In the 2019th year of the 41st millennium there are 0 good new 40k games

In the 2019th year of the 41st millennium there are 0 good new 40k games

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Because it sucks, how do I get into warhammer

if it was the 2019th year of the 41st millennium, that would be the 19th year of the 43rd millennium

Shut the fuck up

gothic armada 2 came out like a month or two ago and it's very nice

Vermintide 2 or total war

didn't a bunch of at least decent 40k games come out in the last half a year or so

Wasn’t 40k Mechanicus well received?

you shut the fuck up

>want to play as a spess muhreen or imperial guard
>all of the good games are strategy games
there is no worse feeling

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I don't know about the game but the soundtrack is Emperorofmankindtier

Most of the complains are about bugs. Is it good?

Fuck you OP

Deathwing, spacemarine, and the old space hulk games are great.

There’s not many sure, but still fuck you.


How about get bent and learn to read

Didn't got any real bug on my part other than a crash at one point, probably was patched along with a few gameplay tweaks that made boarding more interesting. I got a kinda shitty computer so it might just be me but performance weren't great sometimes. Otherwise it's a really fun game if you're into naval combat

Thanks, I’d probably buy it later.

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Well aren't you a smug retard.

I mean, it isn't surprising.
Bad franchises don't get good supporting media.

40k got a bunch of good games though.

Keyword is good

Gork is better then Mork!

bioware should jsut make a old dragon age like rpg with 40k

Define good

ive heard mixed things about deathwing. is it good?

>modern bioware teaming up with modern games workshop
heres your pansexual tranny techpriest companion, fash.

Is that Molyneux?


We will never get a battlefield clone where you get to play as space marines.

And no, we don't talk about EC.

nah oldie style. not like it'll happen anyway

>tfw no sequel

The game was a 7/10 at best but I enjoyed the absolute fuck out of it. Is there a remastered version or some way to play it on a ps4?

imagine playing necron in a battlefront clone

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I can't see why anybody competent would want to stifle themselves with this piece of shit lore instead of developing their own universe when they get the chance.

t. Heretic

I realized OP said new, that was my bad bringing up the old space hulk games.

Anyway death wing is great but you have to go into knowing it was made by the Eye Divine crew. If you’re fine with playing a version of eye divine without as much fucky and content, but better feeling/atmosphere then play it.

40k is MLP for neck beards that wore Metallica shirts in highschool.

Games Workshop should just eat BioWare and whip the gay out of them so they make good games again

?????????? space marine is a great game

This is only true if you don't work out. Every 40k fan I met either doesn't work out and is in neckbeard territory (either fat or super skinny), or works out and is a normie/chad tier.

fuk u

Literally just make a Deathwing/ L4D / Space Marine multiplayer horde mode game where you're on a planet getting attacked by Xenos and you have to defend fortifications/ attack fortifications. Just do the Space Marine multiplayer but bigger

It's Gears of War plus jetpacks and swords, if even playing co-op with a friend or sibling isn't fun then it's on you.