oohhh look, you cant
Post a better mechanic that doublejump
Other urls found in this thread:
triple jump
For me, it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.
jump into glide
attack cancelling
Parry especially if usable on bosses
Dodge roll.
I'm a simple man
Greggs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
simple as
Post a more scrub crutch mechanic than double jump. Oh look, you can't.
Doublejumping + Walljumping + Airdashing are pure ludo.
imagine being so fat you look at gameplay mechanics and see food
grapple hook
Quicksteps>>>dodge roll
Fries are the best here.
imagine being at computers
I still can't do this, no matter how hard I practice.
I was about to say jump canceling, but jump canceling is greatly enhanced by a double jump existing
Strafejump, Bunny Hop, Rocketjumping and Skiing.
double jump is the real freedom
Grappling hook.
Double jump is a crutch bad developers use to to compensate for their lack of ability to design good levels and always ends up making platforming piss easy. There's a reason that practically every garbage licensed platformer has a double jump.
Friction and Acceleration. Double-jumping just gives you an extra "chance" in case you fuck up your first jump, making the game easier.
I just like the patty, I get it with no toppings and throw out the bread.
fuck outta here joseph
I think the only game I've found a double jump to be acceptable is the Ghosts 'n' Goblins series. Even then only the third one for the SNES had it. And even then it's not like it broke the game, if anything it fucked up overeager, twitchy players to double jump into disaster.
Long Jump
Hold attack, dodge while still holding attack, go into next attack.
Special Weaknesses
Eh, I prefer the weightiness of a roll.
I came into this thread to post this. The fact that its still a fixed arc makes it deadly in many situations.
Dak & Jackster plus A Hat in Time come to mind.
no problem lad
>Dak and Jackster
A big problem I see happen a lot in games with double jump is that the level design never does anything cool with it. I'm replaying Ys Origin and the double jump is cool for a few minutes and then it just becomes the same level design but every jump is twice as high
camera controls
MMX wall cling.
Why not get nuggets instead?
oddly based
Midair control
Maybe it's just me, but I've always been baffled when I play a game and the jump feels horrible. By horrible I don't mean as in how low or slow it feels, but how inappropriate the level design is for it. For Castlevania, it's a defensive game, it teaches you to be deliberate about everything you do and commit to it, which is why he has a low jump that hangs in the air. It's teaching you that you have to mean it, and that you can't just run away from enemies by jumping over them, plus you're too slow. And besides, you have a long range whip and projectile special weapons. The jump is perfect for the levels, since even narrow gaps and pits can be scary given the knockback from enemies. A puzzle game might have mild platforming elements in it, so a jump isn't supposed to be game breaking, but just enough to feel like the player could use their skill to bypass a convoluted process to save time and earn more points for finishing earlier. Case in point - Solomon's Key, a game that feels incredibly dynamic for being a game from 1986.
And then you have this licensed game shit that's been goin on for decades, and they always follow trends but just cannot seem to get a fucking clue on how not to make the player control in a way that feels like it's for a different game. The double jump is a big fucking band-aid in that case.
Why don't you just order the chicken a la carte then? It'd probably be like half the price of getting the entire McChicken sandwich
This is my main problem with it, it's rare that games make you change your direction mid air to get around an obstacle or fall and use your midair jump to get under something without falling in a pit. It's mostly used as a jump extender or as a safety net for when you fuck up. I liked hat in time but the multiple double jumps made the game ridiculously easy since you just had so much control over yourself in the air.
too fat
this is the best mechanic
dj. is best in fighters
I love this double jump so much. It's limited enough that using it effectively is so satisfying.
explosive jumping
Air Dash. It gives the same additions to gameplay as a double jump (a bigger jump that canget to new areas), without adding the crutch of "oops I messed up my jump, good thing the double jump saved me." As an added bonus it can be used to go fast.
I'm not sure how it's bad. It's just another movement option and if the game is designed from you having double jump in the beginning there's nothing wrong.
spacing a stationary jump and then timing that into a double jump to overcome a tricky obstacle is kino. They managed to turn what would be a very clunky mechanic into something iconic.
why is this here this isn't video games
You guys ever play this game and jump over a pit but forgot there's no momentum when you double jump, so you drop like a rock to your death?
unironically too hard. call me a casual all you want but blizzard perfected the soldier. No damage taken so you don't hinder your team, it's easier but you don't have some faggotass killstreaker zipping across the map that you can't even predict. and fuck market gardeners.
It removes basically all challenge from platforming because if you mess up your jump you can usually make up for it with your double jump or at least get back to the platform you jumped from.
It also just feels really floaty/unsatisfying. In a game like Mario 64 the character feels like he has weight and inertia and there's a moment of tension when you make a jump over a bottomless pit. I never get that feeling in games with a double jump.
Pharah is everything wrong with Overwatch. Remove all depth from a mechanic and bind it to a button because god forbid there be any semblance of a skillgap.
>unironically too hard
literally how
Still having control in mid air is a kind of insurance though. The magic combination and optimal difficulty is double jump but zero maneuver after the jump like Ghost N Goblins.
Wall-up, wall-run and wall-jump are all better
Imagine being at gameplay
True, but the control is very limited and you are often tasked with using that ability to get you through some tight situations - see how Mario grabs the fire flower above him.
Came to post this. Slide is also good too, especially with hill momentum.
Rolling from Donkey Kong Country is the GOAT
>Kills most enemies, granting your more speed and a farther roll
>Change direction on a dime
>You may jump out of roll at any point. This allows Diddy's roll to act as a longer-ranged jump
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