dialogue from NV wherein a character would have confirmed the Shi and San Fran got nuked by Enclave remnants, which was another Van Buren continuity leftover.
The problem with setting a Fallout game on the west coast these days is that Fallout is supposed to be post-apocalyptic, and make you marvel at what a shithole the place has become. Problem is that the people in Fallout are actually more civilized than modern-day Californians. The nukes improved the place.
This series is dead for at least another five years.
It wasn't that hard
Aren't the Shi referenced in Fallout 4? They're actually a neat faction, I'd like to know more about them, but I'm not sure if I can trust Bethesda with that.
Modded NV>1>NV>2
what if they essentially wiped the slate clean on the west coast by making the ending to lonesome road where you nuke the NCR canon?
3 and 4 are great
Fuck elitists
or a game set in Great Khan territory if the ending to NV where the Khans leave the Mojave is canon
black isle and obsidian fag here. 3 at least has some redeeming qualities but it's still stupid in terms of writing. 4 is absolute garbage in terms of pretty much everything.
3 is pretty good and the reason we got New Vegas; 4, on the other hand, is indefensible.
Whats so bad about 4? Im not that guy but i just beat fallout 4 about a week ago and despite a lot of the flaws i liked it and am probably gonna do another playthrough now that i know how the perk chart works
>tfw you like 1/2/NV and you also like 3/4 but it's borderline impossible to discuss one without fans of the other shitting things up
I'm sure this will come across as hyperbolic, but pretty much everything is wrong with 4.
>The core gameplay loop involves following quest markers and shooting stuff in the face
>The shooting mechanics are nowhere near as good as they should be for a game that is primarily sustained by gunplay
>The RPG mechanics are poorly implemented and hardly there to begin with
>Removal of skills
>Can't come up with creative solutions to problems
>Writing is grade school tier
>Graphics are 7th gen tier
I defended Bethesda on Skyrim, but Fallout 4 is a train wreck. They have basically boiled down Fallout to an aesthetic and made a Borderlands-lite game to put in that aesthetic.
BASED Todd will deliver
it's not even elitists it's just buttblasted retards who think obsidian is the original fallout dev.
no, it was already dead. bethsoft revived it.
When people say "Obsidian" what they mean is "Sawyer and Avellone"
good. nv was total ass.
imo you really only understand what's bad about it if you've played 1/2/NV. when you compare the writing, atmosphere, and gameplay of those games to 4 that's when pretty much everything wrong with 4 stands out, it's also when you can clearly see that bethesda doesn't give a shit about the franchise's lore or original fanbase or original creators' artistic intentions.
ATOM RPG is pretty nice
Keep Emil FAAAAAAR away from anything to do with the original games continuity.
I liked the little bits they included about California during the Kellogg flashback sequence, but that's about as much as I trust Bethesda with that.
Was Sawyer even involved in Fallout 1 and 2?
who did not work on fallout 1? avellone worked on 2.
no he was still in diapers
Why not just set the next game in another state? There's over 50 of them.
Closest you can get atm is with HOI4 Old World Blues mod. Enclave reborn sub-mod is pretty based allowing you to F.E.V mutie scum.
pic related
Because we need closure to the events of NV and Fallout has always been about California.
I’ve dropped the franchise. The “Fallout 4: New Vegas” mod should be that last time anyone touches this series.
everyone on earth died
what went wrong?
didn't play this but am considering it after I finish my current NV campaign. is it worth it? why or why or not?
Name one (1) fan mod that has been good.
Honestly, Black Isles really fucked up by destroying the Enclave in 2.
ghoul rape mod
The Someguy series
yeah there weren't nearly enough pop culture references
This but unironically.
canonically the enclave have holdouts all over the world
they could come back if they want them to
this was written before 4 got released, but as far as writing goes I feel it does a pretty good at summarizing the problems in 3, though I think the writing is much worse in 4
I love being a pornstar in 2.
>some literally who blogger
why don't you try forming an original thought?
3 is decent enough and would have been better as a game set earlier in the timeline, but 4 is utter trash.
fertile breeder
Todd worked for Interplay?
Mind control sex slaver paradise.
Sim settlements.
That's about it.
4 had a dramatically imrpoved gun game. The problem with that, though, is that it really shines a light on how weak the surrounding game elements are. The story in 4 is weak as fuck because the character is inherently virtuous. It totally throws off the role player elements for a terribly weak story.
Here's your Fallout 5, bro.
Is that the guy that lied or didn't bother to check if he was right to shit on the TG in Skyrim.
He just writes hit pieces on Bethesda facts be damned.
This looks worse than Fallout 4. That is saying something.
And now Bethesda doen't have the worst animators in the business.
Fallout 3 looks better.
the one time i ate in n out it gave me the shits. five guys isn't great but at least it doesn't poison me.
Much like NV, In-n-Out is overrated.
t. califag
>making NV analogous to the needlessly overhyped In n Out shit
user. Please tell me you understand what you've done.
sounds like a perfect analogy
New Vegas is underrated.
Did you mean to shit all over NV?
Because you shit all over NV.
,':^\ in what way?
it got bad reviews when it came out because it was buggy and nearly unplayable. since then it has been shilled to the moon and beyond by autistics though so it is definitely overrated.
RPGCodex didn't include it in their top 3.
Story is okay but takes a dive in the third act (the devs had to retcon The Reveal)
Crazy difficulty curve.
Not enough side quests and faction-related content.
A few interesting characters, but companions turn into mute bricks after leaving the Vault
Voice acting is meh but that's to be expected
It's an ok fan mod, but as a standalone game there is a lot to be desired.
what a shithole
NV is a good example of branching choices, even though it was truncated by Bethesda forcing them to shit the game out in eighteen months. It has some great post apocalyptic cowboy vibes as well. That being said, the game is fundamentally broken as fuck.
Obsidian agreed to the 18 month deadline.
summary of my own thoughts on why writing in bethesda fallout is bad
>lack of humor that was in old games (a lot of sex and drug jokes and pop culture references and generally absurdity in 2, NV had some of this, I can't really think of example where these jokes were done well in 3 or 4, correct me if I'm wrong)
>character motives don't make any sense (why is the institute kidnapping random people and making sapient robots if they just deny their sapience and no one, not even your son who somehow went from outsider to leader of the organization, can explain it to you, just compare this to the part of NV where Caesar explains his intentions behind the legion)
>character motives contd. (why, if you've been in stasis for 200 years, your wife got killed, your infant son got kidnapped, and nuclear war happened, would just go out and start doing random shit exploring random buildings, killing mutants and raiders and building settlements)
>No progress in the last 200 years (mentioned in that article but it's true, DC and Boston are still shitholes that look like they just got hit with the bomb, whereas even in the span of time between Fallout 1 and 2 you can see that society has progressed and people are rebuilding civilization again, and this is even more apparent in New Vegas)
did bethsoft cause every other obsidian game to be trash too?
the part where Caesar explains himself is some of the worst pointless exposition around. nv is filled with endless and unrealistic expository dialog though.
bottom is more realistic
A lot of the people from the Interplay development team that created Fallout 1 went to form Black Isle, and years later the same happened when Black Isle became Obsidian, so technically it isn't wrong. The fault is thinking that the current Obsidian is the same from ten years ago.
Serious question: how come their engine hasn't made the progress Call of Duty has made? It seriously looks like crap, and I don't understand why.
>No progress in the last 200 years
This is easily my biggest gripe with pthe series. It wants to be a post apocalyptic wasteland but in all reality, communities and tribes would have formed and cleaned up basically everything that was livable. You're talking about generations of families that lived in one town but they can't fucking be bothered to clean up their immediate surroundings? Its retarded.
Thy usually like to scapegoat someone new for each of their failures.
What went wrong at Obsidian?
>the witcher 2
except that technically it is wrong. there is a connection, sure, but nothing that gives obsidian any special claim to fallout.
even if his explanation isn't the best to justify the legion, you don't think an oppressive dictator with an education and an apparent ego would spend his time thinking about and come with an explanation like that to rationalize his rule?
ColonelMustard's quest mods for 4 are short but sweet
Know this feel
I thought he was involved with Van Buren
>tfw no halfghoul gf to impregnate
Just looked it up and you're right, he was actually the lead designer.
>has none of the defining features of a fallout story
>gameplay not updated being a newer game
>no charm
Fallout 76 is really fun.
no it was dead after that PS2 game, he just stitched the pieces together, shocked it alive and took it on a minstrel show.
Can't find a single video on YouTube that makes 76 look fun.
There's a guy from /vg/ that made a bunch of 76 videos that are kinda entertaining, but I think he stopped playing too.
What about this one?
Lemme guess, 15 minute videos of waifu faggotry?
So is it okay to like Fallout 3 as long as you dislike 4?
I fucking hate Todd Howard. Skyrim was whatever, I don't care about Elder Scrolls too much, Fallout 4 made me lose his trust and 76 made me hope he gets in a bad accident. I fucking hate seeing this manlet walk out on stage and act like they make complex and immersive worlds & RPGs. Squeeky ass voice needs to stfu. Faggot said Elder Scrolls Blades let you go on epic quests and be who you want to be, that one almost made me laugh. But above all, I hope he burns for ruining fallout. Not just the stripping and dumbing down of systems, but the way he absolutely butchered the writing and feel of the series. Just watch the Wild Wasteland trailer, it's so zanny and epic :DDD
Fuck you, Todd
You are under 5'5
6'1, actually
76 is pretty fun though, you'd know if you actually played games and didn't let everyone else have opinions for you.
Honestly, I'd prefer if Bethesda didn't touch it. However, I'm also a little sick of the Northeast, between DC, New England, and Pittsburgh (although it's sort of a shame the latter wasn't expanded on more).
I want either the Midwest (Detroit/Chicago?), Florida, or Canada (probably Ronto)
Bethesda's hellbent on making every game a soft reboot, netting as many new players as possible. FO5 will have the Brotherhood of Steel, supermutants, etc. but it won't be connected to any previous locations.
post your mod list, screenshot-kun
It's blackoutfag. Some guy from an old /fog/ group that got mad and tries to image bump threads about fallout to death.
go sell skyrim on another console todd shillard
what the fuck is this
Series is Dead, If fallout 4 didn't kill everything that made fallout good in the first place 76 made sure to finish the job then dissolve it in a vat of acid
nu-Obsidian writing.
how could literally anybody on earth just go and say "yes, this is acceptable". please tell me it was a parody of retarded writing and Yea Forums is taking shit out of context as per usual
Jesus christ are you me? I've liked them all.
Except Tactics, that one sucked.
Oh shit
I know where I want one set.
No, it really is that bad. It's from Tyranny.
fallout is a dead end story with nowhere else to go and nothing else to say. even new vegas was meandering. new west coast games would just descend into lorewank about this faction going to war with that faction and joining with another faction and factions factions factions. new bethesda games are just going to be retreading fallout 1 until the end of time.
either it develops into post-post-apocalypse sci-fi and loses its entire brand identity and purpose for existing, or it just goes in circles forever.
can we please ban that one autist that just spams retarded NV screenshots? coming from an NVfag.
Fallout 4 would be the best Fallout hands down if they just made the Player Character voiceless. 4 with NV style dialogue would be primo. And maybe add a bit more depth to the Special/perk system
>If 4 wasn't shit, it'd the best
Good observation.
I wanted to like Tactics but asking me to micromanage the inventories of 6+ characters was too much
Why did the enclave nuke san Francisco?
They didn't, the Chosen One nuked their base in San Francisco.
nv dialogue is stupid though
What is your end game, user?
will you fuck off you fucking weirdo
I’m one of the idiots who bought it full price at launch. I’m thinking about forcing myself to play it this weekend to see if I can get any sort of enjoyment out of it. What do you recommend I do in the game?
Imagine how many enclave splinter factions there must be out there. One's that went crazy fascist. Ones that decided to live among the other survivors. Ones that may have turned into a crazy tribe. I wonder if any actually have become a country by now. I can only imagine
>Will we ever get another west coast game, Yea Forumsros?
probably not
why the fuck would the remnants of the US government be a global organization
>I’m one of the idiots who bought it full price at launch.
What in the god damn?
user, the game all but confirmed to be a train wreck before release.
That looks fucking tedious
I hope there's some that said fuck this gay earth and went to space.
I know. I don’t know what came over me.
What sucks is there isn't very many F1/f2 clones out there worth a damn. The best is atom rpg, and even that had some fairly large problems with it.
I haven't played it, but isn't Underrail supposed to be an FO1/2 clone?
user if a bunch of weird ghoul cultists can fly a 200 yo rocket to space im 100% certain the enclave can do so too. And if i remember correctly in fallout 2 you can find a crashed spaceship with dead humans. So someone is up there
this is literally the only thing I've seen of the game that is remotely entertaining
Retaliation for helping the Chosen One get the tanker up and running.
It's sad that we don't even have clones of fallout 3/4/NV. I just want a post apocalyptic rpg where i can actually role play and get invested in the setting/ lore. I don't evem see shitty fallout clones, really
Tried it, story was shit, combat felt like shit, exploration felt like shit. Supposedly it opens up after a few hours, but I was spoiled by good games like f2, so it's hard to enjoy lackluster stuff.
Unfortunately, I don't think we're ever going to get something that has the level of freedom in both exploration and gameplay as Fallout 2 ever again. Lightning in a bottle type of game.
Wut ENB is this?
>crashed spaceship
That was a Star Trek reference. The TARDIS appears and there's the Cafe of Broken Dreams if you think everything in the wasteland is canon.
Maybe other people had different experiences, but what I loved about the games was how in early game, it was a struggle to kill shit, and when you finally do find a guy with a pistol, you put him into the ground with a spear and slowly upgrade your equipment. Work your way up the food chain until you've got an automatic shotgun, metal armor, and a bunch of followers you never take with you because you don't want them getting killed
That progression felt so fucking great. Even when your first gun is a pipe rifle, you still feel like a small time bad ass for a moment or two
That's because Fallout 2 is an RPG first and foremost, meaning that build and stats are more important than player skill. I do agree, though, melting everything at the end with a Gauss Rifle feels great.
I also really liked how you can go anywhere right from Arroyo and go to Navarro and get the power armor 15 mins into the game.
>tfw I got the Enclave armor and fucked off into the wasteland only to get my car jacked
The TG piece is pretty accurate; that questline is completely incoherent.
No! Three games is enough for the west coast.
>meaning that build and stats are more important than player skill
What strange is that that is the reason I'm not really loving atom rpg. It's fun, I guess, but I tried making a diplomative pistoleer for a char, and it's been an absolute struggle to get anywhere in the game.
>50% accuracy
>40 health
>Damage output 3-7 on average
>Enemies have at least 19 HP (wasps and rats)
I've hit level 5, and while I have more HP and my damage is more reliable and accurate, I'm still in the starting area dealing with rats and wasps. Ever so often I'll fight "drunken peasants", who originally had knives and bricks (GG if they knock you on the ground), now have rifles and shotguns that do 10-15 damage per shot. The encounters have them in groups of at least 4, and they all get two shots per activation before it comes back to my turn.
Then sometimes you randomly encounter a giant gorilla who proceeds to gib you, or a mob of like 6 people using clubs that do 10-15 damage to you.
I've got the best armor I can find, and I still have to save scum and reload autosaves all the time. It's fucking tedious.
In all fairness, Fallout 2 can be tedious at times, but I've never played Atom RPG, so I can't compare the two. I haven't heard many good things about Atom RPG.
Really sucks how hard it is to get a good post apoc fix nowadays.
In moments of weakness, I've been wanting to pick up 76. I dont even care if the story is shit and the gameplay isnt that great. I just want to play a post apoc fps and blow shit up with explosives. But I'm not paying full retail for it. Maybe 20.
Be honest with yourself, user. Without Todd, you would never have heard of Fallout.
Whats the point? No one from black isle is ever gonna work on Fallout again and Beth will never give it up.
Its inevitable that they are gonna move west.
Your only hope is if Beth somehow goes under
im a bethesda fanboy.
i love all the games.
4/76 come at me, ill defend it
i roleplay as todd in discord servers
i was even a wiki contributor
but i have to say, fallout 3 is fucking unplayable. all i had for it was nostalgia from my time cutting classes. but with or without mods, 3 is soul crushingly unplayable. i say unplayable and not bad because i just cant play it. i cant bring myself the effort to move to do anything. it may have been the best game ever for younger me, probably set me on the path on being a bethesda fanboy. but that game just doesnt hold up
Honestly how could you enjoy 4 and 76? They're objectively bad games and I simply don't understand it
theyre fine
Based and objectivepilled.
user are you stupid or something?
I hope not. They acted as a nice thematic trilogy and the closing of BEAR AND BULL lets you decide if you want to reset the clock or let the west move on. The Fallout series has been concluded to me but as Bethesda keeps making games I hope they respect that the story of the west is over and keep it to the east coast. That's now established as their sandbox so they shouldn't kick their sand into someone else's playground.