ITT: Flawed Masterpieces

ITT: Flawed Masterpieces

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nah nigga

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I'm not flawed.

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You should neck yourself OP

the gameplay is a 7/10 while everything else is a legitimate 10/10

What is gameplay? The OST, story and characters make it a good game but the gameplay is fucking atrocious and braindead.

Wonderful 101

>boring gameplay
>boring characters
>poorly implemented rpg elements

When starting the game choose "very hard" instead of normal or hard.
And don't respond with "hur dur artificial difficulty".

I love you. You give me faith in this shit board that praises waifubait like Automata but have never played 101.

That literally just makes the enemies damage sponges and you die in one hit. It doesn't change the fact that the gameplay is barebones when dealing damage to enemies, you dumbass.

>damage sponges
They have the same health they do on hard.
>Die in one hit
Which is what makes the combat interesting since you can't just equip all the lifesteal chips and mash away.
The combat isn't really DMC level but you've still got a fair bit of different combos with charge heavies and double inputs(that the game never tells you about).

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The biggest flaw this game has is the lack of a difficulty mode between Normal and Hard. Normal is piss easy, but Hard has way too many 1/2-shot attacks. It killed a lot my interest in the game.

Silent Hill 4

Ending E

Gameplay always comes first, like for me over 50% of a game's grading is based on gameplay alone. Nier's combat is some of Platinum's worst, and for that alone I can't call it anything close to a masterpiece.

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

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>Gameplay always comes first

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This game really is the definition of mediocre. I wanted to love it but it is incredibly boring. Bad combat, horrible enemy design, cliche plot. The ass if fat though.