what are the best goth games?
What are the best goth games?
Like, best game that is a goth game or best games for goths?
Alice: Madness Returns is the best game for goths.
like these vampirey gothy aestheics im not sure what to call them
Any Castlevania game
Devil May Cry 1
Vampire: The Masquerade
Gargoyle's Quest series
Ghost's and Goblins
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon and Ritual of the Night
You mean a GHOTIC game.
Something that has a GHOTIC THEME AND ART STYLE going for it.
Some ghotic themed games resonate with goths, but not all, and vice versa.
SOTN is probably the quintessential one, for a more recent title Bloodborne definitely is up there.
Some parts of Quake 1 qualify, VTMB obviously.
I'm sure there's others, i just can't think of them on the spot.
ironically, Gothic isn't very Gothic-y
>Gargoyle's Quest
Fuck yea, especially Demon's Crest.
Incredibly underrated, really goddamn dark and thick atmosphere.
>Bloodstained Curse of the Moon and Ritual of the Night
BCoM is based, RotN can go suck a dick with that 2.5D trash artstyle for brainlets.
I'm hoping Ritual is at least good gameplay wise. I wish the game was pixel art like the other games or at least like Portrait of Ruin where it uses sprites and 3d for the background
bump, all i can recommend is BB and SotN and i absolutely love this vibe.
It's just shaping up to be an inferior version of OoE.
OoE is the real deal, and also has the best waifu in the entire Castlevania series.
does Diablo count?
>SOTN is probably the quintessential one
Order of Ecclesia probably does gothic the second best of the Castlevania games I'd say.
Ok well, let me think:
-Tormentum (more of a goth metal vibe i guess)
-Haunting Ground
Yes,especially the first one and some parts of 2.
Dark souls?
Honestly Demon's Souls is closer to it, overall more thematically coherent.
Regardless BB nailed it so hard it becomes sorta redundant.
Whenever DeS would dip it's toes into a ghotic atmosphere, BB just dunked it's fucking balls right in so it's not as satisfying to go back if that's what you're looking for.
The only good Bloodrayne game.
>The only good Bloodrayne game.
Not saying much, the bar was set very, very low.
However i do have a soft spot for Bloodrayne 1, i don't know what it is about that game, it's retarded and poorly designed but also endearing in it's stupidity and dumb violence.
What are some games that have cute goth,alt,emo girls in them?
i kinda wanna say twisted metal black. its edgy as fuk in a fun pre-9/11 way
in awe at the size of this lad
Absolute castlekino
VTMB definitely, and both Alice games.
Arguably OoE, kinda.
Ghosts'n Goblins'n Ghouls'n Ghosts.
Twisted Metal Black, like a bunch of other TM games, is basically Rob Zombie: the game.
Not quite goth, more closely tied to Industrial Metal, a different flavor.
Still really cool tho, obviously.
And, talking about Rob Zombie, a game that actually feels much closer to the goth aestetic/atmosphere is definitely Nightmare Creatures 2.
why do you keep saying ghotic?
Whoops, my bad, i shouldn't type while i'm half drunk.
Not the best, but check out Nosferatu, both the 1994 and 2003 games:
Welcome to the colony
Shanoa is my wife!!!
What;s OoE? And are the Alice games on Steam?
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, the cute girl in question he was referring to is almost certainly Shanoa the MC.
Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
>What's OoE
What these patricians said
>And are the Alice games on Steam?
Unfortunately not, i think they're on Origin or something, they're firmly under the iron graps of EA.
I think ig you get Alice 2 there you automatically also get a version of Alice 1 that is more compatible with modern OSes, if i remember correctly.
Do they still make those?
No, not really.
You'll get a bunch of emo shitters at best.
Actual goth gf is equivalent to actual NEET gf, you'll never get one, because they barely get out of the house ever.
I think they discontinued that line around 2010
Blood Omen and Soul Reaver 1.
Holy shit YES, how the fuck did i forget about those?
I must be completely retarded.
Along with SOTN these are basically the #1 goth games.
1000000000/10 soundtrack, goth synth dungeoncore or whatever the fuck if it's even a genre, if it isn't, this is it anyway.
Hot take: OoE was by far the best looking CV game ever and whoever that main artist for it was, they blew Kojima the absolute fuck out.
No, in terms of character/promotional artwork Ayami Kojima's reputation of being a genius is completely deserved.
She's a visionary, her work is beyond beautiful.
And in terms of in-game spritework, while OoE is really, really good in that regard, it must not be overlooked the simple turth that the game is reusing a shit ton of assets by previous entries.
But yes, Masaki Hirooka is most definitely a very skilled artist, and i'm sad we never got another Castlevania title using his work.
Unfortunately the creepier macabre elements got deemphasized as the series went on in favor of Hennig's dull time traveling fantasy prattle. The story suffered, the game design suffered. It's a wonder anyone remembers the series fondly at all. BO1 is by far the best; even SR1 is a mess (though I quite like it).
Kojima is solid, but as a character designer she's very much a one trick pony. Her best work is stuff like : broad illustration or detached from a specific utilty.
In game it probably looks the best I'd say, the artwork for it's always going to be down to opinion but I really like it.
I actually think the game looks a lot better now. The assets they showed off in even the most recent trailer weren't finished, they've changed up the lighting and stuff and IMO it looks much more moody and atmospheric. In the demo, for instance, this area was just sort of flat and plastic looking.
Waiting for this game is fucking painful.
>Alice: Madness Returns is the best game for goths.
That's kinda sad, cause that game is D- trash at best.
Demon's Crest.
As long as it plays well I'm going to be more than happy, shitty 3D has it's charm anyway.