Thoughts on vidya tattoos?

Thoughts on vidya tattoos?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Virginity/hipster insurance policy. Now nobody will question your autism.

Tattoos in general are pretty bad but pop culture ones are even worse.

I cannot fathom being autistic enough to get one


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bad thoughts

Yikes and cringepilled
They just scream for attention


>video game tattoo
>anime-themed video game tattoo
>in an area that is hard to conceal
dear god you must hate the idea of getting pussy more than any man that has ever lived

Video game art is for desktop or phone backgrounds, not for tattoos

some are cool, but mostly shit

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>2B tattoo
>shit art style
>focus on her titties instead of her ass

but nowadays its acceptable for chads to get tattoos of superheroes like Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. without being called virgins and cringed at?
just watch: video game tattoos are going to become more common in the coming years.

>>focus on her titties instead of her ass
came to post this
imagine all the faggots seething about that shirt

they're pic related

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imagine the awkward angle you'd have to move your arm when you masturbate to it


As long as the tattoo looks cool, women will dig it. If they ask what it's about you can make up some wild story about how its a mythological creature that vibes with you.

That is, unless you're actually trying not to get laid in which case telling them its from a videogame will be hit or miss. Since there are a ton of "gamur girl" chicks these days, if you're an attractive guy and have a tattoo like this, they'll automatically decide that it's something they should also be interested in.

My coworker has a tatoo of Bowser and Megaman on his arms. He seems to like them. He is one of those people who are non stop smiling and I have never seen him angry or sad.


Your coworker sounds like a cool guy

sounds like a nice positive influence to work around

I bet the virgin who screen-capped that didn't even click the comment button.

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Tatoos are an easy indicator of low IQ.

>It's another everyone-ignores-that-that-guy-has-tattoos episode
This thread is not video games.

Tattoos in general are probably going to become more common in the coming years among the kind of people who don't have any deeper passions than the mainstream media they consume, so you're right but that doesn't make it more acceptable to me.

I'll take an incels word for it

>paying for fucking up your skin.

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Here i found this in fit. But dont tell anyone i gave this to you okay

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>paying thousands of dollars to insure you never get laid again


I know you guys are trying to act cool but protip: doing whatever you think is cool and genuinely enjoying it is the only way to actually look cool. If you want a vidya tattoo the fucking go for it.

What Yea Forums thinks will happen
>Ugh... Is that a.. VIDEO GAME tattoo? Erg.. what a loser..

What actually happens
>Cool tattoo. What is it?
>From a video game I like
>Oh that's cool

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Thats some SSGOMAD right there

You're missing the badly-hidden derision under the "oh that's cool" and the part where they stop talking to you afterwards.

Nothing wrong with anime tats but this guy is retarded. You don't get fucking porn on your body you'll get kicked out of any venue that sees you wearing a t-shirt

Jesus fucking christ, how fucked up can you be?

Better investment than paying for a low chance to receive jpegs.

>Nothing wrong with anime tats

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I don't actually have a tattoo yet, but my co-worker, who is a hot as fuck 20 year old chick, has a fucking Duskull on her leg. I've worked with her and talked tats with her for 3 years and not once has she gotten shit for it

Hot girls can get away with literally anything, you aren't helping your point here.

Whatever man. I fucking hate weebshit but people like whatever they like

Whatever coward. Have fun letting a non-existent social stigma stop you from doing anything fun in this life

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yeah that seems about right

>RO Succubus
At least he has some taste

>hot girl getting away with stupid shit
How autistic are you, user?

>having social connections and a job makes you autistic

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I saw someone with this at the table next to mine in a restaurant. My girlfriend was with me, but otherwise I would have said something.

maybe, a lot of zoomers seem to not like them but retards are always retards

Tattoos in general are extremely degenerate, video game tattoos are just...
I don't even know how to explain it, and i have to use the word cringe

>Worked with a 20 year old chick for 3 years
>Working with 17 year olds

Get a real job

oh look, a YOLO autist

because she's a fucking woman

>being so socially inept and paranoid you put your own thoughts into people's heads

Most people will be fine with it, and at worst won't even give a shit, because people think about your far less than you expect

>getting a permanent fuckup on your body is somehow """"fun""""

You need to go back

here's a few of their catchphrases if you don't want to see them anymore
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

>you don't hate the same things I hate?
>you can't be part of the 4channel sekrit club

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I make 24 bucks an hour

It's the mark of the Bugman

to be honest you're right user I was being a bit autistic there, sorry.

>reddit spacing
>probably a stupid opinion

The fuck are you even saying

Why are tattoos degenerate

Tattoos in general are pretty fucking lame in my opinion.

Daily reminder you have high chance to be denied entry in beaches or onsen in Japan if you have tats. Weebs tats included.

>Not going to Brando for a anime style tattoo

check out this sick back piece. only true gamers will get this

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>bro can I hump your arm?

Tattoos were so trendy and cool in like 2012. Now they became something only trailer trash get. Like Jerry Springer-tier.

I'd like to see a girl with tattoos like Maya's.

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We’re not in fucking Japan, weeb trash.

is that fucking dust 2?

What are you talking about?
Every teenager and people in their 20s keep getting them.
What's no longer trendy are shit like shaved sides.
Tattoos have been a thing for a long time and they've always been tied to teenage angst.

it's 2fort you retard

Shut up ironic weeb.

doing what

But I mean in that era they were considered extremely cool. I remember every other post on social media was "I love tatted guys", now you never see that. Not saying people don't still get them or even dislike them but they're definitely not considered as cool as they were for a while there.

no that's link from legend of zelda

no it's 100% A site on dust2. the old one before they remade it.

that's warthog run you retard

>using OT arguments
Pagan detected

I wish.

That was mostly a fad, the ones who are into that have always been punk chicks.
Although there's plenty of those.

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Ur mum lmao

sucking dicks obviously, would also explain the tattoos

tinder and badoo is still full of chicks begging for guys with tattoos, and they're just as trashy and you'd expect them to be

>daddy issues
Why is Tinder the best comedy app on the market

>be guy with 2B tattoo 50 years into the future
>be so Alzheimer riddled in the nursing home you believe it's actually a tattoo of your deceased wife you never had
>create intricate stories of how she became blind in a car accident and loved swords ever since her uncle taught her the art of kendo in his suburban martial arts school and bore the staff with these stories

All tattoos are degenerate and cringe.

Why do you keep posting this? She looks fucking disgusting

Daddy issues show up as a girl being a shameless slut or hating men.

no it's a guy's back

Nothing says I'm an impulsive waste of your time like a tattoo

That, and being born between 1985 and 1995.
Avoid millennials.

Lmao fuck off boomer

Only fags don't read the old test. It's the far more interesting mythology compilation.

Who the fuck would anyone want to date a balding fatass or a blue haired lanwhale who talks about how they are going to save the world depending on the amount of minorities there are in superhero movies?

Epic. Simply epic. An upvote for you, fair gentlesir.

I feel like even i'm too good for a girl like that. Jesus.

Her profile looks like something straight out of Myspace from 2007.
I would.

Honestly if you were forced at gunpoint to get an awful back tattoo you could do a lot worse than dust2

People with tattoos tend to stink really badly.

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I agree (t.Christfag), just makes me lol when athiests try to argue the NT with OT, proving that they have no idea what they're talking about. Is there any good sources for based Judaic/Mosiac mythology? Shit like the Nephilim is super cool

Man you must've had some bad experiences, must suck being an old ugly faggot lmao, enjoy dating the literal bottom of the barrel of society and generalising an entire generation off the few landwhales that fucked you over.

I met a guy irl who was filled with videogame tattoos,like the destiny floating robot on his neck, the triforce thing on his face,among others.
cringed hard af

Yes, the fact that i've seen enough Twitter and Instagram.
The hot girls are all in their late teens and, at most, realy 20s.
Millennials are all ugly as fuck and they are insufferable, boring people.

I don't have a problem with tattoos in general. I have a problem with low quality tattoos, which almost all of them are. Nigga just save up a little more and go to a real artist instead of the terrible guy in a strip mall that you can actually afford.

Both books are in the Bible retard. Pretending the literal retconns of the NT suddenly invalidate what is supposedly the word of God is stupid

Her taste isn't horrible but literally every one of those animes is
>I hate weebs and anime usually but you don't even have to be into anime to like these ones bro
normie tier. All it's missing is fucking Jojo.

Not even a christfag but the whole point of the new testament is god going back on his word and changing to become friendlier

It's just shit that was on Toonami in 2002.

why don't you have a vidya tattoo? this guy has a vidya tattoo and he's in a popular boy band, so you know he gets pussy

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>Tattoo of meme maid

I would probably kms

OT nowadays primarily provides context as for why Christ was so significant, fag. I'm not saying its irrelevant, but using OT verses to counter NT is stupid and displays that the one doing so has no understanding of what they're saying

Yeah I bet you're real interesting grandpa, stalking 20 year old girls instagrams all day, who wouldn't want a catch like you.

"the covenants I make are eternal, for I am omnipotent. But I'm going to change my mind later psych haha" - god

Literally just an excuse for religion following cultural trends.

>Thoughts on vidya tattoos?

Normally cringe, bluepilled and nonwhite, however that one is based, redpilled and white.

best post in this shit thread

What? I'm 21.

and the tattoo isn't helping

I have pic related. It came out alright but I'm thinking of turning it into a Mural depicting the bear and the bull fighting.

The best part of this tattoo is no one but the people who played the game know what it is and everyone else thinks its just patriotic.

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"OT provides context for why christ was so significant"

Holy fuck you are some Christian apologist. most of the OT has absolutely nothing to do with the context for christ. When you literally change the chosen people of your religion from jews to Christians and pretend it was all planned from the start, you're just trying to defend your preconceived beliefs.

But there was better shit even on toonami/adult swim back then
>paranoia agent
>blue gender
People always choose berserk, dbz or any netflix-tier anime. I donno, makes me think they're biting anime culture but could be wrong.

>do you have this build?
then yes get a tattoo
if not fuck no

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>half of the ot is the jews flipping between god-worshipping people and complete degenerates
>being surprised god finally told the jews to fuck off for good and decided to open the kingdom for everyone else

So you're just a 20 year old virgin? Fuck that's even better

They're tattoos

Mitch lucker looks cool with tattoos though.

>dat sakura tatto
>without panties

i'll invite him to a beer

Careful what you say around tattoos on here. Got caught for saying that and got banned.

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Well without the OT the gospels are nothing more than what the Quran is; some guy said this stuff, why should I believe him? The OT foreshadows and prophesies the coming of Christ, and the abolishment of Mosaic law makes sense when you see what it was and the significance of what Jesus said

I've gotten laid plenty of times.
It's you millennials losing your virginity in your late 20s.
And no wonder why, you are all ugly and fat as hell.

is that some kind of mass shooter in training?

he still looks like a dyel faggot you literally 12 year old

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Ill give you a few of those, but Perfect Blue and Akira are kino as fuck.

Reminder that barrafags are just as bad as scat and diapers fetishists.

That's why tattoos aren't cool anymore. It is mainstream and trendy as fuck. No longer counter culture.

no that's a tattoo

you're like 2 or 3 years from being a millenial, what makes you think there is any significant difference between people born the same year as you and people born 2 years prior?

Average age different, the fact that I have a job and that I don't think i'm saving the world with the shit I post on the internet.

Cool when it looks good.

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I donno man, i'm 26 and all i've had sex with is women born in your era (96-00). You can't classify looks on a literal time period people were born in.

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>random as fuck Nintendo leg sleeve
>Afro samurai on my thigh
>my girl is a 10

Just saying

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I never thought I'd be a big tattoo guy at all until i got one. after that i just kept wanting more. I do have some rules on placement, they all have to stay on one arm, and can't go past mid-forearm, but otherwise it's a pretty cool adrenaline rush and neat way to express yourself if you can find a style and artist you really dig. some people like them like my shortstack wife, some people don't. that's all cool.

my arm has a few geometric shapes, a woodcut style floral, and the profile of an animal skull on it, all in simple b&w outline. I've never thought to get a vidya tattoo mostly cause I can't think of an idea that would fit the rest of my arm except for vib-ribbon, but i'd be open to suggestions.

floral looks like pic related

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>any one on the planet being a 10
she is a 2

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These are cool.

This one is always my favorite

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It makes me want to vomit.

I wonder if this guy would get arrested in Australia for having "child porn" on his person.

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I wonder how many people regret getting adventure time tattoos.

the only thing that kept me from getting the horde thingy tattooed on my shoulder is the fact that it will shift/look weird if I ever get /fit/

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My fellow shortstack loving nigga. Yeah my wife plans to get a trampstamp pretty soon and i will probably get a half sleeve that will reach onto my back. I was thinking about making it a gryphon overlooking an old forgotten battlefield. I know I want something to do with a gryphon but i'm still tossing around ideas.

>I don't think i'm saving the world with the shit I post on the internet
you just don't know that you do

These are pretty based and tattoos are alright, i have one on my shoulder blade, but imagine being such a shallow, weak faggot of a person that you get a huge fucking waifu tattoo from a meme game that came out less than two years ago.
Automata came out in march 2017, so 2b just turned 2. Everyone with these tattoos played this game and memed so hard that within a year they got it slapped on their body forever. I like the game and everything, but there is no way that it was this meaningful to anyone, let alone in such a short time.

jesus fuck lol

And yes, tattoos are for poor stupid people. If you have atat, you are trash and I will treat as such

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>If you want a vidya tattoo the fucking go for it.
I don't though. It has nothing to do with what other people think. It's expensive, it's unhealthy and it looks fucking tacky. And with something like a video game, you're turning your skin into a fucking billboard for multi-million dollar corporations. Seriously, tattoos alone are one thing, but if you have any kind of dumb pop culture tattoos, you are a literal tool in every sense of the word. I automatically think less of you as an individual if I see that crap. It speaks to you having insanely poor judgment as a person that you're willing to spend money defacing your skin on something so frivolous and soulless, and to you being laughably shallow, that a fucking video game is such a focal point of your life that you want it etched onto your body for the rest of your life.

what does the acronym mean? I know it's a fitness lingo but just googling it doesn't bring specific results just talk about the diet/exercise.

hell yeah brother, get it and enjoy it everyday as much as you enjoy shortstacks

Is that a wedding ring?

you can just not like tattoos, and I agree with you that pop culture tattoos generally blow, but how about a source on your bullshit

How do I get a bod like this? I thought being hairy would look bad even if I got ripped, but it looks pretty good. Women like this right?


blast test like every one who looks good on the internet

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>It's another "Yea Forumsirgins don't like tattoos and judge people superficially while mocking roasties for only looking at things on the surface level" episode

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>imagine not repping your faction everywhere you go

no, mostly dudes do

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I can't believe I have to explain how getting repeatedly stabbed and having ink injected into your skin isn't healthy, but here:
Here's the bonus round:

Mods are faggots

If you see someone with a tattoo, never give that person the attention they insist they aren't desperate for.

You can judge a lot of a person's personality from their outward appearance.

>Nipple rings
Much worse than those shitty tattoos

How does this guy have so much test but isn't balding at all?

seek mental help

>Allergic reactions
Get yourself checked out before getting a tattoo. Duh?
>Skin reactions
>Skin problems
Go to a place that isn't run by a spic drug ring.
>MRI Complications
Stated to be rare cases
Anything is a carcinogen nowadays. It's all about moderation. Of course you'll fuck up your cells if you cover yourself in obscene amounts black ink. Don't shove your balls into microwaves and don't get extreme tattoos.

top 10 things you're gonna regret by the time you're 50

I thought that was Zyzz for a moment

it's easy, just lurk more you fucking faggot

no, for real, is that a fucking wedding ring or is he memeing?

Looks like a wedding photo in the background to me.

>Get yourself checked out before getting a tattoo. Duh?
lol that's not how allergies work you fucking idiot. You don't just go to a doctor, get some simple bloodwork done and you magically know every substance you're allergic to. They fucking stab you with different shit to see if it causes a reaction. Unless you can find a doctor that's willing and able to test every fucking ink and dye on the planet and all their subcomponents, you're shit out of luck. Not to mention, it's possible to develop hypersensitivity after the fact. There are people who have had allergic reactions to tattoos they got 20 years beforehand.
>Go to a place that isn't run by a spic drug ring.
Or just don't get a tattoo. You can wind up with a reaction or infection regardless of how clean the parlor you go to is.
>Don't shove your balls into microwaves and don't get extreme tattoos.
Hey, you said it. Funny how you went from calling my claims "bullshit" to yourself comparing getting tattoos to microwaving your fucking balls.

This is a boomer as fuck post. Do you get all your social commentary hot takes from Fox or something?

You're a shut in that is too pussy to go out to anywhere you think is too threatening like a tat shack. I can tell that you've never bought drugs before either

Not all of Yea Forums is the same person. The biggest risk is infection, and if you wash regularly (valid concern for you) healing tattoos are easy to handle. Sure, allergies randomly come and go, but a sudden development of a reaction is very rare. will you never have peanut butter just in case? You seem like a coward

>my arm has a few geometric shapes, a woodcut style floral, and the profile of an animal skull on it, all in simple b&w outline.
For fucks sake could have picked something less goddamn basic? Those are like the holy trinity of tasteless hipster shit. They're as basic as flocks of birds around a wrist or ankle. They're as basic as a solid black tree with roots showing.

tattoos are awful and they ruin the taste of the flesh.

I'm actually getting a tattoo soon. How does the process go? Do I need to be hyper specific or should I just give the basics of what I want and let the artist draw his own interpretation?

>I can tell that you've never bought drugs before either
>this is somehow a bad thing

The only people who bitch about roasties judging based on appearance are manlets

Let me guess you've never been to a concert either

I think I'm going to get some tattoos now

everyone ITT BTFO, would be cool if anons here could stop pretending for 10 seconds they don't care about shit like that.

What the fuck is your deal, you insecure dipshit? I gave reasons for why I would never get a tattoo, and you're acting like I'm attacking your way of your life. Fucking get over yourself. The fact that you're jumping in to argue on someone else's behalf doesn't exonerate you, it just makes you pathetic.
>will you never have peanut butter just in case? You seem like a coward
Peanut butter is delicious and nutritious. It makes me feel good, sustains me, and makes my body stronger. Getting a tattoo is a waste of time and a waste of money with an end result of me looking like an even bigger asshole than I already am. If it makes you happy, good for you, but quit the proselytizing bullshit.

do whatever it makes you happy.
Also bro tip: don't be a cheap ass jew and get some that knows how to make a tatt.

cool, I’m glad you feel like you can express the things you like user. it’s the differences that make us all unique!

Not him but you seem really upset, why?

Are we really always going to pretend we care for each other? are we really going to pretend we don't want other to get tatts because "I care about your health bro" and not because "lmao I hate tatts" ?
Can we drop this whole "we re all gonna make it brah" farce?

Anti-tattoofags are more obnoxious than people who brag about having ink. They believe they're on some moral crusade by belittling random people that don't really care about their opinions and continue to delude themselves into thinking they're objectively right.

I have a god awful videogame tattoo I got drunk as fuck, right on my middle finger and I can almost guarantee that I get laid far more often than you do, with more attractive women. If you're not a huge fag otherwise, no one really cares. It's actually been a pretty good icebreaker on dating apps so far.

Protip: Don't

I don't know, I just think any tattoo that isn't an original piece of art is garbage. It's not hard to find a high quality artist that will make an original design.
In a nutshell: video game tattoos are stylistically just as cliche as tribal bands, nautical stars, "mom" hearts, etc

lol calm down dude, you can have peanut butter, I can have tattoos and peanut butter.

Lol retconning your belief system because you realize it's retarded doesn't excuse your subscription to the very same religion.

Some pasty skinned toothpick with a triforce tattoo posting from his campus internet is calling me a coward because I have the gall to point out that there are legitimate health concerns in getting a tattoo and he's a fucking twat that's trying to validate the shitty $100 decision that he's going to have to wake up every morning and see for the rest of his life.

yikes on the projection lmao

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So what makes you upset is that you have this "I can kick everyone here ass" mentality and anons here have a different opinion than yours? Unironically seek some help my dude.

Maybe you should follow the reply chain before making yourself look like an idiot. All I said was that I don't want a tattoo, one of the reasons being that it's unhealthy.

>bandana and eyepatch
Based MGS fan.

>Proceeds to use ad hominem attacks against people who are okay with tattoos
>Starts frothing at the mouth and throws a fit over other people's choices
Umm, sweaty, you're the idiot here.

What makes me upset is that some insufferable little shithead with no life experience has the gall to call me a coward because I don't share his affinity for fucking up my skin.

I wonder how you act IRL if some random user can trigger you so hard over nothing.

Garlic for vampires, tattoos for cannibals.

For sure. I spend about 3 months finding the right guy for me

Umm, snookums, I only responded in kind.

Damn, you're such a faggot. I've never seen such a cockgobbling attitude in one poster.

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Thats just like your opinion, man

from what game is that?

>over nothing
Maybe you don't have a sense of pride because you have nothing to take pride in, but as a general word of advice, in the case that you ever leave your house: calling random guys cowards is about as smart as calling random blacks niggers.

So you admit to being a coward like the nigger you are, then?

It's neither funny nor offensive when your intent is so obvious.

God how the fuck has nobody said it yet. Any shitty cringy ass tattoo sucks no matter what if done super poorly. Any well done professional line worked piece of art on the body no matter the subject it rightfully wonderful to look at. The amount of time and pain one goes thru for such permanent artwork is awesome. If you think you can get a half sleeve of any subject matter for 300 dollars you are going to have a terrible irrepitablely horrendous piece of shit. However if you pay top dollar for a fully shaded half sleeve of some Nintendo tribute it is going to look amazing. Fuck anyone who hates tattoos because all they see is cheap shit. People pay thousands to have permanent masterpieces on their body

Dude, you've never seen Mario before?

that user here, will you feel better if I say sorry?

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>pride over some internet shit
you sound like some cod dude bro


because 95% of the stuff you see is done poorly mostly because people are too cheap even with their own body

To be fair, he's probably an American atheist and all they're used to arguing theology with are a bunch of American fundies who have the theological understanding of a brick.

battle for bikini bottom

lol he left

No. I'm internet mad, which is like being mildly annoyed for 5 minutes.
What internet shit? No one said anything about that.


Nah, still here. I'm waiting to see if he spergs out any more.

I've seen some Rick and Morty shit that they clearly spent a lot of money on and it still looked god awful. So I'm thinking, yeah, no.

yeah it’s obvious you’re mad, buddy. if it helps i respect you not wanting to get a tattoo, but work on your bantz and take this place a little less seriously.

>take this place a little less seriously
That's precious considering you're the one that originally sperged out.

>Rick and Morty ever being non cringe

>"Just get a tattoo lol who cares"

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Why are people who dislike tattoos always such huge spergs?

No, from Twitter and instagram.
I haven't watched TV actively since I was a kid.

They're too scared to go to a tattoo parlour. They associate it with scary tat'd bikers and drug addicts

The absolute lad.

same reason the people who get them are huge retards

>bubblegum crisis
literally the best taste

t. coward

>a lot of zoomers seem to not like them
based zoomers being based one more time

>no legs
>unnecesary background frame
>she isnt showing her ass.
1/10 would not fuck.


this has been my favorite thread of the day

giv womanchild scene gf

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Tattoos outside of the military and organized crime are dumb.

"I am altering the deal, Pray I don't alter it further" - God.

You have no understanding of the significance of the Messiah, or anything of what Christianity is or what the covenants mean.

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That's the point

Trigun isn't even good until like episode 24.


Final fantasy

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i almost got mad but then i thought about it and realized you are right

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I could jack off to that tattoo, it's well done.

Vash is the best part of the whole show, it's just a shame that everything around him is boring. Knives is even cooler, but he's in it for all of 45 minutes. It's like they wanted to tell this interesting sci-fi story miniseries, but had to attach it to a 23 episode slice of life comedic action anime... I want to like it. I've watched it twice. I just can't.

That's actually a cool one.

>stabbing yourself with a bunch of ink for an image you'll get tired of in no time because you can't even decide on a fucking desktop/phone wallpaper, let alone a picture for your fucking skin
Tattoos are fucking stupid and is a good indication of how fucking dumb someone is.

I like the idea of people being branded, like tats should be a punishment, you do something bad and get a mark on your body so everyone can know you commited a crime.

I got this on my right shoulder 15 years ago... yes I am an old fuck

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Yeah, women tend to. If ur overweight, start working out and eating healthy. If underweight, eat more (healthy) and workout.

Rate my tattoos, Yea Forums.

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Anime is fucking garbage, she likes the stuff that's actually good (besides DBZ)

Oh man, are we posting those autistic late 2000s compilations of people having arguments with selfies and text over them?

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If your tattoo isn’t religious/family/or service related you’re a hipster loser.

Imagine getting your wife stolen by a lumberjack with tattoos and now your left to just walk around with this shirt. Embarrasing lol.

Bro. If you're ripped and handsome you can get away with a lot of shit that would otherwise be unacceptable.

now that's a throwback

i dont like vidya related tattoos, but atleast that one in OPs pic looks well done
also: if youre old enough to get a tattoo/piercing/whatever, you shouldnt care what other say about your decisions

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Severely underrated post.
God damn my sides.

Art is my religion.

>how do I use my muscles repeatedly

Is it just that? I mean, I've tried doing that, just flexing a ton, but I don't get ripped, my arms hurt for days/weeks and don't really feel stronger or look better.

>cardcaptor sakura tattoo

Got a modified Philemon Mask from Persona on my shoulder (went with blue instead of the original orange).

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You need a proper workout plan and rest days.

Also to bet as ripped as that guy you'll have to do strict diet as well as probably steroids.

Hit the gym, bro

I have prison ink that's better than that, jesus christ.

You’re not just flexing, you have to lift heavy things. Arms/legs hurt? Good. It means you’re making small tears in the muscle which causes your body to repair and strengthen the muscle. Keep going back and slowly lift heavier and heavier things. Congrats, you are now made of Sherman tanks.

>which causes your body to repair and strengthen the muscle
>strengthen the muscle

You need to have taken a basic health class to post here.

And yet here you are, spouting factually incorrect bullshit about the human body and weight lifting.

Explain yourself user.

Man, you're too sane to be here.

>be in relationship for 6 years
>get tattoo of girlfriends name on chest
>she cheats on me

sucks anons

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I think the most insane part about this is that the guy is married.

I always thought this was meant to be Israel but apparently it's a CS level

>still just a gf after 6 years
Huh I wonder why she cheated on you

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do a full body beginner routine for 2 months to build some basic muscles, after that, do a upper/lower routine a few months, then go full Zyzz-mode blast test and tren and work out 6 days/a week, eat as much protein as you can and dont eat shit
pic related: thats the kind of qt3.14 girls youll get, once youre ripped

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what if my penis is only 12cm? is that ok still?

What's that in a real measurement system

I guess you can say he was low test

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if your girth is a bit over average, youre good to go

You have google.....


>CS level

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>how could you tell I'm an incel?

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i have a vocaloid tattoo

>puffy vagina

>boy hips

Incels mad at people with socially fulfilling lives

I do agree to an extent that general social fatigue has set in. There are still however a lot of people getting tattoos. People definitely feel less special about them though. The problem is now you have them overcompensating by getting as many tattoos at once, or the largest tattoo they can at once without any thought of a meaning behind it.

>Chubby (or morbidly obese) nerdy girl on Tinder
>Has a Deathly Hallows tattoo, some kind of Pokemon tattoo, a Doctor Who tattoo and maybe some kind of Overwatch or Mass Effect tattoo
I'm so tired of tattoos.

>I mutilate my body and cover my skin with dirt for the rest of my life, but YOU are the sperg


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This is what true gamer nerds get!

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Look at the Vegeta and Frieza. Holy shit. The Scorpion too

this is fucking amazing. its awful but captivating at the same time.

it's like the PT Cruisers of back tattoos - well designed, well executed, functional, but who the fuck asked for it in the first place

Not him but, I've been to one held in a disco and I'm a shut in, what's that suppose to prove? That you're "cool"? Granted, I never wanted to repeat the experience, came out feeling like some one smashed my ear drums, but I've been to one, would not recommend.

>the only tat he has that looks halfway decent is fucking dust2
what a waste of money.