AW thread
Advance Wars thread
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I'm at a loss. What's the joke about the picture?
is this loss?
I still don't know what an airport is.
I want to impregnate Sami.
Playing through the field training missions in AW1. Pretty fun for what's basically a tutorial.
>mfw Wargroove couldn't fill the hole
cheeky photo user
also thx for making the thread I haven't talked about this game series in a while
remember anons it goes like this:
based and doublepilled
Best feeling was being able to afford a bomber everyday and go to town on everyone
how is the original better than 2
I miss him Yea Forumsros.
Probably a Maxbabby
you ever just play the tutorials cause of Nell's theme?
>better art
>arguably better story and start
yeah I'll be honest with you I just kinda like AW more aesthetically than anything else
plus it was my first
let me revise that for you:
No forced tutorial and campaign had you facing different specialist COs instead of the same five every map is my reason for preferring the 1st game over the 2nd
Screen nuke CO powers were my favorite, probably the only reason I used Drake so much
DS had problems but Andy/Hawke tags were not one of them
oh yeah I forgot
way more interesting to fight the different members of other continents than just
{{{{[[[[[[(((B L A C K H O L E G A N G)))]]]]]]]]]}}}}}}}}
>the sound of artillery cannons firing
Is there a more satisfying moment?
>the sound of artillery when the enemy its grit
Killing a unit in one hit when it's at max HP, I found killing infantry and air units with anti air extremely satisfying.
I want to fluff her hair and pinch her cheeks
>getting a kill with missiles
>getting a kill with max missiles
I'll never forget the 4P game on here where some guy used Max and nearly won with his indirect units
When a megatank uses its cannons
Reminds me of the noises wartanks make in AW4
Noises and explosions in general are just loud and gruesome in that game
>Yea Forums literally cannot stop posting about a 'strategy' game made 18 years ago for literal children
>absolutely refuses to learn or even try real strategy games
i cant take this shit much longer
Welp, it was good thread while it lasted, shame the virgin eRPers got here so early.
being obsessed with a game for 8 year olds to the point where you masturbate to the characters well over a decade after the series is dead isn't autism?
Roll for your CO
im gay
I don't know how you've managed to miss all the RTS threads we have or why you'd assume people talking about AW would mention their taste in other strategy games. Maybe you should try lurking for a few weeks before you complain about a non-existent problem.
Yea Forums only plays gookcraft and AoE2 (badly). There are plenty of far more interesting turn based strategy games that blow AW out of the water, but I'm quite sure you don't play any of them.
I do but why would I talk about them in a thread for AW? It's only 30 posts in for fucks sake, I don't even know what you're trying to achieve here.
Rolling for NELL
Being obsessed with a thread about a video game franchise on a video game board isn't autism? If you're that annoyed by it, just filter out "Advance Wars" you idiot.
>Thread about X
>Baww guise please discuss Y
This fucking shit every single day
rolling for based kanbei
how is this numbered though
I assumed left to right since user was too retarded to not tell how
0 andy
1 drake
2 eagle
3 grit
4 kanbei
5 max
6 nell
7 olaf
8 sami
9 sonja
Dubs/trips/quads sturm
so nobodys getting sturm ever cause its disabled anyways
I was always a machine lubber
You can get double 0s
It's a steaming pile of sjw shit with terrible gameplay and story. I don't know why it was shilled so hard at release
Rolling for Drake. Naval Superiority rules.
Also why isn't there a Pokemon Showdown style browser game for Advanced Wars? It's not like there's any risk getting C&D'd with a dead franchise.
>sjw shit
Glad I didn't play it. What's the point of war if you can't enjoy it like a fashy Nazi youth?
Just spam arty.
I liked this game as a kid because I always played with toy soldiers, and this was the best vidya that let me do that but on Gameboy
I wonder if the composer still works in Intelligent Systems
>sjw shit with terrible gameplay and story.
Can you expand on those points? What about the game is sjw (other than the portraits I guess) and what about the game play don't you like? As far as the story goes, yes, it's quite lame but really inoffensive.
What good strategy games are there these days? And I don't mean RTS since those are more about mechanical skill than anything. I guess XCOM is good but that's only squad based rather than a full army themed turn based game.
Well there's AWBW but it's really slow and QOL is a bit on the low end
based and /pol/pilled
Sieg Heil dude!
Lol just spam arty and mechs
Tumblr culture, art direction and over the top forced diversity, with all females being the stereotypical feminist dyke.
Gameplay is obviously derivative of AW, but with lazy map design, clunky hero units and questionable unit balance. Most importantly for story mode it fails to have a tight difficulty curve like AW to keep you thinking in gameplay.
thoughts on Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict?
okay retard
It's the best game in the series and you should be playing it with me on Zwei right now.
It's fine gameplay wise. The dark gritty post apocalyptic theme is overdone and lost much of the charm of the originals
Good game that got caught in the era of DAE BROWN GRAFIX.
The balance was top notch since they dialed back on the craziness AW2 and DS built up on.
CO units and auras made positioning and stat mismatching even more important as did using CO powers as checkmates
It also played really fast too with being able to skip animations, touch controls and better UI
Good enough. I appreciate the effort taken to balance it, still think AW2 is the best AW game though.
[B]renner is a god damn hero.
I like it but it's not as good as the originals. if the story had more effort put into it then it could have compensated for that
Please be grit
Those are some really flat critiques there.
dont open
cursed image
I honestly don't believe they playtested that shit
>Max with 150% offense
>Hard "Kanbei's Error"
>Hard "Rivals!" and "Rivals!" punishing you for bringing the best choice regardless
I doubt they playtested AW1 at all.
Normal Campaign is fine but "Advance" Campaign is on some other shit especially with adding fog to every other fucking level
Its amazing how the joke level became a huge fuck you level on hard mode
I need more COs wielding weapons they never really use in combat
Idk why but this makes me nostalgic of early/mid 2000s internet culture
*captures your properties*
i miss snifit sturm
i miss sturm
it's funny cause I know sauce on that image
I bet she's only good at capturing DEEZ NUTS
Worst CO ever, don't reply to me
Any chance of Intelligent Systems reviving the series?
>you now remember that custom war tactics will never be finished
It always amazes me how people are still working on that game. At least the weekly AW comics are nice.
Out of the original AW cast who do you think Sami gives the most head to?
No waifus its ded
Not until waifu emblem stops printing money
Eagle no doubt
to think at one point, Codename Steam was Advance Wars
Thoughts on Top AW2 COs?
>Uncontested Best: Hachi and Sturm
>S-Tier: Kanbei, Colin, Sensei
>A-Tier: Sami, Hawke, Lash, Sonja (Fog)
>B-Tier: Eagle, Adder
>C-Tier: Everyone else except Nell
>Lady Luck: Nell
>All these advance wars threads
honestly the only explanation is that nintendo is trying to get us excited for a new advance wars game.
please god just one thing
I just didn't get it. I wasn't put off by the setting or story, but the game felt neutered and toned down.
Intelligent Systems didn't playtest their games at all.
I maintain that its a genuinely underrated game
>anything vaguely sexual
Get checked for ptsd
rollan for Grit, the realest nigga out
>playing strategy games for story
he's so dead is he
>missed Olaf and Grit
J U S T, I really liked these games too bad I sucked at them though
gif not related
You have to save cash for 999999 days with shitton of properties to do something like this gif
No Grit in A or S? Ur gay.
>tfw localization ruins nice things
You can also cause an overflow on the damage bonus and fuck it up.
>these days
what do you mean by 'these days?'
>COs actually look like military officers
>this is somehow a bad thing
Localization is better in every instance here.
Most of these look unironically better
But the newer designs are better though
good game, play it zoomers. Try not to groove to much to grit.
japanese Sonya with glasses is cute
I dunno, the other guy was complaining that AW was 18 years old. I guess anything to still be alive online.
grit is arguably the worst CO though
if kanbei has a unit on an HQ or mountain with full health under effects of his SCOP, that unit is literally invincible for that turn and will always take 0% damage, no matter what. there are definitely some things they did not playtest.
Oops I meant both designs are nice
hachi sturm grit and colin are beyond god tier in aw2. sensei is the closest to also being in that tier but he usually loses to those 4
kanbei and sami would be the next best, then it doesn't matter
max is awful though unfortunately
How so? Spam mechs and artillery until you get missiles and rockets and the enemy is pinned ez
nobody unironically holds this opinion user, youll have to try harder than that
You guys fucking retarded? The japanase version of Advance wars was released years after the american one
Yes, and? It was planned to release only days after the American one, but 9/11 caused it to happen much later.
That doesn't mean the game wasn't developed in Japanese first.
>this japanese game was made entirely for americans
literally never
Days of Ruin was.
>S tier
Why does everyone hype him so much? Indirect units can't move and attack during the same turn, so they're strictly worse than direct units for pushes. So long as the map doesn't have a fuckload of mountain chokepoints as well as not having an airport he's just a good defensive CO in a game where winning the mid fight in\s the most important thing.
>Kanbei is worse
why the fuck would he wear samurai armor? It looks fucking retarded
No, he is right
You can steamroll grit easily due to his weak direct attack units and artillery and rockets and battleships can't shoot the same turn you move them, so in a player vs player fight he is kinda sucky compared to hachi which floods you with shitton of units and storm with his massive power dick
Unless on a very checkpoint heavy map, Kanbei can deal with Grits' general approach (by no means is Grit low teir in AW2 though, that other user is a loon).
>I guess anything to still be alive online.
I don't think there is a 'dead-state' for turn-based strategy games. Can't have random matchmaking for games that take hours to complete.
How the fuck does an American event effect the JAPANESE RELEASE OF A GAME YOU RETARD
>Tinman is Robot Kanbei
>Carter is Lovecraft Adder
>Katherine is Nell
>the aliens theme is similar to Penny's theme from DoR
theres probably more but you can nitpick Wars details on this I wish it did better
i take it you havent actually played the game before
I'm not entirely sure about that myself, but that is exactly what happened, you dense motherfucker.
Please, feel free to keep posting. Your stupidity is hilarious to me.
He's the emperor, he can do what he wants
What would they even call a new Advance Wars? The GBA era is long gone.
I take it you've never played online user. Advance Wars is about the mid fight. In a 1v1 once a player takes the middle factory and an economic advantage the game is over, and grits toolkit actively hurts him in accomplishing that. Even his Co power doesn't help him since he still needs to rely on direct attack units and infantry to push/capture cities. He's god against player who have no idea how to play the game and ruin their economy by rushing into grits ranged units, but any competent player can tell you that direct units are superior to ranged units in high level play.
i have played over a thousand competitive games during the time between aw2 and awds came out, when it was only aw2 on awbw and also on the client we used on wars world news. its obvious you guys have no idea what you are talking about. grit sturm colin and hachi were almost globally banned because they were too strong
In Japan, the games were was named based on the console it was released on, so you had Famicom Wars, Super Famicom Wars, Game Boy Wars, etc.
In the west, it would probably still be called Advance Wars, since even games released on DS ended up being called Advance Wars. Then again, you also have Battalion Wars, which while somewhat different in playstyle, is still considered part of the Nintendo Wars franchise.
So it's up in the air, I guess.
Switch Wars doesn't seem like an awful naming option.
Grit is good, but he's only in S tier on maps that favour him. Hachi and Colin are broken everywhere, and and Kanbei too so long as the map isn't heavily money restricted. The reason he's put into the best tier is becasue most "good" maps are balanced around having lots of terrain that gets in the way of direct movement as well as having fog of war, both things that greatly benefit an indirect combat CO. He's much weaker without FoW and on more open maps.
What if they added mecha to Advance Wars?
alright niggers are we playing some aw2 on mednafen or what
>SRW but you can only use the mass-produced, nameless grunt units
I'd play it.
I wouldn't mind as long as they keep the distinction between land units, and copter/plane air units
>Nell change
Im mad
Literally all are improved there.
The only truly lamentable loss is Sonja's glasses.
>Censorship is ba-
What censorship?
kino series
shame it's dead
>CO description mentions luck
Surprised it got a sequel.
>The entire campaign of the Japanese and British faction is basically a grafitti war
>Battalion Wars 2 introduces a UK faction
>They are the most stereotypical of all the factions.
The British devs saved the best jokes for themselves.
Blue moon had some amazingly fun CO's.
>ancient supertechnology
Goofy as fuck but goddamn it was fun
>The Iron Legion was literally Mordor.
Rolling for grit or sturm
Who is Green Earth based on? England? Or just Europe in general?
does this play like youre controlling one unit or multiple? I'll probably try it at some point
One unit, but you switch between units frequently
It's worth playing
You ever play the console versions of battlefield? Its something like that.
Europe in general but each CO represents a specific part. Only ones I can remember off the top of my head is Javier and Spain. Eagle is maybe Germany and Drake is either UK or France?
Drake being UK would make sense since he's a naval power, and Jess being France works because France were the first to use large amounts of tanks on the battlefield
Eagle's Lightning Strike is straight up blitzkrieg, so he's definitely German
I never got to play the sequel. Hard to find the ROM for it too.
what the FUCK is going on in the 3rd version?
Is there a way to netplay emulated DS games now?
>Sonja and Lash have a teamup bonus in DS
butthurt chinese localization
Sturm's theme is still the best theme in the series, no contest. And I fucking love all AW games' music.
Any other changes?
It takes you back to reading 8-Bit Theatre and Bob & George, that's why
what in the fuck is this?
Nell and Rachel scissoring but with odd censorship.
they're scissoring, it's common practice among lesbian couples
He's talking about Sturm (Male) the CO's theme
At what point do Advance Wars fans realize their playing babby's first Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle for retards?
I always thought Jess was notRommel and Eagle was supposed to be the RAF. That doesn't really leave me with a sensible option for Drake, unless he's also the UK just on the naval side.
>Kanbei had his mustache and beard removed
>Kanbei no longer has his Katana
>Kanbei's uniform was changed
>instead of Orange Star fighting Kanbei’s Imperial Forces, this version has Red Star fighting Kanbei’s Special Forces
>in the Western version, Kanbei believes he is a modern samurai
>in the Chinese version, Kanbei thinks he’s a modern Zhang Fei
>Kanbei's winning expression has been changed
>text runs off the border of the box in the Chinese version
>eye shading is all fucked up
"Shogun Profile" is pretty badass though
honestly it would make more sense to shitpost Ogre in FFT or FE threads over AW ones
youre way off
fire emblem and advance wars are almost exactly alike
Yo that censoring look like a nasty black banana.
if I made it less censored I might get 3 days off of the 4 chins
The new music in 2 was mostly ass
These bombers... They're indirect-combat units. But they can't fire on other air units. They're bombers. They bomb.
If we turn them sideways could they attack other air units then?
>tfw no ac-130s ranged air to ground
>tfw no F-14 ranged air to air
>The new music in 2 was mostly ass
Hachi. Get the B Copters.
Wrong ISIS strategy game
This one is babbys first TBS in general
>even the win expression is changed
Showing teeth is wrong too?
i wonder if anyone on Yea Forums remembers this AW clone, it was all the craze when the translation patch was released
Goldensunfag here you guys are our bros for life
>expecting anything from chucklefuck after what they did to starbound
you deserved it
apparently according to China, yes
>How do I play?
1.- Download and extract
2.- Double click mednafen.bat
or just drag and drop "aw2.gba" into "mednafen.exe"
3.- Press Alt + Shift + 1 to setup your controls. (At every unique button prompt, press the key you want to assign it to TWICE so it moves on towards the next button).
4.- To connect to an active server, press T to type /server IP PORT or /connect IP PORT
5.- So we can tell you apart, press T to type /nick YOURNICKNAME
6.- Play the fucking game.
If you join a session with people on it, ask if there's any available open spots. If so, type:
/dupe 1
to share the control. I know this is Yea Forums, but don't be a dick and take control or move other people's units when it's not your turn.
>Mednafen Server (USA):
Port: 4046
What was AWDS called in moonland?
heck no what is it on
Famicom Wars DS
not sure what they were thinking with its cover
Teeth are too close to skeletons.
The jopy of AW, and especially AW1, is how inbalanced everything is. The AI is stupid and frankly pathetic, but that only means they could ridiculously slant the maps in its favor and push your tactics to the limit. 1v3 a Rocket Cape. Trying to stabilize against that tidal wave is so much fun.
good cover, shoulda used for US release
>Tundran weight system is based around god damn turnips
>Western Frontier Bazooka veteran rocks a fucking football helmet
God damn was the Battalion Wars series comfy as fuck too.
Is nobody gonna play on Mednafen?
>absolutely destroys Betty's character design in the sequel
still mad
ill hop on
how do i get gud at sea battles
In japan his name is kukuchiyo, kukuchiyo, is a movie samurai
Give Nell
Hachi is the only reason I padded it with "mostly"
Depends on what game you're playing
Use an air force.
Alternatively, use more subs.
Alt del Ctrl the misscarage what a shitty writing the guy could have has his girl have the baby and he could have stopped gaming to show he's grown up or he could have had the baby grow with him showing him playing games
What did Jake mean by this?
days of ruin
I just remember it being expensive to maintain in previous game
Make more gunboats and cruisers.
I've yet to play Dual Strike but is this the one with the corniest dialogue?
Whete did you get this artwork?
cmonnnn Sami
>Mfw slowly realizing that I made this image long ago and completely forgot about it
Why the fuck did anyone save this
I still think it's funny though, I fucking love Sami and her busted SUPER.
So what was your favorite tactic to use in multiplayer matches?
>Creating a precise wall of artillery and missiles so no unit is left unprotected and the enemy can't get close to a choke point without getting hit
>Flooding the enemy base with units and boarded APCs before popping Sami's super to cap everything they own, including the HQ
>Saving up money so you can put out a neo-tank for two or three turns in a row and hit your enemy hard on one side of the map
first one
turtle or nothing
yes, and it's all because Jake is the worst