You are playing the new remaster right now right, user?

You are playing the new remaster right now right, user?

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Other urls found in this thread: fogfx/metodo-steam-borderlands-exploit_16nn0f

No I have no one to play it with :(

No, Borderlands 1 plays like a fucking tech demo

i cant, i only have about $4

so the original b1 is now the goty automatic?

I think so, that's what I read here earlier.

Soul vs. soulless

no, the game was boring
I never made it out of the second zone

No Maya no play!

lilith has better tits

That's pretty creepy and pedophilic...

thats disturbing man, cut that shit out you fucking faggot

Ignore those faggots, I'm going to need some sauce on this.

They're both above 18 right?

Have they said if Borderlands 1 GOTY edition is getting an actual ending? I know they said they were going to improve the last boss.

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I'm trying to, but I can't get my PS3 characters to transfer over to the PS4 Slim. That and the game is really roasting the thang ding.

No, Borderlands 1 is incredibly dull.

The Destroyer is a bit faster, has more HP, and now spawns drones (for Second Wind fodder). Otherwise, it's still the exact same waste of tentacled space.



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Man I wish they could have added something that tied into the sequel or some kind of lore.
Guess it's the luck of a vault hunter to find nothing. Maybe the upgrade be worth a nostalgic runthrough.

go make some pasta fag

the pic on the left looks like a resized low resolution image, i'm not sure this is accurate

>2019 and people still don't understand the Vault in BL1

Im not braindamaged enough to enjoy Borderlands so no.

Probably youtube compression

I understand the Vault itself. Doesn't change the fact that the Destroyer is a shit boss.

A remastered bad game is still a bad game.

>mfw 3 purples drop within the first hour, not counting scripted ones like bone shredder
Did they increase the droprates or something?

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did they at least add an FOV slider?

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>They got rid of the real world QT


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Been getting loads of purples as well, but it also seems like weapon damage falls off sooner. Had a blue SMG that I got at level 14, by level 17 it was taking a full magazine to kill a brute.


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Maya has better lips, pits, and hips.

Sucked the soul right out of it. Good job Gearbox.

Played for a few hours
>quest markers for multiple collection items bug out in multiplayer
>quest tooltips bug out in multiplayer
>map fails to load after travelling
>new-u zoom/warp effect plays after dying without new-u particle effects
>ui for inventory still shit
>texture loading still fucked at the start of the game
>some guns becoming invisible after switching to them
>fight for life mode being stuck in the third person fall animation, unable to shoot switch weapons or kill self

I cannot wait until all games share the same graphic fidelity and companies can't make a profit off "remastering" a game with an extra coat of lube.

i'll suck the soul right out of you faggot

So it looks more hand-drawn? Seriously this meme is getting old.

Since mods don't work with it, I'll be playing the original if I get the urge to play.

>Resetted chevos
Fuck off, i didn't spent all that time killing 10000 zombies to start it all over again

Anni di piombo Giulio Andreotti P2 Sfera Ebbasta Organizzazione Gladio Banda della magliana Caso Moro Trattativa stato-mafia Anni di fango Tangentopoli Strage di Bologna Pier Paolo Pasolini Brigate Rosse Ordine Nuovo P3 Terrorismo di Stato Bunga bunga Autunno caldo Attentato a Palmiro Togliatti Licio Gelli Strategia della tensione Nicola Calipari Strage di Piazza Loggia Mafia capitale Strage dell'Italicus Operazione manifesti cinesi Fascicoli SIFAR Strage di Capaci Strage di Via D'Amelio Piano Demagnetize Piano Solo Esigenza Triangolo Golpe bianco Fabrizio Corona Golpe Borghese Omicidio di Alceste Campanile Omicidio Calabresi Scandalo dei petroli Scandalo Lockheed P4 Scandalo del Banco Ambrosiano Noto servizio Strage di Ustica Enrico Mattei

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Do I look chinese to you?

>Had a blue SMG that I got at level 14, by level 17 it was taking a full magazine to kill a brute.
Did they fuck with the scaling to make it more like the shitty BL2 scaling or something?

It seems like they fucked up the framerate on the remaster. I value fluidity over graphics so I guess that I'll just play the original.

Attached: 30fps.jpg (1250x656, 149K)

They did say they were rebalancing everything, so most likely yes.

elemental damage also seems like it got "adjusted", takes a lot more shots to proc the effect, even with a x3 weapon, and the damage ticks feel lower

>can no longer run the game in 1% resolution
What were they thinking?

does the Enhanced version carry your save info over? me and my buddy are completing gonna hit the level cap first before playing the DLC remastered later

Attached: h centi.jpg (600x300, 32K)

I never understood how someone can play this garbage for more than 1 hour. It is so fucking boring and uneventful. All the people I know who played that shit were MMORPG addicts with no taste and soul and Lol so Random Gamer Gurls with stinky pussies and ugly tattoos.

What toaster are you running on? I have yet to see a single frame drop absolutely maxed.

You're a sad, miserable man.

All Borderlands games play like shit.

>1% resolution
Wut? Check at the end of the Candyland comparison video, the framerate drop to the 30's.

I would be if I could pirate it. I'm not buying shit from them after this epic launcher garbage. I already feel bad about owning 2 and pre sequel.

downloading right now

Can you afford food and stuff? What state you in? I could get you a job maybe depending on what state your in.

i'm not having any frame rate issues whatsoever, but then again i am not running on a toaster either. runs exactly the same if not better than the first iteration.

He's also completely correct.

>i'm totally not the same person guys!

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They are using a freaking 2080 Ti and it drop to 30

I'm , Borderlands is garbage.

hm. no issues here on a 1070.

I had a fun experience with it. Running around Pandora as a vault hunter not sure what's around the next corner and interacting with the NPCs and getting the story out of audio messages and being guided by a mysterious messenger.
I don't like MMOs, I don't like Diablo or first person shooters and am an avid JRPG player but I love the shit out of Borderlands.

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>played it 2 months ago
>suddenly a remaster out of fucking nowhere

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I don’t play remasters generally speaking.

>am an avid JRPG player
That explains how you can enjoy mindnumbing monotony.

>I had a fun experience with it
adults are talking

Motherfucker I'm 36 years old

>there are ledditors/newfags defending this garbage
Yea Forums is getting worse by each year

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Drop rates are fucking crazy and will honestly ruin the joy of getting rare weapons
No-one asked for a half-assed rebalance of the entire game, BL1 was much better in that department compared to the dumpster fire that is 2

>"nipple salads"

it feels like they fucked with the damage scaling as well so enjoy the 3 levels with that new purple gun before a green will outperform it

This is my Fallout. I don't care.

>interacting with the NPCs
Oh I laff hard
Pressing a single button and hearing background conversation is not interaction.

>make the contrast higher

>Picked up new purple pistol in Sledge's safe house while getting the key
>Did a couple side missions before going to fight Sledge
>Already tickling enemies before I get to Sledge

then your probably married
go take care of your wife's mutant kid until she gets back from work

I bet you also don’t like Lucasarts PnC games

Half-Life fans would tell you otherwise.

No, I am just right. Borderlands is a cool colorful idea but lacks basically everything else. Nothing happens. It is boring, unfunny and bland. So basicly perfect for people who tink tattoos look good on your tits or retards who grind 12 hours a day and complain 5 years later about their life online. I bet at least 25% of Borderlands fans are degenerate trannies now.

Nigger, the NPCs in borderlands appear on maybe one or two occasions. They're just there, meaningless assets.

Why are you on here bitching about a game you don't like? Don't you have better things to do?

14 year old virgin go play fortnite or apex

I get the original idea, making a diablo loot game as an FPS. Make the guns the focus, the story just a vehicle to give you an excuse to go shoot the next guys. The guns were fun but the skill trees were all bland passive bullshit with only a couple real ways to differentiate a build. 2 had better skill trees but they fucked up the gunplay and scaling.

I am waiting for your mom to finish shitting so I can finally use the bathroom and go to bed. She was kind of loose desu. You must have been quite the fat baby.

Lilith or Mord, never got to end game with them in the original.

I liked it for what it is. I don't care what other people think about it.

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Not any more.
If you already own it on Steam. You get the new enhanced goty edition for free and keep the old version aswell.
Its the same girl just a different visual style.
She even did it live on stage at the embarassing and now infamous PAX tease.

Her name is Britanni Johnson
She's the "Angel" for BL1,BL2,Pre Sequel and now BL3.

The your'e a corpse fucker because my mom is fucking dead.

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Welcome to Yea Forums. Enjoy your first day here.

Both can be straight up broken. Mordecai with trespass can bypass shields, and with a gunslinger class mod with ammo regen you can just use jakobs mashers (shotgun revolvers) all day every day oneshotting everything but badasses. Lillith gets so much extra elemental damage and effect chance that she just has to sneeze near a group of enemies and they'll light themselves on fire, and can use phasewalk to go from 10% health to full.

I'm confused. Is the GOTY the same game/Steam entry as the regular, or do they show up in your library as two separate games? I only have the regular in my library, but when I check the the store page for the GOTY (since the regular doesn't have a store page anymore), it says I already own it.

>people don't understand the difference between remaster and remake
>there are "proffessionals" complaining about the TIMELESS graphic art style of BL which just like Warcraft will always look unique to the franchise and ageless whereas photo realistic games are immediately outdated within 2 years of launch.
>There are "professionals" wanting battle royale.

Dude, when I was 14, jet fuel melted steal beams and everyone was pissed that Solid Snake was only in the prologue.

I am sorry user, I did not know. :(

two separate games

No. I only buy 2 games per year, just bought Mortal Kombat 11 the other will be Doom Eternal.

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2 seperate games.
I have Borderlands GOTY(original) and Borderlands Enhanced(new)

Is the remaster just for the first game or for 1 and 2?

Nope, blands 1 just has the best loot system in entire seifes

Is melee focus brick viable?

Ah there it is. I opened my Steam library and only saw one Borderlands, the original one with no subtitle; so I clicked around the store page/etc and refreshed, but it still only showed one game. Shortly after posting, they both popped up in my library, just so I could feel like a twat.

Remaster for the first game bringing improvements from BL2 to the original and graphical improvements.

Free DLC visual upgrades for BL2 and PS.

No but I am playing borderlands 2 and getting increasingly frustrated with how utterly terrible the actual shooting mechanics are. The only guns that actually shoot where you aim them are Jakobs, literally every other gun just feels like shit.

>ingame settings and launcher settings don't match, can't tell which is real
>refuses to let me change to anything other than 1080p50???
>choppy as shit for no reason
what are they DOING

Trespass is a fucking meme and a waste of skill points unless you're exclusively fighting guardians. His sniper/pistol skills are more than enough for shitting out damage, and ignoring trespass allows you more birb skills for useful crowd control and dazing

It's amazing that abbreviating the title makes it so much more appropriate.

>I only buy 2 games per year

have you tried getting good?

Shit is still borderline unplayable with dynamic shadows on.
Plus it seems to have a bad memory leak with fps dropping like crazy after a while.

>tried to play borderlands 2 again
>quite after reaching level 7
its so fucking boring I couldn't take it, nothing is engaging at all, I got a headache from how little I was using my brain playing it
why the fuck are people excited for 3 again?

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I have a family to take care of.
3 kids, my wife, my mom, and my dad.

I only buy DLC for HoI IV and the occasional sale price of something I take a fancy to.

Only game I've bought full price in the last 3 years is RE2 remake and it was worth every penny. Can't wait for the RE3 remake.

Whenever Bannerlord finally gets a fucking release date(if it ever does) that'll be a pre purchase aswell.

is 1 actually fun? i never played it and none of my friends have it if that makes a difference so i'd be playing solo

That's fair, definitely not expected from Yea Forums.

110 FOV or youre a pussy

>3 kids
Jesus Christ, user.
Get your shit together.

>paying full price a game

Were you playing with friends?
I know it's a meme.

But Borderlands is legitimately basically a place to hang out with friends. Just chat while playing something.

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If you found 2 good, probably, yes.
If you've never played a borderlands game you'll either love it or get bored to death


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I'm assuming you don't keep your progression from the other version of BL1 right

>I know it's a meme.
It's not that it's a meme, it's that it's a useless defense for a video game. "It's better with friends" is true of almost everything.

LMAO no, making a shit game pretty doesn't change the fact it's a shit game, nor do I want to support a notoriously awful developer run by a literal con man. KYS

HD Cell shading makes 0 sense guys.

You do actually.
You can simply import any of your characters from the old GOTY.

borderlands isnt cel shaded tho

You can import your save from the main menu.

Borderlands wasn't cel shaded.

I didnt say I had a problem killing things and staying alive. I just think the gunplay itself is shit.

No, I don't play shitty games.

>spending virtual paper whose "value" is a manmade social evolution and you can't take with you when you die.
>none of my friends have
That's precisely why they took BL2 improvements and shoved them into BL1 so people go back to the beginning and experience it.

I like exploring and finding collectible story items in games so that fills my niche.

No. I already beat that game.

How are you guys enjoying that sweet, sweet screen tearing on consoles? I mean yeah, it was an issue in Handsome Collection and they fixed it at the cost of a steady frame rate, but that's fine right? It's okay to make the same mistakes years later and not fix them until people complain because you're all idiots, right? Give Gearbox more money pls.

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jakobs is literally the worst manufacturer

works for me, thanks user

he is, thats why he limits his spending on games?

You can't but your family and loved one so can, selfish commie faggot.

Anyone stupid enough to think Borderlands is a good series wouldn't have a clue what you're talking about, they're a lost cause user.

This. Why the fuck would you replay blanderlands 1 if you already beat it in its entirety? It's not a great game, it's very samey and locations aren't varied at all. Literally better off replaying 2 if for some reason you wanted to play blanderlands and nothing else

Why would I play a game I've already finished? Just because the graphics are nicer now? No thanks!

The fun multiplier provided by friends is not the same for every game though.

Did the remaster finally add an fov slider?

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Yeah it's probably way higher than what they'd get from this shitheap. I have more fun throwing poisonous jellyfish at my friends than we would playing fucking Borderlands. Nobody cares about your cartoon waifus but a handful of you faggots, go back to your general on /vg/ to circle jerk and stop shitting up this board

Do you have to have the original installed as well to import your saves?

oh so I can download the improvements for 2 as DLC huh? neat

Yea Forums was a wholesome quaility board until all those basedboys and bugmen showed up and ruined everything

or, OR they just like Borderlands.

Explain it to a brainlet such as myself.

Im waiting for my friend to get home from work so we can play together.

I'm using a level 7 explosive pistol at level 14 and I'm still doing fine. Granted, said pistol is Violence which is a legendary.

Im using a 750ti and having 0 issues. But then I'm playing in 1080, not 4k.

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No, it just reads the folder which doesn't get deleted when you uninstall.

>be hyped for the remaster
>get off the bus and instantly remember how boring borderlands 1 is
>uninstall game

Does it have physx forced now?
I noticed my framerate plummet for a moment when I blew some bandit apart.
Also what settings to just turn off to sit at a solid 60fps?
i5-3470 and 1050

Do people say the first game is boring because it's not memes 24/7?

>he fell for the remastered meme

Attached: sup.jpg (900x1200, 112K)

>fell for it
>was free

Attached: 1551734640470.png (512x512, 72K)

But does it have RTX?

Post Maya pits


Nat-Soc actually.
The money gets stolen as "tax" after death anyway. They'd be left with a pittance unless you're a multi millionaire.

pretty much this. You're stuck in the badlands for about 80% of the game with music that sounds like that tuvan throat singing
>if you beat this guy you'll be able to beat slag! also the vault is real don't forget its real
at least they replaced her with a little graphic instead of the awkward posing and smiling

Does doing any of the DLC still fuck up the level progression on the second run

Your time is the most valuable thing that you have.

Well that I know is untrue.

Playing now but i am pretty fucking cheesed that I had to go buy the digital version because no GaymeStops in town got any physicsl ps4 copies and only like 3 xbone copies what a fucking shitshow who thought this release style and retailer exclusivity was ok.

and yet here we are on Yea Forums

They better not have patched out the glitch that lets you clip into the Armoury in General Knoxx's DLC
By Allah's hand, Randy Pitchford will not be forgiven.

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They didn't.

Does the PC version have local co-op (splitscreen) support? The trailer on Steam showed it but the Steam page doesn't mention it


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did they patch the safezone for crawmerax

Why did they get rid of weapon proficiencies?

I hope each game having a glitch like that becomes a tradition. BL1 had the armory clip, BL2 had the Leviathan invisible corpse jump, BL3 should get one as well.

I had a nice mp game going on and then the game crashed, couldnt find a file or some shit


thats one ugly flat thot, user

and they didnt even get the tattoos the right color

Reminder to set your profile.bin to read-only so you can have unlimited golden keys and open chests for random plebs so you can feel better about yourself

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>This is my fallout
the fuck does that even mean?

Nothing was fixed
They only added things

hair looks worse


why did they say they were doing something with a certain boss

What the fuck? A remaster that doesn't look worse than the original? This is fucking new.

They didn't though, I'm playing it and it's still there. If you mean in BL2, probably because it was just grinding.

What the fuck is this? Am I playing a video game or buying a fucking car?

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>selling your soul for a remaster
imagine being this low T of a gamer

Or you know, just change your keys to like 999 in cheat engine so you'll basically never run out.

>much better camera, the original one was fucking abysmal
>leveling appears to be in the direction of 2
>didn't fix that you can get stupid low level gear in chests or drops from badasses, I've gotten more shitty level 2/4 purples than level appropriate ones.
I've burned through so much gear so far.

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Defending what? I got the game for free, gives me an excuse to replay a game I haven't played in like 10 years.

why would I ever subject myself to another borderlands playthrough ever again?

you speak like a tranny, user
I'm curious about your thighs

seek help you mentally ill retard.

if you're not asking for dicks in your mouth then why post that image?

because borderlands 1 is a decent game.



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Claptrap isn't as bad as I remember. The board things gets tiresome but other than that he's fine.

Claptrap's only annoying because one of the complaints is that he was mildly annoying, and gearbox decided to crank him up to 11 because claptrap being annoying now has to be a meme.

>playing borderlands

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is it true that BL1 has guns locked behind classes?

If I buy a Borderland copy from steam trade sites, will that get upgraded to Remaster as well?

great, now the game runs and looks worse. can i go back to the previous working version without that garbage angel?

no, but each class has their own weapon type that gets boosted by passive skills if you want to choose them
siren with smg, morde with snipers, etc


Yes but good luck with that since epic is shutting down all 3rd party codes

No, but the cast has skills biased towards a select few between each of them.

Attached: kramer.gif (200x189, 742K)

they also patched the previous version to use that too. and borderlands 2. which is weird since the actress did her thing a few days ago.

Wow, a remaster that actually remasters the game? Color me surprised.

I must be blind as shit, because I don't see the point of this graphical remaster. Thicker black lines? Adding a small detail here and there? Making a bunch of bugs that weren't in the original release just for auto pickups and some cosmetic changes? BL1 wasn't worth a replay to begin with, this doesn't really change that.

>Look for torrent
>GOTY Enhanced edition released February

uhh is this the same version? or is there a new one?

Borderlands 1 is the most boring shit, series doesn't even get past mediocre until 2 and even then its hampered by Burch and his fucking meme writing for 12-year-olds.

Who cares.
I've sold my soul heaps of times to many different people so that when I die, every single one of them will be fighting for it.

No, PLAZA released the newest one, look for it

thanks. gonna purchase the game then

I have an extra copy that's been sitting in my inventory since forever. Apparently it gives you GOTY+enhanced now too. Anyone want it? Or if you've got a spare game to trade back that'd be cool too.

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Did they put splitscreen back on pc?

Relax resetera, it just looks like size difference. They gave the taller girl high heels to make her look even taller.

No, they also removed LAN

This but unironically.

Attached: soullesslands remaster.png (683x311, 309K)

This shit is exactly why I just jumped ship from buying games. Been buying on ps4 the past few years, games run like shit. Just upgraded to a 1660 ti, games run perfect, pc games remove features. I'm done supporting this shit. Back to pirating.

she's ugly on both desu
but at least the original one hid her weird face

Yeah I meant BL2, I should have clarified.

Not everything is about being attracted to fictional beings. Probably referring to the blur that adds mystery.

It's not much.

BAR is way better than proficiencies
glad they removed it

yeah I can agree on that

wanna trade it for RoR2?

can anyone else connect to shift i haven't been able too all day? also will there be separatecodes for the goty

No one wants to play with me.

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So how bad is the writing in 2? Also what class is the most fun if I wanna build for dps?

Sounds good, email? Posted mine in previous post.

I'd play with you but I'm very shy


no one wants to see ugly people

So you'll never be in a game then

The writing is terrible. If you want pure DPS go with Salvador


didnt even knew that,
i got the game free on steam with the CD key exploit before they patched it, it was just the base game, and now i got the GOTY and remastered version, didnt expected this ending that well years ago when i added it to my steam, i just added it because my account was new and people said you could do it without any problem.

wanna post ur steam acc? I'll just add you and we can trade

kill yourself redditor faggot

God, that goddamn shotgun you get, tk's better pump or whatever, that thing is a goddamn beauty. Hold shit its so fucking good.

Just found my first revolver, forgot how fun this game is, despite being so clunky.
Has anyone found any heads yet, or are the ones in the customization station all there is?

Salvador for DPS. His action skill has you dual wield the weapons in your loadout. While using his action skill you get the special abilities of your weapons applied to both weapons. For example, a relatively early mission has you turn in something to Moxxi for a reward, her gun Rubi. Rubi heals you for a percentage of the damage it does. Put that in quick slot 2, and put a high damage gun in slot 1, and use Sal's action skill. Every time you do damage with the high damage gun, you'll gain some health off of it, since that is a special ability of the rubi in your offhand. This synergy is partially what makes Sal capable of easily killing raid bosses solo, other factors are shit like money shot procs.

no, it forces it on you. you cannot roll back

I always forget how fucking slow the start of the game is.
18 levels in and you're still in the fucking Arid Badlands and you can't even fast travel anywhere but the DLCs.

Feels a bit better having an actual FOV slider, though.

the ones in the customization station are the only ones

The gunplay is so slow and unsatisfying compared to 2.

Guy's The only good part about Borderlands is the guns and the enemies everything else about it is unfunny and unfun I will give one exception though Borderlands the Pre-Sequel was pretty tight

You can just uncheck the visual update under the DLC list after you download it

Me too, but I'm trying to be more sociable.
It doesn't matter anyways, I'm going to sleep now.

One thing I notice is weapons take a fuckton to reload. Maybe it gets better by the endgame, but my Sniper Rifles feel like I just could go brew a coffee and make biscuits before I finished reloading.

>shotguns and SMG's still melt every enemy almost instantly and are objectively the most powerful weapons in the game
>AR's, repeater pistols, rocket launchers and Eridian weapons still basically worthless
I know you can't expect much to change in a remaster, but goddamn.

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I agree but for some reason I kind of find it relaxing

post your ID, faggot


there is no such thing listed here.

To be fair, Eridians (Or E-techs, if you will) were also garbage in 2 because all of them ate up your ammo while having a decreased crit multiplier.
Only ones worth even bothering with were Plasma Casters.

BL2 at least has the community patch to iron out the shit weapon balancing.

I dunni, i found a green s&s rifle that carried me pretty well. I mean, 50+ magazines are a thing of beauty, before roland's skills even come into account

Isn't the pre sequel full of sjw shit?

Thanks for the advice, is there any preferred way to play Zero or Krieg?

which no longer works after today's patch.

? i have all dlc disabled and it still gave the "updated textures and art" and forces physx

>is there any preferred way to play Zero

Attached: erect.png (304x408, 151K)

Really? Fucking hell, guess I didn't know since I don't have it installed atm. That blows.

For real? mine has Borderlands 2 Ultra HD Texture Pack as one of the dlcs I can disable

It just frustrates me because enemies don't wait for you to reload. The way you cock the sniper rifle is so sensual it gives me a mild erection but I'm too annoyed to be horny.

fuckin answer me faggots

no, they've been having issues, read their notes man.

Yeah, weapon proficiency really makes a difference in every weapon. I believe every weapon gets a reload speed increase and another buff like damage/accuracy/etc. Like on Mordecai, with the fast hands skill and a gunslinger mod you can reload a revolver in less than a second. Add in the relentless proc and you can reload almost as fast as it takes to fire a round.

link plz

There was like a 300mb patch for BL2 and a 1.3g patch for TPS, which is separate from the textures. Can't find any patch notes for the life of me, I dunno how much they've changed myself since I've been playing with UPC and recently the reborn mod for so long I forget what was baseline and what was changed.

Never played Zero, but Krieg does insane damage if you spec in the fire abilities and get flame of the firehawk shield

For zero you either focus on sniping with b0re or using your class skill at close range with shotguns and melee. Krieg is one of my favorite characters, but I can't play him in multiplayer. Lots of his skills require you to have a steady stream of dudes to murder so you can stay buffed or simply not die. You have a few options with krieg, you can spec hellborn tree and focus on setting everything on fire and using fire shields, so lots of elemental SMGs and pistols to spread DoTs around. You can go bloodlust tree and focus on being a big tanky fucker walking through battle with assault rifles with 60+ magazines just mowing through everything the game throws at you. Finally you have the mania tree which when fully leveled is fucking awesome, but without the capstone it is hard to level. This is the one that needs you to have a steady stream of dudes to kill so you don't also die, everything is tied to you being aggressive in your attack.

For Zer0, you can go between Snipers, Hybrid or Melee.
Sniper benefits from the dedicated skill tree, and to be fair, Critical Ascensi0n is a pretty fucking sweet skill. And B0re guarantees pretty much any multi-pellet weapon is just going to make a mockery out of clumps of enemies, so it's great to get in pretty much any build.
Melee's best used with Tesla grenades/Chain Lightnings to strip your roid shield (preferrably something like a Hide of Terramorphous), using Decepti0n and going for that Many Must Fall chain.

>reach thousand cuts in BL2
>game crawls to 25 fps on a modern system


Somebody give me a fun and useful Gaige build quick

>get in a firefight with bandits in BL1
>various terrified death screams as enemies are melted by corrosive acid
Jesus Christ I forgot how psychotic this game felt.
I love it

Attached: 1516169106775.png (565x486, 461K)

Left skill tree w/ Infinity pistol

yea they just updated it today to make it run worse. as of yesterday everything was fine. i wish i could roll back patches on steam

Attached: best gaige build.png (737x549, 576K)

Can I make a melee only build with Brick?

Does this automatically replace BL1?

Can I play it not remastered?

Uh, did you forget to finish that or am i missing a meme

Wow, her nails sure got dirty.

No, it doesn't replace the old one. It's a Dark Souls Remastered type deal, if you owned the old version you can still play it but I don't think you can still buy the old version.

Halofags and Borderlands zoomers are on the same boat.

>you automatically pick up money and ammo but CL4P-TP still reminds you about new missions being available at the Fyrestone bounty board every single time you enter a loading screen

Attached: 545.jpg (493x585, 35K)


Still shady you cant buy the original. It's a PC game you can run it however you want how much "better" could they make it look without compromising the original art?

>weapon proficiency
Like the one thing 2 did right mechanically was replacing these with badass ranks

I have no idea what I just witnessed but its fun to see twitch fucks before they became annoying personalities

Imagine what its like being a digital steamcuck

No I wont be playing it until sometime after april 14 because 2k wanted to make physical copies exclusive to gamestop in store pick up only for almost two weeks. Stuff like this is fucking stupid and kneecaps sales.

they did compromise in many places actually

>guns: grog nozzle, twister, storm and/or pimpernel,and florentine (optional: lil evee but you dont really rely on DT with this build)
the parts dont really matter for any of them
>shield: big boom blaster
>grenade: quasar
>relic: shock bone
>class mod: legendary catalyst
i call it the natural disaster because it uses twister as the main gun
its great for mobbing
how to play
>use quasar to group enemies
>shoot twister or storm or pimpernel at group
thats it

As to be expected. Dont know why they cant leave shit alone. Cant be a money thing if they are giving it away so whats the endgame?

fuck i was actually looking forward to this game too
but they wont be adding maya as a playable character until april
its dead to me until then

oh because it was released on ps4. they're selling that. pc just got "that version" for free if they already had the other one. more to just shut people up.

They added hats and other "gameplay improvements", and the minimap from 2. That was probably enough for them to be able to justify charging more for it since enough work went into it to be a "re-release" and not just an update or DLC. Any way they can try to milk more money.

Tall Vanessa 2

she's also a coalburner

Goddamn 1 did shotgun so much better than 2.
And explosive element. It's night and day.

so apparently they also patched borderlands 2 to have the weird digitized angel? I was playing a few days ago and she looked like my picture here.
I thought they only rereleased borderlands 1?

Attached: Guardian_Angel_in_Borderlands_2.jpg (331x230, 59K)

>one point in MOSS for 50% fire resistance, pointing five points only grants 66% resistance
>no points in better half because main weapon is twister which only has 1 or 2 shots per clip so you wont see any change in fire rate
>2 in electrical burn and interspersed outburst because both are boosted by legendary catalyst and both are also boosted by more pep so no reason to put 5 in either
>five points in the nth degree because the twister has almost 20 pellets so it can proc up to 4 times per shot
>points in robot rampage, annoyed android, and rational anarchist just to get to the nth degree
>discord in case you need to get more accuracy without losing stacks or in case you reload prematurely

Attached: screenCapture.png (754x559, 629K)

He cute

Attached: gaige.jpg (914x617, 122K)

I would imagine it's one of those FUN WITH FRIENDS kind of things. Something to brainlessly do while you bitch with your friends about Rey being a Mary Sue or something.

mandel effect post belong here

I never got that either. you have to "buy" that separately.

BL1 shotguns are a thing of beauty
>that punchy gunshot sound followed by a slow and heavy cocking animation
>that satisfying as all hell clicky reload animation on the revolver shotties

Attached: 1499988385444.gif (250x158, 1.99M)

as a gaige main i gotta say
you mustve fell for shock gaige bad meme

when played with friends borderlands can be really fun but fuck me does the game just make me sleepy, the music is absoulte ass and doesent fit with the game at all, but I honestly keep getting drowsy playing it

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Fuck no, Borderlands was shit.

>t. boomer

Gearbox games are garbage.

>Get your shit together
user, he's making necessary sacrifices to take care of his beloved family (he created 3 times over).
He has his shit together better than you do.


well the game is free, so you wouldn't buy it.

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based and lewdpilled

I applied the texture pack to BL2 but now whenever I load a character it freezes the game? Anyone else experiencing this?

i'm experiencing a lot of issues after today's patch. Everytime angel talks the game freezes for me, and it changed the way she looks too.
game runs like shit too, and you can't turn off physx

Should I play BL1 HD or BL 2 HD?


It can work. But be sure to become well acquainted with the melee hitboxes. Carry a backup rpg.

>left, etheral and dreamlike
>right, stock photo with a blue filter

That's what happens when ret-cons take place.

they even removed that second one there. it's only the new one now. they patched all the games.

Attached: alt-right.png (680x439, 76K)

It's likely because they couldn't regain the license to use the first girl's likeness.
The face model for Angel changed from BL1 to BL2

no it didn't
She's the same person.
Britanni Johnson, she also was live action angel at the start of the borderlands 3 trailer.

>Britanni Johnson, she also was live action angel at the start of the borderlands 3 trailer.
link please


Attached: 1249892799764.jpg (309x368, 17K)

>she also was live action angel at the start of the borderlands 3 trailer.
Angel's in the BL3 trailer? Where?
I thought Angel was dead

I mean when they showed it off. She walked on stage and stared and the camera and they said "here's Brittany johnson, our angel!

you are 100% correct

Attached: 1550135970147.jpg (1080x1073, 148K)

that image actually makes me mad
good job

>30€ when you can get the handsome collection for less than 10€ from sales
ehhh i dont know

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>2nd best girl just got a boobjob
I can't wait to see what they did to Tina

Attached: Rapen't.png (855x746, 1.45M)


It's fun with friends to banter back and fourth about your weapons and fights, obviously incels like you have no mates so are just wandering around looting by yourself trying not to neck yourself.

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t. /u/user

Roland is unironically a good boi though

tina isn't in this game

I know qt
Talking about BL3

bl2 doesn't look all that different on 4k
Still this is nice of cuckford

Used a key and got a blue vladov havoc rifle. Holy shit, holy fuck. I completely understand why bl1 vets hate rifles in bl2. They were so fucking amazing in bl1. I shoot so fast but still do a metric fuck ton of damage. My crits are so strong too. What they did to rifles in bl2 should be ilegal

>he doesn't know about the shotty revolvers
record your reaction user

the patch for BL2 actually fucked it up. and replaced angel too

Dont worry, i found one when i played 2 years ago with mordecai. Mashers are a fucking beauty as well, i just avoided rifles because of how they behaved in 2.

Im so glad it seems revolvers are there own thing again in 3. Lets hope they find a great mix between manufacture archetypes in 2 and guns variants in 1.
I would love a masher i could reload throw

Anyone know why they did this to angel? Like whats the point?

>loved BL1
>Hyped for BL2, Zer0 basically designed for me
>get the game, almostt everything about it is a massive improvmeent over Bl1
>except the loot system is way worse
>never even finish the game due to thatt
>eventually this past year here thatt the community baalance pattch and aanottther hack fixes the loot system to work like BL1 so legendaries can be more easily found in vendors and chests and uniques can be farmed

>can't find any friends who wanat to do a run with me


Anyways I lost the links to those overhauls/hacks/patches, anybody got them? Are there fourms for BL where I can find people to do a run with?

BL2 was just patched today and said community patch no longer works.

Tell me about Brick, melee tank - not explosive

I'm playing it right now by myself. No friends and it's somewhat enjoyable

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i joyn u fren

I'm very late to the thread but you can buy borderlands 1 goty on Amazon for $7.50

You get the old game with the dlc and the remaster for free.

Any unused keys still work.

Borderlands 1 is the only Borderlands game that is enjoyable as a single-player.

>he thinks Borderlands GOTY is the same as borderlands 1 game of the year adition

What the fuck are you on About

You buy borderlands 1 goty on Amazon and redeem the code.

You get that and the new remaster.

It's the cheapest way to get the remaster if you don't have it already.

They did it to both. I get why, angel really doesnt fit the art style of BL, but I wish they'd just give her the same styling as the other characters instead of the pixel art we have now.

>Download Borderlands GOTY
>It's the wrong one
>Download Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
>Have to go to work before it will finish
>Will be too tired to play when I get back

I wish I was still living that sweet neet life.

>get hot qt with nice boobies to model
>only see her face in game
>dont even use her own voice
>and now they just turned it into pixel art

if i install the enhanced edition can i just uninstall the regular one?
do i need both installed for the enhanced to work because my laptop has a pretty small hard drive

they also patched the other game to remove her face as well.

bruh these niggas went from jpeg to png lololol

Never played this game but the image is unironically soul vs soulless.




Attached: 1552883307401.png (663x562, 291K)

that was the point that she was different. it came off as otherworldly.

actually come to think of it, it's even weirder now, since the part with lilith speaking to you like that doesn't fit the same motif.

>even thicker idiotic black lines everywhere
why does this game a remake? oh yeah, money

do steam users gt the game for free at least? No? cashgrab

so lilith still does this but angel is now digitized. what the hell?

Attached: Lilith_echo_BL2.jpg (320x180, 8K)

yes actually. steam users get it for free

>and now BL3

But we watched her fucking die in two, what asspull are they going to do to bring her back ?

Attached: 1423711864795.png (480x480, 116K)

... did you forget? They saved her in 2

Wait what? I know it's been 8 years since I last played 2, but I don't remember living her through that shit.

fuck, really? do you know if it'll be possible for the Community patch to be updated to function again?

do you know what the other overhaul i'm thinking of is as well?

she died tho
maybe user is thinking about when she came up on stage at pax east for the announcement of borderlands 1 enhanced eddition

after the credits the satellite turned back on and you see the digitized angel. It was implied she's now an actual AI

UCP was the only one i knew of

in what game?

Yeah I bought BL1 from amazon for steam for it.

Only complaint so far is they brought in all of these quality of life changes and shit and they didn't bother making it so you can move in fight for your life.

>Have to escort him to Fyrestone in the first one and listen to all his dialogue
>BL2 cranks this up so high that you have to wait as he's now opening 15 doors, having conversations, being the centre of the story
Fucking slog waiting for that cunt

>Spaffing inside a bird 3 times is getting your shit together

I hated it my first time, dropped it a few hours in. I went back years later after picking up 2 on a whim and liking it and ended up liking it. So if you like 2 or TPS then yeah probably, if not, then maybe.

I just got access to the car, spent like an hour playing I think, it's fun so far. I used a couple of those key things, got a really strong gun and the game's kind of a joke now. But I can't find any other sniper rifles or revolvers so I either use this OP bullshit, or use the guns I started with that take 15-20 shots to kill enemies with now.

Oh shit, i found out the issue! it seems the patch accidentally (or on purpose?) deleted some files in the movies folders. i've restored the files and now it's back, i wonder if i can figure out what to change to get the community patch to run

Sorry for being off topic but I bought the game from a key site, they didn't have the key and said it was out of stock would refund, so I bought it from steam. Got the key from the key site later so i refunded the steam version bought version and then used the keysite key. Can steam do something about that?

sorry no onwe responded my dude

Attached: Tiger-Woods-227x300.jpg (227x300, 14K)

they ruined the inventory ui

They can if the devs decide to say the key you got was stolen (or it actually was stolen). It's not likely though. People hype up the shit like the metro keys being removed, but 6-7 years ago (maybe longer I don't remember) dead island had a truck carrying physical copies get hijacked. Those keys ended up in the public domain and people were dumping hundreds of keys at a time here on Yea Forums and I've never so much as gotten an email about it.
I think it was dirt 3 that also had a similar, less illegal bug, where the nvidia site had no protectiong/cap on how many keys you could redeem, so you could just keep clicking accept for your free gpu game key, and get like tens of thousands of them. And people did.

Then codemasters said those keys were all illegally obtained, and removed them from people's accounts.

in short, they can do anything they want. It's unlikely they will.

Oh right, if you meant if steam would do anything to your account, no. Even if it was bought with a fraudulent credit card or some shit like that, it wasn't you that did it, so they'll remove the game from your ac count and you'll be out the price of the key, but otherwise unharmed.

let the shitstorm begins. fogfx/metodo-steam-borderlands-exploit_16nn0f
still works.

Bought a coupel times from key site and never had any problems, like the games being removed. Meant more that I basically got the game again right after it was refunded by steam.

no it doesnt.
it stopped working a week before they anounced that people owning the original would recieve the GOTY and enhanced version
if you didnt activated before that, you have to buy it.
also, anyone else got it with that exploit?

It doesn't, fuck I hate the PC versions.

I got 47 minutes into it then I got bored and quit.

the start is so slow, you dont get the skill as fast on the other games.

Is the story is non existent

>Same exact game
>But with FOV control
>They gave the final boss some ADD's so you can solo it now
>Added in BL2 styled HUD elements
>SHiFT integration so if RNG fucks you, you've got some fucking 75 golden keys to just feed yourself new gear as needed to clear.
>They even added in more customizing options just because.
>Looks and runs better then the original.
Honestly beyond the Angle change, what's there to honestly hate?

Attached: 20190403142534_1.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)

No. Steam gets their cut from the game being downloaded on their servers and all that nonsense, you're good my man. They may remove your ability to refund titles if you abuse it too much though.

can't run it, even on the lowest settings.

I agree that more story would have been nice but I'll take it over the cringe that is 2's writing.

It’s because angel didn’t look like her model in BL3

>Honestly beyond the Angle change, what's there to honestly hate?

It's borderlands.

I've never played BL1 before, what are some tricks and tips? I chose Lilith despite her being a cunt, I just love the Sirens in these games, sorry. What's a good endgame build for her? Also how do I utilize phasewalk properly, the skills usage eludes me (haven't unlocked it yet, just from reading tho)

Attached: Koala.jpg (1024x768, 771K)

It runs worse in every single way for me, so far. Also if you're hosting a game with 144fps cap, and other people are only at 60, it causes serious flicker/slowdown/other fuckups. Theres a shit ton of very simple things that they just didn't test.

>recommended frame cap 22-60 smooth
I'm playing uncapped at 100+ fps. That's not going to fuck with physics or anything, is it?

Attached: 1510374443381.jpg (608x811, 232K)

Do absolutely anything and faceroll the game, Lilith is broken.

>Having 1, 2 kids good.
>3 kids bad
Kill yourself

Did any of the characters get altered fundamentally in this re-release?

Phasewalk gives you high movement speed and you can cancel it prematurely with a melee attack, skills can give it additional effects. Lilith's main focus is on elemental damage and SMGs, and so just as well the Maliwan Hellfire SMG was fucking busted in this game. Hell, Maliwan legendaries are mostly great. Elemental weapons in this game have a 'pool' that regenerates when they proc, Lilith's elemental skill if memory serves right boosted that.

I hope the intro/tutorial phase is short in BL3. It feels long and tedious as fuck in both games

eh, Borderlands 3 is so close, that I'd just rather wait and play that



It's pretty damn short in The Pre-Sequel, honestly the only thing gameplay wise that I get pissed off about that game is that it's still using the same 'math' for the loot, so 2-3 level difference means major jumps in damage output for loot, including past lv20 onwards, While rarity of loot does less directly for damage, and more supplementary stuff (More acc, faster reload, ect ect.). 2 and TPS feels too much like 'living off of the RNG' but with very diverse playingstyles, while 1 feels like your class isn't really doing much at all but in turn if you get a legendary early on, that fuckers going to LAST you. The golden chest is like, you open that 2 times every 10 levels and that gear will last you that long. Doens't help that they now farted everyone 75 keys so there's little reason to NOT make use of the chests.

I don't get it what's the problem, because it's the starting area and you have to go back to it?

it says that every time you enter a map

I have never played any BL game and never will.

Anyone tried lowering the resolution scale in the config file? Set it to 85.00 but then I just got a black screen but could still see the UI and could play.

I understand if you are talking about the first game, that one has some soul in it and atmosphere. Sequels have no redeeming qualities.

dude just upgrade your computer christ

What? It is April.
They’re adding maya to bl1? I’m so confused

cool starry bra

Attached: cool starry bra.png (1260x946, 1.99M)

I want to play at 4K 90% though.

And it'll keep on stacking if you don't do a lot of sidequests the further you go in

just lower the grafix

if faggots here really are playing the remaster they will finally realize that BL2 is superior to BL1.

>JRPG fan
That explains why you like BL gameplay. Literally just mindless grind.

I agree. Played with a few mates and in all honesty wasn't impressed.
It's another one of those games where the "fun with friends" aspect makes up for what's really a dull as fuck waste of time.

This just looks like the DaS 1 remaster all over again

I have a hard time believing that anyone could have any problem with the last boss. I mean, there are the tentacles that give you second wind but even without that it's piss easy.

I think BL2 is more fun to play and the overall better game.

But Borderlands 2 is literally 10 times more fun in single-player compared to single-player in Borderlands 1.

Those tits sure don't look soulless you massive brainlet.

No, actually I bought all the games days before Borderlands 3 and the remaster of Borderlands got announced.
I hope they are good, I didn't spend much tho, around 7 usd.

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I wouldn't play with ANYONE on Yea Forums, not even if my life depended on it.

Hot. Sauce?

>console cucks have to pay full price to pay the same game with slightly better graphics
>playing and fps on console

Attached: 1540379854287.png (633x874, 56K)

an absolute state

>SHiFT integration so if RNG fucks you, you've got some fucking 75 golden keys to just feed yourself new gear as needed to clear.
are you actually listing lootcrates as a good addition

>playing blunderlands
>calling it an FPS

the real pleb was inside you all along

>split screen couch co-op for the most comfy and fun gameplay experience

Attached: 1534104381110.jpg (350x350, 18K)

>Playing a game made by Gearbox

Attached: 072.png (600x528, 416K)

>fun with friends
listen here faggots, even murder is fun with friends, it's not an argument

Man I completely forgot she had existed. I really loved her in those games.

they're really terrible

LITERALLY it's fun with friends the game

except it isn't even fun with friends

you're mother's fun with friends

I just played it for the first time. I got to the town and quit.

what is the point of playing these games

Was fun when the game came out to open up her videos with a .bak(sp) player and watch the unblurred shit. 15-30 second clips of her on a beach or something. Was weird as shit also.

What’s the best dlc for the first game?

I wanna fuck Lilith

The Secret Armory of General Knox by far.

Playing it now and Jesus Christ I fucking forgot how unusable any weapon with sub-85 accuracy is.

thank god, that was pure cringe

Yeah how dare he reproduce.
Are you actually retarded?

No because they removed lan support so I can't play through hamachi
Downloading Borderlands 2 instead

Attached: 1552159553750.jpg (727x727, 39K)

Sometimes I feel like the only person that liked TPS.