Why is everyone in Granblue Fantasy a midget?

Why is everyone in Granblue Fantasy a midget?

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women are objects and the most important part of an object is being able to lift it and do whatever you want with it

It is the ideal female body

god i want medusa to sit on my face

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Right side is peak female

What a shitty art.

Because short stack is peak female form, also why 6'4" is prime height for males, most women are tiny short stacks when you're this tall.


You might not like it, but this is what peak female mentality is like.

Attached: 1l1e6t2h.jpg (342x644, 125K)

indeed, we need giantess, not small woman


Shorter women biologically have more endurance, are healthier and produce better offspring

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Only two of the multiple races are. They just happen to be the best races.

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cow people

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To be fair, the one on the left can transform to be 50 times her size.

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>the most important part of an object is being able to lift it

Otakus are emotionally insecure and demand women be shorter than them. Also, they're underdeveloped manlets, so said women need to be midget-tier.

have sex

Attached: asanagi.jpg (500x751, 39K)

sounds like womanlet propaganda but okay

>Why is everyone in Granblue Fantasy a midget?
oh that's an easy one see gook manlets are so fucked up they can't even fantasize about women higher than them

only manlets use the word womanlet

makes my dick hard

Not user, but how? Manlets prefer women to be womenlets.

is this a bot randomly replying to people with this meme?
been seeing it on the rise with the latest leftist meme posting of "incel"

Despite western media obsessing over anorexic giants, Japan knows that the majority of men prefer shorter girls with curves.

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>Manlets prefer women to be womenlets.
Nope i like my girls to be 6.1 so they can womanhandle me a 5.6.

All races are good

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>japanese shadman

I feel the need to breed.

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If her height starts with 4, I want more.

>Draphs being big titty midgets with the body proportions of a normal person
>Harvins are essentially dwarves without the negative qualities of dwarves
>Primal Beasts are giantesses
GBF is well-written fetish fuel

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And I’m sure you and your deviant fetish represent all of manlet kind

Let's be honest, the average doujin illustrator easily surpasses shadman in the level of fucked-upness.

That Vampy is so cute and on model, their faces are also unique, how strange for Asanagi.

>6 years old
My fucking dick.

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>6 years old
How can she have such cowtits at this age?

If you get called an incel, it's probably because you said something to out yourself as one

>not realising how small women really are
you don't get out much, do you user?

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The magic of fantasy.

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superior draph genetics.

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I want to fuck Vampy really bad.

Fuck off Shadman, you wish you were as good as Asanagi or any other japanese artist.

>a midget
Petite actually.

>Thinking full grown women average around 4'8
Not all of us lived in Nipland

This, Like if Vampy was real I would rape her in broad daylight

Its the entire race

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Because nips are all manlets

Ilsa is my wife

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>tfw you're 5'11
I wanna die

Is it worth to play granblue?
I'm fgoshitter so do you think i would like it?

You are insane, shill
seek help

No my wife

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Asanagi has a thing for vampire lolis and most monster lolis, for some reason they're always spared from his usual fuckery. Look up his SFW 2hu art.

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I don't know about any of that, but I'm personally aware that short stature is associated with high total estrogen content, which is associated with fertility and overall genetic health.

no its just endless tedious grinding. its only worth playing during events where you get free shit, and you just missed the last one.


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What do you like about FGO? Because I moved from FGO to GBF

>broad daylight
Are you trying to kill her? Granted she won't instantly die from sunlight because of her noble blood but it does hurt her.

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Has anyone noticed that most women seem to want to be shorter, and get angry/resentful at shorter women? I also have seen more than one woman get angry about the word "smol" and call it misogynist/sexist/something like that.

I disagree but applaud your taste.

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>le x shadman meme

it's never taking off no matter how much you samefag

it all looks the same to me

Is this fucking true? Shorter girls make better babies? Wow that's weird.

her name is vania

Well to be honest I like sexy designs and kinda started to enjoy story when Babylonia came out but guda guda is fucking shit.

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why the fuck are men so disproportionately huger than women in the leftmost race
are they the gook self-insert race

Last one was fail, I mean this:


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They definitely have higher estrogen levels. Fun fact, pubescent who are growing very fast and want to stop growing get treated with estrogen.

Is that Jack the foreskin ripper

I want to _hug Danua

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Big guys small peners.
Humans will always reign superior.

Her name is Vampy, even Cygames have started abandoning the dub name in English translations recently because no one uses it.

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Ferry. My wife.

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>Is it worth
its not worth to play any mobage
its better than fgo in some ways though
and its nice to play on pc and phone

>Is that Jack the foreskin ripper
You bet!

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If story is what you're aiming for, GBF is one of the few mobile games with some actual engaging stories.
I had some fun with it before I found out that the game is grindy, since most of the story content doesn't require you to grind.

Vania is better.


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Good, it was dumb anyway.

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sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027795361000523X "The medicalisation of ‘tall’ girls: A discourse analysis of medical literature on the use of synthetic oestrogen to reduce female height"

i will kill you
vania, say it

Why would you feed a man estrogen....

You have an ultigun right?

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>he thinks midget 6'4" is prime
lol, 7' or fuck off.

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You might not enjoy GBF then. I'm of the opinion that FGO's 1st year of stories were all fucking horseshit and Camelot was 50% refugee shit. Only Babylonia and Solomon were decent but now it's the infamous year of filler/re-runs. I also hear mixed messages about Remnants being good/bad

GBF's story is broken up into really short segments which means that a lot of them are very short/concise/quick paced but if you accept that they can be enjoyable. Some of the bigger ones like What Makes the Sky Blue are considered some of the best of GBF but even then they're a lot shorter than FGO's stories which is probably their weakness.

One advantage is that GBF is fully voiced in all scenes which is a big fucking bonus for me, it's really nice actually hearing your characters talk and express emotion than having endless screens of text. The designs in GBF are a lot more consistent than FGO as well, not as lewd as Raita but they're pretty damn good and at least you don't swing from Raikou to Blackbeard/Columbus in art quality

Gameplay is a huge grind but it's more rewarding than grinding fucking embers or mats or gems in FGO and you can eventually just leech/auto battle which makes it less tedious

fuck off

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>I had some fun with it before I found out that the game is grindy
What do you need to grind?
Is it even more retarded than fgo where you usually go broke when maxing two 5*?
Also I heard you have better gacha rates.

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The post is clearly talking about girls.

im casual so idk

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I think I read somewhere that they were slaves/lovestock long ago. The men were bred for labor and the women were bred for "labor"

they are called puberty blockers, hitting puberty early can cause bad shit to happen
they aren't estrogen

that's why you have to have a tall girl gf and bully her for being so tall, then you do things to make her feel small.

6'4" here. Can confirm that short stacks are peak body.

Thank God I hit puberty at 17 then.

right's lower half and height with left's upper half is the ideal female body

Can you explain what post in this thread mentioned puberty blockers?

That's fair but an Ultima Gun on top of rings fix her overall DATA/off skill turns damage problems. So make an atma gun when you can.

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Well i guess i have to give it a try to see if i like it.
I started fgo last summer and only got hooked on because i rolled Archuria with a ticket.

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>What do you need to grind?
weapons and item drops
its more like a proper jrpg
you fill out this 3x3 grid full of weapons that have skills, the larger left hand side weapon is your mainhand for your mc
its pretty damn grindy

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>Humans will always reign superior

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oh shit im sorry

why is Yea Forums filled with so incredibly many:

- 6'4+

- 120+ IQ

- wealthy

- 2004-2006 hyper-oldfags

even though all of these things are less than 1% of the population?
do all of the world's rarest best people congregate here on Yea Forums?

this user he just doesn't know what he is talking about
get a starter/reroll account from the vg general if you can. its alot better than starting fresh

Imagine what FGO would be like if all your mats were only obtainable through battles and not events. That's basically what GBF is like with grinding for weapons to maximise damage

GBF has 3% SSR rate which doubles to 6% for a couple days each month, but characters don't matter as much as weapons do. Also GBF throws so many free rolls at you, for the free anniversary they gave people 10/20/30 rolls everyday with 100 free rolls on the last day, and then shortly afterwards they released a puzzle mini event that rewarded 40 rolls. It's rains fucking rolls compared to FGO NA

Jack makes my dick unreasonably hard, but this is disgusting.

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Yes. Don't forget the 9 inch dong

Where can I meet girls with these proportions in real life omg

134cm? That's 4'4" So hot.

Is this game good? Or rather how much p2w bullshit is there or how much free stuff do you get?
My only experience with games like this so far is destiny child which is very generous in these regards imo.

That post has nothing to do with "puberty blockers".
Women who are growing very fast during puberty sometimes get treated with estrogen. This is not to "block puberty", it is to retard their growth, because estrogen has that effect. See You are wrong, sorry.

I play the game casually and I a full set of SSRs for all 6 of my elemental teams. There's a 90% chance of you getting a new character per 10-Part rolls regardless of how many characters you have already.
The only issue is crystal gain is so scarce that it's not even worth bothering trying to get your preferred character(even if he/she is on focus).

yeah this, don't start with a new account, go ask for a reroll or buy a starter for a few bucks
its a 5 year old game and you just missed a whole bunch of free shit

I know a girl like that. Sadly she's 16 and my sisters friend.

Hot body but her face looks r-tarded.

6% gacha rates twice a month, they give out at least ~400 (up to 4000 with insane luck) if you login every day during holiday events, saving crystals lets you spark twice (2 of the best units, technically anila/andira are best here, anila/shiva if you want to focus on fire), making an account at the right time lets you ticket summer zooey (#1 spark) instantly. Moreover you can make 10 accounts for that holiday period and roll on all of them daily, keep the one with the best drops by the end of it. Holiday period just ended though you'll have to wait a good amount of time before it's worth joining again.

The average female height in Japan is 5'1.

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GBF story has ups and downs. The beginning was regarded as being the shittiest and only began getting on its feet better around Vira's introduction (that's why Vira is the most popular and gets the MOST element versions of herself) but plowing through you can certainly see droops in the writing repeat off-and-on. Side Stories are similar, some are really good and some really not. Events the same. Basically it's a mixed bag and a shitload of players probably never even clear it because it's become a really long campaign after years of updates.

Attached: spring vira.png (960x800, 216K)

say it

>durr treat early puberty with estrogen
that will just make puberty happen faster

I am sensing you are the kind of person who had trouble in school.

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>- 6'4+
>- 120+ IQ
Not sure, never had an IQ test
>- wealthy
I make a living
>- 2004-2006 hyper-oldfags
Started browsing during GG
Does this make you feel better knowing that I'm only one of those things?

>inventory got full
>forgot to actually look in my Time Limit crate
>could have lost weeks worth of M1 weapons
I'm just gonna tell myself that nothing of worth got lost.

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fuck man


It just makes her sound gimmicky. Her vampiric subordinates using her actual name while she goes by her own nickname she made for herself just sounds cuter.

Can you even IMAGINE being under 6'7? You will forever be "that kind of tall guy" while you will be INSTANTLY forgotten as soon as an actually tall athlete-tier human strides into the room.

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As a fair warning the main story is pretty shit and is basically setup/introduction until chapter 17 before really picking up in chapter 29

You also have events running basically non-stop, no downtime like FGO. They're either battle events (grind for weapons/items) or side stories, and you can also find a lot of old events in the side story collection. I'm having a lot more fun with GBF than I am with FGO

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>- 6'4+
I was on growth inhibiting drugs in my youth, so I never made it to 6'
>- 120+ IQ
I've tested at mensa level
>- wealthy
>- 2004-2006 hyper-oldfags
Try 1980s.

Yeah if you're not trying to wife an asian woman, you're retarded. East asian is good too but not as good. White women are settling, latino is desperation, black is pure sadness.

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I've seen those interviews and there were just as many women who said they don't like foreigners because they find big men intimidating.

>tfw 1.94 kilometres tall
>my gf is 4 planck lengths tall
>whenever we have sex she gets altitude-induced hypoxia leading to erotic asphyxiation

manlets... when will they learn

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>t. lanklet

No you didn't, Wong.


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Is FGO worth picking back up? I remember playing it at launch then dropping it due to how awful Nero's story arc was and the fact that the 20 second NP animations couldn't be disabled.

>I've tested at mensa level
>Try 1980s.

the irony

Can't wait to see what dumb gimmick he has. Probably something like
>Gotta kill his wings in order to hurt him/reduce his defense
>HL is a 6 man raid but each player has their own instance of wings. Two per person.

>not posting best version

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They released Babylonia and Solomon which are two of the best stories. Read those two then drop the game for good because most of the stuff afterwards isn't great, at least not good enough to consistently play
>20 second NP animations couldn't be disabled.
They said in an interview that anyone who wants to skip the NP animation "isn't a true fan"

There is only one thing more pathetic than a manlet: a person who plays phone games.

I'm 5'11 (so close, yet so far...)

Never had an IQ test. I'm generally considered "smart" by my peers but not exceptionally so.

I'm buying my own home so I'm not rich but I can afford to live.

I will 100% lay claim to being an oldfag though. I can confirm (via old files) that I was on Yea Forums in 2005. I believe I learned about it in late 2004 but I'm not sure.

>You also have events running basically non-stop, no downtime like FGO.
Yeah i hate dead weeks especially because i have fuckton of spare time during work so i get bored outta my mind.

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Not how bones work

after looking at it the grind is to overwhelming for me

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Did you at least get your free atma from 000?

None of you faggots are going to get any pussy regardless of how tall you are because you're all fucking faggots.

Who waiting on Re: Link here?

Stop posting Jack

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>tfw no big titty 134 cm cow midget gf

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I was told to get the sword

jokes on you its a browser game

Why would I does Jack do something to you user?

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It's pretty bad, basically run a macro for ember farming is all I do during dead weeks. Meanwhile GBF has so much to fucking do that I don't have time to even read the main story, and you get given so many golden apple equivalent that you can do whatever you want as much as you want with no stupid stamina restriction you get in a lot of gatcha games

and what do you know, mr.smartass? care to explain or redline it?

its not even that big of a grind. it'll happen easy enough once you hit 101, the first one is practically free
you do have your baha weapon from sky blue 1 right?

Yup, got into this game just cause Relink and Versus look cool. Can't wait to body scrubs with the Chad Trio.

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Yes she does! so please

I'm dating an Arabian girls and she's great.

>They said in an interview that anyone who wants to skip the NP animation "isn't a true fan"
Literally how, NP in the VN were implied to be a last resort thing, even for spirits that can spam their's.